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Franklin Repository and Transcript from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania • 5

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

franklin Upoaitonj ant) isctipt August 24 1859 Velvet Carpets Brussels ria( LOCAL ITEMS I7RESH AND PURE COD LIVER OIL at NIXON'S BEAUTIFUL I'KAK 1 STAKCU at NIXON'S Three Ply Carpets Ingrsin Carpets Stair and En! Carpets Rg Carpts with Oil Cloths Mattings at low prices for ccm at the New Carpet Store ot IAMKS ELFRESH" cor Ninth and Filbert streets between Market Arch Philadelphia Aug 24 If- BOX MUbTARD of superior quality a NIXON'S at carry the North If they are after this game why not pursue it openly All underhanded work is despicable How did it happen that the principal editor of the Spirit that is when there is any editorial in that barren sheet John Cooper a clerk in Attorney General Black's Office at Washington and this woolly headed son of Africa Fred Douglas both dropped so suddenly and unexpectedly into our midst about the same time US OF THE PEOPLE! MEET FRESH GROUND SPICES at NIXON'S ETTEH A UAUIL'IV Come one Come all to see the Grand Balloon Ascension on next Saturdny It will be a magnificent sight and you may never havean opportunity to witness the like again Ample preparations are being made by our hotel-keepers for the accommodation of all who may wish to stop with them and the citizens of our town especially the merchants will be glad to see a tremendous crowd here The Balloon will be filled whh gas in the Diamond in front of Miller's Drug Store aud all those who wish to purchase anything in the drug line Segars and Tobacco or Perfumery cheap for cash will please step into Mr Miller's and do so I UPERIOR INDIGO for coloring at NIXON'S Opposition to National Profligacy and National Debt to Free Trade and EST SODA for baking at N'lXON'S Prostrated Industry to the Extension of Slavery over Free Territory and to the Increase of our State Debt GENUINE CASTILE SOAP at NIXON'S The People of Franklin County without distinction of Party who are in favor of A Camp Meeti'ig of the Church The other Douglas On Saturday evening last the 17th the Town Hall was very well filled to listen to Douglas not Hon Stephen A Douglas nor yet our townsman Wythe Douglas Esq but a no less distinguished man than either of them the notorious Frederick Douglas of New York State the Negro Orator and Editor of an abolition News Paper in the western part of the Empire State His theme was the wrongs of his race He handled his subject in a style which would have been creditable to many very many of our white orators He is without doubt an extraordinary man He is highly eloquent has unlimited command of his voice which breathes forth betimes the sweetest accents and again swells to Stentorian volume and his gestures are graceful on the whole we do not hesitate about pronouncing him a first class speaker We can easily excuse him a black man for advocating the doctrine of immediate and unconditional emancipation but if such a thing were practicable it would be altogether inexpedient If slavery was to become rooted out aud the blacks remain among the whites we honestly believe a war of extermination would soon be the re suit The history of the Red Man" is sufficient to prove beyond cavil that two distinct races cannot dwell as equals in harmony upon the same soil If slavery is to be abolished we must at the same time provide for the colonization of the negroes STOVES TIN ANDCOPPER-WARE PIIEUXDERSIGxiB HAVING PUK I b-B-WAKB Mlnnieh Jt BrnnU respectfully noanoethtthey wUlcoatmue the baaine iu all vunous branches at tbe uld Stand STOVES' Cook Parlor SittinR-rnom OIBco and other Store fr burning coal or wood constantly oo hand TIN' AND COi'l'EK-WAKE Manufactured from the bost materiaU by oxcelh workmen in greui vai ietv SPOUTING Manufactured for Churches Dwelling Homes Bart at the shortest notice Employing competent Workmen inevery depnrtra using none other than good materials and being ri termined to sell an cheap as the cheapest they hope i receive a liberal share of patronage KTTKK HAMILTON Aug-24 '59 Main St one door North of Eyster' VALUABLE FARM AT PKIVATi-: SALE The subscriber ofTers at Private Salt- valuable Pract of SLATE LAND situalein St Township about four miles West of Chambersburg ho i one mile South of Brattou's Tavern QonUiniof i01 Acres neat measure adjoining Lendnof JobnSai others The improvementsare a good one and a halfni i iiul LOG HOUSE a Log anl Framo I'AKN mid other hv pessary out-buildings Also An Orchard of cboice graft--: Fruit Trees just beginning to bear There are two ne er failing Springs ol Water one of winch is convenient ALL KINDS of Roots and Herbs fresh at NIXON'S SPICES FOR CATSUP at NIXON'S EVERY thiii" you want at NIXON'S AUDITOR'S NOTICE The undersign-ed Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Kmukliu County Tenna to make distribution of the balance in the bauds of Wm Adams Administrator of the Estate of William Davis late of the Horouph ot" Chambersburg dee'd to aud among th heirs and legal representatives ot paid dee'd will Attend to the duties of his said appointment at his office opposite the Court House in the Borough of Chambersburg on Moxhay tin-1'Jth day of September nest at 10 o'clock A when aud where all persons interested are requested to attend if they see proper LYMAN CLAKK Aug24 Auditor IT STATE OF MICHAEL IIO Ok" Xli dee'd Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration to the Estate of HlOBAKt HOUOK late of Warren township dee'd have been issued to the under will be held on the land of Mr Laughlin one mile east of Newville to commence on Wednesday Sept 14th SCHLOSER FOSTER Preachers in charge No hucl fstering will beallowed within the limits prescribed by law Persons going to and returning from Camp Meeting will be furnished with excursion tickets by the Cumberland Valley Railroad Company Protection to the great Industrial interests of Pennsylvania who are in favor of Free Labor in Free Territories who are in favor of arresting the Profligacy of the National Administration and the alarming Increase of our National Debt and who are in favor the Sale of the Public Works the abolition ot the Canal Board the gradual but certain Payment of our State Debt and the Reduction of our crushing Taxes are invited to meet in MASS MEETINGS at the following named Attention Parents The Public School J8- The destiny of Chambersburg is something beyond the ordinary lot of inland towns if we are to judge by the piles of brick lumber with which our streets have been blocked up since early in the spring materials for new brick buildings in course of erection Nor does it appear likely to cease from the indications we have until cold weather shall put a stop to the busy hum of the mason hammer and carpenter saw The following persons have either begun to build or will have Brick houses erected this fall and winter ready for occupation next April Frederick Hcnningcr one George Bress-ler one-double Elliott Clothier one Early one-double Mathew Gillan two-3-storied John Snider one Jacob Oyster one-double John Keasner one Win Wallace three-3-storied James Boieland one Rev James Kennedy one Joseph Dick one Wm Haslett two John Bickley one making room for 21 families In addition to these A Eyster Esq is now ready for roofing his seventh brick building for this season This last named gentleman is also about putting up a substantial brick stable on the lot in the rear of the one on which their store is erected These houses with those already builti since last spring will accommodate from 40 to 50 families Our own people hereafter will not be so likely to be turned out of their houses by wealthy persons from other counties who desire a home with us and can only get it by purchasing and thus putting our own citizens to shift for a dwelling as best they can These signs of the prosperity of Chambersburg are highly gratifying and are a sure presage of future greatness One of our brickmakers Mr John Reason' er has informed us that last year and from early this Mneu reAunng in said township ah persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased will please present them properly authenticated for settlement and ihose knowing themselves indebted thereto are re quired to make immediate pavment nug24-6t "JACOB HOUCK Adm'r to the dwelling and the other iu the Uarn-yard Terms made easy SOLOMON SHETTKH Aug24-3U TURNPIKE ELECTION 5 6 places Waynesboro' Monday Evening Sep Greencastle Tuesday Mercersburg Wednesday Fayetteville Thursday 7 8 9 10 Loudon Friday Greenvillage Saturday TN PURSUANCE OF LAW the under- 1 signed Commissioners give notice that an Election for one President five Managers aud a Treasurer will be helil at the house of A Shank Iukeeper In the town of l'uokstown on FWDAT the 23d day of September next at 10 o'clock to manage the Turnpike Road leading from Waynesboro through Quincy and FuuKstown to Fayetteville in Franklin County entil the next Elec ofour Borough will open early in the mouth of September and the Directors are endeavoring to grade the schools properly It is every way important then that you should send your children as soon as the schools are open No pains or labor have been spared by our deeply interested highly qualified Board to elevate the standard of education in our midst A little help on the part of those who have in charge the youths of the town will enable them in a large measure accomplish the acme of their wishes Other meetings will be announced in tion GEO KNKl'PFK 1I01KER HUGHES HENRY GKOHGE GEO McFERRAN Aug24-3t GEORGE ROSS Comm'rs PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE JL By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Franklin County Tenna the undersigned Executors of Christian Mykks late of Ietterkenny Township dee'd-will expose to Public Sale on the premises on Monday the 2ih day of September next the following described Heal Property late the Estate of said deo'd to wit A Tract of good Slate Land situated in said Township about twp miles East of Strasburg and one mile West of Pleasant Hall on the road leading from Strasburg to Pleasant Hall adjoining lands of Solomon Creamer's heirs Peter Brough Samuel Lehman and Andrew Fraker containing 179 Acres and 68 Perches neat measure about 50 Acres of which are covered with good Timber There are erected upon the place a good two storied LOG DWELLING HOUSE a Log TENANT HOUSE and a large and substantial LOG BaKN with Corn Cribs Hog Pens and other necessary and convenient outbuildings There are also on the premises two Orchards of cboice grafted Fruit Trees Between the House nnd Burn there iB a good Well of never failing Water and there is a never failing Spring of Water at the Barn The Farm is under a good state of cultivation and well fenced The conditions of the Sale will be as follows One-third of purchase money to remain in the land the in terest whereof to be paid to Barbara Myers widow of said dee'd during her life and the principal due to his fieirs at her death the one-fourth of the balance to be paid on the confirmation of the Sale and the balance on the 1st day of April 1860 CHRISTIAN WERGER DANIEL KUHNS Executors By order of the Haslpsueu Clerk Aug24-ts Spring to July he made near one million of BALLOON ASCENSION-On Saturba next tbe 27th inst at 12 o'clock Mr Joux A LiciriT of Lebanon in this State will make his second Ascension in his beautiful Silk Balloon from the Diamond of this Borough Tbe publicare cordially invited No charge for a sight The Mechanics Brass Band will be in attendance to enliven the occasion with their excellent music UM GELW1CKS BARD FISHER UOSKIN'SON HOUSER Committee Chamborsbunr August 24 1859 NOTICE I hereby notify the Public that a Jew who called himself Monn came to my house in harvest aud by making false representatioLS procured my iote for sixty nine dollars due at six months for which I received no value I po-ilively re-fuse lo pay said Note and caution every person against buying it Aug24-3t HENRY STOUFFER EST ATE OF JOHN lllSFFIiLMAN dee'd Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary to the Kfitate of John Hkkkklman late of GuiJ ford Townfihip dee'd have been granted to the under signed residing in the Borough of Chambi'rbti persons knowing themselves indebted to wti-j itr requested to make immediate payment and (hurts 1' ing claims against said Estate will present tiicm i erly authenticated for settlement Aug2j-6ts JAMKS BLACK ExV JV1ERINOES Printed Fren i j0 Mermoes in the mostdesirable colors at nov24 EYSTER 'P brick and they are all disposed of He will have to buy for his own house from hi3 sue cessor Mr Wanamaker late of Philadelphia who has bought out his Brick Yard and Houses As an indieation of the increasing prosperity of our town houses are in great demand A score of good dwelling houses could now be rented if there were so many vacant whereas it is impossible we believe to procure one here now We hope that our captalists will note the significant fact and go to building We believe that there is a tide in the affairs of towns as in those of men which if not taken at the flood will leave them stranded and that if Green Castle does not begin to prosper now she never will Franklin Ledger Needs Explanation M'Cauly MeLellan Rowe Orr and Everett Esqrs from Chambersburg visited us this week They all behaved very well considering" Franklin Ledger We are unable to conjecture what is meant by the word considering unless it be that they are all Lawyers ASSIGNEES7 SALE OF REAL ES TATE AND PERSONAL PROPERTY The under Singular Man There is a man living here who though fifty-three years old never has tasted spirituous or malt liquorsin his life neither has he ever taken a chew of tobacco or smoked a cigar We refer to Mr James Long well known to all our citizens as a steady sensible industrious mau blessed with many children but hardly his share of the other good things that industry and sobriety are said to produce so certainly Does any one know of another man 53 years old who has never even tasted rum of any kind Greencastle Ledger We have known James Long all our life We remember when he was married well on to 30 years ago hearing his neighbors saying of him He is a sober young man He never tasted liquor of any kind in his life" Since which time he has faithfully maintained his integrity We never lost sight of him and can testify that we believe he has never tasted the ardent in hislife Ed Doing Right Always Rewarded In our last issue wc took occasion to express our candid opinion of the Ladies of Greencastle We wrote just what we believed and what we know to be true For which that prince of good fellows Bonner Esq pays us the following handsome tribute in his excellent paper the Franklin Ledger Our old townsman the clever and gallant Squire of the Repository and Transcipt we know he did it has paid our ladies a high compliment in the last issue of his paper We beg leave to acknowledge it imagine a very low bow and the broadest smile we can put on -Squire on behalf of the ladies and on our own reponsibility we thank him for his gallantry and kindness What he says is even so and we would advise all young men and old bachelors unless afflicted with ossification or petrifaction of the heart that if they want to retain their liberty they had better not come here" located himself in our goodly Borough to carry on the brick making just as entensively as the signed Assignee by deed of Voluntary Assignment of a few days and due notice will be given Meetings will oe held every evening in some portion of Franklin County from the 5th of September until the election The People's Party of Franklin county acheiv-ed a brilliant triumph last fall and a still more brilliant and glorious one awaits them this fall if they are but true to themselves The victory of 1859 will be the forerunner of the Great National Victory to be achieved by the People in the Presidential contest of 1860 Let every local district ORGANIZE AT ONCE HON JOSEPH CASEY Of Harrisburg will speak at Waynesboro' Greencastle aud Mercersburg and probably at Fayetteville A McCLURE The People's Candidate for Senator and GEORGE EYSTER ESQ The People's Candidate fur District Attorney will positively speak at the Meetings announced above assisted by different other able speakers of the County in differ' ent localities MUSIC The Mercersburg Band will perform at the Mereersbursr and Loudon Meetings the Waynesboro' Band will perform at the Waynesboro' Meeting the Greencastle Band will perform at the Greencastle Meeting the Fayettveille Band will perform at the Fayettville Meeting and the Chambersburg Band will perform at the Greenvillage Meeting By Order of the County Committee SOLOMON HUBER Chairman CLARK Secretary JamksPiies ot 1 annett township iranKiiu uounty Pennsylvania will offer at Public Sale on the premises all that valuable Farm and Tract of Land in Fanned Township adjoining lands of John Piles Edward Doyle's heirs Mathew Feganand others containing 236 Acres more or less of good LIMESTONE AND SLATE LAND Also at the same time and place all the Household and Kitchen furniture Agricultural Implements Rye Oats Clover Seed and other articles iS Sale to commence on Wednesday the 14th Day of September 1859 at 10 o'clock AM of said day when term ill be made known by DOUGLASS Aug'24-3t Assignee of Jas Piles Book-Keeping By reference to another column it will be seen that Ii Fritz intends opening a school for Book-keeping PbAIDS PLAIDS A beautiful ast inmt'ot' hjh coiorud Valencia iMaids d-m bin at 26 cents per yard just opened at EYSTKlf- GKOOKKliilS Having purehaHed 1 i cash a very large stockof Sugars Molassea I tees andSpices we are enabled 16 sell at good dry woi Sugar at 8 Good Syrup at Klcts Kxtra Syri at White Crushed Sugars at 10 Pulverized i anded at 12 with a large variety of all kinds ol spices Call at EYSTKK fc LAINBS and CASHMERES A -variety of Plaid Set Figure Band Striped Solid Colored D'Laines just opened at EYSTKK'l REPORT OF IRE MARKETS Corrected Weekly at Chambersburg Mills CHAMBERSBURG August 24 1859 White So 50 demand may or ran require He intends to show us Philadelphia by always having a large stock on hand This yard in connection with John Sensent's Benjamin IJglow's John Hunesecker's Mr Root's and others will be able to supply the town demand as well as the surrounding country hereafter Real Estate Sales As an evidence of the increase in the value of Real Estate in this County we note some sales which have occured in the vicinity of Greencastle recently Col George Davidson sold his farm for $85 per acre McLanahan Esq sold his for $70 per acre Both of which are large farms the former having the advantage of location being upon tRe side of the Greencastle and Hagerstown road while the other one is some distance from the road Mr James Allison sold part ot his farm -fifty acres for $100 dollars per acre This land like Col Davidson's is also upon the side of the Hagerstown road In addition to which we append the following list of sales of small pieces of unimproved land outside of the Borough of Greencastle but near the line One acre was sold for $600 Half an acre brought $250 Two acres and a fourth were knocked off at $780 and one acre and a fourth commanded $425 All these sales were made for cash or its equivalent payments bearing interest The purchasers were all persons residing near to the premises they bought Red 5 25 White 1 15 Red Ill KYE 70 OATS 30 CORN 70 I1S1CE CUIIRENT TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned Executors of Saiujitl Brand lute of the borough of Chambersburg dee'd will ofl-r at Public Sale on the premises in said borough on Friday the 30ii day of September next at 10 o'clock A il the following property to wit A LOT OFUROUND situated in said borough bounded by Queen Street on tbe South Second Street on the East Lot of John Reasoncr on the North and lot occupied by Mrs Brand on the West on which is erected a LARGE 'l WO-STORIED BRICK HOUSE occupied as a TAVEKN by A BitAxn with a large BRICK STABLE and other necessary improvements thereon This property includes a two storied BRICK DWELLING HOUSE occupied at this time by Allen McGrath This is an excellent situation for a Public House and is de serving the consideration of persons who are desirous of engaging in said business Also at the same tiim and place a small Lot of Ground situate in Siiid borough bounded by Queen Street on the South Lot of Dr Culbertson on the West Lot of John Reasoner on tin North and the above Tavern Stand on the Enst with TWO-STORIED BRICK DWELLING HOUSE thereon erected now occupied by Mrs Bkand flEjf- The Terms will be made known on the day of Sale by James cumnin ABRAHAM STOUFFER Aug24 Executors of Samuel Brand dee'd MRS WIN SLOW An experienced Nurse and Female Physician piusents to the attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gums redticiug all inllammalioi will allay ail pain and spasmodic nctionand is OF EYSTER So BROS Corrected Weekly CIIA HBERSBURG August 24 1850 14'Washhd Wool ao ltfSTKK BUGS JBncouraeeU by lJ large increase of business at the old Estiihlisu' stand have determined to continue the aysttin 61 pro curing desirable styles of SEASONABLE GOOUS: to low prices for Cash or short credit A BUSINESS EXPERIENCE of overfif i een years witb facilities of obtaining Goods on tbe most favorable terms from Importing Auction UoiOtnbAiOD aid Jol-bing Houses give the buyer an advantage in price whicb combined with tbo variety and exteul our stock to select from renders ourstoro ATrU ACTIVE TO ALL CLASSES We have just received from New York Auction nnp Jobbing Houses a large abd assortment of WINTER (JOODS embracing verytbing seasonable and desirable aud as they were purchased lor the t'asb wa are enabled to give great bargains in many kinds ofunod PERSONS HAVING FARMS FOR SALE WILL FIND THE Valley Star THK BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM In Cumberland County Butter Unwashed Wool 20 Bogs lo Lard 10 1'auow 9 Clover Seed 500 TimothySeed 150 to200 Soap 5 tit GiFlax Sekd -100 tol25 Bacox Hams 12Ipahkd Peaches 300 Bacon Sides 91Unpaired Peaches 200 Soup Beans 1 50 Dried Apples 150 CHAMBERSBURG GRAIN MARKET Noise A cotemporary complains of the many unnecessary soands which disturb him in his place of business and at night inter fere with his repose He denominates noise as an evidence of rowdyism This may ba very true in some cases but not in all If he were living or doing business on Main Street in this Borough which has lately been turnpiked where a constant clatter prevents any comf'urtoble enjoyment of life eitherdur-ihg business hours tx after the labors of the day have ended what term would he be likely to apply to our "town fathers for their persistent determination not to cover that nasty pike with tan or clay Why do they not Col ected Weekly by Chambers White Wheat Red Wheat 1-05 Rye 621 Corn i 05 Oats 30 Advertisements can be ordered through the Repository nd Itattsrript or sent direct to the undersigned 1'er-ons having Real Estate for sale canuot obtain a better idvertising medium than the Valley Star MILLER Newville Pa 1 BLOODLESS I CTOR I 1000000 Boxes Sold of SURE TO REGULATE THJci iiUWUbb Depend upon it mothers it will give rest yourselves and RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS We have put up and sold this article foi over ten years and can say in confidence and truth Ol it what wa have never been able to say of any otiiei Ballooning Prof Wise and others have made ballooning a life study They have ad vanced so fariu the study as to be able to take advantage of the upper currents of air and thus make any point of landing they fix upon Mr John A Light will ascend from this place on Saturday and perhaps will take one of the upper currents and land many miles from the starting point Previous to Mr Light starting and after he is gone Nixon will remain in the under current and sell to all who may desire good Medicines at the lowest prices for Cash The hundreds who visit town will be gratified in visiting Nixon's Store where cold Mineral Water is sold and where hundred of curious things can be seen Good News All our citizens will rejoice to know that the old board-walk the notorious board-walk has been removed not a ves tigeofitnow remains Workmen are busy putting down a good substantial brick pavi-ment in its place If the old board-walk" had eyes to see ears to hear and a tongue to speak what strange tales it would have to tell The hilling and cooing sparking and flirting heartaches and joyous emotions which would be found among the thousand and one incidents connected with its history would fill a respeta-ble sized volume But the "old board-walk" is silent so are we iNKVKK HA medici exert themselves to add to the comfort of MOREHEAD'S MAGNETIC PLASTER Hem Jiuiertiscmeitts £5 Show as a Newspaper wboeecolumns are at all times crowded will) new Advertisements and we will olinu- von a community alive witb FAILED IN A STANCE TO OT when timely did we know of dissatip-any one who MRS WJKSLOW'S SOOTHING 3 Mvon at-Mot a cukk used Never an instance faction tired it (Jo all are de- This enormous quantity of this Invaluable Remedy has been purchased by citiiens of tho I'nited States during the short time it has been before the business and enterprise The age is a moving the contrary lighted with and soeas iu lerml of high By some mistake or accident altogether unintentional on our part we ommitted to mention in our last the fact that our young friends White Esq of this place and George Stinger Esq of Loudon were sworn in as members of the Chambersburg Bar On Monday of last week these two gentlemen underwent a public examination in the Court House before a large audience and sustaining themselves in the highest manner they were on motion of the Hon Brewer admitted to practice in the several Courts of this County If they apply themselves as closely since they have become licensed to practice as their examination showed they did when students they are destined to take high rank in the profession est commendation of its magical effects and medial vir tues We speak in this matter what we oo snou after ten years' experience and pledge our reputation for the fulfillment of wbat we here declare In almosl every instance where the infant is suffering from pain and exhaustion relief will be found in fifteen or twen- after the svrin is Administered their neighbors by putting a speedy stop to that insuperable nuisance that deafening noise Wo have been told by some of the Council that It is contrary to the rtdei of turn-piking to cover a pike What do the people in the heart of a populous town annoyed to death by the constant din care about the rules of turnpikes passing through the open country We want rules for the comfort of people whose houses pen in and catch these horrible sounds without reference to the rules of all ike' paddy turnpikers in Christendom Go to wo'k then gentlemen and re This valuable preparation is the prescription of one of 1 i i nfci in Now EnclRnd llie most GJperictKxv aun iuu a and lias been used with never failing success in THOUSANDS OF CASES It not only relieves the child from pain but invigorates tbe stomach and bowels corrects acidity and gives tone and energy to tbe whole system It will almost instantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS AND one A man tuat stands still in mese lauer days" will in a short time find himself behind his competitor fi Mrs Winslow an experienced nurse and female physician bus a southing Syrup for children teething which greatly facilitates the process of teething by softening the gnins reducing all inflammation will alia a'1 pain and is sure to regulate the bowels Depend upon it mothers it willgive rest to yourselves and relief and health to your infants Perfectly safe in all cases advertisement in another cnluiriD Aug 24 1859-ly Dr Hampton's Compound Diuretic pills are highly recommended by eminent Physicians as a safe certain speedy and permanent curefor Oratel Strictures and all other diseases or derangement of the Bladder and Kidneys Price Fifty Cents per tent to any address free on receipt of price Address Dr JT HAMPTON No 405 Spruce Street Philadelphia Proprietors and Manufacturers of Dr Hampton's Anti-Rheumatic Mixture i ii Medicated Cough Syrup The Great Disideratum or Hair Restorer WIND CHOLIC and over-Hiona which i ly rem-death We best and su -in the world of DyBentery come convul if not spee died end in believe it tbe rest remedy in all cases and Diarr-ren wheth FOR CHILDRE TEETHING i ii' in cniid Left rs again Our good-looking kind-hearted friend Dr Stewart Kennedy has taken his departure from our midst The Dr is a surgeon in the Navy and was visiting his many friends and the scenes of his boyhood on furlough but he received orders to go on board the Wyandot" which sails to-morrow on a cruise to the Gulf of Mexico He is one of nature's noblemen and cannot fail to acquire troops of friends wherever he goes Our wish is that he may have a pleasant and healthy time wltile he is gone and return soon to spend a longer vacation among us er it from tMtninjt or irom auy other cause We would say to every mother who baa a child suffering rrnm nv tf thp foretrointr complaints do not let vour public "he reason for this extraordinary success is simply in the actual truth and value ol the No one buys the MAGNETIC PLASTER without becoming its friend It performs all that is promised and carries with it its own lecommendation Truly this It a peaceful and but we believe nos less glorious than the triumphs of war with its train of carnage ond desolation The MAGNETIC i'LASTER is undoubtedly the Great est Strenglbener and Pain DcUruyer that Science has yet discovered you put this Plaster anywhere if Pain is there the Plaster will stick there unlil the Pain has vanished The Plaster magnetise the Pain away and PAIN CANNOT EXIST WHEKK THIS PLASTER IS APPLIED Rheumatism Lameness Weakness DebL'i-ty Nervousness Neuralgia Dyspepsia Coughs and Colds Pains and Aches of every kind are IMMEDIATE -I" RELIEVED and with little patience l'f smvsvrLl ctbkd by the magical inSucsnce of the MAGNETIC TLAS TER It Is the simplest surest safest pleasantest and cheapest remedy in existence Its application Is equally to the srong man the delicate woman aud the feeble Infant Its use is agreeable and withont annoyance oi trouble Its price is within reach of all or poor all may have it and all should hare it who are sick and suffering In any way Faaaiuu) and PLiNnuui should always be supplied viih the MAGNETIC PLASTER It will be tbe Good Physician in any houiehoUl ready at all times and at instant notice Put up in air-tight tin toxe Each box will make six to eight plasters and aoy child can spread them I'rice 25 cents a box witb full and plain directions MOREHI'AP Inrentor and I'rvprieUrr 19 Walker Street New York MOREHEAD'S MAGNETIC PLASTER bold by iu DklXOlSTS aVD DXil KRS IX BtXCtn SUCDldVtS XVIKTWII1X" Jn ly 71 '51 PILLS and The best in the market at UKYSFJl i prejudices nor the pr'judices of others stand between Aug your sullenng cnuu uu ojRE yea ABSOLUTELY sLRE to follow the use of this medicine if timely used Full directions for using will accompany each bottle None genuine unless the fac simile of CURTIS I'ERKINS New York is on tbe outsids wrapper Sold by Iiruggists throughout tbe world Principal Office No 13 Cedar Street I'rice only 24 Cents per Bottle Aug24 '59-ly store to that busy thoroughfare the comforts of pleasant traveling and quietness which it formerly possessed and to which it is justly entitled High Treason-J The Nigger Democracy in rage at their loss of influence and power in the South are beginning to turn their backs upon their former friends and allies Last Saturday night their leader Fred Douglass the notorious Negro Orator from the Stte of New York delivered a flaming address to his friends and admirers in the Public Hall iu this place We noticed one of the editors of the Valley Spirit sitting in a front evidently as the right supporter of the sable speaker What is Democracy coming to What expedients will not that party resort to iu order to rescue their sinking political ship They have brought this man here for political effect They became in 1844 the most ardent friends of the Tariff of '42 and succeeded in carrying the election uuJer that banuer Are they now about to don the garb of abolitionism Vtn Don't forget the Box Our generous-minded post master John Liggett Esq has procured and placed in a conspicuous place in the Post Office a very pretty secure box into which all lovers of the memory of our own good great immortal Washington can drop their contributions to the Washington National Monument" and it will be faithfully forwarded to the Capitol without any expense This is we believe the best method of accomplishing this great work All other plans were attenned with more or less expense to which this will not be subject Again we say don't forget the box Tax Payers Your State and County tax will be put in the hands of the Constables on the 1st day of September and 5 per cent added on the dollar if not paid before McKinstry August 15th-2t Treasurer $30 per Month Wanted Good Book Canvassers at $30 per month and expenses paid Address FRENCH CO STRAWBERRIES This i the best month lo-plant Straw berries No family should be ithnut bed of this delightful fruit The subscriber BOOK-KEEP1XG-J FRITZ Esq Accountant and Teacher of Book-Keeping of se eral years experience and marked success in imparting the Art proposes to give a course of lessons to a num ber of gentlemen For further particulars apply Immediately at the Franklin Hotel Chambersburg Aug 23 '69 PRIVATE SALE subscriber offers at Private hale about 50 Aereaof well limed Mountain Land situate in Hamilton Township adjoining lands of Joseph Reefer William Heyser Christian StoulTerand others This land wiU be sold in one Tract or In Lots to suit purchasers There is on the premises a LOO HOUSE and LOG STABLE and about 5 Acres in a good young Orchard The Timber is principally some of the beat young Chestnut is along the mountain Also Oak and Locuat Appl) to the subscriber at his residence i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 can supply in reasonable quantities and at tbe lowest eastern catalogue prices the most desirable and relm Trixitt The Episcopalians of this place procured at the last term of the Court a charter for Trinity Church which assoeiatiou has been recently organized in in this town Their place of public worship for the present is in the Associate Reformed Church where they have services every secj ond Sabbath Next Sabbath being their regular day It is the design of the congregation as we have been informed to erect a suitable meeting house of their own next ble varieties among wjmuu -j worth's prolific McAvoy's Superior Prince's Scarlet Magnate (one of the largest and 6nest of berries) kilty's lielath Vi Comptis llarricart de Thure-y with many other variet ies From my Nursery can always be obtained the the very best and mot desirshle Fruit Trees such as Apple Peach Plum Pear and Cherry as well as Orna mental Trees Shrubs and Rosea All orders should name distinctly the number aDd va rietr wanted the address and way of transportation 7 JACOB HEYSER Aag 17 Frankbn Nurseries nearCbam'bg Aug24-2m Franklin Straw Paper Mill near Ohamb'g READ THIS LADIES Call at Nixons Drug Store and see the Sewing Machine It tucka raihera hems stitches and does all other work without boasting they foolishly think this will enable them to summer I Nassau St York.

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