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Lancaster Intelligencer du lieu suivant : Lancaster, Pennsylvania • 1

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
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The Intelligencer, Weekly Advertifer. 1 ST Printed by W. R. DICKSON, at their Printingoffice and Bookflore, North Queenftreet, Lancaster volume ii. WEDNESDAY, March 4, 1801.

number 32. To be fold, at public Vendue, On Friday, the of March next, at the Dwellingbouse late of Sami'KL Boyd, deceased, the following property, viz. AN excellent gray Mare, a two-year old Colt, a Cow fmulry fanning Uten fils a fet of Rbu kl'mith's Tools and a quantity of Houfehold and Kitchen furniture, The lale to commence at 10 o'Clock in the Forenoon when Attendance will be given, and terms made known, by JOSEPH BOYD, I Adminis. WILLIAM BOYD, trators, Lancaster, Feb. 25, 1801.

NOTICE. ALL Perfons indebted to the Eftate of Samuel Boyd, deceafed, late of the Borough of Lancafter, are requefted to make imniedw ate payment and thofe who have any demands againft the faid Eftate, will pleafe to prefent them, for fettlement, to JOSEPH ROYD, I Adminis. WILLIAM BOYD, trators. his. In witnefs whereof, I have hereunto fet my Hand.

ANDREW ROBERTS. Sworn and Subscribed before us, the if day of March, 1801. James Robinson, Alexander Johnston. N. B.

It is advifeable, that at leaft two difinterefted and reputable Witneffes make Affidavit, in the manner above exemplified. All Articles of Agreement, Deeds Poll, Leafes, fhould be produced. Observations. Though the Laws do not prefcribe or authorize any particular form of entry or proof, in the cafe of actual refident Settlers, before warranting, it is conceived to be expedient to (how, by an example, the manner in which they may proceed, in order that a clear Title may be obtained, without unneceffary journies, trouble, and expenfe. Lancaster, Feb.

25, 1801. Certificate A of a Warrantee, tvbo has made and continued an actual Settlement, Improvement, and Residence. Crawford County, fs. PERSONALLY appeared before us, John Roberts, and Samuel Edwards, Efquires, two of the Jufiices of the Peace in and for the faid County, the underfigned, Benjamin Peters, of the fame County, Farmer and Weaver, an Settler upon a Tract of Land, which was furveyed on the cth of Peace in and for the County aforefaid, the underfigned, Adam Rofs, of Hopewell Townfhip, Farmer and Blackfmith, do, on my folemn Oath, declare and fay, that the above-figned Benjamin Peters is, to my certain knowledge, an actual Settler and Refident upon the Tract of Land, in the foregoing Depofition mentioned and defcribed and that he hath refided thereon five years, and two months that he hath on the Trad a Mefluage or Dwellinghoufe for Man, of twenty feet by twenty-one feet, one ftory high, a Barn, and Weaving-room that he has at leaft thirteen acres of Land cleared that he has at leaft ten acres thereof fenced that he has raifed thereon four crops of Indian Corn, two crops of Wheat, and one crop of Rye and that the Settlements of James Fox, and John Semple, are on the Tracts adjoining to his. In witnefs whereof, I have hereunto fet my hand.

ADAM ROSS. Sworn and subscribed before us, the 20tb day of July, 1801. Joseph Robins, Andrew Jones. N. B.

It is advifeable, that at leaft two difinterefted and reputable WitnefTes make Affidavit, in the manner above exemplified. All Articles of Agreement, Deeds Poll, Leafes, 8tc. fhould be produced. Observations. Though the Laws do not prefcribe or authorize any particular form of entry or proof, in the cafe of actual refident Settlers, in purfuance of Warrants, it is conceived to be expedient to fiiow, by an example, the manner in which they may proceed, in order that a clear Title may be obtained, without unneceffary journies, trouble, and expenfe.

Lancaster, Feb. 25, 1801. Aay, 1796, to his ufe, in purfuance of a Warrant, dated the 3d dav of Anril. iiqa. By Virtue of an Order of Orphans Courtf bela at Lancaster, for the County of Lancaster, Will be expofed to public Sale, On Monday, the Gtb of April next A CERTAIN Tract of Land, ii.

Sadf-bury Townlhip, adjoining Lands of Archibald Henderfon, John Biyd, James Boyd, Jofeph Hoar, Chrijtian Hummel, and Jacob M'Dill, containing 60 A more or lefs late the GeorjHi Leach, late of Sadfbury Townlhip, deie The Sale to be held on the Prrniifus where attendance will be given by the el ministrators. By the Court. JACOB CARPENTER, Clerk. To be Let, FOR SALE. We insert the following, for the Information of sucb of our Readers as have, or ivisb to procure, Lands in the back Counties of this State.

No. r. An Application of an actual Settler, under the 3d Sec. of Hie Act of the April, 1792. JAMES MASTERMAN, of Mercer County, Blackfmith and Farmer, applies for a Trad of four hundred acres of Land, at the place where the New Connecticut Road erodes Fawncreek in the County of Mercer aforefaid adjoining to land fettled by John Porter, and to land warranted to Benjamin Edwards on which Trad of Land, by the faid James Mafterman applied for, he has made an actual Settlement and improvement.

(Signed) JAMES MASTERMAN. To the Secretary of the Land-office of Pennsylvania. No. 2. Settler's Deposition, before obtaining Warrant.

Mercer County, fs. On the firft day of March, 1801, before us, Benjamin Roberts, and Anthony Jones, Efqs. two of the Juftices of the Peace for the faid County perfonally appeared the above-figned James Mafterman, who, on his folemn Oath, did declare and fay, that he had commenced an Improvement on the above-de-fcribed Tract of Land, on tike 23d day of March, 1794. that he had firft erected a Cabin (or a Houfe as the cafe may be) deadened the trees on at lead three acres of land, and cleared one acre, continuing to work nnd refide on the Tract until the 4th day of May, 1794, when he was driven therefrom by the Indians (or forced to leave the fame by the well-grounded fear and imminent danger produced or evidenced, by the Indian attack upon the Family or Settlement of James Borden, on Briarcreek) that he, the faid James Mafterman, remained, from that caufe, at Greenfburg, in the County of Weftimre-land, until the fourth day of April, 1796 when he returned to the Tract above defcrib-ed and hath fince cleared at leaft fifteen acres of the land that he hath fenced art lead eleven acres of the land that he hath cultivated at leaft twelve acres of the land that he hath raifed two crops of Rye, three of Wheat, and two of Corn on parts thereof that he hath fince built a Houfe twenty one feet long and nineteen feet wide, one ftory and one half high, a Smith's Shop, a Barn and Lean to, and a Corncrib and that lie, the faid James Mafterman, is now actually fettled and refides on the aforefaid Tract. (Signed) JAMES MASTERMAN.

Sworn and subscribed, March 1, r8oi, before us. Benjamin Robkrts, Anthony Jones. No. 3. Form of a Deputy-surveyor's Certificate, in the Case of a Settler, before obtaining a Warrant.

James Patterfon, Deputy-furveyor in and for the County of Mercer, hereby officially certify and make known, that, at the time of furveying and marking out the above -defcribed Tract of Land, on the fifth day of July, 1795 tne James Mafter-man was actually fettled and refident thereon that he had a Cabin (or Dwelhnghoufe) erected on it and that he was engaged in improving the faid Tract of Land. (Signed) James Patterson, D. S. No. 4.

Form of a Settler's Certificate, before obtaining a Warrant. Mercer County, fs. Before James Robinfon, and Alexander Johnfton, Efquires, two of the Juftices of the Peace in and for the County aforefaid, the underfigned, Andrew Roberts, of Unity Townfhip, Farmer and Miller, do, on my folemn Oath, declare and fay, that James Maf-terman is, to my certain knowledge, an actual Settler and Refident upon the Tract of Land, in the foregoing Depofition mentioned and defcribed that he hath refided thereon two years and four months that he hath on the Tract 1i Meffuage or Dwelhnghoufe for man, of twenty one feet by nineteen feet, one ftory and one half high, a Barn, a Smith's Shop, Leanto, and Corncrib that he has at leaft thirteen Acres of land cleared that he has at leaft ten acres thereof fenced that he has raifed thereon 2 crops of Indian Com, one crop of Wheat, and 2 crops of Rye and that the. Settlements of John Roberts, and Eph-raim Dudly, are on the Tracts adjoining to AND Pofleffion will be given on or before the 15th of March next, a new finilhed Dwellinghoufe, two ftories high, in North Queenftreet, oppofite the Land-office. Any Perfon wifbing to hire faid Houfe, or any part thereof, may hear the conditions by applying to Michael Dubourg.

Feb. 25. 4t. Jacob Eberman RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends, and the Public in general, that he has received, at his Store, in North Queenftreet, Lancaster, oppofite Mr. Peter Gonter' Tavern, a general AfTortment of Groceries and Liquors; which he will difpofe of on the moft reafonable terms, for Cafh only, viz.

AN elegant COLT, got by King WiU Ham. an imported Horfe, and out of a Cub Mare. He will be four vears old next April, is more than 16 Hands high, a very good likenels ot his birc, and in complete order for covering. The Horfe may be feen, and further particulars known, by applying to the Subfcrib-er, next door to Major Light, Eaft Kincr- ftreet, Lancafter. Peter Protzman.

Cinnamon, mace, faf- fron, and cloves, Spanifh fegars, of the Feb. 25. 4t. Madeira, Sherry, Lifbon, TennerifF, Port, and Mallaga A ill 11 ijiitui A handfome affort- mcnt of Queenfware Half-gallon quart Jamaica fpirits, to him iflued, and upon his folemn Oath doth declare and fay, that he commenced an Improvement upon the faid Tract of Land, in the month of June, 1794, by deadening the trees of at leaft one acre and one half of the fame, erecting a Cabin (or a Houfe as the cafe may be) and that he refided thereon until the fifteenth day July, 1794, when he was driven from his faid fettlement on the faid Tract, by the Indian Enemies of the United States (or was impelled to depart therefrom by the fear of imminent danger produced, or evidenced, by the attack of the Indians upon the Family of Robert Corbin, at Blaokbird-creek, as the cafe may be) that, from the caufe aforefaid, he remained in the Plutnbcreek Settlement, in Weftmore-land County, till the 3d day of May, 1796, when he fet out for the Tract to him warranted as above, and re-commenced his Settlement, Refidence, and Improvement thereon on the 20th day of May, 1796 and that he has continued to refide, ever fince, on the faid Tract of Land, and now refides thereon (with his Family, if he has one) that, within two years from the faid 20th day of May, 1796, he erected a Houfe of twenty feet, by twenty one feet, one ftory high, built a Barn, and Weaving-room, cleared fourteen acres of Land, deadened the trees on two acres mnit, fenced eleven acres of land, cultivated ten acres of the fame, and railed two crops of Corn, one crop of Wheat, and one crop of Rye therefrom. (Signed) BENJAMIN PETERS.

Sworn and subscribed, bsfwe us, on the day of May, 1801. John Robkrts, Samuel Edwards, Note. In cafe of an Affignee of a Warrantee, an Affidavit, like the above, may be made by the Affignee, if he effected the Improvement, eftabliflied the Settlement, maintained the Refidence, 8cc. Or if the Warrantee did part, and lived part of the time on the Land, and the Affignee alfo did part, and lived part of the time on the Land then each may furnifh fuch a Certificate of his performance. Form of a Deputy-surveyor's Certificate in the Case of an actual Settlement, Improvement, and Residence, in pursuance of a Warrant James Foreman, Deputy-furveyor in and fur the County of Crawford, hereby officially certify and make known, that, from the heft information I can obtain, 1 do verily believe, that Benjamin Peters is at this time adlually fettled and refident upon the above-defcribed Tract of Land, in purfuance of the Warrant therein mentioned and that he hath made the Improvements in his Affidavit defcribed.

(Signed) JAMES FOREMAN, D. S. To the Board of Property of Pennsylvania. Form of a Certificate in the Case of of a Warrantee, engaging to make or ttfuse a Settlement, to be made. Crawford County, fs.

BEFORE Jofeph Robins, and Andrew Joes, Efquires, two of the Juftices of the Newenglajid rum, French brandy, For Public Sale, On Friday, the 20th of March next (if not sold before by private Sale A PLANTATION, formerly the property of James Gilchrift fituate near King's Mill, in Littlebritain Townfhip, Lancafter County. There are on the Premifes a large two-ftory brick Dwellinghoufe, Barn and Stables two good Orchards, a quantity of Meadow, and a fufficiency of excellent Woodland. The Title is indifputable. Any perfon inclining to purchafe, may view the Premifes, and know the Terms of Spamfh do. Old rye whifkj Good vinega Loaf St lump Young Hylon tfl Hyfon, Hyfon-fkin, and Bohea bottles, Decanters, Quarts, pints, Ec half-pints.

Lamp 8c Tanner's oil Powder and fhot, Bar lead, Hair-powder, Ivory combs, Spermaceti and tallow candles, Hard foap potafli, Saltpetre 8c allum, Logwood, madder, 8c indigo, Mackarel, Herrings by the barl. Chocolate, Sugar and coffee, Pepper and alfpice, Fine and coarle fait, Cayenna pepper, Hahn's heft muftard, Ginger 81 brimftone, Sale, by applying to the Subfcriber, now at the Place. JAMES G. HARRAH. Feb.

25, 1801. t. FOR SALE, The following valuable Property in the Village of Woodsbury, on the Road leading from Lancaster to Frederick-town, Maryland, viz. I ft. The Groundrent on 80 Lots, in faid Village.

2d. 14 valuable unimproved Lots. 3d. 2 Lots, with convenient improvements thereon erecled. Likewife, 2 valuable Tracfs of Land lying convenient to the above -difcribed property.

The whole of which will be fold on moderate terms, for Cafli, or approved Security. Any perfon inclining to purchafe, will pleafe to apply to the Proprietor, living near the Premifes. And a variety of other articles too numerous to infert. A generous price will be given for frefh tallow. Oct.

1. tf. To be Sold, or Let, A Lot of Land, containing upwards of 3 Acres situate in the Village of Stras-burg, Lancaster County. ON the Lot is an excellent log Dwellinghoufe, completely finifhed: alfo, a Tan-yrd, with all the necefury Buawnfs, lately creeled and now in good repairs tJK Curry-ing-fliop fronting the Mainftreetv Poifeflion ADAM CREAGER. Feb.

25, r8oi. will be given on the hrlt A April aL For Terms, apply to Vie SubfcriflB on 1 thi Premifes, Variety of BLANK may SAMUEL SLAYMAKEP, 7. cow. tf. be had at this OHice.


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