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Altoona Tribune from Altoona, Pennsylvania • Page 6

Altoona Tribunei
Altoona, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-JL ESNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IN OTHER COUNTIES. WEDNESDAY'S MARKET I PEOPLE'S The People's Building and Loan association will loan (5.000 in NeB Geesey's law office. Phoenix Block, on Thurs FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Or ALTOONA. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY.

CAPITAL. SURPLUS, Interest Paid Safe Deposit Department, Boxes to rent and Storage Space In Modern Constructed Fire and Burglar Proof Vaults. WeS solicit your account and guar-antee such accommodation as your business and responsibility warrant and prompt service and careful attention to business intrusted to our care. I Central Pennsylvania Trnst Company, Succeiiort to the ALTOONA BANK, I2I8 Eleventh Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Capital, 5250.000.00 Surplus.

25.000.00 1 Interest Paid on Time Deposits. We are willing to afford any accommodation consistent with judicious banking. Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. We execute all manner of Trusts, such as Executor. Administrator, Guardian, Etc.

OFFICERS: M. H. Canan, President. M. Ai.kiander, Vice President.

J. G. Davis, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS TW. H.

Cahan, M. Ai.kxandkr, J. G. Davis. W.

W. MrRRAT, II. K. FisRursoN, John Kamaikh, Jas. C.

Hoqhm Wm.M.Finiii.ev.iM.D., Morgan John P. Levan, I), li. IUdm.k, W. 8. Lkr, J.

P. Lafkkrtv, W. I. Woodcock, I. C.


13 Chicago Limited, dally 12.A8 a. 7 St. Louis Express, daily 2.30 '9 Western Express, daily U5 19 Cleveland and Cincinnati Express, daily 4.43 33 Pittsburg Special, daily 84 Sheridan Accommodation ex- 7.35 7.55 cept Pacific Express, 81 ay Passenger, daily 15 Pittsburg Express, 25 Chicano Special, dailv 4.00 13 Pittsburg Accommodation, 4.15 27 Ht. Louis Limited, 6 Pennsylvania Limited, daily 6.06 97 Sheridan Accommodation, except Sunday 6.30 1 Main Line Express, daily- 7.2) 21 Chicago and St. Louis Express, daily 10.46 LliVI EASTWARD 1st J6 New York Special, 12 57 a.

ra 3d IS Philadelphia 1.10 4 Philadelphia Express, dally 1 19 80 arrisburg Accommodation, except Sunday 8.00 20 Kevstone Express, 6.25 22 Manhattan Limited, 6.40 30-Seashore Express, daily 7.05 2 Pennsylvania Limited, 26 New York Limited, daily 10.20 8 Atlantic Express, 11.08 12 Main Line Express, daily 11.48 32 Philadelphia Accommodation. 1.50 p. 24 Dav Express, daily 8.15 84 Mail Express, 6.56 Is Chicago Mail, 8.20 10 Eastern Express, daily 6 New York Express, daily 10.37 MIDDLE DIVISION BRANCHES. HOLUDAYSBVBS BBANCn. Trains leave Altoona as fol-lows: Daily, except Sunday, lor Holltdaysburgat CM, 8.05, 8.40 a.

2.00 and 6.20 p. m. Dailv, except Sunday, for Martinsburg, a 2.00 and 6.20 p. For Henrietta, 8.05 a. m.

(2.00 p. m. Saturday, only), 6.20 p. week-days. PKTIltSBUB.9 BRANCH.

Leave Altoona for Williamsburg 6.S0 and at x.40 a. and 6.20 p. m. week-days. Nrwbt Branch.

Leave Altoona for Duncansville 8.05 a. 2.00 p. ia. week-days. CAKBBIA AND CLRARFTSXD PIVIBION Leave Altoona for La Joso Jc.

and Mahaffey and (Hen Campbell 7.55 a. m. and 4.15 p. m. week days.

Leave Altoona for Irvona 7.55 a. m. and 4.15 m. week days. Trains leave Altoona for Ebcnsbnrg at 7.55 a m.1.15, 4.15dii(i7.2i) p.

in. IVRONg DIVISION. Trains leave Tyrone for Bcllefonto aud Lo. Haven daily, at 8.10 a. 12.25 and 7.00 p.

m. week-days and 8.10 a. m. sundy. Leave Tyrone for Curwcnsvllle at 8.00 a.m.

and 8. and p. m. a. Sundays, Leave Tyrone for Heotia daily, except Rundsj, tt 7.W a.

m. and 2.50 p. m. PJKSSYLVANIA AND NORTH WR8TRRN, leave Bellwood for Fordliam and in termedinte )iu( at s.oaa. m.

and 8.31 p. m. week days. Ki'turiiing leave Fordham 8.23 auc 11.0.1 a. week duvs.

For rates, maps and detailed Information (a 1 on Ticket Agents or address Thos. B. Watt, Pas-enger Ageut intern District, K0 Fifth avenue Pltfbcrg. )KOl'OSAI5 FOR SCHOOL SUI'-J. PI, I ICS The School Hoard of Altoona, will receive soiled proposals for the following supplies, quantities to he more or less: 1,200 Composition Hooks, 100 pages.

3 Cases Crayon. 50 Pounds Pencil Erasers, fiOs. 1 Case Le 1'iigc's clue, quarts. 1 Harrcl Scliool Ink, gallon. 15 liuarts Fluid Ink, quart.

1ft Quarts Red Ink, pint. 100 Renins Drawing Paper, fix9. 150 Ciross Lend Pencils, for manuscript. 50 (iross Pencils, for drawing. 4 Cases Slate Pencils, soap stone.

50 fiross Pens, slant. 5t) (im's Pens, vert. 25 (Jross lVnholdcrs. 4 Cast Slates, noiseless, f.x9 4 Cases noiseless, 7x11. 1,000 Spelling Blanks, ink, double ruled.

GOO Spelling Blanks, ink, single ruled. 30,000 Pencil 1'wls, 6.V.I, ruled, 100 sheets. 10.000 Pencil l'nds, K.vlO, ruled, 70 sheets. 5,000 Pencil I'ads, (ix. plain, U.O sheets.

Pencil Tails, lixit, double ruled, 100 sheets. 5.000 Ink I'ads, 11x9, double ruled, 70 sheets. 3.000 Ink I'ads, single ruled. 50 sheets. Sweeping Brushes, 12, 11 and l(i inches.

Dust Brushes. Brooms, 4 tie. Bids to be in I lie hands of the Secretary by 5 p. July 10, llioi. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids.

Samples must accompany nil bids. C. SI. PIl'KR, Secretary. june21-4t High Scliool Building.

CHARTER NOTICE. In the Court of Common Pleas of Blair county, Pa. Notice is given that an application will be made to said Court on Tuesday, July 5, A. D. 1901, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, under the "Acjt to provide, for tho incorporation and regulation Of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1S74, and its supplements thereto, for the charter of an 'intended corporation under the name of The Italian independent uiud, Aiazzi-ni-Garibaldi." the character and object of which is the promotion of Italian Literature and other fine arts, and also to encourage social enjoyment and Intercourse among its members, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the said Act and its supplements.

W. FRANK VAUGHN, Solicitor. June 2 4t-thurs TN THE COURT OF CAM MON PLEAS 1 OK BLAIR COUNTY, PA Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Blair county, on the th day of July, liKM, at. 10 o'clock in the foie-noon, "under the provisions of the corporation act of 1.S7 I and its supplements, for a charter of a'i intended corporation, to be called the Altoona Base Ball Club, the character anil object of which is the maintenance of a base ball club and facilities for playiut the game of base ball and lor promoting ntnietic soris, anu lor tnesi pur-noses to have, possess and. enjoy all tho rinhts.

beiietit-s and privileges conferred by tho said act and the supplements tnereio. W. FRANK VAUGHN, jc9-4t-tlutrs Solicitor. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the iartncrshi uiiKuictmir 11 Alulnrtutn JlcKee and Paul Conklin, of the Borough of Klair county, I'ennsyivania, under 1 lie linn name of The.

luniaia Keal Kstate Coiniwny, I I. tl.n .1,.,. n( June, A. II. ItKM, by mutual consent.

All debts OWIIIK LO liic nrtl'i tti niriniiiii nic iu iiv ivruivni by said K. M. H. McKee and I'atil L. Conklin, and nil ut'ir mmus (in Hum jmi ini-iiiiip are iu uc pri sentcd to them for payment.


McKHK. junclfi-Gt-thiirs. PAUL CONK I.I N. A DMINISTRATOR'8 NOTICK No- 1 tice is hereby given that letters of adminis tration on the estule ot Sarah Stilller, late of Alle gheny township, Blair county, deceased have been granted to George W. Stilller, of No.

2100 First avenue, Altoona, to whom all ac counts can be nicsi'utcil lot adiustment. and all persons owing said estate will make prompt pay ment, siirrif.K, Administrator, 2100 First avenue, Altoona, Pa. B. F. Warfcl, his Attorney.

Hollidaysburg, Pa. ATOT1C to CONTRACTORS Sealt 11 proiiosals will bo received up to 7 p. m. July 2, for Ihc erection and construction of a water pipe for the purpose of supplying a por tion of the Borough of Juniata with a supply of water; said system shall consist of aliout 9,000 feet of s. and I inch cast iron mains and all the necessary connections.

Plans anil specilieiitions can lie seen at the residence of J. A. Gwln, chairman of water committee, on and after June 2ft, 1U01. The right ti reject any or all bills is reserved. J.

A. (iWIN, Chairman Water Committee, je22-10t 12 Fifth avenue, Juniata. LKRK'S NOTICK IX BANKRUPT- Slates for the Western Iiistrict of Pennsylvania, Charles Wesley Beyer, of Tyrone, Blnir county, Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, having applied fur a full discharge from nil dcliis provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditor, anil other persons in interiwt, to appear before the sjid Court at Pittsburg, in said hiKrict, on the loth 'lay of July.l' 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, whv the prayer of the said petitioner should not begmnted. WILLIAM T. LIXKSKY, Clerk QDOBLE88 EXCAVATING 00.

All kinds of rriv Vaults Excavated at raniarchiireBand monthly Call at 1209 Eleventh Altoona, Pa Or call on np by Bell or Phooiilx Telephone. Correspondence pr mptly answered, OQLEMAN BROS. OR SA LE Desirable homes and build- ing lots in different parts of the city on easy terms, nue. Apply to H. L.

WILSON, 903 Eighth ave- mvs-tt OR RKXT Nine-roomed honse sitn- pmvements, including Inrnaee cellar and bath room. Apply W. L. FOR SALE. Fornitnre, stoves, carpets, bedding, etc.

All kinds second-hand furniture bought and sold. JAMES SCOTLAND, 1324 Tenth avetfte. United Phone Ml. je27-tf FOR RENT A gentleman can be ac-- commodated with a furnished room in desirable location, within three minutes' walk oi the posrofflee. Use of bath.

Address "ROOM," care of Tribune. je9-tf OR SALE Six-Point Quads, Six Point Leaders and 2x36 Point Light Faced Rules in any quantities suitable for tabular work. Inquire or address ALTOONA TRIBUNE COMPANY. iau22tf ETOi SALE Jnst received a lresh lot of native horses heavy draft, driving and general purpose horses. AH horses must be as represented wuen som.

nmie nail nuiei Stables, ETCALF A CORBOY. aprl7-tf Ft. OR SALE A fine match team of Dark Brown Horses, weicht alxiut 1100 pounds each, line driveisjcither single or double. perfectly sound in everv respect. Apply to II.

H. NKAK-HOOF, Warriorsniark, Pa, jnne20-t FOR SALE OR RENT. Properties. Applv to S. 8.

FORNEY. Real Kstate, Loan, Insurance and Collection Agent, and Agent foi Surety Bond CO. Auctioneer, storage rooms. No. 1204 Eighth avenue.

Altoona. mys-lyr OTS FOR SALE In most desirable residence section of North View, Ilollidays- burg. Magnificent views of mountain scenery on every side, situated on slight cicvaii on, affording excellent drainage. Every surrounding desirable for a home. Kates reasonable ami terms made to suit purchaser.

Address CHAW. J. WHITE, Holiidaysburg, Pa-jc23-lmo FOR RENT A new brick house, containing seven rooms and large hall and bath room. All fitted with electric light and gas. Located in the most desirable residence section of North Hollidaysburg: onlv half square to street car line.

Kvefv surrounding cheerful and homelike. Apply or to address WM. M. WHITE, Hollidaysburg. or HOWARD K.

WHITE City Treasurer's Oilice, Altoona, Pa. jc23-6t IT'OR SALE. A number ot very desira ble building lots in the Eighth ward, front Ing fifty feet on Crawford, First, Second, Third Fourth, Fifth and Sixth avenues, tietweeu Road and Third streets. Also some desirable business property fronting on Fourth street, near Eighth avenue, and on Bell wocd avenue between Third and Fourth streets. For further information apply to, or address, W.

LEET, trustee, Twelfth avenue and Twelfth street. novlO-eod-tf yitantei. ANTED A fjood store room man at tlieAltamont Hotel. WANTED Roomers Central Hon, Apply at 1121 Seventh avenue. e23-3t looa- ANTED Accounting and auditing.

Books posted anil balanced. B. care Tribune. jc22-23-25 ISfANTKl) 2 or 3 Furnished Rooms, lentral, for Light Housekeeping, Address 210 1'ostollicc. june21-3t ANTED First claps machinists and ilcr ninkers for locomotive repairs on Vt estcru Railroad, call at Magees Hotel, une21-0t U7ANTED A purchaser for a general 11 st store in a large Pennsylvania town.

Excel lent locution i I-arge patronage. Hood reason giv en for selling. Address P. O. Box 23, Tyrone, Pa.

june 21-5t WAN 1 LP Position as clerk: by gentleman with experience, qualified to lill position as lookkccper or sales clerk. Can give oest oi reierences ami iiirmsii nono ne- sired. Address CLKKK Tribune office. je23-3t 117 A TKD Ladies to try one of our lieaullful all long hair, natural curly Pomp adours. Cannot be detected by the closest observer.

Pri'-e $1.00. Trv encumber Massage ('ream fo-wrinklfs. tnn and sunburn, fiOc a jar. MRS. JK.VN V.U'CII.N, 13U8 Eleventh avenue.

I XrANTED. ALTOONA AND EN TERPRISE CARPET CLEANING AND FLUFF KUH FACTORY. Dry cleaning, Wilton, Axminster. Moauette. Velvet, gmvriia.

Brussels. cents per miming yard. Ingrain, Kug, Cocoa Matting. 2 cents per running vara, reamers ren ovated, 10 cents per pound. Old carjiet woven over Into flue Buff rugs.

Come to works and see samples. Work Guaranteed. Terms cash on delivery. Our motto Is, honesty aii'i promptness, send an man orders to worts, sixtn avenuet or call by l4a 'phones to works, or leave sf orancn (tisxeryi, imu isieventa avenue. Ail moth snd larvtr removed.

Plumbing, Welsbach Hardware. Lawn Mowers, $2.75. Garden Hose, 8c, 10c, 14c foot. Gas Stoves," Rubber Tubing, Etc. A.

E. AKERS, 921 Chestnut Avenus. Bell Phone, 344 R. H.R.Earlenbangii's EXTRAORDINARY VALUES IN Shoes. Every Pair as Represented or MoneyRefunded.

The Radclifle, Ladies, (2) Lasts 2.M The Boston Girl, Ladies, (2) 12.00 Good Vicl orOougola (2) $1.50 Ueu'sOood Year Sewed Vicl (3.00 Hen's Tat Warranted, Best 8tyles 9J8 50 Men's Champion Soiid (1.75 Men's Champion Solid (1.75 Men's Dongola a Good tl.76 Men's "Beats All," Good Style (A fl.29 Men's Potapsco, Bal, and (1 .50 Satisfaction gnaranteed. All eiies from cradle np. Come now while our stock is unbroken. H. R.

EARLENBAUGH. Lexington, Avenue, Altoona, The Glorious Fourth is the day of all days for fires, and sometimes the hard worked, firemen can't cope with them all. Why run the risk without insurance when. It can be botiptu lor a lew dollars on house and furniture or stock of Roods. Let me write you a policy in a good company.

James Morgan, nsurance and Real Estate, ELEVENTH AVE. aft il Items of Interest Clipped or Condensed From Oar Exchanges. Two Clearfield county Italians have just paid $100 fine and the costs for killing robins. Mrs. Charles Deeter, who is among Mapleton's oldest inhabitants, recent ly passed through a siege of The mumps.

The new house of worship of the Reformed congregation at Lewistown, was dedicated with appropriate serv ices last Sunday. During a heavy electrical storm last Sunday evening two horses belonging ro Jacob R. Stine, who resides near McVeytown, were struck by lightning and killed. The Methodists of Flemington, Clin ton county, Rev. D.

M. Grover, pastor, dedicated their new church edifice last Sunday. It cost $10,000, and the whole amount was paid or pledged. A "tramp who was given shelter at the farm house of Jacob Griffith, near Cessna, Bedford county, the other night, repaid his benefactor by steal Ing between $7 and $8. Out of 926 votes cast in Lewistown at a special election last Tuesday to determine whether or not the borough debt should be increased for the purpose of installing a sewer system 800 were in the affirmative.

Early Saturday morning, at her home in Lewistown, Flora Wagner, the woman shot by her jealous para mouif last Tuesday, died as a result of the bullet wounds inflicted. She passed away without a struggle, sur rounded Jby relatives and friends. Last Saturday the Somerset county court sentenced Harry Zerfoss to year's imprisonment in the western penitentiary. Sunday he was detect ed in an effort to escape and on Mon day he was sent to Allegheny with an additional six months added to the original sentence. Mount Union Republican: Durin.iT the heavy thunder storm which vis ited this section Sunday evening the barn on the farm of Mr.

Ewing, sit uated just across the river, and ten anted by Joseph Palmer, was struck by lightning and a valuable mare killed. The barn was slightly dam aged. Perry County Democrat: The marriage of Mr. H. E.

Sheibley editor of the Advocate, and Miss l.essie Peale, of this place, is announced. It will take place on the 30th of thi month and will be private. None but. the immediate relatives of the bride and groom will be present. Lieorge Kaiuor, ot war badly burned Thursday morning last at Logan Iron-works while assistfn in unloading cinder taps.

He tossed a nucKct oi water on me not stun: to cool it, when it exploded, part of the molten mass flying over his person burning him about the face, arm anil hip, and the hair from h's head. Bedford Hawkeye, June 21: Charles Weaverling was instantly killed and Jacob Weaverling was knocked sense less by a bolt of lightning while standing near the trunk of a large tree to which they had gone forshel ter yesterday afternoon. The tw men had been fishing in the Ray: town branch. When they saw th storm rising they left their rods and ran to the tree. The tragedy occur red near Saxton.

CLAYSBURG CULLINGS. M. A. Lingafelter is erecting ft new house on his property, below town. Miss Crace Mosser, visiting her father, G.

Friesville. of Altoona, W. Mosser, Miss Mabel Ayers, of the Mountain City, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Harmon Blackburn. T.

S. Diveiy wiii have his largo new barn completed soon, which will add greatly to the appearance of hif homo. Dr. George Price and daughter, Mary, of the guests at the day. Mountain City, wero Eagle hotel on Tues- owing to the Illness of Professor M.

A. Diveiy, the school was not opened on Monday, but on Tuesday ho again resumed his position The Children's service held in the Lutheran church on Sunday wa; largely attended. The programme was a very interesting and lengthy one. Messrs. D.

S. Eckhardt and G. C. Hoover, two employes of the Pennsyl vania Railroad company at Altoona, spent a few days recently under the parental roof. A colored troop, consisting of four persons, will give entertainments in the hall, beginning on Monday evening and continuing until Wednesday evening, inclusive.

Professor G. Zeth, of the ZeLh school, of Altoona, was the guest of his mother, Mrs. Mary A. -Zeth, on Sunday. Mrs.

Zeth has been ill the past few weeks, but is now convalesc ing. F. E. Maus, representing H. Ileckermari, of Bedford, and Mr.

Mickel, traveling salesman for Black burn of Fishertown, paid our merchants a business call on Mon day. For a Hundred Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel nas been recognized as a su perior remedy," but it remained for E. C. DeWitt of Chicago, to discover how to combine the virtues of Witch Hazel with other antisep tics, in the form of a salve.

DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is the best salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises and piles. The high standing of this salve has given rise to counterfeits, and the. publid is advised to look for the name "DeWitt" on the package and accept no other. Sold by H. Kantner.

A Frightened Horse, Running like down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occurrences. It 'behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly un der Its soothing effect 25c at A. A. Gartland's and David G.

Hurley's Drug Stores. A Large Bottle and Little Price Is the smallest claim McDonald's Giant Liniment Makes on public favor. It heals It soothes Jt cures It satisfies So they all say Ought to be in every Rolling Mill, Mine, Lumber Camp, Family and Stable in the land. Sold everywhere at 25c per bottle. day, June 23, at 8 ctoca p.

to any person or persons successfully bidding and giving ap proved security. New bidders will be supplied wiin stock, tor turtner information apply to 8. U. EEPLOtiLE Secretary. CECrarTY.f-The Security Building kj ana Loan associauon will in Alexander's Building and Loan association room, Eleventh avenue, on Thursday, even ing, June 23, at 8 ocick, to any person or persons successfully bidding and giving approved security.

Money sold promptly at o'clock, regardless of roll call. For further infor mation apply to R. M. LEWIS, Secretary, Ko. 2513 Bcaie avenue.

HOPE. The Hope Building and Loan Association will loan J3.500 in the room lwok of Alexander's office, on Eleventh avenue Tuesday evening. June 2f. at 8 clock, to any person successfully bidding or giving approved security. New bidden will be supplied with stock in the current series.

Money will lie sold promptly at s. o'clock regardless of roll call. Kor iiirtiur information appiy a. oviiii secretary 810 Chestnut avenue. BLAIR COUNTY.

The Blair Connty Loan aud Building association will loaii J2.500. iu Murrav'a building, Altoona, on Monday evening, June 27, at 8 o'clock, to any ihtkou or persons successfully Imiaing and giving ap proved spnintv. ror stocK in current series ap-nlv to II. E. pressident: James Foust.

vice president, or to any of the following direc- 1 1 1 u- 1. 1 I torn: ueoTge narpnaiii, n. ratiii-niit, o. Foniev. J.

M. Johnston. W. C. V.

Miller, i. A. Woomer, and Craig Bowers, solicitors! u. 1. wniuKun, secrciary.

CTANDARD. The Standard Building KJ and Loan association will loan Alexander's building and loan rooms, Eleventh avenue between Twelfth and I lurtecnlh streets, Monday evening. June 2i, at o'clock, to any person successfully bidding ard giving approved security. New bidders supplied wirti slock In seventeenth series, stockholders meeting for receipt of dues at 7.30 p.m. Two per cent al lowed on dues advanced lor two years or longer.

For stock or information apply by letter or in ht-son to 11. A. Little, president: A.J.Engle. vice president; W. If.

Allen, treasurer, care Second National bank: 8. M. (iriftith, II. 1). Murray, George F.

Jackson, E. S. Forney, James White, J. Einorv Sliute, James Foust, M. II Maekev.

W. W. Yon. directors. J.

Foster Meek solicitor, or to GEORGE HAR I'll AM, Secretary, Keystone building, riiteeiun street tMWecn fcicv cnt'h and Twelfth avenues. THE WINDSOR HOTEL I2I7-3I Filbert Street. Philadelphia, Thoroughly Renovated, Refurnished, Remodeled The most convenient travelers' hotel In Phila delphia: one half square from Reading Tenniiuil; two Sdiiim-s from Broad Street depot. All modern convenieuccs, finest cuisine in city, gooii service and moderate rales, fkaink scukihlky, apr21-fimos Manager. THE ALBEMARLE.

Virginia Avenue. Near Beach and Piers. ATLANTIC CITY. Klegftilt modern hotel, new throughout, offers reduced terms ts, and weekly; i I fnr vrv- so ivrior accommodations, including excellent table and 11.1 pleasant Jront looms, metal h. 'ds, private bal lis, I 11 Jlvill.u.t nl nnmli.u nut lUVlWUlin, IMIOIICS, Booklet mailed.

Saturday until Monday, 3.M) je6-lm J. P. COPE. "Hotel Stickney, Atlantic City. Virginia Avenue and Beach.

'TliftiftV'is 'Knciy situated, beiiR second hotel from the boardwalk, i It commands' a fine ocean view and is within one minute's walk of the famous Steel Pier. Elevator. All modern improvements. Your patronage solicited. A first-class hotel at a reasonable rate.

Rates: $2 00 to $3.00 Per Day. $10.00 to $18.00 Per Week. L. V. STICKNEY.

ic6-3m For the months of June and July we will deliver you Wopsy Coal at: $2.50 per single ton. Two tons, $2.45 per ton. Five tons, $2.40 per ton. Ten tons, $2.35 per ton. Wopsonnock Coal City Office, 1029 Green Avenue.

Both phones at office and wharves. Wharves, Juniata and 25th Avenue and 11th Street Fire I Fire! Fire Baltimore Disaster should cause you to protect your Household- furniture, Dwellings, Bet and Largest companies. Represented by W. L. Nicholson, 1228 Eleventh Avenno.

Anchor Litre. United States Mai! Steamships Sail from New York every Sa'urdty for Glasgow via Londonderry. St perior Acconimodaiions at Lowest Ratet for all Classei of For Rates, Rooks of Information for Paftsongers and New Illustrated Book of Tonrs, Applv to HKNIiKUtiON BROTH KKK, (icneral Agents, 17 and lil Broadway, New York, or W. NICHOLSON, 122K Kleveiith avenue, or It WEIR, MasonicTcmple. Altoona myll-3mos PROPOSALS FOR COAL The Jnnia- ta Huhool Board solicits bids for the furnish- liicr of one Hundred (100) Tons Healed bids should be sent to the Secretary not later than Saturday, June 26.

jeflMt D. D. COLEMAN, Secretary. Capital, Surplus, $25,000.00 THE Real Estate, Title and Trust -i- Firmness in Spite of Dullness Was Noteworthy. Dnllpeu Approached Stagflation at Timet, fcut Still Prices Were Teoa- cfonsly Held.

New York, "June 22. The most noteworthy fact about the day's stock market was its firmness in face of excessive dullness. The dullness approached stagnation at considerable periods, but prices were tenaciously held in to-day's with a demand so scant as to be imperceptible for most of the day. A number of minor stocks and specialties gave ome sympathetic support to the market by their strength, which was unexplained in the news events. The Canadian Pacific group was a prominent example and was in demand both here and in London.

The Metropolitan Traction group made some recovery from yesterday's depression, the piKblication of the poor earnings statement apparently ending the selling movement. The most effective "sympathetic movement in the market was the firmness of IT. S. Steel preferred. The continued quietude of Southern Pacific was also in favor of the market.

The accumulation of stocks in the last hour proved the most important of the day, but the result on prices was moderate and a slump of over four points in Chicago, Great Western preferred unsettled the advance and made the closing irregular. Total sales to-day were 208,200 shares. The tone of the bond market continued firm. Total sales, par value, United States bonds were unchanged on call. THE MARKETS.

Chicago, June "22. Bullish foreign crop reports on the condition of wheat to-day were offset by bearish advices regarding the domestic situation. As a result, closing prices were practically identical with. yesterday's final figures. Other staples are down a little corn oats and provisions 10c to 20c.

The leading futures ranired as follows: Articles. 0en High Low Closing. uig. Wheat No. 2 July (old) 85' July (new) Sept.

(old) .81 tjejit. (new) Com No. 2 -June July ticpt 4vVji Oats No. 2 June est. est.

.48 July September lieeemlier Mess ork, jier Barrel-July Septemlior Lard.Per 100 pounds i July. September Kibs, Per' 100 Pound: .32 12 9 13.15 13.00 12.77' 12 SO 13.27V. 13.04 13.10 7.15 7 05 7.25 7.50 f.95 7.12'S f.97': 7.15 July 7.47V September 7 (ii'i 7.4.) 7AZV. r.uo l'lili, but cash uuotuionB were MB hi lows: Flour steady. No.

2 spring wheat, fl." No. 2 re, 2 corn. 48.1(a) No. 2 yellow, 5 1 c. No.

2 41 Jc; No. 3 No. 2 5c. Barley, 3440c; malting 4254c. Flaxseed, No.

1 northwestern, $1.07. Titnothv seed, Pork, $12.75 $12.80. Lard, Kibs, sides, clear sides, $7.50. Whisky, $1.28. Chicago, June 22.

Cattle Receipts, including 720 Texans. JVIarket lfi25c lower. Gofcl to prime poor to medium, stockers and feeders, (ft cows, heifers, canners, 1 bulls, calves, Texas fed steers, $5.25. Hogs Receipts, to-morrow market steady; mixed aivl butchers, good to choice heavy, rough heavv, light, bulk sales, Sheep Receipts, market steady; good to choice wethers, $4.75 fair to choice mixed, $4.00 spring lambs, Philadelphia, June 22. Wheat-Market steady.

Contract grade, June, Corn Market 54c. Oats Market steady: June, 53 quiet, unchanged. No. 2 white, natural, 48c; do. clipped, 49c.

Butter Market steady. Extra western creamery, 18c; do. nearby prints, 19c. Eggs Market ic lower. Fresh nearby, 18c, loss off; do.

western 18c, do. do. southwestern, 17c, do. do. southern, 15c, do.

do. Cheese Market firm and higher. New York full creams, choice to fancy new, 88c; do. do. fair to good new, 88tC Refined sugars Market strong.

Cotton Market 15 points higher. Middling uplands, 11.25. Tallow Market quiet, but steady. City prime, in tierces, 44c; country do. barrels, 4c; do.

dark, 3c; cakes, 44c. Live poultry Market steady, fair demand. Fowls, 1212c; old roosters, spring chickens, 17 25c; ducks, old, 10llc; do. young, 13(0)l4c. Dressed poultry Market steady, fair demand.

Fowls, choice fresh killed 12Mc; do. fair to good, llM12c; old roosters, 8c; nearby broilers, choice, 3032c; do. fair to good, 20 25c; do. western choice, 2528c; do. fair to good, 1520c.

Receipts Flour, 1,000 barrels and 1,107,000 pounds in sacks; wheat none; corn, 72,000 bushels; oats, bushels. Shipments Wheat none; corn, bushels; oats, 0,500 bushels. Xnion Stock Yards, Pittsburg, June 22. Cattle Supply light; market quiet. Choice, prime, fair, $4.90.

Hogs Receipts light, market active. Prime heavier, mediums and heavy yorkers, light yorkers, pigs, roughs Sheep Supply light; market steady. Prime wethers, common sheep, choice lambs, veal calves, Philadelphia, June 22. -Stock eloped Cambria Steel, 19U K. C.

8 V. L. da Nav. 8J Pennsylvania, 1 l'hila. Hap.

Trans, I'hiln. Klec. 0 11-10 Philadelphia 38 -Heading, 23 wii bo. 2d 32 it. -li.

G. mvt it. s. '-(; y- V. H.

S.preferred, II. T. no sales Standard Oil, 0j8 01' $200,000.00 on Time Deposits. Saving Accounts ptr cent, interest allowed on savings accounts; compounded semiannually. Did You See them? Those Imperial Panels in Ihe west display case in the vestibule? If you dts're to know how to get one rf yourselfwith a dozen cabinet photographs, just step up stairs to the studio and get Information.

Bell phone. Want One, Don't You? AVENUE. BOTH PHONES' illO Fifteenth St Checking Accounts. Save Your Dollars! .1 1 OtiZ DOLLAR STARTS AN ACCOUNT. Call and Get a Steel Savings Bank.

MAflAIfl'11 your pocket decreases, iTlUllCy deposited with us increases. 1110 Fifteenth Street Open for Sittings from 9 to 9- ottmann's Studio. Cor. Eleventh Ave. end Thirteenth St.

Wagons, Buggies and Harness Special Prices on Surries and Road Wagons. We have a complete line of Rubber end Cushion Tire Road Wag ons, Top Buggies, Surries, Open and Top Delivery Wagons; all kinds Light and Heavy Harness, Fertilizers, etc. Get our prices before buying, we can save you money. H. L.

Stulte 8c 1701 UNION CASH OR CREDIT. 0.

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