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The New Berne Times from New Bern, North Carolina • Page 3

New Bern, North Carolina
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9fthe citvof Xm Xil fmblUfUA all Vu Zcncand UWW Mi. OlrtKCTKIlJ DAILY By ot. ETCiOVun 4 ri Thia-l "w.ia wk -T- TUURSDAX. AUGUST 5, 18C9. We learn thaj Claudius EFoy.has received schooner.

Henrietta Hill, a choice stock of ncr famMv flour arid provisions consist $73,5 cdri fttt'em" Uranch had paid "7fhlrd Sf ln Premium. Maratattxi" 2 (fft 3J toowder atul i 'i te en 91 iOunoowder W'Vli; ft 1 70 ing in Part of saSA' coffee. goo4i3CU, fdlsxjfl I 4 uc iKiiicKerDoacer an oia ComtMirrr. It affair i i L1! and hororably and pSStly XldT Im ill CompMTtowiid. it Ddicvhold in thTth Vf MKWS1 cj bailed by tht B1PPrt Stm people.

It is ttotAlSSSi I Flour. i so Gihhodaewiag, toV." 6 0 00 1t. ta it JOBKRT Medical; 60 10 is lt Pork. Rmn 10 lltf 13 lf. Corned I' JKied out Tfe.IuTSac&io: RICHMOND TJlhi MOST SUCCESSFUL Oecauso the v17Sost' i D.

T. jr TOWNSHIP No. I 3fi J'i Daily Times Print, Newr-Benxe, N.a" fox Justices of the Peace. Jit. T.

Berry, eo. W. Hason, eorffecJB.3Millis. (Jnarles A. JVelson OeM-ffe C.

Rixford Jtiichard Tucker, E. A. Ricliardson. For Township Constable, Joseph Nelson. For ScHodl'Comniittee, A.

S. Seymour, p. Thomas C. Battle. I i i -jThe nliovc is nn cxnct.cgpy of the Regular n.

Z' i 1 I -iu UJ VUltU q-day. I i I i Have you Registered Sec first page for interesting miscellany. i- fFriday, Augu-t 5, the sun rises and sets 7:0. .1 I key which the owner by implying at this office. A ii Mm' i 'f.

Xi i JrJ ii i i i For Township Clerls, THE ONLY YANKEE 5 NOTION HOUSE fi IN THE NORTH JUL -7V -1 Importer i i5a Fancy i irantee Notions, Io. STREET, New-Berne N. I especially invite uuntion of Merchanls to NovVVlies of "my own Importation which am co stan tly reeei The assortment is the largest in ibeiState, and 1 offer. my goods ys the pi ece or pkage atlKew YoikJobber' prices. 'r itvutcu bu viuciu uyo.txci.ix.

9 I i t' 1- A A A r. 3 TltiMr at)d look "oompare Unh tnat winch you WiKfe ask yourself the quest -cannot I hi. VVU- improve th(r quality of my tok It costs TTTTTe "coniilfidif the stock, compare it with that which vou afteHbe wtfD'Jupiit6iit 3 cried out lustily from (Court Room) and man remaia quiet and the" little fellow jumped. Upon reaching the sidewalk. be run with xitrJi speed asnot to lc caught by the officer, and HJZl-l isn't hurt." Tjic iT.rii Maine -farmer recently fattened aCOw cliiefly on turnips, and the result in quaiitinid quantity of beef was Yery factory to i I Ii wpald be for our farmers to trv the ecpenment.

lt copts very nnd access is almpsf certairL Wc insist that something shoukl fie clone to im prove the quali ly of the beef now being1 sold at 'our markets. We ara pleased to know that oar efforts to arqaselhe people, to the importance of build inr Abridge ovef the Neuse River i hAvlnv 7 iurvi i umu yu ereai accomoaation U) fdl jthose 'lining u. the Territory; between the Pamlico nd Neuse Rivers, as well as an advantage "to our and business men wlio would derive a much larger business which wonld help huild up our city. -1. t.

Cannot the boatmen who bring melons to our market devise some plan to protect thera from the sftn We have noticed several boat loads exposed to the schorrhing rays of our August sun, Ihe melons must certainty be grea-ly injured by such exposure, nnd doubN less much sickness is caused by the neglect in thisyefy matter of keeping melons in the sbde. Wilted fruit cannot be wholesome. Wejdyise allr-w'ho buy to patronize those salesmen who keep their melons cool. a ft in Potatoes. This is one of the 4new4hings under the sun.

The way in which it ist folfoAs Cutthe eyes all Thenr take another and cut the eyes' out jirid iiisert.lhera in the place recently niade vacanl-in-tlie other potatoc. See to it that ilie piece cut out of. each is of the same shripe. i The two in one will grow and producer very fine new variety of this most de sinible Try 1 1 Theimcc lirg at the Court House last night was well attended. I li ubbs waR hosen Chan man and E.

R. Diiclley, Secretary. i 'The meeting was addressed by Hon. David Iletiinniiiefsrs I. B.

Abbott, B. Morris, (corges jWillis, Stevens. Rev. A. John Randojph, John R.

Good and Randolph and Bass, were strong their. of the so -called 'Topular Ticket' and 'declared the i-sei of their upon the same to have been i entirely 'Unauthorized. rrMPjtovR-, Vouk Stock. Our farmers' and others should learn a lesson by observation look, around 'yaw neighborhood ami examine poor fireed of animals as It dK to keep the bestj "In many localities the swine nnd nints cattle havedegenenitei Ao wor'hless glad to know that Mr. Win.

Oliver of doing much to aid our farmers iii improving their farm' stock, call and roo him. and learn how it can easily done for a small outlay. pn vcd ibat 'they have put ant exclamation pciint after, it. to show their own admiration, ami surpifce at their pwir wit.The pPa Party" indeed. Prob ably the people 'will give them a chance to aqo points by bUnset M-tA.

'i i In To A CAR1. i VZ- I 7 lfedr Vill you give mo space in your columns tWjnounce as uuautfytrized the use n'ch' has en "made "of mv nnme by cer. itrtinUinbrinripled rarties in placing it upon a j-nd1c 1 ''Popular! ticket put in circula- urn yesterday. I am and always have- been Republican, and as one of the regularly nomirtpted 'candidates of the Republican party nm proud to have my name appear upon the Tegilar Republican ticket, but I must agaipst and publicly denounce the placing of name npon a mongrel, spurious ticket made'up Willi the intention of deceiving, the ignorant "splittirg the-Repnblicanvote- and securing the election of men who are not Republicans 4p ours itespectt uuy, Geoege B. Willis.

Tthj obtrtistnunts. NOTICE iDo. N. D. Militia: NjEWBEieit, Ht C.

Aug. 5M8C9. 1 kA 1 Company drill ordered for this day postponed, owing to the fact of an election being held. (Company will assemble on Academy Green to-morrow (Friday) even-ingAcgiJBihraS By order of G. B.

WILLIS, Capt. Receiving Freight New-D erne- 1 yryuiwy saw mm 1 1 i aa nThoCcr Agile, NOT having led ut the time before advertised, will remain! 'Baltimore and receive freight for this place until Saturday," Aug. 7th. E. ELLIS.

au--4-tr I ilt 1 t', .,1, 'i t- 5- w-V J11 fttik- I 'I f- I 1 1 'fif 7y i st 1-l-fT i 1 raLAuTTj it Notice the 1 pw the Demoirratic' jmriy ar'? good isn't it 1 It as.aqvised Ly a watch- iy ail I I pie Loaned l.fcntho' PoUcy HoIdef; Kxaminer. w.t many, COMrAJYjWfjCJ. i al to oIicV Hordero. CABB AWAY, Agent, COURT, HOUSE iUILDINlS i STATE OF CAROLINA. and Jobber in Hosiery.

AN ORDINANCE Amending -tta Ordinance iii Be lati(nv tottlie City-Scaler I -v4, It is Matob and 'Aldkkmtn or the City orJttEW-BisRNE. That the rdiaance in relation to 4. V. i citt-soale be so amended aa to leave the subject of weichinc in kuu uuuuwi nuu me ouyer ana Reiier. JNO.S.-MAN1X.-' City 1 Clerk.

Adjutant Gekekais Office, 7 TRaleigh, June 23, 18C9. SPECIAL ORDERS Ar. 1 h': I. Lt Col. K.T.

Berrv. uumjr, is nereuy aireciea to detail at once j. j. i jiaoie o. miliary nt two hundred 'men and appoin twenty Sersreants.

JJa Iewillteause made out duplicate Muster Rolls of the men rftnil OCC eacn man tafees ard subscribe tha qtiired by law. One MusteV Roll, properly Oiled out, will berreturned to this office. II I The men detailed will be two COmnfLnies. tn lv HpairnatA1 a a po. 26," and Co.

No. 27, N. C. D. Jf rfTbe companies win ue aiviaea into sections of ten men each, to be numbered, and a sergeant rom each rection.

In each company the sections numbered from 1 to.5, inclusive shall form Platoon No. 1 Sections fi in iI elusive, shall form Platen) No. 2. iyf 4 Coloriel oommandinis will, at once, recommend to this office miifnhit persons to be commissioned officers of these companies. A i V.

The commanding officers of these com panics, suigect tq tne approval of the Colonel coinuaanaing inevoumy, siiall dnlf his company, from time to time, in military tactics sufficiently to make them serviceable as soldiers. VI. The Colonel commanding will see th! the Captain of each company gives proper re ceipts ror me arms, equipments, issutd to his company. commanding officer of each company will be held responsible for puuiiu pi ujjci ij iu possession or his command. The object in (fnrmjng-'ftli betailcd ililitia being exclusively to preserve the peace and enforce the the officers commanding will bq lield strjfplly 1 accountable for the sobriety and good conduct of the men wliilr -ii under their command.

By order of W. Ii OLDEN, Commander in Chief. iiujamut JClierai. ClTY OF NeW-BeEKE, Head O'rs. 15th N.

C. M. Notice is heieby given that, pursuant to the foregoing.order.I shall at once proceed td or ganize the above named comnanies. It is hoped that persons liable to military duty will come forward, without delay, and voluntarily enroll themselves, and thus save Uie unpleasantness and trouble of detail inc. The obiect of the Detailed Militia being the preservation ot of, good oroer ana uie eniorcementof the laws, everv ffood citizen Khnnlrl nnri will cnrtrtii-t an A nn dorse it, that the organization may lc com- vu- imavtu wi our uesi men, anu in every way madc Worthy of its object.

7 37 R. 'f BERfeY JulvSth 18G9 (Vnntv -1 VTa.Yen bounty. 7 July bVrL a fine. left of the celebrated pine apple brand sugar rar cured bams. Wfl4nVXI6ail before purchasing clscwjiere.

Hls So Front street, twHooreatibve the Gas South Gaston House. understood that he keeps a follline of Provisions, and Produce for tbc use of famlleiKiiijch hsscUi low Patronize him, and will do your-self'a kindness. Wc cordially invite the atfentien r.f our readers lp iie advertisement of Koskoo. This remedy is prepared by our enterprising and former proprietor oi uosauaus. reallyirurcel of 8tfifMii tiuit the Koskoo is rapidlyjwinning favor with the public, and on ccahl its great merit and pleasant bidsa to become the if! i 4 I Hill most popular medicine in1 America.

"Sacli is Dr. Lawrence's confidence in its real worth, tiiiit he icnlarffinff his laboratory. vnd has. re centlv business) Dr. Lawjee e5py fine reputa tionas a chemist, and isajentlemcn of char actcr, enterpeaml icajpal.

is prepara tion deperveluceesstvbich its so rapid ouiatnin 'i Quality is the Test of Cheapness. Gatea iSreen are constantly recewing 1 )'y sail vessels and every stealer Groceries Prq-r vision qX.pjt of ih which they offer for sale at prices that defy competition. Attention to businessv andiair dealing has raised them irom a small tacfe, to be one of the lsirgcst business houses in our city. May success Mtend such menije, thejifc a when you desire to make a purcharse in tneir line. 1 1 i Druigist, Peopled Market, has on hknjda large supply of Turnip and Ituta Bajsra Seed, warranted be fresh and good, wlgch jfiif, 6Jany Post Offle in the State, on receipt of 80 cents per pound.

John O'Connor's on Middle Street is the place lollop, at whcttyotityisft ltIM is con viently located and good cool rooms His tables; jn i Uie His bar is well stocked. His stables are clean, cool and comfortable. Can a few morCbr.o moderatftr. 0 1 a rot hers I iddle Street, V'ir. new store.

us received nn ft I tlnjy arc ff inv -U! ihe Ju.west A ihcir Broad St met store they have VtuX House and aU ncc)inuiodatiasfo farm- 1 stalls 24 and 2G People's TiTnik't Have reei i veil by steamer E. Terr fresh GrieSiji as Tea, Lnrd, Bulter, on, Ac, Jill of which they offer to 'the jmblif cieap for Ciive 1 1 idni as Hilrblfbrc you purcliase your If you want the real genuine Durham's RnuiL'inir ti vmi 1 1 Sr, Bailey's tvUoleaa'ler and on.ouVn Streei! retail grocery store JajeyJ 4ecoj1sUntlt 1 receiving by steamers and schooners a full supply of groceries which they sell cheap for casli, or in exchange country produce. 'They have on hand-another lot of Masons Unrivalled Iemon Crackers," Molasses, Flour, Sugar And Coffee. If you wah't a good smhko call and buy a bag of Genuine Durham Smoking Samuel tl. Ball having become nicely settled in hrs3roaa stdre; ill doing a flourV ishing biisiness.

Why Because he keeps pood goods randrsells; lheu, at loWices which just suits up town folks. tf t1 ao iuc voiers oi uieoin- lownsnin.x ark AtmirmizEi to I AKKotrs ck Wm. Geo. Crimson as an lndcpendept candidate for the oflfr of JasHWVf the reace in Hhi approahecfc li0'1' A jQlWl Lxamlnfe the terms of if Insurance; Cotnpny before taking out a new policy or renewing olo ones. Carra- yay, Agent will bp pleased to show and ex Plai heni.

n. John E. Houih Front Street, haSj feceived byVteanHerand schodners'i large stock Qf Crackers -(Flour, Lard; and all klndsfrf roceries and! FLrnerimduce. esays put our teams in' the yard geintVmen, bring in jour country produce and do your trading, fuat's'the way-toklkr-Hl I sbviiZ OS W- IJ. Disoswav's n6w Drueslore onf Micldle Or has been fitted up in first rate shapef and he is norldtorecdye'caetmerB wior vish the best put class Fancy or Toilet articles.

.7 CJ, 1 John MiKulifsohhast 'in addition Jto hls sual stock of a full supply of ground which he ers to 'dealeriand consumers, at the very have. jul eaei ted pm urcu expressly Jor the trade. James Bcdmondi-ai Sfalls 8aud9. People's rf5 as Hno a iply of groceries 7T hcvsells.hcm low: When, -So-lo-Markcf; look11 at Idmohd's 1 yWr Groceries YmjilJ fimiit ray you. I I ft 1 rtwa Bj-Carb.

Blue CorjiliT qnanUtrV 15 I 22 I Omiw, KrevUa. er Hay 1 .130 (JO fiiOO 00- io 1 30" ivooa. 4 i Pine "0 JO) o. Cottou NATAL STOltfig, Wp 3 S0 Scrat irit TO Spirit Turpentine. 160- 40 Trv per 280 lbs.

11'' I 4 00 pifk jPtavca, per thonsand.i'V lbl.ll Jra at fis 2 IK) (fo 2 Bfln a14rw 10 00 a 12 Off On Atlaj lows wiil ma as tot- Ixave Morchcad City Arrive at New Bern LexnFtw Arrive' at Khton' 5.0ffA.Sf, fir.o 7.05 8.45 8.60 .10.10 ivmsion, Arrive at GoldKboro' Arrive at Kintor." 3.00 P. Leave Kir.ston 4.23 Arrive at New Berne 4 28 Arrive nt fi.2fr Miking a clo8 rn. AA gfiin? West. 0 conaect it. he ClLR, 26 PretiMe-at A.

N. C. R. ft. X3 57 Trrti-e 3IaHVfactori AXD HOUSE FHNI II IN a Ef Dealers in Hard Ware, STOVES, rid Wooden Ware, Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot and.

tTfrirrt Kerosene; Lard -and Common Oils, Lamps in Great Variety, Chimneys, Wicfc HOUSE FUBKISIHNG GOODS, before making pnirhaeca; examine ovratocft Hart cfc-Lewis, BE VA11EFVL i WHAT MEDICINES YOU TAKE. something i-jvigoratlng, don't drink whiskr under tK otherwise. Snch article give Just as much strength-to your wearr horseJirid nomore.7, Alcoholic stimulants re injurious to Nerve health, and are ALWATd followed by DEPRE55SING REACTION i Dofld's NerTiiie' ani Inrtrorafor i l8iai '0ENTLB STIMULENT which KOT attended by REACTION. When it refreshes body or mind, it with natural strength that comes to stay We are not recommending teetotalisnrin the interest of anv faction Imi in I Observation teaches us that he who resorts to theliottfor'rpAl recuperation, will find as he "lfli he kindline a fire in ins bones wuu like lhe flam of .7 Take a Ionic that i uot Dodd's -Ncrviiie is fui i.iL aj Druggists. Price One Dollar: t(f Certificates that a companies each tN, 'Une 29-6mo.

U. S. Internal Rovenue, Dkp'y Coi6 Officb, 2nd Dis't. Ca 4 1SG9. I will be at the following places to collect Internal Revenue taxes.

All persons owinir Annual Special and Ikcome Tax. will rav at my first attendance In their respective they will be dealt with according to law. Office hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p.

m. At New-Berne Tuesdays and Thursdava of each week. Beaufort, at Assistant Assessors office, each Saturday. Kinstou, at Assistant Assessors office, July 30th and Aug. 13tlrand 27th.

Goldsboro, at Assistant A ssessore office July 2Cth and Aug. 11th and 23th. Wilson, at Ciaf ton's, July 28th and Aug. 23rd, from 12 to 1. Nevvport, J.

L. BelFs. Aug. 3rd, from 5 to 7 p. m.

S. P. WUIGH'iVUep. Coll. JuJv lOVlm 1 or.

ol Lour atato are reported as excellent, The Alaikct l.ek -at Picple's Market" was crou vied Miih YtJytte.rcUiy Proclice kiiuU livery JfAv. i itel Don't forget that theie is' only one voting J)luoe to-day in this Township, and that is ai the jail on Craven Street 1 i ii i- lAs we go to press (4 o'clock A. wc ieain tltat the Loeofocos iiri! still nmil Imr -w A u. ckct, jw.iijdduiwu, oUifir so-called, aarAr; Ticket. Villus.

York hiiH tlfcit his name was olaced -unon ihf. Pimn- laXU tbout his or consent. jT.b is cjioon iiUl, Qtxe regt lar line, sailed tor Uaitimore yesterday after noon wiiii a full. cargo. of fceight.i and eight mgers: passe Sheriff P.c.UjiisoUr4hasvboughrj.ibe4D house and estate, lately occupied by Mr.

Wm. streets, nd Is already making extensive re pairs, under.the euperinlendenQeof Pkvie, carpenter and builder. T.t iltimore yesterday a lot of as fine grapes as we have seen for a long time. They w.etSjhe. Cjincoid variety and were the product of Mr.

Granger's garden. (AH along the line of the A. N. C. Rail road the cotton and corn crops look SDlen dfdly.

In the vTcinity 'of'kinsfohrand aPwpgthe looks healthy and bright, and the yield bids fair tobeubrriious. vvu i i jpEEsbNAt1. 1 We learn ritfi regret that ifaj. Hear ho of ihe Messenger has, been dyings sick irj Portsmouth, Yirgiuia forQmetiie AHe, ueiier now, nowever, ana win soon proceed on this jouney North. jRetail dealers of tobaeeo may sell from wtwden packages properly stamped, but if they remove the tobacco from such packages to jars or show cases, becomes liable to stMzurpf toa ini a la mm 4 jCan County Commissioners iaiso hold the JOfiices of Justice of the Peace, Constable, etc We have seen an opiniuxLirom the Attorney General of the State, Mr.

Olds, in which he says they cannot, on the ground of their in compatibility. Jt 1 -i i1M1 Slit I We advise our friends who visit Morehead td 'engage the serviccs' of CapVDiibnknd hissajl boat Beau regard? Tbe-captairi has, ben a long time following this occupation, apd Ii vell and The attention and care he always shows the ladies has made liim and Wh boat ferydp'ular? jNow, js cauea uy me citizens ot Craven County at the earJJjDAtlppSs our people in regard to bringing rivers and improving our county roads, as some4act of ilie legislalurmay urgently retpjestj that be taken at once that we iaay be ready when thbody. assQniblcs. II. be (y a I my is! for 5 JXZXDOCXi TXftT.


GAlt AX'S. t'KLEBRATKD. 4 goTQii JgVjrp SCOTQII QONitlEROR OF AL IS. I 1 -7-- 7 f.T TJtONOUKCED BY ALL AMATEUR DIPPERS a TO BK THX BEST I SSfrpp TitC MARKET. Do not fail to try it, foT xba will like li Ask for It ami taKe no otner.

3 ForVale fnNew-Brae Walker. Jones Co, Amyett. Boesper, II HuddUton, Patterson, Clark. Wolfenden. Gatea A Oreen.

Wra Clv. Holllfiter Stover. Merwin. Tho Willlatna, JAelt AW Mttchellf Schlachter, Ilubba iro 4 DTC'arrawayV Rowland Brothers, Wholesa'e Apeiit for Norfolk; Va. 1 jrfJO ii Bossieux, Wholesale Confectioner, Agent for Richmond, Va.

I' lJSSi UV uij; iciiiatiuu vui uuuu uiu attained baa iudnmf certain mannfactnrcin to Imitate oar trad The quality of oar Snuff docs not lao in the trade mark, bnt the auperior qnalityof TVaccy that it ia manufactnrea ox u. w. uaii- ajl, Jnne6t01. Baltimore. INSTANTANEOUS.

ONE.OF TDALMEYER'S NEW CELEBRATED just received at U0EGAFS PHOTOGRAPH Now is the time: for every liody to call and have their pictures made. 1 REDUOTION OP RATES OP PREIGHT on 'Porki and Flour Fbox Nkw Yobk to Nkw-Bebkb, N. by atearqera ELLEN S. TERRY and LOUISA MOORE; Pork, 75 cbi. per bbl; Flour, 60 etav.

per bbl. The Lnliet Elastic Supporter, (G. C. 8UII-Bone). for monthly ns.

birapte, conveiitent and neat. Fori sale- at and fancy goods stores Samples by mail on receipt of one dollar. Dr. i. U.

Rookrs, Marietta, sole acnt for South Carolina, I ooa.1 and AtzexxU can make JLd large commiision- of aevei articles, nhiversaJh or several CHmnact 327 Cheennt etttth IS. uV. UUATTAN -'iia, Pa. Wanted. Euert'oT vassers to make from markable invention jr.

XSlke'stl Xt- iinr one of the roost re- ent nmr ppiiv matean easy rocfem'r I Mill for circulars to the 1 ire of infrin-erB. bend Maunfactnrer tnd Pro- prietor. A- GEHTS WAETBIl for 'TCmen of Kew Yort' J. Complete exfusare of Fonale Life in Vie Ureal Metropolis. Sensatoaal.

Beaaiif ully illuetnited. Sanlk copy pwt-paid lor 2. Address 2itv York Rook Itt Js'afcsati N. Y. City.


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