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The Perry Journal from Perry, Oklahoma • Page 2

The Perry Journali
Perry, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i ftS SQUARE i 1 i clsisfc matter at the Oklahoma, urn-lei of 'Cengrtss, March 3, I8v9. WfttfS ASSOCIATED 3ftie Aijsoelatdd Press is exclusively 'tytfHIed to the use for of fttl Hfewfc dispatches credited to i' 'or twl otherwise credited in tijtd also thc locnl publish- TUESDAY, FES. 1 Tlio Orntrn) 'I" 1 time la r-, dtcniffl, Wave- loMiths im lottci'S, kilocycles vn riplu. Aft fights of repUhlictttion of special herein are also reserved RATES. by Carrier, per week lOc By Mall In Noble County.

Three 'Months 7Bc Sb? Months One Your fcy Outside Noble County. One Month 45c Six M6nth One Yfeftr (Strictly in Advance.) The Joornal does not knowingly accept false or fraudulent advertising 'or other advertising of an objc-etion able n'aturo. Every advertisement in its columns is printed with full con- 'fidence in the character and reliabil ity of the advertiser and thc truth o3 the representation made. Reader Will confer a favor if they will pWhlptly report any failure on tht part qf an advertiser to goo arijr representation in a Journal ad vertiaement. CHH1ST FOR ALt-AU FOR CHRIST tJnofc Hoh Siromnct-R Cni-isoo Hunt --Coiititu'tn ills 8 Torrid Tins AnnniHl Oirla 10:05 DunkliiB Serpnntlors 365.6— vVEBlH.WJJD Chicno 1 nlmar Bflscwttter 670 BIBLE THOUGHT AND tmrtntt their chitdrvn 1 rite the Bible stlectkns, it wiU thtm vtwA GOD'S FAITHFULNESS 0 -Hear my prayer, 0 Lord give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteouness.

Psalm 143:1. 0 Thou that heareth prayer, unto The shall airflesh come. HOME TOWN THOUGHTS. The way to show your loyalty to your country, is to take hold and make your home town 9 'fiioro a nd successful representative of 'country. The people who see only the det ,1 feats of 'their harne towns, do not pro" mote any of the hopefulness sary to -remove those faults.

business men that do not vertise, usually make a large success thc time that salespeople who 1 can't talk succeed in doing so. MEETING COMPETITION, It is cxasporaing to retail store people, When they se folks buying stuff out of tpwn. that could be had for the same or less money at home. Still, instead of growling too much about it, the best to meet that competition is to imitate thc methods in use in the places that draw this The alert business man makes it a point quite frequently to take a tour around to the stores in larger cities, to set how they do things. He will not usually n'nd goods any cheaper, but may get ideas that would be helpful in his own business.

New methods in display and arrangement are a help in keeping th trade in the home stores whcr 0 it belongs. FAITH IN YOUR COMMUNITY. The cities and tawns that have developed into nun'o prosperous and at- traelive communities, arc the ones where people had faith the possibilities of local development. Jf pie believe in the future of their city or town, and constantly express confidence that Ha possiliilUius ar 0 going to be n-aliml, they oveaio a foruu of faith that is always pushing then; community ahead, and which pro-' mote the development of Porry. Faith is t'ouUmjous, just the way discouragement is.

When pouple be- Jiovo in tliuir home town and exprosa confidence in its future, courage ia paminuniuutud to the people to invest money in business there, to uuikg hornet there, to build huusoa there, pruvidu for cuui- forluble and proyiTwivi; living. 8)00-1 of Mooarhrart 11 Program tus 1 Scfvloe Features Singers Hour (if Music Hour Bridge Henry; Recital 1'i'opram Diuica Music; Scrap Boolt in Music Chleago- Organ Recltni Dinner Music Proprrnni Eleanor Club Music Until 1:00 m. 428.3—WLW anil Barltono Knsemhlo Cossacks Orohoatra 361.2—WSAl Service Singers Air Weavers Hour Music Singers Air Weavers Hour Bridge Music hrs.) 374.8—WOC Service Trto Singers Worry Boys Hour Bridge Girls 635.4—WHO Des Service Musieallties Singers Program Program 8 Girls 10 os ra 440.9— WOX-WJR berg Carlson Hour Ctftar Girls Apple Club (2 hrs.) 352.7—-WWJ Singers Air Weavers flour Music 422.37-WOS Jefferson Features naillo School: Blblo Lecture Kansas of tho Air Slnfrers Weavers Hour Drldgo 293.9-—WTMJ Su'Vieo Review 1 Bridge D'Or Orchestra Frolic 405.2—WCCO Mlnnoapolls-St. Services and K. Family Sunshine ftp? I Hour Bridse Artists Concert 508.2—WOW Service Musicalitloa TjOOr-Selberllripr Singers Half Uuur and Old Tlnio Music BrldRQ 3 ml Program Music 645.1—KSD St.

Air'Weavers Hour DrlclHo Orchestras 348.6—kVOO AU- Tyta La.dica Orchestra 8 Bella; Vocal Trio EASTERN 491.5—WEAF Now at era 1 Sorvlco 1 Slncevs 7:30 Scaly Air Woavws Music Oi-clioatra New c.ii Hi lnM (ptin L'mliktn UoUr I I -710 N. V. UiUvor- i i I it- I'ltihlr i IH-M rtt 'itifltitic i "on. 11 I i.u i in us 3G2.3—W'GR 950 SAKI-- Hour A uclion Bi'Ulge 315.6— KDKA Pittsburflh 'B: Little Symphony fi.iio Sacieil Slroniherti-Carlson Itour Toi'r 111 Tots 379.5--WGY 790 9:00 Auction Homesteaders Buffalo 333.1 WBZ 900 Rttoinliuis Carlson Hour Shoe Travelers Boston inns 4G8.5— WRC 640 Kverendy I tour Auction Bridge SOUTHERN 296.9— WWNC 1010 'Old Time Music Trio Singers flour Bridge Spirituala 243.8—WOOD Program Program 545.1—WFAA Singers Air Weavers from Tots (1 hr.) Program 334.4—KTHS Hot Tanpin's Tunes Lf.Hson Gems Frolic 493.7—WBAP Fort Clippers Program 293.9—KPRC Programs Concert Bridge Concert 340.7—WJAX Program! Danco Music Muuio 322.4—WHAS Loulsville-r-930 Service Concert Slnsors Concert Hour Bridge 518.9—WMC Singers Hour Music 336.9—WSM Service Singers Concept Hour Bridge ProK'rarn 499.7—WOAt San Mexican Playcra WESTERN 3B2.9-4KOA Concert Lesson 468.5—KFl Los Hour Talos of Southern CfiHf- 330.9—KNX Los Theafor Program Program '2 hrs.) lloiir Urldb'6 Tales 491.6—KGW Sam Hour Tales Hour 422.3—KPO Snn Pronnim Hridno Quartet Muitlc I'J lira.) 348.C— KJR ProK'-nni Pain Twins i Muslo (2 hrs.) Spukane- Tlmo DiuicCM Hour Mrldiio 11:110 -Kouudurs MUMO (2 lira.) Well she was rnlhor ilcacrtdcl nvound tho skitmre this mortiinft of al limst. there tiol so many out stii'vinpc ai'ound as on Things arc picking up Perry, however, Sf eftii trtke ivuto- mobllc doalovs' word for it nrul they ttstuilly thinfts were quiet nround the court Sheriff Hill Hickor says that ia nothitiff ugreo with him for in our search for the ROS- sip in the jwst two months we could not counfon Kt'ttiiig so very much at the sheriffs (hat is not thc only place which has been there has been little doing many Lions have boon trying to create some more front page stories for thomsclvor but about all they are doing- now is arranging for this trip to Hicks, nival correspondent, was in pivinp; the news from her neighborhood on Tuesday ('as- parts was going home for Bruce Lamb was having a clip of coffee with J.

G. 0 in on that affair as did OH Kdsoti is always looking for someone to buy him a cup of Folks-are still talking about thc wonderful which was received curly Monday morig and th(, sunshine which is remaining with its and which Is bringing along some line man winter appears now and then as though ho was going to deal the t-ity aomo grief in the way of had weather but then he slips on by and almost spring weather holds forth Not a single person is objecting but only hoping that he is not saving any of his winter blasts for March and maple trees are ready to don their spring dress now but We are afraid that it is too Laws was getting 'iis mail at the post worn still bragging about their basketball happy over the showing the svuad was making proud of their grappling wondering- how the next high school game will come planning on their trip to City to the teachers and a few other things made up the pride of Perry, around the square, Tuesday. Hog- Producers Have Favorable Outlook For Coming Season n' market dwWfthd nrul witjtfci' of-aoSrf ami jlpSO. THUf will tofiiV -to jftCeW.h'cn not increase them much. High beet prices will ajatt lend to strengthen' the pork jn-ieqs.

Oklahoma farmers, according to the latest govornmt'ilt reports, apparently have '25 per cent more hogs than they had a year ago. They probably will hnvo a -somewhat smaller proportionate increase in pigs farrowed next spring than were farrowed last spring. These two factors nvo bearish, but Oklahoma hog farmers produced the largest feed crop in 1927 that has been produced in 10 years. This gives him an abundance of feed for a big hog crop. Corn prices in Oklahoma are also favorable to the hog producer here as compared with th grower in the corn bell.

Also Oklahoma is a deficit pork producing area. Freight rates arc much higher' than they were in prewar years which gives thc state producers a prospective advantage ovci the Iowa prodttyer whose pork must be shipped into Oklahoma. Exceptionally high beef prices will cause some consumers to sub Htitute pork for beef, tints tending strengthen hog prices. Furthermore, with alfalfa bay selling at an unusually low price, the use of alfalfa as hog pasture to supplement corn in feeding hogs assumes, during the coming year, an unusually important place for Oklahoma hog raisers. Oklahoma farmers may well keep in mind the fact that a few hogs fit in well with a diversified system of farming, the report suggests.

They turn waste products from the table, feed lots and fields into edible meat or salable products. for lit Uie ml uro: cerK poi- worcf fojf ono ooiils n'fif for iiiiiorttona, fliree rents trtr word tot six i tiro wusli tfi SEtECT BRAND BU TER. ASK GROCER FO'R UK room nuulcrn liotiao with slopping porch and breakfast 1 room. Close in. On pavement.

Phcm" 2aii-J or BIO-J. Oth St. F'OH uparlmcnt. Cull at 712 St. Btt3.

FOR light housekeeping rooms, 041! St. Phono 1136-J. 202x 0 housekeeping rooms. Modern, Garage if desired. Phono 220.

708 7th FOR one half of my business building on vvost of square. Now building. Low rent. Tom King. 259yti MISCELLANEOUS work, sewing and comfort making.

017 I St, 2(52x hound. White- and bhick shotted. phone 1600 F6. M. Lovcll.

262x1 WANTED TO used Kcming- ton tyepwriter. Prefer one which ius a blind keyboard so it can be used for practice writing. Inquire at och'cj Book store. B10 Nine OBITUARY was bora to Mr. and Mrs.

Samuel Little July 15, at County, Arkan-sas and died on February £, at thy of (il years, 7 njonibsk and 1C days, after un illness of ten She grew 'I" womaii- h.Q«d iu the cpiumuiiity iii which she born, tier died when wus 2 years: old, leaving besides younger awd older brother younger of these, Little still Jiving was with hev coa her last illness, and follow, Eft'ie life, Saffluel, Claude, Dow Muttio, Anoglino, KaUuM-iiu; Myr.tle. At the age of IS Mary Klizabolh marriid to Laten .1. Hall, and they lived lotfe-lhor in happy relationship the' femaindoi- of her life, forty- three yi'ai-K and one day. This union blessed with children; aiul Oklahoma City; l-Uhel Shelhuly, l-cla, Ora. 1-.

Hall, IVrr.v, Oklahoma; i'hurlcs K. Hall, Kn'il, Uclcie HIT- bcr, Washington; Alma Kinn', Oklahoma CUy, 'Okluhoma; ami I.e.- Student Taken Into Engineering Frai M. STHAAVATWU, 7 wi-i'k of traini'iur, niiu 1 stiuK'nls of ing at the Oklahoma A. niii licon initiated into Tau, national engineering fraternity. Tiu: iniltu'ii's are: HunaUl V.

Alvi.i W. ghby, Klillwali-r; Tow UhK-ketti-r. Tit'u-iiv I'lifl'onl MoMahon, Green STILLWATER, Feb. Oklahoma hog producers to have a more favorable outlook for country as a whole, is the conclusion given in the agricultural outlook report for Oklahoma in 1928 just prepared by the agricultural economics department, Oklahoma A. and college.

There is a prospect for increased domestic demand for pork products this tho report shows, but. the information regarding- the export demand in European countries indicates" an even lower'demand in .1928 than in 1937. Both foreign and domestic demand -for lard is. strong, du to high price of cotton seed oil. The number of hogs on farms January 1, li)28 and the December 1927 pig survey both show increases ovet the.

pruvious. year. These factors wi-rve as a basis lor expecting lavget market of hogs in the and fall of. 1938 than during the corresponding period in Tho slaughter of hogs in, was seven IHT cent larger'than in which makes this probable increase im- poi-taiit. On thc the Dccentbor survey indicates a'decreiise of six per cent in the number of tsows to farrow This means a' subsUantial reduction New Sorority Formed At State University NORMAN, Feb.

Announceent of the formation of Tau Alpha Sigma newest Sorority on the campus at the University of Oklahoma has been made by Delia Bycrs, Oklahoma City, president of thc group. W5th the addition of Tau Alpha Sigma sororities at the University now total 16. 'Charter members of the new organization arc Blanche Brown, Canadian; Junia Schocmvaltl, Oklahoma City; Ella Lee Oklahoma City; Bcu lab. Gordon, Oklahoma City; Lillian Kcisberg, Muskogee; Blanche Pollack Oklahoma City; Lucille Goldsmith, Coyle, and Miss Byers. 'Pledges to thc organization are Sylvia Massey, Hcnryetta; Lillian Abrams, Ouihrk Florence Reinbcrg, Henryetta; Leah 'Sobei, Oklahoma City; Sara Cohen, Oklahoma City and Pearl Richmond, Kansas City, issouri.

The group does not plan to petition a national organisation until next year, according to Miss Bycrs. lady to board and room 8 year old school boy. Phone (J'ili. Call for Mrs. Clark.

ritA.l>U) V.UUII lot Ht Chriatoph southwest cor (Kjuftre. 81 ti FOR SALS Prunia Feed Ruth Sharp, 1102 1 Street. FOR milk cow and calf. Extra good one. Sec A.

En 2G4x FOR made cottage cheese at Hnffmans. Everyday. 262x INSIST ON VEGA GOLD BUTTER A HOME PRODUCT Tho Famous NVatkius Waterless cookers now available at 409 St. J. A.

Hinson, Watkius Dealer. 1 Hall, ftlaiTison, Oklahoma, Her eum- panion 7 children and eleven childi-Qii survive lief. Urt'c sun, Arlii-, died in infncy. In the twi-ing of 1S8G Mr. and Mrs.

Hall ovad lo Oklahoma, HH-II Indian and after two years moved to SUHwate.v, Oklahoma. Hail made the ''run to strip" in 18SK5 and sccurctV farm in AvUvy Township near Morrison, Oklahoma, whurc they have since made thoir homt'. Hall was cinverted and joined the Baptist church twcnty-min; years ago at Morrison, Oklahoma, and she has since lived a consistent Christain life. Puring her which attuckod her November 29th, she -nude plans 4'uJf hfcJ' departure, selectsd the Scrip- Teuding and two of the bo used iu this Mc-morial llerriard Lowe, Lanunit; MK'ui lough, Tul-sa; Calyn Wilkins, Okl.i honia C'ily, and Hen Fottis, Oklahoma Hity. NOTICE CONSUMKUH All bills due an 1 puyabltt ui.

the Ill-tit of tiio wH'i'ith wad If not ntiid hy tho 10th of the month a wijnuUy of per 1,000 cu, ft. will be chained. Hriiig or mail your euro payment to the PERRY SERVICE CO, By Van Mills, local NOTICE All bills for wstt.fir Ught tine on or before the lOtli of ihs month and if not paid service, will be discontinued. PERKY W. I'cn-y L.

D'EI'V. Skin Clears RightUp! thU Remedy Two Ways at Ouccl In any of pks, sore or itching skin, you must boili clour and hwd -the skin 1 You must cU'ai it of the blotches Jir.fl also lu-al Ihe -sovo and broken tissuo. That's Rawk-s AU'Htho suljihtir clcuis thc skin the menthol heals. Tints why this luvut.combination is jititting liu i.ud to skin troubles. OIK; night fccvs a jiroat change in the skin, 1st two or Unco days tlu skin is ofs.i now, clciir Ih-ahliy' wltHcnoss, -Mi'utlui Suli)iiur is and linns supply it iu jars ro.idy i to Use.

Ui; SVH'C It Fresh Fish and Oysters Palace Mkt. Side Stjuaro Phone 263 New Eoofs Applied Old Roofs Itepah'cd All AVoj'k Uuurantccd E. A. TUCKER Agent Orficc Pho. M2 Res.

Plio. 571-W We Re-Silver Mirrors VOIGT.S Now and Used Furniture' Store WALL PAPER Beautiful' Artislic designs, tit wholesale) prieow. rainting, pap- hanging calsoining. Pi-ices reasonable. Phone 592-J, B.


LEY Insurance, Real Estate, Oil Leases, Oil -Royalties, 1 Money to Loan on City Property Offce Rooms 153 1st Nat'l, Bank Perry, 0Ida. G. W. Clark Co. North Side Real Estate, Rentals, Loans Insurance, Oil Properties Phonos, Oft'ieo ISO; Ros.

408 ANNOUNCEMENT To thc moved from the Oakland-Pputiac gn rage on fitii street to Brant's Garage on street. Nelson's Repair Shop Acelylone Welding uud Fendor Rolling. Cramer Body Fender Works ROSS SETON- Real Ealaie, liiKuranco and Loans Telepliono Ko. 2IJ4 Phone I5oO Itooni lildg, SALES TIMES THOSE OF ANY OTHER BRAND osrt Wear, Shopiung. "LUjUev (Uuasvs urw Ilia ot! A.

C. LAMB Oinuinetrist Money To Iioan On City Property Get It At Foster's Corner Drug Store Floral Departmsnt TREEMAN MUNGES thtt Flowers for every occasion Funeral Flowers Specialty pariicular. iu cK 1 liviTi-y ot ihe very best cut Flmv.ers. BLOOMING POTTF.D PLANTS AT OUR GREEN HOUSE AT ALL TIMES Phones or At tiny Time for "Flowers for every Occasion." Flowers sent everywhere by ivli-e Florists' Telegraph Delivery Service. 7TT.

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