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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 5

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ipniji; ncij 1 "i liiUiiid Old lU.YTHRVII.I.R. Friate Constitution Ready Lo Sail Again Ehiij That Made Karlv Am- fncan Nnval Hirlovv Will V'sil 1 For-s. BY iirvirit n. -'i 1. while r-r prn-v.

t-r, preen -oil ihe a win Imrt the is mid a 12fi -hi" 1 i cd her name of "O' 1 liw.d:!^." U-i: is tills port 4. s'l" make hrr v.ay up the coast i Portsmouth. X. parts. south cjas; to New York.

1 and prr- she v.ill craiSL- r.o.v, who lias once thr of the sea. Perhaps shj :r.ay strain a 1 ci icns lur.v.-e:- bekmcl a nrj. h'r tackle, tfi'-' once made her lost: like K.ea 1 sca-ijir-rl. are not fer bar'-: 11: the sea fnr the was made, ami it will be a ghostly crew does r.r.t run through ll-e on miirkv lights. So many brave have lived,-: hr-r.

so A Gallant History I Sh? was launched the U. S. S. Constitution in Ec.Uo,:i in 1707, she roit and Brassed tons. had many e.

Sam Nicholson. Hull, Stem: 1 Bainbiiare. It was her first cm', exploit when riiit-racecl sauedroii iu IL 00. rjscaped. and then under fui! Fail raceci capture the She dismantled In 1S01.

bm wns afloat a Tiiere -svas- tile the stormin- of cily filhts faloie. if any ship had a life, certainly it 'was "Old Ircnsides." They called her early in hrrr Anri when thv or 1B32 broke out. it was her historic ba'- -iUl frigate, Guor- ibaf cave tile struggling nation confidence to on to victory. rr reitered decks today are exactly like on sail- tnere Hea tore the masts of the British For'sid is the inspiring; figure of Can- tain Isaac- Hull poised, rcfilly directing the fierce Even the boats are like three which fcok off the fine naval officer. Cap- from tha shin.

He anci Ifull were close friends in old age. It is a 1 history. Captain Bainbridge and tii? with the Java, with blood, dying men ursine; nn their ratlcs Captain Stewart and tho fijjht off Guiana coa't. the capture of tlie Gymie r.ud Lrvan- end of the vnv rnvJ Tn' fS28 came the order lo brc-ak lier up. But Oliver Wcndeil Holmes 'he- was vounir, then.

not the pairiirch of siiabby trc-at- rcent cf licncred veteran. His dicnation out into "Tlie Inrpies of the shore nhaii pluck Lre of the sea. I-iather. Hoiir.e.s in wrath toar her en- clcvn rnd etive her to the cf tile Bronco Busling? liV, All Uoooy CatiillitTsville Man Brings Suit Against Intonintion- Co. "Old Ironsides" as she looked (upper under full sail more than a cc-nlury aso.

when she was the finest fiphllnj frlp.alc in Ihe S. Navy. On the b'low is the unusually Ions bowsprit which her so The broadside romparaUs the modern turret suns, which r.ikcil decks of enemy are shown in tin; upper liiiht. And r.i'l'jw is (lie the rudder, ol me gallant SIUOK LOCI1L FUIIIITUBETR A half oe-ren tines was nut of 15'! was I pcmebonv we-uld rse.t hrr to rot fall In sailed to the Paris smashed atiti iieanv sank. v.n.s Tu'cd acain aiu' brc.i:?hl i.i.-M to America! After nl.

rd ncr.aii!. tVrr words written; "Tr.e craft lies orrr. enantlcss except fnr memories eror.ul hr-r deck Si sh" 'av fnr yirs. 1 Children Rrmrnlicrrd The- lly U. D.ltiT'.iter-- of 11112 ar.rt^er ciriv-? to restore h.rr.

It w.i.-. inn'te-r. YTT-; I of 'i nliowc'l the 5'nr-r." timbM-s 'o re: i ron bar.J.i to 1 rclv What Crce- -Uv a millicn dollars ju.s' to up deriyin; bat- still wa no', laekins. In the schools. 1 poem v.i5 kiiov.n (o even- toy and Rirl.

a fami'inr. clrru 'heir thc-ir I dimes that she mi-ht live. I.irii:. I.i'm A. Lr.rd.

naval foil" work I they eie there Even the nrjei- n.iI R.illry slave Is In place. Knc.ujii board fir. ef lumber to taiid 47 mm For of eid ship had lo :1. rcplacrmeiit. iiiarle arcuraoy, and with Inv- c.iro.

of Connncvce Represciilahve Visit- ino Blvlhcville Stores. r.nive BlyU'-oviHe to aid in solution of important, problem'; aitec-tlm tli" furniture is i the United States commerce de- with the in thi? I city today of Walter Mitciiell i market of the bureau fcreieu and domestic cnmtr.eree. Yank I'ijrhlrrs Uimorrd VEHUUK, FiniiCP. mnn- has just bcm erected over n- ruins of Ihe village oi Mont- fiiucon in oi Ihe AmeiiL-a'i Foldii-rs killcil iliere in th.c of Ciiiciiual IAICOII lo join in On September 1918. Am-i projtcl.

ericau Ircops under the direct command of Gem-iMl Pfrshiii 1 back'd by tlie French troops under firneral Gouravd, broke the ftiomr German Sine and recaptured thLs clays Khelms was initial ciioiny lire. Ce'cstin Kmir.r.nuel Sueliard, recently r.p- pclnt-d In Rhelms. has Issiiej a ftiveiu appenl askliii; all admirer the lined for Slayins 1'rf Itt-ar WnElilmjIon, Bern 1 A. ij. limics and kilk-tl "Luke." a partially lame bear, CAKUTIIKKSVIU.I-:.

Mo. The Inteiiiiitioiiiil Kurvwrr compiniy of Ameiiui iniifli 1 (lifeiulnut in a tJfi.OOU Mill indjiy In of liiifh A. cf llil.i (ilv by the taiv ilrui of Ward 'I'lu. dinnaiics niv a.sked for an alleped bi'-'ach ot I'cnuarl petition tint unrxpcetrdly mul witliuut fore kiimvltdi; i the part nl philii- tilt. the cumpp.iiy took Ircin Mr.

Tlstaiii a cimtrnci rov- i-ilni! ihe disirllmllnn uf its impie- iifcnis In counly the y. nnd him ot Ilk 1 expected o.i such The A. Tistiult ImpSeincfit ccinpiiny wiis furred into bunk- iiiptry near ihe close of InrKe- ly. Mr. Isecuufe of the fact thai hif.

company forced to take np a number of noles which ihe purchasers of ftirm luaehluery hed mnde and were unable tu lake care of when they 1 became due IJVCJIUKC of the liciwrnl depression In the farmlni: biisiuess. The petition allenes Hint plnlnlllf made trip lo Little Rock, hradmiarters of (he company's dls- Irlrl nsjmcv. shorlly aftor Hie llrst ot the vear. oud inadi; nrr.inne- mrnls (o hold the aucncy. rc- (nlnlni! in his nnme rer.sounllv a contract I'hich had been riven his firm tack In inno.

for the- year 1931. This contmcl wns not u-ncwed in wrlUni! but worked out satisfactorily, ne alleees. and a verbal agreement entered into fc.r ronllnnancr tu' uponry In Prmlsrot nnd Immedlat- vicinity. Mr. TIM nil placed advertisements In Pemlsco 1 comity ucws- papers tlnit he would rouliiuie lo holrl thr i rncy for Hip Intcriiatioml ilarvs lr ro-u- cany.

The conlracl frr DEBT PUN you just lot of "hocey" any wny llBinc. bat someone rodeo" n( the Antielea In HIP first cnromiter I'uO: Aincrlcnn Iroops were killed. 1C!) taken prisoner nnri 0.8'Jl wounded, was quite district. a pet In un Cardinal lo France, IUP) A to the memory of heroic prelate and piUriul of this cily. is 1 work to 11 cci: rt in and vilie is par; of a neutral survey Courage and loyalty dadnir IheRrail Cmirli ar.d retiil furnilrre industry of the entire Gulf Sontii- iiichidin? Mississippi, Ltmir.i- Texas.

Oklcih.omi. Arkansas. and Tennessee, Problems of profitable furniture distribution are irt're-jclvt 1 lar attention In the Arm r.rottrn, SclitMil Mym county fair Iu September. yon firncfllni! Urlscoll tryinu out cue of Ihe prospective "broncos." 'Continued from. Page One) lo huvr litlle comforU and s-ml-hixiirles thai moke Ufa some- tlilii-i more limn bare existence.

And they must grind nnd grind nnd merely to pay thslr-lax- es. Tluli- own stuntlurds. fnr from rLslns, Inive slowly beon sinking In- to a stnlc of t'oat cannot 1 bill Imvc Its rellcctlon in the minds of the victims. To these people, as a class, Hoo- vei-'s stalcnunl and prepainl came like a new sun lo dispel the darkness of dl.spalr. It was.

to them, a wntrant for new life, a reprieve' from disaster. The story of Germany Is not In economic lilstary. Is Ihe story of unusual expansion, of unusual prosperity, of nn ever mounting standard of living, of wacos. of ex- pei'rllUii'es--aii-l of ceihcM- with the Inevitable tbflnllon nnd collapse. Vei there are optlmlsls.

even In Orrninny. There me those who point out the rerent rcvlvil of output In ninny of Imiiistry such as mining, (exllle. machine nnd steel. They mention fnvqr- nblo balance In Germanv's forcinu trade In the fncc of world-wide de- ureslan, nnd other factors that lend iKne lo the situation. To optlmlslls' of Hoover nroixxsal leiv's And so c.lve-ir the teneflt Arkansas Peach Map Ample of Laboi is much more Mbr.ral thnn in the tMsl.

ii is slntcd. in thai Ihe notes taken hi thr nurrhasc of frirm machinery nr? turn- 1 over lo tlie cemnany wtlhont recourse, SomeV'here near the llrst of Fnb- niiir.v. 1931. the petition alleges. Mr.

TistiicH was called upon by NASllVII.l.R. With preparations under way prellmhmrj tn Ihe beainnliv: of shlp- finm southwrstern Arkansas thlK month growers and tone, seven, broke arm while rrrcnlntive of tlic defendanl com- tlian who surprised him 1 very rccorsl much when he informed him liul school he had come to "check him nm" luu i that tlie company was tu-nlnu rollor bat ralher mar her atliiuinnce for the year, she went to v.ilh the arm tn a sling. and the redernl Employment Bii- reiui ni Texarkaue. have let It be known that there is more lhat labor nvailnble nmom res Hrnls of tho illstricl nnd no outside help will be necessary.

I has been announced that prefer nice will plven the home folfc which means lhat Ihere will be work available for anyone wh comes to Hie district from other sections of (he stnte, or from oilier of a year's r.tav from the nhlina- Ions suspomlcd, like a BuHlotlne, over the necks of Ihc German oco- lie. nnd they believe lhat thorough', economic recovery will be on lie way. NKOItPSS DEAD NORTK WILKESUORO, N. Tliomas. Is dearl here nt the ngn of 110- yrnvs.

Her birth was recorded in 1821. DnyllRhl savtiiRs tlnw Is belnt; observed llils yenr by 417 ellies and towns In the United States, News Want. AtK over lo another firm fii-'ndreds'of letters 'of Irqulry assent hnve been received from iinemplpy- 1 this ed pconle' in all of the: slnte who express a desire to come her? lo work tn Hie orchards niul packing houses and who enllv have lost siulit, of the fact- thnt the realon Is thleklv stilled and Is able to supply all the labor neccssarv. No outside labor whatever will lie required and It will be useless'. for outsiders to come to the dls- Irlcl In search of work because there will be, 119 Jobs Jor them.

I to tile government's trade 3 e-t Maxim Gorki's "rniiiio:" 1 ruble oi interesting the Moscow literary public in furniture and thr vcriio. rccsntlv concluded a con-1 of the biiyin; public as to tract for that amount will; 1 styie. nuallty and prices of liirnl- Soviet nre among the points to be for exclusive to his i taken up with the local furniture novels nl Russian life. merchants. Study wil! be made Gorki v.ill cies-rt health means employed facilitate par- tti'V'and live the year credit extension, and in his'mllv" Can.jthe dctiree of winch made.

Data, also be '-rathei-ed to i investment in store, eqmp- I hose on hml melu ail str fonnrt the of sail whWi Pr etU types of furniture firms miic lu-r so fas; and r.iaii»r,v?rRhl». fo fm y. 3 them to sevvo tiieir pub- Che runr. 0:1 1 s'uot. er and of Iralh- voii blame i ivill -irioas e-" vei lona in hr; rsiiii-n to hea; are convenient They vh.i* 1 1 nuisi 1 battles, in 1544 nr.iur.d r'iuc nil clinics.

Tn if -'nv- iiarci-lark. 'c? hcr. ar.f for nriiicio.i! rre-r. rs in the ke-M) irv" a liters! us' a mere To Visit -rev rf Tliit'l Jiilv -he f.ii-.;i. 1y at "-o Ta-'v Vnixi.

Sre be at Po-ts- N. H. n-ith. r.fa'.-.. 1'rnv- P.

HI "irt. 10-13: Iflli- A FT- v. N. 20- Ovctcr MOV- York hr'iior 't Vpivark. M. 5 net. Yorkivvn. 23. she "--rt; rnute (o she will s-i-isl lli- -inter.

refiiniiiiT tD Apr''. 1. At all ef i' will te posvMe to aboard xicw the fiihtcr. The HritLsh Uniiwavs' Freight, f-srx-tatlon classified port- iiie typewriters as musical inslru- All esta'jlishments wjiinh riral in furniture are v.e.'i to fco bv comincrcr representatives in car-' ryin? out the stnciv r.s it pcrtainr. i to Hie trade.

Tiie of the survey are expected to tlie individin! i dealer with a valuable yr-rdslick for efficiency o'; "Tiie furniture snieiy the i of a series of I by th? fiouiesltc division of the Commerce domrunent for the i ci out cco: reooarcos and por-iiinhie? of Mr. Mitchell said, '-Tiie report of the first 'Distribution ot Dry Gfxxis in the Gulf Sc.utlr.v«l,' charts the nek through whicli than half a biliir.n dollnrs worth of dry ircixis reaches hands of Gislf South- 5 v.est each year. "A study, jus', released. Innustry the G'M pictures the rlevelDp- i irieiv 1 ami extent of rrr rt at ar.d its effect upon th' 1 1 ns a market for 'Otlicr ilcaiinrr witli liie industry and thr haivi'vare of the Gulf Soulhwcsl nre in preparation," caih.cred in last year's of distribution that Biythevlllc 1 furniture cr- joycd a higlier voliim; of tissinfss in than did the furniture stores of any oth city in thr with the of Little Pnek. Tr.rro tii? bureau has worth of nmii'ure r.r en average of abiuC prr Tiie avenvLie is oulv 5W1 store.

Blyihevillc stores rale! an average of SH2.10 wnrlli of fur- riture for each man. and i-hild In the eily. more than the iKir capita average of cities rcixutcd upon, which they've to be good! Bead N'PWP ni nds. The righi way for cigarette to hold its is to keep on giving smokers the kind of "performance" they want. This one cioesS THEY'RE MILDER and THEY TASTE BETTER.

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