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York Gazette from York, Pennsylvania • 3

York Gazettei
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A MATTER OF POPULAR MEREST. MARRIED. On the 22nd inst, by Rev N. Warner, Mr. George Glosser to Miss Ellie Naugh-trieb, both of Goldsboro On the 19th inst by Rv.

A. Tripn-w, Mr. Reuben Lehman, of this county, to Ml Maria Lauer, of Adams county- YoK Dat at th Cawtknkial. From 1 indications next Thursday can well rrl'" York Day the Centennial and iei to be the largest of the season from prCBplcei bBf tb lMt cheapest, and rih' being to fatorable all who baT the world great ehow, ehould cer. take advantage of the last opportunity, rUA VV learn that ample accotn- ba been made to teat comforts- ASSIGNEES NOTICE.

Jons A. Hants an Wifx, of Dover towa- snip, York county. having made a ToiUBtarv assignment of all their goods and chattels, leal, jver-I sonal and mixed, to the undersigned residing: in the I Borengh of York, in trust for the use end beneBtof tli creditors of tiie John A. Haxtz akhWivk. All persons having claims wii) present the eaxae, and those indebted are hereby requested ta make immediate pay meat to JOHK GEBBER, Ashigiiee, perfect system make it away rules of self-measurement re to piease people 2,000 nuics by as if they vat here in AUTION- who desire to go.

jpUBLIC SALE- The public la hereby emotioned not to trust HAR-RY STAIR, alias GRAY, as will pay so debts of tua contracting. GEORGE W. EICHELBERGER, Smiths Station, York Co. Pa, jpOUND. On Tuesday morning last, was (bund on the Hanover and Fork Railroad, between York and liner's Station, a valuable HAT, which can be bail at tbe corner ofGeorge and Princess Tork.

Pa oetat.TG-lt C. GARB NEK. ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9, ISTe, the demgned. Assignee of Job 9 A. Haxtz avdWifb, of Dover township, York county.

will sell at public sale, at the residence of said John A. Hants and Wife, in the township aforesaid, about three an iks South-west of Weigebdewu, and about a half miie'North of Slabtown, on the Davidsburg road the following Personal Property, 'vis HORSES MULES, SIX COLTS, COWS, Letter from Hellam. Editors Gazette: Perhaps it would, not be unpleasant for your readers to hear from your old correspondent from Hellam. Oar farin-ers are in the midst of gathering their Immense corn crop. The cry is.

our corn barns are too small. Our wheat crop is large, and by the late Advance in the prices of grain the hearts of our farmers are gladdened. The Republicans say this good luck is owing to Grant sending soldiers to South Carolina to keep the negroes in terror and aweDemo-crau. But this is not believed by the Democrats. They say it is owing to the certainty of Samuel J.

Tildens election to the Presidency, which is giving confidence to the country. But our intelligent farmers differ in opinion with both they say it is owing to the protection they give to the little sparrow and other insectivorous birds, and think that sportsmen would better take warning as the amount of damage committed by their destruction is so great that it cannot he measured by dollars and cents. Sportsmen may think there is no law under which farmers can protect their best friends, (the little sparrows,) they would better read the general Tresspass Law, the Malicious Tresspass Law of March 30th, 1860, and April 17tb, 1861, and the law prohibiting any person from entering upofi the lands of another for the purpose of gunning under a penalty of twenty dollars. Hellam. CuiRT Hoc luptoTiaiSTt.

On Fri-i the County Commissioners contracted Mf- Gllberthorp for the repain and ppcrD8 of tha cuUrt f00- rirr'ieat. Gd Friday evening the Adel-Library Society of the York High f1' their regular monthly enteruin- toeir room in the High tebool build- ''ia t. reseooo of a limited number of end gentlemen p-ii'rciee cooaiated of singing, a dec-n, reading and a debate. We learn intenuen give a public paid ament on tha? night of Nov. 24th.

Tn ciety in connection with tha School, g.ving a free entertainment on next OR RENT. Wo condehseftnm flip Lehigh Register tb Bubstance of a fonvereaj ion about Oak Hall, ia Aanaiuai er 4 Browns Lurgest so in Aminca. A visitor and K-e tbe speukc rs Visitor. What comer Is the Bufldlrg on?" Attendant. South-Easi comer of -usA and Market Please note tlie SIXTH, for toms strangers seeking Oak Bali, have been milled by designing persons.1 perfectly eol assail Do yon know Its dimensions V.2-0 qhre fee; 68 on Market, hnd lao aid oa Sixth, six utoriee high, ha.

over tnree aCTes qa ind covers space once occupied by 1 rwenty different y. Do vou use steam-power?" A- A giant young enj due furnishes power for the freight and passenger elevators, and the boilers steam for heatint and the other oneia-tions of the house. V. What order do yoi bike with goods?" They are Erst opxed and arranged ia' the long loir counters. And thence ca the levator to the inspectors room on theVjEi floor." V.

Is inspectinjhe itst operation A- ho, sir, measunnr- The goods are first measured in the piece, then inspected. The cloth passes over rollers the face of a strong light, and two men ait one before and one behind the goods, watciing with the eye of a hawk for the least pm-t ole imperfection, and marking every flaw, so the cutter may see and avoid it when he comes to cut the tar-. meets. V. Yon must employ to trrfi of cutters" A- Come to our fifth floT and aeet We keep TO hands all the tid cufting up the doth into garments, besides ne machines that do a dozen mens work eaclPft a stroke.

V. Do yott manufacture all your own goods?" A. We do, and moe; carefully. Oar examiners inspect every ntitch and seam, and rortify to every garment as extra-wed made before put our ticket on it. and become responsible for U.

V. Your system mud cave a The VALUABLE STORE STAND, now orcil-pied by Jacob Klino, in the borough of DovtjT, is 1 offered for rent. Possession given on the first of I ApriUlTL 1 For further particulars applv to JOHN GERBER. No. 411 West Philadelphia Street, or at the Coal! Yard of John Gerber foot of North Water Street, York, Pa.

dv Get. 27th. At tbis enur-I'-aiccl the music wilt be a prominent fea- W- 1 person. V. I euppore yon have at least half a doaen different departments A.

My dear sir I we have more thaw ts rauy, each charged with its own bnsinesa and each thoroughly organised, a necessary wheel within the preat bccL V. Will you name a dozen or so of them A. With pleasure. The Custom Department, for those who prefer custom-made to ready-mad Ttfi Furnishing Department, with its iTJrjtise stock of all underwear. The Shut raororv, with its busy machines, nuking onr own trst-elmw shirts.

The Trim- -ming Department, itself as big as many a regular store. The Garment Stock Room. The Receiving Room. Tbe Order Department, named before. The Special I forms Department.

The Delivery Department, wuh its score of mesengera. The V. Hold, hold sir, enough A. I not half throughT The Advertising Department, with its biilAnd sign distributor, editing andpnbhshina business and popular Journal, mrculaatoie.iree, copies monthly (tell all your fnAo rend for ft). The Hen a Department, wit.TIts many rooms.

The Boys Department, The Youths Department. The Children' Department, with its snecial entrance ft ladies Tbe Telegraph Department. The Chief Clerk a Department, with its book-keepers and assistants General Manager's Department; Financiers Office, and ether offices of th firuail busy as 1 -i thinking, planning, ex Voting, buying, making, registering, recahnag, sending out, selling, and in a thousannAAys joining their forces to carry on a bustnessVith the peonie amount-ing to between and an nually. V. S-t-o p-e-n-d-o-n-s A.

Indeed it Hi I forgot to name the Cashier's Department, whichnandles to of retail sales on some single days V. 25.000! Immense i That what enables the house to buy cheap and re 'cheap A- Exactly I Yon Lsre bfct hitit The people throng here, keVVi that tr depend on tow prices and V. What ar the yoffs I hear so much about?" A. Our system of business dealing One price, no deviation 2. Cash for everything; A A guarantee protecting foe purchaser; ATh money returned if foe buyer can otherwise be suited.

V. Nothing could be fairer. A. Noth mg. And foe people Bee it.

Well, I thank you, sir, ft your polite attention. A. Not at all. Its a pleasure to refit you. Call again and be sure of the piece Wane-maker A Brown's Oak HallSotHn-East corner Sixth and Market." V.

Thank you i I hU he harpy to do so. Good TWO DURHAM BULLS, A Lot of Young Cattle, Six Good Sheep, Thirteen Shoats, Two Thresh Machines and Powers. 1 Combined Reaper and Mower, (self raker,) 1 Rofl hems Mower, FIVE FARM WAGONS, (2 am horse, 1 four-horse, two-horse, and 1 Spring Wagon,) 2 Har Carriages, Hav Ladders, 2 large Wagon Beds, 2 small Wagon Beds, Roidiaway, 1 Sleigh, Horse Gears, Carnage Harness, Fanning Mill, Grain Drill, Horse Rake, Cider Mill and Press, Plows, Harrows, Cultivator, Wood Sled, Corn Planter, 2 Corn hellers. Straw Cutter, Corn Fodder, Grain Cradles, Scythes. Rakes, Forks, Log, Cow and Halter Chains, 1 Fifth Chain, Double and Single Spreaders, Double and Single Trees.

Ac. Also, a lot of Posts, lot of Oak and Hickory Lumber, Grind Stone, Feed Trough, Gram Bags, and a great variety of other articles not mentioned. kTSale to commence at 9 oclock, A. M.t on said day. Terms at sale bv JOHN GERBER, Assignee.

octaijIS Williams Gerber, Auer's. VTOTICE. To all whom tr hat Cokckrx Notice la hereby given that I purchased at Constables sale the following personal property formerly belonging to Wm. McKonly, vlx I Cow, 3 Hogs, Beds, 1 Table, Cupboard, 1 Sink, Cooking Stove, and all persons are hereby warned not to interfere with the same. GEORGE MCMMERT.

Jackson township. 0L Haisino is CoDoars. a he Democracy of Cod or us township was out full force on Saturdav last, at Stick's public Notwithstanding the inclement weather and the fact that the meeting was a postponed one, the Democrats were there in full force. A large hickory pole was raised on the spot where there had been poles in the campaigns of Polk and Buchanan. After the pole was raised appropriate music was furnished by the Bonnair Band, and a beautiful flag was raised bearing the names of Tilden and Hendricks, amid the shouts of the large crowd assembled.

The meeting was organized by the election of the following of- fleers President, Henry Stick Vice Presi-1 dents, Messrs, SShafler, J. H. Lamott, J. L. Piahel, H.

S. Stick, Melcher Bardold, Cunrod Bricker and Daniel Miller; Secretaries, H. L. Cramer, George Fair, W. O.

Stick. The President introduced as the first speaker Hon. H. G. Bussey, who acceptably addressed the crowd, and at the close of bis remarks James B.

Ziegler, was intro- 1 duced and occupied the stand for about a half hour, his remarks being listened to with profound regard. A wounded soldier from New York, Mr. Charles Mitzel, took the stand and in a peculiar way amused the audience for a short time, retiring amid cheers. Capt. W.

H. Albright was tf.e next speaker and kept the stand for a half hour and retired with the assurance from the crowd that Cedo- rut in this contest would maintain the honor of being the banner township in the County. Capt. Vf m. I.

Reisicger, in German, was the hut speaker, and kept the crowd in the best of humor with his quaint remarks. Altogether, this was a grand and successful meet- mg and this stronghold of Democracy will i Toll up by odds the largest majority ever giv- en before. The Democracy in the Codoruses are in earnest and will do their best on the 7th of November. Traveling through these townships we notice quite a number of Ti'den and Hendricks hickory poles raised, and the stars and stripes floating from the mast head of each, containing various and appropriate mottoes and devices. Me re anon.

CoaaxspoNDKxr on the Wuto. Windsor Township Democratic kiting. The Tilden and Hendricks club meeting was largely attended at their hall in Freysville, on Saturday evening last, by Democrats and Independents intereeted in the election of Tilden and Hendricks, and a general reform. The meeting was called to order by B. Heindel, president pro fern, who stated the object of the meeting and introduced H.

H. MClune, Ksq of aldressed the meeting on the Ueues of the campaign and the importance of every Dem ocrai putting his shoulder to the wheel and elect Samuel J. Tilden to the Presidency. A few more such speeches will do yeoman service in Old Windsor. The club will meet again on Saturday evening, Oct.

28th, at their ball, in Freysville, which meeting will be addressed by several prominent speakers from Y'ork. Let every Democrat and Independent turn out. Come one, come all. W. W.

Cor. Secretary. Bountiful nature affords no fine! Specific for akin diseases than Sulphur, a fact is clearly proven by the action upon the cuticle afflicted with eruptions or ulcerous sore, of that supreme purifier, Glenns' Sulphur Soap. Depot Crittenions No. 7 Sixth N.

Y. Hills Hair A Whiskor Dye, black or brown, 60 eta. i yon great deal?" VTOTICE. JLn to GUNNERS AND HUNTERS. We the undersigned citisen of Newberry township, York county.

hereby caution all persons not to enter upon our farms for the purpose of Gun-mng or Hunting in said township, as we are deter mined to put the law in force against all such who are tound tresspassing upon our premises hereafter. A. STEVENS, Oct2476 JOSEPH BURGER. OR SALE. BJ3L.A distinguished jurist, says: I have tried the Peruvian Syrup and the result fully sustains your prediction.

It has made a new man of me, infused into my system new vigor and energy I am no longer tremulous and debilitated, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, than at any time during the last five years. In every direction, sir. It ia tb system and economy practice all Gto waT through, that enables ns to put oar pcR jfowa foiLa people as do. ofvi Alter inspecting ti work, what become A. Before It goes into Stock it is Oetded.

Every single garment has its number and other points noted on it, so that its enure his- 1,8 tIoed Fiffiout ftui, upon our V. "Ton must have 30 or 40 iial semen A. Why sir, on busy days yon masfaee 100 the various rooms tod mites oil rooms, selling to the throngs of customers. V. Do you lo as orier bu Aisby xpre 7 Very great Ail over the country.

Our and exi Notice. AH persons are hereby notified not to purchase of Gbo. Shaffbb, ot Fairview York county, any of the following articles, to wit: Two Moles, One Horse, five set of Gears, five head of Cattle, thirteen head of Hogs, six head of Sheep, one Wagon and Bed, one Threshing Machine and Power, one Reaper, one Bob bled, one Sleigh, Plows, Harrows, and other farming implements, and two hundred and fifty husheLs of Corn, and now is the possession of Gbo. A. Shaffer, as the same belongs to me the undersigned, and have ouiy been kaned to the said Gbo.

A. Shaffer. JOHN P. BRENNER. rua Saturday, jhv arrested Isaac G.

Vales, in oti a charge of forgery, and brought to Y'Tk, wnere in default of bail be waa jail. 1 The warrant waa isaued j.ljcc Meitel.oo oath of John Dennia (fiej-n the prUoner with felonionaly Ld counterfeiting the name of t-iird Jen, to certain promissory note, uO, dated January 1st, 1876, fTur B.vfiU after date, to the prejudice of tan de orient, Ar. Lortv Most'-On Friday the scaffolding for the purpose of repainting the re oi Trinity Kcformed church, waa com-uj prom erh of the small openings in fT, re re piece of scantling wa extended, Lm eg a a-ia for a- platform. There are to Uerrif thrse windows; and, on a ill ieh er, a scaffold extends around ta, It. Access was gamed to the pro-vf scantling by means of lad- me rear of the spire, which were hlj tlrouah the dormer windows at the el tt-e spire Hoards were then drawn rri ui grt ur.d by means of ropes, and a scannings.

Thus two scaffolds i-e form.d, abich ladders are placed, nc tb- meant of reaching any part of ire that mat he desired tor repairs or ntir On 1 nday Mr. Charles Gleaaner, --vple king. asemded to the cross siirtni ui th- fii.ial. and at that gid-a? ht-iuU vttotd jKrtcci)' at homo and at h'uWt-, a hen pain ir i necessary, these will n. required, as it the to aiSx a strong band and hook atihetopof itetpire, through which a cop, will be parsed and extended down- tfle or painting are r-ipe ill bo attached to ona end rire and drawn through the book.

A Card to some accessible point On hen repairs or painting peedt of tly Stnqd of THR Potomac. The Synod of the Potomac of the Reformed Church in the United States met in Fourth Annual Session in Trinity Reformed church of York, Pa Oct 18th, 1876, at 7 p. m. This Synod is constituted of the Classes of Zions Mercereborg, Maryland, North Carolina, and San Francisco. CaL It 13 convened in the form of Convention and not of a delegated body.

The synod may be composed of delegate elected and sent by the several to represent and act for them or as at this session in conventional form, when each minister in the several classes and one elder from each pastoral charge, are entitled' to seats in tbe convention. The delegated elders have equal rights with the ministers on the floor of Synod. Because the extreme distance of the classes of North Carolina and San Francisco from York no delegatee are present from either of these classes, but their official' reporta are here and in this form their presence is recognized by the Synod. There are present about 115 members of synod. The opening sermon was preached by the retiring president Rev.

P. S. Davis, D. of Philadelphia, chief editor of the Metsen-ger, from the words Son, Remember, Luke XV 25, and au able and impressive treatment ot the theme memory as an element in the future judgment. The liturgical service was conducted by the Rev.

E. Eschbach, of Fredrick city- After service synod adjourned until 9 A. Thursday. Thuraday Session. The Synod met according to adjournment and after completing ita roll organized by the election of Rev.

Daniel Gana, D. of the 3rd Reformed church of Baltimore, as President Rev. E. B. Each-bach, of Frederick city, Md as Corresponding Secretary, and Lewis Markell as Treasurer.

Rev. Wm. M. Diatrick the stated clerk of Synod is a permanent officer. The hours for the sessions of Synod were fixed at from 9 to 11 a.

and from 2 to 4 p. M. The several standing committees were appointed. The committee on overtures reported several iterijs including the report of the Theological Seminary at Lancaster, Pa. This Synod has no Seminary under its exclusive control, thongh, it has authorized in a special way, the imparting of theological instruction, at Mercersburg College, Pa.

It retains an interest in tha Theological Seminary at Lancaster, is represrntad ia its Board of Trustees and Board of Visitors and receives an annual report of the condition and prospects of the institution. After considerable discussion this report was referred to a special committee consisting of Revs. Ai Wanner, S. A. Callender, and Elder Markell.

The report of Bethany Orphans Home, located at Womelsdorf, was read, in which it lays before the Synod a statement of the receipts and disbursements of that Institution and an appeal to Synod for material aid and sympathy. There are now 62 orphans in 'the home. During the tear the Audenreid legacy of $30X1 less $200 for collateral inheritance tax, which was consumed in liquidating a debt upon the farm. This-Teport was referred to a special committee consisting of Revs. A.

R. Kremer, A. G. Firor. At thehour of adjournment the ben ediction was given by the President of Synod.

Tbe comfortable and elegant Trinity reformed church was well filled in the evening to listen to a sermon from one of the members of Synod. The pulpit was occupied by Revs. F. F. Hoffman, of Middletown Md and I.

A. Peters, of Alexandria, Hun'iiga don County, Pa. Rev. Hoffman conducted the Liturgical Eervice, and Rev. Peters preached a sermon full of wise counsel and clothed in beautiful language from the text Proverbs XIII.

34, Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people." He drew a comparison between our nation and others as illustrated in the Centennial exposition at Philadelphia, and expressed the fear that we were in danger ofover estimating ourselves. His theme was Our Country its strength and its weakness. What is the true strength of our country Solomon says that righteousness exalteth a nation. History proves that nations only that have based themselves upon righteous law have endured righteousness does not mean abstract conformity to law, but obedience to and faith in Jesus Christ our Lord. Our Country's Faults We must not ignore the fact that she has faults.

Among our sins is intemperance in the use of alco-holio drinks. Our only hope i the Christian church the best temperance society; Tendency to extreme individualism. We have no proper sense opur organism. Men here also put assunder what God has joined together. Family, state and church, are or-ganicmstitutions appointed of God.

The purpose of God in the fulness of time to bring all under Christ. Another fault, noticed by the speaker is the tendency te evade law, and another the want of reverence for God and sacred things. Fourth Session. Friday morning at the opening, all tardy delegates were called upon to assign reasons for their absence at the opening session of synod and were excused. Revds Conrad of Lancaster classis and Rev.

J. C. McConnell, of Westmoreland classis, Pittsburg Synod, were announced as advisory members. Rev. P.

Anstadt, of tbe Lutheran chureh, and Rev. Mr. Bender, of the M. E. church, were announced and invited to seats.

The report of the Tri-Synodic Board of missions waa received and referred to the committee of missions. The report of tbe publication board of the Reformed church at Phila-r1 delphia, was presented and referred to VTOTICE. -i-v In (he Ceurt cf Common Pleat of Tork County, Pennsylvamta Notice is hereby given that the following has been filed in tbe Prothonotarys Office of said county, and that the same will be presented to the said Court tor confirmation, on WEDNESDAY, the 15th dav of NOVEMBER, A. 1876, at 2 oclock, P. to wit Account of Isaac Kauffman, assignee of Emanuel Kaufiman.

Account of Jacob Buser, committee of Jacob Shoemaker, a lunatic WILLIAM Y. LINK, Prothonotary. aug FALL PRICES FR CARPETINGS. ANOTHER GREAT REDUCTION. JOHN JAMES DOBSON PMILDELEIHdjPk One of the finest farms in York county, situate in North Codorus township, about six miles from York, and about oe-anda-half miles from Bnllharts Station, on the N.

C. R. Road, containing ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-SEVEN ACRES, more or less, (formerly belonging to G. W. Noedel,) on which are erected a large two- and-a-lialf Story LING i fi HOUSE, with a Basement ami a Two-Story Frame Back Building, a Log Spring House, a Smoke House, a large Frame Bank with Wagon Shed attached, a Fiame Carriage House with double Corn Crib attached, a Frame Hog Pen, I with a Well of Water near the barn and a Spring of I running water at the how.

There aw also a two- story LOG TENANT HOUSE, wbh Log and Frame Barn, Hog Pen, with a Well of Water near the bouse, and an- Ii9 other one-and-a-half Story Frame Ten- 3ij aat House, with Basement, aud a Hog Pen, which can be rented to tenants also a one- story CHEESE FACTOR with Basement, and a spring of running water near it. There are two ex- 1 celleiit apple orchards on tbe place, besides other I ckoce fruit trees. About 20 acres of the tract are Woodland. The above property will be sold at a bargain. For particulars applv to N.

M. WANNER, Yoan, Pa. VTALUABLE REAL ESTATE I AT PUBLIC ALE. ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1S76, By virtue I of an Order of the Court of Common Pleasof York i county, the undersigned, Assignee of Samubl Mo Nkil and Wife, of Chancetord townshipr in said countv, under a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of creditors, will fter at public hale, on the premises, on the road leading from York to Peach Bottom, and about two miles South-west of the Brogue Tavern, near Collinsville, the following Real Estate, viz THAT VALUABLE FARM, Containing 136 Acres, 74 Perches and the allowance, adjoining lands of Mathew- McKinnons Heirs, and oilers, the said York and Peach Bottom Road, and the village of Collinsville. There are erected on this tract a good two-story FRAME HOUSE, (28x22 feet,) with Basement Kitchen, Smoke House ard Spring House convenient, a large Bank Barn, (85x45 feet,) with ample a Wagon Shed, with Corn Crib and Granary, (30x22 feet,) Carriage House and Hog Pen, and otfier necessary outbuildings.

Water from a never-failing Spring ia forced to the house and barn, by a Hydraulic Ram. Abont 23 Acres of the whole tract is Woodland, the balance conveniently divided into twelve fields. Is well fenced, and In a good state of cultivation; the whole has been limed once and most of it twice. There ia a good Apple Orchard, besides a large number of Pear, Peach and other Fruit Trees and Grape Vines. Sale to commence at 2 oclock P.

on said day. Terms at sale by WM. J. McCURDY, Assignee. ARE OFFERING A FULL AND.

HANDSOME LINE OF Made by them at Falls of Schuyt- Carpet Mills, at foe tl lowing pricea; CARPETS Democratic Victories Press Comments. Philadelphia TimesInd Hayes is certified tefhe country for November enfeebled by his faltering Republican lines, while Hendricks is presented to the nation green with the laurels of a substantial victory wrested from the very desperation of power. Harrisburg Patriot The result in Ohio and Indiana proves that the election of Samuel J. Tilden is among the certainties with an earnest and resolute effort. Poston Post It i3 a great victory.

A victory of the right over the wrong, of honesty over corruption, of the people over the rings that would rule them. It dooms the Republican organization, because it dared not cut out that cancer, called Grantism, which was consuming its life. Few Haven Register The loss of Indiana to tha Republicans renders Hayess chance for the succession a hopeless one. Bridgeport Conn) Farmer 'With Indiana, and West Virginia Democratic, the election of Governor Tilden is assured and beyond doubt. He could have been elected without Indiana, but with that State Democratic certainty becomes doubly sure.

Patterson (Rf Guardian The October State elections? have demonstrated that the American people cannot be bought with their own money, embezzled by corruption and fraud on the part of their temporary rulers Thank God for that Indianapolis Sentinel Hence forth the bloody shirt will be a blank in our politics It is our duty to live in charity with all men. In the great State of Indiana the battle is over, the victory dicisive and the enemy is ours Neither spite nor invective no ridicule has been able to move the masses from their just victorious determination. We have gallantly fought the battle of the national contest, and it may fairly be considered as settled. The State is safe and the nation saved. ASSIGNEES NOTICE.

Notice is hereby given that Abraham Miller and Sarah A. Millbr, his Wife, of Spring I Garden township, Y'ork county. having made a voluntary assignment -of all their goods and chattels, real personal and mixed, to the undersigned residing in York township, in trust for the use and benefit of the creditors of the said Abraham Milker and Wifb. AU persons having claims will present the same, and those indebted are hereby requested to make immediate payment to J. lu NICHOLAS, Assignee.

American Best Body Brussels Frames, $1.75, usual price $225 Wiltons -Velvets Tapestry Brussels -Extra Supers, All Wool, New Colorings, Choice Patterns Superfines ALL OTHER GOODS EQ LOW. BEING OFFER! TUBERS' PRICES 7A liAmteome line cf Body Brussels at tlAC 4 DMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Xm. I getters of Administration on the estate of Sabah Stiff, late of Tork twp York county, Fa, dec'd, have been granted to the undersigned receding iu Borough. AU person Indebted to id estate are requested to make Immediate payment and thoee having elaims will prewent the same to JOHN STINK, Administrator.

can then bo affixed to the hook, and, ir' that, by mean of a rope and basket Jr cart uf the apir can be reached. This a wish safer and less expensive Bribed tSsn the one now necessarily employ- jivLE-s or I.kcl KersT. J. L. Shillito, aa.tione.'r, oM on Siturday, Oct "th, the jral of W.

Harlacber, deceased, in Wai.aviils, of a lot of ground, lrek stoe houso. ware house, for 00 Parch, -er, iliiam lest Also a nasiare lot for Jd32 Furcbaser, Elias L-nmrr. 1 Th- wrar auctioneer told n'n the 10th th prep-rty of llenry Metsler. No 1, of l--t ol ground, with brick houte, tituaird in 1 ver, for $'J55 00. Purchaser, 0.

M-'ugh i. 2, a tract of land, containing acre, and 12 perches, on the York road, n-ar Ioer, for $131 per acre. Pur-ehr, A B. Mettler. No.

3, a tract of UnJ, containing 6 acres, altuated half a mile aorthra-t ot Dover, for $98.75 per acre. Pu'ihas-r, Henry Hast. No. 4, a tract of tinner IsrJ. contauiing 5 acre and 97 pwche.

in Dover township, for $110 per are. Turchacer, Ainoa Swartx. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. William Baker, of Hopewell township, Yoxk county. having made a voluntary assignment of all his goods and chattels, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned residing in the same township, in trust lor the use and benefit of the creditors of the said William Baker.

AU persons having claims will present the same, and those indebted are hereby requested to make immediate payment to LEVI HANEY, Assignee. Auditor notice The undersigned, Auditor, appointed bv the Court of Common Pleas of York county, to distribute the balance on the account of John Vanht king, assignee of Jacob Walters and Wife, late of Chancel ord township, York county. hereby gives notice that he w4U meet at his office in the borough of York, on THURSDAY, the loth day of NOVEMBER, 1876, at 2 oclock P. to perform the duties of his said appointment, when and where aU parties interested may attend if they see proper. FRANK G'fclSE, Auditor.

'ARIFF JilEN READ Election notice. An election for President, Five Manager and Treasurer, the York and Charvceford Torn pike Road will be held at tbe Banking Houaeof Wewer, Son A Carl, on MONDAY, KO? EMBER 6, 176, between the hours of one and three oclock P. M. JERE CARL, Secretary. TT'XECUTOIIS NOTICE.

Letters Testamentary on the estate of Jghi htjsiNOBB, late of Lower Windsor York deceased, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in Windsor township. AU person indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and tkoee having claim will present the same to JOXATHAX McCOY, Executor pAUTION. Vre We, the nnderaigned, citizens of Jackson and Korth Codorus Township, York County, Pa, do hereby warn all rwia not to tree pa on eur respective farms or lands, for hunting or shooting any kind of game, and all persons trespassing will be dealt with according to What Did It. The Indianapolis (Indiana) News, a republican paper, declares that the defeat of the republican party 4n that State in the recent election was 1 due to Grantism in the main. It says the party was too heavily handicapped by tbe administration it had an old man of the sea to carry, and, the lead was too much.

Despite the fact cited by the News the Grant leaders are still running the republican campaign, his intimate personal and political associate, Secretary of the Interior Chandler, being the head centre, with head-quarters in New York, whilst bis bureau in Washington is too often left to run itself. U. E. Monaghan, President of the last Democratic State Convention, held at Lancaster, while addressing a Democratic meeting in the Court House at York, two years ago, said, the want of protection to American industry had caused the hard times, and the Republican party was responsible tor it, because they had the majority in Congress. He said turn out that Congress, elect another, and if they do not pass a high protective tariff at their first session, turn them out, and elect another, and continue to turn them out until von get a Congress in favor ot a high protective tariff, and then, and not (1-j till then, will you restore the country to prosperity.

pUBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1S76, by virtue 1 of an Order of the Orphans Court of York county, I the undersigned. Administrator of the of I Jacob Shekfer, late of Springgarden township, decd, will sell at public sale, on the premises, in said township, the following Real Estate, vie A TRACT OF LAND, situate in said township, about one mile East of Mt. Zion church, and about three-fourths of amile West from Wm. Freys Peach Orchard, and one mile i South of the residence of Philip Williams, containing 2 Acres and 40 perches, more or less, adjoining lands of E.

C. B. Grubb, Daniel Sipel, and Geo. Osterdach. The improvements are a LOG WEATHERBOARDED DWELLING HOUSE, Carpenter Shop, Stable, Hog Pen, and other outhouses, 1 ii frr aa with a good Well of Water at the door, and a variety of Fruit Trees in bearing order, on the premises.

The land is under good cultivation and the fences and buildings in good repair. to commence at I oclock, p. m. Terms at sale by Z. B.

HEINDEL, A dmimstrator. Philip Williams, Aucr. EXTRACT FROM MR. CLCN1B SPEECH. In talking with a very prominent basi ness man of this county (a Republican) the other day, on the subject of the result of tbe election, he frankly admitted that if it were not for one thing he would not care to see Mr.

Tilden elected. An admission of this kind coming from such a source at once induced me to inquire what that one thing was. He said that It was because he teared the South. I asked him what be feared the South would do. Why bankrupt the nation by demanding payment of the rebel debt.

I asked him if he did not know that such a thing was utterly imposstblo under the constitution. He said it was, but the constitution would be amended again to allow the payment of the rebel debt, which it as now amended prohibits. I asked him what he thought tbe Northern States, who have a plurality and always will have, would be doing whilst the South would be trying to get such an amendment passed. 1 asked him if he would kon4iUy confess that be believed the people of the North to be such fools as to allow themselves to be saddled with almost double tbe debt now resting upon them, when they could easily prevent it simply by their votes. A more flimsy and trifling argument never was presented to intelligent men than this bugaboo about the rebel debt.

The argument of itself is so ridiculous that respect for their own readers and hearers should cause the Republican' journals and stumpers to desist further from belittling themselves and insulting tbe common sense of the people with it. It is a double disgrace to its authors, first because of its manifest hypocrisy, and secondly because of its transparent imbecility- A sophist who can wave a wit of sophistry and make it appear to be Truth, deserves credit for at least his ingenuity in tbe matter, but nothing but contempt and ignom ny most overtake the sophist who csniot hide hitsophistry. Better far lor the Republicans to give up the contest than to try to wage a losing warfare with such barefaced sophistry. There is not one in a hundred intelligent Republicans that does not in secret admit that he knows that this howl raised about tbe payment of the rebel debt is only raised for effect, and not because they think that there is really any thing in it. But while we are on this subject let us call attention to when the U.

S. treasury may suffer, if it has not already suffered in connection with Southern claims. We refer to tbe claimsof wha are called Southern onion men. There are thousands of dollars demanded from the United States of this kind, and they are presented and urged by the lobyist of colh who hang aroung Congress and the departments at Washington and press these claims with all their ingenuity. We hope that if Tilden is elected he will give thee lebyists and their claim a wide birth.

We lire in no danger from rebel debts openly presented by the Southern people but we at in great daDger from the claims of pretenc id unionists presented and urged by scalai ags and lobyists. Whilst then we pay no alt ition to the crazy story of the payment of the rebel debt, we should pay strict attention to these sham elaims many of which have already been presented. V.Mr. Win. Kitsinger, aged 72 years, ltd nid-nt of Freyslown, bad a cataract iiira-ted fr-m his eye, about five weeks ago, ky Dr.

Jacob Hay, of York, and by careful fin.e then, now baa tbe per-ml of his tight, i He had been entirely kid lor two years, and feared that he would iM.n so all his lite4 but through tbe skill kbr. Jacob Hay he is restored to tight and lev move around and beholds surrounding tract the -am as any one else. fcF'Mr. John A. West Manheim toi -oh raised a pumpkin on hit farm wt-ighod seventy-six pounds.

The time has now come, voters, for you to elect a highprotectxve tariff maiuinstead or the present free-trade incumbent. command and GLENNS SULPHUR SOAP. Thoroughly Cures Disejlses or thi Skin, Beautifies the Compixxion, Prevents and Remedies Rheumatism and Gout, Heals Sores and Ai rasions of the Cuticle and Counteracts Contagion. This Standard External Remedy for Eruptions, Sores and Injuries of the Skin, not only REMOVES FROM THE COMPLEXION ALL BLEMISHES arising from local impurities of the blood and obstruction of the pores, but also those produced by the sun and wind, such as tan and freckles. It renders the CUTICLE MARVELOUSLY CLEAR, SMOOTH and PLIANT, and being a wholesome BEAUTIFIEE is for preferable to any cosmetic.

All the remedial advantages of Sulphur Baths are insured by the use of Gtenn8 Sulphur Soap, which in addition to its purifying effects, remedies and prevents Rheumatism and Gout. It also DISINFECTS CLOTHING and LINEN and PREVENTS DISEASES COMMUNICATED BY contact with the person. It dissolves Dandruff, prevents baldness, and retards grayness cf the hair. Physicians speak of it in high terms. Prices 25 and 50 Cents per Cake; per Box 3 Cakes).

60c. and $1.20. N. B. The go cent cakes are triple the see of thoae at ay cents.

HELLS HAIB AND WEHSKEB DTE, Black er Brown, 1(9 Cents. Abraham Hoke, Abraham Rifla, David Heriifiey, Joeeph Hejbcy, Deter Swart. Edward S. Werner, Andrew Harsbey. Solomon Martin, Samuel Ruth, Emanuel Martin, Joe.

Martin, Seth Her-hey, William Martin, Jacob Herehey, John M. St oiler. THE LAST aud the CHEAPEST EXCURSION SPECIAL OTICES. E. F.

KUNKEIS BITTER WINE OF IRON. The great success aud delight of the people In tact, nothing of the kind hae ever been ofiered to tlie American people which has so quickly found its way into their good favor and hearty approval as E. F. KrjiKkLs Bitteb Wine of Ihos. It does all it proposes, and thus gives universal satisfaction- It is guaranteed to cure the worst case of dyspepsia or indigestion, kidney or liver disease, weakness, nervousness, constipation, acidity or the stomach, Get the genuine.

Only sold in 31 bottles. Depot and Office, 259 North Ninth Philadelphia. Ask for Kunkels, and take no other Sold by all druggists. DYSPEPSIA. DYSPEPSIA.

DYSPEPSIA. E. F. Kunkel8 Bittss Wine of Iron, is asure cure for this disease. It has been prescribed daily for many years in the practice of eminent physicians with unparalleled success.

Symptoms are loss of appetite, wind and rising of food, dryness in the mouth, headache, dizziness, sleeplessness and low spirits. Get the genuine. Not sold in bulk, only in SI bottles. Sold by all druggists. Ask for E.

F. Kunkels Bitter Writs of Iron and take no other. $1.00 per bottle or six bottles for S5. AU I ask is a trial ot this valuable medicine. A trial will convince you at once 4 DMINISTRATORS NOTICE.

lY Estate of Joseph Kanely, deceased. Letters of Administration on the estate of Joe arm Kasely, late of Spnng Garden township, York decd, have been granted to the undersigned, residing in the same township. AU persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate panaenc, and those having claims wiU present these duly authenticated for settlement. CHAS. K.

PRY, Administrator. you will get the thanks of the poor laboring men, and go to bed on the night of the election feeling that you have done your dntv. CHARLES H. BRESSLER. N.

B. My friends will be furnished with tickets I on application. C. H. B.

EREMPTORY SALE OF A FINE FARM, near Martlnsburg, West Virginia, on the premises, on TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1876, at 1 oclock, p. close the estate of the late D. B. Morrison, deceased. This is a highly Ond improved and well watered farm of best LIM ESTON LAN and very smooth, flftll It is first class in every particular, and lilil 1 ut be sold.

It is near railroad stations canal. The terms of payment will be made very easy, tbe chief object being to close the estate and it will be divided to suit purchasers. Further particulars, by addressing DR. S. QUIGLEY, Druggist, New Oxford, Pa.

pUBLIC SALE! ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1876, foe undersigned, Assignee ot 'William Bakes, of Hopewell township, York county. will sell at public sale, on the premises, on foe road leading from Winters-town to Shrewsbnry, about one mile South of foe former place, foe following Real Estate, viz A TRACT OF LAND, containing 31 Acres and 89 Perches, adjoining lands of Henry Miller, Jesse Waltemeyer, Daniel Brene-' man, aud others. The improvements ateaNEW TWO-STORY LOG HOUSE, with Basement, LARGE Hi BANK BARN, with Wagon Shed, and 1 Corn Crib attached. Bake Oven, Smoke i House, and other outbuildings, all new and in good order. There is a stream of Water passes through foe tract.

There is also an excellent Orchard of I Choice FRUIT TREES on the premises. About 10 Acres are covered with fine YOUNG TIMBER, foe balance is cleared and In good farming order, having recently been well limed. 7Sale to commence at 1 oclock, v. M. Terms at sale by LEVI HANEY, Assignee.

Andrew Maffet, Aucr. T. A. Blake, Clerk. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE.

Letters of Administration on the estate of Ezra May, late of Spring Garden township, York decd, have been gra ited to the undersigned, residing in Dover township All persona indebted tosaid-estate are requested tomAke immodiaia payment and those having claims will present the same to JOHN B. MAY, Administrator C. I. CEITTEJT03, Propr, 1 Sixth octTTjiS-ly QAUTION! Coi it The second week of the October bra of Court of tj jarter Sessions commenc-tdon lion Jay morning, of last week. Judge Wickra residing.

The following eases were Lruacd of during I the day Catharine fo-we was accquitted on a charge of assault ted battery and Solomon Sbarfey, tbe wit ordered to pay all costs. ilhel-na PeUTton waa acquitted on a charge of larceny. Charles C. Graves waa convicted oa a charge of assault and battery and was Knit-need to pay a fine of $5.00 and cost of prosecution. Lewi fcpeice was acquitted on charge of larceny.

Michael Gillespie went cuav.oud of malicious mischief, and sentenc-al to Id days in the county jail, $1 fine and eels. Edward Keener was convicted on tve charg-s of larceny. John Myers plead paitv to fornication and bastardy, ana re-tttvnl the usual sentence. The case of Joe. fine and Hamilton Cbriatine, arson, wss eontioued till January session.

Court met again on Tuesday, Judge Wickes pr-oiJing, and dispoaed of tha following rases. Michael J.Bnlhart waa acquitted ra a charge of perjury, and tlm defendant vat ardered to pay tbe costs of prosecution. Wt Ziegler was acquitted on a charge of staling atones and missies upon ths csrs.snd the prosecutor, S. O. Mshlen, was directed pay the coats of prosecution.

Jacob Koons waa acquitted on a charge of larceny, Ac. Theo. Jacoba was acquitted on a charge of larceny, Ao. Geo. Gerbrick waa acquitted on a charge of larceny, Ac.

Ivan Glalfelter was acquitted on a charge of larceny, Ac. Leah Glalfelter was acquitted on a charge of larceny, dc. Jamee Knudson was convicted of ssssut and battery, and was sentenced to the county jail for 30 days, to pay fine $1 and costs prosecution. John Slum Was acquitted on a charge of assault and battery. County to pay oost of prosecution.

Frsna Lehman plead guilty to telling liquor sithout hcense and Waa sentenced to pay a tas of $30 and cotta of prosecution. The JpUBLIC SALE -REAL ESTATE. ON SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 4, 1876, tbe andersgited Administrator of tlie Estate of Joseph Kakely, hue of Spring Garden township, York county. decd, will sell at public sale, by wirtue of an Order of the Orphans Court of said County, at the public house of Charles Spang- ler, in Freystown, the following Real Estate, viz: A. The undersigned, citizens of the Borough of and York township, reby caution all persons not to trespass upon our premises for the purpose of Fishing, Hunting, or tresspassing in any manner whatever, as the lair will be entorced against all who may be so found trespassing John Stine, Henry Taylor, WORMS.

WORMS. WORMS. E. F. Ki ukel's Worm.

Syrup never fails to re move aU kinds of Worms. Seat, Pm and Stomach Worms are readily removed by KunkeUs Worm Syrup. Dr. Kunkel is the only successful physician 41 this country that can remove Tape Worm in from two to four hours. He has no fee until head and all.

passes alive and in this space of time. Common sense teaches if Tape Worm can be removed, all other worms can be readily destroyed. Ask your druggist for a bottle of Kumkkl's worm Syrup. Price 41.00 per bottle. Itnever fails or send to the doctor for circular.

No. 259 North Ninth Philadelphia. Advice free. RHEUMATISM AND THE GREAT REMEDY Dr. Simms Celebrated Pain Searcher Not unfrequently one 50 cent bottle will cure a case of Rheumatism and Neuralgia.

It is used Inwardly and outwardly. Dr. Simms Pain Searcher positively never fails to cure even the worst cases of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Cramps, Diarrhoea, Pains, Sprains, Headache, Painters Colic, Our book of references of ovex 200 names, and many of them wondexful cures, is open to all. Fifty ceats a bottle, or, six bottles for $2.50. Principal Depot Fourth and King streets, Wilmington, Del.

Philadelphia, 602 Arch New York, 7 6th Avenue Baltimore, 10S Baltimore St. Sold by G. W. NEFF, York, and dealers in Medicines everywhere. 76-6111 ouse and Lntof Ground itnata in Low Street, Spnng Garden townfoip, fronds! ntuir TO TBS Centennial Exhibition WILL TABS PLACE OB THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1876, Under the auspices of the O.

t. A. M. OF YORK, FA. jggFare for the Round Trip only Children from 5 to 12 years $1.20.

pickets good for 10 days to return on any train A Special Train will be run on the P. B. R. W. I on the morning of the Excursion, to connect with the train at York, leaving Delta at 3.30 A pase- ing all stations 2 hpurs advanee of the regular morning train.

Also Fast Line South on N. C. R. W. will stop at Goldsboro, Mt.

Wolf and EmtgsviUe, for passengers on the morning of the Excursion. i Passengers between York and Columbia will take the regular morning train to Columbia, where they will be attached to the excursion train. Excursion tickets will be sold on that tram. As this will be the last opportunity that persons will have to attend the Centennial at such low rates, all who have not been there should not fail to go and take a look at the great Exhibition. The committee having in charge the Excursion wiil do all in their power for eomfort of the excursionists.

Train will leave York at 6.05 A. M. Passengers I wishing to return same day can leave Centennial Depot at 6 P. M. Tickets for sale by Capt.

Geo. Graybill, at the Farmers Fire Insurance Co.s office, A. Harline, at the book stores of L. T. Deininger, Jas.

B. Small, W. B. Wallick, and by members of the COMMITTEE. AUDITORS NOTICE.

The undersigned, on motion and nomination 01 counsel for parties interested, having been appointed by the Orphans Coart of York County, Auditor to distribute the balance on the account of Jaoob Tomb, administrator of the estate of Ellas Tomb, late of the Borough of York, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office in the Borough of York, oikWednesday, the 1st day of November, 1T6, at 10 oclock in the forenoon of said day, at which time and place all parties interested may attend if they seepropej. GEORGE tlSHER, Auditor. ASSIGNEES NOTICE. Elizabeth Shkllesbkbgbr, of York Borough, York having made- an assignment of all her goods and chattels, real, personal and mixed, to the undersigned residing in the same Borough, in trust for the use and benefit of the creditors of the said Elizabeth Shkllesbkbgbr. All persons having elaims will present the same, and those indebted are hereby requestedto make immediate payment to ELIAS EYSTER, Assignee.

Adam Seclmst, Levi Hartman, Wm. hr hart, Barnabas Lee krone, John Keller, Bias Geesey, Henry Shuman. Albert Keller, Lydian Leight, Solomon Kauffman, John Lentz, George Deiler, Christian Eberley, Henry H. Keff, Granville Yourg Daniel Hollmger, Jesse Flincbbaugh. Jonathan Neff, Benjamin Rabb," William Plv ire, Eitary Piymire, Sam a el idler, A aron Rabb, Michael Keedly, acob Flmchbaugh, Wm, Frederick Wagman, C.

B. Neff, Benjamin Seitz, Levi Neff, uhn Spatz, Jiseph Schmitt, John Fhnchbaogh, said Low Street 30 leet, more or leas, and extendi in length or depth IB feet, more or lean, bosnded on foe Eat by lot of Joeeph Koeb, on foe West by Mar, Moon, and on foe North bv Nathaniel Abel. There area lot of FRUIT TREES and other improvements on foe premises. Sate to commence at I oclock. Terms at sals by C.

H. FRY, octIO.76 Administrator. Saturday's Market The market on Saturday morning was large and abundantly tupplied. There whs hut little change in pricea from our previous quotations. Butter told st 25 to 28 rents, pep pound.

Eggs 20 to 25 cents, per pound- Chickens 40 to 70 ducks 60 to 60 cents, each, per pair, and turkeys live weight 10 cents pier pound. Irish potatoes 13 to 14 cents, per half pieck, and $1 per bushel. Other vegetables and apples at about previous prices. Chestnuts 8 to 10 cents, per quart, and grapes 6 cents, per pound. Buckwheat meal 65 cents, pier quarter, or 5 cents per quart, and corn flour 4 to 6 cents pier piound.

But few fresh fish were in market, selling at the previous high am iitfiujat plead guilty to telling liquor I prices. Sunday and was aenteoced to pay a fine I pay i PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER ISfo, 1876, foe undersigned. Executors of the last Will and Testament ot Dr. Henry K.

Weisbr, late of Spring-field township, York county, will sell at public sale, on the premises Ko. 1 along the line ot the N. C. R. at the Hauover Junction, the following desirable Real Estate, vtz: No.

1, A Tract of Latid. situatelnjipring- field township, a part in North Codrnerontaining 115 acres, more or lees, adjbfromg lands of Mrs. Catharine Glatfelter, Daniel iKihry, Jacob Diehl, Henry Gise, Hanover raise R. R. George Hamme, Jacob Bowman and others, with a large Two-Story Brick Dwelling House, New Summer Kitchen, Bam and other improvements erected thereon.

Part of this tract is woodland, and1 the residue good farming land. No. 2, A Tract of Land, situate in Codo- I rus and North Codorus containing 10 acres and 16 perches, adjoining lands of John Scott, Hanover Branch R. R-, a pubiie road and acob Bowman. No.

3, A Tract of Land, situate partly in Springfield and partly in North Codorus township, containing 7 acres and 114 perches, with a one-story to A XS to RE AR VTfi v. .4. rm HOUSE erected thereon. special committee consisting of Dr. W.

K. Zieber, E. K. Eschbacb, and Elder W. H.

Knode. The report of the board of education of the synod was read and adopted From this we learn that Meeer O. F. Mull, W. J.

Stewart, and A. J. "Whitmore, have, during the year, completed the full three years course of Theological instruction at havebqen licensed to preach tbe gospel. At the present time G. Zacbarias, L.

F. Zinckhan, H. S. Garner ai Henry E. Cook, are pursuing their theological studies in connection with tbe theological seminary, at Lancaster, Pa.

Messrs, B. Carnahan, J. North, S. F. Wagner, J.

N. Preightel, G. A. Whitmore, S. C.

Long, W. W. Deatrick, S. H. Eisenberg, M.

L. Frior, and D. H. Leader, are now receiving instructions in the Post Graduate course, connected with Mereersburg College, agreeably to the action of the Synod of Cbamberaburg. The treasurer reports the receipt of $2065.98.

The Board gratefully acknowledges the liberal and generous donation for needy students at Mereersburg College of $200 by Mrs. Margaret E. S. Hood a member of the Evangelical Reformed church of Frederick city, Maryland. The Committee on minutes of classis made their report and it was adopted item by item.

The classis of North Carolina appointed a com mittee to make a new hymn book, which authority is not vested in the classis. The item was referred to a special committee consisting of Revs. I. A. HofFbeins, S.

N. Callender, I. S. Weisz, Elders J. T.

Motter, aud H. Hause. Synod adjourned with the apostolical benediction. Afternoon Session Thedevotional service was conducted by Dr. Kieffer, of Gettysburg.

The report of the Treasurer of Synod was made and referred to the Finance Commit-tie for audit. The Committee on Religious Services reported, which report was adopted. Evening Session. On Friday evening an exercise, under the direction of the Sunday School Board, was engaged in the mam audience room which was well filled. The meeting was presided over by Elder G.

S. Griffith, of Baltimore city. The exercises commenced by a solo and quartette Thou art our Father, rendered by the choir in fine style. Tha Liturgical service of tbe Sunday School was then conducted by the Pastor, Rev. Dr.

Miller, in which the juvenile choir furnished the music. The themes for the occasion were then discussed as follows: 1. The Sunday School in its relation to the family speakers Revs. M. Kieffer, D.

and L. Ashenfelter. 2. The relation of the Sunday School work to the conversion of our children Revs. D.

Gans, D. and J. G. Brown. 3.

The true idea of a Sunday School Literature-Revs. A. Wanner, and S. L. Callender, D.

D. The second and third subjects elicited interesting remarks on the part of Revs. F. Hoffman, E. R.

Eschbaugh. J. B. Shontz, A. G.

Dole, Dr. Zubers, and others. The whole service concluded by the Quartette choir rendering, in an effective style the touching hymn, Bock of Ages. After which the congregation was dismissed by the benediction. Sixth Session.

The Synod was opened with prayer by the President on Saturday morning. It was determined that when Synod adjourned it be to meet Oct. 17, 1877, at- in conventional form. The presence AUDITORS NOTICE. 7 The andersigned.

Auditor, appointed by the Orphans Coart ot York euntv, to settle the exceptions to the accounts of C. Hays, Executor of Samuel Mialxr, deceasec and J. C. Hays, Administrator of Samuel R. MaLKB, deceased, both late of Newberry township, and to distribute the balance on said accounts and among those legally entitled thereto, hereby give notice that he will sit to discharge the duties of his said appointment, at his office in York Borough, on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9th, 6 when and where all persons interested may attend i they see proper.

JOHN BLACKFORD, Auditor. SOMETHING NEW Call at foe Morris Dune Stork, York, Pcnna, and get a sample ef charge, of GREENS AUGUST FLOWER, the great cure for dyspepsia, and its effects, such as liver complaints, costiveness, headache, flatulency, heat t-burn, pains in the side, dyspeptic, colic and cough, billiousness, coated tongue, aud two-thirds of the disease flesh is heir to, I will guarantee i to cure nine cases out of ten, ii properly taken and permanent, with prudent living. We are flooded with certificates from patients eured, and doctors using it in their practice. Try it. Regular size, 75 cents pleasant to take, and not a rum bitters.

Use BOSOHEES GERMAN SYRUP, for severe cough and consumption. It never fails. Free of charge in every town and Tillage. L. M.

GREEN, Proprietor, oodbury, N. J. june 11 (march5-ly) YORK MARKETS. JJU0 and coals of prosecution. Court met on Wednesday morning, Judge Wickea presiding, and a verdict of acquittal I taken in the case of Com.

vs Mollie imith malicious mischief. The costa were prided between the defendant and Ignatios flartman, the prosecutor. Application obis made for a new trial. The juror I ere then all discharged, and Court adjourn-to Saturday at 10 oclock. Railroad Accident.

On Friday morning about one oclock, two mules belonging to Mr. Geo.Smyser, were run oyer and killed, by a freight train, north, near Emigs-yille. Several cart were thrown from the track by tbe accident though no one waa hurt and the track was cleared in time to prevent any detention of passenger trains. How the mules got out of the stable and on the track ia a mystery. hi i ct he sic Ur .0 Ip a ka id tii it 1 'Of 18 T' Xlt- lli.1 oa ive coir Ji JT faf lanr Dro iry siil' i j'-p1 trs us Mirs J3UBLIC SALE.

ON WEDNESDAYnoVEMBER 1, 3976 (b undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Joun Stricxxi, of late of Springgarden township, York county. decdf will sell at public sale by virtue of an Order of the Orphans Court of said county on the premises, on the public rood leading from York to Codorus Furnace, about one mile from Bnllingers Mill, and about five mile from York, the follow mg Real Estate, via; No. 1, A TBACT OF LAND, containing 113 ACRES, more or len, adjoining lands of Z. K. Loucks, tract No.

2, John Rankle, Samt Hive-ly and others, improved by a Two-Story WEATHERBOARDED DWELLING HOUSE, Ban Ban, Mi Carriage House, to moke Housa, Spnng (JJJ Hoose, with excellent running water Jll and Well with Pomp at the dwelling.1 There are TWO ORCHARDS one of Peaches and the other of Apples together with a variety of other Fnm Trees, on toe premises. About 20 Acres of the tract are covered with good TIMBER, toe balance is cleared well fenced and ia good fanning order, having recently been limed. No. 2, A TRACT of ARM and WOODLAND, containing 34 ACRES, more or leesdkffn-ing No. 1.

above described, Z. K. Loacka, John Strong, Henrv Kunkle and the public road. About i0 Acres are WOODLAND, the balance is unde? a food state of cultivation and under good fence a. here is a Well of Water and a good OR CHAR of Choice Fruit Trees of vanoaskmds, cm the tract Sale to commence at I o'clock P.

cm tract he. Terms at sale bv JACOB KCNKLE, Admr. B. Clemens, Auctioneer. S-9iiWO iq U3AT2 aho- sntntuzdj -aistaoiros P1 8m.9$i fi)udcaonu tiDdg pjg 3S 'fi Of 78 4iaiq3UJI fix mu -uxxdjd )aoqiut 00T zraoinxaiil qiv wanton gg saflud aiYOAQy aJSvaiiRaxaxtiiaTR October 23, 1876.

PUBCHASING FKICES Grain White Wheat per bush $1 $1 Kye, do. PARIFF CANDIDATE JEGISTER3 NOTICE. do Corn- SCROICAL Operation. Dr. A.

Craig, of Columbia, aays Thursday Lancaster Intelligencer, performed a very successful surgical operation on J. M. Austin, of York, on Monday. He succeeded in safely removing an encysted tumor which had been growing between Mr. Anstins shoulder on the spine for upwards of years, Mf.

A. bad been to the niversity of Pcnnsy lv nia for examination, and the physician nsidered it very dangerous to perform an o. sration. 87 30 55 45 30 50 75 20 40 7 ...1 ...1 3. A- correspondent, atyling himself Sam on in the Lancaster Express, of "tdoraday last, in (peaking of York, aays: An hour at York give ua a little glimpse town, which aeem a goodly one, in toy re-pecta quite like Lancaster.

There van considerable wealth, a good deal of tt, a fair share of business, and we ehould Ti reasonably progressive lyiriL We tiv most interested in an old brick buildieg, feed a a printing office, which ia quite tiftofic. It wa partly built by Hessian to-Jiers, arid one tees yet along tbe stairway mourning evidences of the old Hessian Jhitecture. jjut wbat make it especially 4lonc is that in one of the rooms Thomas wrote part of his Age ofReaaon. no doubt, refer to the old House," which stood in front of tatty (Dr. Millers) church.

It wat butlt Gats, D6W, Srkds Clover Seed, do Timothy, Seed, Flax Flour RETAIL PBICES: Flour Extra, per Super, do Feed Mixed Corn and Oats, bush. Oil Ideal, a. a. a Shorts, per 100 Brown do 6 25 5 25 45 1 50 90 90 Sboat century ago by Gen. Hartley.

All STOCK MABKET. Cerricttd every Mends, hy Weieer, Sen 4 Carl, Bonier, No. East Market Street, York, Fa. u. a 113 113 115 116 115 109 1881 1865.

18C5 1867 1868 6s, Gold FRAME This is one of toe most desirable farms in this sec- tion of toe country, offering great tacilities for a dairy farm, containing a good meadow pasture for cows, and being but a tow hundred yards from two railway stations. There is a spring of excellent water at the house and at the barn yard, besides running water in toe meadow. A vein of iron ore is supposed, with a reasonable degree of certainty, to run through the land. This farm presents an 1 opening for some energetic young farmer to take I hold of it and make money. I Sale to commence at 1 oclock, P.

M. Terms made known by J. D. SCHALL, E. C.

BENDER, Executors. VALUABLE FARM. STORE AND TAVERN STAND PUBLIC SALE ON SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1876, foe en-dersigned will offer at public sale, on the premises, i at Mulberry P. Washington township, York county. on the road leading from York to Ship-pensburg, three miles West of Davidsbnrg and four miles North of East Berlin, the following Valuable Real Estate, viz A FARM, containing 92 Acres, more or lees, adjoining lands of Jacob G.

Mareh, Stephen Straley, and others, on which i are erected TWO TWO-STORY DWELLING HOUSES, with two-storv STONE BACK BUILDINGS, Two-Story Stone Store House, 2 Ware Houses, Smoke House, Ice House, GOOD BANK BARN, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib, Carnage House, Hog Stables, There are three Wells of good Water, with Pumps, on foe premises. About 16 Acres are covered with Timber, and part of foe balance is Meadow Ground. There is also a good APPLE ORCHARD, together with a variety of Pear, Cherry and Peach Trees and Grape Vines, on foe property. fcr-The farm is in a good neighborhood, convenient to Churches, Schools, ills, and is one of foe beM locations for public business. Persons wishing to view the premises before tbe day of sale are requested to call on foe undersigned.

Sale to commence at 1 oclock, P. M-, on said day, when terms will be made known by O. T. RAFFENSPARGER. ALSO At foe same time and place, wifi be offered by the andersigned.

A TRAQT OF LAND situate in Washington township, York county, near A moe Kidds Mill, formerly Myers,) adjoining lands of Michael Myers, David Spangler, and ethers, containing 95 Acres, improved by a LARGE TWO-STORY HOUSE, (part frame and part stone,) NEW BANK BARN, (45i65 fee,) Wagon Shed, Corn Cnb, Hog Stable, and other ant-buildings. About 30 acres are good Timber Land, foe balance is in good farming order, having been limed, is under good fences, with a number of Springs near the dwelling and an abundance of Water in the fields. Person wishing to view foe premises wifi call on Amos Raffensparger residing on the same. JACOB RAFFENSPARGER. Jno.

L. Shillito, Aucr. r'cks used in its construction were im-roV-d from England and some of the mould-ri, it is said, were made by prisoners. 4. lice was torn down early last spring, to which time the Rev.

Mr. Anstadt pied it sj printing office. Rambler's rniant must have been at fault, when he 'presented said building as sull standing, to the Tom Fame tradition at have never seen the alleged fact before. Thomas Paine, the patriot 'hJei, iTed tons time in the old adjoining Mr. Matthew Tylers on the west, in Centre Square, and he lived considerable, time in the little l0Ee building, near Mr.

Jacob Kings 1. shall-mile south-west of York, 11 sid, the larger portion of bis sad the wss written. me Rambler tare-f Fs Ik JcH iu.uI 0BJ I lie -or? lie dcr eh- ihJ i As the counties of Adams, Cumberland nnd York, composing this (UHb Congressional district, have unanimously chosen me a their candidate for Congress, I accept the nomination with gratitude, and will endeavor not to betray tlie confidence imposed iu me. A condition of great distress is now prevalent in our country, aliectmg all the departments of business, but especially those who are dependent upon their daily labor for support, and many schemes have been proposed to relieve this distress, comprehending especially a change in our basis of currency but no plans proposed seem to meet the great emergency upon us. The only true method of relief lies in a high protective tariff which shall encourage our people to use the products of American industry, and shall afford employment to the thousands, who, because of toe cheapness of foreign labor, are now idle.

It is a fact of history that every financial crisis through which we have passed has been caused by iuad equate protection to American industry and we have always been relieved by a proper adjustment of toe tariff and an increase of duties on foreign goods which come in competition with our home labor and yet three years have been wasted by our law makers in trying to find somesee method of relief, while the mdustriesof our country have become more and more impoverished and will continue to get worse and worse so long as toe people elect men to Congress who are opposed to protecting American industry. We have not had a good tariff srnee toe one in 1842, which had brought the country oat of just such difficulty as now distresses us. The industries of the country were so prosperous under the tariff, that in the campaign of 1844 both parties proclaimed themselves in favor of the tanff ff 1842. Oh for such times as we had under the tariff of 1842 voters what say you Tbe country was about bankrupt when the war broke nat, and toe premium on gold rose, and acted as a protective yes very high protective tariff, and all Amenean manufacturers and business men made money, and every body had plenty of work at good wages. Since that great protection hag gone, by toe decline in the premium on goidrour manufacturers have been moving along under a sickly tariff oat protective enough to cause them to lose all the money they made during toe war, and Congress could not see what was the cause of our trouble.

A portion of onr industries are oppressed with an internal revenue tax that should be abolished and the amount of revenue derived from tha source should be raised by putting a high tax on foreign liquors, cigars and finenes. If tha condition of things a not arrested by toe enactment by Congress of a high protective tariff, bankruptcy will come to every mans door who has not the cash on hand to pay hut debts. I am satisfied there ia a large majoritr of voter la tha district who agree with me and if foe, will giro me their support and elect me, it will have each an influence upon Congressmen as wifi cause them to take reaming and turn an ear tofoa demands of tbe people for protection to AmerfEab industry and foe abolition of internal revenue taxation. Then wifi foe farm find a market for his reduce, and foe mechanic or merchant wiil receive the cash for his goods. Then, and not'tall then, will we hear foe hum and clatter of factories and foe sound of foe hammers in foe forges, now idle, and the strong man wifi return home when hm days wrk is done, with foe reward of his labor, to be greeted with foe smites of LEK.

To 11 creditors, legatees, heirs and other persons interested, notice is hereby gtv tost toe following named persons have filed the icoants cf their administration to tbe estates of those persons deceased and guardian nnd trustees accounts whose names are uudermenttoDed, in the office of toe Register of the Probate of Wills andGrantang letters of Arimirf-tetratiou, in and for toe County of York and that the same will be presented to the Orphans Courtof said County, for confirmation and allowance, on TUESDAY, the 14th day of November, A. 1816, at oeiock, P. M. No. 257 Account of Mary inn Hariachex, executrix of William Harlacher.

deceased. 258 Account of Levi Kartx, one of the administrators of William Hartman, ffiteeased. 259 Account of Jesse H. Bupp, administrator of Barbara Bupp, deceased. 260 Account of WUliam A.

tylor, administrator of Serena Sipe, deceased 261 Real estate account of William H. Taylor, administrator of Serena Sipe, dc5aaei. 262 Trustee account of William H. Taylor, trustee of David Sipe, deceased. 263 First and final account David A Bupp, guardian of David Rupp, late a minor.

264 Account of John M. Goocbng, administrator of Sarah Hammond, deceased. 265 Account of Thomas L. Griham, and James C. Graham, administrators of Robert Graham, decd.

266 Account of Adam administrator ef George Rooston, deceased. 267 Account of Isaac Frazer, guardian of Clarence C. Seahrooks, late a minor. 268 Account of Jacob Rupert, guardian of Amanda Bonn, late Rupert, late a minor. 2G9 Account of Jacob Bollinger and John Herbst, executors of Jacob Bollinger, sr deceased- 270 Account of Frederick F.

ling, administrator d. b. n. c. t-a.

of George KJmg, ceceased. 271 Final account of John IFiest, guardian of Emma Senft, late a minmv 272 Aecount of John W. Renter, deceased, who a guardian of Israel Young, itinor, exhibited by John L. Keener, executor of Joan W. Keener, deceased.

273 Account of John W. KeeiiWy deceased, who was guardian of Elizabeth Ypun minor, exhibited by John L. Keener, executor of John William Keener, deceased. 274 Aecount of Jacob Diehl, administrator of Catharine Zorger, deceased. 275 Account of John H.

Anderson, executor of Joseph R. ABderaoa, deceased. 276 Account of R. S. Scott, guardian of George A.

Smith, late a minors 277 Account of WilHam McCoakey, administrator of Joseph E. Charges, deceased- 278 Aecount of John W. Sling, guardian of Susanna Crime, late a minor. 279 Account of David and Wiliam Trout, administrators of William Trout, deceaied. 280 Aceonnt of Jonas Becker, jpiardiaB ef Sarah Becker, late a minor.

Account of Jonas Becker, jpiardUn of Lydia Ann Becker, late a minor. 2s2 Account of Michael Berner, guardian of Joshua Bortner, late a minor. 283 Account of Charlotte Wilhelm, administratrix of Emanuel Wilhelm, deceased. C. Ra GERBER, Register.

pUBLIC SALE. ON FRIDAY, NOVEMBER Ufo, 18J6, the -devsigned, Executor of the Estate of Jobs Farnit-vbs, late of Hopewell township, York county. deceased, will sell at Public Sale, at the late residence of said deceased, in toe township afore- said, on the road leading from Cron Roads to Kero-bo's Mill, abont a ba'f le Wet of toe latter place, toe following Real Estate, vis A TRACT OF LAND, containing 120 Acres and 0 Perches, more or less, adjoining lands of Aaron Rambo, Heiis of John Famkner, dr-, deceased, Neheraiah Stewart, Genes Giassck, Robert Smith, and others, on which are erected a large ftwa TWO-STORY LOG AND FRAME DWELLING HOUSE, Frame Bank jilli Barn, with Wagon Shed and Corn Crib lllig I attached. Hog Pen. Carnage House, "Coopet Shop, and Spnng Home, with never-failing water near tbe duelling.

There is also a good orchard of Fruit Trees on toe premises About 40 acres are covered -with good White Oak, Chestnut and other Timber, the balance tars land. This property lies convenient to the Peach Bottom Railway, Schools, Churches, Mi its. Ac. The above tract will be sold as described or divided to toil purchasers. Perons wnhing to view the premises will call mi the Executor, Raiding thereon.

KEiisle to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. Terms at sale bv SAMUEL S. FAULKNER, octlQfiG Executor. J3UBLIC SALE.

ON FRIDAY, tt ZTth lyof OCTOBER, 1376. foe BBtieragaed, Executor of foe font Jxcob Sicisirss, late of Washington township, York eoairtv. deceased, wifi sell at Pohhe Sale, am the a boot 3 miles from Kart Berlin, on the reaui leading from Beritn to DiUeborg, foe following Real Ketatet wit A TBACT OF LAND, Containing about two Acres, adjoining lamia of II Joseph Goaehnaner, Michael Joseph, and ethers, hereon ut erected a oaae-j I I ami-a-hail Story ililLL LOG HOUkE, There is a Spring of Water before foe and frmt trees oa the premises. Sale to commence at 1 oclock P. M-, when term, of sate will be made known bv JOHN H.

GEORGE WEAVER, Eseestore, oetS.YS Wfilisms Sod, Auer's, I Communicated. fitSTTrinily congrcgatic York, of which Rev, J. O. Miller, I IX, is pastor, seems to be continually enf tged in making improvements. Tbe old use which for so long a time hid -the fro! of their church from view has been torn rn, nnd the yard has been beautifully fixed A symbolic fountain, tbe Smitten ek, surmounted by a heavy stone cross, is erected in the centre of the yard.

From Nop of this cross a fountain plays, the water falling down with rippling music into basins at tbe side. In the church a large, powerful and sweet toned pipe organ has been put up. Lately the congregation enlarged and improved the Chapel and Sunday school rooms in the rear of the church. Tbe building has been extended back to the alley. On th first floor is the chapel used for week day services, which is handsomely furnished, and is a most comfortable and attractive room.

Adjoining this and separated from it by a glass partition, is the room for tha use of the infant department of the Sunday school. On the second floor is the room for the use of the senior department of the school. This has been enlarged to nearly twice its original six and is so arranged that the new part can be separated from the old by a glass partition, making two separate room a Everything is well arranged and convenient, and the whole building, church and chapel, reflects the greatest credit upon the pastor who contrived and the congregation which carried out the plans. May the congregation increase and improve and spiritually a it does outwardly and mate rtally. Coal.

Housekeepers and others, will find Goal of every description always on hand and well prepared for family purposes, at 'Bar-nits Coal Empire Car Works, North Beaver York, Pa. tf letter, pays the of Prof. Ttieo. Appei, D. Prof.

W. E. Krebs, of Lancaster classis and tbe Rev. C. Oort of Iowa classis as advisory members.

A point of order was raised end tbe President ruled that ministers absent from the sessions of this Synod are accountable to the classis to which they belong and delegated elders to the pastoral charges they represent. The venerable Rev. J. Williamson Nevin, D. of Lancaster, the special guest of Synod, wag invited to address this body on such subject as he may select.

He commenced his address at 10 A. M-, and spoke with great clearness and power until the hour of adjournment. After the dose of the address the Synod tendered him a vote ef thanks and asked a copy ef it for publication in the Mereersburg Review. During the afternoon session the following selections were made Sunday School Board, Rev. A.

R- Kremer Board of Missions, Rev. E. R. Eschbach, Rev. J.

A. Peter Board of Education, Rev. I. G. Brown Board Trustees of Synod, Hon.

L. H. Steiner. Coal Coal I All kinds of family, lime-burners and blacksmiths coal, for sale at P. F.

"Wilt's, on reasonable terms. Yard at the foot of North "Water street, York, Pa. BALTIMORE MARKETS. Friday, Oct. 20, 1876.

FLOUR. There is a brisk demand for Flour, and the market is strong at the advance noted yesterday. The limited arrivals give sellers an advantage, and the tendency is towards higher figure. The Bales reported amount to 2000 bbli, Howard Street 300 bbls Super at 4 50 LlO0 Extra at 5 60 500 do, at g5 75, and 100 Family each at $6 00, $6 50 and 6.70. Western 100 bbls Soper at 4 80 100 Extra at 5 50 100 Family each at S5 75, 6 and 6 20 200 do and 100 Spnng do.

at 6 75 per bbL WHEAT. The market for Wheat ia strong. Some 1000 bushels very choice red Southern sold at 1 and 7000 bushels choice do. at 1 45; 5000 bushels prime do. as 1 43 3000 bushels good do.

at I 25al 33 also, Sou bushels red Western on track at St 32. 4 CORN Good Southern Corn is wanted, Mia prices, are firmer. The sales are 100 bushels new white at 5 cents 2000 bushels old white at 5afil eents for good to prime, and 2000 bushels yellow at 54a56 cents for inferior to fair. OATS. Oats are in good demand, and tor prime the market is firm, but inferior lots are dull and heavy.

The sales were 1000 bushels fair Southern at 32 cents 3000 bushels rejected Western at 30 az cents; 00 bushels Inferior bright Western at 51 cents, and 700 bushels good mixed do. at 37 jf cents. RYE A small lot of choice Rye aoM a cent per bushel, and we note toe market quiet and firm. WHISK Y. There a good jobbing demand tor High Wines at 1 15ai IS per gaiknu lrS Jut tribute' to the N.

C. iuilway: road 00 Northern Central Rail 's? ton? along, and we are soon en our teL BUmore in comfortable csuti and letv attendance. From rough, i-T9rJ any years ago, this a to be one of our nest thorough- lorianc. iln u5 wr of more im-otw the Government than almost any to 00w one of the great feeders Washington. Starting 'gaa, N.

and running along plater Chemung, and for th 1 of iu w7 in Pennsylvania Vul ffj mv eid 1 idl 11 if. ref i tr-JI I 11 008 of the most I ads ta this country fact Man-. J4 fuily appreciated by our hag public.".

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