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Times Union from Brooklyn, New York • 1

Times Unioni
Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Mm fME WEATHER i Partly cloudy tonight lo. morrow fair, allghlly rising temperature fresh northeast Winds, changing to northwest. FIlTY-KICIini YEAR. UHOOKLYN. HATUHDAY, JANIJAItY 27, SI TI'LKMKNT.


PARKER NOT TO BLAME. BOY- SHOOTS SISTER BID Corrects Many BJographl of Rooaa Borough President Feara Comptroller Had Nothing to Do With Loss of Yacht 10U SMS ii velt, and Does Not Especially Be Will Get Oold Brick Unleas He'a Careful. 10 IE MB Of H. I. HUES I member Fads and Faneies, Bcythlan Insurance Co.

Get Back fl, 003.44. A sealed verdict was returned this morn Ing ly lli! Jury In the suit of the Liverpool WAHIIINUT'iN, 27 It wi an IDIILEJIIU in mm escort If Comptroller Mcta Ihii'i careful aorn one will aell him a gold brick, Hormigli president noi.tice.l at the Whlte' llouaa thl morning that Henretary lieli did not aspect to have Loudon mid tllolm Insurance ronipiiny to re cover tl.OtJO alleged lo havu heen overpaid any coriespniideneu with District Attorney Jerome elailng to the "write-up" of the I'm Hd nl In ads and Panelsa, tha proofa of Mrs. Hunan Hay I'm kit, for xupptlea and furnishings of the yacht Hiyihlnn, which Col. Stokes Countermands Many of Them Will Not Hold which, ncioidltiK t'i a aiatement by Mr Jerome, were sol rented at lb lraldat' was burned In 1111 on her way from White stone, lo Boston. Judue Wheuler open White Wings Force Reduced, With One Man to Do the Work of Three.

"Hands Up, Kitty," Cried Ray mond Hogan; "Girls Should Not Be in a Bar-room." olflrc. ed the verdict and rend the Uniting of the Water, Says President Coler. Orders on Learning of Selection of 71st "I may have corrected th proofa," aald Hicretary "bin Just now I do not Coler aald tn-ilay, In reply to tint Comptroller's slHtfliniiMl that Mr. In attacking Mi Pumisylvanlu Hnlltuiul was filuyliiK to tha grand aland. Th gold lirlcK Is llm franchise sought by the railroad company.

Mr. Coler said he was certain that a clausu relative to differential rules would Tie Inserted In Uie franchise for th New York Connecting Railway, Mr. Coler milled; "I do not see anything In what Mr. Mats says to which a reply can be made. Mr.

Mela I a very nice young mnn, and wants to do right In so aa ho knows how. When he has had a 111 tin more experience In the Comptroller' office will, no doubt, do very well. "He will then know ttie difference between niiMiiiher hnuii done so If I did there tuiild nothing remarkable about It, for (toil number of urilebs In proof are ant lo the While limine, and I run over them te see If thnia are any Inaccuracies. If BETTER IF WE HAD SNOWFALL Jury, which was In favor of the plaintiff in tha sum of Il.tMllt. Tha Jury alau found that Mrs, Parker was In no way to blame for the loss of the yacht.

During the trial of the ease a sensation Was caused when Capt. Cardiff, who was In command of tho yacht on the lloxton trip, testified that he set fire to the yacht at request of Kr. Parker, huMiuud of the de GEN. HOPES FOR FIGHT IN COURT OLD PISTOL THEN WENT OFF i.t, are found, I simply strike them out Major Woodbury Has Been Over Three, Adda That the Company Muat Coma Out Squadron 0 to Accompany th Bt- Had an Ida It Wasn't Loaded "Oh, "'hl waa in IM1. remember, long befor any i tie had a him of the leal circumstance mm.uhilliig tli puhll atlon.

1 may havu had soimo correnpondenco with Justice IkusI about the matter It seem to me philanthropy and a gold brick, and also for fendant, who agreed to pity him t.VWI doing ao. the difference between a contract and a law, and Incidentally the ability to recognise Unit 1 had Justice Deuel I an old per Times, but Unfortunately Thar It No Sweeping Attachment to Hit Machine Deputy Wanted to Take Charge. a gold brick on alght Is a very valuable Into tha. Open and Act Fairly Arranging to Quash the Omnibus Indictment, Which Stay Put Blm In Contempt. maln to St.

Thorn' Church, Manhattan J. V. Morgan, Grant, Oon. Howard mil Col. Astor Among- th Pallbearers.

You Cnp't Frighten Me," Was the Child's Response, as Her Brother Innocently Pulled tha Trigger. sonal friend of mine. As totha pictures that were Insetted In the book thny oome under the same category as the article. Al qualification In the Comptroller. Even In thla office I realise there are that will take me some time to master, and I may make some mlstnkes for which Mr.

most any une wishing to Illustrate an at- haVana realty deal William A. Blsbee Asks Releas on Ground o'f Misrepresentation. William A. Blshee, of Savannah, Oa secured from Judge Thomas In the Cnlte.i tlcle about the President may secur photo 'Mots mirth criticise Nevertheless. I al graphs here, or may learn where he can get Although Borough Prealdent Coler ha so feop to grow." Arrangements for a funeral escort to tha Hands up, Kitty, or I'll shoot; little glrli them." been prodding Street Cleaning Commlaaloner In their Investigation of the franchises which the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company la operating, lawyers have reported to shouldn't be In a barroom," said fourteen Woodbury for the psst month and ha States District Court to-day an order di year-old Raymond Hogun, as he laughingly threatened to appeal to the Legislature to remain of Oon.

"Joe" Wheeler war completed by (Jena, James MoLeer and George Moor Smith, commanding tha Second and First Brlgadea, respectively, of tha New fork National Ouard, to whom th matter NINE-TON GIRDER FELL pointed a 32-callhte revolver ot his sister, have tha local 8trcet cleaning Bureau de tnehed Jjni the Manhattan Bureau and ea- v.hllo the pair were playing together ln tha tahWfhed on nn Independent basis, practi waa referred by Major Gen. Roe, tha com' minder of the Stat troopl, thla morning. cally nothing has been done to Improve tha ondltlon of itreets throughout this bor ough. recting Leon Bishop, Joseph Bhlley, Sherman Gerard and the Havana Realty Company to show causa on Tuesday morning next why they should not be enjoined from disposing of certain stocks, bonds and other collateral on deposit to their credit In the Bankers' Trust Company. Blsbee, some time ago, bought a tract or land from the defendants In Havana for which he agreed to pay $105,000.

From Information given and not submitted to him he was led to belleve that the property bordered on the United Railway, but when In fact, the accumulation of dirt In th The eacort will oonalat of th Beventy-flrat Regiment of Infantry, of (Manhattan, commanded by Col. William G. Bates, Bquadron of Cavalry, oommanded by Major Charles (Bevoiae. and tho Beoond Battery, by Capt. David Wlleon.

Thla la the atreeta ha been gradually getting ahead ot VAN SCHAICK SENTENCED TO ONE HAD THE LIFE CRUSHED OUT boiroom of their father's hotel at Hay Forty-third street and llarway avenue, this morning. "Oh. you can't frighten me," answered the girl, "that old thing Isn't loaded: I'll stay Just where I am!" The boy pulled the trigger, expecting to hear the customary snarp click a the hammer fell, but Instead the pistol exploded with a loud report, and a bullet crashed through the girl's right temple. She fell to the SERVE TEN TEARS IN SING SINO. he depurtnienl, with tho result that to-day he sireytj In Brooklyn are In filthier oondl-lon than at any llm since the White Borough President Coler, It was announoed to-day, that a-large percentage of theso franchises "will not hold water" and are Illegal.

For three weeks several experts on corporation law have been hard at work nam-Inlng every franchise under which he Urooklyn Rapid Transit Company Is operating a car lino. Old franchises that have been dust covered and forgotten for years are being dug up and examined under tho light of more recent decisions. "I am already certain that th B. T. T.

hasn't half as strong a hold on Brooklyn's throat as It thinks It has," said Mr. Coler. "A lurgo percentage of these franchises, according to lawyors who know thelr-business, aro absolutely no good, and will have to be seoured over again if the B. R. T.

continues to operate some of its lines. If we once get a few of these franchises, I fancy the OF HIM INSTANTLY) MX OTHERS HURT. regulation eacort for an officer of den. Wheeler'i rank, and ia furnlahed by the Wings corps was established. In many sections, conditions are disgraceful.

It Waa Charged That Captain Failed to National Ouard of thla State, because Frederick D. Grant, U. S. Descended from the Eighth Floor to the One of Borough President Coler's first of Ing the Department of tha EajL baa not ficial acts was to call Commissioner Wood- Provide Proper Fire Brill Aboard th Boat Only Conviction Resulting from Disaster, in Which 1,000 Were Bottom of a 70-foot Excavation on the Altman Building In Manhattan Foreman Arrested Derrick Be troopa enough to form eucb eaoort. Tneae ar ury's attention to Brooklyn's filthy streets nd ask that the Commissioner please take rangemnte were made only after consulta tion with Oen.

Grant, who has detailed Lieut, ho came to take possession be found that the property deeded to him was separated from the railway by another parcel of land containing forty-two acres, He had paid 127,000 on account and was to havo given i mortgage for $52,000 and the balance in cash. He now claims that he was deceived and that the property was not what It was represented to he. He therefore seeks to recover the amount and a release from the contract. Killed. little more Interest In this borough, in floor, the blood streaming from her forehead.

The brother, terror-stricken, dropped the revolver, and hurrying out of the place, informed tho neighbors of what had occurred An ambulance waa summoned and Surgeon Latta, of tho Norwegian Hospital, responded. The little girl was unconscious when came Disarranged. Jamea aa hla personal repreaeatatlve In the matter. Lieut. Jamea waa directed by Oen.

Grant to aee Major Wheeler, a aoh of the Capt Wlllam Van Schalck, who waa In nd fine man was killed instantly to-day railroad company will be more ready to ac charge of the steamboat Gen. Slocum at the i others wera, iniureo. tnree oi nim cept suggestlona than It has been In the deceaaed, at the Wheeler home, to-day, where he will be met by Major John W. time she took fire and was burned with the loss of 1,000, Uvea, was found guilty this morning of one of the charges brougtht Tumbrldge, of Oen, Mdioer's staff. It waa the Intention of Col.

'William A. against him as the result of this horrible fitokea. commanding th Twenty-third Reg stead of concentrating all his energies on a little circle within a radius of about one mile of Twenty-third street. Like the average New Yorker, Mr. Woodbury seems thoroughly convinced that New York City I bounded by Twenty-third street and Forty-second street.

When Mr. Coler was to the Borough Hall on one of his first mornings In office, he stepped from a surface car Into a cloud of dust that was frolicking around Mia streets. For the next hour Mr. Coler waa wiping his eyes and saying irL things about, the Street Cleaning Department. As soon as he could see.

Mr. Coler dicta- past." Asked to name some of the franchises that have, as stated, been found to be illegal, Mr. Coler sold he could not go Into details until the Investigation waa Mulshed and the full report made to him. "The long and short of the whole thing la," Mr. Coler said, "that for the pnst ten years iment, to have his command parade aa a ably fatally.

In the fall of a nine-ton steel girder which was being hoisted to the elglhth floor of the new Altman building, on Fifth avenue, between Thirty-fourth and Thirty-fifth streets. Manhattan. The girder fell from the eighth floor to the bottom of seventy-foot excavation, striking among a dozen workmen. One mnn, believed to be George Symonds, wtho was fnremnn of a gang of workmen The verdict of the Jury in the United pat of the eaoort and the aerviees of the regiment for that purpose were tendered to States Court, Manhattan, came as a big surprise. Capt.

Van Bchalck was found guilty BE CUT IIP INTO LOTS he arrived, and died In the hospital half an hcur later. There were no witnesses to the ahootlng. The proprietor of the hotel had left his children alone for half an hour whllo he went to another part of the building. Raymond, In the course of their play, went beh'nd the liar and took the pistol from the cash drawer, thinking It was unloaded. The shooting followed.

Cornelius Hogan, the children's father, Is a well known sporting man of this borough, and the hotel where the tragedy happened, has been a rendezvous for race track followers for many years. The boy, Ray the B. R. has been doing business In an Major Wheeler and accepted. Col.

Btokes, however, had not consulted with Oen. Mc-Leer In the matter, and did not know that th latter, with Oen. Smith, haul been en on the third charge, wthlch alleged that he failed to maintain a proper fire drill aboard the tooat and proper supervision of the ap underhand way. They have been sneaking engaged In sinking a shaft for the elevators, THIS SUMMER WILL BE THE LAST paratus aboard for that purpose. trusted by Oen.

Roe with the arrangements was caught under one end of the mass of clauses Into bills and franchises and have liberally uaed corruption funds to get these franchises through, Now they must come When the decision of the Jury was an SEASON FOB THE FAMOUS PLEASURE GROUND. nounced, Judge Thomas immediately called. steel and was crushed beyond recognition. The other victims were struck by flying debris or Injured by the rebound of the lm- out from underground, if I can drive them out, and fight in the open. I am out for a Capt Van Schalck to th bar and sentenced him to serve ten years In Sing Sing at hard labor.

Tthla Is the only conviction resulting mond, has not as yet been placed under arrest. square deal and a new deal. They are en Purchased by Stokes Knowles, as the from the Slocum disaster so far. titled to all they got on the level, but I want to close up the renientrances." The case against Capt. Van Schalck, which Mr.

Coler was In conference with Assist Principal Incorporators of the Myrtle Realty Co. Anticipating a Big Boom When Blackwell's Island Bridge Opens Booming Already. led a letter to Major Woodbury, telling that official he ought to surprise himself and visit Brooklyn once. Then Mr. Woodbury got very buy and" came dashing over the Brooklyn Bridge in his big automobile and his big tan coat.

He dashed Into Borough Hall and was evidently greatly surprised when he failed to sweep Mr. Coler entirely off his feet. Ipstead, Mr. Coler said he wanted him tesee things. If the dust would permit.

Twice since has Mr. Woodbury come to this borough and taken the Borough President on long rides. But the trips have only served lo convince Mr. Coler that something musl be done at once and therefore he Is still after a deputy commissioner has been In progress for a couple of weeks, was closed yesterday when Judge Dltten- ant Corporation Counsel Bell ths forenoon discussing the action to be taken to have set aside the omnibus Injunction secured In for the He had notified hla officers to serve the men with orders to assemble at the armory In full dress uniform at 11 A. to-morrow, when ha met Ueh.

McLeer late yesterday afternoon and advised film of the acton taken. Oen Was nonplussed for a moment, and then I old Col. Stokes that provision had practically been made for th regulation escort. Coi. fitokea at onoe aaw that he had made a mistake, and that Brigade Commander shr Id have been advised of the strep taken, and the orders given by him were Immediately countermanded.

The situation was a rabher embarrassing brie for tha Commanding officer, of the Twenty-third. Th Seventy-first was selected as th Infantry organisation to participate mense mas of steel. The most seriously hurt are: Conrad Falk-enbnrg, 35 West Eighteenth street. Manhattan; August Jansen. 199 St.

N'leholas avenue. Brooklyn: John Corley, 857 West Sixteenth street, and Martin Mahoney. They were all taken to hospitals. Two other men who were Injured were taken away in ambulances. William Anderson, foreman of the Iron workers employed on the building, was arrested, charged with responsibility for the hoefer on behalf of the Captain made his plea for the discharge of the accused.

He In ATTEMPTED SUrClQE HELD. Young Girl Who Drank Carbolic Acid Must Face the Grand Jury. Irene Snyder, the young girl who drank carbolic acid In front of her home 965 South sisted that the Government had failed to 1902 by the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, restraining the borough officials from action without notifying tho railroad offi prove Intentional and willful neglect. Judgo Rldgewood Park will soon be a thing of the past, at least In so much as ts use as a Dlttenhoefer asked if the Captain was to bo cials. Motion will bo made on Monday punished for neglect with the approval of Government's Inspect- as a guide or prece probably before Judge Dickey to have the accident, which was caused by a derrick be picnic resort Is concerned.

German, Irish, 8cotdh, English and Yankee societies that In the past have made it their summer pleasure ground will have to go elsewhere. The park Is to be cut up Into building lots and Fifth street, early Tuesday mornlgn, and who was in the Wllliamsburgh Hospital un- dents to control him. If the life-preservers motion set aside. Mr. Coler said the Injunction was an out were not perfect, he said, the accused had ,11 this morning, was arraigned before Mag rage and that It would never have been istrate Hlgglnbotham In the Lee Avenue legal and moral right to believe the inspector's examination was correct.

Judgo Dltten granted had not former Corporation Counsel RJves thought corporations were more im portant than the public. Court to-day on a charge of attempted suicide. The girl's face la badly marked where it came In contact with the acid. coming disarranged. It was at first reported that strikers who are at outs with the Post McCord firm, which has the contract for the Iron work, had tampered with the derrick, causing it to become out of order, but Investigation proved that there could be no truth In this story.

An accident occurred recently at the Alt-man building, where two men were killed to run the local department. One of the causes of the filthy streets Is the fine weather. The snow has not fallen, as for the past fifteen years, to cover the dirt. Therefore, while t-he city has saved several hundred thousand dollars on removing snow In this borough, the public ruts suffered from the dirtiest streets ever. The force of white wings was cut down with the coming of winter, on the assumption that there would soon ha put on the market.

Houses of the medium priced grade will be erected, and all traces of Its pavilions, dining and dance halls, merry-go'-rounds, and the like, will have been obliterated within a year. The new owners are Stokes Knowles, the well-known real estate operators, of No reply had been received by Mr. Coler William Synder, the girl's brother, was in to his letters to Mr. Winter, President of ccurt. and he said that he would like to take hoefer further stated to the Jury that the captain swore and his testimony was uncontradicted that whenever he saw a life-preserver that looked bad, foe ordered It to be replaced.

Concluding his appeal the discharge of the defendant, Judgo Dlttenhoefer described the Captain's conduct on the day of the terrible disaster as heroic. In the obsequies by Oen. Bmlth because that regiment was In Cuba with Gen. Wheeler during the Spanish War, and Gtan. McLeor acquiesced.

Gen. McLeer then designated Squadron which was In Porto Rico during the Spanish War, as the cavalry organization to fika part, and to Lieut. -Col. N. B.

Thurston, who Is acting Inspector of artillery, waa left the seleotlon of a battery. He named the Second Battery, which will also furnish the caisson on which the casket will borne from the house to the her home. She would give ho explanation and several injured In a boiler explosion 176 Broadway, who are tlhe chief Incorpora of why she wanted to die. Magistrate IHg-glnbothnm paroled her for the action of the tors of the Myrtle Realty Company, a con the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Company, relative to remaining tracks In New Utrecht avenue. "The Brooklyn Rapid Transjt Company officials are not very well acquainted with Brooklyn and it takes them a long time to Investigate any matter that Is called to their attention." Mr.

Coder said. Orand Jury. cern which is Interested at the present time In buying and developing Queens County acreage. The company QWns a big tract of DRANK POISON ON STREET. land opposite Rldgewood "pnrk, fronting church, and from the church to the Penn feet on Myrtle avenue.w'Shls tract Is now- sylvan la depot.

Gen. Orant was advised of that the streets would not need much cleaning. But week after week the snow has refused to come, and week after week the dirt has continued to pile up. Practically nothing la being done In the local department to cope with the situation. The force Is not being Increased to meet the emergency.

In nearly every section of the borough one man is trying to do at least three men's work. The result Is the same as alwavs follows such an attempt. SIX PERfSH IN FLAMES No Reason Assigned by Son for His being Improved and built uVon. It Is ex thla, and expressed his entire approval of all tliat had been done, pected thnt when the Blaekwell's Island Bridge shall have been completed, the section In the vicinity of Rldeewood Park will The troops will parade In full dress unl form, with overcoats. Squadron will as It Is suspected that the Brooklyn Rapid Transit Comjtiny played a trick on the Borough President by permitting him to tear up tracks in Throop avenue and Bush street, thereby virtually putting himself In contempt of court for violating the old Injunction.

"I wish they would try to place mo In contempt of court," Mr. Coler said. "1 would like nothing better than Just that. I could then show up how they secured be in the tlhroes of a big boon. The boom semble at the armory In time to arrive at Mother's Act.

Mathilda Leltniker, 60 years old, of 125 St. Mark's place, committed suicide by drlnklng carbolic acid, on the corner of Fifth avenue and Bergen street, this morning. The woman had been walking along Fifth avenue, and as she reached the corner TWO WOMEN AMONG THE VICTIMS FIVE MEN AT HOSPITAL BADLY INJURED. the home of the late General's sister, movement, In fact, seems to have already begun. Columbia Heights, at 1 P.

and will then escort the body over the Brooklyn Bridge The park Is the best-known picnic ground INMATES OF GOX7VERNEUR HOSPITAL WERE GIVEN A BIG SCARE. to Manhattan, where the Seventy-first Regl Only Three Bodies Recovered, So Far- of Bergen street she drew tho bottle from In Greater New York. For many years all kinds of societies have given it their patronage. The news of its sale will cause ment and the Second Battery will take their place In the column for the march to beneath her cape and drained the contents. She fell to the sidewalk with a scream.

Her that injunction and the whole fraud of the thing. I am much afraid the company will not have the nerve to try that." Borough President Coler said to-day that he would not give up the fight to get cleaner streets for the 'norough until something had been accomplished In the department. He enld that there must be a responsible head to the department, and that so long as the Brooklyn office was run by telephone not much could be expected. It Is unjust to et-pec( a superintendent, who Is not receiving a salary commensurate with his worth and energy, to do the work of a Deputy Commissioner, to whom a salary twice as large Would bp paid. The superintendent hoM St.

Thomas' P. E. Church, on Fifth avenue, action was witnessed by a policeman of the Forty Guests in Hotel at Time Fire Broke Out, and Many Jump from Windows The Loss to the Hotel Is $75,000. Bergen Street Station, who carried the From the church, after the services, the body will be taken to the railroad depot at the general surprise, although a rumor that effect has been In circulation for some time past. Ridgcwood Park comprises about 12V acres, situated Jut over the Kings County line, In tihe Second Wan! of Queens County.

It 600 feet on Myrtie avenue. Covert The Tallow, Lard, Oil, Made Brilliant Blaze, and Gave the Impression That the Fire Was a Much Bigger' One Two Alarms to Save Adjoining Property. PARSONS NOT FOR DEMOCRATS. woman to a near-by drug store. Dr.

Grahamof the ffeney Hospital, was summoned, foot of West Twenty-third street. The In ternJent will be mode at Arlington Ceme LOWELL, Jan. 27 By the burning and when he arrived pronounced the woman tery, Washington. dead. early this morning of the Rlchards-an, a The body was taken to the Bergen Street fnur-stnry structure of sixty rooms, lo Among those who have been Invited to be honorary pallbearers at the funeral aro Station, where it was Identified an hour cated en the corner of Dutton and Middle not be blamed when he was given no authority to not and was compelled to wait for telephone orders before ordering a man to clean a street.

Mr. Coler said. sex opposite the Poslon Maine Ignores Their Requests for Help in Getting Salary Increases. Herbert Parsons. Chairman of the New York Republican County Committee, stated to-day that he had received a lare number of requesrs from Democratic city employees ftr him to use his J.

Plerpont Morgan, a classmate of the dc ceased; Fitch W. Smith. John W. McKes Inter by the woman's son, Hugo, who could give no reason for the rash act of his mother. i Scores of patients In Gouverneur Hospital were thrown into a frenzy of excitement bordering on a panic to-day by a flro that destroyed the candle factory of I.

rerga-ment, at 643 Water street. Manhattan. The hcspltal was Only a hloek away and tho son, Ansort Phelps Stokes, Samuel Redding station. It Is believed that half a dozen lives were lost. to II o'clock three bodies had been taken from the ruins, and it was Bertram, Col.

R. T. Wilson, Gen. Fred avenue runs through the centre of the pnrk. and It Is traversed by Green, Willow, Centre, Covert.

Norman and Smumerfleld streets. When the Blackwell's Island Bridge has been linally completed, It will connect that section directly with Manhattan by way of Fresh Pond road, along wihlch a trolley line now runs. The new owners, when seen by a Times reporter, would fiave nothing to say about the price that figured In the transaction. Frnperty In that section, however, has risen considerably in value recently. It may Grant, Col.

John Jacob Astor, Capt. William WOMAN HURT; CAR FLEES. POLICEMEN FIRED SHOTS. Astor Chanler. Gens.

O. 0. Howard and srr.oke from the flaming lard, oil and tnllow thought that' others would be found under the charred embers as the day wore on. One of the recoverefl bodies has been Identified as that of Christine Nelson, of Boston, recently employed as a pastry cook was wafted through the corrfrlors and wards Influence In having their salaries Increased. Mr.

Parsons has pnld no attention to the requests. He said that the Republican orKatjIzntiou was a fighting organization, and that it was not obliged to open Its doors and take in Democrats. Jacob Kent, Gen. Hardin, Gen. Carlton and Col.

Latham Anderson. The body will not He In state. It will be viewed mf rely by of the hospital. The patients boramo panic stricken and many sought to. leave their beds.

Mrs. Stowers, head nurse, sent Cumisky and Eisenla Drew Pistols When Three Men Refused to Stop. relatives and intimate friends, unless un expected circumstances arise later. nurses to the various wards and the pa In the hotel. Personal effects, Including a life Insurance policy bearing the name of A.

C. Hanlinp, SomervNle. were found near another body that was recovered tients were quieted and told that there was He added that the Hoard of Aldermen was capable of taking care of Itself, and that he would not ask It to Increase any city employee's salary. HONOR FORRESTER'S MEMORY. no danger.

The candle factory occupied a three-story be next fall before the cutting up process begins. The coming summer will be the Inst season for the pnrk. as a public resort. A member of the firm of Stokes Knowles, when seen by a Brooklyn Times reporter, said: "Our company realizes the future of the section, and we have taken advantage of Motorman Increases Speed After Mrs. Deyl Is Knocked Down He Escapes Arrest.

A car of the Eighty-sixth street line last night struck -Mrs. Hattie M. Deyl. 81 year old, of 1.660 Eighty-fourth street, Benson-hurst, at Eighteenth avenue and Eighty-sixth street. The woman was thrown a distance of about a dozen feet, and her spine was severely injured.

The motorman did not stop his ear, but on the contrary Its speed and got away. Mrs. Deyl was attended by Ambulance Surgeon Baumgard, of the Norwegian Hospital, who then removed her to her home. building, which fa9 soon enveloped In SALVINI WINS SUIT. Federal Club Will Go in a Body to Three shots were fired this morning by Policemen Cumteky and Eisenla at three young men who were seen feting in a suspicious manner In Wlfeoughby.

near Bush-wick avenues. The attention of the was attracted to the trio hy a woman. Cumisky and Eisenla watched the young men for some time and when they saw two of them running down the stoop of the Place Flowers on Hla Caaktrt. flames. Fifteen men employed In tho factory escaped to tho street when the alarm was sounded.

Michael Hatley. engineer, $20,000 Verdict AgalnBt Liebler Co. The Federal Club of the Eighth As jmbly District will proceed In a body to-night to went back In the building to turn off the stpnm, and was nearly caught by the flames the residence of the late George B. For rester for the purpose of paying their trib Mie situation to buy acreage conveniently located near the division of Kings and Queens Counties. YVe will build moderate priced dwellings." and which Is supposed Is the body of Mr.

Harding. The third body Is Identified as that of Miss Tessfe Kennlson, of Kranklln Fails, X. a nurse. All three of the bodies are badly burned and almost unrecognizable. During the progress of the fire a score of persons more or less Injured were to St.

John's Hospital, but by 9 o'clock all but five had been cared for and sent away. It Is not believed that any of those remaining at the hospital are fatally injured, although K. H. I'ickey, of Portland, Me. is In a precarious state.

Others In the hos The police ordered the tenements which ad-Joined the burnlnir factory, to he cleared of ute of respeet to his memory and placing their occupants. The Are waa a stuhbor'n flowers on his casket. As an Illustration of the late Mr. Forrest ore, and two alarm were turned In as th CHADSEY DISBARRED. Jury Out Three After being nut from noon until 3 o'clock yesterday, a Jury in the Supreme Court returned a verdict for the full amount of damages, in the suit ot Slgnor Salvlnl.

the Italian tragedian, against Liebler theatrical agents of New York. Salvlnl brought suit for 'breach of contract against the agents in connection with an ngreement by which he was to tour America In lt. He claimed that this contract was not lived up to by the theatrical firm. Acmes threatened adjoining property. AUTO HITS CXEBOTMAIT.

er's manner of doing charity the following story is told by Federal Club members house at 94 Bush wick avenue, they rjavo chase. The thlM man Joined his companions when they started off. The policemen yelled for the three to stop and when they refused, three shot were fired at them. This brought them to a standstill. The men on being taken to the Hamburg Avenue Station gave tholfc names as John Wenz, Charles Moore and Michael Ollkus.

They were locked up on suspicion and in the Manhattan Avenue Court this morning were held until Monday In 1500 ball by Magistrate O'Reilly. Name Stricken From Roll of Lawyers by Order of Appellate $350 for Dislocated Jaw. A verdict for 1350 wafc rendered in Vt'hefl Judge Jacob Brenner became a city magistrate, Mr. Forrester said to him: "Jacob, I am pretty well-to-do. In your The Rev.

John Curtis Ager Knocked Down While Out for a Walk. The Rev. John Curtis Ager, of 298 Carlton avenue, met with a serious accident yester pital are: Arthur S. Anthony, of New lled-ford: John Hutchinson, of New York; John Meggere. of Manchester.

N. Thomas favor of the plaintiff yesterday afternoon In the suit brought bv Jensle (toss aaralnst Otto nnrl Oeoree .1. Schrieher. position you will meet with many sad cases The Apellate Division yesterday afternoon handed dwn a derision ordering the name of Honj.mdn K. Chadsey.

the Brooklyn law dentists, with offices tit 7o Flushing ave Now I want you to relieve them. Give them Immediate help, and then let me know nue. In which damages amounting to 000 were asked for the nlleired dislo Henderson, fireman, Lowell, and Gerard Davis, of Maiden. who Is suffering from severe contusions. About forty guests were In the hotel and those that were In the upper part of the building had little chance to escape by the what you have spent." Judge Brenner followed these Instructions, and the recipients of the good old man's heneflcrnce never cation of the right Jaw of the plalntlrr during the Insertion of bridge work in the repairing of her teeth Thrf nlalntllT yer who fs now servlnff a term or Imprison-ment nn a ja of guilty to Brand larceny, to I'1 stricken from the roll of attorneys.

The ilisharrnent follows the application ot alleged that the dislocation due to lam or skill on the Divrt of tht defend Champ Clark's Cadet Dismissed. WASHfNGTON. Jan. 27 Official an-noiinrcntcnl was ma do at tho Navy Department tn-ilay ot the dismissal from the Na-vnl AM'Ir-rny for hazinj? of Midshipman Ch-'Sltr A A wrn. Missouri, Ho wns appointed tn trie Naval Academy- ly Up pi live Champ Clark, of AUpsouri, who recently made a upefcih In the hfoupe.

nev-'n-ly riiiclzing the authorities for er-niittitiR hazing. stairways Thew was but one fre.esrapej knew from whom the assistance cam. A of five teem ffte Federal Club, of which Judge Brenner la Chairman, kht Committee -of tfho iirmikiyn ants. The latto; In a generata denial. tw have been selected to prepare resolutions of 9 imz.

Decides for Policeman's Widow. In tho matter, of the imllclnl settle sympathy and condolence to Mr. Forrester's family. day afternoon, while out for a walk. The venerable gentleman, who Is pastor of the Swedenborglan Church of the New Jerusalem, on Vlonroe place, on the Heights, left his home about 3 o'clock, and started for his usual Jaunt through Prospect Park.

He walked along Park West until he eeached theu Third street crossing. His intention was to cross over the avenue and go through the Third street gate. An automobile. "No. came along at a rapid rate of speed, and strufk Mr.

Ager. knocking down and breaking his right leg below the knte. He waa picked up and taken Into a house close ty. where he wss, cared for until an ambulance arrived from the Seney Hospital. The Injured limb was set by the ambulance surgeon.

He was then removed- to his home To-day he was reported to be getting along fairly well doctor thinks he will be well wtthin Bar Awnriation. who presented the matter before the Appellate Division, following the of the case. Chadsey became notorious through Ms mysterious disappearance on the eve of hN trial for retaining W0 from one of his clients, and endeavored, by leaving some of hlK clothing In a row boat at the Battery to create the Impression tfcat he had been drowned. ment of -the account or Julia Itock. as administratrix of the atate of the late Dennis Hock, who was a member of the Brooklyn Police Mutual Aid Association and thw' could not be reached by ail ofsm occupants.

Some jumped Into nets and some slid down ropes Improvised from bed-clothing and other material. Others jumped from the lower windows, escaping jeious Injury. Few of th guests had time to carry away any of their clothing and most ot them left their valuables behind. Many or those taken tn the hospital had to be provided with suitable clothing before they could leave the Institution. Search Is being made in the ruins for other bodies.

The loss on the hotel la estimated at and at whose death tha sum of fl.AOO was Equestrian Struck by Car. While rMlnur horse at Korty-efghth street and Third" avenue, this morning. William Sibley. 24 years old, of 1.042 Spcond nvonn. was struck hy a south-bound ear of the Third avenue line and thrown to the ground.

HIMfV sustained contusion on (he face an 1 tv-dy and was taken to the Norwegian to be oald to his deala-nated heneflcfnrv MAYBE GHOST KILLED DUFFY. Watchna Jarfis Tells ot Seeif ejsc-tre Before Special Policeman rfas Murdered. At thf1 rnronpr'a inquest last nlKht It was di-riiloil that Philip J. Puffy, the special pf.lN-rmfin of tho jong Islnnd Railroad, who was found at Varot and Stewart streets with a bullet wounrt In hla body, came to his death from a bullet fired hy some unknown nrrmn. Mlrhael Mark, of 19 Bushwiek avenue, who was also a sperial polleernan employed by the railroad, testified lhat be-fr re.

Duffy- death he had frequently ser ghosts around the pile of stones where Ms was found. Mark said the spectre rras tall and perfelly white, and the men had feared to go near It glnee Dtiffjr'i death, Mark says, the apectre has not been seen. Surrogate Church handed down a decision this morning. He holds that the lause or tne hv-laws hear oh- on II, ease Is valid, and dedd In favor of the second wire as against the children of Steamers' Movements. tne nrsi.

Tie Struck HI Leg. John Jarkson. 9 years old, of 672 Fourth avenue, was unloading ties from a fin tear at th foot of Forty-ninth street this morning, when one of the pieces of timber felj and struck him on the right leg. He sal taken to the Norwegian Hospital. Baok to tha "Fen" for Francis.

Francla Nolan got out or the penitentiary yesterday morning, and this morning returned to that Institution for a stay of twenty dejrs. As soon as he got out yesterday he visited his parents' home at 21 Hopper (tract and created a disturbance. Arrived Port of Ne York. ono. Painful Fall from Attic.

I'rc lfrl. Hllderbrand. IS years old. of 2rtta Nostra nd a venue, a carpenter fell L. X.

Physicians' Annual Meeting. The Aaaoclated Phvaiins of In In land Will hold their elirhth annual mxf- from tb attic of a new building at 741 Jrtlng dterda Campania- Liverpool Print lllem IV Port au Prince ngibr Oenoa. MnrU'lln-HuII. Tvmeric Newport. Kelvingreve -Buenon Ayrct, 1 Cld-New Orleans.

Uirce weeks, unless complications ehould set In. The police have thus far been unable to find out who tha party ia the automobile was. inir this afternoon In the library buHd-jEat Fourteenth street ye Fire, said to be caused by children playing with matches, broke out at 8:25 o'clock this morning In the apartments of Mrs. Hattie vVallhrMge. Cnjoo place.

Tne damage amounted to tlO. inft of the County Medical Koclety. nil Bedford avoue. A dinner will follow at uinta ined a fracture and contusions of the left hk IJe wax removed to the cne aaontauK ciuo. King County Hospital..

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