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Santa Cruz Weekly Sentinel from Santa Cruz, California • Page 4

Santa Cruz, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. cupboard, empty though it be let HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS. Santa Cra Sentinel. The Protectionist nowspnpers have lately published the conclusions of Samuel Peebles of Iowa on the happy effects of Protection.

Thomas Worker of the same State has put his opposite convictions in this form; LEGAL. r. vvp R- flKKTI 11" A 1 ur y. of California, uounij the unjersc.f. do hereby at the transacting dusiii, village of Lorcnso, In the ft," i.

rrt of such partnership are Samuel H. Ram bo and John E. Vreeland, and that the i) aces of our respecue niinosite our respective names hereto sub scribed. In witness whereof, we nave hereunto set our nanus wn. SV." o.

is. tfAUVU. RAMBO orensu, VUEELANU, M.nntv nnHrnrnta. Hanta inmisann euju. ocrore me, u.

Haiila tic, in anu ror uib Crm. personally appeared Ramuel H. Kambo and John E. Vreeland, personally ka tlm surne nerhons desi-ribed In, whose names are subscribed to the within Instrument, and they acknowledged to me that lliey executed the same. In witness whereof, I have here- I olflviu.

mvAfflP 11 unto sei mj unuti, seal the day and year In this certllloate n- Notary Public In and for said oounty. E. AKINNKY, Clerk. Bv H. Wa.nikk Deputy Clerk.

myllMt IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OP THB county of Santa Cruz.ln the Htate of tho matter of Louii A. Whittle, an tnHOivent debtor. Louis A. Whittle having filed In this Court bit) petition, schedule, and Inventory In Insolvency, by which It appears that he la an Insolvent debtor, the said IxmU A. Whittle li hereby declared to be InwIvenU The Shcriit of the county of Santrt Cru Is hereby directed take posseHaion of all the estate, real and personal, of the said Louis A.

Whittle, debtor, except such a may be by law exempt from execution, and of all his deeds, vouchers, books of account, and papers, and to keep the same safely until theappofntmentof an aaHlKnee of his estate. All persons are forbidden to pay any debts to the said Insolvent or to deliver any property belonging to hlra or to an person, firm or corporation or uEtinii.tidii far liiu iikp. Tho said debtor Is hereby forbidden totrnnnferordellver any properly uniu wie lunnwr uruer this Court, except as herein ordered. It Is further ordered that all the creditor of said and appear before the Honorable J. H.

fgan, Judeo of the Hu-perlor Court of the county of Santa Cruz, In open Court at the CourWooin of said Court, In the city nt Santa Cruz, county of Santa Cruz, on tho eighth day of June, iww, at. 2 o'clock P. M. of that day, to prove their debts and choose one or more assignees of the estate of said debtor. It Is further ordered that this order be published In the Hanta Cut skntinkl.

a newspapernf general circulation, published lu the city of Haute Cruz, county of Hanta Cruz, as often as the said paper published before the said dav set for the meeting of creditors. And it Is further ordered that in the meantime all proceedings against the said Insolvent be stayed. Dated May 4th, a.d. IW. J.

H. LOGAN, Judge of the Hu per lor Court. H. E. MAKINNKY.

Clerk. WM. O. LORIGAN, Attorney for Insolvent. Notice to Creditors.

TN THE RITPKRIOK COURT OF THE county of Hanta Cruz, Htate of Call-fornla. In the mutter of the estate of Adna A. Hccox, deceased. Notice it heifbv B-lven hv the iindcrsiirned. execu trix of the last will and testament of Adna A.

Hccox, deceased, to the creditors of and alt persons having claims against the sam deceased, to exniuii mem, wiin ine necessarv vouchers, within four months after the first publication of this nol tee, to the said executrix, at her place of residence at the Light-house, In the city of Hanta iruz, in me county or ani urn, Htate of California. Dated Mav 11th. 1883. M. M.

HECOX. Executrix of the laat will and testament and estate of Adna A. Hooox, deceased, my 12-61 AND OFFICE AT SAN FRANCISCO, lj caiirornia, April 2Hth, ifvti. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notlceof his Intention to make final proor in support or his claim, and that said proof will be mode before the Register Receiver at said Land Ohice, on Saturday, June 16, 1883, viz: Hvppollt Bon gout, pre-emption D. No, UMt, for the lot '2 and VaOf SK 14, Sec 20, T.

10 K. 2 M. D. M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Louis Martin, Wm.

Russell, Louis Machefer and Francis Cuden-nec, all of Hanta Cruz P. Santa Crux uai. WM. WHEATOV, ap28-6t Register. AND OFFICh AT SAN FRANCISCO, California, April 2th, 1MU.

Notice is hen'by given tliat the following-named settler lias tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver nt said Land office.on Wednesday, June 20, 1SK3, viz Emory H. Hweetser, pre-emption, 1). 8., No. for the- lots 2, 4 and and of SE Sec 22, T. 10 K.

R. M. D. M. He names the following witnesses to prove ms continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vfi: John Grey, Geo.

J. Fuller, C. F. Wilson and Wm. Barrett, all of Sauta Cruz t.

Santa Cruz Ca, Cal. WM. R. WHEATON, p2S-6t RegUter. LITEBY STABLE TO LEASE! Cor.

Pacific At. mi Bridge St, Santa Cnu, TO LET! UUOD LO ATIO.I. CHEAP RENT. Apply to Exchange a Mart. mylv-U Land for Sale 52 CI5ES FIRST-CLASS SEDIMENT LAND Wllhlnoneand ahalf miles of Wstson- p.

neavllytlm- re.l with wood; suitable tor line wood. Title perfect. fUH F. I i i Sso PEB ACHE. Inquire o( John T.

Porter at his offlce In Uatsonvllle, or of Edward While, at his farm near Sandy's Corners. myl2-tf A PAPER FOB THE PEOPLE. THE PACIFIC RURAL PRESS, wiwd ww.iy paper, Publishes: bv DEWEY a Is full of valuable instruction for every In HIiy inierested in nny of the or horticultural pursuits, as those subjeels ars discussed Id RTTRAT. PPFS9 By talented men and women, eneaired In rural pursuits, In different parts if the ii Iff Ti i i wans me sub scription price ujo. si.

P. OWES, Aceat, Mrs. Wiihln at Subscription Agents, Santa Crus. ap2i-im W. FINKELDEY, DEAXBA IN.

Groceries, Provisions, CRAIN, PEED, TOBACCO, IUAB ADD I.Iql OBK A Kis 1 art I Od bsnd for ml fMi psjsarjsj. Agent lor LeCercIs ol Pari, and Hamburg. Bremen Fire Insurance Coi. Alora Opposite Row Hall or Records I Wanted.

(n. J. Maps and suaranteed i Kr. tlous. For parllculars h.1,1 reis hinsn, Hacramenlo.

(Jal. NOTICE. Persons knowintr them.a1.. L. dewed to me will pieiuw call and of so ne I.

"HMUon J. J. McMENOMl Change of Proprietors. HAVING BOUGHT OUT THE BAH. ber Hhop of Thos.

a wish to Inform lh public of aud vlclully that I iiiU-nd to thiirou.hi. renovate premise, and place le earlier 1 us, like her, accept the Inevitable with calm steadfastness; and should we, like her, ever be loft with a hun gry dog and an empty cupboard, may future chroniclers be able to write also of us, In the beautiful words of our text MAad so the poor dog had none." Hereto Woman. It is related that In the year 1786 Grand Master of the Knights of Malta sent, as a present, a costly bracelet of rubies to Madame du Frenoy, French lady of great beauty. In token of her extraordinary and gallant con. duot when an Algerine corsair at tacked the vessel in which he was passenger.

This lady waa in a poi se ro, bound to Genoa, and the Alger. lne coming alongside, poured in a broadside, and then grappling with her, a number of the Algerlnes boarded her, sword In hand. The crew was about to submit to the enemy, whon Madame du Frenoy snatched a sabre from a wounded sol dier and wielded it with astonishing courage and effect. The crew, ani mated and inspired by such an example of female valor, fought with enthusiasm, killed several of the pirates, and drove the remainder back to their own vessel. When this lady reached the was everywhere greeted with acclamations by the populace.

The Marquis de Cbristeaux waited upon her, and with his own hands plaoed a crown of laurel on her bead, and a portrait of her was taken for the Queen of France. Jewell, the convicted Lexington murderer, whose self-possession and ease were considered remarkable at the time of his arrest, Is described as a perfoct wreck since his conviction George Alfred Town send has bought a house in New York With the proceeds of his pen, No. 861 West Thirty- fourth which, like a good hue band, he has promptly given to his wife, and in which he expects to end his literary days. "During a recent storm at Greenville, South Carolina," says tha New York Tribune, B. Lewis M.

Quad' wrote at midnight a two- oolumn newspaper letter by the glare of lightning." Probably he wrote it with a ligbnlng-rod. The Denver and Rio- Grande Railroad's cut in passenger rates to $1.50 for the round trip between Salt Lake and Ogden was the occasion of a meeting between the local officers of the Utah Central and Denver Road, but no understanding has been arrived at. To the outspoken opinions heretofore given on the Chinese subject, we now add that of the N. Z. Mail and Express, which, it will be seen, is one of unqualified disgust against the encroachments of these people.

Says that paper The Sheriff sold at Eureka the per sonal property of the Albion mine, Including 135,000 bushels of coal, lumber, ore, mining tools, etc. All went for $23,277, which is at least $40,000 leas than the actual cost. On June 1st the mine was sold under ex ecution. John W. Young, the eldest son of Brigham, the Mormon, being disappointed at the failure of the Church to elect him his father's successor, left Utah and became an exile in Arizona, with three of his wives.

Young has hsd a very valuable construction contract on the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad, and made a large sum of money. Last week a dead man waa found with a rope round his neck hanging to a tree on Gift's ranch near Paicines, and a few days after a herdsman broke his neck by a fall from a steep hill known as Robbor'a Roost near San Benito. The first was a young German named Schmidt from the Sandwich Islands, a worker for Oderkirk, a blacksmith. Gifrov Advocate. A young Itallar.

Lieutenant is to be tried in New York on a charge of attempting suicide, and the defence wQl probably be insanity, as his friends claim that he was out of his head when he committed the deed. He was a suitor for the hand of Miss Ayer, a young woman said to be worth $12,000,000. The National Republican Conven tion of 1884 Is already beginning to cast a shadow. The Secretary of the National Committee, John A. Martin, has recently received a large number of letters Inquiring as to the time and place.

His reply Is that these particulars will be fixed at a meeting of the National Committee to be held at Washington on the 12th of December next. The Lodi Sentinel says a gentleman In a hotel in that place, attracted by the loud barking of a dog in the yard, went to sen what was the matter, and found the animal trying to extinguish a burning shake that had fallen from the roof. The roof was blazing briskly, and but for the timely discovery the house and the village, which lay to the leeward, would have been laid In ruins. "A full-bearded man, of middle age and good address," was advertised for in Philadelphia. He was wanted as a visitor to families in which a death had taken place to make arrangements for the funeral.

"There is something about a bearded man," said the undertaker who was thus seeking one, "that inspires con fidence, and on these solemn occa sions I must consult the tastes of the bereaved in the most minute particu lars." The facts revealed are too foul for publication, but no public journal can ignore them and be true to Its functions as either a newsteller or a guardian of the public welfare. Evea the faintest outlines of the processes by which the uncared-for and untaught young girls of the poor are dehuman ized through the arts and opium of Chinese moral lepers, are enough to freeze the blood or to make it boil with a righteous wrath. The Central Pacific Railroad Company has taken practical steps and vigorous action to promote desirable immigration to California. It has established a bureau of Info' bullion in Chicago and put it in charge of a well informed and practical agriculturist. It has sent out to leading and intelligent agriculturists and fruit and winegrowers, officials and others in Cali-fomis, a circular requesting information on specified points relative to soil, production, stock-raising, climate, irrigation, markets, labor demand, timber, manufacturing, etc.

PACIFIC 0CEA1I HOUSE, ft ANT A CHI'S. E. J. SWIFT, Proprietor HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE-named Hotel for A term of yearn, and refitted II throuitbont, 1 take pleasure In announcing to the cltliens of Hanta Cms and well an the travel! public that the house wilf-be Firit-Clasi in all its With rntea low thote of any other houae In the county. arComme-dloaa Ritlnv an nils' tun I Rooms are attached to the House for the ucoouimoUatloa of guest.

WPAHRENGER8 CONVEYED FROM Railroad Trains and Steam em to the Hotel Free of Chance noTl6tf WILKINS HOUSE, Santa cruz, cai. MOST PLEASANTLY LOCATED ON Pacific avenue, the main street of the city, one blwk from Express, Telegraph and Postotllees A FlraM'liM Fatal I Hotel Had Board In House. FINE GARDENS AND GROUNDS YsTNcret Cnm pnM the Door every few minutes, ruuiiiutf to tho Bath-Houses on the Beach. rrre Carrlavesj meet all Trains and Steamers. TERMS REASONABLE.

-V P. T. WILKINS. i i Proprietor Central Hotel! FELTON, SANTA CRUZ COUHTY. JOSEPH BALL, Prop.

I TAKE PLEASURE IN ANN'OITNC-Ihr to the citizens of Santa Cms county and the traveling public generally, that the above hou will be kept flrat-cIhas, with rates as low as any other good bouete In this county. The Hotel complines, besides fifty1 newly furnished sleeping rooms, a commo dloiiK Pitrlor, Heading Room, Billiard Room and Saloon. ThlB Hotel is a fine Summer resort. Fine scenery, fishing and limiting in the vicinity. -PASSENGERS CONVEYED TO AND FROM TRAINS FREE OF CHARGE.

GIVE ME CVXjXi-rarl7-3m Germania Hotel! (D1UTSCHKB GASTHOr,) C0aKS VINE AND LOCUST SHEETS, BAST. C'BII, t-Al J. P. Kriee, Prop. mj-U-tf French Rotisserie MRS.

P.SPECKENS, Proprietress. Pacific Arenas, Opp. Pacific Ocean House, SANTaY IUIZ, CAL. French Dinners to Orders MEAia AT ALL HOURS. Transplanted EASTERN OYSTERS a specialty.

an27-U MANSION HOUSE WatMaillle, Is now under the Management of Jerome Porter. FIRST-CLASS IN ALL RESPECTS. TABLE AND 8ALOON 8mplled with the BEST THE MARKET Santa Cruz House! Front Rmu Odb. N. BENEDICT, Proprietor HAVING LEASED THE ABOVE named houfte.

I am now nrflnaroil In continue the business In all the hotel orancnes, at ins OLD STAND, WITH THI Best the Market Affords spl-U Manson House I 3V. MANSON HAS LEASED THE HOTEL FOR-merly known as llie PALACE, on MINSIOS STREET. SANTA CBl'Z, And the same Is now open to the public for their patronage. BO ABO ASD LODGiarU. By the Day, Week nr Month at Reasonable Kales.

rfc2t-U Garden City Restaurant AND BAKERY. Lower Rants. Craa ZARO BR i i THE ABOVE-NAMED RESTAURANT has rtwently been renovated entirely, und the table Is supplied with the best the market affords. California sod Eastern Oystera Furnished in Every Style. Entrance for LadlesVl ai2-tf WALKER'S HOTEL IB MATEO.

CAL For Pine, Beaatirnl Reenery, Beautiful Climate. Han If aleo stands for. uaoaU In connection with the Hons, there is Bar, Billiard Table and Livery aais-tr Swan ton House. Petcadero. San Mateo Co- C.

W. Bwanton, Proprietor TH1H POPULAR HOTEL AND WELL-known Rummer resort has been thnr oughly and Is now In first. cisss floiwiuion; anu naa pieasani cottages for families and parties. The Htaat omc lot tbs Hanta Cms and taa Huso attasM. luJ-U A Rare Chance -TO INVEST IN- Watches, Chains, Jewelry, Field Classes, Silverware, Clocks, At Priest Away Below Coil.

WM. EPPEY, THE PIOSKEB JEWELER, Is closing out his entire stock of Jewelry and Fixtures, preparatory to departure an.r.nfu the entire outllt wholly regardless of cost. Hot an Advertising Dodge bat tbc True Business. M-nnll In soon and orotlt by this rare opportunity. 1 Pacific AvoBiie, BELOW LINCOLN STREET i -) The Bad and mJrilZl Worthless vw never imitated or counterfeited.

This is especially true of a family medicine, and it is positive proof that the remedy imitated is of the highest value. As soon as it had been tested and proved by the whole world that jjoi) Bitters was the purest, best and most valuable family me licine on earth, many imitations sprung up and began to steal the notices in which the press and. people of tho country had expressed tho merits of 11. and in every way trying to induce suffering invalids to uso their stuff instead, expecting to make money on the credit and good name of II. B.

Many others started nostrums put up in similar stylo to II. with variously cunningly devised names in which the. word "Hop" or "Hops1' were used in a way to induce peoplo to believe they were the same as pop Bitters. All such pretendedromedics or cures, no matter what thuir style or name is, and especially those with the word "Hop" or "Hops" in their name or in any way connected with them or their name, are imitations or counterfeits. Beware of them.

Touch none of them, but: Use nothing but genuine flop Bitters, with a bunch or cluster of green Hops on the white label Trust nothing else. Druggists and dealers are warned against dealing in imitations oi counterfeits. Are the Purest and Best Bitters ever made. They are compounded from Hops, Malt, Buchn, Mandrake and Dandelion, the oldest, best and most valuable medicines in the world and contain all the best and most curative proporties of all other remedies, being the greatest Blood Purifier, Liver Kegulator, and Life and Health Restoring Agent on earth. No disease or ill health can possibly long exist where yrop Bitters are used, so varied ana perfect their operations.

They give new life and vigor to flie aged and infirm. To all whoso employments cause irregularity of the bowels or nrinory organs, or who require an Appetizer, Tonio and mild Stimulant, nop Bitters are invaluable, being highly curative, tonio and stimulating, witliont intoxicating. No matter what your feelings or symptoms are, what the disease or ailment is, nse jjop Bitters. Don't wait until yon are sick, bnt if yon only fool bad or miserable, nse jjop Bitters at once. It may save your life.

Hundreds have been saved by so doing. 500 will be paid for a case they will not cure or help. Remember, jrop Bitters is no vile, drugged, drunken nostrum, but the Purest and Best Medicino ever made; the Invalid's Friend and hope," and no person or family should be without it. Cg; HAS BEEN PROVED ThaSURIST CUR! for lUUnbT UlSbASfcS. Docs a Ism.

back or adlrcrdondurlne 0 IndicstotlistyouareavtctimP THEN DO tt NOT HE91TAT5 1 use KIENIT-WOBTst onostdraggutsreoommsndit) and Itwiu overooms tho disease sad isstors UrsluiT souon to an tneoreans. I SlriitCz oomplaintspeooUarl i-l 1.CIVIICOS to Tour "sad weskneiMS. XLDNKT.WOBT Isunsms poMed, si tt wlU sot promptly sndssfsly. aiioer sex. inoonuranos, retsnuoa of urine, brick dost or ropv deposits, snddoll dragging pains, all speedily yield to its ear- muvo power.

(i.Jj HOT.D Alii. IJKTJQGTSTH. PH0S1. Our Spring; and Bummer Price-List K'o. 33, hat mad its appearance improved and enlarged.

Over 200 pages. Over 3,000 illustrations. Contains quota tions, descriptions and illustrations of nearly all articles in general use, from Adam and Kve to Bitting Bull and Mrs. Langtry. It costs us 25 cents for every eopy we mail nearly $50,000 per annum.

It makes our hair red to think of it. We should have the cost of production. Ths book is full of brains. Head for it, and nclose 25 cents anything or nothing Let us hear from you. Kespectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD A CO.

THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY Ii never-falling Cure for Nervous Itob.Hty.Hemtna) WeakneHH, Kx-tmuHU(l Vitality pcrnintnrrhrpa Ixmt Manhood I potency, Par alyHii, J'roHtutorr-Ikph, and all the terrible meets of Hlf-abuf fill hi aurl in ma! ne 1 urn mien an iah of Memory, LaM.ttulc, Nocturnal KmlMlon. Aversion tc Horlety, IlinriiHi of ViMion NnlseHlntlie Head; the vital fluid phim. Ins unobserved In the urine, and many other dieoe. that lead to liuunlt and death, IHL MIVTIK will mm to forfeit Five Hundred Ioani for a crwe of this kind that the VITAL KKNTOKATIVK fund. hlKftpectuI advice and treatment) will not cure or for anything Impure or Inlurlou found In It.

UIL MINTIK treatu all Private DlMaNffl UfCfllKflinv Wttl.nnl Ms cury. 1'ONMULTATItjN KHKK. ousii rxsiiiiuaMnn anu ailvlce, Inclurtins nniilyslsor urine, im. Price nt VITAI li I'kTi iU 1TIV1' 1 times the quantify, $1(1 (si; sent to any ad-dri'ss upon receipt ot price, or C. O.

1) secure from oliservalion, and in nrlvats name if desired, by lilt. A. E. MINTIB 11 Kbaknv Han Francisco, Cal. MANPLE BOTTLE rBEE.

Rent oil application by letter statins symptoms, si and Communicatlna strictly rnnndnntlal. 1 lilt. MINTIK'S KIDNKY REMFDT KEHIIKIJTHXM. cure, all kind, of Kid ncy and Bladder Complaints, onorrlnes t.leet, Leurarrhrm. Korssle byulldrua Sl.ts.ll Ola bottle, sli hollies for 5 (SI UK.

MINTIK'S IlANIlKLlliN IMU.S are the best andiheapest DYHPKPMIA ",1 PHW cur" ln toKii i voi sale by all druaKlsta. mrlr-rfr TAN NE lt'S I Is the place to buy your Drugs and Medicines. Branch Store at Felton. J. V.

TANKER. FEED MILL WOOD YARD, i. F. SIMPS 05, Pro'r, Mlasloa si, Opp. HI.


Table Tops, Wash Stands, Etc. All klmin of work dont in Marble, Free Stone and Oranlt. All work done In a first-class manner and at the lowettt rates. No canvasser era ployed, which Is a saving of 20 per cent to customers. Corner Paelfl At.

and Laurel BANTA CUUZ. mr4 Notice of Settlement. BEING ABOUT TO CT.OSK BtTKINKSfl, wc Hive notice to all Indebted Ut nn on nol or hook aecount if their accounts are not el owed on or before July l.lttM, the same will be placed in the hands of a Collector for settlement. oo4-tr A. CUIWTU AWIWI a tu.

Frank Eastman. RHAXNOK. Frank Eastman BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS 609 CLAY STREET, Near Hansome, San Francisco, Cat. CHEAP SHY To Loan on Land. No Com mission charged.

McAfee LAND AGENTS M--ntyfYmfryi 8hh Fmncif oo, iXilifomio. Moore's Remedy P0IS01T OAK! And other Skin Diseases. The onlr PREVENTATIVE And certain cure. Sold hvnlt dnitrirtata. 25 cents a box.

BEDIN'UTON mr31-0m General Ateeote, Han Francisco e. SXakes Good Ciu-riafg-esi ma-xr one. jn-tx Costumes I Costumes MRS. WEBER, THE FASHIONABLE COSTUMER has on hand a large supply of the best and Latest Styles of Costumes, CHEAP OB EXPENSIVE, Plain or rich, and which can be exam ined at Whldden's Locust and hired at the SOHT SEASONABLE FIUIBE! I sar-WIH nil to order. noll-3ul MRS.

WEBER. SI ON 08' HaUb Whisky The Purest and Best for Medicinal and Family Purposes. I CAN SHOW THOUSANDS OF LET-ters from persons from al I parts of the Union and Canada, to testify to its mer its and the benefit It has afforded as a family remedy and tonic. And baa been endorsed by the medical faculty as the best whisky for dyspepttla.lndlgestlon, etc. Has been told In all the Eastern Slates and given universal satisfaction.

It la highly recommended by the faculty In all caws of Nervousness, Weakness. Debil ity, uyspepsia, inaigesuon, uniiis ana Fever, etc. CAUTION oenuine unUxt labeled with my tiffnaiurt over the enrk. it. BlJlMUUn.

MALARIAL DISEASES! ALL KIHDS Speedily Yield to its Powerful Action NOTHING EQUALS IT AS AN APPETIZER. Its Tonic Properties are Grand and It RENEWS WASTED VITALITY AND REJUVENATES THE SYSTEM. Try It and Beeoin CavlncMt. aWCountry orders promptly attended to. Families supplied by the gallon, case or bottle.

BERNHEIM A Hole Aranta for Santa Cruz. And soldalfobr JAUKHON NYLVAR and P. FAY, DruKsclvf Santa Crux. mrijii GLE1TWOOD MAGNETIC SPRINGS DELIGHTFULLY SITUATED IN THE HantaCnts Mountains: for scentrv and as a health resort they are unsurpassed. A BAWllna; Alley Billiard Room baa been added to the other accommodations.

MTFor further particulars ml dress HUBERT LUFF, mr24-Lf (ilenwood, Santa Cms Co. W. W. NE WELL'S ULTIMATUM. Tbs Great Panacea of tbs age for COUGHS AND COLDS.

dust Received and for Rale by J. r. CNBIMTAU DKIWIIT, SANTA CRUZ, CAX, THE DCDE. V'ho strolls Hie Ave. each afternoon; M'ho whistles airs all out of tun: And dona short ooata eat quit too Monf" Ths Dud.

Observe hi form. Ton can, for Wph pants tlpht mm tight can be Aiiii tssiita for aotorielv.l Tha Dade. Who, stiff statue cot In wood; Cant bend, and wouldn't If ha eonld: A sort of avUiinc twls the bad and good I. am hum. Who wean his hair all ntee and banged, And save, "Hy Jove, that Mrs.

lanjrt I'll be'haneedT Who drlrea a tandem tbrongh the park; Bam. "Ufe's. aw. sneh a lolls lark." (Perhaps the Dade's the long-aotifht The Dude. Who (tone to all reoeptlons, teaa; And smirks a smile nt friends he sees; Who for his health sips sangareee? lbs Dudes Who dresses In the latent style; Itoclares Ilia weather "Thimply vile;" And ilk pa some dainty swear, the whlleT The Dude, Who's neither fool, nor knave, nor sage; This funny speck on nature's page Conundrum of the modern age? The Dude.

Who, then, can work the pnsele throagb Tell what's It's for what It can dot tiueis what it is, I'll give It to yon. The Dude. i lotni iios. PromanSntluh Jtper.) II.LOKTEATIHO THS METHOD CrOK WHICH SOMS FASSOHS oommccr THUS DtSOOtrUBS. "Brethren, the words of my text ra: "Old Mother Hnbbard, she went to the cupboard, To get her poor dog a bone; But when she got there the cupboard was bare, And so the poor dog had none." "ineaa ueautuiu wuruH, war friend, carry with them a solemn lesson.

I propose this evening to snalyse their meaning, and to attempt 'to apply it, lofty as it may be, to our every-day life. "Old Mother Hubbard, she went to the cupboard, Together poor dog a bone," "Mother Hubbard, you see, was old; there being no vnUon of others, we may presume she was alone; a widow a friendless, old, solitary widow. Yet did she despair! Did she sit down and weep, or read a novel, or wring her hands? Not she went to the cupboard. And here observe that she went to the cupboard. She did not hop, or skip, or run, or jump, or nse any other peripatetic artifice; she solely and merely went tYtt iiiinhiaml "We have seen that she was old and lonely, and we now further see that she was poor.

For, mark, the words are 'the not one of the or the 'right-hand or 'the left-hand cupboard, or the one above, or the one below, or the one under the stair, but just the cupboard the one little, hum. ble cupboard the poor widow possessed. And why did' she go to the cupboard? Was It to bring forth golden goblets, or glittering precious tones, or eostly apparel, or feasts, or any other attributes of wealth? It was to get her poor dog a bone! Not only was the widow poor, but her dog the sole prop of her age was poor too. We can imagine the scene. The poor dog crouching In the corner, looking wistfully at the solitary cupboard, and the widow going to that cupboard in hope, in expectation may lie to open it, although we are not distinctly told that it waa not half open or ajar to open tt for the dog.

MiiitkMi IK-i. 1 1. jwmlm.f.1 was bare. And so the poor dog bad none." "When she got there! You see, dear brethren, what perseverance is. Yon see the beauty of persisting in doing right.

She got there. There were no turnings and twistings, no slipping and slidings, no leanings to the right or falterings to the left. With glorious simplicity we are told he got there. "And how was her noble Cjfort rewarded? The cupboard was bare I It was bare. There were to be found neither oranges, nor cheesecakes, nor penny buns, nor gingerbread, nor crackers, nor nuts, nor lucifer matches.

The cupboard bare! There was bnt one, only one solitary cupboard in the whole of that cottage, and that one, the sole hope of the widow and the glorious load-star of the poor dog, was bsrel Hsd there been a leg of mutton, a loin of lamb, a fillet of Teah, even as ioe from Mitchell's, the case would have been different, the Incident would have been otherwise. But it waa bare, my brethren, bare as a bald head, bare as an infant born without a eaul I "Many of us will probably say, with all the pride of wordly sophistry, 'the widow, no doubt, went out and bought a Ah, no! Fax removed from these earthly ideas, these mundane desires, poor Mother Hubbard, the widow, whom many thoughtless wordlings would despise, in that she only owned one cupboard, perceived or I might even say saw at once the relentless logic of the situation, and yielded to it with all the heroism of that nature which had enabled her without deviation to roach the barren cupboard. She did not attempt, like the self-necked scoffers of this generation, to war against the inevitable; she did not try, like the so-called men of science, to explain what she did not understand. She did nothing. The poor dog had nonel And then at this point our Information ceases.

But do we not know sufficient? Are we not cognizant of enough? "Would we dare to pierce the veil that shrouds the ulterior fate of Old Mother Hubbard, the poor dog, the cupboard, or the bone that was not there? Must we Imagine her still standing at the open cupboard door, or depict to on reel veer the dog still dropping his disappointed tail upon the floor the sought-for bone still remaining somewhere else? Ah! no, my dear breaihren, we are not so permitted to attempt to read the future. Buffioe it for us to glean from this beautiful story its many lessons; soffloe It for ns to apply them, to study them as far as in us lies, and bearing in mind the natural frailty of our nature; to avoid being widows; to shun the patronymic of Hubbard; to have, If our means afford it, more than one cupboard In the bouse, and to keep stores in them alL And oh! dear friends, keeping in rtcollection what we have learned this day, let ns void keeping dogs that are fond of bones. But, brethren, if we do If faith has ordained that we should do any these things let ns then go, as Mother Hubbard did, straight, wither eurvetoif or prancing, to oar Hill; TOME ORIGIN AT. Nar.1 i o-) Oo 2s CO ESUiiOsHED 1845 IHflfiST YEAST OR BAKING POm WRiNVlNTEDi ITS PURITY AN 'STRENGTH ALWAYS MAINTAINED THE MOST ECONOMICAL BREAD PREPARA TION MA DE. IOSTETJEHv Sitters There has never been an Instance In hlch this sterling lnvitrorant and anti febrile medicine has failed toward off the complaint, when taken duly as a protec-.

tlon against malaria. Hundicdsof physicians oiive abandoned nil the officinal specifics, and now prescribe this harmless vegetable, tonic for chills aud fever, as well as dyspepsia and nervous ail eel ions. litrtieuer's liinere is mespeeinc you neeu. For sale by all Druincista and Dealers generally. THE CALIFORNIA POWDER WORKS I Having at great expense Introduced the most recent Improvement lu the manufacture of Fine Sportint? Powder CALL THE ATTENTION OF SPORTH-inen to their Powder which has been roved superior to any Irniorted Powder, nth In strength anil purity.

It Is only necessary to tfy this Powder to become satisfied of Its superiority. For sale at W. T. COPE'8 Hardware Store, Mania Cruz. The Trade supplied at Reduced Prices.

BERNARD PEYTON, anltf HuperintendenL HANTA CHUZ CANDY FACTORY Next to Manor's Grocery Store, Paelflc ftnntn Crm. 3J. Proprietor THE CHOICEST AND FRESHEST OF Candles at all prices. The Traile supplied at Reasonable Rules. Ice-Cream I lee-Cream By the Plate, Quart or Gallon.

rDON'T FORGET TO jal-tf Property tor Sale. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE Peter McPherson, located nearJolon, Monterey consist Ine of ltfti acres of land and an extensive hill enclosed by natural and artificial fence, 100 swarms of bees, HO liotfs, chickens, 3 horses, vehicles, (trowing crops, tunning utennils, for sale at a bargain. This property Is estimated to be worth and will be sold, In parts or as ft whole, far below lta estimated value. ALEX. McPHERHON, mhH-tf Jolon, Monterey Co.

J. D. ALLAN Crockery, Classware, Matting, Pacific Avenue, Opp. Bridge Street tjis-tf J. PI.

MANOIl JSALIR IK STAPLE FANCY rarrlra bjr Far Use Largest and Most Complete Stock FRESHEST AND HOICEST SELLS AT.mmim. LOWEST PIIICES. Pacific Avenue, Next to Bank! OBUZ. JyS-tf THE CELEBRATED Rertlvil dlrwt from Kenturky, and used for MEDICINAL aad FAMILY, IS SOLD BV JACKSON SYLVAR, Pacific Avenue, Santa Cruz, And at whose dinot It can be secured at Wlmlfsnle or R'lall, by the UAliKEL, bottle, or hiNoLE ulash. mrlO-lf IMSONDH.

UNO ORTIZ. FRONT STREET, 8AJSTA CRUZ Ins-It film i1 ill M' 'Islii 11 22 rMssstvri ViUi It' CO A tariff is a tax, and the taxing power should only be used to collect revenue. A tariff for revenue only would re duce duties and increase Import. To be followed by cheaper prices to all consumers. To be followcd'by the abandonment of all unprofitable industries.

To be followed by increased trade and commerce. To be followed by a larger demand for American manufactures and raw material. To be followed by cheaper rates for all the farmer buys and undiminished demand for all that he can sell. To be followed by an increase of the fanner's profits. "Just for fnn," a scoundrel at Rich mond, gave a boy a pint of whisky to drink.

The boy died, and his murderer has been sentenced to twelve years' imprisonment. Re. change. Deservedly Popular. Unless It had great merit Parker's Ginger Tonic could not lie so populnr its sale has spread remarkably everywhere because Invalids find It gives them new life and viejor when other medicines fall entirely, Ortfo farmer.

THAT HVNBAND OF HIWE Is three times the ainn he wnn before he began using "WeJlsSlcalMi iwuewer." 1. Druggist. Faded articles of all kinds restored to their original beauty by Dlamoud Dyes. Perfect and simple. 10 cents, at all druggists.

A CARD. To all who are sutlerlng from the errors and Indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, earlydecay, loss of manhood, I will send a recipe that WHI euro you, FKKEoKCHAIvUE. Thlsgreal remedy was discovered by a missionary in Houtb America. Hend a self-addressed envelops to the HKV. JOHKPli T.

1NMAN, Shuion New York City. "Slowly and steady wins the race." Steadily, but not slowly, Kidney-Wort Is distancing all competition for universal popularity and usefulness. This celebrated remedy can now be obtained In the usual dry vegetable form, or In liquid form. It Is put up In the lalter way for the especial convenience of those who cun not readily prepare It It will lie found very concentrated and will act with equal efficiency In either form. Read advertisement.

Persons whose mood has been corrupted, and the circulation deranged by foul secretions the result of the disordered chemistry of the lody need for their purification something like an Inward baptism at the hands of Mrs. Lyiiia E. 1'inkham, whose laboratory Is at No. 2S1 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass. Her Vegetable Compound Is fairly lnnndatlug the country as with a river of life.

We had a friend say to us a few days ago: "1 never do anything fora cold; Just wear It off." That Is exceedingly danifer- ous; one might do that. 19 times and the 30th time the cold would settle on the lungs and lead to consumption, and thus cut one's life short many years. Is It not better, and more sensible, to go to your druggist and get a bottle of Ammen's Cough Syrup than run auy risk at all. Hope Air Drunkards. Mv husband had drunken habits he could not overcome nntll Parker's tiln fertonlc took away his thirst for stimu-mils, restored his energy of mind and gave blm strength to atteud to business.

Cincinnati Lady. It Is astonishing the number of entelll- gent people who regard aoold or cough as a trivial matter, something unnecessary to pay attention to. How many times nave you ueiira tne expression, until-Ing the matter.only a slight cold." Yes mv friend, and nine-teuths of the mnnv thousand consumptives who walk the. earth to-day doomed to a premature death srtld the same thing. We pay at- irmmii to a prninpuy ioo.

ymr remedy Is Ammen's Cough Kvrun: some other preparations are good, but we bave louna it oy tar ine oesu MEAT MARKETS. M. Fitzgibbon. PACIFIC AVENUE, OPPOSITE AB-can street, keeps a flrst-class MEAT MARKET, Where till kinds of Choice Fresh and Baited Meats ronf be had Cheap for Cssh, nw A share of public patronage Ik sollo Ited. mo-La1 Washington Market.

LOWER JPZ.AXA, BANT CEVB, M. D. CHACB, WHOLESALKR AND RETAILER OF Fresh and Bait Meats. Wacom ran In all parts of the town and Viol Dave, delivering meat to order. ocl9-tf HERE AT LAST.

After Mmmm and Weary Waiting Belief la Bronchi tboae wbaHeed It. "Well, Pat," anld an Orange county Phy-ilclan to a complaining Irish patient some Team airo. "for tlmt naln In vonr chttM you had better go home and put on a uiuRuira piaHier. i can 'l tmtiK tmg minute of finylhlng better. And by the way," added the doctor turning to a friend, "I wish aomehoily would Invent a real (food planter something actually helpful for such cam ai Pat's.

May be they will sometime, when its too lata for me to use It." When BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLANTER waa placed on the market about ten years ago the doctor's hope became a fact. Because of the rare medicinal virtues inherent In It, Its rapid action and sure results, the Capcfne is fast displacing the Blow-acting plasters of lormer aays, lor an anectious to which a taster ut ever applicable. Price 25 cunts, the middle of the genuine Is cut the word APC'INK. Beabury A Johnson, Chemists, New York. WEST THORNSVAKD, Employment Agents, 202 Stockton Street.

San Francisco. a-sasuinvn, nmcit. rttriliH, 11 II IB, supplied with the best of Male and Female Help of all descriptions. FRKE OR t'HARUfc. German, French and Scandinavian JaoKuagea spoken.

mrlu-tf Two Dairy Ranches FOR SALE. THE UNDERSIGNED OFFER FOR sale the Scott Creek Dairy Ranch. now feeding more than 2W cows. This ranch comprises between .1,000 and 4JMJ0 acres; title perfect; pusture the year round; running water abundant and perfectly distributed; dairy buildings sufficient and new; cun be subdivided Into HU ranches; redwood and oak abundant. Ligation on the coast, with road running through ranch.

For further Durtlculars annlv in Mrs. June Archibald, or John Hoe, Iwer Ranch. Banta Cruc myltf-tf E. AUSTIN'S Butnp'S address is now 97 California Market, H. where he Is engaged In the ttanae and Poultry business.

iiy5-tf Miner? ani Dressmaldii IBS NETTIE BFKLEY CO. HAVE al ow ned a Millinery and Drcssmak nip in 11 establishment, and solicit a share of public patronage, africea reasonable and work guarsuiteed, mr-ji-u Look Out for the Engine When the Bell Rings! I AM HERE FT AM HERE I And offer to Ilia Public, at the SANTA CRUZ FLOUR DEPOT Various Brands of Flonr. toeether Wltb Hay, Ffcd oi all Kinds, Hlghestcaab price paid fur Produce. ssrCall and see at the Old Miami, Ely's Bitx'k, N'o. 1, uorner of l'acl0u Av.

and Cooper HU, (Santa Crus. BX1S-U W. UT. 12. LYDIA E.

PINKHAPJl'S yEfTETABIiE COMPOUND. Is a Positive Cnra rr aU tlWaPsUahlCtwplmlataa Wis! iiimm AMdielDfor Womm. UnmUi bj a Woaasu Prepared bjr a wmu. fW OiulMl Hatlkal Bbmiry mu Uvt km sslaUry, rrliririiH thm drooplaa spirits, InTlgoratM aad hsvrrrionl tha orjnkaio functloni, tlrm iMtidty and nrmaen to the rtep, rtwtoreB thentnnU lutr toth ye, svnd plsvots on th paU chetek of womavn Um (rssl. roM of lire's sprmg ana mwij lUBumr t-phyilciaiw Us It and Prescribe Freely "Ct It ramovM fmlntDM, navwuewr, usj- -uoniTiiif tor sue scotaaca toHna nl bemelaM duwa.

c.iulng psin, w.i.ti and backaeh Hi slwy, pennsnntly cored by It. la Wm tk. sar. KMaer CmsUlsIs mt at sal. Is aasarsaaMS.

t-TniA is. piukham'S PrBrrrRB will irsdlcsts rcstlm Humors trum Hi. ttSoi, Kw tone snd Mr-Mlli to th. systua, nsawoniaaerotula. lii.iMoous.iata.

Botk tbs Oompoaad sadBlood Portlier am preasrsa atussndstt Westma Arsnoe, Lyno, Hass. Priotaf Mtber.SL BU botUcs or tA Sent by nudl In tha tana ot pills, or of loana, oo receipt of prlos, 1 per bos forstther. kin. Piokhun freely anewersaillettsnst toquUT. Eaclose3ct.eUinp.

Bond for psmphba. Ko funllT without LTTttA. 1. PWiniAIra aodturpldityof tbeUTer. So cents per bos.

aaMold ay ail i.raggisi.-a A To the Unfortunate SB. QlBBOHt lapenMrj, 623 KEARNT oornai of Commercll St. Han Frsuclsoa ublltihed in for tbe tretttmeiil i.rnexutil and Hem-tnal DlRPfuieM.Ruob N. vilLKKT, HTR1CT In all WEAKNESS 1MPOTENCY. nlirhl lonnwi by dream nlmnlM Ml ttlA flU BDd lOttt manhood can positively be cured.

The tlok and fllctd tbould not full to call upon blm. Th Doctor has traveled etittvely In Europv.aod innpectea innrousuiy mo tbp rinuH hnaniiAiti ihnrfl. ohialniDK a rreat deal of valuable Information, which ha in competent to impart 10 mow id neea of hlnnervice. DR. OIRBON will make no chanrf unlemi he effect a cure.

Per-ioniatadlntance MAY BE CURED AT HOME. All communications trlctly confidential. You nee no one bui the Doe-tor. Hend $10 for a package of medicine. EVinons writing to the Doctor will pleane itate the name of the paper they tee this advertisement in.

Charge rea-nonahle. Call or write. Address DR. J. F.U1BBON Box last, a F.

apll-lT To My Old Patrona. IBTILL OFFER MY VALCABLE fiER" vices if you it re so unfortunate as to require them. With a mind matured and enriched by studlefiof an advanced order, 1 can aafely nay lliat there In hardly a disease In the catalogue of human Ills that-I can not treat a KUCceRsfu) Is' ne. LADIES I am already to asitlst yon. My past knowlel(re has been Increased by extensive experience.

I am now able to treat you with the certainty of sDooesa. No case peculiar to your delicate Organisation Is Ireyoni. my sure control. My Female Monthly Medicines are so parlor to any ottered heretofore, and will be warranted to have the desired effect in all cases. Those of tht public who need my services can depend upon (rentlemarflv, lion oral le and scientific treatment at reason able rates.

I address particularly those who bare been in lured bv vouthful indiscretions and those who have contracted local diseases. 'arsons afflicted can. If they prefer.oon- sult me by letter, detalllinr the symptoms of the disease or trouble, and receive meotcines hy express, with full instruc tions. All letters must be directed: J. H.

JossELYN, M. Hutter street, Ban naiiciMti, si. lure warranted In all eases, or no oar required. Consultations, personally or by letter, gratis. Hend tor book.

Comfortable apartments for patients at my Innnnarv iwhen deslredt. with exoerf enccd nurses. Const. Itation narlors. 23n flutter street.

adjolnlnR the Young Men's Christian Association RuildinK. umce nonrs, rnm a. p. w. My Ulploms.

hssfs lu my mm, rurchase mv Essav on Phvsiolokrv and Marrliuce. For sale by all news dealers. mrle-tX J. H. JONsKLVII.

M. IK DR. SPIUHEY, MO. 11 HEAKNf NTREET. Treat! all Chronic and Special Diseases TYOUNO MEN-M WHO MAY RE BUFFERING FROU theelTectaof vouthful follies or In discretion, will do well to avail them-selves of this, the greatest boon aver laid at the attar of surTehnjr.

humanity. lK. 8PINNEY will guarantee to forfeit tiWO for every case of Seminal Weakness or private disease of auy kind or charaniej which he undertakes and falls to our. There are manv at the Hare nf thtrtv to sixty who are troubled with too frequent evaluations of trie bladder, often accom panied by a sllirht smartlne or burntm sensation and a weakening of the system In a manner the patient can not account for. On examining the urinary deposit! a ropy sediment will often be found, and sometimes small piirticles of albumen will appear, or the color will beof atbln mllklsh hue, again changing to a dark aud torpid appearance.

There are many men wno uie or tins mrncuity, ignorant Oi the cause, which is tlm aooiind at nam seminal weakness. Dr. H. will guarantee (itnwi cure in an sucn cases, ana healthy restoration of the irentto-urlnary organs. n.

For private dlsenses of short standing a full coarse of Medicines, suf ficient for a cure, with all Instructions will be sent to anv addretts on race i nt ol $10 no. umee Hours lo to 4 and A to ft. Randays from 10 to 11. Consultation fr. Thor ough examination and advice, Call oraddress DR.

HPINNEY A lulOU No. 11 Kearny street 8. T. WORTH OF SAW Francisco and Oakland property to ex- nrlxua I nlWisVl have cash buyers willing to pay a fair Erice for.good farms. LOANS etTected at est rates.

O. A. HTEVENH, spMvr 831 Kearny hu, Han Francisco H. P. GREGORY larnaelieB, Solt fltnt for the ClebrsttJ SPIDER HOSE! A hranil nt Rubber HoM made expressly for use on the Pacific Coawt, 'onta no more, snd Is guaranteed to outlaxt any other made.

None genalue unless Hplder branded on each end. a patt -2m TUTT'S PILLS 8YMPTOM3 Of A 1 aanmssa a aas-'n Isjis of Appetite, Bowels eoitivfsti) the Bead, with a dull senaution In the baolc part. Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating, with a disinclination to exertion of body or BQind. Irritability of temper. Is5W spirits, wltb a feeling of bavins; neglected soma duty, 'Vearlne'S, Uiaaine.s, Fluttering at the Heart, Dots before the eves.

Yellow Skin, Headache aeneially over the light eya, Hestiessness, with Ltful dreams, Blgw xit'jrsd Urme, and gONSTIPATION. TTT'S lallvailapteit rrises, one (lose effeets such a chaDf leellna as to the snfferer. li'-y InrreaM Ike AtBMtll4saml cause tst Tnfce on Ilnis the sy.leal n.iirahrt. in, IrTonleAetMsi on tlS "aesllve Bea.ilMr Rlaol. mr pr fnee ii Jtur.aj fifinnnn www TUTPS HAIR DYE.

'nv mc on rhrn. tnaOlsy t.l At iy n.iik). mi i tnti, ItlCff rt iiiuural ti.lDi. t- tfa iFricr, a Eii Rur kt- kbw fouB- Lif.l t.a aUlM HM tILkS the new ones who may alveniearaii 8. HOUMANN.

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