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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

TUESDAY, JUNE £0, 1931 (AKK.j COUH1ER CLASSIFIED ADS Tvo cents word lor Insertion and one cent word for (ubteQuent Insertion. No sdveriiocuicui taken (or test than 50c. Count tba woxdd KBd Phone 306 FOli SALE -NO MORE iiavc 4 roll's and bath nl 1218 Holly. BuiMm; njid loan payincnl is per mtintli cnn runs lia munt'ij. have paid 30 nioulhs, leaving more payments.

I have more monthly payments than 1 can meet ana you may have Ihls uy iiiiylng out the loan and raying me 55.00 per month, no intereal. i'tione 100. K. V. 27C-K1 FOR SALE or equity in properly on Walnut known aa "Mcliridc Apts." See ntc premises, Mrs.

F. V. McBriilc. 2GP-K30J FOR RENT lIBUIfi HMU: TDIIAY i-, llful, In Yurie HMiirllilflll IIAIlllKTi', due hut l.l.iiu- r.if-t In dlnHur v.lth nrlKlilJor, uu, or nirn Thy iuu re! iind line Hhol. fdr lirr nuil cnnvlnrrx SIMNK Ihf yinlns In Ihnr llji- uf IhrnU-r whrrc mininirr Ntnrk 'ir lx Co in Ilir l.

JnK dutti-u Mlrl. r.l.HIH U1N- l.tani- K(in nl thfnlor Slinnf Drnnltl I-OIIITK Ici liiini iMiHtiLlril hi Hit- xlln lirrtly TU1I. luKP Murlrl Lrr huitii 1 t.iichl nril Ih RENT 2 lurnishecl light 'housekeeping rooms- Adults only. 113 Missouri Ave. 29P-K2 WANTED POHLTHY prl- ces, my duiotliy.

Muilyn Hat- cticry, 8. Fourth SI. 9C-TP Family washings or general housework. Mrs. Dora Mzell, 2207 18th St.

TF WANTED Hay to bale. C. G. Smith, Phone 027 or 1502-F2. U-GC-TF Closing Slock Prices V' 11 A.

T. and Anaconda Copper Auburn Caterpillar Tractor Chrysler Cities Service Coeji Cola Cqn((nenlal Baking General Electric General Motors Montgomery Ward New York Central Packard Radio Simmons Standard of N. J. Texas Corp 'U. S.

Steel 170 1-2 28 7-8 181 1-4 25 3-3 22 12 3-4 145 1-8 14 43 1-2 38 20 7-8 92 1-4 75-8 19 1-2 15 1-4 38 3-4 23 100 3-4 I- l.lnno luiiiir. fa, nlir Jilnnr iirrmilKi- In mi'vr ti) tin nilh lilin. fsirt In li-t 1,1: hi-r nt-'iulrrr of tit Ihf nr.d nn-1 Muriel drlvr nr.n-r. Van linliinl te hnit- null xtnili 1 riniplc, inttinp I.lni:? Iihn. xow co ON TJIH STOIU CHAPTEIl VI liiat girl? siie? 1 Mrs.

Lit up and Hie Louis XVI sitting ruuin Tlie wGi'tls from Iwi5tc-il ino-Jtli. Her lor jewclud iu and out tile chain of wore, torlliriag il. tear it asuuiter. In the doofivay with Van liohiild ber. wKtchinj; Mrs.

Ls'li! with a dread soil ol fr.ECir.r.lou. Up and down site stormed, th? of her ler.f-yrecn fruck oat bc- lipr. auburn hair, curled and crinkling llko Nirehus tonpius Iier tall Hpure absurdly. Kobard advanced. "Vr'o've scoured the shore toail." ho loid "We've been of the mr." ELUOrD i rour.bciK'd vdih "I lu- IIOR.UL luiltliisly.

"that yuu vero tho Itiliu: I bad scon tu inc-nu. 1 (hoimhl looked like something tuihiKt'ly desirable, Inlluili-ly to bo I Iliouclit oM sorls nt kiitidilly llimitililH. I.lko to own you had or a yon tind (brown iivay. 1 Iboll.utit—bill vrliy 1:0 nil? Tlio nielli nil auxlmia pin-out Wiillu you above." an- anyono has CYPI- In mi-," Li.m J-'iii viollm row SnoMiise.

Ylu'ro wns liiaBli: 111 tills UKlli'il Vfllv'i-, In lil.l loncli, lit Iho way ho looked al ber. alolu'lny she dhl not. understand winki-d tn lu'r bratn. "(En now," Iho mini nabl, almost roughly. "And you." 1.11 1 run down tlio slot 1 Hie round ot blr the abo luubl bring herself lo upstairs.

A vtood al IUe door uf room. "S-sli! murmured 1'lsle. "You're In luck bocaujo I did HUlo plain nml fancy lying for you. Said Mu- rlol ti mid you'd lind to ttiiio her homo and would Blay llio nlpht with Iier. toss went to bed and to tlccp Instanter.

Lucky, lor you," a lot," Liane "I'll Ml vim nil about tt -to? I 1-ato ins 'u now waking her up." 011 tile i-uui'h in my "I'll HTML' Ijacli." he said, in a i "How -lid you kuov my lower I one-. "Never I'il ml dc- that I ho (heater In scrl you." first 1 caw yon?" lie leal: I Jane's!. V.T.S felt. bad lo know. After Ircuibliux auxiuiy die iiiislit lilni nRaln.

escilci.ient. lisil rusiicil "fewcL-t child!" His vnlco inlo liia her and sV.c thrilled lo the si-Je hid fomple'ely of It. "Sweet curious one," liie pror.ii-o giveft lioriwcnt on lhat deep, strangely per- mother not suasive vnico, "I it she had said? 01: yc.i. "I'll cut; it would be biioro you Mrs. Ladd a dead il I liiia on the; asl: that." topped table Tc-rinilioc-lipjiea I roid." Well, tliorc had lisht.j "Xow yu'rc lai-yliins at me!" lingers.

The emeralds on her bosom words. lightly smncn. Da-! )ol rj'a'iit-. flashed iKlaiully r.j he? lircatli causs of cniii-SD could not treat York Cotton NEW YORK. 30 (UP)-Colton closed steady.

Open High Close 1060 1045 1048 1075 1095 983 1022 Jan Mar May Jul Cut Dec 1045 1082 1096 990 102S 1050 1CQ4 1093 874 1008 1032 1C66 1987 979 1013 1037 Spots quiet at 9fl5, off 10. New Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, June 30 (UP) Cotton closed steady. Open Low Close Jan 1044 1055 1044 lim Mar 1073 1076 1084 1068 May 1035 1W5 1034 1087 Jnl 975 070 D75 079 Oct 1033 1033 1000 1015 Dec 1050 1050 1032 1037 Spois steady al 974, off 1C. j'liu nan stive inn ibo. low-down biroi'o we tn to i "And so ttio brought you Sii 1 (ialnliait himself," murmured IClsle when Linno bad finished.

"How for him to ba chnsiiiE Mrs. littlo do you say "M'liy, bo's way about Ailelo nld. in town known that," Klklu Ecornfully. "Tliat lioy aliont; 1 can l-ll you." "1 don't il," "I SLinpty don't ludievo It," ICl-lo exniiilued her in dim lichl east by oue siiiall butb. felt a around traillns cliorus it liave happened.

1 lo be looking after child." her in Miii-icl to yea y' Jt 0 lircbabiy llr.d her I coaldu't (3'ink wiiat to do." i irl. T7AN looked nncomforlalile. Hanoi "Ii's all Liaae ventured to say timidly in forlihiy. SS.e knew it vrnsu' abollt enly fcel- Tadlock Sees Threat to Small Town Compresses "'fheri-'a no iny.stery OIL," Llaue drawlod sut foolish. all- "N'nuo nt nil.

Mrs. Clccnpaa; "Would you r.ind iahint' risht hot it clhl no 1-ur: lo a r.ivt of mine, abo homo now? My rviiiicr will be The rr.r FiiiiM'lilyj 1:10 about tliU Ibeator vcn icrrihly worried." 1 have time Xnv: tiic-y In tiio mn, nnd I ilrivini; ber duwn to tn leave Iier a mcsjasc. Wo rushed' i.rr.v tc Vcninn. Thsl's all. I off so quickly." JONESBORO, Tacl- locX, manager of the traflic bureau of (ho Joucsboro Cliambcr of Ctnimcrte, has written letters a proposed elimination ty Ihc railroads of tiic 3 1-2 cent storage charge on compressed cotton moving from one compress to another.

inalion ol Ibc charge, he would in lime put the independently owned small town compresses out of business inasmuch as tt be to the ad- vantays of collou shipping firms to have their cotton moved to the big city warehouses as soon as It hart been compressed. house bluncii In Ihc dimness I nn, I toll you vhat I thongiit "Yes, yes, go, all of you. 01 1 I Kiivyoii." course The ship." oriedl "I'll till you're I.iane folt a littlo pulse throbbing the woman ill the sM chair, he said, lieliiins you I peuiidins in her throat. ly. "You, Vau, run alons and for- a 1 tell me," she ploaded.

"I get me and my IrouUw." Sho liflcd KlanccJ lo-i't Fbcp lor.ight until I know." streaming eyes lo hii cvncci'iicd! li.s- v.iiidov-r-. O-'i't Sho tmnnl her face lo hiiii face. i thr.t lishl vru: huin-ithe like tknvtr all fra- "I had no biiEincU'. Adelo, in the' Tl-e wlsolo hnus-j V.T.S dclipiil. The man ht.ircd first place, to dratf Ihi3 voor clilldlmtly Iibuketeil in liacV.

at her full moment l-eforo into il," he uncomfortably. I country stilliirss. tapllcil. When IID spoke Iilivoico icth in a of 187 art nores. His grade-point avci.ise was iiturtents scorins avcruac of .00 or higher arc en Ihc roll.

A grade of counts counts 4, anci "CJ' the to- al being divided by number class hours the itu.icnt ruiries. Twenty-five sopiiomons wore named on the honor roll. Mrs. Anna Paris, Pioneer Pemiscdl Resident, Dies CAKUTHERSVILLE, Ho. Anna Eliza FaVris, an old sctller of Pemiscot county, formerly a resident of CaruthcrEville.

died Monday morning al the home of her Mrs. Ollic Walker. Braggaciocio Mrs. i'aris was 08 years She was born December 15. 184: nt Chester, and moved to this city when she was a ycung girl.

She was married to Mr. Isaiah Paris in February. 1865. Mr. Faris died cral years ago.

She Is survived by en: daughter. Mrs 1 plllc M. WalKcr of Braggadocio, four sons, lid John Oamss J-: and Will A. Foris. ani numerous clhcr relatives.

Funeral services were held Monday afternoon at Little Prairi; cemetery the Rev. P. L. Vrichard COATESVILLE, Pt. ITJi'i A mother woodcock oiicl of brood up Inu'fic the ing raiircad near litre th; eiiginccr jaw t're iicji trying to lift her ever 'iTu 1 rails, which were too high for lien Jfcmcs C.

Terry Is Only BrVtheville Honor Student FAYETIEVILLE. June 30 (UP) C. Terry Is Ihc only Bly- Ihcvlll'! student iianicri on the annual hor.or roll of the college of arts and sciences, University of Arkansas, announced today by Doan b. Jcnes. Terry ranked Ucn- WASH TUliKS 7 OUR BOARDING HOUSE SOME PAVfHis wenw COIMG To AU FREA rlEAPS ALL IS EASV FciR S'QU "TO HEADS I'LL- A ttfHIBn.OW BOOTS AM) HER BUDDIES WJL1.1K! VKItSCt FAN LI AH SOUNDS! UST6M: 'JIHATS THAT? IT SOUNDS LIKE IT'S COW1M' "DlRCtXSH CO3.

FSfcW TW I40ISST il THE MKXOUKMKNT Trf WORLO'S Of TH' SUMMER. WOT Ttf DOuS SHO WE tR FOP. TO HER COME80DY I JQSt ABOOT TO, TlBEO 8E1N "Don't KO'falling for Hint baby," lpie (lambprinc into bed. 'He's tlia b.ivyr-.-'s delisbt. Been itvo ypavs.

That's Haiideoinc for you." I.ianc feii'iiod A am! at bor bcnrt. If P.ohunl were tiad then tlio woiid was bail. Shu couldn't eu- durc the tossed and turned. Tbo wan a torture. She reviewed ovory which bail passed bef-vecn Adol and the senvched bcavtcd for Her, fe.vercU fr.ucy tbal Adelo seemed to have the to order Van around.

AaKUislted, Imagined Adeln l.ndil at her. Wliat was it stie would fay to Van ivjicn next she saw him! Oil, KomelliliiK like: your rtnbliy liltlc friinilV Slit's IICL much help in a Clciidiius her bands, tears her at last l.i.ino slept, lir,.

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