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Times Union from Brooklyn, New York • 5

Times Unioni
Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THi: jmOOKLYN. TIMES, TUESDAY, HKITKMlHCIt 25. JOOfl, ugly looking Ml that lltilman, lha rldr HIGH WATER TO MORROW. etT lirlnlres, trim Ma a anere at. Ils, ti h.ura, Mil hr mi.

lot kallt Uf M.iiiiiit, ft pailey, got, and torn ferd tni i 10 mi-iij ifiMirr( i (iiareeend pay, I ia fir I land, ol her fatality had owrd, Luckily for who Hii'-nra. 1 1 l. wmm, Hum. I mm-PM, f'twd Uil-kMns liue of tu-I huurs sh4 JukiuMM twl ttkullei Minas, le, Simula, pllM- IM mr tliHib, I II at tuer. aer'g lata, IN all CaaaMlt, III Ml I DO NO! TAKE KINDLY TO RACESON STRAIGHT BROOKLYNS WIN AND DRAW WITH CARDINALS llulmtn li iiieitlried only a broken ahauliler from lh affecii t'f which Is sulfating In Nil I an ba laid ef th second ontsl at- t'eney Jl4, I II frlno pay, l-W lha Kmrgncy Muaplial ai f'uney Island CO BACK 10 FIGHTING Biwtstar lnll, IM lu.

Tha race Introduced a Ilka lia In Nmr lanM Unding, IM Wallabottt, llelf, who fenced cleverly ml dlapluyed a Mll Unit, i.m OrMnport, nice turn of aimed on lha flat 'two fnvurlina sutTcreil fiuiil had siart i wri nr, i i rm jrTr. PUBLIC W1XX, NOT RCCKIV1 THJE rammo it, ioui baud AXWOUNCXIIIXT MAM AtTt Hingis Html, lha in 10 choice fur Hie mare tun, am r. tout VittUL UCXl TUT IV XT Till SQTI' HI0H KUQOl SQUAD, BEIMOVT mi MOVI OOHTKBBNCI WITH SKLAWXT, XLKTZbT-JMXIIta SATTLI ST rHITTY lATTIHa JULI.T. handicap, Inst a lot of ground ul the tlerl by bring cut off wlill (Hid, In the maiden BOWLING. laat tin llm run), wa sway very badly, leaving lh pott netl to Old Train' It th Wb VBlrarMl Wlni Tw.

O.m.a I. Op.nln, Mca'n" tt AHpw Bit In tha laai, and milahing fourth, It was very pMi Will Htu4 At lb ff Pl that was an Ml twlrlefl battl between, McOlynn and Nianlon, Th lirtxiklynt did not mak a hit, but Dili did not delsr them from gelling a man arroaa lh plat. After Casey bad fanned In the flrat Innlm, Maloney walked, II llii-n proceeded lo pilfer caoond, lumlny platted) a tacrine Inward final base and Maloney by faal sprinting reached horn before the ball wa aed lo th plat, Thrresflvr only two banal gui lo Aral, Lawla walked In Hit fifth Inning but wa caught stealing, Crawford fumbled McCarthy's grounder In the tevunlh and Ilia runner waa af, Th Cardinals did not gel a hit until tha fifth Inning, when Murray drove nut tiu-ly lo left. waa forced by Holly a moment lattr, and kicked so hard at being tailed out that he wa put out of th game, In lb Math, O'Hara alngled after two wer dawn. Ilureli walked and llttinalt'a fety able thai lllld won I.I hp I lie only Itrltg Vnlvrl Tournamast aUoond, but lonf, bjr Oraat a Jtunnlnr, Xanad to HafoUatt tot win for ins lairiil tr he Han got nil well Dost Mot Tnd to Trutr Bun Contt, and It Mot Popular, 8eutt Only a Imtll Tmri of th Raea la Istn Favorltti at Oravttand RcW Bad Start I.

Players Will Ba Baan en Thtlr Www rild in fw Daya-FInt aVirtm. mag Work Indulfd In if Xrm mua Hall-Pratt to Organist la t) fw Days, lorBUo-FriM lnf IUHUm Of Minor iMgwt fohadula. Hut It la quemlun If HUutl Hlim, at the Ctreulb Oood flayi by Alprman ur rortUnd, Vwr I'nlveraal wo Iwa gam out at Ihr from tubwar In tha apawing rl of lh and Valonay, Suffaio. welghla, would hava Iwaleri Mily Mavuy The laller wu fancied lit' Ihn Ho Mo In. cauae she haa been showing alana of a return In form Ualrra bowling tournament laat night.

NekHM, aaolwr for Hi viator, dig tha bl The official announcement that all roa Cnaili Farrier gavt th noyf lllgs) A lumper be made of TwIillcS The TBI MCOMI. Jfatlonal iMfua., all stttiad a lively past) ta AN rRAWCHOO, pi. W-JIW iiffrtu rtilr4 sMmplua puglll! of lh world, after tvnrwaiM rrdiiy with hit formnr ark. Th aeri llalfiel.

I kakvar, at llelmonl I'ark from alt and one Imlf-fur. lungs down, will be run over the atralghl lo yi-nr old Ti ddliigloli filly haa been pur. follow yeaterday. He railed fur lh Aral lal. M.

Ml 1.1. M. W. P.O w. l.

cliaai-il by Thmnaa lllti lu ock, Jr from IC It course, will not meet with the approval i l) lalRMeMI 14 It IM nn weniimr wee pmwi pawusa aa at miunr, Hilly Dir. nam utinr at llaelniHitl live public It waa Ilia people whn pay at asmiunosfl hla return to III. rlt ring, It 1.111 ana apt. en, a nil i-srrier was mini isa Uwiaiena It mi NIMkitMNi IkT Iimhi tin la iMkutei is a at niwairH at. Unit to I l'lltlll 11, illy lila cliargea lo get on aoored O'Hara.

Thotiiua. nil, I iilllmalely ahe will l. m'il Ihiough lln- nld If she lka klmlly In that hnuuli of the game. When iiingiira visit Jumalca llil fnll tt HI JIT the gate who oornpellml lh Iilmnt I'ark management In the putt lo revise Ha pro tSTr. lit r4r to mM any nun minimi ny tartar.

then (una ami lo til va Into til work, Th Neither luain counted In tha seventh after which th game waa ealld. Ma r.i.u en "ua "mat rani aio an I Amarloan Laaapia, II rjulr4 a 104 tlal vl seating ana ii" 1 km will played neat haturday wllh M.i no. 1 1 Training High Hrhonl, nd gramme aa II affucled tha course on which (Inches were lo te run, and to gn back in I hey will view a vitally Improved InnVI I w. r.n arguing on th earl of Ilany an4 uranty loney matin a pretty running catch of ht barren waste which aim an ryee-n-n to Ml Xlnor lgu lonadula. a iuu th old order of thlnii will not itrlke low fly from Marry'a bat In tha fourth Inn It In nriler 10 u-i Hie men acquainted with Hie new nil.

liter will dally "atudl) lo oonvlno JalMe thai ihould give up farming ana Uch Into th gam, but iionular chord. On the contrary, the orde Tha Drat gam In tha Royal Arcanum Cunuat at Ing. Th score; tt IM will have lha eflfaect of caualng much grun every afieinnnti after practice, from llm il iy the imir.i- in npi-ni ii, it imi filled In with soil In which i-vt niiially there will bo a grcenawnrd Hint will compare favorably wllh Ihn l.i at of InnVMe Minor Bowling Uau will roll4 nt riiii ia aa l-oiile I Kronklyn. Anally waa wan over lo tnelr vlwi. Th big fellow lfl Mwn a toon at ht Ilnya' IIImIi H.

li.iol Alhlelln Association bllng. The public will look upon It aa a Monday vnlng. HH team will roll aan r. a. o.

THera.lf, jilt oCaaay.tb. 0 0 having seemed a two yeara' leas of tha assent and headed for Ix Angel. night llil aeaaon Instead of nln. aa ha BaSIBAIX OAK Et TO-MOEBOW JJtttlonal laag ua. 0 (I Ualrnnr.rr I mov to benefit horaamen, or more properly apnaklng, handful of them, who have been beneeitjb 0 I 0 bMn tha ca In prtvloua year.

Th ooun- Hartttng I'ark field, th football, beball unil track leaina will all work out on tha Whtn Jeffries will maka tili aeeond tUbul In th ring, and who will fighl ara urging Dili very thing In Ihelr own Interests SHOOTING NOTES. Mumr.rr. 0 Cklrai I Itraoklia. (III reprwnted lh f)rt vnlng will lluahwlok, Iledford and Ihlladelpho In on new Held, Inatead nf In th rear of tha I Tora, I I.uular.rr. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 II 1 0 0 I Oillersen.e.

0 0 0 1 0 0 The argument haa been offered that II will result In truer run raoea, and th publlo I'lllalMtr, la Millaililphla. talli rt to to wrhd out. Th principal thing I that haa agrd to ntr ill Mrl, and Rmplra Rate, Mldwood aqd lira school building. Tha Athletic Aaaoelatton ana practically forced to make thl mov 0 0 0 llolly.H., 0 0 1 Maraliall.e 0 0 I 0 0 I UcUIuo.p 0 0 0 share with th horarmen In the change, hu I. Uwl la UmsIob, American LMgni, vura In tha awcond.

Th aohtdul for lh owing In Hie fact that th old aecontmodtv- that la a very open question. Anyone wh rlna; again. Two Pria ftlog TaUlltUa. :7 Drat half of tha month of Ootober lollowii (Totals I 0 II 10 0 Inna will not be available, a new wins has taken the pains to carefully note whs rotate 1 a 21 It Monday. Uetotwr RMtrord.

fMU ili.luai lUiulc Hlai. tUdaouil. btafitra. the preaent building t'to- trettt transpires on lha lralhlaway at llelmun FOrtTLAND. Ma.

iNl. H-Jaek McKen Kiw Tk In Ketrolt. ytiliAeiphi in Clmlant. Umii.p In Cblciau, Waatlnaton 1 l. Oane called on aemunt of daraneaa.

fwtdar. iMIebw a IxLoni. UeaiuMwealtk, the new building there It lo lie an Im Park, ones th atari Is tffeited, will die alt, a puajlllat of Philadelphia, dld In th Urals. MaerlBre hit litoler. Stolen liaeee laalnnev.

lelasitai Breeeari, reerlna, lnle. mense gymnasium on th ground floor. agree with thl notion of horsemen. The First haee on error llriKiklrn. 1.

llMa on bklla WulMadar, ttrialar Ugeria, rr(rlty, a I' Col II lirlnkerhtitT ami Ht-crt-tarv Hllllman of Ihn Muiilmllnn ami A eMiH-lM I iiiii. Hlmt yttenltv Ihn oulilie.r ninl tin. Inm a 4U points 10 Hie gnoil ul tin. flu Is The ciilnll-lluna wr ii aliula t-uoh ai the Mlnii.liie.l-A rinrli-a tnigit, li rnnu" rlillliiinn took the lead id iiiii, point el llm linl.h nf the firm atniia, itml wah ttevi-r thrtiiighiiui rmi', lb- lilt tin- to iiinrli four tlinea. and hla tma I airing gnvi- him lit Hla average wn frm'tlon li linn i ci'til The a''iiri' nt tin.

niilli m-ri- Mllllninn rotary I'ralilrrn tenia tho reaulta of tho Miimnl h.iiiii.iiiiiahip of Ihr Htnlia lt, Ah Hoi'liitlort, anil the recur. I nil fi.ur Winding up th teaeon'a aerie with St us Mruiyna, il; off Krauliin, 1. Hirurk out Ur The "gym" will egtend along lh entire horaea awerve and roll and pitch Into one oniiiaiai In Wilt L'llaiM, Im ItUet, Pre Palrta, Miiiirna, i anion. iy.ii mi near Ml. ring at th Auditorium lal ImI nlgnt artar a battl with Trry Martin, of Philadelphia, who atruek him a right awing on tha throat In lh latter part of tha fifth round.

Th another, all bearing In toward the Inne Tlianaar, Uetohir imbiue, Weiainaioa Irf tat. Uiuoklr! Alert, IMMfaeior. (kaaauiun. liiuaklyi Alert, Louie, I. Umpires--Kmlnle and Jnlinmone Time nf Loull With a double header at Washington Park yeaterday, th Brooklyna won th first rtill.

They have been broken In on eirrtila tieieker a IitenllM, IX gureet, amte- VtUtr. twtefcer a. gam In lh Iventh Inning and In tha aec- courses and the natural tendency la to make game Dour ana zo aiinulae. AHeimaoee K.ioo, RESULTS 07 YESTERDAY'S GAMES. bout waa to to a flfteon-round Hhlbltlon.

mi. run i ui, 7 Muftdav, OHoltr (Mltoii, Hoatv ond, which waa called at th end of th aevenuh Inning, th honor were vn, each for the rail, which has been designs led vety properly, a guld. All thla crowding dnce Thar waa no blow (truck hard nough tn draw blood. It )ut liefer th gong WlflJ VlfMaMlH. WVWHIM, IBUikV Oriufatar th-tlittk (IrmimI.

loUnlba. Dlt- National Leagut. din. (4rufliuiiwllh, htwkifn. rat twit jr.

team having acored a run. Mclntyr and Putnam avenue aide of th building and will he one of the finest In the city. The football squad will begin It work on the Haratoga Field within a couple) of lava Most nf the home gnmea will ba plover! on th new field Inatead of at Park. All of next Munn't baseball games will go 10 thn new field, and 11. me will be ployed at Washington Park.

The first day's scrimmage work at Erasmus Hall High Hchnnl was Indulged In At New Tork t'hlraso, New York, Iflrst sme) not tend to Improve racing, and to ensure truer resulta. Another thing the public la eventa wen. won by i.f Mini- Bb war th opposing twlrlera In th t'bleaeti. lo New York, ft iM-rimd name). WMrutHjgty.

iNitbr iwih Aim-Tburtrtf. II rami, tH Umm. Hurn. hutluti ftllln anil Itcvolvir All oundd at th nd of th fifth round that McKenil waa hit. JU amd apparently not to fl th punoh.

II walked lo hit corner and did not apeak. II wa auddonly opening contoat. Beebt received the better Huston, inret same). At Boston l-liiatiurf. oppoaed to straltrhtaway racing, bcause It th" eho.itlng wiia ilmii.

ni unit Hie 14: ftttnftai, InRtlM, Wtibtnfiun Irfing, support, but ho waa so wild In th flrat In' sees ao Utile of the corneal. Therefore, thi- 4'llllll-NlH l.ll.k pillfl' III rnamt, frtorr ii-Miuiwrl, UaUMfioa, ifftrti nlng that he forced In two runs by Issuing decbMon of the Belmont Park officials hard rmeiiurs, iinaton. teei-miri snie. At Philadelphia I'blladrlnlile. t'lmliinell.

7. American League. WMHatii, JtMrl, prpTfMWI, to pitch forward lo th floor. About Tora. nicsgo nt i.ui.

a h.hi Kinni'laco nnd 'n elu.r cut representing tin- h.iii.i"u- ly will meet with popular approval. ion, una i pitwi, naraw. flv doctor wore called, and worked over th man for about an hour, In an effort to At Detroit Iwlroli, New York. 4 passes. Th Brooklyn wirier waa In good trim aicept In the third and fourth Inning when tha vlaltora combined hit and took advantage of their opponent' errora ahlp of the Htn h.i..

wmi hn A IHi'la on ii ai nf 411 i' I'i I'. liui.l. of Hun wnii tt; ester.lny. The forward pass haa been On the face of the returns one would thlnV FoUtical Olubg 711 In Llna. At Chtcago t'hlraso, Roilou.

I At HI. Uiula IVaatilnilon, Hi lule, o. At Clen'land Cleecliud. Ti rblladelohla. v.

that the defeat of six favorites would be Th final meeting will held at tha Ful av hi Uf. Th referee raised hla hand" a tlgnal that th bout waa over, aaylng to thoa about th ring "If a knockout." Th un.l Thoniaa And-rton, of tlir lucky break for the bookmakere. It would and (cored all bhelr runs. third nrlci. on Ul-ts won th- ton falao alley for tha purpose of form ti.l chnmplonlilp.

on a total 4th. look like a golden harvest for the layer In th second McOlynn, whom the Cardl Hev. Father Houlihan, of th Cathedral of Ing a political bowling tournament, conalat All Old Brooklyn Team Reserved. Ki Rinaiu il. mid re won nrat in the Immaculate Conception, admlnlatrd Ing of all chartered political club of th but auch waa not the case at Uraveaend yer-terday.

There were three winner that were nala oorraled from th Tork team of the Trl-Blat League, wa In th box, and In military champluiiahlp mnti'ti on arore IWI nn.l tin- mlllliiry rccor.l ninti wi-tit i Judging from the reserve list given out tha laet rltea of th ohuroh to lh uncon llorough of Brooklyn, both Democ ratio and by the Brooklyn Baseball Club there will be Thnmaa Koiitllllt-r. 2d. on ii total of Republican, on Friday vnlim. Th I Tn 'nnln loc' ,0 et aoloua man. All thoa dlreotly connected heavily backed.

One was backed tremen dously. Thla was True Wing In the Bpecu riiere was a fair ttttf-n. lance at the shoot tew changes In the personnel of the team Tbs visiting twtrler, however, made th of officer and all other matters will die of the Smith Hun Club yiet-rilny The club with th fight were taken to Folic Heart quartera. lotion Stakes. Open at a to True Wing's next year.

All the members of the present team have been reserved. Two men have posed of. odd receded to 15 to 1. Then It was that tht IIL'FKALO, Rapt. Following a piii receiving more attention than th play seems tn warrant.

Th backa are clumay In llielr effort to get th ball on th paas. The I'lnthush student started with tha use nf the old aide pass, but they have since adopted the overhead pass, which High School adopted a week ago, Th paaa made overhead seems to hav more spaadl and urenter accuracy, and th only fault lies In the fact that bringing the ball ovar the player' head Is a declaration of tha nature of the plav. The basketball men take very kindly to thla kind of paaalnr nnd have the veteran football men at mnrked disadvantage. Pratt Inatltute opened for' the season yesterday. It will be several daya befora the football aquad will be formed.

been purchaaod and bhree new twlrlers draft wise money began to appear, t'nder event was nl 3 turn. Ma, ami I'lilllj. Bkell-Inger an. I Fred l.r.ik- :4 each. Same I'uHtle, ami Bum rhornt- n.

en. (Tiarlea T. Hay. anil II W. -1 Jnmea W.

Itnvle. Charles T. Itay. j.r. Irwin t'atlt- nnd Jama McKulrk.

IM fight bold Saturday night at Woodlawn mlatak of lesulng a free pass to Maloney In th first Inning, and Bill took advantage of It. He tole aecond, and then raced all th way bom on a sacrifice by Lumley. The Cardinals evened matter In the alxth, when two hit and a bae on ball gave them a ed. The list follows: avalanche of rash and credit beta, the price OLD TIOEBS IN STANDING, lieacli, Hlohard Muneon. 10 yeara old.

on was cut to the opening quotation. Still Reserved players: Cbarles A. Alperman, Rmll Raton, William Ber Has II. ifn lit lit; Andrew l.lnilli y. 17; of the eonteaUnta, died ynaterday.

Injurle, to the brain, reeultlng from a blow behind there was no end to the pounding; which con J07 at Prlneaton 0r th Baatoratlon of tlnued right up to post time, and even after Kn llngel. I'i; t-niru-K ji 'iiuirK ami i na Aehwni th. 13 eH, Ii. an. I .1.

Plant. A. run. Bcanlon pitched nearly a well a that, the mare facing the starter with 4 to I Jen, James I. f'saejr, I.

J. lionoran, il. W. Kaann, II. Hummell.

T. J. Jordan, 1'bll Lewie. II. II.

Lurolej, WIIUalD A. Maloney, John A. Mrl'arthr, H. U. Mi-Inure.

James V. I'aatorlna. I. K. Killer.

v. D. Hiaolon. Elmer Hirlrklelt ana 1'bll Resrdon. Star Squad Out for Work.

hp tvlll cunt In the nnriimi reconls McOlynn. McOlynn wa the star wirier no shtKii-off waa neceary ituley anil the left ear, are aald to have earned death. Waller Roblnaon, colored. yeara old, Mun. aon'a opponent, waa arreated and committed to jail.

the beat to be had. It was a cleverly manip of th Trl-Btwte League. Ha pitched 44 PRINCETON, N. Sept. foot llelfiicht then en miitrh nt 2., targets.

game during tha aeaaon, and won 84. ball team and student body ara rejoicing nil the former won out ty the score or -t to ulated piece of work all around. From the moment of the Inception of the coup until rurrbased John Butler snd Jerry llorley. Drafted W. Henlej.

N. Ituiker and J. W. lit. In the swi-tmtitkc c.inli-His each mnn Every time tha St Louis Club comes here since It becam known that four tar men the numbers wero run there was no mlf shot nt 6.1 targets.

I.ln.lley emnshe.l Skelllnger nn.1 Jninej McHiilrk. 47 each: Ir a bunch of new faces la to be aeen. Yes who har got out of th faeulty'a way In Whltlnj. Under prerloua reservation on contract, hut who failed to report Ueorie L. Bell.

II. T. llrlasa. to. take, and many a book winced under the FOREIGN DRIVERS ARRIVE.

condition, will make their appearance to hammering he received. Broedelck. Joo Corhett. J. H.

Doearber. Iiurham. trengthen th Tiger team, Tbey are Htan- win Lantie. to; iuviu. 4t: nam asue.

41: Hay 40; Richardson. Ikiy. 5S; -t'nuley nn.l Thurnt. n. en.

r.itrlek Mcilulrk Hnie! Iklficclii 27; Ash- terday Holly, a reorult from the Johnstown team of the Trl -State League, reported and wa assigned to cover abort. He fielded all right, but could not hit. Zimmerman I ex O. Knolla, Tbomna Owena. Henry Pstlee, K.

t'. nard and Cooney, tackle; Connor, a hair Plv of th Vanderbllt Cup Chauffeur Big Ben wiui the medium of a plunge. Thn worth, in. anil Plant, lh. back and McCormack, a fullbaok.

Btannard word was passed that Big Ben was himself thnt If they expect to win the iteming ana vteigana. HICKSVILLE BEATS ORANGE A. C. In a one-sided game the Hlcksvllle Ath pected from New Orleana, and will be aeen looka to ba In flrst-cla ehape. He 1 he uhallenne tronliv presented Sir How- Queered.

They sat out on the lawn listening to the sen na.le of the frogs. He wa proposing. "Dnrllng." he whispered. "I love you. I love It Is all very nice for you men to say such things." replied the beautiful girl, coyly; "hut but how do I know you will Da lr'''rnie? I shall he as true as gold.

I swear by you red moon peeping above the' horizon." The beautiful girl giggled. "Whv. George, you goose, you have Dean at third baa. Murray, another new man heavier and appears to be fully fast nrtl Vincent lapt year, that will have lie In tltst-class form, the members uf the who played right Held, wa put out of the wa two year ago. Connor will make vi-uth Heitlment rifle team nr.

atar. Yeaterday' practlae constated gam for kicking at being called out on a cloae play at aecond In the aecond game. He unue wurk In prnetlse doys at the repdino'ir runKe. 1 he elusenes or too mostly of routine work. Kicking, tackling the dummy, and going through elgnal took wa chased to the bench by Johnstone, but nnd that was tnough to send hundreds Into the ring to back him.

While Fish Hawk was favorite, he was only a lukewarm choice, most of the betting being done on the big Ben Btrome gelding, who proved he Is 'himself once more, by cleverly defeating his field. Gnrnish gave him a run. but In the end, Big Ben won with something In hand. The winner should Improve on this race, and Garnish should do likewise. match.

In which the Americans were oeaten Hlslcy. by the Hrlllcli team ty only 10 Ara Here for tha Big Baca. The La Bavole, which arrived yesterday, brpught five of the foreign driven who ara to take part In the Vanderbllt cup raoe. They are Lancia, Naxsaro and Dr. Well-achott, of the Italian team; Duray, of the French team, and Jenatxy, of the German team, There are rumor at Garden City that some members of the French team would maka a protest against Le lllon'a Thomas racer on the ground that It had not been constructed entirely In this country.

The rule he continued to talk so much that he was up moat of the time. Th Chang In the mints. Is In lli-'elf an cncouniKeinent. The drinking those horrid cocktails again. ordered oft the field.

Instead of going around earn selected Celislsls nf twelve men, ami letic Club easily defeated the Orange A. of Brooklyn, by a score of 13 to 3. McKenna was In the box for the Hicksvilles and his curves proved a hard puzzle to solve. He struck out nine men. Smith was In the points for the Orange team.

The Athletics had little difficulty In finding him. The score: Orange A. 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 13 Hlrkavllle A. 0 4 300 1 I 13 Batteries Smith and Bohm; McKenna and weather brought th candidates out feeling under the stands, as roost player do under W-what uo you mean; Why. that's no red moon.

That tha Includes Cant H. It. McAlpln. ompnny Inclined to get busy. 'ant.

W. J. 1 nderwoo.l. (-nmpany (i; Lieut. similar circumstances, he went across the end of pn cigar.

He has been sitting out on the porch for the Inst hour." Puck. H. Crnll. Company 3: First Serm. F.

X. field, stopped when he reached Johnstone Tale Squad' New Formation. O'Connor. Company Sergt, V. H.

Short, to have another say, and then kept talking NEW HAVEN, Sept. 25The Yale Not Intentional. ompauy Hergt. K. 11.

1'owier. f.impnny Corn. Taylor. Cnnipany Cnrp ere Mlllemnn. i'omtmnv Privates o.

M. until he was out of hearing distance. It squad togged In regulation outfit went Mr Jnnes (reading) Mnn drowned trom was the most prolonged kick that has been through th longest and fastest praotlse at Ileach Jr. nn.1 J. I.

Thet-s. Company Private E. S. Iinednlc. Company E.

and There were many who Mood aghast at the victory of Roscmount In the opening race. In his last start he and hit stable companion, Okenlte, were a hot ftrorlte. Neither finished In the money. Okenlte, for the reason that under the weltrhts he was asked too states that every part of a competing car must be manufactured In the country It witnessed on a league diamond In some time, ferry boat! I Mrs Jones Married or single? aiiA f. ha aII In aef.

tempted thus far this season and worked Private n. Meyer. Company C. Capr. and will probably cost the youngster a snug COLUMBIA TEAM TO TRAVEL.

The Columbia basket ball team has a represents, but Is Is assorted that the mag Robert Morgan, of Company will captain 1 piicif the team, and Private E. r. n. of dentally sum. a good many new formations.

Trick end runs with ten men on the line and th quarter back carrying th ball took up neto and the combination gasoline tank and seats were niade hi France. Chairman Western trip In view, which will include 1 1,, ih.t h. Company C. will do the coaching. Th, Frank Vreeland, a local catcher, recom Thompson of the A.

A. Racing Board mended to Manager Donovan, was out In uniform yesterday, but tie appears too light much of the time, and tha play looked good without any opposing line to break It up. An overhead pass was tried, but the game, with colleges which played here two met wlth lnterference. Yeaterday Rose- lrVand 3 The trophV seasons ago. F.

L. Rupp Is planning the m0unt got away well and won easily. I Howard Is open for cnmoetltlon only to the Itinerary. Wisconsin and Minnesota Unl- Seventh of New York, nnd the Oueen's Own Westemlns-ter Volunteers. versltles will be on the Hat.

Chester W. Two horses came to grief in the steeple- mlmaTy nrgnnlzntlon. The Eng. A Demonstrated Cur. Stella Prof.

Lee aaya a candy la a cure for fatigue. Hella That true; a man who bring ma chocolate never makes me as tired as a man who Basar. for the major League. There was considerable hitting In the first men oould not place tha ball In the right game by both teams. Lumley made three Cutnell 18 tnia season a captain.

chase. Caqueta antt Dalley. It was an lish team arrlvec: at New York yesterday. direction all the time. hits out of four times at bat.

McCarthy got two, while Alperman was the only man who did not connect at least once. The "PROS" IN TOURNEY. locals made Ave errora to their opponent's two, but they bunched them In two Innings declares that he received no auch protest. Elliott F. Shepard, a member of the French team, who will drive a Hotchklss racer, says he knows nothing of any protest being made against the Thomas machine, Clement who was third In the Grand Prix last June with a Clement-Bayard Is expected here In a few days'.

The machine belonging to Robert Graves, which Jenatzy will drive Is a Mercedes and la at Mlneola. It la said that Foxhall Keene may not drive a Mercedes In the race. In that event there would be only one Mercedes, as W. K. Vanderbllt, has withdrawn his car of that make.

Eastern Golfers' Association Select and put up a superior article of ball In the Dates In October for remaining nine Innings. Beebe struck out eight men, but he also Issued elgtit bases on balls and nit a batter. Jordan Tuesday and Wednesday, Ootober 2S and passed the first three times he faced Beebe. 24, are the days selected for the first annual Mclntyre placed Ave strlke-outs to his credit, golf championship of the Eastern Professional Golfers' Association. The champion- but gave only one free pass and hit a man.

Beebe was high in the air In the first In ship is to take place at the Forest Hill Field Club, near Newark. The days selected ning. He walked Casey. Maloney sacri ficed and then Lumley, Jordan and McCarthy All a gap between the Intercollegiate cham pionship and the Intercity team matches, and were passed In order, Casey being forced in. Lewis struck out, but when Alperman got are subject to the approval of the Forest BICE FOB COACH, SAYS BUMOR.

It Is announced at Columbia that a mas meeting would be held to-morrow on the campus to give out the name of the man who will have charge of coaching the crew. Rumor has It that James Rice, of Toronto, said to have formerly been handling one Hill Field Club. There will be $600 In prises, In the way of a pitched ball, Lumley walked In. Rltter filed out to O'Hara, ending the 1300 donated by the club, 1160 by a friend of Inning. the professionals and 1160 by the association.

The Cardinals tied the score In the third There will also be a championship medal. Inning, when they should have been blanked. Beebe singled. O'Hara and Burch went out on flies to the outfield. Bennett singled SEA BEACH SKATING EVENTS.

of Harvard's crews, will be the coach. Stories varied concerning this report as some of the persons connected with the crew denied that Rice's name was under consideration, but It is pretty well established how that he will be the next coach. Barry grounded to Lewis, who let the ball The Sea Beach Palace Roller Skating Rink, get through his legs, and when McCarthy at Coney Island, will be open dally until Novem'oer 1. The following programme has threw wild to the plate, both Beebe and Bennett chalked. Murray was tilt with i been arranged for the week: To-night, pitched ball, but Holly filed to Maloney.

broom ball, Wlnalow Skating Club vs. Ar- The Brooklyns forged ahead in their half cfldA flknflne- Club: Thursday flvA-mllA ev. hlhltion hv Joe Jordan. wtnsio Bwtin Lumley singled and went to second on a CATTJOAS IN THE FIELD. The Cayuga A.

C. football team would like to book games with teams averaging 110 pounds. Address J. D. Mac Bride, manager, 126 Clymer street, Brooklyn.

rinh- Feidnv ladles' race, h.nrtt. Passed ball. Jordan walked and McCarthy's Saturday, amateur races, half-mile "afetr mM bag' Lewis hit to Bennett cap; novice and half-mile handicap. and while he and McCarthy were being doubled up Maloney counted.

The Cardinals Jumped to the front In the fourth. Noonan hit to left for three bases ENTRIES FOR THE RACES and acored when Crawrord rollowed with a safety. Beebe grounded to Mclntyre who threw badly to Lewis In an attempt to catch Crawford at second. O'Hara sacrificed and Burch sent Crawford and Beebe home with AT GRAVESEND TO-MORROW f'ff KL visitors to the metropolis MiJfS are repeatedly impressed. jlvS with the exceptional popularity of la clean single to centre.

That ended the scoring of the visitors for that game. The Brooklyns acored a run In the fifth. Jordan walked, stole second and went to third on McCarthy's single. Lewis and First Race For fillies, two years old, selling; five and a half furlongs. Lumley worked the squeeae play.

Phil bunt Budapest on ed. and while he was being tossed out at Our Ethel 94 first by Crawford, Harry counted. The fapiace Inl a ffnnH ehnnee tn imp. In tha Mamie Grady 99 The Belle of Brighton 94 Irvine 99 Pungent 94 Btorm 99 Rollicking Girl 99 Qualify 99 Hyperbole 99 Grace Cameron 99 umbrella ini Alta Farola 101 seventh, but failed. Mclntyre evened up Donna Elvira i ih.

H. hit rfun ir. 114 e.nt field fnr three bases and when ll'Hir. doiiu 01 iroquois 99 reiayeu me ouu iu incintyre continued on to the plate. The Brooklyns had men on bases In the ninth and tenth Second Race-For four-year-olds and upward, steepleohase; about two miles.

Orthodox ISO I Courier uo inningi but could not get any across home "'e 147 I Loney Haskell 130 piaie. In the eleventh the cardlnsls got men on Ho.Kussell Sage Jls NuU 1M I aecond and third, but both languished. It was different with Brooklyn. Casey got a safety by Barry. 'Maloney sacrificed.

Lumley hit to Barry and In race for the baa Third Race The Holly, a handicap for two-year-olds; about six furlongs. 1 everywhere so noticeable. Among discrimin- ffil i A uj il 1 ating smokers the incomparable blend of the HdU 1 Murad meets with unhesitating approval. fKfel Wi I lit i i i i i 'lj l-jfr a JJS between the tw. Harry won out and Casey 102 continued ore to third.

Jordan followed with 100 a grounder to Beebe and the twlrler thlnk- Gold Lady Frank Lord Marashon Frank Gill Royal Breese Estimate Acrobat g-well 118 Superman 112 Rosemount us Tourenne 10s Eddie Ware 109 Fantasle 10s Red River 103 Bat Masterson 105 2 Ing that he could touch Tim going up the 106 Una tried to do so and failed, Jordan reach ing the bag and Caaey scoring the winning run of the game. Fourth Race-The Hindoo, for three-year-olds; about one mil and six furlongs. The feature of tha game was Alpermsn Its natural richness ana aengnirui muaness lmm I I have firmly established it as I "THE METROPOLITAN STANDARD" C53l Vf fronts" I Relmere lot catch of a hot Itn.r off Murray's 1 1W bat In th fifth The ecore: Fifth Rac tt. Lmta. pooklya.

r. t. a. e.t r. a.

a a. THara.lf. Otto 1 I 1 Bsrrb.rf.. OIOO I 0 0 -For three-year-olds, handicap; about alx furlonga, IM 1 Bertha 118 Zlenao 104 Bennett lb 1 1 8 a :Lenler.rf.

8 10 100 Jacoblt Comedienne fisnfara Pantoufle Ben Ban Hjrorsy Barry. oil unman, lb I I 10 11" I Consistent 110 Star 107 Water Tank 107 I Daruma Murray TT. 1 OXIOI Holly 0 0 4 4 1 Mo to to Ntaman.r. 1 1 I lrla.aa 0 I 110 1 vaitter.e... OltZn beebe a 1 0 4 OtMrlat n.

110 1 and not 'won at thla o.ain nace-ror tnree-year-olds and upward, which have run meeting, one mile and a slsteenth. if ivIlS. S. ANARGYR0S. Manufacturer sXvS Ul Fifth New York rotate It'll IS Totals II tt 12 5 One oet irbee vrtnBlnar ran waa arnevsl.

Deutschlanl Rapid Water Carew Bg Haliowmaa. Axellna. 114 1 Oarsman 111 Flavlgny Macy, jr 10 1 Jsneta. 10 Merrick 2 ft I Sly Ben Two haae hits nennett. Hara lUree haae ana Nooftas, Mclntyre.

ateerltee bl .1 Hin Haerh. Beeeett. Maloaef III. Lealey. wl.

stole hew Se.h Jordee III. ItoobW plar Holly. ant Barry. Irt oe haoeo St lla lu. IX rirat baa om aoila og Mas be.


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