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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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PAGE TWO RLYTHEVILLE COURIER Coming Events THURSDAY Octette Luncheon Club meeting with Mrs. R. c. Rose. Luncheon And Shower Compliment Miss Warren Miss Warren, bride-elect Bank Trust ComjMny mid First Nnlionnl Bank In Dlythcvllle, until ft fciv montlis ngo when she went.

lo McCook to work In Hie finance department nt McCook Army Air Held. Gallnglier, the son of William J. Gallagher ot Westerly, wns student nl Harvard University, prior to entering the service. ji.v£.i<£"u*i meet- Shane, Mrs. J.

H. Elklns and Mrs Ing with Mrs. R. L. cnlcrtnlnrd 24 guests, l-f-iw Miss Jane McAdams entertain- The bride-elect's place nt the din- I lOgiam Ing Thursday Night Bridge Club.

i wns marked will) i elfl Mrs. Doyle Henderson and Mrs. corsage of pink nnd while rosebuds i 5 Brilm i. mm. 'caner at the none sson wiin it.

u. nose. miis jwujonc wnrrcn, uriac-eiect Mrs. Bert Mayo entertaining of Hurry Newton Whltis of Hnlll- Tlmrsciay Banco Club, more, nnd Greenfield, G. N.

B. Club meeting with Mrs. was guest ol honor at a luncheon H. C. BKinkenshlp.

Mrs Henry Humphries entertaining Thursday Conjract Club. ftlid shower given yesterday after noon nl the home of Mrs. B. A. Lynch when Mrs.

Lynch, Airs. Cecil Thursday Afternoon Club meet- Shane, Mrs. J. H. Elklns nnd Mrs.

ii'f til i i i C. L. Wyllc entertaining with a ft WIIIIL UJC M1IUEII JJIUlll WHS elJlpJIIl- luncheon (it Wylle home honoring sjzed with the use of liny bride Miss Marjorle Warren, bride-elect. Mrs. E.

D. Ferguson entertaining Fortnightly Club. Club 28 meeting. for dance at American Legion Hut. FRIDAY Mrs.

Lane Nowel) entertaining fnitial Club. 'Mrs. E. M. Terry, Mrs.

C. S. Stevens Mrs. Colemnn Stevens Mrs. Walker H.

Bnker nnd Mrs. Terry entertaining with bridge party honoring Miss Marjorle Warren. Armorel P. A. meeting at 2:30 p.m.

SATURDAY Mrs. Eugene Teaford and Miss Sue Ramey of Memphis entertaining with Informal tea honoring Miss Mnrjorie Warren, at Ramey W. Afflick entertaining dinner for Miss Warren. Miss Green Is Bride Of Osceola Navy Man Details of thc wedding of Miss Patricia Ann Green to Benjamin F. Butler, of Osceola who now Is stationed with the Navy nt Fort Lnuderdalc, have been revealed following the return from Florida of Mrs.

Cnrl Green, mother of the bride, oiut Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjnmm F. Butler' of Osceoln, parenls of the bridegroom. The marriage was solemnized Friday afternoon, 5:30 o'clock, In St.

Anthony's Catholic Church In Fort Lauderdnle, with the Rev. Mr. O'Lo- oney, priest of the church, officiating nt the double ring ceremony, In the presence of a small group of friends. The altar was simply decorated with gold altar vasesof wlilte gladiolus, etched in the soft glow of cathedra! tapers. The bride, given in mnrrlnge by with" the quaint bodice buttoned down the back with miniature satin covered buttons.

Imported front gored 'skirt panel, join- while the bridal motlt wns emplm plr.cceards. Centerpiece for the dining tnble was silver epergne filled with pink rosebuds and white narcissi, with yellow jonquils nnd other Spring flowers used In the living room where several small tables were nr- rnnged for luncheon. After luncheon, unique pro- Brnm wns given by Mrs. Murray Smart and Mrs. Russell Fnrr.

who told lo muslcnl selling, tbe story of "a little girl nnmed Mnrjorie" from the wns a tiny child, through her high school nnd college days and up to the time of her coming marriiiKC, soon to celebrated. Lnler, Miss Wnrren wns given nn envelope directing her on a treasure limit which led Jier to (lie dining room, where large pink and white silk umbrella nnd pair of wedding slippers concealed nn assortment of gifts from the guests. Mrs. Cecil U. Jnmcs of arecnncld, sister ol the bridegroom-elect, houseguest of Miss Wnrron and her parents, Mr.

nnd Mrs. Fred Wnrren, was nn out-of-town guest. S. S. Class Party Given Mrs.

L. A. Daugherty nnrt Mrs. Robert Weedman were hostesses to members of the Phebenn Sun- School Clnss of First Baptist Church last night, entertaining nt the Dniiglioi'ty home. Mrs.

Sherwood Hollhoft, class orcsldcnt, presided' over the business session, nnrt Mrs. Kelton Francis gave the devotional. Refreshments of a dessert course with Iced drinks were served during the social hour. Business Session Is Held Routine business wns Irnnsncted Officers of the club will be nt the 'he first 'iette, "as hostess. meeting to be held in the home mission program afternoon at First Bnpttst Church, using ns her theme, "Creating a Christian Community." Following responsive scripture readings, "Our Opportunities In World of Need." wns given by Mis.

Ted King nnd by Mrs. B. B. Stevens, with Mrs. King discussing "Our Opportunities In the nnd Mrs.

Stevens, "Our Opportunities In the Country." Mrs. C. Edds led lu prayer before Mrs. Woodson rend fitory, "Watching and At Work In Hearts on the niver Front." This was followed by prnycr by Mrs. E.

F. Dlomcyer. "Ways the Annie Armstrong Offering Help to Make Communities were told by Mrs. Harry Frllzlus. Mrs.

C. E. Johnson, Mrs. C. E.

Edds, Mrs. M. C. Outlaw and Mrs. II.

L. ChiunbcrB. Mrs. Ebb Cm-son sang uolo accompanied on the piano by Mrs, Drown to conclude the afternoon's program. Following the special home mission offering, Ihe meeting wns closed with prayer.

Bits of News Mostly PerBonal Inued into voluminous folds extending In a very long Irnin. Her. long veil, finger tip cape tmd face veil of bridal Illusion from a Dache hat ol tufted illusion held nt eilher side with clusters ol dainty orange blossoms. Ehe carried a white prayer book topped with an orchid and showered with white stephnnolis. Her only ornaments were the antique gold ear rangs worn by her great grandmother, Mrs.

Pauline M. at her wedding 105 years ago in Nainur, Belgium. Mrs. Green served as her daughter's, only nttendent, wearing a frock of black wool crepe, trimmed with touches of white, and corsage 1 of white orchids: Gsne Butler, a student at university of Arkansas, Fayellcville, eervea as his brother's best man. Immediately following the wedding" ceremony, Mrs.

Green cnter- -tained the wedding guests with a reception at the Catholic Club. White gladiolus were arranged In the club rooms where a large wedding cake formed the centerpiece of the refreshment table. An ice course served. Mr. and Mrs.

Butler, parents of the -bridegroom entertained 10 Riiesls Friday night at wedding dinner nt valentine's Bar of Music honoring their son nnd his bride. Carnations, snapdragons nnd sweetpeas, all in the bridal white formed the centerpiece for the dinner table. Later the group attended champagne supper given by Mr. nnd Mrs. Harold Ohlcndorf of Osceola who are spending the Winter in Florida.

Mr and Mrs. Butler spent brief wedding trip in Miami before returning to Fort Lauuderdale to ma'-e their home for the six weeks he is expected to be stationed there before returning to active duty in the Atlantic. Business Women Meet Mrs. John Tyrone ivas hostess to members of the Business Women'- Circle of First Baptist Church last night, entertaining at her home. Miss Ruby Brown was In of the Royal Service Program or the topic of That for Peace in fomttrow's World." Fallowing devotional given by Miss Minnie Brow if- Mrs.

Annie Le Holt'discussed "Peace for Tomor Mrs. Blankenshlp talk ed on "Things That Make for Wa and Things that Make for Peace" and Mrs. Tyrone's topic was "Jc £iis Makes for Peace." The meeting closed with circl prayer. A dessert course wns served durln the social hour which followed. Son Is Born Sunday Mr.

and Mrs. William A. Carte are parents of a'son born Sunday afternoon at Blytheville Army Air Field Hospital. The baby, their first wild, has been named WUlUrn A. Carter Jr.

Mrs. Carter ts the former MM Elolse Spradley. Mr. sa. 3-e In the Navy, now Is stationed 1 In New York.

mL-uiciu L. S. Bcnlsh was hostess to Blythevllle Hospital. Service Guild Meets Members of the Wcslynn Scrv- re Guild met night nt the lurch for their regular monthly with Miss Mnry I rubier, resident, in chnrge of the busiest. Mrs.

O. E. Qucllninlz gnve the evollonnl, nnd nlso gave tnlk, receding the business meeting. Refreshments were served dur- ig the social hour, with Miss Goldn inks and Miss Delsle Stewart Irving as hostesses. Mrs.

Benish Is Hostess Mrs. R. C. Allen and Mrs. Jesse I.

White played bridge with mem- ers of Club Eight last night when Irs. L. S. Bcnlsh was hostess to lie group at her home on Hearn "itrcDl. Giant yellow jonquils formed olorful' setting for the gamoi layed in the living room.

High and second high score prizes vcre won by Mrs. otto Scrape, ajv White, and the hostess served salad plate with iced drinks. Resident Is Bride Of interest Blytlicvllle, former home of the bride, the nn- loimccment of the m.irringe of Miss Bonnie Frances Shnrpe, daughter of Mrs. Ella Shnipc of Steclc. to Hight Officer William J.

GUlaher ol Westerly, R. I. The wedding occurred Feb. 3 nt McCook, where the now is stationed ns a bombardier on B-29 bomber. Mrs.

Gnilahcr wns graduated from Steele High School nnd was employed In the bookkeeping department of both the Farmers Corp. my Mrs. Ellis Snipes nnd son, imve returned to Helton. Texas, niter spending several days here ns of Mrs. Sullies 1 mother, Mrs.

H. L. Chambers. The Snipes are living In Delton while ho Is stntloned nt Camp Hood. Texas.

Mrs. Snlllc Klines has returned home from Harvard, where she spent several days with her son, Tech. Scrgt: James N. Kimes nnd Mrs. Klines.

She wns accompanied home by her dnughlcr-tn- law, who Is visiting her for several days before returning to her homo In SUitlgiut, Ark. Ann Gntens, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A.

Is 111 with mumps nl her home West Main street, mid Mrs. James' H. Gill and son left this morning for thelr homc in Council Grove, Kans, alter brief visit here with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. H.

T. Gill and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. G.

Hilbourn. Mrs. John W. Tabor returned yesterday afternoon lo her homo in Nnshvllle, after a of II) days with her sLstc'r, Mrs Brewer, ami Dr. Brewer.

Thomas M. Jolley, seaman 2-e In the Nnvy, stationed at San Diego, Is spending his five day leave here with his mother, Mrs. Frankic Jolley. Sergt. Raymond A.

Pnsold arrive today from Rcvecrnns Field, St. Joseph, to spend his 15-dnv furlough here with his wife anil infant daughter. Teresn Ann. Ser- Cfnnt Pnsold will report to Florida it the expiration of his leave, Albert Hubener of Little Rock athcr of Dr. L.

L. Hnbencr, is un tnetltcnl treatment Millions Switch To Mutton Suet Idea For Chest Cold Aid Soothes Rawness Due To Throat Bronchial Many mothers all over Americr arc switching to this idea of get' ling fast relief for these chest coW miseries. They arc simply ing Grandma. For years she counted on mutton suet to help carry liev home medication to do its pain-easing work on nerve ends in the skin. No wonder so many more now welcome Grandma's idea as improved by with its multi- medicated formula in a base containing mutton nets both as counter-irritant and pain-reliev cr when you spread it on, and as a soothing aromatic when breathcc in.

And so today Pcnetro hurries along newer help in the old reliable that cases painful mis ery, lessens coughing, loosoni phlegm, soothes chest that you can rest more comfortablj and give nature a chance to restore vitality. That's why millions arc switching to Penelro druggists are recommending it. 25c double supply 35c. For all your fam- cold sure Bet easy-to-use Penetro nl Conditlon of Mrs. O.

J. Little vlio Is undergoing treatment al Baptist Hospital, wnr much mproved loday. it Is now believed hat will not undergo nn opcr- ition at this lime. H. Marlor of Dell was removed jy amlnilnnce to Memphis Baptist Hospital mi, morning or treatment if stomach ailment.

Mrs. J. P. Friend left yesterday afternoon for Lulkin, Texas, to be with her mother, Mrs. w.

n. Junior Baseball Plans Discussed At Legion Meet' Fourteen young boys, members of boys club sponsored by Mike Meroney, were guests nt the meeting of Dud cason Post of American Legion held night at the Hut, when they heard a discussion by members of the possibilities of sponsoring a Junior baseball team this ccnson. J. L. Terrell, past commander, nppolnteil committee composed of R.

D. stout, Joe Whllley nnd Marshall Blnckjirtl, (o Investigate this and make a report nt a later meeting. Judge O. E. Jfeck WHS endorsed ns a member of the Pish nnj name Commission by the past membership.

Members of the post will be guests at supper at the Hut next Tuesday night, 8 o'clock, to be preceded by brief business session to be held at 7:30 o'clock. fioy n. Davis, world Wnr I veteran and chief petty officer In the feiibccs, was a visitor. Mr. Davh Is member of the local post anil nl-M of Pearl Harbor Post, No.

24. Charles Parker Heads Class At Arkansas State Charles Parker, former student of niylhcvllle High School, has been elected president -of the Sophomore Class nt Arkansas State College, Jonesboro. Outstanding in extra-curricula, activities, he was member of the 1D40 bnsketball tenm, despite hnv- ng a physical disnbility because of childhood illness. He nlso took part In sports when In school here After graduating from high ichool he wns employed by the Arknnsns-Mlssoiirl Power Compmiy plaiil nnd the locnl Express office prior to entering college in December two years ngo. His parents reside on Route 1.

Auxiliary Has Meeting Mrs. Joe Scruggs presided over the" business meeting of members of the American Legion Auxiliary held Ins't night nt the Hut. A $15 donation to the American Red Cross War Fund was voted by the members, nnd delegates to the rehabilitation meeting to be held March 15 in Little Rock, were named. These include Mrs. J.

Cleveland, Mrs. Eddie Burks, Mrs. Marvin Lnnc, and B. Eight members were'present. At The Hospitals ntythcvllle Hospital Admitted: Albert Ilnbener, Little Rock.

Bcrnice Duncan, Mrs. Ada Alcxnnder. city Dismissed: Mrs. Frert McGhee and baby, city Walls Hospital Admitted: Bcnly Young, Manila. Mrs.

Albert Oldhnm, Stcelc, Mo Mrs. Clarence Polnnd, Tyler Mo Joe Woody, city. Dismissed: Mrs. W. C.

Richardson anrt baby Hollnnd, Mo. Christine Humphrey, city. Memphis liaptist Hospital Admitted: Mrs. A. K.

Duck, Diissett Memphis Methodist Hospital Admitted: Helen Haskett, Joiner. Brown, Is 111 home Iherc. Relieve misery, as most molhers do. Rub the throat, chest and back with time- tested C01DS as most WICKS VAPORUB Mrs. Dalton C.

Fowlston, B.A. M. S. M. Rearranging of schedule makes it possible to accept several more pupils in piano and voice.

Former New York Organist and Teacher Pupil of Clarence Dickinson President of Union Theological Seminary School of Music rhonc or Write 1101 Chlckasawl For Appointment Mrs. Dallon C. Fowlslon Phone 8049 SENTIMENTS EXPRESSED WITH FLOWERS properly designed, nrc always. Our flowers nrp ways fresh, and nil work Is guaranteed to please. Let our expert designers help yofi with your floral needs.

SHOP Mrs. J. M. (Mao) Williams, owner cncM Crawford Service Station S. Division City Limits Phone 921 We Call For and Deliver Cars! Specialists Greasing -Tire Repairs Washing W.

R. few ls of Kat covm Crawford WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7, 1943 More Donors Enlarge Fund For Memorial Gifts of $10.10 received yesterday jioughl the Privet I Memorial Fund .0 a total of to date. This iicney. given by persons wishing provide liome for the wife and tight young children of Pic. J.

C. "rivell, 37-yenr-old Infantryman in Luxembourg, will be used "or that purpose. A committee is negotiating for jH'Operly and any funds above cost will be used for simple furnishings iml other such equipment with tolling or large 'garden and locking chicken yard. When a deal for house Is closed, itmoimcemcnt will be made, along with other gifts of money or house- liold equipment. Mrs.

S. S. Stcrnberg, now In Chicago, sent a gift of $5. Mrs, Bess Godwin McCray, formerly of Hlythevllle nnd now of Sunnyvale. iient $1 and a otter read in part: "I hope will ease her loss somewhat lo know that people of ulythcvillc are such nice people." "We have a brother in the Navy, besides other loved ones in the.

service and as we nsk God lo watch over them, we also ask God to watch over this wife and eight children and thai pome day they may be useful citizens," wrote Miss a M. Alley of Atlanta, and Miss Annie M. Alley of Memphis, who sent $2. Harry Ciimiitlngs stopped here while on his salesman rounds lo contribute $2. Below are names of Supply nnd Maintenance Employes Club of Bly- thevllle Army Air Field, who contributed $150 to Privetl Memorial fund: Mrs.

Dec Roaseau, Clem J. Burrls, Ilarrell Cavasher, Lee A. Wagner, Pearl Lester, F. E. Scott, A.

J. Down- Ing, G. C. Henley, Will Woodard, Hazel Griddle, Erey Williams, H. L.

F'arker, C. U. Kelly, Price A. Goad, C. H.

Johnson, Hildreth Dillcnder, Oscar L. Ingram, B. M. Weems, J. K.

Groner, R. S. White, Lavanrla Karncs, Jessie Lomax, T. H. Moore.

Dave W. Crawford, J. M. Clark, Jean Harvey, VV. D.

Crocker, A. W. Stan ton, Ruth Williams, Clara Klnton, Burl H. Jackson. Harold J.

Overtoil, Marvin M. Fiast, W. Morgan, Ruby Johnson, Jean Cup- pies, Kntheryn Walpolc, Neely Flowers, Betty Taylor, Helen Burnett, Jo McGhce, Nell Erts, Clnrr Abbott, Elenora Grant, Burtecme Brlnn, Gladys Stinson, Pauline Turner, Jack Fleming, Dave Hoi- stead. Walter Sheppard, Prank Wamble, O. M.

Mitchell, lola Taylor. Guj Roiinsnvnll, James Emery, F. A Baker, L. B. Eskrldgc, R.

o. Williams, W. E. Griftin, J. W.

Powell Jane Wlllison, Elva Michael, Made- Ij'iii Morrison, James H. Caudle Kathleen S. Worth, B. B. McMullen Frank N.

Jackson. Sue Moyers Graces Clyde W. Lloyd R. P. 1 Bryant, Alvin Virginia Hannon, Gerard Veyette, H.

A Scutt, Opal Stinson, Tommy Eskridge, J. w. McDermott, E. Tomlinson, Pnul Strong. L.

E. Poe, Mr. nnd Mrs. D. N.

Sheppard, Donald'Mc- Clnin, J. T. Royal. Sherman Calvcrt, II. T.

Richardson, Lorine Calvin, Joan Tohill, Elva Perry, Anno B. McCleod, Margaret Brown, David A. James, John B. Clime, Faye Parsley, Mr. anc Mrs.

Orvil Thompson, Herman Vin cent, K. S. Sulccr, R. M. O'Neal Gordon A.

Kiucger, Charles Short, Lena Snllbn, Charles Hodge, William Kent, Georg. ombs, James VnnAusdale, Lois unsford. Cella Long, Kathervn Blackburn, Jll Cherry, Betty Vfirgo, Ruth Glb- ons, Margaret Parmalee, Sidney hompson, James H. Barber, Carl filler, C. A.

Hill, William Lciman, Hldrcd Stone, R. G. Andrews, llss McKamey, Vanell Cole, R. M. Jolden, Benny Hondon, Mildred Mr.

Woverton, Mr. Rogers, Myre Clark. Edward Lindcr, G. M. Duvall, larle Doan, Lcola Moore, Mary 'erry, Marie Presnel), May Bell irlmes, J.

T. Todd, Gertrude Aus- Lilly Barker, Mildred Brooks Valter Thurmond, Odle Edwards! Tholma Cohoon, Uslle Richards' F. King, Vola M. Hayes, Birthday Week To Be Observed By Girl Scouts Girl Scout BlrtKday Week to observed throughout the nation ext week, will be first celebrated Girl Scoltts In Blytlicvllle when hey attend First Methodist Church nmday morning In a body. A Folk Festival wllj: be presented the the Ahierle'an lon Hut next Wcd- esday nijrtit In' spiectal ''ceterallon the Kttt.

anniversary''of Girl And.tomorrow' njght roops of itthe. iocaJVprgahtzntton be guests of (lie USD from until 9 o'clock: at a parly at he USO A Girl Scout has been in- tailed at the Public and has equipped rilli several new books, of par- Icular group. TemperqtMres tlanta 79 47 Chicago 32 24 Denver 34 19 21 Orleans 80 62 Jew York 47 Washington .62 4' 52 34 Tampa 81 66 Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On relieves promptly be- seat of the to help loofah and expel frerm Melon phlegm, and aid nature to soothe nnd heal raw, tender, Inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulslon with the understanding you must like the way It quickly nllays the cough or you are to have your money back CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds. Bronchitis TERMINIX TERMINATES TERMITES Don't rely on makeshift methods of termite control. the world's largest termite control tlon protect you against costly damage. Free inspections on request. BRUCE TERMINIX CO. Licensee of E. L.

Bruce Co. MEMPHIS SINCE 1927 Thursday Friday And Saturday 9 to 12 O'Clock In the Beautiful BLUE ROOM of the HOTEL NOBLE Admission 6Dc IncL TK. LADIES ADMITTED ONLY WITH KSCORT Luxora HAI'TIST W.M.S. OBSERVES WEEK OF I'KAYKK The annual Home Mission Week of prnyer program for the Baptist Women's Missionary So i 11 throughout the Southern Baptist Convention was observed Tuesday afternoon at the Church with Mrs. Byron O.

Wilklns leader. The theme of the week's programs is "Piny Without This is the Golden Jubilee Year of the March Home Mission Week of Prayer, Inaugurated by Miss Annie Armstrong in March 1895. A short business 'meeting was held. Finns were completed for the Girls' Auxiliary Mothex-Dauehter banquet. Mrs.

o. H. Hicks, counsel- lor, assisted by Mrs. John Thweatt, Young People's lender, to be held In the social rooms of Ihe church Thursday evening. Mr.

nnd Mrs. Joe Hires had ns guests over the weekend their daughter, Mrs. Jay A. Kochenderfer, their grandson, Charlie Joe lillltneiiley, and Pfc. Jay A.

Koch- ejiderfer, of Keesler Field Biloxi. MLss. Mr. nnd Mrs. Hires are leaving Thursday for Memphis, when Mr.

Hires will be complimented nt a birthday dinner, given in his honor by his daughter, Mrs. R. D. Ebcrdt, and Mr. Eberdt.

Mr. and Mrs. c. P. Powell are visiting their daughter.

Mrs Dean McClurkln, and Lieutenant Mc- Clurkln, at Pcncacola, Fla. Lieut. Julius Barnett and Mrs. Barnett spent Friday night and Saturday with Lieutenant Darnell's sister, Mrs. Lem Stanford, and family.

Lieutenant Barnett has been at Princeton University for several months taking a course in Military Government which he has ompleled. fie Is cnroiite to Leniul Stanford Unlvcrolty, Palo Ito, where he will continue Is studies in Military Government. Women your Tfsjr PETROltUHJfUYTHISHAY Prtfls thumb and linger. Sordid etovvty apnrt, fibres prove 51urofiuc's high quality, For tlinptt rash aad Oc, triple siie, 10c, Mfc JIM SCOTT 1 Special representative of the Sjorrs-Schaefer Company will be in our store THURSDAY ONLY with his line of fine, all-wool tropical worsteds for Summer, He will also have his heavier woolen materials for suits and topcoats for delivery next fall, Mr. Scott has been coming to our store for a number of years and is an expert at measuring clothing for men and women.

We invite you to take advantage of his services. R. D. Hughes (o. Do these symptoms Betray your Age? Do like so many women between the QIJCS of 33 nnd Trom hot flushes, nervous Irritability, nrc a bit blue nt duo to the functional "middle-age 11 riod pecullur to women? Then start ut once Lydla E.

Plnkham's Vegetable Compound to relievo such symptoms. This rea medicine HELPS NATURE. Taken helps build up resistance against such "middle-age" distress. For almost a upon thousands of women have reported benefits. Also grand stomachic tonic.

FoUow label directions. VEGETABLE COMPOUND "A Better Place To Eat" The New PALACE CAFE Chojis, Seafood, Chicken. Vegetables cooked just like home. Suggestions For Eosrer Giving! JEWELRY Milk Maid Cosmertcs Mary Dunhill Perfume The Gift Shop Modern Antique Gifts MOSS BRYAN Continuous Shows Every Day Hox Office Opens 1:45 Show Sfarts 2:00 LISTEN TO KI.CN 9:00 a.m. 12:15 p.m.

4:31) p.m. Weil, Th iir.s. Friday Matinees Sat. Hun. Only Opens each night starts 7 Opens Sunday Starts 1:15 Continuous Shows Sat.

and Sun. Bargain Night Every Night Except Saturday. No passes honored on Sunday at the Roxy. Last Time Today DANCING MASTERS with Laurel anrt Hardy Selected Short Subjects Thursday Friday.

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