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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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HIGH WATER. Eaging Floods Sweep New England Causing Much Damage, Many Mills Obliged to Shut Down- Railways Washed Out and Bridges Swept Away. Brothers have appealed to the supreme court in their suit for $3,500,000 against the Pennsylvania railroad. They claim this amount for alleged discriminations in freight rates on ANOTHER VICTIM. Majesty's Corset Best in the World.

It gives us great pleasure to Inform, you that the Princess of Wales manufactured of HER MAJESTY'S CORSET, will have at our store on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 15,16,17,18,19 and MISS ALCUTT, One o( their EXPERT FITTERS, for the purpose of explaining to Ladles the many merits of Her Majesty's Corset, and the reason why it is superior to any other Corset made in the We have a. fitting room prepared and it will give Miss Aloutt great pleasure to try upon all those Ladies who wish it, a pair of HER MAJESTY'S CORSETS, thus illustrating without douot, that they will give the most Perfect Satisfaction and Create a Magnificent Figure, We trust that all Ladies will avail themselves of this Grand Opportunity to learn what a Perfect Fitting Corset really'is. Vfe desire it distinctly understood that Ladies will not be expected to purchase a Corset if they do not desire to do so after a littingis made. Yours Truly, Wiler Wise, Sole Agents for Logansport. Durrant Saipeoted of Belnff for Mw.

Kilo Fonvth'n Disappearance FjtA-NCrsco, April further mystery is added to the affair of the Emanuel Baptist church by the discovery that Mrs. Ella Forsyth, a member of Emanuel congregation and an acquaintance of Minnie Williams and Blanche Lamont and also of Currant, the accused murderer, has been missing for a week. George W. Forsyth, husband of Mrs. Ella Forsyth.

the missing woman whom Durrant of making- way with, positively denies that she ever visited Emanuel church or knew anybody connected with it. He believes she is drowned in San Francisco bay. Ddrrant, the alleged murderer of Blanche Lament, cried out in his sleep several times during Monday night, as though suffering from hideous nightmare. He covered his face with his hands as if protecting it from some enemy. The police have not yet formally charged him with the murder of Blanche Lamont, Evidence now at hand is sufficient to warrant the charge being made, but the impression seems to prevail that the punishment that will follow his conviction on the first charge will make the preferment of a second charge a useless formality.

Durrant was present at the coroner's inquest Tuesday, having been brought down from his cell under strong, guard. He showed effects of the great mental strain which he had been under, but manifested complete indifference to the procaedings. The streets in the vicinity were thronged with people. TREATY SIGNED. Japan and China Complete Peace Negotiations.

the WITHER OUR BORDEES. Telegrams from Towns and In Indiana. HONORS TO THE DEAD. 1895 SPRING 1895 We take Pleasure in Announcing the Arrival of Our Spring Suitings! And we feel justly proud in the success of our untiring efforts which enable us to how yoi; this season the Latest, Most Stylish, Most Attractive and Exclusive Line of woolens in the city. Carl W.

Keller, Tailor Draper. 311 Market St. BOSTON, April New England is inundated and the rivers and streams arc maddened torrents. Great damage has resulted to tbe lumber icterests, farmers and manufacturers, but up to. midnight no loss of life has been reported.

Cum- munication other than by wire is entirely cut off beyond Nashua to the nortli and Greenfield to the west. Miles of railroad tracks are under water, several score of bridges are carried away, vast drives of logs swupt down and out to sea and telegraph wires and poles are down in many valleys. No mails from points beyond 40 miles of Boston, save south, have been received here. All rivers have been rising rapidly and in many cases as high as 0 inches un hour. Several New Hampshiite, Maine and Vermont cities are miniature Venices.

Mills have been forced to shut down, business has been suspended generally, and families removed from their homes in boats to houses on the high land. Bridge Carried Away. The Ashland bridge near Plymouth was carried away Monday afternoon, and several smaller were swept before it. A coal train to weigh down bridges at Penacook had to be abandoned, and the crew waded half a mile up to their waists to get out of danger. Freight cars in the Penacook yard have been carried down stream, and great danger threatens all bridges below.

The Pemige- wasset valley is one vast lake. Big; Lot Boom Given War. Frank Smith boom at Lancaster broke Monday morning, letting upward of 500,000 feet of timber loose. The immense jam of logs came down upon the iron bridge, built two years ugoatacost of lifting it from its foundation and carrying it down the river half a mile, also breaking the 12-inch water main in the bed of the river. The A mad on Co.

boom at Grange containing feut, D. R. Kemiuk's boom at of 250,000 feet and Mark Rinc's boom of 400,000 feet have broken and the logs floated down Israels rivorinto the Connecticut. The loss at Lancaster exceeds 8130,000. Mil In Shut Down.

The Merrhnac antl Xiishmi riversand Salmon brook are rnsliing necessitating the shutting down of all mills at Nashua. The big Jackson mills basement and weaving room. are flooded, and "00 looms had to bo removed. The river is rising 0 inches an hour, and ttie intervals for miles are covered with water. Many streets in Keene are flooded and a score of houses are accessible only by boats.

No trains are run, as miles of roadbed have been washed away. At Lawrence there is a mad flood and over 1,000 operatives were tin-own out of employment by stoppage of mills because of back water. In the Deerfield valley all mills have. shut down and much damage to property at' Turners Falls has resulted. A portion of Hoh'oke known Spriugdale is submerged and the mills on the third canal level forced to shut down.

I Continues to Have Effect on thn The Merrimac river at Haverhill hat I sturtiDc of New Wolls. flooded many wharves and CLEVELAND, 0,, April special Official Confirmation of the Doubt in Regard to the Terms of Settlement. of J. W. Scott Are Mot Chi.

OURO Dopol by TorlouK CHICAGO, April 100 members of the Chicago Press club were at the Illinois Central depot at 4:80 Tuesday afternoon to receive the body of their late fellow-member, James Scott. The Union League and Iroquois clubs also showed their respect for the dead having representatives JAMES W. SCOTT. demonstration was made, and after the casket, was placed in the hearse the different clubs separated ceremony. The train bearing the body arrived over the Michigan Central at 4:80 o'clock; Mrs.

Scott and Mr. Hatch came with it and were met by representatives of the Times-Herald. No definite arrangements for the funeral will be made until Mrs. Scott arrives at home and it is not known whether the body will be taken to Galena, MY. Scott's old home, or be buried here.

THE RISE IN OIL. See The Specialists For Chronic and Private Diseases and Deformities. Diseases of Women treated by the new electrical method that has given wonderful results. Don't forget that their vapor treatment for all Chronio Long Troubles gets the remedies to the spots and cures when everything else fails. Call ard investigate anyway.

It costs you nothing for consultation." Drs. Christopher Longeneeker, Sorglcaljlnsfimte. 417 Market St, Logansport. Ind. away foundations of business blocks', and the portico of the First Baptist church has been carried away, Evarti' Kxcar.0 Damaged.

At Windsor, the river has risen SS feet and many county bridges have been swept away. Ex-Senator Evarts' flne stables are under water and great damage has been done on his estate. Several families have been forced to move out of their houses. At Waterbury, the lower end of the main street is flooded and hotels are filled with travelers unable to leave town. Four hundred feet of the Boston Maine track at South Charleston, N.

has been washed out. Blanj ID Washouts are reported along all railroads in Maine and travel is interrupted. Trains are stalled at Range ly, Solon, Bartlett, Conway and South Paris. Saco and Biddef ord are miniature Ven- Ices, and business had to be suspended, as many streets are impassaljle. The damage in these cities will exceed $50,000.

Hundred! of Lives Threatened. The flats 'in Manchester, N. are Inundated and many families were forced to seek shelter on. the hillside. The Piscataquog rose '10 feet in six hours and the safety of hundreds of lires and millions of property are threatened; People encircled houses with heavy chains and secured them to trees.

Large gangs of wen have workud heroically all the evening rescuing families on rafts from their honses. All mills shut down at noon. The city is fairly cut off from the outside world. Want to the Press from Portland, says: As a result of the advance in oil between 400 and 500 new wells have been started in the Indiana field in Blackford, Wells, Adams, Jay and Randolph counties. All leases possible are being made.

PiTTSBimnH, April 10. The Standard Oil company offered a barrel for crude oil Tuesday morning, an advance of 25 cents over Monday. Oil opened at 240; highest 254; lowest 238; closed 251. Oil CJTY, April opened and lowest 240; highest 254; closed 251. Heslnce Declared Genuine.

CHICAGO, April message found Monday in a bottle at Glen's Pier, which was signed by Robert McClure, engineer of the Chicora, has been found to be in the engineer's handwriting. The finding of this clew was Tuesday morning confirmed at the company's office in this city. The message read as "Am lost Captain and clerk washed overboard. Coald have seen land only tor snow. Engine broke down." Snuatlon at Mich.

JACKSON-, April J. 1). North, one of the oldest physicians in this city, and Curtis Harwood have been arrested'charged with having caused the death of Miss Fannie Fox, who died at the Home of the Good Samaritan Monday from the effects of a criminal operation, it is claimed. LOXDOX, April Times correspondent in Shanghai says: Li Hung Chang's son-in-law telegraph that the treaty of peace was signed in Shimono- seki Monday, April 16, and that the terms are: l. ludfpendenco of Corea.

2. Jnpan's retention of the coiuiuerod places. 3. re- Lcution of territory east nf tho Liao river. 4.

Permanent cession of Formosa. 5. Indemnity of 6. AD offensive and defensive alliance between Clilna -and Japan. NoLubly JuHccuritti).

The United Press is authorized by the Japanese legation here to state that the Times' version of the Chiuese- treaty of peace published Tuesday morning is notably inaccurate, both as regards omissions and commissions. Japan, the Japanese envoy declares, has never asked for a.n offensive and defensive alliance with China, nor in regard to the commercial points of difference has she ever asked anything bej-ond the most favored nation treatment which hitherto Japan has not enjoyed. D.xlurcn Term) of Peuco Impoulble. The Globe, commenting on the terms of the treaty of peace alleged to have been signed by the Japanese and Chinese plenipotentiaries in Shimonoseki Monday, says that provisions two, three, four and six respectively, allowing Japan to retain the conquered retain the territory east of the Liao river, ceding Formosa permanently to Japan and making an offensive and defensive alliance between and China are simply impossible. Europe, the Globe declares, will not assent to any conditions which place China's latent resources under Japanese control, no matter whether in war or in commerce.

A dispatch to the Globe from Yokohama says the peace conference sat five hours Monday and it is believed to have been the final sitting. The Chinese plenipotentiaries are preparing to leave for home. Crcdltud ut WitMlilngton. WASHINGTON, April is be- Jigjzed at state department that "the' peate tvveen China and Japan, as reported from London, are substantially correct. From information heretofore received the department officials -understand that the conditions include the independence of Corea; I 'permanent cession of Formosa, an and defensive alliance between China and Japan.

The last condition was expected to be in the form of a secret protocol and not made public. Two other conditions, Japan's retention of conquered places and of territory east of the Liao river may be correct. The fifth condition, fixing the indemnity at is believed to be incorrect unless it refers to a gold payment. If the amount of indemnity is payable in silver, which is the currency of both China and Japan, and the most probable to be settled upon, the amount of indemnity, it is thought, will be much larger than 8100,000,000. Cabloemm Confirming glcnlng of Treaty.

WAMiEfGTOX, April reported signing of the treaty of peace between China and Japan is confirmed by a (Cablegram received Tuesday morning from Hon. J. W. Foster, the adviser of the Chinese plenipotentiaries. It is dated Shimonoseki, April 15, and says: -Everything settled satisfactorily.

Treaty Blgned to-day." Official Received. Official advices were received Tuesday morning by Minister Yang Yu, the Chinese representative in the United States from Shimonoseki, Japan, imparting the news that the protocols of peace between China and Japan have been signed. The cable message read simply: negotiations have been signed." No particulars are given. Denial from Borlln. BEBLDT, April Japanese minister here has official information that the terms of peace with China have not yet been concluded.

Natural Plant Sold. April bash natural gas plant, consisting of' 90 miles of nrains, twenty-five live and eighty well sites, will into the hands of the Dietrich syndicate, which owns nearly all the pipe line systems in Indiana. Negotiations havo been concluded and in the deal arc eluded the nntural gas at Herbst. Mier and Somerset and artificial gas plant in. this city.

prico is understood to be in the neighborhood of Cyclist llonrd From. sii, April ThoraM Winder, the Warsaw cyclist who left a month ago on'a tour around the border 1 of United Suites for a Buffalo newspaper, riding a wheel the cutiro distance, lias boon hoard from. He left. Orleans in February and is now in New Mexico, far behind his schcdnltt- time, Hnd lias encountered the dilliculi wheeling of the trip. He ex- peeled to be absent a year, but the tour at the present rate will hardly.b« completed in a year and a half.

A Convlot. LA POHTK, April R. risen, Hunter, convict in the Indiana prison north, has nn estate valued the death of his mother, who it is said, lived In ip-norance of her son's lie was mourned as dead. Ho ploye attorneys to establish his identi- ty, and on his release in June he come into possession of the fortune. iS March.

SOUTH BKXD, April Howard, son of exCoiinly Howard, and Miss Etta Oarceau IvS to have been married Monday morninff in St. Patrick's church. At the ap- pointed hour the church was filled with. prominent society people, when priest announced would occur. It develops left thft-' 4j city and were married, it is at Niles, Mich.

Songiit.ionill April 16. here of a sensational shooting affray at Cory, 12 miles south of this city. VVll- liaro Tiffy, son of a prominent farmer, approached Charles Cox, a school teacher, on the street and fired five shots at him. It is that the difficulty arose over some about Cox and Tiffy's sister iu their ro- lation as teacher and pupil. 1 Mull Pouch Sncoud Time.

Sim.uunN', April H. Beatty, who has the coutractfor carrying the star route moil from Alum Cave, IJymcra and Shclouru, while on his return trip overturned his cart and. lost the mail pouch a half mile this place. A man coming from Star City found the pouch on the highway and returned it safe to this office. is the second time the pouch lias been lost on this route.

April preliminary trial of State Senator William Goebel, for the killing of CoL John L. Sandford, began in the Kenton county court Tuesday mormng- before Judge Stevens. Ontario Prorogued. TOKOSTO, Ont, April legislature was prorogued Tuesday afternoon with the usual ceremonies. The lieutenant governor, in his closing address, referred to the electric railway act and said it would no doubt encourage the construction of a system of light railways and.

thus furnish cheap transportation for the growing demand of agriculture and in commerce of the country. rtnt Are BALTLMOBE, April international exposition of 1897, to mark the first centennial of Baltimore as a municipality, was begun by the city taking formal possession of Clifton park, wherein will be erected the necessary buildings. PleadoU Guilty. FRANXTORT.Ind., April young man arrested here Saturday while try-. ing to dispose of a mortgage of $2,000 on a farm to which he had forged the deed turns out to be Adam Kokoino real estate dealer.

Morgan pleaded guilty to the charge of and was sentenced to four years He is. the son of a well-to-do Howard county farmer and is 22 Old. ror Foreign Mlnftlona. MUNCIE, April will of. Rev.

Thomas Sells, who died last week, has been recorded, and shows that ha bequeathed 57,000 to the foreign mia- sionary work of the Methodist copal chureh. This is the bulk of estate. His wife, to whom he married but two months since, 55,000. Struck by an Engine. FORT WAYNE, April Pennsylvania engine, running light, struck.

a buggy at Maples, 10 miles east of here, Sunday Highland instantly killed Cass Smiley, a young farmer, and i ously injured Bimkirk. horse was also killed and the smashed. Hale OatwrcttlM Mcnninachcr. LvDiAifAPOMS. April Schumacher, of Cleveland, to be the welterweight wrestler of America, was defeated by Herb Hale, of this city, at tbe theater in a contest for a purse of 8250.

P. at the Canon Mint. WAtSHJD-'GTQX, April 16. Director Preston received a report from Andrew Mason, inspector of States mints, stating: that the gold shortage at the Carson miut is 175,499.73. Fatal Explosion.

FORAKER, April boiler in Louis Enunons' sawmill -here exploded, killing James Stine instantly and wounding Sabc and George mcns and John Matthews, the last two probably fatally. Shot lllmiHr. WATERLOO, April Kessler. a wealthy farmer, shot killed himself in this place. He bad recently in a business transaction, and this is reKurdcd as cause- Otd to tie Rrtcorcd.

FAI.I, JiiVEK. April meeting of the Cotton association, held Tuesday afternoon, it was voted to restore the mills- to the schedule. in. force previous August the restoration to Into effect April 22, next Monday..

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