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The Perry Journal from Perry, Oklahoma • Page 4

The Perry Journali
Perry, Oklahoma
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AROUND SQUARE or MARRIED LlNEDEHAA JWeturw MfeN," rilelt ftM plcturluitton of novel tfotfy JWtfm ifftfttn, amatory fo fe Biflrfy fee Crtrfd One morn- at ifyro's at saw? Hwe arc attempt io hti re- fcfain irjvtrafiem Atw, is wntrinfnp to Meg sisfer (Kerf Sheldon, but is summoned info torfe Office ofcd Ifavc. the CHAPTER In (he Inner office Myra was tvt- tetttJJtlfag to conceal her impatience to get back to her own desk, while Gilbert explained sorts of papers to be made out. Wasn't that she distrusted Hei, oi- felt that the girl could not tie left alone with a man, but she knetv only too well Sheldon and his kltid. Furthermore, if he were really being divorced by -his wife Bhe didn't want her slater mixed up In any of the notoriety that was certain to attend such proceedings. Helens was a man of the world could easily play upoii tier and her sympathy if he were so Inclined.

And Myra plenty of experience stich than she cared for. Sbe was ncjt surprised, then, but she felt a little tremor of fear and unpleasant misgiving when she opened' the door and saw Sheldon making an annotation in a little red'book which he slowly put back ia his vest pocket when he noticed Myra in the doorway. Undoubtedly Helene's telephone number, she She'd have to give tne wcmld atmomioS twre. Gilbert ftnd Sheldon wera, ever, busily discussing the latest move of beautiful and temperamental Mrs. Sheldon.

"I tell you, Gilbert, I reallyttlnk she's going through with It this time," Sheldon -was explaining, "and of course ebe'll come to you 1 to handle the case. I just thought I'd let you kuow what wai happen-; ing. Let's see, thls'll be the flftli' time she's started to divorce won't It?" Gilbert laughed and turnedi to card index on hla desk, leafing through the notations there. "No. this ia only the fourth.

1 fiay; I ought to make you special rates. If thja keeps up. What's It this "0, the same old thing. Nlta'ti heard about the party I thro'W for that little French actrees, and she's raised a row ever since, I cau't imagine who told her." "Good Lord, Sheldon, I think heard about that. Even a private room.

at a roadhouae won't protect you when your guests wander all over the place and tell the world what's happening." "I suppose not," Sheldon sighed. "0, well, we might just as well get it over with. I like she's a good what a temper! I've never seen a woman who could throw as matiy lan- tr'uma over nothing as she can. I suppose it's the Spanish blood in her that causes it." "Well, I've only got one thing to sey to you, 1 Gilbert ad- vlaed. "Don't, whatever do, spread your affairs before the world while this is going on.

Of course, unless you don't care what comes out. Nita'll be ready to snatch at any straw, and you'll only get the other party into a hell of a mess because NHa will stop at nothing." looked up with an innocence that was -more, real than ehlldra talking to. Thero was TIO senqe In putting one's head noofe. So It was with flo- litettcffes that she spoke to SheUJpn. "Mr, Gilbert will see yon iio Will you com'e 1 "Thank you." Sheldon bowed low to Helene, and smile of friendliness plus a little gleam of, understanding, as though the two shared some secret.

And lie) ene, flatterod at the. attention of such a -back, "Helene," came over to the desk and put her arm about her sister's flhou'lders, "I don't want to seem preachy and prudish, but I'd be just a little careful of Huntloy Sheldon, If 1 wore you." "Why, Myra?" Helena lookod HP with an Innocence that was -moro real than aoe, dear, If he's getting a divorce certain to be a great deal of publicity about Myra explained. "And any girl Been IB liable to be Involved oven if there IH no reason for It whatsoever, Peoplo will guess and whlapor, And tho pa- porn will do morn than that I Juet didn't you to flirt with Mr. Sheldon or give htm any opportunity to flirt with you." "0, but Myra, I wasn't Hiding With him!" Helena opened hor big, blue and her archful lips puckered in a little pout. "Jloally, I wasn't.

And anyhow, ho'a awfully nice," Myra laughed. "Yea, I know. They all are. But If you hud to Seo as many of Uiom as I do, you'd begin to be juat a Uttlo "Well, It really didn't hurt to talk to him, did it?" Meicnn pleadingly. "0, no, I don't suppose so," Myra turned back to hor dunk "I wanted to warn you, that's all." "Hut, I'm old to lie let loose wltho.ul roy loasli, arisu i i Hulone giggled, but ahe eii Burreptltioualy now and again towarda Gilbert's ofllce, Jistcuiuss lor Bound of a cloaing door ituu "Well, I'll be aa careful aa I can.

But you I'M not used to hiding my light, bushol. I hate 1 "You there are other people who. 1 djjv not care to Jiave their llttlsjj secrets and yery Bitten, you do gremt deal of harm an Innocent party. I'm Just tejlljig yon, that's all." "All: Qilbort. I suppose you'rp right.

I'll try to he careful. And 'U NHa cornea In to sue you, you handle the caso as you think Of conree I won't It. You'll have clear Held to play on." Sheldon looked nt his "Got to run late appointment now. Sou' you Jn court, old not before. Awl of course I'll uettlo all bills.

send them 'round you're ready," The two men rose. Gilbert opnu od tho door of tho reception hall and sent Sheldon on his way, At the sound of the closing door rjelono gave a start, but subaidod immcxtiat.oly Into an unaccustomed oalm. She looked cautiously' at Myra to aoo whether her wlstor had noticed anything unusual. But Myru'8 bead waH bent over her papers and to all appearances aho was ongroflsod In hor work. She dltfn't goo any reason whatsoever why shouldn't talk to Huutley Sltoldun, or ovon sun him occasionally It eho wnntod to.

After all, ho really was attractive and he did have auch uu iilr about Mo probably (lainuul very and nil those flifngu in the papers wore mostly made up. He'd told' her so himself. So eho waited a few moments, and then slid lulflnrely off iho desk uiui I'liced Myra. "Woll, I guoua I'll toddle along, Sis," she siulled. you'll ask Leonard about tonight?" "Yon, I'll Myra raised her hi'ua ti-om her papora, looking itlatralt, "Where are you with Ilulph?" (To bo contlnwad) Which Carried Ms, Lindbergh To Mexico Sold Monday WUSHING'TON, P.

Dec. upon strict relaxation Aircraft war inunUions embargo Mexico 'the state de- today granted a license to government to purchase Ford plane in which JBvangcline Lindbergh flew from tv Mexico City. Witness Tn Remus Case Given Ten Days In Jail CINCINNATI, Dec. John 8. Uerger, Los Angeles witness tjeorgo 'Humus, was senti-need to 10 clays in and fined $250 ani.

costs and ordered in immediate- custody of the sheriff by Judge Cheste'- Shook todfiy for contempt of court in presenting petition signed by Remus' jurors seeking to haA'e perjury indictment sgajnst him, nolled. SHrhrijro 'sn't it Hint four hovsomcn' nntl E. tlill Rot rn the- form of government of OtvlnhoMin boitifj deiiieil hnvon't bonrd of anyone VUI-A up in nmio bornuse "their form 'of had Vmeonu' 1 or i 1 now the form of a As well ns rcmoiuhcr Sill of mpttinfrs whicb have bco)i hold, ihp cries of chambci'a of eom- nierce of the state and ail other organizations huve beorv against nnnrchy, whitSh the four horsemen and few of-their followers 'have iattempt.od to set uvi in irgnor ing the orders of the stfitp supreme don't Jcnow whether the legislnturo has a righf, to meet or not but we do know that thc'-su-' promo court sakl tha.t it did not have and wo know that when the si-preme cotn't acts on fe case in which we interested that their ruling is—Then why isn't that same true of Mr. -Kight, Mr. Johnson, Mr, Hill and Mr.

are just, citizens like you or I and in fact I-am inclined to believe that oven you or I are a little more useful to -the state for we certainly have not made' the state the laughing stock of a number of the eastern have watched boys play marbles when one seemed to Tiave fill of the luck and then the others wanted to'borrow his lucky marble with which he did the is the way present house appears to seemed to have lost scnne of their luck and they "want' -to know why the governor would, not let them speak from the same platform that he spoke, from 'on Monday Too bacl wasn't it And they want him to answer that for Little boys sure do have when they get out from under the wing of someone to take care of should do something for these boys for some way or otKer I'don't recall the people of the state elected them as king, emperor, dictator, minister of state, czar or fact I am sure they were'only selected 5 'to represent a small portion of the state and haven't heard any of their people crying because that the state of Oklahoma was becoming to me as 1 1 V. A i lite Intnl. iH by, his fnntlly itfcomot tmi'dt-inu, ho vlntis hln own family's hr i ha i i a ihnni'o 'lo n'il hixiU' a hfycfar for food, Hiii'i ho donloa ( IIP not have homo, that a and ho (loop tuil diM'losp bis idf-ntiiy II' 1 nirtji to Oir pjid our! ihf odnilri 1 him for tlii if not fur lifti The rin-hlmjv? in fit welt Into "rum li tiinc 1 of yniii" iiiul lo the. n( Professor Ciivcn ProfcHSTonal las; 'poor though they wore a darn bunch of losers anrl they: been 'wnlpped at' every like to see tlie anrl the injunctions handed down by the supreme coftrji and the judges of Oklahoma! 'dia- court, 'also believe that tfiose around tho square want feo'soc the same; thing. THE WAV OF ALL FLESH One of the: best pictures and in many roHpec-ts "WluUV Glory" was "Tho Way of All Flosh lit tho Isls theatre on Sun- flay and Monday night.

John Huston cloaorvtw for that picture to Perry just ns Henry Ta.k- deserved to lie winmomlod for bringing tlio fnmoiis war picture? to Pnrry. In both in.slant'ips Pnrry gave Its oiulorsonuuit approval iiirn- iug out to see the pictures. Mull jMimiiitfH proved thai, ho was a Hupor-Hjnr for OurhiK that picture. Hu wont (In-iiiiKh from a useful dt- izon of inlddli! opii to an old man, wiio luul urrored. who had siniUHl and wlio paid the as a man should pay UL Ho wan a Om-inan I'athor with his little Uonuau family, loved, honored and respected.

A (rust od In his tiands I'arrieil him to Chic atvo, the, admiration for a hlomlo, for HOUR' and 1'ur wluo, proved his undoing. He was robbod, made and a inurdoror in self defense. Hut (he world Mionglif lha( Uie one ho imir was him. He lei tin 1 world Uoop thinking this Cor died according to For colds, grip and fly tako alotabs the congestion, and haeteoa recovery, Icnvn, Doc. Tho professional doprroo, Mecliaiiica! EiiRrmcer, was eonfcrrod OTI H.

0. TJiupscti, nssociate professor o- iti- dustrinl enginocrinK at the OkhYhonm A. and M. college, durinK the first qviarter comrncMiccment excvcisca, cl' tho Iowa Slate college' Pro'fos- sov Thucshn reroivwl his Bachclov's (IcgTOo from the Tow'si Stnte oftllcpfc and now i-eceivea liis pvofesaional de. grcc in recognition of succ.essful work in the practical field for a number of years and 'presentation of a thesis.

Mrs. ttwm nnd Ctirt t-lpnn of Mr. niul. ISfrs. Nirr, Mrs.

Wilson and Mrs. Hoover Friday visitors in Enid. TCtiknk is working for tho JVHdco Oil Cornpnny nt preannt. Th.e children of tho school doeorate.fl -school last Friday-nf- tevnbon for Christmas. The.

clomesylie girls week about propariiuj lui't the inipilw of the school. Mrs. Durkeo daughtor Mrs. Kukuk visited In Perry December 15. Mrs.

6na Kindt went to Terry last Thursday on business. W. P. Craig and 'son and daughter were visitors in the Kindt, home Wednesday evening. Mrs.

Green, Mrs. Mayfleld and Mrs. Kindt were in Billings one clay last week. Mrs. Green and Mrs.

Kindt were in-ithe ChristopU liome in i'Hackwell last. Sunday. OAK NEWS Those who Av.cre neither absent or tardy the past month are: Elmev Margaret Ilenn, Charles and IVfariaTielcl Jerome. Christmas quests at the S. S.

Tatc home were Mr. and "Airs. Wm. Henn, Mr. and.

Mrs. K. 'A. Heml and child- Mr. and Mrs.

TV. F. and children, Mrs. Merl Harmon, and son Margaret Ilenn arid 'Miss Lydia Henn and Carl Henn of Arkansas. We Wave onr new swings up and our basketball ciiiirt fixed.

Mr. ancI--'MrK. R. R. Johnson and spent Christmas at the- Fred Frederick- home.

Mr, and Mrs. Carl Henn and son drove' over from Arkansas to spend 'Christinas' vacation with 'Mrs. Henn spent Christmas with hei. mother in Oklahoma City. Mr Mrs.

A. Henn, Mr. and Mrs, II. A. Henn and family, My.

and Tho Homo of tho Paramount Pictures THOMAS MEIGHAN In "TIN CrODS" with RENEE ADOBEE and AILEEN An AlU-'i Ihviin ALSO EDUCATIONAL COMEDY and WEDNESDAY- ONLY Au Aciii'u AttraclUm THE NEW FORD This putmv sliuws tho actual in uu king I'Din to t'inishi'ii CLARA BOW and ESTHER RALSTON iii CHILDREN OF DIVORCE A Special Children Adults; 25o cvK'lc Covlnffton aponl f'hn'st- wiHi homo nnd A'frs. A. Brat'lh nro vififinft nf Uio IX SmJUt home. (liviHdnas Vacalion Means Twice AH Much Wijrk For Agjric Squad KTTUAViATKR, Doc. simply twice JIH much work as to niombnra of Iho Oklahoma A.

onr! M. iollog-c kc-lbnll Hinind. For C'oarh Mnul- has ashc'tl all crtnctidatcs fiv 1 Irani lo report immotTmtc'ly after two workouts daily instead of'the custornary vesilmed Juntiary 3. Tjong strenuoiiH workouts arc in Tor tho Ajygios with particulai paid l.o ati offonso tliat will 'v-ork tho -hall down the floor -rapidly ami made the best use of the miturii) talents of 1 Ab and Dolbcrt socm destined to be thi 1 forwards on the 1928 W.iliue Collins and Paul Wilson ire wnping-'a ni.erry for tlus center position. So'far'-Collins seems to liavc the 'advantage because of h'tf superior and added experience.

Captain Olen bait on is almost to start atone of the guard por.ittoris rf le.c does not bother him any more Pattovon and seem to have the- edge on other candidates for the second guard. Patterson is. a larger man but Myers has had plenty of experience and lo a xir ho Douglas WliHo k-tter man ai; for- from 3ast year, will be eligibli- k. the aflor holidays and will a-Jfi considerable reserve ab'JHty -V a-f' guard positions may 'dovolop general man of the Mf-Coy is -i le'tcr man from las' year. Jnst'-aa the.major part, of tho sIn- Is retnrnlng to A.

aml'M. to complete, first semester, the basketball squad will leave on its first and longest, northern trip. Starting with college 0 January. 5 tho Aggies will meet Drake Uni- vei-sity and Iowa State college on successive nights, This series of games is the only one during- the season In which the Aggies play three nights in succession. -fact 'that the Gymnasium is small and may handicap the A.

and M. Both the Drake Iowa State floors are of the regulations sixn. After returning home, the Aggies tackle Kansas 'University and the Too Aflcn Few Wodcs At Sfato School men life id JffiHt hoallhfiil for if one to believe Michticl AfcDonald, quailc-rmuiil'i, Oklnhomn A. and M. college.

'('np'n 1 whose duty it ia to i Sue and what not to the cadeia, pirtU'8 fhaf the studm'f In accumulate Ore "mwrtl.i i 1 1 for, aflf'i- a short j.tny the re, incessant fompl.iinl 1 (c if-' I the Hmnllnt'ss oj' ttie lo come in and tinincroui r-hrnjc' 1 have to bo made. In most if 'is -necessary for the student to cbn unifonn of Jarfjer proportions. fAHTKr? Biifiiii'ws Carlcr vln- inity good tliifi Dill. PON'CA CITY- UuiHfng permit sued lioro during October Ada if! exporiene.injj. frrentoKl.

orn of building an i.k'xnaiiHion this THEATRE Oj.rn 1 irt 11 1 Him Grand Opera House a Tonight and Wednesday am 'GOLD FEOM Alfi'o Punnl Short" Sr Open The Annex is decorated. overhauled and horp running full Cot Inn RiKhi, of of 31-co here visited l.iy (J of OiUonChamber of Commerce for jl.ivating friendly relations. fields of completed for Oklahoma Geological ALL A PEE ArfiHlic ftt sjilo. priffM. T'ftJntingi- paper ticr, l-'riccs rea f.

I'lionc B. L. THOMAS GET- YOUR 'POULTRY is a prescription for Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria, It kills the germs. 0 I) 0 tt A Photic 69 ALL PATRONS Who did not tlmir cook, books are kindly to call for tli West Square Phone 263 CITY TRANSFER your istrrvir-i'. Biuviiij! piano and funiitun- or any kind of "banling, Call JOE WAGONER BSANT S03ST GARAGE Washing, greas- storaKO and exjiert -'ineehan-' icaJ" sfrrvipe on any mafjc.

I'hone 380" W.B.EIWGLBB'. AUTOMOBILE' TOP RKPA.JS8 AND TOP RECOVBaiNG We Alw Repair Bide Oartilita O.N AUTO KOW Estate, Insurance and Telephone. No. 234 Room Btdg. WALTER fit.

HODSDON Oil nnd Gas Representative Henry L. Iiivtstmciit Office Noble County Abst. Go. Bldg. Phones: Office.

121, It fi52 G. OLAEK COMPAQ North Bide Square, Real Estate, JBsutaJs, Losim Lnsnraaw, Oil PropertieJi PSRRY, OKLAHOHA FUonea, Offlee ISO; Will be shown in picture form at Mie Wednesday, December 28 MATINEE AND EVENING- Every detail of construction of the new Model A Motor. BRANT SON GARAGE 731 0 Smvt- C.ii' December Don't miss it if you are interested in the mec hanical features of The New Ford Car. COMPANY Auto Row Phone 161 Expert Ri'D-iir work our storage Auto How FLORAL TKKEMAN MUHQEJfc Piowem Jor every occsfiios Flowers a We ia)w particular Urary of the very best cut BLOOMING AT DUB sou SB ALL, iBuea Call Phonal 0, 221-J or Ed At Timt- for "Fiowerf livery Flowers (sent aaywhww by Werners service..

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