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Passaic Daily News from Passaic, New Jersey • 2

Passaic, New Jersey
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WRITE IOli PARTICULARS. Home Office, 'THE DDI inpWTI A I InsuranceCo Newark, N.J aUlEl 1 1 I ml- of America ions F. DRTDRJ4, Fraatdant. tPOAR B. WARD, 2d T.

Pres, an CoansH. LSUB D. WARD, V. President. FORREST F.

DR DEN, Dacratary OEOROE LCQ. Roprtoteo1ent Hank lff.1 Miln Avenue, Sunday Dinner at Spedrs Chateau TOLD IN JUST A LIN OK TWO Work Was commenced yeiterda oath fir if Lackawanna depot. Tba Th Dyk Fnrnltare comparfy of Fwtoraon ia offering rofno phenomenal bargain ii rug this work. The civil service examination for position In the local prwtofllee will be field af the Ilian school tomorrow. Information may he bad at the poatoiHce.

Kcbcoca 8. KstftH, 4f Passaic avenue. wii knocked down by an tinonn-trolled florae In Franklin arenue a ft day ate and severely hurt. Twelve member of St. ikhoh Council Women's Catholic enevolenl Legion went on the annual excuraiim 6f the legion to ftockaway yesterday.

--'1 In' member of the National Fife arid Drum corps attended the funeral i ei day of the late Robert Oowdy. hey paraded With muffled drama to the r.ite .1 heavily loaded wagon broke down ye-terday afrernot'il On the trolley track Mi Main etri-et near the Clifton track. Traffic one line waa delayed for aome tiuik. a pleaaatit entertainmeDt waa given lut night at the Herman Presbyterian church. An Intereating program waa ren fibred, Among 'the number were gramophone selection by Professor Vogel, The Marrtinttn Itubber Works m-ployeea will he -Id their annual clambakJ ar the mill fomorrow dffertioMf.

It promise to le a big affair a all the pre-vloiiabake hare been highly uoeeful, All Sigie Taxer are naked to attend an lmortiint inset ing Sunday at 3 f. m. In Ivnlgtif of Fythlaa hatl, frver the jnat- office. Final arrangement will be made for the Henry Georg dinner on Sep-temlx-r 4. Kxtenalve repair and alteration are tutng made to Georg Arnold home on llarrtaon afreet.

It 1 4Mng remodeled. Contractor Hamilton la about to erect the if i aerie of big chimney each of which Contain glont twenty thoniand bn fcs. A fertnT-ter employed in Reid A Barry yaM yesterday cut one of hi fin' ger off while lifting a heavy barrel. The Iron hofde rafight one of ni fingers and the weight Of the load was pressed down, severing It. A lioiae to F.

P. Oerbet, of Paaie afreet, waa left In front of Ilein-xel'a hnfneaa shop thi morning, nntied. A train frightened the animal and If ran away. A boy caught the horse iu front of the polite headquarter. I The dombake and excursion of the Faaic Outing club to IVrgcn Fbint ynferly wa a xureess.

A large attended and hnd a big time. The politician! were out In force ami wire much sought during the day. the handsome horse owned by fduden Hose company, 1 laid ftp owing to In men. Another horse wa put in. It place last irlgbt until "Klttio la able to get bark to busln.

Another big delegation of foreigners reached Passaic lat night on the late train and were taken, to Dundee by friend. There were more wmuia than wen -In the party. Another delegation reached Passaic Wednesday n.ghf. Dr. It.

O. Haabrouck, of 'this city, has tieen apiiointed a member of the committee On revision of the Cf nstlf ntlon nnd by-law of the State Veterinary Ail'd lea I association. TJi aolHfion next meeting will I held at Atlantic City on "September 13. Fasnlc Trile of Red Men will adopt fifteen pale faeca Into the rank next Wednesday flight. A great time is anticipated.

It la expected that the great chief of New York ami New Jersey Jurisdiction will be present. A collation will be served after th meeting, Lizzie' Jnneweero and Alary Ran 'were arraigned in Judge Richmond court yeaterday charged with aanlt and battery on Mr. George Krpochke. They werf held under fat bad to await the notion of the grand jury. C-onuta-blo Dromley made the arreata, The Installation of the two new Forester lodge at Atlantic City by Chief Rangr Niekninus and staff has been postponed until next Friday night.

Bids wilt fie oiened.nt the City Hall tonlglit for the construction of a sanitary sewer through Hamilton avenue, front Monroe street to I-cxingtnn avenue. William A. Kngemsn, president of the Brighton Reach Racing association and a brother of George Engeman. a former resident of thi eify, wa married yesterday to Mis Frnnre Hyde, of Brooklyn. Mr.

Engeman secured a divorce from his fir-- wife last week in order to marry Mias Hyde. On amount of the National Grand Army Encampment at Chicago on August 27, the Erie will sell round trip tickets fiom thi city for $17. These tickets can he had at the local depot. They will be on sale on Augu-t 23. 23 ml 27, amt are good until Angust 31, unless the holder secure a stop over privilege by the payment of f0 cents at Chicago.

Here is a chance fof those who find it inconvenient to have dinner prepared at home $1.00 Sunday Dinner August 19, at' the FROM ONE UNTIL TWO OCLOCK. v-v- J-4 SOUP Chicken Old Style, RELISHES Olifes, Celery, Pickles, Eadish. PISH Boiled Salmon with Hollandaiso Sauce. 1 BOAST BEEF ENTREE Boast Spring Chicken. VEGETABLES Green Sugar Peas, Succatash, Hashed Potatoes.

SALAD Tomatoes, Lettuce. 1 FRUITS Peaches, Tears. DESSERT Huckleberry Pie, Melon, Wine Jelly Ice Cream, Cheese, Cake, 5 Coffee, Iced Tea, Milk, Also Claret or Burgundy if desired. All for $1.00 at the Chateau in Speers Park. III I I I I ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Jacob Bugmann Dies of Heart Failure In Woodridge IN THE COUNTS? A SHOET TIME Certificates Feund bn His Ferson Shoisf That He Landed on July jp The Dead Man ay Have Refs- tlvti-Othsr Paper Please Copy.

Jacob Bugmann, a bltf, powerful Swiss, died of heart faiure yesterday while working fn fiefd fo farmer Irf Woodridge. Bngmann Wl a farmhand In the employ of Franc Engle, the husbandman, whoso farm is in Tassalc avenue, Woodridge. He looked the picture of health and strong enough to live a hundred year. Yesterday, aa usual, he was working on the farm when suddenly, without a murmur, be fell down dead. The end muat have come Instantly.

Coroner Hoff-mann was called and be took charge of the body. In going 6vr his belongings Sir. tfoff-mann discovered a certificate of the United States quarantine station, ehowihg thath had landed recentlj Aa July 20. Other doenments show that he I a native of Aargad, Switzerland, and that he waa born In the year 1SC8. Ony dollar and seventeen cents were found On hi person, a also a Confederate $20 bill.

When ha landed here It Seems he Went to the Ilofzhattsen employment agency, in Tenth a venue; between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, New York, where Air. Engel hired him. It la not known whether he has any relations or friends, and by the request of Coroner Hoffmann The New asks other papers, especially the German papers, to copy this story. Come and see our line of Hats. None better made.

Derbies, alpines, hammocks. straw and felt, sole agents for Young's celebrated hat rfl Norman Cadmus 802 Main avenue You Would wish to have the neck of a giraffe when drinking Otto Beer, it tastes so good going down, and all yon want td drink for 5 cents; quart bottle. 20 cents. Otto Laue, Bloomfield avenue and Iros-pect street. I bl ED.

rRBRCHR. At Newark. N. on August 1. JWO.

Oustsv Inul freerbe. beloved husband of Eva ft. Froacha (nee Trelbef) aged 6 veara, I montha and 4 day. Funeral from hi late residence 62 12th Avenue, corner Nth ftreef, Sunday. Auguat IS, lno, St o'clock p.

m. Relatives and friends, also officer and members Fasable bodge No. 48S nights qf Honctr are respectfully Invited to attend. SMITH. In Faeaalc, on Thureday( Auguat IS, 1400, Harriet E.

Smith, beloved daugbted of targaret 8tnlth. The relative and friend of th family are invited to attend the funeral from her late 14 at 2 SO oclnek p. tn. and from the First Fieabyterlaft church at oclock. Interment at Cedar Lewd cemetery.

NAUOllTON-'-On Thursday, Anhist 1, 1D00, Charle Nauphfoti, brother of James Franel and Bee and the ate Jpseph. Nanghtori, fftrd natitd of Dfu-Tnore, West County, BHgd, Ireland. Fnnerh! ftoni hi residence 8(1 Ann PasSAlc. N. therf to Rt.

Nicholas church, Washington place and Htate Street, where a solemn mass will be said at Iff a. m. Interment Id Calvary cemetery. JULY INVESTMENTS. I.

11 1 1 Western Union Tel. Gold 4s I Return 4-ao per cent. Kenosha, (WIs.J Gas Electric Gold ss. Return 4.85 percent. Rockford, (III.) Ry- Lgt.

and Power Ss, Return 4.7s percent. Special Circulars Application EARS0N, LEACH UKAMA0 tOkR. AS. HE ANS 2:50 Shoe for rien, this week at s1.9 A Some odds and ends of A -at f'- Summer Shoes' still remaihjns: which we will offer a sacrifice. Hammels UP-TO-DATE Shoe Store i 3 12 Main 0pp.

Erie Depot, Passaic, Nl. Krtc Wedding niirau sakarafc ALL From S3 to SiO. Old Oold Remodeled, ExCtlanfad end Bouffbt. W. B.

FROUDE'S Uain Jive. Park Pl- jewelry Passaic, N. J. Si Charley Naughton Expires In a New Hospital AS EARLY SETTLES HEEE Cam In 1871 With the Dundee Rub her Werka Worked For It C6d- tiiiuously Sick Dili Few Day and Funeral Will be Held Tomorrow Charles Naughton, one of the oldest and best known residents of the east sioe died yvsterdsy morning the NeW iota hospital after an illness of but a few days. Two weeks ago Mr.

Naughton, who had fetii Ilf for a month went ta Rockaway foi the l-netit of bis health. Instead of feeling better the change made him worse and upon the advice of hia physician he wna taken to the. hospital. lie wo years of age and a native of Drnmore. Wv County, Sligo, Ireland.

When a young man he came to this country and went to work In the Kuldrx Worka of Uheeter New York, then one of the largest factories of the kind in tht Country. It was ft bile working there that Charley, as he was familiarly called tnct with an accident which necessitated the amputation of his right arm. When Air. Cheevet started the New York Beltiug and Packing companys factory In thi city in 1X71 on 72, he placed Mr. Naughton with the late Mr.

ilance a watchmen. When the mill wa completed Mr. Ilance worked in another de-ItarLnient and Air. Naughton, owing to bis was given a job as gatv keeper, which position he held nntil twfo years ago, when he was placed In charge of an elevator in the mills shipping department. The deceased is survived by three brother fit business in New York and a maiden sister with whom he resided at 30 Ann stwet.

Undertaker Fogarty brought the body to this city last night. The funeral win be held from St. Nicholas church, to which he wa a liberal contributor, tomorrow morning, at 10 oclock! when a solemn tdgh requiem mass will 1. sung. The interment will be in Calvary cemetery.

ALL THE NEWS OF GARFIELD TOLD HERE IN BRIEF Weddings and a big Fair Among the Features Which Are Uppermost In Boroughit Minds Just Now. Garfield wa a lively town laat evening. It was the occasion of the marriage of Mi Jimie Barkalow, daughter of Air. and lAIr. Dtne HarkaloW to Crinas Itoughgarden of Paterson.

The ceremony was purformed by the Rev. James K. Young, pastor of the Presbyterian church. Afts-r the nuptiul knot had been tied the wedding party assembled at tlw residence of the brides parents in ftomerset street where festivities incident to the Occasion were Indulged in until late hour. large number relatives and invited guejrfs were preseht.

Air. Nancy Barr of Aliddletown, N.YT ks visiting at tlw residence.7 of School Commissioner Ix'mon. Postmaster Wright, Charles II. Scheu-ermaji, Chris Bush and George 1L Wright will leave town tomorrow for Peak Island, Alaine, where they will spend their vaoutiou. They go via the Alaine Steamboat Company to Portland.

Mr. and Airs. George Wright have returned home from Atlantic City, where they have bsvn sojourning for some time. Air. nnd Airs.

Arnold Hansen have taken tip their ivisidence in the borough, having emigrated from the borough of the Bronx. 1 Marshal Buonocoare overhauled Alorris Link, a vegetable peddler of Passaic, who was doing business in town without a license. He waa arraigned twfore Recorder Emmons who administered the law to him as jrovlded by the Councilman Miller ha left town on his vacation, a portion, of which lie will spend in the Ernst and at Warwick, Y.j A. D. Davidson and family of Marsel-Jjjs place are visiting relatives in Trenton.

Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Brown are vNit-nig relative in Yonkers, N.

Y. llose A Prlns have completed their contract of repairing Schools No. 1 and 2. Mrs. W.

It. Lemon bps left town for Newark, N. where she will visit te-latiws. The nvtrriage Frank Mowdneo, one of the borough most popular business men, and Mis Alary Ceraml w'ili take place at the resilience of Miss Ccrnmt, No. fid Wall street, Passaic, next Sunday afternoon, at 8 ocloyk.

A large number of invitations have been issued Tivr fair and festival of the Garfield Fire company which will open on Labor day at two p. m. and continue throughout the week opening at 7 o'clock each evening is beginning to assume businesslike proportion. The grounds selected on the river road are convenient for all and will all he enclosed by canvas. Thci entire space to be occupied will be about two hundred square feet.

The main tent will be in charge of the women' committee and will be lOOx.VT feet. Tie darning platform will t0x3fi. The music will be furnished by Prof. Passage. Several other smalkr tent will also be need.

A merry-go-round nnd swings will also be on the grounds and a host of other at-' fraction Will be fiirpjshed. Fix Arc light will be required to light the ground. A cake walk will be given lu the dancing tent on Tuesday evening and one on IViilay owning. A first and second prize for tpe visiting oomivirviy will be provided. The fair committee wishes the memlwrs to in putting up a large vdgn this evening at 7 o'clock.

It Will he itrnng fterns the road at the brhl go. 'Throe carload of sheep were released from the United State Guttle Quarantine jrstenlay. Two were shipped to Alarshal Mick and the third to Richard P. Stone at Bfonington, III. iAIr.

Ftone wa a r-Idcnt of the borough while hi sheep were In quarantine, and during lit short stay made a host of frend. He I an ardent Republican nnd all around practical western man. Hi breezy manner and feady wit coupled with bi extensive experience made him an Ideal entertainer. SONS OF VETERANS MEET Local Corps to Be Instituted Next Honth. I A meeting of P.tsvilc Camp, Sons of Veteran was held last night at the AA qunckationk club.

There wa a large attendance. Up to ilate about forty names have been enrolled- The ramp will be instituted about the middle of SswtewA ONE CAUSES OTHER'S AEEEST Qofgin to- ba Arraigned Id Rich tnoada Court on Charge of Trees pass, Baker to be Called to Roiaf Court For AIiauK and Batlef y. Justice Edgar Baker, the legal lum'n- fy of Dutton-ville, and John Goggin, neighbor are at odds over a fence, and both have reported to the court to get justice. Goggin will be arraigned In JuMtice Richmond's temple of justice this afternoon on a charge of trctqa-, and later Judg Baker will be haled to Jadge Itos justice dispensary on charge of assault and battery. Baker and Goggiq tig are a the defendant anil complainants the several case.

The line fence 1 the main subject of dispute present, though it appears that Goggin' and his neighbor, the justice! have not been on friendly term fur aome time. Goggin wa at one t.ine tenant of the judges, and ft hen he moved ithere wa a little bad feeling. lie took a house nelt door, 'j'he yards were not aeparated by a fence and Goggin that it was more tar the police ahd quiet of she neighborhood to have a'di-Tnlin line. He forthwith bought a lot of post and rail and proceeded to erect a fence. Then Judge Baker appeared on thfe cone.

You are on my lot, he i reported to have told the neighbor "and 1 will not let you build that fence. Of course the fence Was slopped. Air. Goggin waa not satisfied! and hied htmsilf to Wise Watson who surveyed thd land ahd placed the, stakes for the fence. Then he proceeded to continue thfi work of building.

He had the Rosts set 'entirely on hi lot, and noti naif over the line as she law allow AD. Baker waa angered still more by thi affront, and at night rembved all of the posts. Air. Uogg.n was boiling with rage, but on the advice of friend declined fo aeek redrew in She laft. He is a quiet fcllmtr and waa willing to bear (he burden, rather then make (rouble.

The other day he made hp his mind, however, that the fence must be built. lie purchased new Diet and new rail. Yesterday he was working hafd on (he fence ft'hen. Judge Baker came along. What followed 1 disputed.

The judge ordered him to take the fence down, and he refused. Then there waa a batili'. Baker i an Englishman and Goggin a son of old Erin. Both have good fighting qualities and they Went at It In good style, the neighbor say. The rumpus did not lat long.

Late last night Mr. Goggin hurried to Judge Ityos and secured a warrant, for the Judge on a charge of assault ahd battery, claiming that pe had been badly used by neighbor. Judge Baker at he same time waa before Justice Richmond securing a warrant for Gogifm on a charge of trespass, claiming that the fence had been built on his ground and that bis neighbor refused to leate wheu ordered. The warrant were glVfl to constable to serve. j.

Goggin will be arraigned lit Richmond enurt'-thfw A soon the hearing is over a constable from Judge Ross court will take Baker before him. and the other aide will be heard. The greater number of Duttnnvilles Inhabitants will be on band to heaf the evidence. City Attorney Sullivan will look after' Goggins interests in the matter. WOODRIDGE SCHGGL'S NEW PRINCIPAL Ernst Mueller, of Carlstadt Gets the Position by One Vote -Miss Tackman Came Near 1 Landing It.

Dn Wednesday evening the Woodridge board of education met to engage a new principal in place of George Kintner, who recently landed the appointment of principal of the Carlstadt public school. Ernst Mueller, a teacher in the Carlstadt school, and who was in the race against George Kint-her for the position, of prin cipal, which the latter secured, was one of the applicants for the position of principal In the Woodridge school. It was practically between him and Aliss Tack-tnan, a teacher until recently in the Lodi school. The hoard discussed the matter at length, andont of the five members of the board there seemed to ext an in-clinatfn in favor of Alneller. The board voted by ballot and the result wa three to two in MuelleT favof.

Up to the present writing the Carlstadt board hn not been officially notified by Air. Mueller, but it is calculated that the requeW for his tebase Will come to hand shortly. Mr. Mueller's salary at the CarMad institution was $030. At Wool ridge he will ree-lve $1,000.

So the betterment, as far a the financial end Is concerned for AD. Mnollef iw hardly worth the but the attaining of pinciplohip of conrse carries with It considerable prestige. GERMAN SOLDIERS SOCIETY Cast Rutherfords Youngest Association Had a Glorious lima Last Night. The German Soldiers Society recently organize in East Rutherford is progresa-Ing nicely. The society meets evury Thursday evening in Weingarten' eaflr.

In. Union avenue. Ist night Alter transact lug oqpie rontnie business the birthday of AIr. Weingarten wa celebrated. He was the center of the jolly crowd and the time they had will long be remembered.

The Holder ftociety i one organized for the purpose of ermcen Dating all German soldiers. Any man ran Join who can prove to the satisfaction of the board of officer that he baa served bis time a a German Soldier. REV. MR. SCHMITT ON BOERS An Enjoyable Lecture In the German Presbyterian Church Last Mjht The letture on the Boers by the Rev.

J. Hehmidt of the German Presbyterian ihtirrh Iat evening wa attended by a large number of people. TTie church Wa ft ell filled hen the lecturt, which wa in German. AD Hehmidt handled hia subject in an aide manner. Me told hi audience many interesting thing about the South Af-ric voople.

Reads Odorless Is the Best if you would have a Refrige, rator that is the most jrfect in construction and ventilation, buy the ODORLESS. JBeVWe have a large assort-ment at prices to suit alL Summer Goods I Porch Screens Window Screens Piazza Rockers. REMEMBER CLEAN ARPETS LEAN R. R. Berdan Go.

316-318 Passaic Street, 21 1 Main Avenue PASSAIC, B. J. nr QUAL'LAND HAHN, Formerly employee of Pkkhoitm Bae. Fin, Copper and Sheet iron I'luinMng, and lino Flttluj, Toblng promptly attonded to. 189 MAIN AVENUE, 183 Trlephou.

lOSA. FA9SA10, STATIONERY Wo have jut recrived fi(J0 one-qalr box of pnpor and envelope (Dlauttiiu), Euglish Vellum, Wedding Plate. Wyte Angora. Typrlan Flite. In cream and arnre tint, fthirh it lie selling special this ftcek at 20 ceati a box.

1 Malcolm Sons 227 Main Avenue, If yoti went to Double Your Money iu a short time Invest your money In good and valuable REAL ESTATE- and purchase your home or lot to btfftl yourself a home la any of th beat itle iu the city from PHILIP RICHMOND Reliable Real LstaU Exchanja Office, 18a Passalti Street Twtnsto suit yourself. Pamav K. I Awnings. Now I the time to have yonr wlndet or store awnings made or re-coversd it hort Botics at tha New Harness Store Everytfilng for horse and tbiw T1 pairing neatly and promptly dona. H.

C. GREENMAN 1 290 Main Avenue, aio Trust Safa Deposit It. Malm a lmqoiaMI roeetaag os duptU tram see ffe itersst sikov-A. ustest of Tru4 FUs rata of later as aaa ke os ealL of oxcoeoa teosaff oa XrP" Dvpoait Ibul to Has. IT fi par naamm.

Cllvev Flats Takoo MTS M. HOWB, Fraaiffant. T. D. Vlre-Praalffa- iME O.

SHEARMAN. Traooar T. M. MOORS. Attorsay.

rtarat C. U. Hows. 1. A.

F. A. Sonia, R. D. Kast D.

rar' Old Pianos. We take old Pianos and Organs in part payment of new instruments, and you can pay the balance in small monthly sums. Let us know your name and address, and well tell you what we can allow for an old instrument, and name prices and terms on new ones, 1 arrived, at very low prlees, atone Jars, Jugs, flower pots and another grosa of those 10c. lanterns. Two more ice boxea left which I will sell at cost.

Also wo Whs flame oil stovea at Moningtoua the veteran stove dealer's, SOI Passaic street. READ STUDY vWhen you have decided that you want to save the rent you are now paying. Sec Me J. TAYLOR, 82 Central Avenue i Mouse Plot $3,500 Cash 500 Balance $3,000 Interest, $180 20 Tax 35 Insurance 3 $238 $192 Rental Floor. Your rent $46.00 year, $3.83 month.

Savins $12.17 monthly and more ns paid off. i The above a two family botise oil improvements, two luruoeea, J. TAYLOR, 82 Central Passaic. PATERSONS LARGEST PIANO WAREROOMS. 213 MAIN STREET.

Last Week of the Zabriskie Sale Vi knw we shall wll all of the Wagon arxT Harm this week. We shall terau the prbewlll du It, Ho eotn thi week to get bargain. There are rneumatica, Rnnabottt, Buggle, Surrey and all-kind of llamee. Home prlee; BUGGY HARNKHH NOW wa $12.00 HintBEY HARNEHH NOW i rNEUMATICH NOW $137.00 were $175.00 KUBBLU TIME HURREY8 NOW $200.0 6 were $210.00 osiDvely the Lest Week of Title Sale. A.

ZABRISKIE 75-8i River St. Godwin St. Telephone 439a. Paterson, N. J..

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