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The Wilmington Morning Star from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 7

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WILMINGTON MORNING STAR, WILMINGTON, N. Cs MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1922. rz- SOUTHERN MILL STOCKS I Qnoted by 8t. Dickson and Company I Shitming News WANT ADS YOU WILL FIND i THE "MORNING STAB WANT AD PAGES SURE BUSINESS GETTERS -1; Wi -5 ft i tfl, it For Sale Miscellaneous (6) Excitement Created at Cerro Gordo by Mad Dog (Special to the Star) (ic Rnn Nnv i a a hit excitement was evident among the res- menu oi iieiu oncci vany nuay morning when it was reported that a mad dog had entered the town by Cherry street and left in the direction of Chadbourn, traxelihg the highway out of town. Reports coming into town by farmers from practically all points in the coun try serves to point out that the 1229 sweet potato crop Is a record-breaker Several planters report a higher aver age than 200 bushels of selected pota toes to the acre.

Wednesday a circle of the high school seniors organized the Barn- hardt Literary society, with Ralph Nance as president, and other officers as follows: Miss Ruth Inman, vice-president; Miss Gatcey Nance, secretary and treasurer; Lee O. Green, first supervisor; Miss Mary' Butler, second supervisor, and Talmadse Green, as critic. The society was named in honor of Mrs. Agnes Earnhardt, who is pleasantly remembered as having served as principal in the school for the past two years prior to Professor McCormick. The first meeting of the circle since the formation will be held Friday afternoon of this week.

Mrs. C. Boswell and little son, Charles Willis, who have been spending the summer and autumn months in Newport News, arrived Friday afternoon and will be with relatives a few days before proceeding on to their winter home in Tampa, Fla. FLORIDA BEATS MISSISSIPPI TAMPA, University of Florida football team recovered the defense of Mississippi college heie yesterday after the latter played the Gators off their feet for a full quarter, and smashed away to a 58 to 0 victory. FOR SALE AT CAPOLIXA SHIPYARD BUILDIAG, 3IATERIAL, PLUMB-IXG AND ELECTTtlCAL FIXTURES AND SUPPLIES, IACHLEHV, TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT.

SEE am. KOT-UICKE. 11-2-tfo RUBBER STAMPS manufactured nt short notice; printing, ruling, binding; maij orders given prompt attention. Carolina Printing Stamp Grace 8t- Wilmington. N.

fj. 9-26-tfc Automobiles (7) FOR SALE Oakland Roadster; newlj painted; new tires; engine just overhauled; this car is in fine condition throughout; may be seen at Hanove; Drug company; phone 266; Seventh and Castle Sts. 7n -7-7t FOR SALE Dodge touring car in good condition, good tires. Sell reasonable. See MatMilllan and 'Marshburn.

ll-13-3t-dh FOR SALE Chevrolet Touring car 490. Will trade for real estate or cattle. Address 490, care Star. ll-12-2t Wanted, Rooma, Houses tl2) WANTED To rent high class five or six-room home, unfurnished, in Carolina Place. Mr.

Hines, care Stieff Piano Co. ll-9-7t WANTED Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping by a couple with one child two years old. Address E. care Star. 11-13-lt Business Opportunities (4) MONEY IN COTTON $10 buys guarantees on 20 bales cotton.

No further risk. Movement of $10 bale opportunity take $200, etc. Particulars, market letter free. Investors guide. itoom 8so, t3 wall street.

New York ll-f-t! SITUATION BAND SAWYER OPEN for position 6 years experience with pine cypress and hard wood- sober minded and sturdy, answer lawyer" care Star. ll-7-7t WANTED POSITION by young man; have had both clearical and stenographic experience; now employed but wish to make change. Address care Star. ll-12-2t TNTnTVTF'V TO a.UiN.kl lO LdhuuLf 20 MONEY TO L32ND Unlimited amount Quick money, long time, $3,000 small- est man, improved real estate only. Franklin Ins.

Realty Loulsbuf. N. C. 10-26-tio Rankin Warns Against Fake "Eye Specialists" t4tttitt -K- -NUV- ine state ooara VATFn I I i I I i VESSELS IN PORT SGhr. City 6f Baltimore, 285 tons (in distress).

C. D. Maffltt Ac Co. Schr. Josephine 859 tons (in distress), C.

D. Mafntt Co. Barge, Richard I. C. D.

MamU and company. Schf. Courtney C. Houck, 1,357 net tons, bound from Tampa to Baltimore, in Southport for fuel. Str.

C. A. Snyder, 2,200 tons sulphur. Str. Mundale, B.

F. Smith master, 1,475 tons sulphur. INBOUND Str. San Lamberto from liol-iand, with cargo of fertiliser materials. Schr.

Helen Barnett Gring from Tampa, witn cargo of phosphate rock. Barfs Trent from Baltimore, Diamond Steamboat and WrecKing "ay. ders for cotton goods from a wide circle of customers. Lines of holiday oods are showing broader movement. Manufactuf ers of sweaters and fancy knit goods are now swamped with orders and are not able to supply distributers' demands.

A like Situation is indicated for the wholesale distributers, owing to late buying on the part of retailers this season. Mills' prices on long brushed wpol skating and motoring gloves for next year are considerably advanced. Collections are satisfactory. Afrttttl ta t3eiartnrf of Trains WILMINGTON, N. C.

ATLANTIC COAST LINE Effective September 11, 1922 L)epar. Arrive. Raleigh North. 1:00 A.M. 5:30 -c South Sleeper to Columbia Open 10 P.

M. 8:15 AM jNorth 6:05 P.M 3:30 P.M... South WeSt 3:00 P.M... New Bern P.M. 8:30 A.M,..

Fayetteville 8:00 P.M. Sleeper to Atlanta Favettevill 7:00 P.M North Sleepers to Washington and No- blk Daily to Goldsboro, but does not run to Richmond and Norfolk on Sundavs. Thur. and Sat. only.

For Information, i'hone luW SlE ABOARD AIR LINE Effective Not-ember 12 1922 Depart Dally Arrive 4:00 AM Charlotte 12:15 A.M. Sleeper to Charlotte open 10 p. m. 8 10A.M... 3:30 P.M ChaHotte .12:20 P.M.

Parlor Car to Charlotte For Further Inf ormittin Phone 178 HARDWARE BLAKE BROWN CO. 129 Princess Street electrkTal SUPPLIES Phone 232 BUILDUPS' tVPLIKi W. B. THORPE CO. CIVIL ENGINEER Wllmingto, North Carolinn Phone 2152-J SUBURBAN SCHEDULE Tide Water Puwer Co.

In Effect Snriday, October 15, 1022 EASTBOUND WESTBOUND Leave Leave Wllininj ton for Beach icach AVlr-ington Lea-i fcr AV. twington Wilming ton for Wrights vlUe, Newton's 72-yard run in the second quarter for a 'touchdown was the fea-iimiini; ture of the game. Parks, a substitute. rr WILL PAY YOU TTRERAL USE TV" SIAF prANT PAGES lriE MORNING STAR Classified Rates -rivp words or less in 23j each insertion; lo national word. -r pLACH-fACE TYPE ADS rv, VM Y-FIVF WORDS OR srCK TYPE, 5rt i i A I III 3TJON AL WORD.

-cjtce-, rnjfraphed, and Js strictly eaab noi fruaranteeJ p- p. M. CLASSIFIED a.J CABS OF blORNINU STAR ARB STiUCTLY CONFI DENTIAjL. miming Star wilV Only r-e r. s't le for the first Incorrect of any advertisement.

of -keys" or errors wn'i-h lo ot lessen tho value oJ no advertisements will not be v.rr c.tMi by "make good" inasr- Urnt Ad Department. Pho.e si Help Wanted (1) WANTLl'-com -News boys to eell 8-page art's Amorican. See Gordon r.ncess phone 745. 10-21-tic -At once, stenographer and -isiant; state experience. -Wiiiteville Lumber X.

C. ll-ll-3tc -cnmpetent and experienced begin at once, good man. Single man pre-ot salary. Apply Box 12(V. N.

C. ll-12-7tc MH'vlil FOR CITY; GOOU AP pi AND PLEASING sD TO REPRESENT OLD ES- 'i AI.ISHi:i Hl'SINESS; MUST BE A LASS MAN. SEE MR. HINES STKH'F PIANO CO. ll-12-7te One who is intelligent, and a hard worker, to r-rr-ee-nt a reliable and well estab-; 1-, manufacturer in the state of North Carolina.

Salary and bonus with i-s advanced. In replj give ref-. sales experience, age and f. nunil'er to insure prompt in-r- if w. Dux.

No. 700, c-o Star. ll-X2-3tc Special Notices AND TENTS niads to order; un'iolster-ng; furniture repaired; autc topping, no job too large or too small, tatiaiaction guaranteed. B. G.

Kir. is. Front phone 411. 2-21-tfc Pit EL Our Compound BLyclc I ty is maintained for u. It u-fis no more to have your ug store r.ft-ds delivered than it does out thorn.

Call us day or Phones 192 193. Hall's Drug Fifth Castle Sts. 11-S-tfc HINDU ASTRC'LOGIST Trance Med ium. Dr. Hrnihia, world's noted eolum tells your life story from the Remember that the stars told the l.irth of Christ and those stars "i guile you thrjush life; if you are orrierl.

troabled and discouraged on affair of human life, send me the "ote ymr birth, 25 cents in coin to eai expense and I will send a ii-Toscope that will be of im- you. Address Dr, W. E. Pim; Lock Box 1088, Savannah, Ga. ll-7-7t T'THPLAY of medium and :ii.ure at 213 Frotit street.

l.iSr'l Fiirnitiire Inc. ll-12-2tc YO FRIENDS at the O'Berry Co. Sodas, cigars, magazines. Tables for hildren. 11-4-tfc.

an 1 PUR.viSH anything for your of- ruled form, stationery. i'jverusTig blotters. lithographing. printing, engraving, ather rtising novelties. Harriss r.t:?.- Advertising Wil- ncton.

X. 10-8-tf-c AK PIi 'TURKS I have a nice lilms of the parade and oth- Headquarters for parade --ifle Dillie, 101 1-2 Prinaessl I' N. C. ll-12-3tc For Rent Rooms and Houses I-on Two furnished lartre ijnn.s for two couDles or eentlemen. adjoining.

Steam heat. 1 Diione. Private home. Ref-rviKv3 x-hunged. 806 Ocange street.

10-22-tfdh. Vyd pp 3-room apartment, with Purnished; also suitable lo--business; 111 Chestnut 11-2-tfc bath; -a f- flits V-CLASS room and board, or tabie hoard, up-to-date place, irm, call at 201 North r-r phone 2387-J. 10-4-tf 4-room house with 19 ood farjriir land in East nun; Apply 420 Walnut or ll-9-7t -2 larere front rooms, fur-Ptrht housekeeping; lights, I OR f'r nitncLS; 510 South Front; ll-8-7t Onp furnished room. Ap-ilnut or phone 1003-W. ll-ll-3t OF'.

5( PKX Two nice unfurnished modern convenience; rent f'astle St. ll-12-2t Seeds and Plants (9) riimnuivc iuinoi os, tu 1 iritid I Rhvn, Hnnioi- Mf ro Gastonla, Greenville, S. Corrected November 10, 1922. too as Acme Spinning (Jo. lOGj 101 A in Ultt 1 American Spinning Co Am.

l'tti'ii and Pi oc. Co. Am. Yarn and Proc. Co.

pf Anderson Cotton Mills 275 lit 111 110 103 111) Arlington Ootton Mills i 200 Alagon Cotton xViilla (S; 215 2d0 Aicaut Cotton i i Arrow Mills 120 2ol Augusta factory lie. xieiton Mills 47:.... Belton Cotton Mills, pfd. Bibb JMJj. Co.

S2: 170 114121 i 100 144 147 215 Brogon clffnottnViita vjabarrus Cotton Mills Cabarrus Cotton ivi.Us. pfd AU6. 1021 104 Chadwick-ltos. (par J2S3.) i Vnfawi.GKilosltiss ptd Chiauola Mfsr. Co.

10 881 I 1 4 5 1 GhiQuola M.ig. fc ainoun Aims Canning Mffg. Co. 250 96 101 169 120i 121 ciover Mills Climax Sp.nning Co Crescent Spinning Co, Columbus Mfg. (Ga.) Converse, D.

E. Co. Darlington Mffg. Co 185 125 79 117 65 224 126 98 80 21 ,195 uixon Drayton Mills Dresaen Cotton Mills lUUVait 133 Dubean Mills, pfd Durham Hosiery, pfd Di'-aam Hosiery Kastern Mfg. Co.

Eagle diid Phvenlat (Ua.) Efird Mfg. CO. linterpi Mfg. Co. lUa.) Erwin Cotton Mills Co.

Krwin Cotton Mills Co. pfd. Flint Mfg. Co. Gaffney Mffg.

Co Gibson Mfg. Co. uiooe Yarn Mills (N. Gray Mfg. Co Glentvood Cotton Mills 140 141 310 104 150, 173 95 201 2 200 70 250 1 lit.

110 119 175 110 45 Gluck Mills Ureehwood Cotton Mills Grendel Mills Grendel Mills, pfd. (par Graniteville Mfg. Co Hamrick Mills Hanes, P. Knitting Co Hanes, P. H.

KniUihg CO. pfd Henrietta ofd Hillside Cotton Mills (Oa.) Huntef Mfg. Co. 7 pfd Inman Milts lnmar. Mills, pfd Jennings Cotton Mills 1201 136 15 17 1011 1061 109 20U 100 105 100 225 280 luu 155 198 136 90; i65 113 89 97 120 127, 79, 100 JUdgsdn Mills Judeon Mulfc pfd Kii riff, Jha.

P. Mfg. Co. Lancaster Cotton Mills i 24V i 92 100 176 Limestone Mills Linford Mills Lola Mffg. Co locke Cotton Mills Cb Laurens Cottons Mills Marlboro Cottoh Mills Mills Mill Mills Mill pfd Monarch Mills (S.

Mollohn Mffg. Co. Muagrove Cottdn Mills Alyers Mills Myrtle Mills National Yarn Mills Newberry cotton Mills Orf Cottoh Mills Oi-r Cotton Mills, pfd Parkdale Mills Pacolet Mfg. Co Pacolet Mfg. bfd.

Mi 82 72 104 160 138 119 96 122 165 100 121 131 pei" (If co gttT Spinnin Poe Fj -yv. Mfg. Piedmont Mfg. Co. (S.

1331 125 91 119 103 Co. 95 123 4 64 87 86 Mfg. Co. Ponsette Mills Priscilla Spinning Co i.l 60 Hanio Mig. o.

4j n1in 125 i juver'side Mills (par 'iyerside atiti. Dan River 60 9 li 10 JJ8-5 30P Kierside and Dan Rwer, pfd J.02 90 102 99 99 104 nowan v-uuuu vu 9i 104 fine saxon Mills Seminole Cotton Mills Co. Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) 901 97 loo 100 45, 1 srt Spartan Mills Sterling Spinflihg Go, i Yarn Mills roxary Mills (par WoO) jjnion Buffalo Mills 951.100 32.

401 Lnion Bullalo Mills, 1st 931 94 41 43 113 115 10f jv. 94 1001 100 163 7wt 73 3-401 230. 1211 126 91 200 uniwn cuumu iUius, nu-pcao luiut -xwiiix iiuj i vu ictorMohaghon Co Vietcr-Monaghon pfd. Victory Yarn Mills Cd. Victory 8 per pfd Ware ShoaiS Mfs; Co.

Watts Mills, 1st pfd Watts Mills, 2nd ftfd Wingate Yarn MiA fJtn Wimamsten Mills iiiitiuuiuii 'i-iii' Wooojs'ide Cotton Mills wooasiae uotton inis, pfd Woodruff Cotton Mills "WEEKLY REVIEW OF" TRADE CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Wholesale dry goods business has steadied vto.a normal seasonable activity which is e- iiccicu iu tunuuur uuhum me ottiance i of the year. Road sal-s are running aneaa oi corresponaing weeK ot last year, Dotn in voiumer and number of orders. Extraordiftftry rise in raw cotton this week has stimulated inquiries and or- BY STANLEY ROBBERS of health issued a warning top1 tn U.

S. DEPART5IENT AGRICULTURE WEATHER BUREAU Wilmington, N. Nov. 13, 1922. Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending at i.

m. yesterday.) Humidity Recod Dry Wet bulb bulb humidity temp, temp- per cent 8:00 a. m. 12 noon 8:00 p. m.

T. 54 52 SS 72 60 43 63 68 Jl Temperature: Maximum, minimum, 50; mean, 63. Rainfall: Total for the day, total since first cf the month, .03. Sun rises a. Sun sets .5:10 p.

m. Tide Ulsh. Wilmington 4:28 a.m. .4:59 p.m. Masonboro Inlet 1:40 a.m.

2:09 p.m. Low. 11:53 a.m. a.m, 8:53 p.m. Stage of river at Ff.yettevllle at a.

nt. yesteraay 4 feet. WKATHT5R BUREAU REPORTS. Ik a a 5h lift Asheville clear4- 70 38 52 58 60 eo 44 72 70 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00" .08 .00 :00 .00 Atlanta clear 72 78 74 Birmingham Charleston clear Charleston 74 Charlotte Galveston Jacksonville Memphis clear 72 78 76 78 .78 66 74 76 pt cldy clear N. Orleans 66 New York Cloudyl 50 60 Savannah Wamington Markets NAVAL STORES.

SPIRITS TURPENTINE Nothing doing. KOSIN Nothing doing. PINE TAR Per gallon 15c. PINE "TAR lit country pine $3.50. CRUDE Virgin and yellow dip $5.25: scrape $4.25.

PROifbCK. BEEF 7c to 9ci; VEAL 8c to 10c. PIG PORK 10c to 15cs BACON (N, Hams 30e to 35c. Bides and shoulders, 18c to 20c. CAKE TALLOW 5c.

BEESWAX 20 c. HlDES-7c to Sc. WOOi 18c. HfiNS 22e dull. YOUNG CHICKENS 25 to 28c lb.

EGGS 35c BUT Dull. 30c IRIS1' POTATOES No. 1, $4.25 a bag. SWEET POTATOES 40 to 50c. rf.Vfec to 4c pound.

PEANUTS, Prices iaid producer: North Carolina New crop, 75c. Virginia New crop 66c. Spahisli-New Crop, $1.00. E. J.

SCHADT Watch Specialist and Jewfer Royal Theater Building WILMINGTON N. Ci We Have for Sale A selected list ot High Grade Bonds llafing from to per cent and High Grade Preferred Stocks paying from 1 to gper cent In amounts front $100.00 and upward Special attention given the problems of he small Investor C. P. BOLLES CO. Phone 28 606 MurchlsOtt Bank Building E.

S. PIVER CO. Victory and Homnkcr Fnrnnces 20 and lO-year Rarrett Specification Hoofing Gbern) Line of sheet metal vrork 'and roofing 9 8. Second Street Telephone 96 Wllmlnartn. IS.

Condition I LIABILITIES Capital Stock 1,000,000.00 Surplus and N' Profits 1,165,310.09 Reserved fdr Taxes 75, 000. Of Circulation 695,300.00 Deposits 10,018,061.94 Total $12,853,672.03 i Telephone No. 993 For Sale Miscellaneous (6) BRICK Kiln run 75 per cent hard; shipments within forty-eight hjourB aUer receipt of order, Laytor. Brick Works, Mai ion. S.

C. 9-16-tfc HUNTING SEASON is open. We have a complete line of shot guns, such makes as Remington, Winchester, L. C. Smith, Lefevre.

Bake and Itnaca, a' tow prices; a full lint of ammunition; a call -will convince you. At Charier Finkelsteln's, 8 S. Front phone 64. 9-iO-tfc PHONE 2177 for wood of all kind's; delivered anywhere in the city; prompt service. ll-8-14t FOR SALE At once household outfit looks like new, and one 5-passenger car all going at a real bargain.

Parties leaving city. Can be seen at 112 Woos-ter street. 11-13-t PIA'NU Player Planes tit t5 Grand. also The New Edison, in hono-graph with a soul, tor sale Co. Phone 777.

Tilgbet uuallt musical Instruments: odor at prices; easy payments 2-26-afo FOR VOOD I have most any kind you want, ranging in price from $1.75 to $3.00 per load, delivered anywhere in the city. I will also deliver out town if desired. C. G. Southerland, phone 281.

11-122-tfo A CABINET GAS RANGE for Sale at a bargain, slightly used at1 People's Furniture 213 N. Front St. ll-12-2t; 9 -PIECE OAK DINING Room S-uit at a bargain to be sold for storage Monday at People's Furniture 213 N. Front street. ll-12-2tc IN ORDER to compete with some of my competitors, I have been forced to buy a car of good dry slab wood.

I will sell this at $1.75 per load, delivered; straight pine, oak. $2.50. C. G. Southerland; phone 281.

11-11-tfc FOR SALE Gas Heater in perfect condition. $5.00. Call Phone 2203-J. ll-12-2t PIANOS pianos, Columbia Grafonolaa; oc easy payments; In struments fully guaranteed; latest Co "umbia records; acents toj -Gibson maiidollna axid guitars. A.

i Topff Plane S09 Princess. Phone 313. -37-tfe MACHINERY FOR SALE Shafting, one to six inches, pulleys, hangers, boxes, pipes, flues, bcilers, engines, saw mills, stacks, saw guides, machinery parts of every description and railroad, contractors, ptaning mill and machine shop equipment. Oliver Carter, 210 South Front street. Wilmington, N.

C. li-5-80tc GOOD USED MACHINERY FOR SALE: One 60 h. p. -saw mill outfit Complete; one 8x12 skidding engine and boiler complete; one Marion steam shovel with extra boom; one 18x20 balanced valve engine; one 14xi6 balanced valve engine; one 64-inch band Yates make; one twin circular tie-making machine: one large boiler feed pump: one heavv. Irani 1'Ower, screw "'heel prcs; one complet" 14 k.

vr. electric generator un.l engine; on heavy Stearns 18-inoa ang edger; one heavy Stearns 5-saw boprd trimmer; one 40 h. p. vertical boiler for 100 lbs. steam; two 4-inch' steam valves for 10-inch gun.

All in first class condition. Address Box 269, Summerville, S. C. ll-ll-7lc BARBECUE AND OYSTERS ROASTED. SERVE IN SANitary conditio.

have had several Years Experience in barbecuing for the public, now we are prepared to serve in or out of town for any occasion. dr. suggs' cafe, 809 casTLE ST. ll-8-5t FOR SALE Wood. Pine wood bone dry.

$2.00, oak wood, $2.50. Delivered everywhere in the city. Phone 942-W. U-7-7t PIANOS Player pianos; some specials in nign fraue mail uiueii 10 un ensjr Stie'ffs, 208 Princess St. ll-9-7tc i terms 0 WOOD, WOOD.

WOOD For nice pin or hard wood, call Williams' Wood Yard; phone ll-S-7tc Room and Board (13) BOARD AND ROOM nice large front room, southwest exposure suitable for ccunle or two or three gentlemen, close in 2.23 South SecondT Phone 2214-L-3- Miss Keyes. ll-7-7t Poultry, Eggs, Livestock (8) COWS! COWS! COWS! I have just received 25 nice Milch cows which I have sale at my place on Castle Hayne road; one mile from town. J. P. Newton, Phone 599, ring 1.

ll-12-3t COWS FOR SALE We have for sale at Echo Farm, some or the best cows ever offered for sale in this section. They are large, heavy milking, high' e-rade Holsteins and Guernseys. Some are fresh now, others freshen soon. All are tuberculin tested and guaranteed to be as represented. We have a large herd for you to select from ana will sell one or a car load.

Address all letters to A. C. McEachern, Wilmington, N. C. Phone either 1538, 310 or 124 and you will get service.

ll-12-2t Wanted. iscellaneous (5) WANT Steam anl French cleaning, a'erations and repairing, sponging and "pressing; auto delivery. Willard Dry Cleaning 17 Princess street. City phone 855. 7-23-tfc.

DEEP WELL. DRILjLINO All slses up to 12-inch welJ. Tanks and motors installed for pumping. General ouoid repairing. Guthris ft-nd Yopp.

209 Prln cess. Phone 81. 4-lt-tfo Lost and Found (10) LOST Sterling silver card case, engraved, Mrs. J. R.

Boylcin, Hamlet, N. lost probably near legion hut. Return to Dr. Koonce's office. 12-2t LOST Bird dog, by name of "Joe;" marks; black head, white all over body, black ring around tail; about four years old; heavy built; very friendly; reward.

Mr. B. Fred Banck, 106 Red Cross 11-8-tfc 'It 1 1. 3r i at ft i 1 it 11- hi III i -1i 111! i 1 i- ti I HI (starred for the Cljoctaws, making their beSt Continue Guerard Case Until ecember Court RALEIGH, Nov. 12.

Criminal action against W. V. Guerard, former kleagle of the Ku Klux Klan, charged with embezzlement of approxi- Uately $4,000 of funds belonging to the klan. will not be tried before De- member under continuation granted by Judtre C. C.

Lyon. The case scheduled for trial Monday at a special term of court in Wake county, was continued Saturday on the Dlea of the defense following the bill of particulars furnished by Solicitor i.i,0ft V. Norris. amnliiying aetaiis necessary to secure depositions from i witnesses in Atlanta. "rpi, i.m nf.

nartinilars name C. E. nnd j. c. l.iM nt.

narTH' Mais uauic Geld as nersuns wnu "funds covering membership fees in the order which, it is alleged. (luerard failed to turn over to tne At- lantn headquarters. Tne siaiemeni hnt otAtt what relations these men does not stte vcat fejaiioi had a ith th orTranizatiom K'' en 0SIS TEMPLE TO m' CHARLOTTE Nov. 12. Oasis Tern- riP A A M.

today sent out a call to the Shrln-, membership for the ion and ceremonial which will he neia in Officers expected aoout o.uuu n- rr! tend. The annual election oi.ieia will occur first day of the meet- ins. M.ilaria. now known to be caused by an animal parasite transmitted to man i)y mosquitoes, was supposed iormeny to be due to a poisonous emanation from the soil of certain localities. The earliest lottery of which tnere in any authentic record was held in Bruges in 1448.

HIS CAPTURE OF THE BANK of charges orougin ain 1 i i. a. ii -q vs-i A-n grand jury indictments The defense stnted to the court that it would A. M. A.

M. A- M. A. M. 6:00 87:30 7:20 8:00 8:00 t815 8:30 $8:30 1830 9:15 9:15 10:00 10:00 r.

in 11:30 11:0 P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 12:15 12:25 1:05 1:05 1:45 1:55 2:00 2:45 2:65 2:30 2:30 3:15 3:25 2:00 3:00 3:45 3:55 8:30 3:30 4:15 4:25 4:00 4:00 4:45 4:55 4:30 4:30 6:15 5:25 5:00 5:00 5:45 5:55 6:35 5:35 6:25 6:35 6:10 6:10 7:05 6:40 6:40 7:25 7:35 7:15 7:15 7:55 8:05 8:15 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:15 9:13 9:30 9:45 10:15 10:55 11:25 I 11:50 LAXfetW'TJ JT r- AK I JST fefta-Wjr sf-" sy wi Jro WM) LLrL (Xfh the people of the state to avoid impo-, siticn at the hands of an alleged fake eye specialist who, according to officials of the board, has bf en operating in and around Wilson.

says Dr. W. S. Rankin, secretary oi" the board, "this man is working the ame ort of fraud that has been practiced before in tbi- state, particularly in some of the western counties. The more illiterate neoDle i ii ii i mil niiit 1.

fidence is gained by the claim that tive of the suae board of herlth sent out to make a free examinaUon. Feu- I'allv some medicine and chean are prescribed and as much charged as can be c)tained. In one case re- ported this was $25." I The Mahdi is to Mohammedans, the expected of Allah to com ple'te Mohammed's work by convert-1 ing the world to his religion or exter- minating unbelievers, and equitably to divide all mundane goods. THE OLD HOME TOWN To CELEBRATE I "CA dost rcwst 1 (OTEY ANYMORE-) BANK ROSBER5 ViHOS AOT-ALLOUR AWRIGKT RECOVERED NAJUED AND THEN I I A Transfer enr connects with thUt train at Wrlghtsville on special request to TfattSiorfalloii office. flaily except Sundny.

Sundays only. cl car goes only as far as Station Xo. 1. FREIGHT SCHEDULE Dally Except Sunday Leave 8th and Orange Streets 3j00 P. M.

Freight depot open dally except San-days from IjOO to 3rfK P. SI. Statement Tlie Murchison National Bank At the Close of Business September 15. 1922. RESOURCES Leans and Discounts 8,131,526.75 U.

S. Bonds 808,650.00 Bank Building 375,000.00 Bonds and Other Securities 66,000.00 Cash and Due by Banks 3,472,495.28 Total Mazda Lamps, Fixtures CITY ELECXKiC COMPANY VAUKER TORNED-TrAE FDNDS OVER 7DTHE BANK ANOTHER PADLOCK ON THE OA)Ly i- THE WHOLE TOWN TDRME.D OUT fe 1 r-ahbage plants Early hi. Flat Dutch, Succes-i't paid; 100 30c; 300 75c; SI. 50; charges collect. ftfic; 10,000 at 80c.

Ber-lettuce, collard, kale, price. Satisfaction guar-K Jamison, Summerville, S. 11-12-lt 2O0 Princess Street.

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