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The Daily Notes from Canonsburg, Pennsylvania • Page 1

The Daily Notesi
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CANONSBTOG NOTE Legal Advertisements Ordered inserted in The Notes are given 0110 free insertion in The Weekly Notes. EIGHTH YEAR. NO. 2354. CANOtfSBURGr, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901.

PRICE- ONE CENT LOCAL HAPPENI NQS i "Carmen'7 lonierht OTHER WANTi DR. C. I. WOODS HERE State Health Inspector In SHALL ADS Good eight-day clocks, $2.50 at Announcement. Johnston's.

WANTED W. C. BLACK Insurance itten in tho best com panies. HUH Telephone. 7 3 lon B'rt'ur.

A single mniT May make ashes of tho home it, has taken years to build INSURE your HOME and FURNITURE TODAY with S. Gillmore Dickson, Canonsburg, Pcnna, Solid gold baby rings 40c to fl at vestigates Scarlet Fever WANTED Bov to work in bakerv. The Chicago Stock Co. will present at the opera house tonight a play which should draw out the best thea -ter-goers, as well as the class who are fond of sensation and comedy. "Carmen" is the bill and with the great success the play has had at the hands of Madam Patti in Opera Nethersol in Johnston's.

Apply at liayburn's Cafe. 51 W. S. Morgan's rugs can't be beat WANTED A sexton for the Char- NO NEWCASES TODAY Our new fall stock of Men's Wear is now ready. Wo are in the enjoyment of a good trade, and are in a position to show you a very large selection at right prices.

When you need anything in our lino come and see us we will try our best to please you. tiers Presbyterian (Hill) church With tho position goes a house and gardon and a stable and a lot of three or tour acres. Possession given im New Holiday Goods mediately. Inquire of H. H.

Bebout, from Go to $2. Don't be deceived, but go to Weller for your photographs. Ladies, remember that Crozier is headquarters for dress skirts. Morgan McEwen's are headquarters for carpets and lace curtains. A flue line of box paper for Satur Will McConnell, west Canonsburg, or E.

Boyle, North Strabane. i Newt Door to Postoflice. OUR EXPENSES ARE LOW. Wo would like to you compare our prices 0:1 Watches witli others. Everything (rnarantwod 1VV om the drama there are few who do not know the production.

It is a Spanish romacue of love and passion introducing the picturesque characters of the Dragoons, bull fighters and wealthy gypsies. $34,000 For a Farm Col. A. W. Cummins was in town LOST in business, and the guarantee will be worth xmnot.lm'.rr LohT A fob watch chain.

Finder will please leave same at Morgan's day only, 15c box for 9a. W. S. Morgan. GOLD FJLLED WATCHES, guaranteed 20 years $6, 7.50, 8.50 10 GOLD FILLED WATCHES, guaranteed 25 14 ,16 18 20 store and receive reward.

1 Dr. 0, Woods of Monongahela, medical inspector for the state board of health, was in town oil Tiiursday on official duties. G. W. Colwell, president of tho local board of health, when interviewed by a Notes representative with regrad to his visit, mad a statement which was in substance as follows At the meeting of the board of health held on Sabbath evening to take some action with regard to preventing tho spread of scralet fever.a resolution was adopted authorizing a telegram to be sent to the secretary of tho state board of health, stating that Dr.

J. G. Dickson had See W. S. Morgan's big line of 50c and $25 LOST On the street Wednesday the other day closing up the deal with 25 and up.

DIAMOND RINGS $3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 18, 20, OPAL, PEARL and GARNET RINGS I to $15. evening, between W. C. Black's M. B.

Kelso of North Strabane for olhee and the Archer residence, South his farm of 250 aces in the little Char euvorwaro, Toilet Sets, Tooth Brushes. Goods engraved free. Old erold and uilvov t.lnn in avr.u water colors for Saturday only at 15c. Weller's photographs are unexcelled for brilliancy, true likeness and durability. Ladies' solid silvor watches, good Canonsburg, a pair of gold-filled glasses.

Finder will please leave at tiers valley. The colonel sold his coal goods. iui nun Fall Announcement. We will carry a larger and more complete line of goods this season than heretofore.

We earnestly request your inspection of these goods, and feel satisfied that we can please you in every way. We call special attention to our line of MEN'S UNION-MADE GOODS. Respectfully, The Notes office. 2354 2 about a year ago for about $14,000, re serving 87 acres. He now sells the Opp.

First Natio nal Bank. FOR RENT W. E. JOHNSTON. surface for $20,000, making $31,000 for American movement, guaranteed for 20 years, $5 at Johnston's.

jjuk JK-JiiJNX Three or tour rooms in one of WTlliam McBuruey's houses neglected to give a certificate of deatli in the ciso of John Glenn Dickson and coal and surface. The tract was purchased a few years ago by Col. Cummins for from $50 to $00 an acre. OPEN I MG onGreenside-ave. Enquire at The Ivotes office.

2351 4 that it was currently reported he had failed to report a case in which a pa D.A.SCROGGS tient was suffering from an infectious Also FOR RENT -A new house of six rooms with gas, water and other modern South Canonsburg. Possession given at once. Inquire of E. C. Treat, Jefferson -ave, South Canonsburg.

2351 4 Today, a big line of NEW WAIST STUFFS A marriage liconse was issued at Washington to John Stavik and Mary Kraholyicz, both of Canonsburg. Taylor Crawford have begun work on the building for the Alexander Manufacturing company on the Munnell lot, west of the station. This evening the members of the First Presbyterian church will hold a meeting for the purpose of taking action on the resignation of their pastor, Rev. C. H.

Pridgeou; also to elect three deacons an three ciders. DRESS from 15c to $1 per yard Parents' Day Postponed On account of the scarlet fever and diphtheria in the community, the South Canonsburg school will postpone their Parents' Day exercises until some future time. Directors and teachers do not wish to have their pupils any more exposed to the disease. By order of the president of the board. FOR RENT A furnished front from ioc to oer vard.

HATS AND BONNETS room on West Oollege-st good location. Inquire at The Notes office. 2222 tf W. MARTIN SONS, FOR SALE disease. The secretary answered that in such a case the local board of health sould see that the law was enforced.

He ako said he would instruct Dr. Woods to conic over and investigate. Dr. Woods, as alreadystated, came on Thursday morning and proceeded to Dr. Djcksou's office, where he met Doctors Dickson, Alexander and Bunion.

These three doctors attended Glenn Dickson in his last illness and tiey stated to Dr. Woods that the patient died of spinal meningitis. Dr. Dickson promised to report to the local board of health the case of Marguerite Dickson, now suffering from scarlet fever. No new cases of scarlet fever were reported to the board of health today.

at reduction for FOR SALE No. 1 young cow, with her second calf at her feet. Samuel Dickson, north of town. WHAT IS GOING OX IN THE NEARBY TOWNS FOR SALE A good horse. J.

M. Stewart, Jeffersou-ave extension. 2350 6 I At M. M. DUNLOP'S.

Perfect Beds. Tho Beds for health and comfort arc made of are airy and easily kept clom; are strsuir and piecing well as benif? eouveni-mt and economical, durable, 110 FOR SALE 2 good fresh cows with calves at their feet. R. J. Guthrie, on the Work McKown farm, in Cecil.

2353tf metal. They to the eye, as scalo enamel; Houston Houston, November 21. R. M. Miller has moved into his new house on Pike-st.

The house is one of the finest in town. There will be a meeting in the hall this evening at o'clock for the purpose of organizing a temperance society. All are invited. The carpenters are at work on the any ilto i'tUX Oil tniUUll Mh M. av IV II.

II PHI! 1. v.jjii,im?, x' j. 1 a FOR SALE My entire lot of beautiful singing canary birds. Will be. sold cheap; all young birds.

Address Mrs. M. Banner, East Pike-st, Can NilNItU I A I lUNtnT 2 For either private or business cor- respondence is something every persqii should have. We Print your name and address, and busi- Bradford building. Couch Elegance And Couch comfort is what you get, if elected from our new and up- to-date stock.

Price $4.75 up Joseph Willison, who has been confined to the house for a few days with nc-ss it you have any. on Heads, Envelopes, Cards, and put the same up in neat packages for you for little money. Come and try ns. EBELING WALTON onsburg. Pa.

2351 4 FOR SALE A house and lot on Greonside-ave. House nearly new; contains eight rooms, good cellar; lot 55x335 feet, has on it a good large stable, and a wagon shed and other necessary outbuildings; also fruit trees. For price, terms, call on or address R. C. Neill, Canonsburg, Pa.

2351 6 9 HI 4 a very severe cold, is able to be out again. Mr. Wililson says the papers which stated that Frederick Kisuer The renters Cancnsburg WEST PIKE-ST. Wants Pay for Straw A suit brought about a dispute over a small amount of straw has been brought for settlement in the court of common pleas. 0.

0. Osborne of Peters township sued his tenant, James Butler, before Justice Leander McCorimck of Peters township, alleging that the tenant, contrary to ageement, sold straw that should have remauied on the farm. Before the justice, Osborne got judgment for $10 against Butler. The case now comes into the common pleas court on appeal from the judgment of the justice. Obsorne in his statement, which has been filed at the prothouotary's office, alleges that the straw taken from the farm was worth $25.

Observe j. Venice November 21. Mrs. J. W.

Byerly spent a few days last week witli hsr son, Joseph, in Pittsburg. Miss Margaret Dickson spent last week at her home near Canonsburg. Messrs. Scott and Lawrence have rented the Mason hotel building to a gang of workmen, who are expected now any day to work on the Wabash. Miss Dappa Harper and sister, Mrs.

Carey, visited J. W. Harper last week. Mrs. John Campbell and little daughter visited friends here recently.

Mrs. William Danley, who has been seriously ill for many weeks, improves slowly. Mrs. Harry Riggle and two children have returned to Midway, having spent some time witli her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Clark. The young people will have a social dance on Friday evening at the home of John Lutz, near Bishop. Misses Bessie and Jennie Morgan of Carnegie were guests on Thursday of J. H. Lawrence and family.

Edward Shaner, atfer a visit at his home here, has returned to Grove City. VanEmau and Ly la Cowden will entertain their friends Thursday, November 21st. This is the week of sales Tuesday tho sale of J. Melvin Carlisle near Hickory Wednesday, Hugh Frazee of near Venice sold cattle, etc. Thursday, public sale of John Cowden of Mt.

Pleasant township Friday, The Fatted Calf Opera House That was killed for the prodigal son would have TO Ml LY ti- ri I been twice as fat if it had been raised on 1 FLATCHFOFD'HtLFHtAL 0 THE SPANISH ROMANCE, CARMEN You can raise calves th- out milk. Ai 7 was once a slave were in error. Mr. Kisner was a white man and consequently never a slave. He came from Maryland, as -was stated in The Notes, when he was a young man.

Mr. Willison says he knew Kisner for at least 50 years and that he was of an age that might have been termed "old" when he first saw him. He believes if he were not 103 years old, as he claimed, he must have been close to it. It is said that Kisner when a young man was a boatman on the Potomac river. Many years ago Mr.

Willison says a man worked for A.W. Miller, in Chartiers township, who came from Maryland, and who knew Kisner's people. He said a brother of Frederick Eisner was at one time sheriff of the county in which the Kisners lived in Maryland. Kisner did not remain in the war until its close. Failing health compelled his retirement to civil life.

It is not ilkely that the football team will play any more games this saeson. D. F. Wilson attended a teachers' institute at Pleasant Grove, Hopewell township, Saturday. Joseph Willison says he lias seen football, and he has a mighty poor opinion of it.

He says church people who condemn an amusement like danMng and uphold football have very poor taste, while their consistency is minus quantity. He would rank football along with prize fights and bull fights. He does not think it should be tolerated in civilized Progress on Water Plant In another week it is expected that the erection of the dam for the water works will have been completed. There will still remain, however, the work of scalping off the surface of the land which the water in the dam is to cover. The work of putting down the main from the reservoir to town has been completed except across one field.

The work of building the reservoir is coming along nicely. Fish Market Sold Baail McMillan has sold theCanons-burg Fisli Market to V. B. Ealow, ho took charge of the business on Thursday morning. See Mr.

McMillan's notice in this issue of The Notes. IK ill exceutors' sale at the home of the late Joseph B. Willison. ifTTTMBf3B gf TM-ffnaffiaWTrnrrTMvwna TTITMT ftWimiMUtltL, It Doesn't Cost Yery m-cl fdrnitdr: Washington A sneak thief was captured by the A Story of the Dragoons and Bull Fighters. Specialties Between Acts PRICES, io, 20 and 30 Cents buy Handsome, well-made police last night and placed in the borough lockup after a chase.

The fellow admitted his guilt and gave When you buy from us. We are content with small profits onr expenses are comparatively light, and i divide profits witli ou? customers. uc A large stock of everything in the Furniture line. No matter what you are looking for, you'll find it in our rooms, See our Carpets and RugS. They are handsome as handsome can be, his name as Ed Easton and said his home was at Charleroi.

He will be given a hearing this morning on a iu agree jtn us when you i'ie arc cneap, quality goods ALEX SPEER, Local Happenings Born To John Foley. Greenside-ave, a daughter. Born To Joseph Bryant, South Canonsbnrg, daughter. It is now expected that the Episcopal church will be ready for occupancy before the 30th of December. West Pike-st.

Tbe best make of charge of larceny. The Tylerdale Connecting railway, taking mileage into consideartion, is the busiest corporation of the kind in the country these autumn days. One Snag Proof day this week 58 cars were handled for the factories located on the ilne. Contracts for buildings for the Jes- THE CANONSBURG TRANSFER s. sop steel Co.

have let to the amount of $81,000. New Crop New Orleans Molasses, A full line of choice fresh Groceries. Highest prices paid for No. 1 country produce. A special train will be run to Pitts WEATHER BULLETIN (Special to The Notes.) Washington, D.

0., Nov. 21, 1901. Official forecast for tonight and Friday For Western Pennsylvania Partly cloudy tonight and Friday; variable winds. burg on Saturday on account' of the W. and J.

-Indian football game at Exposition park. Work progresses rapidly on the Star Brewing pompany's brick building Felt AT HOUSTON, PA. No Larger Stock in Town. OUR STEEL RANGES Are of the best. Do not bny a range nntil yon have seen ours.

It may mean money in your pocket. Full Line (f general Mercbandisn along the Chartiers. railroad. R9 Enlow Proprietor HILFIGER ChfcckoroJ Front, Chartiers November 21. When wiU the trains on the Western Washington be put on? TJie roads are just now in splendid condition.

The farmers are busily "engaged in husking corn. The Midland Coal company, if is said, will drive an entry through from their mine No. 1, on Plum Run, to mine No. 2, 2H miles east of Hickory. An electric power house will be erected on what was the Hagerty farm, a mile northeast of McConneUs Mills.

W. B. Howell of Wheeling visited the Little Chartiers valley on Thursday. Blatch" lived at McConnens Mills when a boy and went to school at old No. 6.

The Rev. Mr. Thompson of Indiana will fill the pulpit of the Cross Roads U. P. church on Sabbath next.

Mr. SONS, Centra) -vr. near Railroad Station. Office and Stable Bell Phone 28. Notice Having sold the Canonsbnrg Fish Market to W.

R. Enlow, I wish through The Notes to thank the people of Canonsbnrg and vicinity for their generous patronage while in the business, and would respectfully ask that the same be accorded bit successor. Resectfully, BAZIL 'MILL AN. 2354 6 FOR SALE Delaine sheep; brood ewes and young sheep: good stock. All sound ana right.

Call on or address E. B. Boyle, Canonsbnrg, R.D. 40. Farm 3 miles southeast of Canons-fcnrg.

2347tf a ivaniDer oi Citizens 1 Bower Hill Bower Hill, Nov. 19. Services are being held at the Peters Creek U. P. church commencing on Thursday evening, November 14, and continuing until November 24, when communion services will be held.

There was an oyster supper at the Thompsonville hall given by the teacher and scholars of the Thompsonville school tonight. Proceeds will be used in purchasing an organ for the school. Mr. Jones and Mr. Whittaker gave an entertainment at the Bower Hill school house on Saturday evening.

A singing class will be held at Muntown by John Holloran of CAXOXSEl-RG fcave taken sdr.mraf to onr oner to I Washington Business College. Has more teachers and more students, more commodious and spacious school rooms.morc calls for bookkeepers and stenographers, better facilities for insruction than at any previous time in its history. The terras of tuition are more reasonable thau at other fjrt-rlas school. AU desiring a commercial education should address LOUIS VAN OEDEN, Washington, Pa. a srecialiv, sack Thanksgiving.

Please leave orders now for FIJI IT CAKE, ICE CREAM AND OUR FAMOUS MINCE PIES. IkyLurn's IL 1L LATBURN, Proprietor. A big line of la dies' dressing at Croriera. RYAN-DINSMORE STUDIO, jj; S.KiU-sLWA?HI.' fountian pen, 1 at Thompson preached for the Cross Roads people last simmer, and many Laughlin's Johnston's. Advertise your Public of them were pleased with him, and he is looked upon as a candidate for Toilet sets, brush, comb and mirror, LfiO to 7.

at W. Johnston's. the pulpit, which is now vacant ale in The Daily Notes Don't bay a pewin? machine until yon have seen Morgan MeKwen..

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