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The Wilmington Daily Herald from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 2

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUGTIOX. i wwt rrna A Tin ITT TOW H- "I KF The Journal informs its readers, in yester THE DAILY HERALD nnn-r TvinmrvH a 1 T.V. Wsnthsr we belieTe. accompanies day's issued that lad valorem means that negroes shall be taxed according to, This is raacniNB. PATENTED AUGUST 16th.

by E. BOOTH. 731-nw perfect Jfxchine mannactwtd. E. BARRY, AgX, Photographs Rooms, Moxart Hall.

8. wiiiiroNOlroiv nr. c. AT THE WAKEIIOCHE TUB WI1AIIXOTOX A Manchester Rail Road Company la Wilmington, at 11 o'clock: A. Mn oo rueadar next IStb inst, I will sell under inspection of the Port Wardens, for account of whom a new understanding of those two little Latin words.

We have been laboring" under the impression, al1 THUKSDAY EVElfING, MARCH 8-" this season of the year, 'generally ending in that prevalent disease; which has ranged throughout the whole length and" breadth of the countryVand which has been so appropriately styled Spring Fever." Winter, we may say, has just gone the cold blasts driren back to their native zone, the son i uimj vvueern, aooui 500 BAGS GUANO. damsced Ex. Schr on hr vorara to this Port. along. that' aL 1 -ialorem converted into English, rr.

Trarran'a niLsan op wild chebbt' D. PluOTT, Auctiooeer. March meant according to value, andaa valorem taxation simply the lev vine of taxes urxra all nreoerty, POOL, whetiier negrcs--4and---or anything else, according has again become reconciled to its first" bride, the earth, the trees are budding forth, and the birds are THE (lower) warehouse of the Wdmington and Weldon Rail Road Cofnoan? in Wilminrtnn nn Wd In th whole history or Medical Discoveries so uxidt has performed so many or each remarkable cures of the numerous affections of the Throat, Lrxcs, and Cassr of Cocghs, Colds, Baoxcarro, Ixtlcixh, Waoorwo Cocoa, Caocr, Asthmx. or of Cosscamoji itself, as this fir-famed' long-tried, and jastlj celebrated JSaltam. So generally ac knowledged is the superior excellence of this retried j- that 7V OF PASQtJOTANK.

i I aesday next 14th inst- at 11 o'clock A. 1 will sell ho- A a mm I tojme value oi saia property. JNot being mucn oi a Latin scholar however, we of course give way before the superior, wisdom of the Editor pro tern. aer lotpccuoo oi ice ron araras, ior fteoaaQl or wnotn singing, and. the gentle dew, as it fidls so ughtly on tree and flower, is not frozen now, but catches the siin'a first rars.

and hanss beneath its light, a melted EST. Jl resoltiUon" was offered in the House' on 80 BAGS GUAKO dimnrtd Fr. on hr vorin tn thia rt WtriT'a 1 "Ml A rut-enn fVin nmo r1 the 5th proiides for a select committee Frederick Sontbgate Brown has petitioned the Loui- crystal. All thiogs speak and say, that winter hag D. PIQOTT, Auctioneer.

March 7. ts. of fire to investigate the President, or any other oflScer of the GoYcrnment sought to interfere uv mA cnmwpr mm msr. siana teguuauiro snow nun ana qs lamuy 10 rJiitnirft thpir nmi Th rounn mvn fnr this cHltr SPECIAL NOTIGES. request is that there is-an undying stigma attached to the name of Brownw consequent upon the ac with the business tf Congress or; defeat the execution ofany laws at any tide during their official term; or whether money had been used for electioneering gone, spring is ucic we Uy back beneath the delicious thought and dream of green woods, bright, waters, the songs of birds, and cloudless skies.

Who would not be lazy on such a day as this bat few of the many who hare tested its virtues experience fail to keep it at band as a speedy and certin cure for sudden attacks of Cbli full beliering thatlts remedial pot-era are comprehensiTe enough to embrace every form of disease from the slightest cold to the most dangerous fymptom of pulmonary complaint. DR. WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. VIRGINIA TESTIMONY. Certificate from Mr.

Norborthe Nortox, of the Examiner Office, Richmond Rimiinvn Feb. 28. 166u. tions of John" at Harper's Ferry. ture is acting purposes 'in Pennsylvania or elsewhere; 'under what authority; this -was done where the money came Whereas, The acts of late John Urown, ol abolition notoriety, have affixed a stigma upon the name of Brown, which renders it intolerable to the parties Al We are" informed by the teleeram which convey Messrs S.

W. Fowl Boston-Gentlemen with nerein nameo, uiereiore, Ra it enacted bv the Senate and House of Repre ed the above intelligence, that the Democrat in the rvl Aotiv-A tAdtifV ti thp crrpt merit of ur tnraiuauic mux n. Wrefnri rtnivnt Wild CbcekT. wdici House offered much" opposition to the adoption of 77i MocUng Bird. This happiest of all the feathered denizens of the air and forest has commenced to tune his pipes at the cheering aspect and smiles which have adorned the face of nature for some days past Already the oak and cedar grove adjoining the rustic cottage, and the hedge rows around the garden are redolent with the outpourings of the joyful songsters of nature.

Conspicuous among them all and exulting in the consciousness through his sentatives of Louisiana, in general assembly conven- MOT A 1 A It. ed, xnac irom ana.adr me passage oi iuc name of Frederick Seutbgate Brown, a resident of the resoluuon. VVTiat is more expressive' than thL4 what "stron BT A PROMINENT WESTERN PnYSICUX aaya Wilsons PilUarts THE ONLY COMBINATION I hare erer met with in my long conrs of practice that mil possesses aayUuDg curative or specific for 8ICK HEAD-AC UE. Ah tbedrujrgisU aell them. 1 For Ptle bj HEJiKY McLTK, Druggist, Wilmington X.

C. March 5-1 wUw. i i NO MERCHANT visitiog Baltimore should ful to examine the exUnsire stock of FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 4c, Ac. Ac, offered for aale bv FRED. FICKBY SONS, 2 SO Baltimore at.

It is one of the most extcasiTe in this country, aud the proprietors are fully prepared to compete with Northern Cities. Feb S3 2m inns. win9low. t39" An experieuced nurse and female physician, ban Soothing Syrup for children teething, which greaUy facil tates the process of teething by softning the gums, reducing all in flam at ion will allay all pain, rnd is sure to regu late the boweljL Depend upon it, mothers, it will gire nu is likewise highly ralud bv many ot our esteemed cuuous, who have tested its virtues by trial. I first made use of this Balsam some three years since for a violent and distressing cough, which baffled the skill of phvsicians, and to my j-iy, experienced such gratifuog relief as to induce me to persevere in its use.

I ajwJ keep it by me, and eTer find it to be unfailing in its effects. No medicine that I have ever used has given such speedy erer evidence do we want that corruption has.existed and still exists, to an alarmintr extent the Demo New Urleans, ana tne names oi ms minor, cniiaren, Alice, Elizabeth Harriet, Emma, Edward and Octa-via Brown be, and the same are hereby changed to the names of Frederick, Alice, Elizabeth, Harriet -rm a f- j.1 a. 1 a cratic party. Members pi the House have reasons for believing in the existence of corruption in! certain unrivalled imitative powers of excelling their happiest efforts, sits the Mocking Bird, of homely appear! ance but matchless song. Perched upon the topmost branch his ear catches with unerring certainty rimma, Jtxlwara ana vcutvia oouingaie, wmcu iatt mentionedname they are hereby authorized to adopt as their respective appellations, and use for their i quarters and so state, and crave an investigation.

A resolution is offered wpich proposes to ascertain respective signatures, at ail times ana in an places. the truth or falsity of subh belief and statement A Bronze Door for the Capitol. A letter from relief. 1 ours truly, S0RX0S. Caution to Purtfomr.

The only genuine Wistar's alam has the written, signature of "I Bcrrs" and the printed one of the Proprietors on the quter wrapper; all other is vile and worthies. Prepared bv SETH W. FOWLE A Boston, and for sale by HEXRY McLIS, Druggist; Wilmington, N. C. RECEIPTS PER W.

XV' U.Il. March 7tL. 8 bbls spirits, 80 do. rosin, '-'2 do. brandy, Rome, Italy, says: Who oppose it; Why Democrats.

The question comes up, why do Democrats oppose it We write Kogers is engagea uere upon a Dronze aoor ior nnitat at Washington- which is to cost 425.000. it down almost in but it is our honest opin The first scene represents Columbus before the a At ion it is because they fear an investigation. If every passing note from the scream of the osprey to the chirp of the tomtit and he re-produces them with the exactness of an echo. Like most artistic performers he has a good opinion of his musical powers, and his productions are the source of as much enjoyment to himself as others. He delights to sing.

Many a time at the dead of night we have heard the little fellow gushing forth his soul in a glorious serenade to sleeping nature, lavishly strewing his melodious pearls, regardless of their falling whether among they do not why should they oppose a resolution Council of balamanca, unioiamg nis great ineory. In the second he is just setting out to seek royal aid. In the third he is before the King and Queen, 70 do. copper ore, iaru, no picvea uwu, 2 boxes 17 bales cloth, R5 boxes tobacco, and sundries to TCABO Worth, Anderson A Savage, Stokelv A Oldham, McRarv Blossom, Southerland, Kelley, Tha'xton, Gregg A Son, Reid, whicfi aims to do good, Is not the detection and prevention, and punishment of corruption in higli as well as low places, laudable. Is it not absolutely laboring to convince tnem.

lsaoeiia leans iorwaru and seems interested, but Ferdinand scarcely deigns A A 1 t- il Donnell, and Mingo uonen. to heed the visionary entnusiasi. in we xouriii ue necessary for the welfare of the government that nftdinfr hia son to the care oi tne monies, wnue those who practice frauds upon should be con NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. his ships wait In the fifth he is landing in great state upon St Salvador. The sixth is at Hispaniola, victed and brought to punishment? Who will deny to yourselves, and relief nod health to your infants.

Perfectly safe in all cases. Soe advertisement in another eol-nnin. Feb.2S-lt THE PAII1UENTBR 'JAMPDKLL SEWING MACHINES! PA TEX TED IN AUG UST LA ST T1t most Perfect 9Iachlne IWanuracture'd. K.T- it A KK AgV. Mch 7.

Photographic Rooms, Motart Hall COAL AND WOOD. X3T THE Subscribers would inform the publie thai they have on hand, and will keep constantly a good supply best RSD ASH COAL. They have also a cart expressly for the delivery of Col, with scale attached, by which per. sons purchasing, can see when the Coal is delirered that they have full weight. 6 They also keep constantly on hand, Blac Jack, Ash and Pine Wood.

1 Wood and Coal furnished to. Customers ontori crtdit They also keep on hand talltd trau, from Mr. A. Young's Plantation, in bales, which they sell at ts. bile.

I LOEB A SWARTriMAN. where one of tne sauors is ormging an inuian gm rr A this No one of course Then we ask again why the appreciative or careless swine. Orive us the little Mocking Bird of the Carolinas and we have all the other singing birds combined. G. Made SJwes.

Messrs. Murray Blaney have received a supply of North Carolina made should. Democrats oppose a resolution which pro iriYERSdc MOORE, SPRING GOODS. GENTS DRESS HATS, NEW STYLES AT March 8. MYERS MOORE.

vides1 for the detection! of those who practice those to the ship on his snouiaer. nexi is me great navigator's triumphal entry into Barcelona on his return. In the succeeding one he is about to be sent home from Cuba in chains and disgrace. The last scene of all" is death. The priests have administered to him the sacrament; one holds a crucifix frauds.

We have already given the answer. The shoes, which they sell as cheap as they do those of Democratic Party itself guilty, or its members in Northern make, and warrant them to last much Uongress never would thinK raising any I opposi. for him to kiss menus ana attenaants are weeping and the snirit of the dvine man is about to tion. If they themselves, or their friends, tare not FINE FRENCH SOFT FELT HATS NEW SHAPES NEW COLORS AT March 8. MYERS MOORE.

longer. Go and patronize home manufactures. The cattle were raised hide tanned, and shoes made in this State. start on that last great voyage from which none re afraid of an investigation, let' 'them show their wil turn. In niches surrounding inese scenes are ami It lists of various roval uersonasres con- lingness by submitting tb it If not guilty let them LL THE NEW Selecting Books.

A writer in the Sunday School Times eives the following: hints to young folks temporary with Columbus, including Ferdinand and A prove it when those investigations are held. Tnno-noeent men never object to examinations when their SPRING STYLES. a MOORE. Isabella, honesty is questioned, 1ut rather insist oh them about selecting good books 1. When you have found one good book, look for rfhprs hxr ihft same author.

that they may be better) able'to after! the ex- PARAGON UMBRELLAS, THE BEST IN USE AT MYERS MOORE. amination what before ere only individual asser 2. A large number of books by the same author generally indicates that his writings are admired and approved. .1 Whpn vnn have read one book on an interest lions. Cli-KKE Mills and Washington.

The National Intelligencer says: The new equestrian statue of Washington is daily visited by hundreds of persons, most of whom give it the benefit of their best critical examination. The circular pavement, offers unusual advantages to the critics, since the statue can be conveniently viewed from every point of the compass, and at a distance HAIR DYE IIAIR DYE HAIR DYE. WM. a. BATCUELOR'S HAIR DYE 1 bent In tb World.

All others are mere imitation, and should be aroided ti you wish to escape ridicule. GRAY, RED, OR RUSTY HAIR DYED instantly to beautiful and Natcral Brown or Black, without the least iu-jury to Hair or Skin. I FIFTEEN Medals and Diplomas hare been awarded Wm. A. Batchelor since 1839, and orer 80,000 applicationt hare been made to the Hair of his patrons of his famous Dye.

National. -YVe beliere the friends of the concern call theDein- DOZEN FLATS AND BLOOMERS TRIMMED AND UNTRTMMED AT MYERS MOORE. ing subject, look for others on the same or related subjects If you have been interested in biography, read the lives of other men who lived in the same nrrn 4. The reading oi a smau ana simpie dook. is OASES FINE AND 50 COMMON WOOL HATS AT MYERS MOORE.

good preparation for reading, witn prom ana piea-a IflrcA work on the same subiect quite satislactory ior uae purpose. ve Deaeve tne statue is liked the better the more it is viewed, and that Mr. Mills will be found to have greatly increas-ad his reputation by its production. Improvement in the general effect, and especially in the expression of Washington's face, which is now to a great measure lost under the glare of the new metal, will come by the action of the weather on the material of the statue. 100 CASES NEW STYLE STRAW GOODS AT MYERS MOORE.

5. However little you may read, let there be some connection and purpose in your choice of are some good remarks about this in Abbott's Young Christian, chapter eleven. fi When vou have found a book that has done you ocratic Party a National one. At the Pennsylvania Democratic Corrrention which met a few days ago, Resolutions were passed Jn favor of President Buchanan's plan of. specific duties, and also in favor of affording protection to Iron and Coal which is a staple' production of the Keystone State.

Do the Democrats of the Old North State and other Southern states agree with the Pennsylvania Democracy on these points "We rather think not Yet the Party is a National one. Oh, lof course it is. WJio can doubt it. What if it do0s not agreeabout protective tariff for Pennsylvania Iron and Qoal and Mas' sachusett's and Connecticut's domestic, and about the Pacific rights in the terri OA A DOZEN PALM LEAF 0j) CANADA STRAWS AND MALAGA BRAIDS AT MYERS MOORE. "Spiteful Revenge." The Buffalo Courier of good, recommend it to others, and profit by the recommendations which are made to you by persons nf rrrvnrl liideTTjent.

February 7, says that a young man who had been a regular visitant at the residence of a young lady citizen so as to create the belief that he intended ulti- tn nrnrw-iK. was asked in a iocose manner bv gQ DOZEN UMBRELLAS, LOWEST PRICES AT BEST GOODS MYERS A M00RE, 84 Market street. UlAlVl I when he and the daughter were to be 7. Do not read merely, or chiefly, for pleasure. There is less pleasure in such reading than in any other.

"But do all things for the glory of that you may get good and do good; and God will Wars vnn in vmir rp.adiner. March 8. ValW a 1 married to which he replied, with an appearance of .1 a i u-j i toriesthe small matter of constructing works of I assure you that I do not regret the time and WM. A. BATCH ELOR'S HAIR DIE produces a coloi not to be distinguished from nature, and is wabiaxtkd not to injure in the least, however long it my be continued, aud thd ill effects of Bad Dyes remidied the Hair invigorated for Life by this splendid Dy.

Made, sold or applied (in 9 private rooms) at the Wig Factory, 16 Bond street New York. Sold in all cities and towns of the United States, by Drug gists and Fancy Goods Dealers, tggr The Genuine has the name and address upon a ate plate engraving on four sides of each Box; of WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. July 15-ly. 18 Bond street New-York.

A WORD A1BOVT IIA1U IlESXORATIVES. The original as it is still the bit preparation for restor ng grey hair to its orignal color, aud rendering it strong, healthy and beautiful, Is Heimstreet IdimiUble Hair Coloring or Restorer. Eveiry other preparation advertised for this purpose is but an intimation of this. Most of tnem are made with water, and require the expense of a bair dressing to accompany them, as they leave the hair harsh and dry. Heimstreet's is made with oil and stimulating spirits, affording an agr4abU Kair womH, aside from its value as a restorative.

It is sold at a reasonable price, placing it within the reach of atL We might introduce certificates from Clergymen, Senators and well known cifr zeniiaall parts of the country, but it is not necessary We leave our readers to judge that if tmfow can produce comparatively successful results, the original and mitated article must surpass them AlsJotmal. Price fifty cents a bottle. Sold everywhere. astomsnmeuL, taat ui iuvm uau uctu cuvw-tained by him. Whereupon the young lady got up from the table without speaking, wentjinto an rnntn and broueht thence a bottle of vitrol.

and strength 1 have taken trom more snowy ana Deuer OUR OWN IMPORTlTlON, RECEIVED this day per Adams' Express; direct from Paris, the latest styles of SPRING GOODS, Robes de francaise (latest styles) Dotted and Plain Swiss, Spring Silks, rery handsome. Also a large assortment of Trench Embroidered Setts. Internal Improvement bj the General Government to'say nothing of the impossibility ot carrying a single free State at the next Presidential elcctiori-i- what of all this. Tho Democratic Party is National yi spite ot it Its members say and it rnut be so. Precisely and there is the whole thing in a niut shell.

without a syllable or gesture of warning, threw the fierce liquid into the face of the young man, shock- appreciated labors to bestow upontnis numDie wont. I find the reward of it already. Nortli Carolina Flslierles, The North Carolina fisheries promise to be better KMsnn than thev have been for vears. A cor Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. KAHNWEILEK a Moh 8.

2nd D' or from Exchange Corner. CANES CANES. respondent of the Petersburg Express writing from Murfreesboro', says: Prom the nricea that fishermen were onerine last LL THE LATEST STYLES will be opened in a few A days at Democrats say their party is a National one, though facts of every day occurrence go to prove exactly the contrary, Likes Douglas as well as Wlnslow, Hunter or Dickinson, Ranks, of the Favetteville Courier sav he has Mch 8. ingly disfigurmg it, ana aesiroying iue sigui vi one of his eyes, and hopelessly injuring the other. Ravenna's immemorial wood, rooted where once the Adrian wave flowed o'er," and the scene of so much of romance, is reported to bo dead wood.

It was a pine forest, and during the severe weather of the winter that is now closing, the branches of the trees were broken down and killed by a combined visitation of snow and frost and the trunks will die, whether from want of sap, or from some other causes, we profess not to know. It is a pity that the forest is doomed, for it seldom happens that a place is to be fnnnd thai, is of more freauent mention bv the first week at Gates court one would think that they anticipate a good spring's work. From $25 to $30 per month was about the range. One of the proprietors of the Albemarle steamers told me a few days since that the steamers were so laden down with shad taken from the Sound that they were unable to take a bale of cotton on board. 'LADIES GAITERS MADE TO MlfiASUKE IN ANY STYLE.

By leaving your orders at our store, we will make any style of Boot or Gaiter you may wish. March 8. I860. Zt. MURRAY A BLANEY.

no choice between Democrats, as to who shall be the nominee for. President land Vice President Our cotemporary, admits then, that he can see no differ W. E. HAG AN 'Proprietors, Troj, CORN AFLOAT. An American Organist.

Arthur Hayter, son of i BQSHS Prime White Perquimans County Corn i Tht ifustany Liniment euret Rhfumatitm A. W. Hayter, of Boston, has recently oeen appom- 3000 Mch 8. per Scnr arren, ior bhic T- 1 El -LIS i MITCHELL. fH nroanist At st.

Kflui'a uovent uaraen. imukxviu A IV cr if i rv If ml. i TtTn, ence between his own Tvinslow, and Gov. pouglas who is so odious to the outh generally. Well this is a candid we must say.

We wonder how Warren will like It Truly can he exclaim, ltsave me, from my friends." The Carolinian has of writers Boccaccio, Drydcn, Byron, and others. There coursed the spectre huntsman of Onesti's line," and there Byron rode, and listened to the echos of the "vesper bell that rose the boughs along." The forest grew on the very ground that once formed the harbor of the imperial fleet in the Adriatic, Ravpnn hew the naval station, the Cherbourg, or TK Murtang Liniment cures Sorei, Ulcers, OaJud Breatts and Sore Nipples Neuralgia, Corns and WarU, andUwoorth I This old and honorable place was obtained after competition with fifty candidates, and is probably the first instance in which an American has received such an appointment OATS. OATS. BUSHS Prime Maryland Oats, in store, for sale by ELLIS MITCHELL. 3000 Mch 8.

near about annihilated bim with its kindness and the Portsmouth, in that direction, of fcthe Roman now comes the Courier and gives him the unkind "WHITE BEANS i MALL LOT CHOICE White Beans, for sale by )Mcb8. ELLIS M1TJHELL. A gentleman thought he'd like something painted in the hall of a new house, and chose the Israelites passing over the Red Sea. He engaged an Irishman for the job, who went to work and painted the hall est cut of all. no choice between Democrats, eh! Were red.

lientieman enters: Vou a deTete to the Ch friend empire, rne retiring oi me waiaa, ing of mud, left Ravenna an island town, and her naval port became a forest, and one of the most celebrated woods that ever inspired a poet, or gladdened the eye of the wayfarer. Ravenna itself became' the last Caesarian fortress," and the Exarchs sent by the Eastern Emperor to Italy used there to reside. "Nice color, Pat, but where are the Israelites "0b, they're passed over, yer 'onor." 10,000 DOLLARS PER ANNUM To the United States, as the preserver and restorer of valuable Horses and Cattle. It cures all Sprains, Galds, Wounds, Stiff Joints, Ac Did jron ever bear of any ordinary Sore, Swelling, Sprain or Stiffness, either on manor bea-t, which the MusUng Liniment would not core? Did you ever visit any resectable Druggist in any part of the worldin Europe, Asia or America who did not aar "it was the greatest discovery of ihe age 8old everywhere. Every family should have it; three six.

Feb. 15-lmdAw. BARNES A PARK, Preprietors, N. WIGS WIGS WIGS. f- BATCHELOR'S WIGS AND TOUPEES surpaae all.

They are elegant, light, easy and durable. Fitting to a charm no turning up behind no shrinking off the bead; indeed, this the only Establishment where these things are properly understood and made. July 15-ly. 16 Bond street New-Yrk. fHBfaBfoaiBHKiiaawMaMaeaaMaHMaasaHaavaisaHBMSMHa BDBNBTPS COOOAINE.

Archy would you Tote for Douglas As you have 'no choice iia. the matter we suppose the slightest I intimation from his friends that they wanted such COW PEAS. OLAY PEAS and "Life Preservers," for sale by Mch. 8. J2LL13 A MITOHELL POTATOES.

TWENTY FIVE bbls Irish Potatoes, just received, per brijs Albert Adams, and for sale by Mch.8th. HARBISS A HOWELL. WILL YOU ENCOURAGE II OJIE INDUSTRY. WE HAVE ON HAND another supply of North Carolina work Moroco Boots and Cuiters. T.v,n.

iha faof that thiswoikL sold at the same A traveller stopping at a hotel complained that the towel was too dirty to wipe on: "My dear sir," said the landlord, "I am surprised to hear any complaint, for more than fifty different persons have used that same towel, and you are the first person who has found fault with it A Rumor. Th nitv nf Norfolk left this nort vesterdav morn A Tennessee correspondent of Harper's Magazine says that William H. Polk, the brother of the late President, was until a few days prior to our recent election, an independent candidate for Congress. It seems that Mr. Thomas habitually in their discus a vote induce you to give it What are we coming to, when the Editor of a respectable Southern Journal says he can see no difier- lencft1 betweeiT Stephen A.

Douglas, and Warren Winslow, (and other true Southern men.) If Banks lias no choice between; the two men, of course in his can be no diffeience for were there be, it would necessitate a preference for one or the other. MCUiCUlVCl prices that Eastern work is, and warranted to ear twice KWi. MURRAY A BLANEY. PHEMATURE LOSS OF THE HAIR, which is to con sions charged Mr. Folk witn inconsistency, on one occasion to Mr.

Polk, VSir, in 1850 51 you were a compromise, man; since that time you have cHifev and vou were i aeain a quasi Amer- ing for New York, it being her last appearance in these waters, aa she has been sold to parties in that i i i ij March 8, I860. St nr Afi BUSHELS WHITE FLINT CORN for mealing; ODUU 2500 do Black and White Sed Oats; 1,000 do Feeding Oats 800 bbls Family and Super Flour, on consignment and for sale by STOKLEY OLDHAM. mon now-a-days, may be entirely prevented by the use a BurnetCs Cocoairu. It has been used in thousands of case where the hair was coming out in Landfulls, and has never failed to arrest its decay, and to promote a healthy and vigorous growth. It is, at the same time, unrivalled as a ican: and then you again were 'soa" on the nigger question; and now, sir, how are you to-day, Mr.

Polk? city, silence as to ner nexi aunes nas creaieu a suspicion as to what is to be done with her. It is given out that she is to be overhauled, and her power increased, so as to increase her speed; but what is this great expense to be undertaken for is a question which no one seems disposed or authorized to ans- il A a. iL.l 1 2 A. in an instant air. rwu.

wo ui 1ITZ a bow and his hand extended, he replied, "Pretty well, I thank you, CoL Thomas. How do you do dressing for the A single application will render it We place it on record that the Fayetteyuie uourxer gees no difierence, and -consequently has lib choice Douglas nd4 py other Democrat in the land. How the party has degenerated when its own xnembess cannot tell the sound from the unsound. March 8. JAMES, 8TOKI.IT.

A-EX. OLDHAJi STOKLEY Sc OI.BDA5I. DEALERS in GRAIN, A COMMISSION MERCHAXT8, WiLMiyoTox, N. C. Prompt attention given to the sale of Cotton, Flour, sou ana glossy ior several aays.

oee 73md I wer. The rumor on tne street is ma sue lawgoro the West Coast of Africa, for a cargo of "Ebony." Savannah Bepublican. WINEOPttUINIUH. I yourself rf -i. WiSTaa's Baxsak or Wild Cheekt.

Wc call the at. tention of our readers to the advertisement of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry in another column, and assure them they can find no 1etter remedy ior coughs, ccids, asthma, aeon, anu oiucr viuuuujf i iwuvc juu A NEW AlfD VALUABLE MEDICINE pfr from Paauviax Baas: by A. Deloadre. I Cause or Blushes A Ltjcro Descrtption. A writer in the American Medical Gazette, thus fur Call and see Circular, Ao.

For sale by W. H. LIPPITT, affections, or anv disease oi uie inroai or lungs. ON CONSIGNMENT AND FOR SALE. AAA POUffDS N.U.

BACON. OUUU 15 bbls N.C. Lard. 100 doz Eggs, fresh and good. Mh 8 O.

KELLEY. Druggist A Chemia mvwvmi Tn Ahimit 1853. an estimable friend of ours returned Jan 14. nishes the reason why young lacues Diusn wnen spoken to about their lovers" The mind communicates with the central ganglion the latter by relaxation though the brain and facial nerve, to the or-eanic nerves in the facer with which its branches xhe Democratic Convention, Tlie great Democratic Pow Wow is, we suppose 'in full' blast inRaleighj to-day. How; lonjg it will hold, we don't know, being no real necessity for the thing, see "io reasen for prolonging it over an hour or two.

Ellis will receive the' nomina tion-he wilUcpt and the business is over. Wewonder what Jun4 J)aplatform they will put him on and how tUey wul manage about ad valorem. We shall await an adjournment with some littte'interest nnnse nnnK. WALKER MEARES. WH0LE81LE AND RETAIL DRCQOI3T AXD APOTHEOAET and Dealer in Select Medicines, English, French and Oer from a visit in the country much emaciated, and laboring under a severe cough, which had made such rapid inroads upon her constitution that we felt something must be done at once, or she would become a victim of consumption.

uah tha beneficial results which have occurred ADAMS AND UCS Express at Kelley's New Book inosculate." I nf his Ute Astronomical Store. A nmr. I ao (Tl'a Pmmt: itw-b Ywfnr th towell Institute, said that the Wit and Humor in paragraphs, by Prentice, a work that man Chemicals, Sweedish Leecbes, e. aiso, PAINTS, OIL, tir.j.- WimiM. Pinn A rticXem.

Ac. Ac. creat comet of 1556, which caused the abdication of is decidedly good for the blues -The Discarded Daughter, by Mrs. South worth; from the use of Wistar's we made purchase some for her, and are happy to tey that before Ae had ta ken the contents of ope bottle her cough had ennretr left The Testimony oi we hocks, ot uugu Popular Geology, by Hngh Mi ler appear during the present year, and French astronomers are even now on the lookout for it. no er her and she is.

now in the enjoyment or exceuent neaixn. Hreator. bv Has Miller Footprints of the i ru.AHA I ttArm to hia son ror has been made in the revised calculation, win RnMhpa. 1. 5.

and 8 roLa probably be seen from this planet aunng tne iau oi jr.V. h. Mr Harnett B. MeKeever few writers have written better books for the young, and older CaT-The Washington States says The North west Democracy presents, for the first time in the whole history of the country, an unbroken column in favor oi one vNo candidate ever before i 5 ceived, in a Democratic Convenftoiv tho united vot of tho Northwest It noW casts ixty-s votes in nersons will be benemeo bj toowkwa P6 hr Holmes rern. Miss Martha Haines November 45 Market Street.

WM. 11. LlJffin. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST A CUEMLSf N.R Corner Front and Marlet Sts.t Witarrworosr, N. XSJ- ALWAYS ON HAND, A full and fresh assortmem of DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS, PXRFU UZSY, NND FANCY ARTICLES.

Prescriptions accurately impounded. Medicine caa be obtained at any hour of the night. -The sight bell is a the second" door (on Front street) from the corner. i k- On and after Jhia dayfaHpreseriptlonT WUlbe CASH. FromllATamsu New York, Mch, Cahawba has arriyed from Havana, i The war steamer Mohawk was at Matanzas; the Crusader was at Sagua la Grande.

The Cahawba. passed on the 8th inst a mnfiftnnnrV Snntherner. the betati- all of his works are so we 11 known as to need no pufi from 1X9 i iIia ml Ana yonng autnoress oi aunu, ceatly recdrod matnuionial offer from FredricSc, ilia vnmiv- Rrinca of Denmark-', who fefl ia lore with TlOCKET CUTLER i Tne oest of Stephen large unsiiQwq boip umu vuo 7 Cahawba reports only feet of water at the month of the Mssiippirrr nwket, at 54Market.t. her leyee last week. Misa B.

re- Ptku latest adYices tromou irouua vr 'vLu ire to the effect Pme Plank fused him, preferring the position ox a reeAmert-Mn ia-w "frt tht Danish Oneen. The Prince has ti tiscoXyi totbe early i at onr devotions. The eTPS ru STOBJ for sale by ELLIS MITCHELL. Feb. 22.

VCt BV. ta find in demand. Our Steam Mill Ormers returned to Europe, discocioUte, Day JBto. morning is, jcut, uivu it is to music. Eiodr xxxii.

Eenry. should make a note of this. 4 w..

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