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The Daily Journal from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 2

The Daily Journali
New Bern, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COT HIS HA13 t.iZA. THE JOURNAL, 1- Sun Cured Tobacco aroma, and taste is guaranteed by R. Reynolds Tobacco Company only un-i der this ta2: A 13 Was Perfectly Euid When He Started to tea Ktwbn't Herplelde Frederick ManuelL Maryland block. Butte, Montana bought a buttle of New- bro'S Ilerulelde. April 8, '29, and began to lis It for entire baldness.

The bair follicle In his acalp were not dead and In 20 -days he had bair all over bis head. On Jul? he writes, "and today my bair as thick and luxuriant as any one could Herplelde works oa an eld principle and with a new a'-coTery tne eanse and you ra move the effect Herplelde destroys the rerm that causes, dandruff, falling hair. and finally baldness, so that with the nuw fvjne the effect cannot remain, fetors falling; hair-at once and a new RTowth starts. Bold by leading; druggist. Bend Wo.

la stamps lor sair.pta to The Herpiclde Detroit Mich. C. D. BR A OH AM. wpwilai Was Wasting -c had been troubled with kidney disease for the last five years, Robert ft.

Watte, of Salem. Mo. 'host flesh and never felt well and- fjoc- tored with leading physicians and tried all remedies suggested without relief. Finally I tried Foley's Kidney. Cure and less than- two bottles completely cured me and I am now sound and well.

During the. summer- kidney rregulat rities are often by excessive drinking or being overheated. Attend to the kidneys at once by using Foley's Kidney Cure. For sale by JDavis' Pharmacy. LOCO.

August 2. Some of our people have commenced saving fodder. Mr. J. Scott and daughters, Misses Lola and Laia, spent a few dajs here this week.

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Higgins spent Saturday night and Sunday with friends near Trenton.

,,1 Mr. Dave Holland and family of Sil- verdale visited relatives here last week. Messrs J. T. and J.

R. Parsons, and sister, Miss Rachel, returned from a trip tp Tuckahoe Monday. Miss Ellie Trott of Deppe, is visiting her sister this week. Leant the Genuine Sun Cured Flavor Cut 'out this advertisement and send, together vith 20 stamp; to R. J.

Reynolds Tobacco N.C., and they ndlt mail free a 5f sample of this tobacco. MfMf fmmr mmmrn -Mtsf ptmhtif 4LV. Miss Nannie Higgins spent last weekH. Walters, of 646 St Clair Co-with relatives Jones county. tobua, 0., writeisi "For several months Reformed Juniur; Knigbta of Ckleoi KUtual Aid 'SochitV? WilmSrurtm.

r. CL IVl iL'. sTl 1 til III uw at nnri mi I StSB JimTHlll ww baveaiuhoiized the sale of round -Irip ricr-eta from alt "points on.jts Hue to Wiiipinton, and, re- turn cn the plan the i ratef and one third straight firs tt. lass fare for the round trip. Certificates to be honored by Agent at Wilmington, N.

on or before August 25ih, North Carolina Yearly- Meeting of Friends GuilforcTvollege, N. August 8-15, 1905 The Atlantic North Carolina. Company have au-thoriwd' the sale of round trip tickets from all points on its line to -Guilford College, N. and return on certificate plan at rate of one and ine-third first-class straight fare for the round trip. Certificates to be honored by Agent at Guilford Ci liege on or before August 18th, 19U5. Furniture dealers Association of Carolina, High Piint, N. August, 8 9th, 1905-The Atlantic North Carolina Company has authorized liie suie of round trip tick-i tin ri ifu-alu plan from all sta-t mi iih line to Hiyh Point, N. anil reinrn at rate of one and oi stuiilii Ius8 fare lot tin- ip. Certiricates to be l.unori iJ bv Agents at Iliti I'oint nit i fvte'Ai kosI' 12th 1905. uprt-nie l.i Knihls of Gideon N.

Augua 8-11, 1905 The Alliiiitic it North Carolina Company hale of round trip tickets i rum all poi.its on its line to Kalcigh, N. and return, account of above occasion, tickets to be sold on certificate plan and at rate of one and one-third first-class fare for the round trip. The Agents at Raleigh will honor certificates on or before August 15th, 1905. Ar.iiUi-1 Meeting and Tournament North Carolina State Volunteer Kiremens Association (colored) August 6-11, 1905'! he Atlantic North Carolina R. K.

have authorized the sale of round trip tickets to Washington N. and return at rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip liom all points on line Tickets to be sold August 6, 7, 8th inclusive. Final limit August 14th, 1906 K. E. L.

Bunch, T. M. N. July 15, 1005. North Carolina State Fanners Alliance Hillsboro, N.

August 8 10, 1905 The Atlantic North Carolina R. have authorized the sale of round trip tickets on the certificate plan from all points to Hillsboro, N. and return at the rate of one and one-third first-class fare for the round trip, account the above occasion. The Agent at Hillsboro will honor certificates on or before August 15th, 1905. R.

E. L. Bunch, T. M. Coldsboro, N.

C. July 15, 1905. The Holiness Convention of North Caro lina? Durham, N. Sept. 3-10th, 1905.

The Atlantic North Carolina R. has authorized 'educed rates from all points on its ine to Duiham, N. and return account the above occasi m. Ticket to be sold on Certificate plan and the Agent at Durha will honor certiri cates on or before September 14th, 1905. R.

E. L. Bunch, T. M. Grand Fountain United Order True Reformers.

Richmond Va. Sept. 5-12, 1905 The Atlantic North Carolina R. R. have authorized the sale of tickets from all points on its line to Richmond, and return account the above occasion.

Tickets will be sold at rate of one first-class fare plus 25 cents for the round trip on Sept. 3, to 6, inclusive with final limit prior (to midnight of which passenger must make original starting point) September 14th 1905 R. E. L. Bunch.

T. M. Goldsboro, N. July 15, 1905 State Grand Lodge G. U.

0. of Durham N. August 8-12, 1905-The Atlantic North Carolina R. have authorized the sale of round trip tickets at rate of one and one-third first-clat'S fare cn certificate plan from all points on this line to Durham N. and return account the above occasion.

CertilicaUs will be honored by A'-ent at Durham on or before August. Ifi, 1905 R. E. L. Bu ch, T.

M. Coldsbnro N. C. Jnb-nF. 1905 Notice OI Mol Igttgb 8al.

Pumuivnt to the powr of sale contain) In cr tain morta-ase deed. axe. a ted by Cannon and wife to Joseph Foxl said mortsaa-e deed ia duly recorded in the IS, of the Hsiatr of Deeds Craven county. In wok 10. pare 67.

the under- s'aned wiU offer fi sale and aell to the tilabeat bidder for the Court House door of Craven Bounty, tn the city of New Bern, on Saturday the lMh day of Aucust. A. 1M6. at the hour of It o'clock noon, all the following deaetibrd tract or pareel of land, lyimr and belns situated in the county of Craven, State of North Carolina described ia said mottawe as follows: 1 be home tract eomnsenclnf at a cedar etob.and runninc West tSt poles to Dor-wood Branch with Jeme A. Brvan'e line, tbence north with Dt-woorl ranch to a lutht-wood stoheil east SO decrees, south 8 palea, then south to Uw beainnins, cnatainins forty (0) aeree, fully da-sinbsd In the deed from Ames Bryan and wife to Cannon, by dad recorded tn book tut.

sgsre to, as follows to skits tbe South aide of Neuae River, and on the West ekte of tha west praef of Sloromb Unwk. and south (Me of the public road leedim from h'sw Bets to Beaufort, butted and bounded a follows- rtcvlrmlhs st the north comer of a arantts James Keata, dnted 1714, sit alurhtwood take, poiated by two 121 marked hickories tm tha north side of Onswnad Branch, war (he place that Doc-nd Branch entara Rpetta Will Pond, sac a ear. aarof Snaltaa llonwl a whop land, raaimw thence wHA sold Keath's patent Hoe 44 eaet lit lyolew, thane north 64 et In pole. hwf south wast posm to an a reteni nnej and lr line Lbe Mpelebt land, a4 thenea wHh eaal heath's and tpeRht'e line scut Hm US) powa to the ear talntne: Sfty 4U aarws rse eleven tlliteM le Lake Howard. ibis July 1'C 'ft Em FOX.

Wanes. I Bf V. M. i.1 tVli. 3 Cern, N.

Ai-g 1. Eoard met in regular monthly stssicn I'ayor ratterson presiding. Aliermen present, Bangert, Hancock Dawson, Ltne, McSorley, Wocd, Mcintosh, McCarthy, Hollowell andimp-kina. Minutes read and adopted, Ordered by the Board that the fire department committee have the Silsby Fire Engine repared afonce. The matter of sending a representa tive to the Firemen's Convention to be held gt Kansas City' was discussed, and upon motion Ak'erman J.

B. Dawson was delegated to attend and was allowed $60 on his exptnses, voucher ordered Mr. Huff asked, of the Board the pii- vflege to nlove a small house across the street," was refeire to Street Pump Committee.1 iHACK ORPHJ ANCB. -f Sec; 115 WaS ordered by the Board to amend that no hack shall be allowed to drive upon the at nights; later-f thah.8i'o'clock excepts; Saturday Upon motion the policemen was a. lowed 10 days vacation with pay.

Order by the Board that a. vouch fol; $50 be issued to party for the capture of Jlce Farrow party that shot officer Mbntoguand. City attorney was -ij-j ui.rui;iu vu aaami. ui, in prosecution. i v.

Upon motion Chairman of Cemetery Committee was-impowefed to purchase 200 loads of dirt for: county use, alH instructed to advertise for bids to niah 200 tons marl for county use. upon motion it was ordered than, an Order be given the Studebaker Manufacturing for a street water sprinkler as per specification in -their bill, at price $310 00.F factory, Mayor's Report: New Bern, N. July 81, To the Hon. Board of Aldermen of the City of New Bern: Gentlemen: .1 have the pleasure of making the- following report for the month of July 1905: I have disposed of 56 cases, of which 46 were convicted, 8 judgment suspended and 7 discharged, Amount of fines imposed $17. 75, amount of costs $119.50.

Respectfully Submitted, F. T. PATTERSON, Mayor. Bonds of T. F.

McCarthy arid J. was accepted. Regulai4 and audited bills-were allow ed. Board took recess. J.

J. TOLSON, Clerk. Statement of the Water Light Com -mission to the City bf New for the Quarter Ending June 80, 1905: Collected for Water 3066 73 Sewer 267 24 Lights- 3460 92 sale of old material 2 00 Taps 16 80 6S13 69 Deduct amt due Treas. last state- ment 724 62 Amt chargable to Treas. Paid out as per vouchers! Salaries and wages $1615 02 Fuel 1207 34 Repairs and 996 95 Misc.

miload -r wood, coal etc. Interest paid on X. bonds W. A L. 2376 00 i Amount due treas 60S9 07 6405 46.

815:9 408.23 receipts over current expen receipts have actually exceed ed true expensesor quarter yet we snow amt due Treas. $316.89, against amt dae Treas. last quarter 724.62."' Against and duo treas. last- -r' quarters 4 $724.62 LTABILITIES Outstanding bills about one half of which is now due I--: v4190.46 Amount due Treta i- 4506.86 i Due from City 4C6.CT i Due from Delinquent B.26"',' T. Due from June LU; 750.00 Coal.oil.wood on hftnd Inc in above LisbiU tiesr.v iro no Amt of Liabilities over assets, 2820 92 -T 4506.85 Itwpectfully Submittod, WATER LIGHT COMMISSION By B.

S.GUION.' Sii-ty. 1 1 Published every day in the year ex cept Monday. Journal Building 56-60 Craven St. CHARLES L. STEVENS, J- EDITOR AND PROPBIEfOB.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Yar, in $400 One Year, 6.00 Monthly; by earrier in the ,..60 Advertising rates furnished on cation. Entered at the Poet Office, Hew Bern t. C. as second-class matter. JFFICUL PAPER OF: NEW-.

BERN AND 'craven COUNTY. New Bern, CL, Aug. 6, 1906. THE CREDULOUS AND THE GULLI BLE. The twentieth century may boast tha't it is smarter than the nineteenth but are the people today less credulous than those of the pasty or are those of today less susceptible to being humbug' ged, or more wary of the fakir with his or her wiles, to entrap those who have means, and who may be made to part with the real in the endeavor to grasp the shadow? The average person does not mind the deception which may amuse or entertain, and the various shows which give performances throughout the country bear testimony that the public does not tire of the seemingly improbable and is as credulous as it ever was.

It is not left to the dwellers in the city to be wise, for the fakir finds as rich spoils and gains in the crowded thoroughfare, in the businesss office, as can be founi in the countryside, in lane or on the trm. The recent advent of the supposedly rich miner Scott, who made the record breaking railroad run from the far West to Chicago, and his arrival in Wall Sit faat Vnrlr urhor-o ho rliil thincrfl which were presumed to be strictly of the Wooily and Western this great railroad dash and talk of untold mineral wealth, has since been said to be only an advertisement on the part of the Sante Fe Railroad Company, which sought a government mail contract and by the fast run of Scott on his special train over its road, and the public demonstration through the press, sought to prove its fitness for any mail contract. For a few days Scott furnished the credulous with plenty of excitement and as quickly passed out of sight. The di (Terence between the credulous 'and the gullible person is quite marked The first accepts wii it cattics, be it improbable or extraorcmaiy us real, while the second because of cupiJity or avarice accepts the fake to gain for self, willing to risk being taken in for possible extra gain, be the means questionable or not. G.

B. Burhans Testifies After Four Tears, G. B. Burhuns, of Carlisle Center, N. writes: "About four years ago I wrote you stating that I had been en tirely cured of a severe kidney trouble I i i -r oy laaing less man two Dottles oi Foley's Kidney Cure.

It entirely stop, ped the brick dust sediment, and pain and symptoms of kidney disease disappeared. I am glad to say that I have never had a return of any of those syrap toms during the four years that hare elapsed and I am evidently cured to stay cured, and heartily, recommend Foley's Kidney Cure to any one suffering from kidney or Bladder trouble." For sale by Daris' Emperor William favors Prince Charles of Denmark for the Norwegian throne, deeming this course preferable to seeing the country a republic. Sic headache results from disordered condition of tha stomach and Is quickly cured by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For' sale by r. S.

uutry and Davis Pharmacy. Russia, it is said, has left Vhe way to Vladivostok open for Japan. i 1 WaMitnii ti rs siwiiniiu, iw mvmui i cm -mum cor rsnnnr ha nud mall children during the hot weather rif Oia anmmer mnntha mianl rln.t wwvi uwuki, ns iv- ruia is only i -1 VI necessary to give the child a dose of i caswr sin hi cuirecv unj utsorutT OI wis bowel. Do not use any substitute. five the old-fashioned castor oil.

ana see mat it ts.iresn, as rancid oil nauseates and has ft tendency to gripe, If this) dor not check the bowels give Charnbflrlaln'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and thin a doss of cantor oil, and the disease mry 1 chucked in Its Wlpiency and all avoided. The castor rll aril U.i remedy should he procure 1 and kept ready for Instant uso tot son as the first lndicnt ion of any bowel trouble appears. Thin is the moist sn.v utwinwilh imj'tii it ctS. i. CABq of rholt ra ij sn.

1' IS kind of a tori too nnrncuLT Pum roBBylsiilatm hn 'nw rrlrnat feboaofl prim old Qwkor tpliMter om dar Modcd VM Bniaeol Iwr (rftadiwphew, a yooag ponoa woo aid In lot eourie ol ht, twenty oaf in roMrrad biko omoMI dticlpUu it tier a 1 Tin ladr wu st kor bMt ttrti kmitc wcMlm. ad pwu la om vedaini-braikiui ber touhs raloUf looked over at Mr wttti a whir an Mrtr osmed. Auot ra- "THot I moq told, tlx old Qua. ttnu, oahniir. "it dmoiim I ra not mj pmmmmm mm uiy win war.

ktrow of ateiierotte want nttlo itorles. anacdotos. bits of vtras any clipping from a newspaper. augaima or oooa uat oat maae you II Think, Laugh or Cry prixes will be given for the best elections. Ten piles of silver dollars as high Uw first ten successful competitors are the first awards.

The only condiUon for entering this competition is that you send with your clipping toe (or a sis months' trial subscription to th NaUoaal Massxin, Address, JOE CHAPPLE, Editor w. DOICHESTCK AVENUE, Notice ot Bate of Valua tle City Property. By vhrtrie) of as order obtained in that special emeeadinn' before tha Clerk, of craven county. 1 entitled W. H.

Burton aad Geo. P. Dudley execit- ton of Henry 8. Johnson, deceased, the under- elaaed will an the) first Monday of September. 1906 btlnc tha fonrtk day of said neon In.

at 12 o'clock in, at tha County court howee door hi the city of Mtw i era. Mil to the alaSes. bidder or rash the fotlowiMa i. nda baioruiinsr to tbe eetat of the ssid ifcoiaawai Being one Bouse and lot situated on Um east aideof street In the city of Nuw liar n. and bounded and dmeribed as follows: Bralnumc on cast side df Griffith at a point 1 ft from tbe norUi east onrnee wf Griffith and Stanly streets acd runnrps Uwaea northwardly flfty- four, trMneo saw ward ty one -oneauwirea iswc wan im or ma aoothwardly wHh the illna oflot Ifsvrt IUlyr.e fst font tnrhes. w-stwardly one hwnered feet to the aw umn. from f.rsh b'Umaon and Mary fel letter and P. H. Felutlea to Hennr A inhoaoa. and recorded In tenanurnlnr 10- 3 pas-e etftee of tbe rwclstar of peePa of orsrvwn eoaotjr.

Ansust tat, ISV. U. BuaTOM, Caoaos P. Duqlbt, Executors ExcursionsRates ToMorehesi City And C. -'The Atlantic North Carolina Railroad until further notice; will tell round trip tickets to Morebead City and return at the following fWeek Ens) ITtrketa eold wnday galr-l Kvruraea 0 fT and Hun fVkte Tirltrte I.imHd 'lav.

reod re urnlne unti nUI rt '1st lw he wnnday bl lua.vel," GnlilnlKiro "HfKte, Fnlling Creek Kindlon Cnnvtell Dover -t'iv nmra I 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2.0o 2 1 1 1'tm 4') to r. it and return will r. 1.. NATIONAL MAGAZINE I kf pacing 10,0001 SOMInOMa.AMMS i I I 00 1W), I F'OTHERS. DO YOU KNOW the many so-called birth medicinestad most remedies for women in the treatment of her delicate organs, contain more 01 less opium, morphine and stryebniner Do You Know that in most countrie druggists arejiot permitted to sell barcot ics without labeliag them poisons? Do You Know that you should not take; Internally any jnedtcinelor the pain accompanying pregnancy.

Do You Know that Mother1 friend la applied externally only? Do You Know that Mother Prlenc is a celebrated and; that it has been in use over forty years, and that each bottle of the genuine bearsUie nauM The Bradfield Regulator Co.r Do you know that when von use thit remedy during the period; of gestation that you will be free, of pain and beat' ueaiinr, nearty ana ciever cnuuren these things are worth knowing They are facts. Of druceists at iiloo Don't be'persiiaded to try a' sulatitute? vmr jiuue dook moraernooa iree THE BRADFIELD KE6ULAT0I t0H Atltnta. President Stuyvesant Fish, of the Illinois Central, declares for. New Orleans as a center jf or grain exportatione and suggests changes in the Interstate Commerce law. Public Is Aroused The public is aroused to a knowledge of the curative merits of that great medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for sick stomach; fiver and kidneys.

Mary I was givenup to die; I had fever and ague, my nerves were wrecked; I coild not sleep, and my stomach was So weak from useless doctors' drugs, that I could not eat Soon after beginning' to take Electric Bitters, I obtained relief, and in a short time I was entirely jeured. Guaranteed at all drugstores; price BOc Most of tho canal force in Panama is now engaged ia sanitary' work and in building hotels and dwellings for the employes. in Pjir HnUV- for Years. Ira W. Kelley, of Mansfield, writes: "I was in poor health for -two years, suffering from kidney and bladder troubled and spent considerable money consulting physicians without obtaining any marked benefit, but was cured by Foley's Kidney Curd, and I desire to add my testimony that it may be the cause of restoring tha-health of Refuse substitutes.

For sale by Davis Gov. Blanchard has ordered out the naval brigade to patrol the -Louisiana coast. Fiendish Suffering is often caused by sores, ulcers and can Cera, that eat away your Wm dell, of Flat Rock, says: "I have used Bucklen's Arnica Sal ve, for Ulcers Sores and Cancers. It is the best hearing dressing I ever found." Soothes and, heals cuts, burns" and scalds. st ku drug atoreai guaranteed.

i It is stated that physicians say the Csarevitch, Instant son of -Ciar Nicho las, -r ATouchlng Story '-JU 1 l-the saving from death, of the baby girl, of Geo. A. Eyler, Cumberland, Md. He writes! the ago of 11 months. our little girl was in declining health, With serious Throat Trouble, and two physicians gave her up.

'W were al most in despair, when we resolved to try Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. The first bottle gave relief; after taking four bottles aha was cured, and is now in per feet Never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. At- all, drug stores; 60c and $1.00 guaranteed. bottle free.

iTBBsssassasjaa The fiftieth anniversary Of the Sault Bte, Marie canal is being observed with a two days' celebration. 1 oi i i If ut kind of bullous mood, Yoo wish an aid to digest food, No other pill Is half so good As De Witt's Little Early Risers. When e'er you feol Impendiiig ill, And need a mKic little pill. No other one will fill the bill Like DeWilt's Little Early Rii 1 1 Ml 1 An f.rror tn Even the anllurs n- nnl then tiislio a little clip In ih- ir Than fit In bis "1 of Monlrui.i." Iuh er Monlroie nluumt shut 1 Allan pt liliu." 'Hie l'f ir "'ro'' lij jijcn i i '1 nr 'il II. Hi.

i-r t' r. J. r. A Chamberlain's CQLIC CHOLERA AND Diarrhea Remedy Afew doses of this remedy will Invariably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhea. "It has been used in nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect 1 success.

It can always be depended upon, even in the more severe attacks of cramp colio and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diarrhea and cholera infantum in and Is the means of saving the lives of many each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take. -Every manor a family should keep this remedy in his home. Bay it now. It may save life.

Price 25a Larob Sizb 50a C. T. HANCOCK Ileal Estate Agent. 148 Broad St, New Bern, N. A Clean Sweep Sale Fo 3o Days, tawing Having decided to keep only Millinery goods in the future I will sell my entire stock of drvgoods and notions at and below cost.

These goods are all nice, clean goods, no old shoddy the most of them bought this season. I want my friends and customers who have patronize'! me in the past to get. the benefit of theie bargains they have never had and may nver again ha vo such an opportunity of bu 'intr goods at retail, at and below wholesale Come early and get first choice. Cause of sale, poor health. MRS A HUDSON N.

Executors Hartnr Qualified as Esacator of Robert Wlllllama deoeasedjUl persons bavins claims asainat Uw -tat of my said aseeutar are hwrehy notifled to Xm aaiM truly rorrlwd to Mitchell Williams onorbvforw the ltth day ui U0. or tbC DOtlee will be pleasled In bar of their jr. All porsoaa indebied to amid estate are hwrmby ed tommies tmmediata MtUasneni. bis July nth. Iwia, j.

mux, hell, wuuuamu. (Cawcutar. Executrix Notice IUTUiaiiallr1laEseirntTrf Ui lart at. Uwrtament, of Mutlala WIU. derwaaeil.

lai Orawa County N.C. this la to notify all peraots harlna- rlsimaaffsiiuitlbe aakl dwrnssed to eshtott thrsntoth- unaemaned on or befura the let day of July lwa), or I ho notice will he pleaded bar. of recowary-AII I'-rwma Inrbdited the Said eataW will mais bnmoJiate payment Judo 1st tvt IRENE BOOM.4 -'t-. tUecutrbt Russell tldiiso Centrally located. All the dell- CRcieei of tho seaan.

Wtsll Yenti-laied roonia, flood Lcl, Phone con vemenecs, Pol'te and atUsntive Ber." vanta. Kates 1.60 peT.daj.i Special and lilicral 'tfrnia by or month. RUSSELL, pr.prlolor4 Entry Claim. A. r.

I rvrtjrv. To J. T- I I. Mrs Hattie Collins and little daughter Gladys and Dunnie Lee, spent Sunday here. S.

H. A little forethought may save you no end of trouble. Anyone who makes it a rule to keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand knows this to be a fact. For sale by F. S.

Duffy and Davis Pharmacy. Dun's Review on Cotton. New York, Aug. 3. Dispatches to Dun's review show that cotton itfpro- greasing well in South Carolina, where all work except gathering is finished.

Hot weather has advanced cotton in Georgia, although it is a little dry. Excessive moisture will makethe cur rent crop the most expensive ever grown in parts of Arkansas and rain is also causing injury, to Louisiana. They Appeal to Our Sympathies The bilious and dyspeptic are constant sufferers and appeal to our sympathies. There is not one of them, however. who may not be brought back to health and happiness by the use of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver These tablets invigorate the stomach and liver and strengthen the digestion.

They also regulate the bowels. For sale by F. S. Duffy and Davia Pharmacy. New York Cotton Market The following were the opening and closing prices on the New York Cotton Exchange, August 4.

Open High Low Close 10.28 Aug -10786 10 85 Oct 10.60' i960 Dec 10.71 10 71 Receipt 18,406 Ancient witchery was believed hi by only a few but the true merit of Dp- Witt's Witch Haxel Salve ia known by every one who: has Ubed It for sores, tetter, enema and piles i AdminUtrators ITotico Havbw admlnbteml npoa tlx wUV of Hanoy Arthur, dwomd, all pOTwnaar karvfar noiiftad to piMiit to lb UMbnifMd oil clolaw kkl hr Umhi acolaet wid ut. oa or baton July 1171k. II, MtwrwiM thta Botfco wlUW ploMlnhar of Itaonry, All pornaa btonbud to mini oaUta to roqw td to who lnnllu payioont SjTak Jul mil. kC ARTHUR. Amlnktrator Ernest M.1 Green, V.

Attoraey CeaaseUr st Law Broad i V7 BERN, h. Well.Hu 0 search titles by reason of many tar tiiwrleno in the office and Register of Deed Prsdloes In the Coarta of Craven, Jone I'srUInc Carteret. On dew, or Wherever aetvkw nqnlred Nothing on The nlarket Equal to Chamberlain's Colic, and Ciarrhoca Remedy. This fsrt is ell known to it everywhere, and nine out of ten ill give their coHtomcra thin ir.n when the bf-ht nnKnl fir. Mr.

Ol.e WItmcr, a prominent i.f lin. In a circular to is ny; "There la tl.irg on the In Ihe a-sy of v. i ecui'ii i I i- i '-z' ,1 "i I 1 KJcvv 1 I I Up1; j'. t'w r'-fr iay-4ihetr tn h'TiMtitirisv, r. a.

in i. -o sitr. j- i ic ynkfv I va wV i il wss.

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