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The Wilmington Gazette from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 3

Wilmington, North Carolina
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5 1 i. AN away front the fubfetiber or. th tarn lollant, two Negro men. eacbot fed. Whicheytf Wif the general rule Jiy, I v-.

a. -mat rutc uj though he.couJ4"lsc tnan.T. Inconvenicnciee refuting frdm the as wMUJt iYdin the negative 'of. the, qucftion, which -had bapaut t5 the Jadgei', yet he tho't the jnifchiefs relultiog from the negative 9f jft predominated. He i c-rtherefore now the general, rule of law wasi that a wiinefa was bound to aglwer quefliops, he might become li able "to civil action in con fe-Atience of hts'atffwets.

coincided with jfuftlCe Grofe in his opinion, that a wit- nc Is was not bound to anfwer queftioni twbipfy might materially affect his pecunia. fy in'ereft. He cfid not apprehend fuche-wiL confequences from this rule, as. thofe who held an opinion, contrary to.his. State of, District of Cape-Fear, -rn Admiralty, tlTHEREAS, Paul M'Cali and Peter No Juon, late mariners on board the ship Mary, Thomas-Childs, master, have filed their libel in this honourable Court, setting: forth that there is due to them Three Hundred Dollars from the owners and master of said ship for wagea while on bdarti said ship and in and by their said libel have prayed Ad miralty Process against "the.ship,- her tackle, apparel 8cc.

and have also prayed that the said shipper tackle, apparel, fccrnay, by a decreeof this Court, be sold to satisfy their respective claims and the costs of suit, and hia honor the Judge having appointed the first Tuesday August next to hear and determine the saiL libel and the matters and things therein set forth and contained, ar the Court-House in Wilmington, in said district, 4 Therefore all persona interested or concerned in said ship are hereby notified to ap-pear before the Judge at the C.ourt-House in Wilmington, on the first Tuesday irt August ntxt, then and there to shew cause if any they can, why the prayer in said libel contained, should not be granted, and why said ship Mary, her tackle, apparel, should not be old to satisfy the claim of the said libel lauts and costs of suit. Test, CARLETON WALKER, Clerk 8c Register. Wilmington, July 21, 1806. To the Freemen ot New -Hanover County. NOTICE is hereby given, that an lection of a perfon to reprefent this diiti.d in Congrcfi, and of pcrfons to re-prelent the County in the General AIIemhJy.u of this Slam, will beheld at the following places, viz at the houfe of Thomas Ro- jPrdwcutori and PUintitfs feldorn came in-to Court fo badly provided with teftimony, as to rely entirely on what they were to 'pick up by crofa examination from an unwilling witnefs Neither did he' think that that would decline anfwering On a them between the age of twenty and thirty one viy tha name of PETER, flout and yvell made, about five feet ten or eleteti inches high, has a long rolling carrige.

in his walk, carried with him four fhirts, one of fine linen with broad rifbands and collar-t wo pair of homefpun overalls, a pair of country made fhoe boots the other fellow fhort and well made, about five feet five inches high, by the name of JOSH, had with him two homefpun fhirts, two or three pair of overalls, one of which was flrtpedcaffimere, and 2 ftripedllorferoanV homefpun made. Any perfon apprehending and fecuriog the faid Runaways in any jail in this Dif- tricl, or any other in the fiate, fhall receive a reward of Twenty Dollars. FREDRICK N. B. AH mafleri of veflels arc cautioned againft harbouring or employing fiid negroes under the penalty of the law.

It is fuppofed they will aim for the Hate), of Virginia or Maryland. July 2a, 1 800V r. 1 1 1 LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-OJice al Wilmington. A APTAIN John Allen, John Allen, William Allen, Robert Anderson, Isaac Atkison, Edward Aborn, Samuel Albro, Samuel Adertoii, Joseph Atsalt, 2. B.

Capt. Bosden, 2, John B. Broward, 3, Samuel Black, 2, William Burton, Sally Burton, James' Brian, Franklin T. Bloodworth, Bryan Brady, Francis Blake, Obed Bunker, capt. Stephen Bernard, Benjamin Botitho, Philip Benjamin! Mrs.

Bowtus. C. Nancy Coreens, Michael Coyle, The-, mas P. Carsey, Silas Caulkins, James Carson, Peter Carpenter, William Collins, John Col vin, Andrew Caldvaell. D.

Thomas Devane, jun'r. William Da tis, Joseph Davidsojn, capt. Simon Davis. E. Edward Elstob, Runaway, 3, Ann Eng.

land, capt. William Ellis, 2, F. Messrs. 'Francis Forster, Francis Fish. G.

Captain Miles Orsterberg, Mathew Gleeson, Abraham Golden, capt. Bowden Godfrey, Mr. Garaache, Lewis F. Garrald, Nancy Greenwood, capt. Elias Grant, Joha if him and where he expected to receive era necessary assistance for the etiterprite.

mentions that the Son of Col. fhe letter whom report has frequently placed am the'-cap' tilted, is still witn Aiiranaa. Admiral Berkly takes hia passfc to Hali fax in the Milan frigate, and Utf hoist hi flas on board the 3Iguns td whtch captain iiumpnriea is npaucu, captala Whitoy. I paper Our readers will observe, that dt.whiu by is suspended in'the command the Le- ander but this has not oeen in of his recent conduct, accounts cf equence ofihich had not yetreached London. His renVal is nothing more than what is customariontf such' occasions the Leandcr being inbded for Admiral Berkley's flag ship, he iects his own captain.

A letter from Algiers, dated larch 10, says At this moment the cries oleath are resounding from different quarters this ci-t. The-Prime Minister, the Msfcr ofthe Horse, the Secretary of State, theliief In spector of Slaves, and four othefcersons, have been strangled." MUNGO PARK. aresorrv to communicate totorre fieri, the death of this enterprisinB: id ihdet fatigable traveller, whose researches Afr ca have been read with so much avidy. hav affnrfled so much instruction. Be ha been amply supplied by the Brhishi-overi mmt with'everv thine necessary, tdrende his second tour through the interior country, of the hieheat benent to (nkiix tie arriver1 at Goree, in a British shi )f wail in the month of March 1804; from licli ascended the river Gambia, with j.ab attendants, provided with portabl It ton tcatioe nnd every thing necessary to render trttirlraS velseasy and speedy -they had pencimeq ai bout 1500 miles into the interior; to al pla'cl called Seeo, which Mr.

Park has deinbe in his Former Book of 1 ravels, i ne namoe of his attendants had been redctced by sick ness and death to three, exclusive of himself the king of this place, after carrying himint every part of the city, which is walled in am considered thi largest in Africa, and shews ing him every curiosity which it afforded, hal crutllv and brutally murdered him, togethe with his attendants. This intelligence is furt nished us by a centleman recently from th Rio Pongus, who received the informatioi from traders from, the interior country, an oa whom rclijnce might be placed. Charleston Courier, AUGUSTA, June 18. 'THE CROPS. A gentleman who hr.s lately returned frorl a tour through the upper and middle parts this state, informs that there is the taire nrosneet of rich and ahnnd Jilt crops this sea son that has been for many years past.

Thl corn looks beautiful in every county that hi has passed through, and the cotton plants borl the appearance ol heaitn anu vigor, anu 11 mi season should continue equally favourable a. heretofore, the planters may flatter then selves with an usual abundance of this valuJ ble article. We understand that the rmiti which lasted so long and fell so heavy in Rid mond and the lower parts ot tne state, greau endantref the prospects which were fUUerin before but we are glad to learn that the seaS an has not been so wet in other parts at Ceorlj gia. PORT OK WILMINGTON July 17, Sch'r John Sc William, Smith, Th fladrlphi II, Sloop New HtdfotU CLiaatD, IS, Brig Nancy, SatpaUs, Thiladclph 16, Sch'r Ann, Woods, Halifiu Kitty Ann, Green, Philadclpl. 17, Rainbow, Polly, Aldington, Ne w-Yor II.

Hrif Pollr. llieb), JamaiH Ship Kirkham, S.kmonr.Priitol, 31, Driic Pannr, Tubbt, Demararl rRlCESCURRENTWiittiwcrow. seral'afriends were waiting to jo' pretence of their pecuniary interelt being ndangired, if, upoff examination, it ap-- reared that their interel was Very minute. He thought a much greater danger would "refill from allowing hafty anfwer, unex- Slained, and 'perhaps incorrectly taken own. to be read againft this duftrine, but frefjhought it Wat an extreme hard cafe.

I that of Lord who by an an fwer he gave, in an infurance cafe, where he was called as a witnefs, fubjecleJ hitn fclf to an in which dama- ges were given againft him. No court of Equity could have compelled him to ft ate every irregularity he haveommrtted when commander in chief of the fleet, and yet a hafty anfwer at Ni(i Exiui.wai.given at evidence, againft him. He confidered that evils of this kind weie worfothan would follow from the rule being the other way. As to the courts of I equi(y, whatever analogies might be drawn, he did riot confider that judges of the common law were bound to go into the court of chancery to find out what of evidence were received there. In the whole of his pradice at the bar, and of his experience on the bench, he confidered that witnelTes might objecl to being examined on matters that would expofe them to civil actions.

He thought that no third perfon had a right to extort from a witnefs what debts he owed, which would expofe him to a 3 ions. If that were the rule, it would change the whole pbclice of the law, as difttoneft praAiiioneri would bring again (I one perfon, merely to' ex tort evidence againft another. He, therefore, was of opinion, that a wit. liefi was not bound to anfwer queftions which would prejudice his pecuniary Inter, efts, and expofe him to civil actions. After Mr.

Juftice Rooke had ftnifhed, the fun her hearing of the Judges was portioned till to-morrow Adjourned. BOSTON, July 7. 1 i gig pi fi as 2: a if 1 its 11 uause. II. Samuel Halt.

Archibald M. Hooter Hooks Slocumb, 3, Mrs. Nancy Hand, 3, Jere. Hand, capt. John Hammond, Samuel liaratng, capt.

John Heird. J. John Joseph, Huch Jones. Lewis F. Jerrel K.

William Keddie, Edward Kill. L. Samuel Lewis, 5, Ezekiel Lane, I. A lexander Lambert, Bal dy Lusk. M.

Martin 8c Bloodwotth, 3, Alexander Martin, John M'Alester, i John M'Sweet, Casper Swers, William M'Clure, capt. Mans field, George M'Cullough, Dunran Mormon, Mr. Samuel Mason, George MJt)onald, Alex ander M'Alpin, Natt Moore, Mrs. Moore. gers, Black River, on Saturday the ninth at WaihinPton on Month the eleventh 0 at Sandy on Topfail Sound, and Long Creek Bridge on Wednefdav the and at the Court-Hon fe in Wilmington on Friday the 15th of Au-gutt next, Wm.

Nutt, Sbf. Law of North-Carolina, Puffed in the year i8ot. CHAP. XVI. An Aft to amend an aft entitled An direcling a method of eleling members ot the General.

AlTcmblyV and other TnTHic year 1777. II. Bi it That every perfon elected a Member of the General fhull, before taking his feat theitin take oaih of alfegiance appointed fir ihc qual' fi aiion of Members of the General AlTembly and Public Oificcrs, and al-fo 10 lnpport the Conflitution of the U-niied States. Ard if any rcrfon cledlcd a Member cf the General Alfcmbly, fhall, by hitnfelf or any other perfon, dircdly or indirectly give, vt caule. to be given, n7 g'ff gratuity reward Or prcfent whatever or, give or caufe to be given by any other petfon, any treat or entertainment cither, by himfclf or any o-1'ier peifon for him, of meat or drink, at any public meeting or collection of the people, to any petfon or pcrfons whatever, for his or ituir vote, or votes, or to ir llnence him or il.

cm In his election, e-very perfon violating this aft, fhall, on due proof tlieieof be expelled from hit feat in -he General AlTembly. HI. De it further cnafled, Thst if a-ny ei Ton or perfoni fhall treat with ci- .1 iner meat or iiunK, on oays ot election, a a 1 any oav previous memo, wntt an in tent to influence the elecYion, eyery per f'-nfo offending fhall f. ifeit and pay the fm of tne hundred ftndi, the oie half fwf the tjfe of the county wheie the fame fhall be recovered, to be paid to the Coun ty Truflee the other half to the ufe of the perfon who fhall fue for the fame to be recovered by acVion of debt in any court of rrcoid having cognitanee thereof, wiib colli. NOTICE cn, tlat Role TSherthyf.lven, that Robert Muter, late cf Wi ilminRton, is dead, and the subscriber has 1719.

MARGARET MUTER, Ei'i. Vitmington, July 19, UCJ. FOUND hy aNrgro and left at my shrp, aSdvtr Guilt Watch with tee latter rn the Seal. The owner may hate it by psy leg the cost of this advertisement. KILL.

iimJngten, July 22. For and crdsr, al new, burthen about oo hundred barrels, tinder deck, drawing to feet and a half water, when loaded, with toeig hstchu the conventency of loading, she Us a tt4 suitof ssilisnd riptmg. Any prta wUb-K to prttM will apply taths primer Wtfaipgtun, ialy II. N. Ffclranl Nixon, 3, O.

Claudius Ottignon, James Oror, Jamee O'Danicl. P. JohnTcabody, 3, Towel numbers Benjamin Patterson, Capt. Richard Parrish. R.

Capt. Thomas S. Rich. 4, John Rars-ton, Mrs. Jersey Roots, Robert Roberts, William Robeson.

S. Leti Stution, 2, Lydla Sullivan, A braham SulUrs, Samuel Stephens, J. M. Salter, Edward Sullivan, John Stinman, John Short, William Stockley, Jonathu B. Sar geant, Wiltinm Snell.

T. Joshua Turner, John Turn. U. Allen Ure. V.

Mr. Valbru. W. V. Williams, 3, Col.

William Win gste, 2, John Wither herd, 3, Daniel Watitn, George Wright, John Waddle. James il-kinson, Jmes White, Cspt. WilUni Whitney, 2, Edward Ward Ind Son, Elizabeth Watters, John Walts, Mial Walt, Major Edward Williams, Johh Wood. JOHN LORD, T. Wilmington, July Ten Dollars He ward.

RAN awav from the fubferiber on thw iithofMiy, a ofgromsn named JOHN, about thirty tears cf sge, five) feet fixer feven inches high, yellow ccrtt-p'eQtd, marked withthe (mall pox, limp a little (though hardly perccif cable,) oc cafioncd by h'l thigh beinjf broken whert, roung, peaks French, which ishli rativ trguage and fpeaki the Ergtifh Urgtisgij tolerable plain, has rather a down lock-took with him 10 oznaburfi fhitt and irowfcri with lumber of other cloiUi He wis flopped on the road leaJihgto Fiy-rtevillt, tut made hliefcipe, leaving alt Mi ctotkti except thofe he had on it ii fuppofed he Inicndi for WilmbgtoA, wl in tr.dravor lo go on board fome vciMas a faiUr, which ti fine ft Io hai foltowtd and ptihipi tirulct (lands. The above rewaid and all dirges will be paid fur hsving him fecuted In any jail ia the Gate, i I-idy Dollari and all tea chiryra will be psid fur hiving (sin, cYlvtitd 10 the fubferiber litlrgU Snetd.botough, Arfcn County All ontfttii of vt (Tell ate catitlontJ -rstrft rtcelvlrj; or tmp'ojlpg f.lm on, 11 they r.aylarelo lolwcr the tonftQ'Jvncet. Wu. JOHNSON. t4, iS6 FROM EUROPE.

The Two Brothers, Follet, ir. lived here on Saturday morning laft, from Liverpool, left that port on the t6th May, but it thfl bearer of no papers' later than thc8ih.He dates, verbally, however, that no occurrences, had taken place in Knglanl, or any public intereft nor had 1 any late in'cMlgence of moment, reached lhar country the continent. DUTCH AND FRENCH PORTS DLOCSA. DED. Capt.

Fairrhil arrived at Salem, on Friday bft, fpokeon the llth ult. in lit. 42, long 61, the hip Ret fey, Capt. Smith, in 37 days from Hamburgh, who infor. tne4 Capt.

F. that the whole coafl from the Eitt to BrrI, was declared to be in a Hate of blockade by the Englifh. It is proper to obferve, that letters hive been received in town from Liverpool, dated as late ai the 14th May, which make no mention of fuch an important erent having taken place 1 I any opinion of the latent Ion of the Uriiifh Government, on tfYisbjeCt, is to be formed from thefe JerJbrf, it is iff fid to the probability of fach meaf ires taken. Ctti. FairtHiJJ 9u Trspanl, (SicHj) the ith Maj, end that Sir Sidntj Smith tailed from Palermo on tht tlh Mat, trilkftnr ihifitiflhthti, and 0 Caeta, mhUn pLct had rt thtn lurrtndtred tt tht Frtnh, tnd vat txftttttd vauld bt uK'i to boidtvl 0intt enflandfjrCt thai touidttttnt agiit it, Oiiisltd bj iwva armament.

WILMINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY it, 1806. rwYorh, JiJj t. Central fir and. A tetter from a mUe "man on board the Leander, dated Darbsdoct, Jdne 12, mentions that Admiral Cotbranc bad delivered to General Miranda 40 SpanUh prisoners equal to the number of Americans tht Spanlsr-Js have in their power 1 that Ad miral Cochrane had supplied General Mirtn da with wur vrsKls, which were toatcoms. Lis.

Cu. LI j. Ct 10 ia is 39 3 40 TS 1 3 SO I 10 1 4 10 II 1 30 13 IS 10 13 I 7 3 10 11 3 3 40 TJ IC 1 11 1 ie 1 tj- a I DACONper 100 Iba. Cotton per lb. Coffee per lb.

Com per biuhel, Meal do. Rica Hoar per barrel, Dittoperhalf barrel, Lumber per M. W. o. hhd.

staves, R. o. do. do. do.

W. o. bU- do. rough Shingles per 1000, Sugar per cwU Molasses per gallon Rum, W.

g. 3d p. Jamaica do ith N. E. do.

Tar per bsrrtl, 1 Turpenlioe, TAIF. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted the subscriUr ar earnestly renucsttd to make pai iincstty requeue to make pajmrnl or before th 1st day of Sept. reitss 1 period he Is determined loplsct their 1 sfitr i.J kc la lbs Lands of an Bir lor collection. axcouQt )Vtialngteo Jul 3 3v, El the him to Trinidad, that he was to sail on If Ui for Trtoidad.

where a al lhfe 1 1 1.

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