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Wilmington Journal from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 3

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

id BU 3 X. 1 J. w. nnnrvA Jtc suv' LTNERPOOL, Aufirust 14 Cotton Sale to-day estimate I cash ron. soo so.

i iahtly itegtioes. Witetoa Wholesale Prices Cnrrent AVE' now in store the followin. via V' THE HTGIIEST CASH PRICES WILL re PAID Iron Hollow Ware and Sash Weights; for TWO HUNDRED LIKELY NEGROES, IfEN ivnnvrv Ttirra a vt htdtq should be understood that our quotations generally represent the wholesale price. In filling small orders, high- er rates hare to be paid. 'm-v -hvs MAa ww mp m.

-r 1 i 1r4 Si AQ persons having such property to dispose of, will find ft project 1 tSTSEnpl wffl be and apun raid H' tl dfocta of the boU. totcrpns- to their adrantags to bring them to us, at the OLD JAIL, Wilmington, N. C. DATED J. SOUTHERLAND, xi oop iron or the best quality; NaDa, Brads and Spikes; ir.

Hubs and Spokes Timber and other Axes, all warranted Cast Steel Grubbing Hoes, Spades and Shovels; Rice Sickles and Bramble Scythes; f.T111? Kettles, Saucepans, 4c; -Mfll Circular, Cross Cut, and other Saws; Corn Shellera, Straw Cutters, and Fan Mills; 5rn.Doors Smokehouse Locks, extra good; Pad Locks thatean't be Beeswax, ft, .27 29 Beet 100 .5 00 6 50 Brices, 00 12 00 Barrels, Spirits each, 2nd 80 2 00 New. .0 00 2 00 Candles, ft. Liquors, ii gall, (domestic.) Whiskey, 35 .37 N. E. .50 1 55 Gin, 45r Brandy, .45 50 do.

Apple, .65 80-- do. Peach, .85 1 25 Natal Stores, Turpentine, 280 Virgin .0 00 4 00 A. SMITH. Wflmington, N. August, 31st 1857 S04Al-tf WOOD'S HAIR RESTORATIVE.

We have never known any other medicine win as Urge a share of public confidence 4 Dnaiua iron wire doth; Wood Saws, and Axes with handles in them; ffSdVStaS who b. the great work In charge. vv Vnrk EvroiniT Tort says -1 tJSof wfcicH defcra fix- at least another year twj coennunicatwo between the eastern and west- was evidently 'not of a fatal character. 'JSScrax cable to-break from its weight in the r. that ting practically the of town to Tallow .16 25 Sperm.

35 Coffee, ft. 18 28 50 181 00 3 Hard, 0 00 1 voru, Linen and Cotton Twine; Bet quality of Scissors and Needles; Ex'Kers A Son's Westenholmes, and some more of the real Barlow Knives. Wilmington January, 1857. 14 Laguayra 13 12 OiO ii St. 1 Cotton, ft.

In so short a time as this has done. It has not been more than a year since we first heard of it, and it sow stands at the head of all remedies of the kind. We have never used any of it ourselves, baring had no occasion, as our "crown of glory" not only as yet retains its original color, but gets more so but some of our friends hare, and we have never known it to fail of restoring the hair to its original color. We advise such as are becoming prematurely gray, to give the "Restorative" a trial. Chester (EL,) Herald, June, 1S54.

I For sale in Wilmington by WALKER MEARES and 4 00 15J ord. to mid'g. .00 good .00 mid. fair to fair 00 (3i 6,000 bales. The quotations are as follows Orleans fair, 8 middling 8 MobUe fair, 8 upland fair, 8.

Stock ia port 472,000 bales, Breadstuffs The market buoyant, owing partly to fa- ports of damages from floods in the Interior Wheat has; advanced 23d, chiefly on the finer qualities; market flrtn. Corn is dell, and all qualities have! slightly declined. Wett- era canal flour is quoted at 30a 6d 31a; Ohio S2a6d; Southern 30s 6d 31a 6d red wheat Ss Id 8s ftd whits 9s 3d 10s. Mixed and yellow torn 3Cs 6d 37a whita -45s 6d. i Provisions Beef and pork are Quiet Bacon Is'steady and -quiet.

Lard is quiet at lie. i Produce Tea is unchanged. Unseed Oil ia alow of sale, but prices are unaltered. Sugar dosed dull at a decline! of Is. Rice is steady.

Rosin is buoyant. Common 4a 6d 4s fine 16s. In Tar and Turpentine there is nothing doing. Turpentine is heavy at a decline of 2a. Sales at Sua LONDON MARKETS Wheat dosed with an adrancintf tendency.

Flour is quiet, i steady, Lard ia stead at 78s. Linseed oil has declined sales at 38s. London Money Market. ilonef ia unchanged. The news from India is considered favorable.

The India Company have raised the rates of their billsJ Consols 90 1 for money -and 91 for account. The London Times reports more buoyancy In stock ex- change than for many weeks. American securities are inactlvei T1 Latest. 1 Saturday Afternoon Cotton closea generally with an a4 vancing tendency. Sales to-day estimated at 8,000 bales, including 1,000 bales to speculators.

Breadstuffs closed buoyant. Prorlsiona steady. LIVERPOOL, August 19th. Bales during three daya past 23,000 bales of cotton, including 4,000 bales to speculator and 4,000 bales for export. The Asia'a advices caused an advanced.

The market closed buoyant. Manchester advices are favorable. 1. The weather has been favorable for the crpa. Breadstufis generally closed with an advancing tendency.

Corn is very dull. Flour is active at an advance of 6d. Wheat is firm and holders demand an advance. Richardson Spence quote Western Canal flour 31a31s Cd; Ohio 32s6da33s; Philadelphia and Baltimore 30s 6da31s fid. -Red wheat 8s 4da8s 9d; white 9a 4idal0s.

Mixed and yellow corn 36sa37s; 45sa45s 6d. i Provisions are quiet. Beef is dull and quotations nominal. Pork is. steady, i Bacon is and is being reshipped.

Lard hi quiet at 71s 6d a 72. Prime 73s. Produce. Rosin is stead. Turpentine to heavy, and aU qualities have slightly declined, bales at 35s.

Sugar quiet. which this one was neeessaxuj uuj.t.m. WW a little slower, or the cable been remitted wMj. wocld not hare broken- It may hare lntoo short sufficient allowance may not haveb mmeaguring the cable for driftage, tidal currents, icTwhich nu5t be indulge and the sjrennten- Jntmi At have deemed it prudent to apply tfe brake, to Khten the cable more, as the event proved, SanitcldW and it broke. Bat tht an accident which has happened to every boy who has ever fi a kite; but wVdoubt if thellabUity of kite-strings hmik.

if injudiciously handled, ever diswuraced a ICE I ICE It ICE II! rpHE WTLMTNGT0N ICE HOUSE will be opened for the JL dehrery of Ice erery morning at Sunrise, closing at Sunset, except on Sundays when it will positively closed at 9 A. M. TERMS CASH. It is earnestly desired that no person will ask any deviation from this rule, as it will certainly be adhered to. TICKETS can be procured and DEPOSITS made in I ad-! ranee by those who desire to avoid the annoyance of making1 change.

ICE for the country packed and forwarded as ICE furnished to the sick poor free of charge, when directed by a Physician or member of the Visiting Committee. A. II. VanBOKKELEN, April 2d, 1857. 175-6m 31-6m by Aug.

2S-299-2weod-52-2t Druggists generally. on Tuesday of two bale nevt (the first of the ieason,) which were taken at 20 cents i ft. for good middling and middling ixi: Corn MeaL. The stock on market is fully fair, with a moderale demand from retailers, and prices remain without Selling in thesmall way at $1 15 bushel. Empty Barbels.

In the market for Spirits Turpentine barrels we have no change to' make worthy of note. There has been a moderate enquiry existing, and with limited receipts for a few weeks the stock in; first hands has become very light. quote small sales since our last at $180 a $1 90 for ordinary quality, and $1 952 for selected second hand ones. "'-''Xr Fish. The market ia poorly supplied.

See table for quotations. i Flour. For State brands the market has ruled exceedingly dull during the week, buyers showing no disposition whatever to operate unless at a considerably reduced figure, which holders are unwilling to accede to. The arrirals per railroad hare been moderate, and with limited transactions the stock in first hands is accumulating. During' the early part of the week a few small lots changed hands at 16 87 a $7 for superfine, and $7 25 a $7 50 for family It is now freely offered at above figures, without finding a buyer.

In the absence of sales we quote nominally at $6 a $6 25 for cross, $6 25 a 16 60 for fine, $6 75 a $7 for "superfine, and $7 25 a $7 60 for family. No Northern brands on market and no demand. 1: Grain. In Corn we hare no" change of importance to make on previous A large portion of the receipts for two or three weeks past has been of inferior quality, (some of it slightly damaged,) which, together with the decline in other -markets, -has imparted a dull feeling to the market here. Dealers also have a supply jon hand fully sufficient for their uses, and in anticipation of a reduction in price, doiot appear much disposed to operate, The receipts for the week reacbonly about 10,320 bushels of which 1,400 do.

went at 82 cents, 1,560 do. at 88 cents, and 800 do. on private terms, believed at 90 cents per as that figure is known to have been offered; the balance jeame to dealers, and has gone into store, and is Belling in the small way at 95 cents a $1 as in quantity and quality. Oats We have nothing new to notice in this article supply on market fully fair, No receipts last sale was at 42 cents for new. PiAS-i-Reniain about as last reported.

Th6re is only a small stock of old crop Cow on market, and there seema to be very little demand. One or two small lots have changed hands at $1 10 a $1 15 per bushel, as in quality. Rice The stock of clean on market is rather light, and we note a moderate demand from the 'trade. Sales in the small way from store at 5 a 5 cents as in quality. cojrarKRs tnrrrED states type focxdry, Hoc 919, 31 and 33, OmIobm fetrret, New York.

TO PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS The undersigned beg to inform the Trade that they hare issued their New dnde boy from kite-flying Neither oncht nor will me wcident which has happened to this we are cor-rrtlr advised of the character and extent of it, the discourage an enterprise which, when crowned with w.H make those who have conducted it more fa- (Juarto specimen uook or ranting lype, Borders, AC, and that it is now ready for delivery to their old patrons, and to all who patronize their Foundry. In it will be found a new series of Faces, from Pearl to Pica, surpassing, if possible, their celebrated Series or Scotch Cct Faces. The Fancy Type Department exhibits an unsurpassable variety of beautiful stjles, selected from France, Germany and England. i The bcripts and Borderings are now. for the first time.

Cotton Baooino, i yard ..00 16 Rope, i ft 8J ,10 Corn Meal, 0 00 1 Ii Domestics, 9 9J Yarn, 5 .00 21 Eoos, doz. .16 20 Feathers, ft. 45 50 Fish, Mullets 00 00 6 50 00 20 00 do. No. 2 .00 15 00 do.

No. .310 00 10 50 50 5 00 Dry Cod, i cwt ...1.4 50 5 00 Flocr, N. C. brands ...0 00 7 25 'Superfine ...6 75 7 00 6 25 6 50 i I Cross 5 75 6 00 Glce, 16 i 25 Gcnnt .12 i 15 Guano, Peruvian, Under 1 ton, I3i 1 ton and under 5, per ton, 65 00 5 tons and over, 64 00 Land Plaster, bbl.1 50 iPer 9 00 NOTICE. ALL PERSONS indebtedto S.

Whitaker, are hereby notified to come forward and make immediate payment to the subscriber, otherwise the claims against them will be placed in suit for collection. MOODY B. SMITH, Assignee. Every debt due S. Whitaker not paid or arranged by the first day of September next, will on that day be put in suit.

June 23d, 1857J i 246A43-tf presented to the printing public, and are the productions of pons than the founders of cities or the conquerors or empires." The Journal of Commerce says -The failure of the Atlantic telegraph expedition, by reason of a rupture of the wire some 350 miles from the starting Tnt on the coast of Ireland, is no more than It wa roiWbk to expect, although hopes were entertained of a more au5pieioas result After meeting with this dialer the expedition returned to the coast of Ireland, either to commence the work anew with the 2,000 miles of wire unexpended, or to postpone the whole matter un--i mrmIVrl bv the savans in SUNDRIES. i BARRELS PORK, VARIOUS BRANDS 200 1UU coils Juteliope; tne best American and European artists, entire new series of German Faces, both for Newspapers and Job Printing, of a very superior style, is now completed and ready for sale. Every article necessary to a Pisrscr Pbixtiko Establishment furnished to order. The metal from which the type is made will be found peculiarly adapted to the severe usage of machine press printing. We have added to our establishment everything necessary for Electrotyping or Stereotyping in copper, all Cuts, Job or Fancy Type, and all such other matter as may offer, embraced within the compass of 16x22 inches as well as for Copper Facing all type manufactured by us if desired.

Aug. 20th, 1857 295-6m Jtuce is quiet. i I Tallow All qualities hare slighltlj of sale, but prices are unaltered. I iy declined. Tea to alow fjtj Ji Kill t0 council' aAbltd.

We apprehend that the latter alternative Will be adopted. The season is so far advanced that heavy weather would almost of necessity be encoun-LtoI before the whole process could be completed and Tar, 00 I 50 do. inorder.O 00 1 75 Pitch. 00 1 60 Rosin, No. 1,3 00 6 25 do.

-No. 2,1 50 2 50 do. No. 3,1 40 1 45 Spirits gall'on .00 42 Varnish, gal.26 30 Nails, Cut, 4j 41 Wrought, 10 12 Oils, gallon, Sperm, .....2 00 2 25 Linseed, raw, 1 15 1 20 do. 15 1 25 Pea Nuts, bush.

.00 0 00 Potatoes, Sweet, bush.OO 1 50 Irish, 25 1 50 do. 00 0 00 Provisions, N. Bacon, Hams, 18 18J 00 17 Shoulders, ..00 16 Hog 1 17 Western Bacon, .16 161 Shoulders, ..14 14 N. a.Lard,...17 18 West'n do 00 17 25 28 Cheese, 00 00 Pork, Northern, City 00 00 28 00 Clear 26 50 27 00 FamUy do. .25 60 26 00 -Butt, .00 00 25 00 i .00 DO 00 00 Beef, 16 00 17 00 do.

Fulton .00 00 00 00 Poultry, Chickens, 20 do. 00 00 Turkeys, 75 1 00 do. ft.00 00 Sheep, head, Lambs, 1 75 2 25 1 75 2 25 Salt, Alum, 40 Liverp'l, sack, 85 1 00 fine, ..0 00 2 00 Sugar, Porto 12 New 00 00 .12 13 Loaf 15 Clarified and .13 14 Soap, 5 7J Shingles, Contract, .4 00 5 50 Common, i.1 75 2 00 Staves, W. O. 00 18 00 R.

O. 00 25 00 Ash 00 13 00 Timber, 0 00 0 00 Mill, 8 00 9 00 do. inferior to ordinary, .5 00 6 00 Tallow, 10 12 Tobacco, Common, 18- 20 Medium, 25 30 Fine, 45 50 Wool, fi 17 20 Grain, bushel, Corn 0 82 i 43 1 Pease, 1 15 1 Do. B. Eye.

25 1 I Money Market The market is Consols 91 for money, and 914 for account. I London Markets. Wheat ia generally closea with an ad vancing tendency, and all qualities have slightly advanced. Sugars dull and 6d a Is lower. Cbflee to dull and all quail ties have slightly declined.

Rice is generally firm, i Tallow All qualities have slightly declined. Tea to firm. Pig iron 67s 6d. Wool Sales have beeu animated and prices buoyant. i 1 London Wednesday Moming.Wh6 funds closed "steady at the late advance.

The discount market to active. Thera was a shipment of silver east by to-day's steamer of 1,230, 000 sterling the largest ever made. IlICHLAAD ACADEMY. milE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTITUTION will open a gale Of wind, men as is oiten expenencca in a jjumua in the region of Newfoundland, is sufficiently formidable even to a vessel which has the use of her limbs. To one atiirfo! to wire 1300 or 2.000 miles long, which can Wheat, 0 00 1 do.

white. 40 1 Rice. 0 00 1 I on Monday, the 14th day of September. The course of 88 45 20 30 30 42 90 13 00, -Wheat The market during the past week has ruled lather be strained nor abandoned without serious damage, such gales would be necessarily disastrous, and should not be encountered without the most urgent ne- clean, 1 5 Hides, I 0 i i 17 Hat, 100 ttsi, Eastern, 1 Ofr1 0 N. 0 60 0 Iron.

Marine IntdUgencc. crsyity. On the whole, we consider the experiment a failure for the present year. That the feat will be accomplished in 1858, or in some subsequent year, is more iKn probable: thoucrh we cannot shut our eves to the PORT OF WILMINGTON, jNORXU CAROLINA. quiet, and with unfavorable advices received, rates here are a shade lower.

We quote sales of only about 8,200 bushels at $1 30 a $1 33 for red, and $1 43 for white closing dull at lowest figures, and buyers demanding a further concession in; prices. Hay Nothing of consequence to report in this article. There is a full stock in dealers hands, and with merely a retail demand existing the market rule's exceedingly dull. A lot of 259 bales Northern make received on Wednesday and sold at 60 cents 100 90 days. See table for quotations of Eastern.

)'', ARRIVED. kc't that many things which are practicable in theory are impracticable in fact. It may not be so with the studies in this School is thorough and extensive. The Principal having regularly graduated at the most eminent College of Pennsylvania, and having spent a series of years in the business of teaching, both in Virginia and North Carolina, is prepared to offer to the pubb'c inducements to pat-ronLe the School. Students may enter this Academy with the expectation of finding superior advantages for gaining a liberal education.

Instruction will be given in all the branches of a complete English Education, including the higher branches of Mathematics and the Sciences. The location is in one of the most healthy part of Oaslow County, and in a moral community. terms of tcttiox rxa bessiox For the Elementary Branches of English 00 The Highest Branches of English $12 00 For Latin and Greek, Ac, 00 Board, with washing included, can be obtained at $8 per month, either with the Principal, or in famlies convenient to the School. L. G.

WOODWARD, Principal. August 31st, 1857. kntt. 97 Qtir. Tiannot Plannir.

Annlo-I. 9 A at- tram Atlantic telegraph project, and we -trust it wm not. 15 at it is verv possible that many more unsuccessful cx- triments will have to be made before the exact struc- i ii I i English, ass'd. 4 00 American, 5j' 00 do. 0 00 do.

00 95 00 Swede, 5 00 Lime, 00 1 05 do. fm 25 1 30 Lumber, (River.) Floor. B'ds. .0 00 10 00 Wide 6 60 7 00 Scantling 0 00 4 25 (Steam Sawed.) Floor. Boards.

I tare, sue, fiC, i inc wire, me macniniTy lur ia) mir the attending circumstances, will all be so favorable as Limb The market continues to rule quite and- we note a fair stock in dealers hands! We1 reduce store rates a New York, to J. U. Planner with nudze. On Tuesday af ternoon, 25th Body Island bearing S. W.

about 13 miles, was boarded by Brig West Indian, (of Baltimore,) 19 days from Pensacola for New York, and supplied her with: provisions all well. Schr. Wake, O'Brien, from New York, to George narrisa; withmdze. i I Schr. Sea Ranger, Darrow, frdm New York, to Pettewa Pritchett with mdze.

i Schr. Champion, Gaskill, from Washington, N. to Willard Curtis with corn. I i I 28 U. S.

M. Steamer Spray, JPrfce, from SmlthvDle. to A. H. VanBokkelen.

I I to secure the desired rtsult- 1 The Baltimore American has the following remarks shade, and quote at $1 25 a $1 30 cask, in lots to suit. Lumber River No late receipts or sales, in the absence of which our quotations are merely nominal. See table for prices of steam sawed. I The great difficulty jn depositing the cable, it is evi-ilent, arises from the application of the brakes. Nor is this a difficultv to excite surprise.

"When the great momentum of a snip like the iagara is considered it is rvulttii that even at the lowest rate of rroirress, the rough 15 00 16 00 planed. .18 00 19 00 25 00. 30 00 LENOIR COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. MALE AXD FEMALE. LEVI BRANSON, A.

Principal of Male Department. MISS S. L. HAMPTON, in charge of Female Department. mUE SESSION IS NOW OPENING FINELY.

OUR AC- Liquors The market is very well supplied with domestic IN BELOW Bremen Brig Elite, Horn, from Philadelphia. Aug. 29 Bremen Brig Elize, Horn, from Philadelphia, to table. and rates are a shade lower. See Russell Bro.

strain thrown upon the cable when the brakes checked I commodations are good, and we are aiming at a high a good stock of most de- Molasses At present we note Br. Brig J. M. Sigojme, uochcfaucalte. from BoBton.

to little demand existing. scriptions on market, with very; Adams, Bro. Co. I Schr. Gov.

Wm. A. Newell, Bennett, i daya from Philadal grade of scholarship, hope to meet the educational wants of Eastern Carolina. Thanks our friends for liberal patronage. Board in advance, is $6 50 Tuition from $10 to $15 Or Wide 14 00 15 00 12 00 15 00 Ship Stuff, I rough edge.

0 00 13 00 I re-sawed. .00 00 15 00 Molasses, gallon. -Cuba, Hhds. .48 52 I do. .50 55-New Orleans.

.00 60 jta progress must have been sufficient to part it with as much ease and as suddenly as one breaks' a thread. Letters from on board the Niagara, received by the vious steamer, stated that in coming round from Cork to Valencia bay experiments had heed tried with a piece pnia, to u. w. vavis witn maze. iTice frpm Smithrillo, to namentals extra.

For Catalogues apply to the Principal at Only small sales have taken place from store and wharf during the week at prices ranging within 'quoted rates, as in quality. See table. I I are in demand, and; very few on market; sell from carts 25t to $1 50 bushel. Some few par 6 hhds. Bacon Sides 30 bales heavy Gunny Cloth 20 barrels Machinery Oil, warranted good 40 hhds.

prime Cuba Molasf es 2,000 sacks Liverpool Salt. For sale by i. J. J. L.

HATHAWAY CO. August 31st 304Al-lm CO-PARTNERS HTP. THE UNDERSIGNED having, on the 20th day of August, 1857, formed a nartnership, for the purpose of carrying on the BOOT AND SHOE BUSINESS, in the town of Wit mington, and having taken the stand formerly occupied -by Messrs. Jokes Gardner, respectfully inform the public that they will endeavor to keep on hand a stock of Boots and Shoes of every description, and will sell the same on as reasonable terms as possible. One of the firm is now North, for the purpose of selecting an entire new stock for the Fall and Winter trade.

They respectfully solicit share of the patronage of the town and surrounding country. ASA J. MURRAY, ROBT. W. B.


FEVER AND AGUE, AND THE VARIOUS AFFECTIONS consequent upon a disordered STOMACH OR LrVER, such as Indigestion, Acidity of the Stomach, Colicky Pains, Heartburn, Loss of Appetite, Despondency, Costive ness, Blind and Bleeding Piles. In all hiervous, Rheumatic, and Neuralgic Affections, it has in numerous instances proved highly beneficial, and in others, effected a decided cure. This is a purely vegetable compound, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of the celebrated Holland Professor, Boerhave. Because of its great success in most of the European States, its introduction into the United States was intended more especially for those of our fatherland scattered here and there over the face of this mighty country. Meeting with great suceess among them, I now offer it to the American publicf knowing that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must be acknowledged.

It is particularly recommended to those persons whose constitutions may have been impaired by the continuous use of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally instantaneous in eflfe ct, it finds its way directly to the seat of life', thrilb'ng and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE. Whoever expects to find this a beverage will be disappointed but to the sick, weak and low spirited, it will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, possessed of singular remedies! properties. i CAUTION 1 The great popularity of this delightful Aroma has induced many imitations, which the public should guard against purchasing.

Be not persuaded to buy anything else until you have given Bcerhave's Holland Bitters a fair trial. One bottle will convince you how infinitely superior it is to all these imitations. A3-Sold at $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5 00, by the sole proprietors, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. Manufacturing Pharmaceutists and Chemists, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sold in Wilmington by WM.

H. LIPPIT, WALKER MEARES DR. A. O. BRADLEY, and Druggist generally throughout the United States.

May 6th, 1857. 204-ly 36-ly i TOPSAIL ACADEMY. THE TRUSTEES OF- TOPSAIL ACADEMY HAVE THE satisfaction of announcing to the public, that they have secured for the ensuing scholastic year, the services of Mr. WrJ. McKerrall, who has heretofore discharged the duties of Principal of this Institution with such marked fidelity and efficiency.

The 'routine of instruction is specially adapted to the preparation of youth for a University course, and for the practical business of life. To this end, instruction of the most thorough character is imparted in the Grammars of the English, Latin and Greek languages, whilst the historians and poets of the two latter, requisite for admission to College are carefully read and critically analyzed. Much attention is also bestowed on Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Algebra, and other studies essentitl to a sound English Education. i i The great object constantly kept in view, is to give thorough instruction in every branch of education professed to be taught, and we appeal to the patrons of this Institution to say if it has not fully accomplished this purpose. i 2.

u. M. steamer Spray, A. H. VanBokkelen.

I Aug. 30 Brig Maria, Swain, Harrisa with mdze. from Charleston, to George Lenoir Institute, Lenoir County, Si. or to W. HENRY CUNNINGGINS, Secretary.

Sept. 4th, 1857 1-tf of the able about ten miles in lenirth, by dropping the end into the sea with a kedirc-anchor attached. The Sehr. South Shorej Thorp, from Charleston, to Rankin Martin. cels of new crop sweet have been brought in, and are selling FRESH ARRIVALS.

at $1 40 a $1 50 bushel. Note. River Lumber, Tar, and Turpentine, sold in the water are subject to thel expense of landing, inspection, cooperage, Ac; say on lumber 90 cents to $1 Tar and Turpentine about 1014 cents bbl. and on naval stores, when brought' Railroad, about the same expenses are incurred. For virgin or mixed Turpentine a deduction T)ER Schrs: L.

P. Smith and Rhoda and Buelah, from New raving out on these occasions worked admirably, yet at three successive trials the cable broke like a pipe-tem whin the brakes were applied and the paying out stop- of one-fifth or mjrej is made on the price of yellow dip, ac cording to quality. 1 ore and hiladelphia 25 bbls. Clarified Cider Vinegar, 20 Clarified Yellow Sugar. 6 Boxes Carb Soda, and lb papers.

3 Kegs do. i 150 Boxes Adamantine Candlss, 20 and 30 lb boxes. Low for cash by GEO. H. KELLY BRO.

Sept. 4th. No. 11 North Water st. Provisions.

For N. C. cured Bacon, the market remains without change. The receipts continue meagre, and the quantity in first hands is very ligbt there is, however, but a limited demand, and transactions for the week have been confined principally to small lots from store. We quote sales at 17 cents for sides and shoulders, 16 a 17 cents for hog round, and 18 a 18 cents ft.

for hams, according to quan Wilmington Bank Rates of Exchange 31 U. S. M. Steamer Spray, Price, from to iu H. VanBokkelen.

Aug. 31. Schr. Ware, Davis from nyde county, to Te Rosset Brown: with corn. Schr Snow Squall, Smith, from Washington, N.

CtO Btokley Oldham with corn. i Schr. Mary. Smith, from Washington, N. to Ellla Ai Mitchell with corn.

I i Schr. Dolphin, Fulcher, from Plymouth, N. to 0. W. Davis with shingles.

Schr. Worth, Allen, from Nen York, to T. C. Worth with mdze. Schr.

Laura, Harker, from Shallotte, to Anderson ft Bar age; with naval stores. 1 Brig Ganges, Jones, from Boston, to'J. Loeb witi pi d. though the ship was going at the rate of only two mik per hour. Increasing the size and strength of the cable would not overcome the difficulty, for this increase would rjccessitate additional weight, giving the cable a Uik-ncy to run out more rapkilv and rendering necessa- ry resort to sudden and powerful checks that would snap it apart just as easily as one of lesser "strength.

The fuhr adequate provision that would entirely obviate this difficulty will probably be found in stopping the ves-u before the brakes are applied, nnderrunning" any 1 per ct. prem. 1 it' it Philadelphia, 1 per ct. prem. Virginia, New York, 4 Boston, SO REWARD.

tity and quality. stock of Westerns cured is also light, but in the absence of the activity noticed in our last, RUNAWAY FROM THE SUBSCRIBER, near Cen-treville. Leon county, Florida, on the 9th his FREIGHTS: Under deck. TO NEW YORK, i On deck. negro man named ISHAM, aged about 35 years dark 40 prices have receded a shade.

We quote sales from store at 14 a 14 cents for shoulders, and jL6 a 16 cents for sides, as 00 00 Turpentine and Tar, Rosin. do. Spirits Turpentine do. Flour. do.

maze. in quality; and dry salted at i a lb cents id. lor sides complected, round face, quick spoken, about 6 feet 6 inches high, weighs about 160 is somewhat knock-kneed, one foot stands out more than the other, and he is sparebuilt. I purchased him of Mr. John Long, and Mr.

Long purchased him of Mr. Henry C. Smith, all of North Carolina. The boy 40 60 30 8 00 The market rules exceedingly firm for both JSjJJ with md? frm NcW Yorf Wn rn mnl-a anil ia r3W -nn1r cimrl! a1 Tn I and Western make, and is poorly supplied. In 00 00 0 0 00 N.

C. very 00 35 00 00 00 0 00 00 0 0 00 Sept. 1Uurque K. Trout. Dean, from Boston, to K1J- Iv.

anil starting anew after the defect had been corrected. This might prolong the process, bnt it would prevent what must otherwise be a certain cause of a disaster, for under ob circumstances will the cable be found able to i will no doubt endeavor to make his way back to Columbus countv. N. C. where he belonged when I bought him.

00 00 55 00 7 00 00 0 0 10 00 i 40 30 00 00 demand at 17 a 18 centa for the former, and 17 cents ft. for latter quality. Pork Is 'without change in price. The supp ly of Northern is light, and we notice a moderate demand. We refer to our table for store rates, according to I will give a reward of fifty dollars for his confinement in anr jail so that I can ret him again or one hundred dollars 00 0 0 9 1 00 0 der Martin with mdze.

Schr. Jonas Smith, Spates, from New York, to A. D. Ca-zaux; withmdze. Schr.

Annie Davis, Davis, fron Hyde county, to Master; with 4 i Schr. W. H. Howard, Brown, from Sloop Point, to Baa- 00 wunsuna tne strain uiai must eusue irvui mnj brakes before the heatlway of the vessel is checked. 44 The temporary delay which this accident has inter- 00 for his delivery to me at Centreville, Florida.

BENJAMIN MANNING. Aug. 25th, 1857. 299-2t52-4t 6 50 00 quantity and quality. ci.

-fcr i 1 1 a 1 1 am a. iuanm wiiu navai stores; T. Sr reiveu 7 u-' 8- Reamer Spray, Price, from Smithrille, to A review. There is a large stock of former arrivals Liverpool H. Van Bokkelen.

35 60 $30 REWARD. Ax RAN AWAY from the subscriber on Wednesday last, Schr. Decatur Oakes. Culver, from New York, to J. D.

00 00 30 00 0 0 00 0 00 0 00 00 00 0 00 00 a itice, i.iuu ibs. gross. Cotton, bale, Cotton goods, foot, Flaxseed, bushel, i Ground Peas, bushel, Wheat, bushel, 4 Lumber, v. TO PHILADELPHIA, Turpentine and Tar, bbl. Rosin Spirits Turpentine Ground Peas, bushel, Cotton, Lumber, as to Cotton goods, cubic foot, Rice, iP 100 TO ROSTON.

Turpentine and Tar, bbl. Rosin 'f i Spirits Turpentine. Lumber, Ground Peas, bushel, Bough Rice, Cotton, bale, McRae with hay for Geoi Harris. ii aa i a t- i a 0 00 6 00 Sept.2 Schr. John Ai Stanlrl buumons, rrom ew orr, ground now in first hands, and as there is a limited demand the market rules decidedly dull.

jWe quote cargo price nominal at 85 cents, and from store at $11 a $1 05 per sack, in quantities to suit. Alum is also in good supply, and sells in the small way at 30 a 40 cents bushel, as in quantity. 00 00 0 10 to Gcorcre Harris with mdze. Schr. Jenny Lind, Hyde County, to Master 00 wjiu corn.

I Schr. S. IB. Strong, Farrell, Cazaux with mdze. from New York, to A.

D. 60 ffk 1 JIU iiisu, ilia muiicgiv ixicu, -tu. nnn i. TOM is about 5 feet 7 inches high, dark complexion, hign forehead, and about 25 years of age has very full eyes, thick lips, and walks rocking. I purchased him of J.

8. Willis. of Bladen county. WAKE, or WESLEY, as he is sometimes called, is about 5' feet 6 inches high, dark complexion, quick spoken, active; raided by Williamson Page, near Raleigh. I will give the above reward for both, or $15 for either, delivered in any Jail where I can get them.

LOTT CROOM. Long Creek P. N. Aug 21, 1857 2'J7-5t-52 tf LiacoRst Liatoitan 00 00 50 00 00 I Brig Flora, Rice, from New York to Kidder A Martin. 00 80 00 00 Scgar Is in moderate stock, and prices have gone down a See table.

Shin'OLEs. None worthy of nte hive been brought to and there is very little demand. Our quotations in from Sue ad's Ferry, toD. 00 50 00 9 00 0 8 9 0 00 (gj 0 poecu to the accoinpusnmeni oi a majruiuwui though a matter of regret, will not be permitted to en- courage despondency as to the final success of the enter-pri. In so immense a task, commenced and carried out without the experience that could be gathered from the existence of any similar work, the full success of the first trial, though it might be hoped for, could not be fairly expected.

The submarine telegraph cables heretofore laid have merely extended across narrow straits or arms of the sea, and have found their resting places at distant ct-9 under water that are insignificant compared with the depths to which the Atlantic cable was sunk. In at- hmptingthe latter work there were hazards to be cn- 5 ffoontcred and difficulties to be learned and mastered, that it was scarcely possible could be so fully foreseen or so successfully met as to make the first effort anything more than a practical experiment. The pecuniary resources of the company are so enlarged as to enable them to encounter this disaster without serious damage. In addition to the liberal aid and na ran tecs affonfcd by the TOVcrnments of the United i Bcnr. Kosalie Ueatnce, Pigotti Pigott; with naval stores.

0 OQ 0 00 00 00 0 0 50 0 00 Worth. 0 j. Schr. Presto, Hawkins; from New York, to T. C.

Schr. E. Wells, Hallock, fm New York, to T. C. Worth.

00 table represent sales -Timber. Owing mainly to the Bri2 Sheet Anchor. ChesleV. from to I'oirca A low stage of the water Axle uiscipuiie ia uiuu nuu cusjr iuue niiu cunuuct themselves properly whilst those regulations deemed es- courses, the receipts for a few weeks past have been ex- I REVIEW OF THET WILMINGTON MARKET, for the week: ending SEPT.

3D, 1857i ntial to the proper government or youtn, removed irom ceedingly small. Millers have a light stock on hand, and we notice a fair enquiry from th'em at present. Sales for the week jof only 5 a 6 rafts at prices ranging within quotations. Dudley. I CLEARED.

Aug. 27. IT. S. M.

Steamer, Spray, Price, for BmithvCle. by A. H. VanBokkelen. 28.

Scr. Mary C. Cramner, Davis, for Cape Lookout, by Master with brick. Ac. Scr.

R. Stanard, Groves, for Washington City, by Russell Bro. with lumber, I Turpentine Thewnarket for this article has ruled steady ONE HUNDRED bbls. Old Whiskey assorted grades 20 half bbls. 150 bbls Cincinnati Whiskey i 50 Walters' 20 Domestic Brandy; 15 Malaga Wine; 15 eight casks Brandy 25 bbls Apple i 10 Gin; 10 Superior N.

C. Peacfc. Brandy 10 Apple in store and for sale by W. H. McKOY.

See table. i kt last week's quotations, and about all received has been Freights. Coastwise rates have ruled inactive during the taken for distilling purposes the demand from shippers is limited, as they do not appear disposed to operate to any past week the large number of vessels in port, and the small quantity of country produce arriving in consequenoe of the low stage of the watercourses, has tended to reduce extent unless at a reduction in prices. The receipts have been light, and owing to the low stage of the water courses prices, which are a shade lower very little barrel freights the arrivals must continue meagre, as little or none is brought States and Great Britain, the private subscriptions have kvn large. Up to the 30th June, (at which time the Iwvlance sheet had been made up.) 243,493 of the capital hat! been paid up; out of thi3 190,330 had been ejpended, and a balance of remained to the credit of the company.

The cable alone (which is paid r) cost 178,935. Out of the large balance of capital the restraints of home, are enforced with firmness, but without harshness. 1 The location of this School is at the terminus of the Wilmington and Topsail Sound Plank Road, twelve miles from Wilmington, in the midst of a highly moral neighborhood. It is two miles from the Sound, and the air is purified and cooled throughout the summer months by the Sea breeze. Board can be had at convenient places in the neighborhood at Ten Dollars per month.

The Scolastic year is divided into two sessions of twenty weeks each. The Fall session will commence on Thursday, the 9th day of July, proximo. TERMS ARE AS FOLLOWS PER SESSION For the 'English branches, 00 Latin and Greek, together with the 25 00 One-half payable in advance, balance at end of the session. Pupils will be charged from their entrance until the end of the session, except in case of protrocted sickness. For any further information, apply to the following Trustees: N.

N. NIXON, Wilmington, N. C. JOS. M.

FOY, Scott's Hill, D. K. FUTCH, do. offering shipment. See table for rates.

28. U. a Steamer Spray. Price, for Smithville, by A. H.

VanBokkelen. 29. Schr. Watauga, Cook, for Boston, by Telrce Dudley; with lumber, 1 Brig Jos. Albion, Fifleld, for! West Indies, by Teh-ceA Dudley with lumber and shinglea.

Schr. L. P. Smith, Cooper, lor New York, by A. D.

Cazaux with naval stores, Ac, Schr. Helene, for New York, by A. D. Cazaux; i With naval stores, Ao. i Schr.

Vermont, Elliott, for Boston, by Kidder Martin in from above tide-way, with the exception of small lots per August 19th, 1S57 CO-PARTXERSIIIP AOT1CE. THE Subscribers have this day entered into a Co-Partner-ship uqder the name and style of ALDERMAN BIZZELL, arv.1 ha fiVpn thu Ktrirn formerly occnDied bv A McCaleb. NEWBERN, Aug. 26. Bacon-uHams 15 sides and ilroad.

The operations for the week just ended are as shoulders 14c. Bark, $7 00 card: Beef, 4 to 5 cts; fdllows: -i: Jb by the Beeswax, 29c. Corn has advanced No. 32 North Water Street, where tbey will keep a constant Bbls. Virgin.

Yel. Dip. 05 3 05 mrsday 500. 00 to $5 25; retail $6 Coffee 17c. lb, as in quality Cotton, lljc.

Feathers, 45 50c. lb as in quality Fish, $5 50 6 50 Blue Fish, Trout and Mixed Fish, $4 50 5 Herrings, $7 for Oak Flour. New 00., witn lumDer. Steamer Banks, for there are to be deducted the expenses of the five weeks Mween June 30, when the accounts were balanced, and 'Angust 7, when the cable was actually laid at Valencia. These would be considerable, but there must be yet available at least 100,000 to pay for the further prose- supply of everything that is kept a general Keiaii ana Grocery Store which they will sell at a small advance for cash, and hope by prompt attention to business, to merit a fair share of public patronage.

'iLI. ALDERMAN, Fayettaville, byPettcway Fiday ........1,625...... Siturday 300. ionday 623. York ranges from $8 00 to 11 50 i bbL; Baltimore $8 50 Fritenett.

i i 29 U. S. M. Steamer Spray, Price, for Smithville, by A. 00.

00.. 00. 00.. 00., 425 10 50 Fodder: dry el 25 Hay, New York Ii. aouoKKeien.

$1 25, by the bale Hides, dry 10 cents, green 6c. n. Vednesday. 100. rhursday I 491.

Lard, 16c i lb by the Leather, sole 3y lb harness with June 23d. 1S57 I 246tf 43-tf ias. rroxucT. alxx. ouhak.

BTOKLET A OLDIIAJI, The rxJishicsr of plate class has hitherto been a work L. S. McCLAMMY, do. R. K.

BRYAN, do. JOHN HOWARD, Topsail Sound. June 5th, 185g. 231-lawlOt 41-tf. upper, side $1 25 2 50 Lime, $1 50 Meal, $1 15 1 40 bush, by the retail Molasses, bbl.

artA vol Ti WA nante Vaila i Ia Pnto naa TVicK sales as above. fif much labor and tediousnoss, and the finest plates have been produced onlr at a creat expense in the Ianrest Spirits Turpentine Since our last review the advices re ilROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND AVTLSOVS HAJUTKSS ESTABLISXOIKIBT. ceived have proved unfavorable for this article, and the nanufactorics of fiurope, where the work of polishing new, Pork, New York Mess, 1) bbl. $28 Rosin, Com; $1 35 Sugar, refined 14 to brown II -to lb, Tar, $1 40 for 32 gaL; Turpentine, dip $3 40 3 45 00 to 405 Whis. 31 Bremen Barque Diana, Ilusintf, for Bremen, by H.

B. Eilera with lumber, timber, Aci Schr. Laura Gertrude. ElwoodJ for KeW York, by T. C.

Worth with wheat and naval stores. Aug. 31 Schr. Morning LightJ Johnson, for Washington, D.JC, by Russell with lumber. Sept.

1 Steamer Flora McDonald, Hurt, for Fayettevilley by T. C. B. G. Worth.

i 7 Schr; Charles McCleea, Gilgo, for New York, by Russell with Wheat. if Brig Black Swan, Podger, for New York, by T. ajTorth; with naval stores. I- Schr. Rhoda Beulah, Hoffman, for Philadelphia, by T.

r'i THE Subscriber, respectrauy m- jmarket here has ruled, exceedingly dull, closing in an unset forms the citizens of Wilmington and yj tled condition. understand tnat several private trans- cas oeen entirely Gone dv cana. mcricaa uiYeuiorg hare, however, suaxeded in perfecting machinery by which riass mar be polished with much more expedition vicmitr. that he has located a brancn key, gal. 40 45c; Spirits jTurpentine, 38 to 40c; New York house at No.

5, Market near the- wharf, 3 actions have taken place during the week, but cannot obtain of hi Wood, per cord, Oak $3 oo, Asn, ao, Jfine SI 60 to 2 whrr will keen everr description of Staves, $10 15 Heading 10 lz. the particulars supposed at about 42 cents. The following FAYETTEVLLLE, Aug. 31. Bacon 17 oo Cotton-- JT DEALERS IN CORN, OATS, PEAS, AC.

WnjfDiGltW, N. C. Reference Col. John McRak, President of the Bank of Wilmington. O.

G. Parsley, President of the Commercial Bank. SOU AGE.VT8 WASTED I A HOMESTEAD FOR $10 1 Third jDicwicm. $310,000 irorth of Farms and Building Lois, rr THE GOLD REGIONS OF CULPEPPER COUNTY, Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,200 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1857. Subscriptions only ten dollars down or $15 one half down, the rest on deUrery of the Deed.

Everr subscriber willl get a Building Lot or a Farm, thin by hand, with considerable more uniformity of beauty and surface, and at so great a reduction in that plate glass may now almost supersede the ordinary articjk and anr man of moderate means may possess half Fair to tJood. 15 00, OrdL to Mid. 11 12 Flour- comprise all the public sales Friday. 23 bbls. at 43 cents per 228 42 C.

Worth with naval stores. AcJ SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS AND TRUNKS Every variety of Ladies' and Gentlemen's riding Saddles, fine Sole Lather TRUNKS, and everything in his Having extensive facilities, he will keep constantly on hand the most solenoid and extensive 'assortment of Saddlerv Familv. $6 75 7 00 Super. $6 50 0 00 Fine. $6 00 0 00 Scratched, $5 50 0 00 Grain Corn, $1 25 0 00; Rosin For the Common article we notice a continued ac dozen pier mirrors in his house.

goods in the State," all of which will be sold at New; York tivity in the market since our last review, and an advance of If five and a half yards make a perch, how many will prices. N. B. Repairing1 of Harness and Trunks dne by the best wneat, $1 15 0 00 Oats, 50 00 eae, 00 $0 00 Rye, $1 00 0i 00 Lard 17J 18 cents Molasses Cuba 6Q 00 cents New Orleans, 00 00 cents Salt Liverpool Sack, $1 40 1 50 Turpentine Yellow dip, $2 65 0 00 Virgin, $3 50 0 00 Hard, $1 05 00 Spirits, 40 00 cents. naice a trout I Schr.

Lilly, Francis, for New York, by T. C. Worth with haval stores and wheat. Schr. Laura, Harker, for Shallotte, by Anderaon BaTr U.

S. M. Steamer Spray, Price, for Smithrille, by A. H. VanBokkelen.

I Steamer Black River, Barber, for Fayetterille, by D. A. Lamont. I 2 Schr. Marine, Powell, for Naw 3Tork, George liar riss with naval stores, Ac 3 Brig A.

G. Washburn, LeeU, for St. Domingo, by Kid der Martin; with lumber and shingles. i5 cents has been obtained over highest quotation of Thursday last. The limited receipts has tended to keep the stock on market b'ght, and at present there is a fair demand from dealers $1 45 per 310 lbs.

is offered, but sellers appear to 'A paper called the Comet has been started in Fenn workmen, and all orders for Harness executed with promptness and despatch. MATHEW A. WILSON, i Importer and Manufactuwr of Harness, No. 59 Canal New York, ranging in value from $10 to These Farms and Lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserved, the increase in the value of which will com- nnui tnr tht annsrpnt low DriCO DOW asked. yylvania, and is to have a new talt every week.

quite firm. Flour Slight advance. The advance no doubt is caused by the low state of the water courses. be firm in holding at $1 50. We quote sales for the: week as No.

5 Market Wilmington, N. A REWARD 13 OFFERED for the detection of any WASHINGTON, Auir. 25th. Naval Stores Last sales of 12-tf Sept. 20, 1856.

Upwards of 1,350 Jots are already sold, and a company of ohU rtod The Raooahanock Pioneer Association, is proa couuterfeitinar, imitating, or the render of any such Dip Turpentme at $3 30. Tar $1 25 to 1 40. Spirits Tur- foIloWB 'f-y Saturday. .1.000 bbls. at $1 30 for small bbls.

now forming and will soon commence a settlement. Ample pentine 40 cents. Rosin 1 20 to $11 25. OUR MOTTO IS "TO PLEASE," counterfeit or Imitation of. BCERHAYES HOLLAND BIT-TEES.

Tl genuine, highly concentrated Holland Biiiert is cents for white and mixed. Wheat $1 security will be given for the faithful performance of- con Grain Corn 8090 25 -ft bush, of 6016. Dispatch I tAT THE i 640 i 1 40iormeojum- i Do .2,000 1 45 per 310 fts. 1 45 1Hminetoit Saddle, Harnese tracts and promises. vario Avooo acres of lands, in different Darts of Virginia, pat np in half-pint bottles only, having the name or the pro i NORFOLK.


Baker, on Third Street, under the In struction of the undersigned and lady. -j The number in each department will be bmited. now At command and will be sold to settlers at from $1 up There ha existed a fair enquiry for No. 2, which is also In out: rr TR MA UFA Ti prietor, B. Tag blown in them, and his fignatura lb a I7c: miUdlmirs 15c.

L'orn. White. 83c. mixed 83c. SUBSCRIBER RESPECTFULLY INFORMS SUBSCRIBER RESFLCTr'ULLT INFORMS irooad the neck of each and eTery bottle.

llgat supply. quote sales or several parcels at extremes rneing from $1 50 to $2 50 13 bbl. highest figure for a yellow 85c. Cotton 14 a 14f c. Lard, new No.

1, 17 a 18c, No; 2, 17c. Flour, superfine, $8 25 extra $8 75 family $9 60. Wheat, i red, tl 35. white $1 it5. Naval Stores-1 This delightful Aroma has been received by Americana orterms, mquve 91 a.

iiinui, xqi 100000, uq, to $300, per acre. Unquestionable titles viU in all cases be gien. Wood -cutters. Coopers, Farmers, Ac, are uxtnted and 500 Agents to obtain subscribers, to whom the most liberal inducements will be given. Agents write that they are making $200 per moth.

For full particulars, Subscriptions, apply to I -o "a iTrkt-T? Pnrt Hnvnl Carolina- Va3 fXUTE THE JL pubb'c that he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Coach, Gig, and Sulky Harness Ladies' and Gentlemen's Saddles, Bridles, Whips, Ac. Trunks. Valist Laddie and Carpet Bags, Satche? fancy Trunks, Ac iinn nn hr A m. Jarre snnnlr of Strine Leatner and Fir or 8. jewett, Esq.

or, after September 20th, of the pndr signed bnthe premises. ,1 O. W. JEWBTT. Black Tar $1 55 Brieht $1 55 a $1 62.

Shmirlerf aa a. with that faror whkh is only extended to really scientific preparations. 1 When we consider the marked snccess at good article. In No, 1, we have nothing new to report, and owing to the meagre arrivals, the transactions for the week have been b'ght in demand at full prices. We quote sales 301-tf 42- Pea Nuts 60c.

a $1. Mess Pork tU a $27. Oats 40c. tending its administration, in the most stubborn cases of PETERSBURG. Va.

Aosr 25. Rour Runerfirtfl' fllo.i DHA89 AJTD IROST tTOVXTUY, AVTLMMfG of 6a800 bbls. at from $4 50 to $6 25 per bbL, according to nr W. D. GARDNER, Agent, Wilmington, N.

5. lauuiir jismu. waem i to rame i 41 tn 15 medium 1 25 to 1 40: common 1 to 1 20 traod tn nrima rpA i FeTeraad Ague, Weakness of any kind. Dyspepsia, HearV lira, Acidity of the Stomach, Sick and Nerrous Headache, lad-gestion, CostiTeness and Piles, together with the com quality. August 31st, 1857.

125 to 130. Corn 97 to Der busheL Cotton 1MJ I.tVD ANDKEUKOKS KOI SALE. i Tar Continues to be brought In sparingly, and we note Bacon-rSides 15i to 16; Shoulders 14c i Virginia Hog round Nets, and all other articles usaUy found in such establishments, all of which he warr be of the best material and workmanship, and wi be sold for cash, or on short credit to prompt customer- Saddles, Harness, Tias, Medical Bags, made to order. Harness and Dach Trimmings sold at a fair price to persons buying to manufacture. Whips at wholesale.

All kinds of riding vehicles bought and sold on commission. JOHN J. CONOLEY. an active demand. Only a few small lots have been received, w) ii.

xoDaccc Lings W8 to ll; i common Lfeaf $11 to -J I will sell on accommodating terms, 1,900 ACRES I OF FARMING AND TIMBElt "LAND, Jing be-Jit which were taken at $1 60 bbl. We note sales during the WiddUng Leaf $12 to 13J, and Fair, to Very Good $13 to ASD suo-. THE 'subscriber would respectfully inform the public, thai: he la prepared to furnish at the above establishment, at the shortest notice, Iron and Brsas Castings, flnished or un-finisnedto make and put np new Machinery, to repair and orerhaul old Machinery, all of which will be done upon i reasonable terms in'l style of workmansWp which ho feels confident canno be surpassed North or South. He will max to order all ainds of patterns, ornamental and architectural, and supply drafts for machinery and mill-work irenerally. I establishment fitted up in the best manner and tween Black River and Nortnwesi Anorougmare, ia mxtm IkL.

wnmimrton. all in one body, 250 acre? newly clearei week of some 800 to 1,000 In snipping order, at 1 75 vmm w. J. a 'WttUWUVf Mill Neuralgic Affections, we cannot wonder at its popularity. I WeB saay the invalid value this remedy.

See advertisement in another column. Sept. 1st, 13S7 S06A1-TW i NEW YORK, Sept. lst-Cotton irdall. sales to-dar of 400 bbl.

stock smaJL I and under cultivation, suited to Corn. Pea jjuts, Ac. 400 urh and Swamo. on tide-way. LOOO acres Wood bales.

Flour is dull, sales of 5,000 bbls. at a decline of 10c. Beef Cattxb, The quantity of beeves brought to caroucta saddle: ajtd iiarxkss establisii- on State and Ohio, Southern unchanged common to good State at $5 70 a $5 90. Ohio at $6 15 a $6 60. Southern at Land and Reed Pasture enclosed for stock, and well timber- JUK5T.

market has been exceedingly small for several weeks past, a ef tin j.ll tn aaa 1 1 A. Corner. Market and 'Second under the Carolina Bold, W. imt IB UiLU. BBiOS Ut.

lO.UW DUSUeia Bl 11 HK I HavW an DXD. and the supply in butchersMiands: has become very light for white and at $1 47 for red. Cora is dull, sales of 16,500 1 the latest improrement in tools, he feels eonfldont Ezzf THE UNDERSIGNED RESPECT- rV? ftiHw taValthia mthrul tn inform i Xil I.I We note a moderate demand, with small sales of grass fatted at 5J a 6 cents as in quality. Ssxxr continues to be Iy soliciU orders in his line. Orders directed to the subscri 1 prices Closed With a declining tendency! Mess Pork ia heavy, sales at $25 65 a $25 75 Prime Pork declined 15 centa.

sales citizens of Wihnington and surround- very choice N'egrculars, enquire of JAS. E. KEA, or fartherjiTa52-lm Wflmington, N. C. brought sparingly, and the tfuppiy on maraei nas Decome ber or left at L.

A. Hart Mozart Hall building, Front at. or at the Machine Shop in the real will prompt at In Sew HanoTer county, on the 14th after a long rtnM. Margaret catharlve, consort of William t. W12 nd Sincj Uodgeaon in the tie fa mmrneiLM a wife and mother, the joy and com-Jort of her house as a daughter and sister, dutiful and af- tag country, that he has taken the store on the corner of nearlr all worked There is a brisx enquiry from butch at 21 60 a $21 75.

Beef unchanged, sales at 17 a $18 for repacked Chicago. Lard has declined sales at 164 cents. Whiskey sale of Ohio at 25 cents. Sugar is TJTB DISTILLKRr, flXTVItES, ETC, ers, and parcels find quick sale at $1 75 a $2 25 head. rvitBAJLOu, tention.

N. B-Ordera from all parts of the country, accompanied by the cash, or satisfactory references, will be promptly attended to. All work warrented to a represented, or no i II If I'V Market and Becona streets, unaer ue Carolina Hotel, where he would be pleased to exhibit his stock, consisting of Saddles, Bridles, Martingales, Harness, Trunks, Whips, Spurs, and all articles usually kept in such an establishment, all of which he will sell low for cash, or on accommodating forms. Corrzx.We hare no material alteration to maze on form- steady, sales of Muscovado, at 4 8 cents. Molasses is unchanged.

Coffee is firm, sales of Rio at auction to-day at 1 QQ- nre ana oeioTed. leares an nrL.vf 404 circle of reUUTes and friends I -rfabscriber offers for sale his TURPENTINE DISTIL-CTtRY, situated at Long Creek, New Hanover county. Tacrt are twe stills one of a caDacitr of fortv barroia er quotations there is, however, more nrmness on tne part 13 ceDta, Spirits Turpentine firm, sales at 47 cents- 77 of holders, and the stocK on marxet omy moaeraie. xne i Kosm is nrm, sates at U5. Rice quiet, aaies a.

cenw. Wflmington, N. June 1st, 1857 241-tf 1 Proprietor ahout how 7 for mwua 001 WT Call and examuw, as he solicits a share of public patronage. one of fifteen barrels, with all the usual fixtures. rnnfined to rmaR narcelfl rVom IFwighte inatire.

1 BSltm i ill; i- Also the unexpired term of the lease of the let and wharf. ACUsUI a axuvfa UUKIVC Oct 38-ta. WM. L. JACOBS, i Why should they mourn departing friends.

'V Or shake at death a alarsu7 I BACO.T AJTD POIUC BBLS. MESS PORK; At Prices rangimr wfthht quotations- See -sw i'i j-i, -f saies oiuteweexi.uuu bales." Keceipuao mo wbbw wura. having six to seven yean to run. The above property will be sold low for cash or rood nteM. 30 A uxuie voice tnat Jesus send Cox.

CoTtos la hi Tut demano, dui me marae ruies quie. cv nort 700 Decreased receipts here as com- 6 Hhds. Western Sides Biernoiussi 1 a RECEIVED THIS MORNING AT THE HAT AND Cap Emporium, 25 cases Men and Boya Wool Apply to J0HXS Shouiaerf.ForaaierbT i 5 eonaeauence of the meagre receipts. One amalTlof of good I pareji with last year 243,000 bales do. at Southern ports Mr.

T. i WUJLAXJJ VVi Aug, 25th, Cn on Saturday at 15J cents. We note ft receipt 684,000 bales. other axticle generally mm ana uachajjgca. Si Market street.


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