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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 4

Brooklyn, New York
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had left her precious badge or card in her trunk upstairs or at some other (he guard broke. side unprepared go to me The New Yorkers were earlv on the field for the entertainment, but it was the rial lore from distant points, not yet aeustomed to "speeding up to the New York notch, who lingered ton long over dinner in ihe grill room or restaurant and had to lie content with inferior places or in some instances none at all But it WOJ I glorloua eve- jnim; and the eve, smiling hostesses Riada life as comfortable as possihle for the disappointed Site oHulioningi them to come early next time. Of course, with the bustle and excitement of getting settled there wag electioneering, for there are two formidable candidates already in the rare for the Presidency, namelv. Mra Samuel Sneath of Tiffin. Ohio, who is one of the Central Federation vice presidents, and Mrs.

Jusiah Evans Cuwles of Los Angeles. Possibly there nil! be a dark horse lis the dava progress, because election is a Week away. Kara again New Yorkers are uui-tsetnt, or 'neutral." as one of them termed It "It is an unwritten law thHt ihe hostess' State must not enter candidates." is the explanation. It was announced last evening that Fire Commiaaionar Robert Adamaon, In place of Mayor Mltehtl, ouid make the address of welcome for the city nt the formal opening of the convention this evening. Part of Day Taken Up With Disc ussion- UO Vmciidnirnts.

At the Hotel Astui today the dele-gaUl and alternates held a series of eonfereneea relative to propoaad amendments to the Constitution. Mrs. Percy IVnnyb.ick. mc 'idem, occupied the chair and i was considerable general dis- lion. action being deferred until ions lormaiiy do Special interest wan man I feat ad la he proposition to amend the bylaw hnt prohibits the admission of clubs laving "a political or sccurian test i 1 i -sir I 1 nrnt of Home Economic, of which Hie Helen Louiaa John.

Brooklyn Institute lecturer is i hair- ill. vv. In I.i i departments mil i ctiil the Social Line Would Increase Rate From 2 to 2'2 Cents a Mile. lilt; DEFICIT GIVES) AS REASON. Company Decides Occasional Travelers should Bear Burden of creator Operating Expense, 1 to The Btftft.) Albany.

May 4 The I.nng Island Railroad Company has filed an application with the Second District Public Service Commission asking permission to increase the rate charged for mileage tickets SO and 1.000 mile from 2 to ty cents a mile. At the afflca of Prealdsnl Kalph Patera of the Long Island Itallroad it was said today thai an application for increase the rate for mileage tickets was made for the purpose of wiping out the annual deficit in the company's exchequer, huh has aver- for number of years. Ii is estimated thai the additional half cent will Increase the income 'f the company at the present basis of travel of thi-i riass of passengers $310,000. The rate for single-fare one way is 3 cents a mile, and slntle excursion rate are between -'i and 2 cents per mile. Family trip tickets.

10. and so from 1.8 cents per mile for the 50-trip ticket! to I.i cents per mile for the 10-tlip book, for any member of the family. Beer tar) P. H. Woodward said that President Peters was averse to mak-ng am increase in the rate and h-' hfld 08 ss long as he could, although Strong pressure was brought to bear last to have Mie rs' raised.

lie aald that the company was finally forced Into making some chant owing to the continuous growth in expenses of operation, He aid thai over JCOO.eon his been added to the wage total this sprinc. After consultation it war, decided hat the increase could best be nal travelers. "SPLASH ME 1916" SHORE DINNER, $2 DANCING HOTEL SHELBURNE BRIGHTON BEACH NEW YORK rend bp the Rap. Dr. -I lnss Stevenson of Princeton.

N. former Moderator, chain, inn of the committee on blila and overture As he concluded a voire moved the adoption of ihe report, another econded and when rutin- put the "It Is adopted." announced the Moderator. With one accord the entire assembly rose and sang 'Blest Re the Tie that Kinds Pn.ver wim offered thanking Cod for the amicable conclusion of what had threatened serious division ii the Church. SERUM USE STIRS HOMEOPATHIC I. Kings Society Averts Storm In Discussion on Clinical Cases.

"MCRDEROl'S," BAY8 DR. bCTSE, Mnro Wide preail I of Anti-Toxins Has Arguments I'or and tgaltM. ihe Klnti County Komaopathie Medical Society last niglu. The storm didn't actually break, but it lowered Lutie and Dr. Augustus i failed to agree with Dr tha serum subject, both we I nd i lie answer." We are living now under a cloud." the assertion of Dr.

Vonderluhe. ic cloud is in the serum therapy, I tell veil now thai I bik -d the time -and that soon pii that cloud will pasB away." Hoin' oii.ithy ought to cure with-: serums," was the contribution of i I hikiii ui" nisrussion. in rupii- I 1IIHH wun 'no vwt the National Board Women Christian Asso- the: broth- he subject for ihe da, is. I th'mse v. ho.ild confer as to he I Kn vment as an Indus- eedy for the whole trouble wi'i Hrmnn done so in a most earnest.

the lu addiiai'icrs l'''a t'-'l and toi earing they -v-vi nt1' ri. ii' Anuo- presented .1 pain: which to their in er are to bf I Pa I p. bod led all that he exigencif .1 mcVly' conneetcl with of tl.e demand and which MARRIAGE LICENSES OF PRESBYTERIANS Men Who Do Not Believe in Christ's Deity and Resurrection Must Not Be Licensed for Pulpit. VICTOHY FOR ORTHODOXY. Xew York Presbytery and I'nlon Heresy Question Kndcd Amid beer-.

Atlantic City, N. May The Ceneral Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, In the Pnited States of America, today adopted without de-bate a report from the committee on bills and overtures, warning the New York and all other presbyteries that the tenets of the Church must be accepted by candidates for the ministr; before they should be ordained. action, it Is believed, ends further dls- eusaion In the present assembly of the alleged heresy question in which the New York rreahytery and Union Theological Seminary are involved. Complaint was made against the members of New York Presbytery for licensing reccntlj anil on previoua occasions candidatea who could not affirm their belief in the essential doctrines of the Church The report of the committee tecited that "the members of New Yoik Pre-byierv felt ileculv nained grieved that the overturn presby- nol on the haala of the Preabytery'i records, hut on tne basis of exaggir-uted and misleading newspaper re- "The brethren on both sides- of the controversy, with ihe members of in, nmilte, expr thou- conviction that this con- was i.niiR.n.. rep: upon i'v i ch.

was hied, ring in- "'J Scripture as to l.eeo thrm from error. I it It an essential doctrine rf the Word of God and ot our standards I that our Lord Jesus Christ was horn 1 of the Virgin Mary. "3. It is an esL-eniial doctrine of the 1 I Word of God ami our standards that Christ offered up Himself sacrifice to satisfy divine justice and thus rec- of tl teth at the 1 a candidate appears the fundamentals I his license he deferre as In the Judgment WILLIAM WISE Jewelers and Diamond Merchants Watches of conventional stylet, at well ct many that are distinctly nove! all of uniform reiiabLity. FlatbusK Aw ntFolton CNovinsSli Suuwavj Station almost at Door "Broofcyn Herman K.

laiderman. Herman K. Ludcrman, co years old, died tlonda) ot bardanint Of the arteries at his home. 1 f. t-outh Chestnut tlrcet.

Richmond Rill. Ha was born in Oermany, April i. nil, and alter coming 10 ihls country was for uvrniy-tive yens 111 ihe grocery business at Wythe avenue and Hooper re, 1 Williamsburg. He had lived In Richmond Hill about fourteen yiurs and kept a store at Atlantic avenue and Him street He was a member of Allerianla Lodge. F.

and A. he How ronsville I Club and St John's Lutheran Church o' I iohmotld Hill Kuneral nervier 1 will he conducted nt his late -Hence to. night by the Rev Allen L. Benner. Arthur 3.

Mallny. Arthur Malloy. 13 jcars old. dletl yesterday al lh home of his brother-in-law, Geurro J. O'BliOB.

Sixth avenue hite: lone. He was bcrn in Manhattan, had lived in hii- for the past thirty years. Ho waf past Krnnd knight of Olympic Council, knlcbt of Columbus of Plushinf. He is survived by his wife ami one daughter. William rtu-hi.

William Ituehl. 22. of 4002 avenue, died yesterday', following an operation In the Norwegian Hospital tin wa? born In Brooklyn ami leaver hi- paranta, fi-ithe and Victoria Ituehl. He a in iiber ihe Xmtnt and Lariies Honor and St Miehar I lui. h.

Ii" turn in i.e neio iu-morrow at 2 p.m.. with interment in Crcenwoud Albert lai- Hnman. (Special to The Eale.) PatChogue, L. May 24 Albert Davis Roman, son of the late Silaa 'and Hannah Human of South Haven. niornins at his ine here, after a loop illness.

He was 82 years old. Mr. Roman was a resident of Brooklyn for many years, and was well known amour, ih" men at the Bedford taction, came to I twents-fnc ago, and i had sinre made home here, gather-' nt i min i him a wide circle of I Surviving him are hit son. i crank H. Homan.

a daugh'rr. is-s 'Graio Homan and two sisl.ers. Mrs. Pharler Katun New Haven. t-aeoline Kowland of Man-'- hattxn.

Funeral services will be held at his late home In Hider avenue to-': morrow evenine. Interment will be ut Heliport. Friday morning, jir. Loretta Uvan Cabbie. I Mis i.onu.i Kvans Cabbie, wife of C.

Cable died this fore-r noon rt her home. 1S5 Ainslee street, i l-'rneral services will he held Sttur-'I I day at the Rev. Dr. W. (i ivie.

ic of Ci-ac- Kpisei.paM'h'irch. "f- dVi'igliter the late and Helen Evans. She leaves l-. hushand. who is secretary of the Wil-r liam Cabbie Excelsior Wire Manu-'i fact urine Company, also one son.

Jo-e seph and two sisters. Mrs Grace Kerf dell and Mrs. Annie K. Smith of Port Richmond, Staten Island. SL iTft yv Hiv Colored Coats Sizes to 3 years 3d Floor Stylish Summer models of fine serge, black-and-white novelty worsteds and fancy mixtures.

65 Coats 7.20 Formerly 9.25 Collaps i 1 Outdoor Sleeping Car- ioIes' 16.50 19.50 Adjustable Nursery Gates, Upward from 2.00 Collapsible Nursery Commode Chairs 2.85 Rubber Bath Tubs, folding with faucet, 7.50, 8.75 More at Best's" rater New York haw been prepar- fi I he coming of 'he hosts rep-etltiag General Federation that tr.i preparation has Ikwa ten later, al the biennial hoard in the Htel Astor nun. Now the New Yorkers bark scat and thry will occup oattlM until June 2 puaineM of the thi oonveMlon being al an end. comes playdny. viith the local tin in chai se of the various is nothing cut of the ordinary lub ordination of the New York mien and tba forging to the if lie msHoi-b. It is the regula- r.en a dwa- for Group of Metl Appear and Demands Ticket anil Uiiltnns.

rlvllaget that hac CARPET CLEANING III (,. 4MI IIPF.TS tll'Mlt I I I. I I II .111 11" "ill kl 1 OH Mil" (O Zt Pnttna Utreet. BronUlrn. V.

JOIKTItE IfEALTlI tniett.m ors with jaawa nent in- on sev- and hut- a lusty he beys Lafgntt: At. Ave. FOR DAY OF BATTLE Fully Roitortd to Fighting Trim, it It "Ready for Any- PfUKCE vw CONFIDEVT ecu Berl i.i ii Be Retuwed to Id Proplo Bad Athena. Ha; IV London. May, 24.

delayed Prince Alexander fid Serbia (latent of Kin! Peter land i less kingdom, in mi interview today i with representative e( the Associ-, ated Press said thai he had wur. kncN from all the Alltea thai na ret-: i i lenient ol thi war would be accepted. 1 which did boi provide Cor the raatora-1 1 tinn of Serbia, Tiv Prlnet appeared thia and warn 11 from iii" hardship through which he passed, bui teemed in excellent' health SEA FOOD FRESH FROM OOEAN OEPTH Marve'oui Fi a healing household ointment tied for tern and many thei Iptiom, make tt a iplenek) liousehold remedy lor '1 i other troubles which CDPMani anse In everji lvmc, rr il.rrr- arc Irldrcn. 1 i u' V'U thould keep Res-inol Ointment ready for instant use. bUh Mtttrfbsd lwi.

k.hHM athiiMN Ma. the i "CAtVI A 104m Si at Cclunbis At 1 NEARinsp'Tt HnAT'' Resino I LttabtMed 1879 "modi ip-' A Reduced Sale of Infants' 'Jt visit. us have I side-tracking what threatened toil Rf. Trad, lisrk 47 Coats 4.90 Formerly 6.25 "4. It Sil av XVnrd Mhielconcernini There was no objection voiced, how-er, to the use of vaccines, a some- I hat relatrd group to the serums.

lend a paper bv Pr Charles E. of ihe I tho.i BROOKLYN COURTS IL'PREME COURT, BPPC1AL TERM. 11 'Irluls Piv ca,.-. May if'i'i' Rnr-fll Hene-ttet. I'i-eit ilbrii-i

i- -hi HUM' tttussev Will close out our Lingerie and Pique Coats 3.00 to 15.00 Extremely smart but practical models. Pique and Lingerie Afghans 2.00 to 18.50 Exclusive styles, hand-embroidered and hand- scailoped. Babies' Pique Shoes 75c to 4.50 Carefully shaped for baby feet; ages 3 to 6 months. Babies' Machine-made White Dresses 70c to 4.50 Fine examples of perfect machine work in daintiest Summer styles; high or low neck. For Baby's Country Comfort Willow Bas- kCV ket Traveling rai' Tn 4.25 Collaps i 1 CjrWX 35 The -I Stage and Screen I I Because of the bad weather, the 'opening of MacKave's "Caliban by the Yellow Sandt." at the City College Stadium has been deferred until to-or night.

It Is understood that eon-thout tinued rain will cause the perform-i anee to be postponed until tomorrow v.V" be good' Mondn'v evening, and! ticket- issued for last night will be! Upward I from O.OU Collapsible Cribs, Upward from 4.50 Nursery Coolers, capacity 6 bottles OW Our Barber Shop Bring the little folks for a visit before they start out of town. 4th Floor. Loult Dresser. on closing hr ek's run at the New Brighton, will to Indianapolis. where she ill pear In the star role of a new play, othlng But the Truth," which open? -re Tuesday.

"Very QdOd Kddle" moves at the 1 of the week from the Princess to Casino Theater Qumtln Tod I Helen Clark will he added to the I "Step This Way." Lew Fields' new 'musical ihow. opens Monday even. rig, let the Shuhert Theater. It has Its! premiere tomorrcw msht In Atlantic City. 1 Daily Motor Delivery and Call to Brooklyn and Suburban Points "You Never Pay.

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