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The Daily Republican from Monongahela, Pennsylvania • Page 5

Monongahela, Pennsylvania
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, AI'lilT; fi. VX)l THE DAILY TtTSPTTnUOAN. MONONO ATIKLA, PA. PAGE FTVE CHARLEROI WINS MUSIC CONTEST local schools will bo tho guest speaker. Mr, and Mrs.

Elmer Weber and baby, of Monessen, were recent Soun Glass Jmter Local M. H. S. STUDENTS TO HEAR ADDRESS BY ACCOUNTANT That business and industry are undergoing drastic changed, and A TALE OF SCOTIAND YARD 6y A. callers in Monongahela and visited this pirst: that more business knowledge and i I Willi, Talking to Iter sister Etta, Alysla i efficiency will be demanded in the atlor is resentful over the op roachlna marriage ot their cousin Instrumental musicians of Char-ieroi High school yesterday won the Washington County inter-scholastic contest in instrumental music by taking a majority of the first places in the contest as well aw two second places.

Donora High school was second and Washington third. The contest, tho second of the interscbolttstic music contests this year, was held at Charleroi, with E. W. Osborn, Charleroi music instructor, acting as chairman, and hn Talt and Lucy Burnham, RESERVE OFFICER KILLED IN A FROM ARMY PLANE Altoona, April (INS) Pennsylvania "graveyard of aviators" claimed another victim today. Second Limit.

John Lelund Mc-Allster oi' Lungley Field, leaped to his death a short time before his army airplane crashed Into the side of a mountain hero lute yesterday. McAlister, a reserve army officer, was believed to be transporting the ship to Cleveland for use in the air mail service when the crash occurred. Me plunged to his death on the third anniversary of the day he received his pilot's license. iutuic. because the sinters Kill have leave Tuifs home where they we been living.

They relate the changing order of things, is point- ed out by Mr. C. It. Kennedy of the Pittsburgh School of Account- ancy, wiho 'will speak before the as- sembly in the' Monongahela High School, oh Thursday morning. He i explains how business in all its! branches is entwined around and i intermeshed with Accountancy, I ws to Reggie Claridye.

Alysiai nice. vOir CO OS WITH THE STORY loan rtf tHl? CIIAITKR 2 Al.YS.VS bitter reply the foundat on of all phases i Music School of Duquesne Univer- businesa adm stration, and that sity as judge. The voice contests il the general readjustment now in as held recently at Burgettstown. evidence everywhere, there will be T. -j Donora won the Class A band nine Icll broken only by the i 'ai, i-t unclv of fresh toast Sud nly Kita said eonily: with relatives and friends.

Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sage, of the Stnhlmun Apartments, are visitors in Washington today. Mr. and Mrs.

James F. Coulter and son Jimmy, of Jackson street, will spend the week-end with relatives in Moundsville, W. Va. Master Jimmy Coulter will be heard in the Kiddies Club Broadcast over station WWVA tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. Miss 11a Ward, Miss Betty Carroll, "Bud" Keenan and Dltk Fel-ton were callers in Charleroi Wednesday evening.

Mrs. V. L. Dunmire, of South Fork, and Mrs. Walter Cunningham of Turtle Creek, are visiting their sister tho Misses Co-cain, Fourth street.

Mrs. Carl M. Gibson, president of the Washington County Federation of Women's Clubs addressed a meeting of the Child Welfare Circle at the homo of Mrs, James Dever, in Washington thfs qo piuce lor me man or woman i competition, vJith Charleroi sec- Howard Cladd, of Finloyville, was a caller in town today. James Burke, of Buffalo, N. is visiting with relatives here.

K. Downer was a business caller in Pittsburgh yesterday. Mrs. Robert of Charleroi, was a caller in town today. Mr.

and Mrs. Patsy Mancino, of Pittsburgh, visited friends here ye'sterday. jfftrJ Mrs. Ed Morris, of Parkinson street, a patient in the Memorial Hospital, is improving. State Senator Chauncey W.

Parkinson, of Wayiiesburg, is a business caller in town today. Mrs. Corwin Barclay, of Fourth street, who recently underwent an operation in the Memorial Hospital, was removed to her home Wednesday. The Civic Department of the Friday Conversational Club will meet this evening at the home of Mrs. H.

P. Lynch, in Lincoln street. Prof. John II. Dorr of the "Uui marriage won't Who docs, not recognize the fact iiiiiie alter all.

lou never I end. Other group winners were: Class A Orchestra Won by-Charleroi; only entry. Class Band Won by Burgettstown, only entry. I Class Orchestra Won by California; second, Burgettstown. California Tutors To Hold Reunion In May Plans for the bi-annual reunion of California State Teachers' College Alumni on Saturday, May 26, are being made.

that a higher degree of efficiency will be demanded. Mr. Kennedy's talk is not only instructive, but very interesting, as he points out, in comparing the size of our country with many European nations, that even though our own state of Pennsylvania is thirty-second in size among our forty-eight states, that you can place Delirium, Holland and Switzerland, all, in the state of Pennsylvania, and still leave 5,000 square miles to divide up among PAHOTUNG AND DECORATING ALSO GRAINING PHONE 777 ESTIMATES FURNISHED W. H. Weygandt MONONGAHELA, PA.

'Your idea it that come bet wean these (overt? its own population. cousin ha 1 only ra'her a tepid feel The Alumni luncheon will take cniro that' a rtntls a a ing of family affection to share between them. "By Jove. Ktta could!" be now said. rising, and going towards the silent Aly.sia.

"She preaches like a parson. V- vi Place at 12:20 p. on May 26, great as the United with i with a program and other enter- its gigantic industrial commercial t. tainnient to follow during tho af-and financial structure, as well as its magnitude in area; it behooves '(1o)niniUe6s for occat)lon every young man and woman nnmed am, are ben(linK neartng maturity to properly it tQ make th(? themselves to take their places in on life. There was a great deal about the little lady in the how pretty she was, how delighted the writer felt that John had fallen In love with her.

Mrs. Burnham was furthr mentioned as wealthy, the widow of a well-known solicitor. Reading It all through once more, Reginald stroked his neat little mustache, then his neat little head, handed it back, and smiied. "Your Idea Is that 1 come between b'lt 1 always feci that she's pulling my log really." "It's some ridiculous affectation of hers, talking like that." Alysla said mis great neia or Dusiness, shortly; "she never used to do it, 1 can't think why she's taken to it lately. But about this coming these lovers? Just long enough to TT separate themf Not a bad notion, NATIONAL RIVERS, marriage.

Reggie. I wish you'd go to Vichy and save the situation for us FURTHER TROUBLE IN AUTO FIELD LOOMING all." She hesitated for a second, her burning eyes on his. "Aunt Koran HARBORS CONGRESS TO OPEN APRIL 30 writes that this widow woman has 1 see iney re an muring uu tur an- other week Before his mind ran tha phrases about the widow being very pretty and wealthy. That lat- i ter word used by Lady Tait should mean at least some thousands a year, one would think. "But there's one drawback." he I lived an entirety secluded life, and Is frightfully Impressed by the certain Clover Farm fcauA ty of John's getting a really big diplomatic post some day.

You're Residents of this district who (Continued from Page One) are interested in the development thfi thrpe Na8h ot the districts and nations rivers ln Philadelphia harbors, lakes, waterways and lllnnt 1V tnwA tho ow." Only deiith ever stops what Aunt irfiih approves of," retorted Alysla. jieath loos stop many thlnus," inmired Ktta her tone of hav-', just discovered new planet and inn iiiiNKMis to Impart the news to i.xteiiiiiM universe. Will you murder ohn for us. diii'ling, since after all he is ousin. ivhili I cross over to Vichy I attend to the widow? Let me hat did I say her name was?" -hia miide a pretense of scanning letter ajinin.

"Lucy Uurnliiim." A pretty name." Ktta murmured 'And very pretty woman, your says." Without troubling to permission. lieginalj had taken irtt'T from his (iancee's hund as reading it very carefully Trust John!" Alysla said with a it laugh. In one way I'm Rlad." Ktta now louneeil. "I've always felt that attraction to Lady Ida was only one, and John needs some hor You think marrlape will act as Ilcgijie spoke with a careless (fh. His teeth were too white and even Just as his hair was a i de loo navy, and too thick, and In too much of a peak on his foieheud.

I don't feel like rderlns votir cousin to stop it. rders need such a lot of prepara- i nowadays, or they turn out 'ing. Like that Welsh rabbit you le for us last night, Etta." le was very polite to Ktta as a a. She baJ some really Influen- friends. More than Alysla hud.

admired her more, too, but Etta i turned down Reggie Clarldge a linn hand in the foeKinnlns their acquaintanceship. She now 1 repiovingly: You're like Claud. You read too ny detective stories." Granted. Still, if you're thinking '(jumping olt any one, Etta, either cousin, or this Interloping ow. I should advise a course of r.

just tlie same." 'Certainly Claud roulil lend a idled volumes with ease." Alysla i ,1. "His shelves ore littered with pses. The Corpse In the Attic, Corpse in the Cellar, The Corpse the Armchair. The Corpse in the I. The Corpse I'm hardly likely to kill any one." a interrupted her sister's list of bodies, "but If I did.

I shouldn't to rend up silly ways of doing I should think out something sh for myself And picking up Etta left the two together. i' was a remarkably handsome man. Reggie thought; he had expected that she and this lie John Tait would make a match it. once the affair with Lady Ida ined to hams fire and then slowly out, but apparently the two TstfSZfaw nousecleanlng, and the prices ore moderate. For a quIck' tfwoush Job of "Sprucing Up" your home, ridiculously good-looking." she went on.

"Oti, don preten.j you aon i kwv.3B uicse aepencacsa know it She stopped, then she i water resources are invited to at-1 i went on again. "It's just a possibil Li in iifiiiwT iiuiKaniiiiK plan uucn-ii tend the 29th Annual Conyen t.on Jolins()lli an(, ow of the National Rivers and Har- whprp)y colnpany ity, you're going for a holiday anyway tomorrow, why not try Vichy? uvtp ongiess 10 De neiu in uic i to the Imperial hotel and' see allowed to hire two new men for CIO FOl'R Larger, Whiter FUkci Soap Flakcc D. Mayflower Hotel, Washington what you can do. It sounds horrid. but, as Etta Mould say nowadays.

If 5 29c 10 b- 25c dear Mrs. Burnha.n really loves dear WHITE TIG FOUR Finer, Purer Soap John, why you won't be able to do anything, but if she doesn't, you NAPTHA might might flirt with her suffi COFFEE Green 9 CUp li. ZIC JH 2c Cup Id. 1 CLOVER FARM 31c every man hired from a list of 500 I strikers. Johnson has attempt-! ed several programs for holding an election to determine a method fir collective bargaining, but the workers have refused all of them.

They understand now that the i new automobile board will take 'jurisdiction in the matter. I Thp Nash employes brought ciently to come between them. April 30 and May 1. River conditions in this district will likely be brought up at the convention and those interested in the valley are already making a survey so as to be able to place the water improvement needs before the convention. Close study is being given ero No.

1G MOPS Ces Cotton 25c No one knows we're engaged, I'll Each wager Aunt Norah haa never heard of you. And to John and Claud you're only one of a crowd." went on. as though It was one that would prevent his pursuing the matter further. Alysla turned swiftly, a glow In her cheeks. Me was going to say that the drawback was that he loved her, and could not even pretend successfully to love another, but Reggie went "Funds, beloved, or the lack of them.

The Imperial sounds a trifle dearish: And I'm absolutely cleaned out night's poker 1 Evidently unlucky at cards for the good, old reason," be luished with a pat of ber cheek. thought of that ran manage ti let. you CIS. Reggie. It ought to see you, through the journey and let you stay a week at tha hotel It's the best I can do." He studied ber averted bead stealthily and shrewdly, then he said with an air of casual good-nature: "Well.

It's only a try-on. Isn't It? And as I'm going purely on your account, darling, so as not to let any-thing prevent our getting married. I'll take the 15. and try to use it to the best advantage. After all.

a wealthy wjdow can always And and one must do the best for oneself and one's friends one can." "Spoken like Etta'" Alysla said Liquid Veneer Mope eacS 89c He stood thinking. "Let me read your aunt's letter LEND ALE. BROOM! sion aiong me DanKs oi tne Mon-; their (roubles before the-National opgahela river between Elco and i Hoard at the time of the Allenport where backwashes and wholesale Detroit strike threat. again," he said Anally, and read it over with great care a second time. It began with an account of the The Housewife's Delight OCEANIC Good Quality.

4 Tye BROOMS lea motor smash about a month ago which had left Lady Tait and the I currents have swept away thous- ands of tons of earth, causing i considerable damage to properties. SaSacJa RED LABEL Brown Label ca. 59c ea. 39c 3 bjr liz Bats lC 23c Pafmolivo SOAP SS hotel chauffeur senseless on the road. Fortunately a visitor to the but their ease was left unsettled when the AVhite House announce, the settlement of the trouble.

Workers in the. Michigan plant of the Hudd Company have also made complaint to Johnson sim'e 14 lb. 16c MONONGAHELA VET Save Coupons For Valuable Premiums Octagon SOAP iTTC DITDDI UCADT1 'he formation of the new board, btlfc rUKrLL HfcAKl l)llt so far they report nt) aetion from the chief of the NUA. hotel, a Mrs. Burnham.

had seen the accident and taken them both back in her own car. Lady 'Tait knew that Alysia had heard all about the smash Claud Naylor.and John Tait had been wired for at her wish, and had stayed on with their aunt until her complete recoery. But Norah Tait dll things thoroughly, and she wanted "the as she still called her nieces, to have a clear Idea of BRILLO 2 boxes 5C Remows Dirt Malted Milk Crackers lb. 25c Sunshine Ssrispy Crackers lise. 17c For wounds received in action.

John Nelson, a World War ve'- contemptuously, with a travesty of a sntlle. a she went to her bureau and eran of Nelson street, this city, drew out her ehe-k book. (TO BE COST IS LED) bow Mrs. Uurnhain came into John's' i In St. Louis, Atlanta.

Cleveland and Kansas City, branch plant workers of the Chevrolet branch of Genet al Motors have been complaining to Johnson that they ar being denied the privilege of collective bargaining as well as wholesale numbers of discrimination against union labor affil iates. CLEANER WALL PAPER (Copyright, 193V has received a purple heart from the War Department. Nelson served overseas with Company 38th V. S. Infantry.

He entered the service May 3, 1917, and was honorably dis-! rharged August 25, 1919. He was CI 42 oi eara 29c AMMONIA Er qt- I7e CLOTHESLINES JSU 29c CARPET TACKS 5c SUNBRITE CLEANSER 2- 9c LIQUID VENEER 49c DR. P. F. ECKSTEIN DIES OF PNEUMONIA AT CANONSBURG ND0W GLASS APPEALS FROM ASSESSMENT; BAN VISITORS FOR STONE BOY w- vw i a sergeant.

I Nelson is also a former drum' ADVERTISING WILL COAX major of the Monongahela Legion-' THE TIMID DOLLARS OUT OF Firemen drum and bugle corps, HIDING. Will not Crumble. Waterless Soap and will clean more surface because it is the Highest Possible Quality. Climaj: 3 cans 23c vpcals from the last triennial canonsturg, April 6 Dr. Paul nsment have been taken by Frederick Eckstein, aged 39 years, property ownersthe Ameri-' I CtTIiyinjf D0V WlStlCS rOf practicing physician in Canons- Drain Pipe Solvent Clover Farm I9C 3 SOAP Turity White Floating livery- boJys Window Glass Company of -iburgh, nnd Naomi Gilleland, I.orth Strabane Township, le American Window Glass pany, owner of a glass plant Eagle, sets forth that this erty was assessed at $25,000.

Happiness On Ninth i for 12 years- dicd of pneu' p. Jnionia at 8:43 o'clock last night. DirtnCay. Dr. Eckstein was a captain in 'the 10th Company of" the 103rd Wilkes-Barre, April 6-INS.

Medical Regiment, National Guard A silent wish for happiness on 0f Penrisylvania, commanded by his ninth birthday anniversary Captain E. L. Hazlett. He was a Monday was entertained today by 1 member of the Masonic Fratcr- Large Pkg. 21c 2 small pkgs.

17c BLUEING SAL SODA SPECIALS SATURDAY Dtl. 2i Lb. Packaee OC Wf to eus BT appeal was taken to the Coun AT THE Jommissioncrs as a Board of i Benny Hendricks, the "stone boy, nity( the American Legion and the sion, who fixed the valuation I as he continued his valiant battle Elks Lodge. PAINT CLEANER 125,000. It is claimed that this against the rare malady which is He was born in Pittsburgh, June Monongahela Meat Market irgely in excess of the actual slowly petrifying his body.

29, 1895. In 1920 he graduated from ST PASTE CLEANER 25c Can Although it was learned Indi- the University of Pittsburgh Med- 2 cans 1 7c PHONE 822 ROGER TRAVERSARI. Prop. rtctly that the boy was responding iai School. He married Miss Bess to treatment, Dr.

H. Alexander Groz. of Pittsburgh. November 4. Powdered Cleaner 2 29c Cleans Instantly Without the Use ot Soap.

CENTER CUT VEAL STEAKS POUND 22c of the property, iomi Gilleland, owner of 300 in Somerset Township, sets i that the surface was assessed 511,000, and upon hearing her al the Board of Revision re-3d it to $10,000. It is claimed this revised valuation is iter than the actual fair mar-valuc. ith appeals will be heard at a to be fixed by the Court. BRICK. PIMENTO 1 lt Oft- AMERICAN P'uffed Wheal 2 Pkg 19c Pabst Cheese BEN JELLIES Veal Roast 1 Veal Chops 4 ft Pound J2'C Pound I UU Veal Pocket A.

Loin of Veal 1 Pound Wv Roast IwU 1922. She survives, with two daugh-, ters, Claudia Joan and Judith Carol. A son, Paul Frederick, died five weeks ago, at the age of teven years. Eckstein had come to Can-; onsburg in July, 1922. A military funeral be held, in charge of the lOSth Company of the 103rd Medical Regiment, Sat- i urday, 7, with' services at 3:30 o'clock In the home in Haw-' Tasty Assorted Cum Drops.

ib. Oc USING ONLY HOME DRESSED CALVES Smith, in charge of Benny at the Wilkes-Barre General hospital, declined to make an official report. At the same time, he insisted that his order prohibiting visitors be carried out by attaches. Dr. W.

F. Stewart, dean of the Luzerne county medical society, decrying the publicity given Benny's plight, declared the medical society would leave the case cn tircly in Dr. Smith's hapds. Meanwhile, efforts to locate Francis another victim of "myositis ossificans progressiva," or petrification. of the body, were, unavailing.

It was believed his parents had taken h(m. to fhe seclusion of a farm somewhere in Luzerne county, after physicians here and in gave up hope for him three years ago. Puffed Rice 2 rkgs 25c 15c SUGAR CURED OLD HICKORY, FORT PITT, MELROSE HAMS-Pound thome street. Interment will he in the Oak Spring Cemetery. Greenwood Kernels 23c The Laxative Qualities Keep the Body Internally Clean MATCHES 6 25c 37c Peanut Butter 12 15c Pork Chops Pound 13c Balogna Pound 124c Bean Sprouts TARI0 MAN IS INJURED IN MINE ribs fractured as the result mine accident, Frank Petrosa, ngle, of Ontarkv a miner cm? by the Ontario Gas Coal any was admitted to the jrial Hospital here for treat- al 9:45 this morning.

His con-i is "fair." authorities were una-to say whether he had been red by a fall of slate or, had i caught between two cars. 2 EASTER KOLBASSI POUND 15c COUNTRY ROLL BUTTER 2 POUNDS 49c Clover Nc Farm I vC Ca No. Jan 23c 25c Juicy Wieners 2 pounds Ground Meat 3 pounds BUTTER CLOVER FARM POUND 31c WHITE ROSE POUND 28c Johnston's PAINTS Finest Quality Enamels, Paint, Roofpaint. See your nearest Cloer Farm Store any Paint Needs ROOSEVELT CROSSES COUNTY Washington, April 6 Mrs. Franklin D.

Roosevelt, wife of the President of the United States, passed through Washington on a Ohio train that stopped here for five minutes at 9:12 a. ml yesterday. Mrs. Roosevelt was traveling unaccompanied in a drawing room In which the shades were drawn, and she was not seen by any local person. She is enroute to Columbus, where tomorrow she will speak at aa educational conference sponsored by Ohio State University.

Want to buy a good used ear at the right price? Try classified MEAT SPECIALS Especially Prepared by Peters Packing Company Rose Leaf Lard Straight Bologna Ib. 1 9c BAKED PIMENTO Meal Loaf lb. 25c PORK LOIN ROAST POUND 12V2c ARMOUR'S STAR LINK SAUSAGE POUND 15c SUGAR CURED AND BACON-POUND 16c FRESH EGGS 3 DOZEN 55c Til LIGHTNING HITS FAN, CLOSES MINE Forced to shut down Wednesday morning by damage from the rain and electrical storm, the Clyde No. plan was struck by lightning and Royal mine of the W. J.

Rainey company resumed work late the same day. The fan of the Frederlcktown plant was srtuck by lightning and the plant closed for several hours while repairs were completed. At Royal, lightning struck the generator and halted work temporarily. LZ Chuck Roast Pound 91c Pork Roast Pound 10c ffviowjktkt SIRLOIN, TENDERLOIN or ROUND STEAKS 4 CUT FROM YEARLING STEER BEEF Pound I I.

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