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Ironwood Daily Globe from Ironwood, Michigan • Page 5

Ironwood, Michigan
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SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1945. IRONWOOD DAILY GLOBE, IRONWOOD. MICH. FIVE Need for Paper for War Is Greater Than Ever, Public Reminded. Ironwood's next collection of waste paper for war will take place Monday, under the sponsorship of the Ladies Aid of the First Baptist church.

Mrs. John Landers is chairman of the committee in charge of the campaign which has been conducted during the last Jour weeks to urge residents of the city to salvage paper as a contribution to victory. Residents of the city are asked to paper, tied in bundles or pacxed in cardboard boxes, at the street curbs from where it will be picked up by city trucks. With spring housecleaning still in progress in many homes, it is expected that a large quantity of paper will become available for salvage. Officials in charge of various phases of the nation's war effort emphasize that the need for paper is more acute than ever and instead of being diminished by the victory in Europe, actually is intensified.

Bessemer Township Ramsay RUNEBERG MEETING TONIGHT The order of Runeberg will meet tonight at 7:30 at the Runeberg hall. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith are the host and hostess. All members are urged to attend.

VAUGHN MARQUIS MEMORIAL CHURCH Church services every Sunday morning at 10:30 a. m. Herbert Walker, superintendent. Paul B. Haist, pastor.

The Finnish Sunday school will meet at 8:45 a. m. tomorrow at the Ramsay school. A. J.

Fink has returned from a business trip to Chicago. He also visited with a son, Dr. Victor H. Fink, who is an intern at the Michael Reese hospital. WAKEFIELD Wakefield Briefs.

A special meeting of Geroux Post No. 11 American Legion will be held Monday evening announces Celeste Buccanero, post commander. The purpose is to complete all plans for Memorial Day observance. Attorney Robert A. Burns is spending a few days in Lansing on business.

While there he will attend the Knights of Columbus convention which is convening in that city this weekend. B-29S SMASH JAPAN AGAIN. Bombs from B-29s of Maj. Gen. Curtis LeMay's XXI Bomber Command explode on the important naval fueling station at Tokuyama on the inland sea of the Jap home island of Honshu.

More than 400 planes participated and returned safely to their bases in the Marianas. (Army Air Force Photo--NEA Telephoto.) Mclntyre, Racine, spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Herman Grasikamp, Presque Isle lake. Fred Maik has opened a grocery store in the store building recently occupied by Carl Spencer. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Miller left left Tuesday for their home in Milwaukee after enjoying a week's fishing in this vicinity. The Monday evening meeting of the Rotary club will be held at the Plymouth clubhouse starting at six o'clock. E. F.

W. Neidhold will be the program chairman. S. T. Bonino is attending the Knights of Columbus convention which is being held in Lansing this week.

He is representing local Bishop Magner Council. BESSEMER BIRTHDAY PARTY The GLB club held a birthday party for one of its members recently. Miss Loretta Johnson was the honored guest. LaVonne Brekke was the hostess. Lunch, of birthday cake, trimmed in pink and white, and coffee, was served.

Cards were played and prizes were awarded to Miss Frances Glatczak, high, and Mrs. Betty Kritz, low. Winegar In Hollywood Maureen Burns. By ERSKINE JOHNSON NBA Staff Hollwood--Maureen O'Hara let her hair down today like no other film star has ever done before. Describing herself as the helpless victim of a Hollywood whispering campaign, the red-haired Irish colleen lashed out at derriere-patting Hollywoodsmen, producers who call her a "cold potato" and technicolor spectacles which have typed her as a clothes horse.

"I'm so fed up with it," she said, eyes blazing, "that I'm ready to quit. It's gotten so bad that I hate to come to work in the morning." Explained Maureen: "Because I don't let the producer and the director kiss me every morning or let them paw me, they've spread word around town that I'm not a woman--that I'm a cold piece of marble statuary People who don't even know me have heard these stories, look up when the name tMaureen O'Hara is mentioned and say, 'Yes, a very good actress--but a cold Won't Conform She has lost numerous good roles, Maureen said, because she refuses to conform to Hollywood's idea of how a glamour girl should act away from the camera. "I guess," she said, "Hollywood won't consider me as anything except a cold hunk of marble until I divorce my husband, give my baby away and get my name and photograph in all the newspapers. If that's Hollywood's idea of being a woman, I'm ready to quit now." In 1939, at 18, she was imported to Hollywood from Dublin and the Abbey School of Acting. Hollywood Mrs.

Tut tie Honored-Mrs. William Tuttle was honor guest at a party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Conway.

Friday evening. Mrs. Margaret Anderson was hostess. Lunch was served and the honor guest was presented with a purse of silver. Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Kerow, Covington, are spending the week at Presque Isle Lake. Mr. and Mrs. William Tuttle, who have made an extensive visit at the home of the latter's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Conway, left for New Orleans, Monday. Carl and Raymond Smith of Clayton, Ohio, arrived here Sunday to make their permanent residence on Presque Isle lake. Harry Rutherford left for Duluth Sunday where he will be employed. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Marik, Rhinelander, were dinner guests at the Fred Marik home Sunday. Eugene Ryan spent the week end at his home at Antigo. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence Steeves 1 and son, Ray, and guest, Robert i films as "The Hunchback of Notre Dame," "A Bill of Divorcement," and "How Green Was My Valley." "She's a great actress," producers said. "But she has no sex appeal." So Maureen hired a press agent and started a glamour campaign. She posed in bathing suits, low cut evening clothes and "knocked myself out going to night clubs." After, a while, the producers said. "Hmmm We were wrong. The gal is glamorous." "Hollywood," she said, "is a funny place.

Producers see a pretty girl on the screen and they immediately say: 'Hm, she didn't get there because she could act. All she's got is face and a 'The same producers see a homely girl on the screen and say: 'Hm--she didn't get there on her face or her figure. She must be a great ac- I A Chinese gain in north; Japs may evacuate south is report Chungking URMA Kweitin Huchih; FORMOSA Hong Kong INDOCHINA tug on jp Philippine British gain in Burma 4iissfes press mop-up on Tarakan and Mew Guinea Indian Ocean ftecorrf 550 roost Tofcyo with 700,000 tire bombs Announce bloody Okinawa to be second onfy to Britain as.air base; battle in lost phose Yanks push north on Luzon, tight nea Manila; Mindanao cfoomip continues 'CAROLINE IS. ACTION IN THE FAR EAST. Record fire bombing of Tokyo and breaking the Jap line on Okinawa are highlights qf the war in the Pacific for the past week.

The Chinese offensive is making headway in all sectors. (NEA Telephoto.) Dateline: Pacific Unusual Incidents From War Fronts In The Pacific Area. By Fred Hampson American Base, William J. Shannon, Kansas City, and Paul J. Raincy, Scran ton, picked up a Japanese prisoner in their jeep at a regimental command post and started for the Twenty-fifth division stockade.

Suddenly the prisoner tapped Driver Shannon on the shoulder. He pointed to the speedometer which read 30 miles an hour and to a speed on the road which said 20. "Looks," said Rainey, "like we captured an MP." Cladie Bailey, Bedford, battalion commander lately in the 33rd division, fought, at Buna an aidor and Aitape. He also fought at Morotai and Leyte and at Lingayen. He won the DSC at Buna where he was wounded.

He wflfts wounded again at Aitape. On the Villa Verde trail in worth Luzon a Japanese grenade killed him. Maureen's Champion She has one ace in the hole, however. Director John Ford--Hollywood's best director--considers her Hollywood's best actress. Ford is in the navy now but when he returns to the cameras as a civilian (he's directing "They Were on leave from the navy) he has promised Maureen a starring role in one of his pictures.

There arc also her fans. "Almost she said, every letter "asks why I receive," doesn't take me out of those silly technicolor pictures and give me dramatic roles. "It's nice," she added, "to hafe someone on your side." A new plastic for use as a stitching material for threads, shoe soles, surgical use, or waterproof coating has been developed by the University of Illinois through a new method whereby tendons of beef are converted into plastic. Attend Church Regularly It is your Church and it bids you welcome for weekly services. Bring friends and family and the children too, to share the beauty of Sunday in Church with you.

i ON THE RANGE IT'S, "Susie," a 13th airforce Liberator, completed her 100th mission recently. The members of her crew think that Susie's record ought to make good reading for European bomber crews who are headed for the Pacific. Susie averaged 1,870 miles per mission, all over water. She averaged 11 hours to the mission. Her longest mission was 2,500 miles and 17 hours.

Once with 22 other Liberators she shot her way through 75 Japanese fighters at Truk and although badly damaged wobbled 1,000 miles home. She was over Truk again two days later. Over Yap, 1,100 watery miles from base, a Japanese Zero exploded 25 feet below, blasting a big hole in her belly. She came home with a nip propeller embedded in her waist. Says her proud crew chief, Staff Sgt.

William E. Watson, Alton, "Her goal is 150 missions. She's carried 350 tons of bombs over 30 different targets and has been hit with everything but Hirohito's bathtub. Yet not one crewman has been scratched." Explosion of a Japanese land mine saved the lives of nine men on Mindanao. The explosion blew thef flat just as a Nip machinegun opened up.

None was more than stunned. One of them was William Fleming, Marengo, 111. War Fronts Today hours, starting fires which, burned two palaces and left most of metropolitan Tokyo laid waste, "literally scorched to the ground," with schools, administrative and business buildings burned and shrines and temples destroyed. Okinawa--Eleven U. S.

ships damaged in Japanese air attack; ill enemy planes shot down; one bomber landed suicide troops on U. S. air base; marine tanks entered Naha; mud halted U. S. offensive.

Philippines Infanta and Misua liberated on East Luzon coast; Lin- canan airdrome captured in Davao sector of Mindanao. Burma--British mop up troops capture Mokshitwa in South Burma. BY KELLY Two Designed to Tighten Controls Over Second- Hand, Junk Dealers. Lansing --(tfVtTwo bills proposed by police agencies to tighten con trols over second-hand and junk dealers were signed into law thi week by Governor Kelly. One requires such a dealer to ob tain the thumb print of every per son from whom used merchandise is received.

The other forbids dealer to accept a pistol and offer or display it for resale. The governor approved a bil which gives the state revenue commission permanent membership on the state tax commission, the other two members to be named by the governor. Other bills signed by Kelly: Authorize township boards ir townships of 10,000 population to regulate health, fire protection parking, and sidewalk maintenance to contract for police protection an dto establish and maintain garbage systems and disposal plants. Concerns Seed Packets Eliminate the necessity for printing the date of germination tests on seed packets in retail stores if the germination meets statutory standards, fixed at 60 per cent. Eliminate statutory schedules of reimbursement for poultry and livestock killed by dogs, leaving the damage to be determined by the board of supervisors.

Allow county road commissions to bid on drain construction projects and to perform the work if the bid is 15 per cent less than any other bid. Require livestock dealers selling by to employ a registered weightmaster and dealers who operate livestock yard or auction establishments to file surety bond to protect purchases of stock, Require foreign corporations admitted to do business in Michigan to file reports of increases in capital stock or of proportion of capital stock Used in Michigan. Permit townships having no indebtedness to acquire land for parks, paying not more than one per cent of the township's assessed valuation and paying for them out of contingent funds. Can Issue License Permit the state health commissioner to issue a marriage license to a pregnant woman although one of the parties is infected with veneral disease, and require the commission to provide treatment for the infected person. Abolish the state hospital commission and create a new department of mental health with a commission of five members.

Permit any county, village or township to vote every four years upon prohibiting the sale of beer and wine on Sunday. Require certificate of title and license plates on house trailers after next Sept. 1. Allow the state conservation commission to experiment with open season, size limits and creel limits on 20 inland lakes and 10 streams. Amend the state soil conservation district law to permit membership on district boards to bonafide farmers.

CHURCHES V. S. Divisions: Okinawa-First marines--Destroyed 20 Shuri gun emplacements in center. Sixth marines--Sent tanks into Naha, 77th infantry--Shelled Shuri fortress. Philippines-- 24th Infantry captured Lincanan 31st, 40th, America 1 infantry consolidated Central Mindanao positions.

43rd infantry mopped up Ipo dam area of Manila watershed. FINNISH ZION EV. LUTH. NATIONAL CHURCH Corner of Ayer and Curry streets Divine service in Finnish at 10 a. m.

Devotional meeting at Van Buskirk State Graded school at 2 p. m. Sunday. Choir rehearsal Tuesday at 7:30 p. m.

All members should attend. Ladies Aid meets Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Hostesses are Mrs. Alex Solin, Mrs.

Sophia Makinen, Mrs. John A. Minkin and Mrs. Fred Benttila. Devotional meeting at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. J. G. Ahonen Wednesday, May 30, at 7:30 p. m.

Jacob Hirvi, pastor. ONTONAGON RESIDENT FAVORED IN RULING Judge Reis upheld a state industrial commission order yesterday directing Cutler-Hammer, Milwaukee, to pay $501 in compensation to Bonnie Hill, Ontonagon, for an injury she said she sustained April 22, 1943, while an employe of the firm. The commission order also provided that the company pay a total of $157 to two attorneys. The firm had asked the court to set aside the order. FOR SERVICES "BEYOND CALL OF Before a joint session of Congress, President Truman awards the Congressional Medal of Honor to T-Sgt.

Jake W. Lincisey, 24, of Lucedale, Miss. At left is Col. Harry Vaughan, the President's Military Aide, and at right is Gen. George C.

Marshall, Army Chief of Staff. On rostrum are Sen. Kenneth McKellar (left), and of the House Sam Rayburn. (NEA Telephoto.) 5 By David Lawrence Washington--Four changes in the cabinet since President Truman took office a month ago indicate that other appointments may also be expected. The reasons given in the three letters of resignation announced Thursday--namely, that a new president should have an opportunity to chose new associates and that a decade is a long period of service for a cabinet officer would seem to apply to others still in the cabinet.

With new faces, however, in the post office department, agricultural department, department of justice and department of labor, Mr. Truman may be said to have reorganized a substantial segment of the government. There can be little doubt that by 1948 the Democratic administration will wish to overcome as much of the opposition to the domestic policies of the Roosevelt administration as possible, while at the same time obtaining whatever prestige it can from a fulfillment of the foreign policies. The new cabinet appointees represent neither a turn toward the left ncv to the right. Judge Schwellenbach, who becomes secretary of 'abor, had a record in congress of friendliness to labor legislation.

One Republican senator of prominence he other day, discussing with the writer the probable appointment of Mr. Schwellenbach, said of him: 'Well, he is pretty well over to the left and labor will like the appointment but if we have to do business with a left-winger, I'd rather have my case come before Schwellenbach than anyone I know of in that chool of thought." As for the new attorney general, Tom Clark, this is not considered in any sense a political selection. He young and able, has a fine personality, ts independent minded and mown, as a "square-shooter." He regarded by persons in the government as a good administrator, and tlie appointment is liked because it is recognition of meritor- ous service by a man in a subordinate capacity. Incidentally, he knows his way around in politics and has been on terms of personal "riendship with both Chairman Harmegan of the Democratic na- ional committee, now postmaster general, and with President Truman. Representative Clinton Anderson, vho becomes secretary of agricul- ure, is a business man of independent means and a man who has been earless in his approach in congress agricultural problems.

He has no tie-ups with farm organizations and is believed to be the kind of nian who is not likely to be con- rolled by pressure-group tactics. On the whole, the three appoint- nents just announced indicate that President Truman is trying to get an efficient, cabinet composed of men whose personal equation he uiows. Certainly it cannot be said of the in Ontonagon in the past in the court house on Thursday afternoons twice a month. three appointees that they are zealots or crusaders in the cause of! new dealism, but it can be said' that they are liberals in the sense; in which the Democratic adminis- traticn will probably wish to be 1 known in coming years. The principal need in the government nowadays, however, is to avoid giving extremists of either the right or the left the reins of control over national policies, whether in an advisory or an administrative sense.

The great need of the hour is stability and fairmindedness. A liberal policy executed by men whose motives are unscrupulous is worse than a reactionary policy fairly administered. Conversely, liberalism makes its greatest strides in national affairs when it has honest administrators who have a deep sense of what is just and right. Tco much of the new deal philosophy has been impaired by the clumsy or inept administrators who thought that they must ride roughshod over opposition and use the power of government to coerce rather than persuade opponents to accept their views on legislative policy or governmental regulation. The whole cause of good-government can be undermined By men who wish to exploit themselves rather than serve the people.

President Truman appears to be too good a judge of human nature and particularly of the currents of irritation, if not bitterness in our public affairs, to overlook the need of selecting capable and Jairminded administrators to execute liberal policies, As for the appointments of Harry Hopkins and Joseph E. Davies to act as diplomatic advisers, each of these men has a certain background in international affairs which can prove helpful to the president, and he is wise in availing himself of their knowledge for special missions thus preserving wherever possible a certain continuity in foreign affairs that is especially important in these critical times. (Reproduction rights reserved), Ontonagon Employment Service-A full time United States Employment service is now being maintained in Ontonagon. The new office is located on River street in the building which formerly had been used by the Rogers Insurance Agency. It has been completely redecorated and repaired.

Francis Pigeon of Ontonagon, has accepted the position as acting manager. In addition to its regular service this office will devote a lot of their time to the returning veteran's problems. A representative from the United States Employment service, Ironwood district, conducted an office Mr. and Mrs. Ludger Belanger and Mr.

and Mrs. Castmer Cogswell of Ontonagon attended a dinner and entertainment at the lumber camp of Mr, and Mrs. William Siren about two miles out of Lake Mine. A MOTOR SERVICE US-2 former Davey Service Station. U.

Aijala-C. Fredrickson "Stop at the sign of the Flying Red Horse" Births Announced-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Broemer are the parents of a son born to them at the Ontonagon Memorial hospital on Sunday, May 20. The baby will be known as Donald Roy and he weighed nine pounds and ten.

ounces. A baby girl was born at the Ontonagon hospital on May 17 to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Geist. She will be known as Patricia Carol.

The baby weighed seven pounds and ten ounces. Bergland DR. P. J. MELLON CHIROPRACTOR Correcting Abnormalities ot Spine and Their Resultant Nervous and Functional Diseases.

Iron wood TeL 723 Office Telephone Above AP Super Market Entertains Bridge Club-Mrs. Selina McGinty was hostess to the bridge club on Friday evening. Mrs. Helen Hodsdon received first prize, Miss Caroline Wallin, second and Mrs. Thure Anderson, special.

Following the evening entertainment refreshments were served to Mrs. Laura Hill, Mrs. Myrtle Hoskins, Mrs. Betty Londo, Mrs. Margaret Borseth, Mrs.

Grace Anderson, Mrs. Ida Salonen, Mrs. Edith Patvin, Mrs. Helen Hodsdon, Mrs. Florence Anderson, Mrs.

Marie Borseth, Caroline Wallen and Mary Stindt. Mrs. Hairy Bush has returned to her home in Marquette after spending a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin.

Herbert Oliver of Lake Odessa, a former resident of Bergland and his brother-in-law, Vern Davis, called on friends in town Tuesday and Wednesday. The Elmer Frank family has returned home from Underbill, where they spent the past month. Improve and strengthen your hcariac for BOOK ft E. Johnson, Director Ironwood. Michigan wind HW tftff NAME AOMfSS ACOUSTICON J.E, JOHNSON, Director Phone 889 109 S.

Suffolk Street Suite 10 Over George's Food Market Ironwood, Michigan The U. S. has approximately 26,000,000 dairy cows. Speak for Themselves Wherever They Stand Est. 1911 QUARR1ERS MANUFACTURERS Ironwood Marquette Iron Mountain REMEMBER Phone 1330-W and we will call, or come in and see what you are 244 West Arch Ironwood Complete Garage Service For Cars and Engines Overhauled And Tuned-Up Experienced mechanics will quickly check your ear from bumper to bumper tell you exactly what's wrong, and what It will cost to fix it.

Prompt attention to your car or truck now may mean keeping it on the road months longer! Rebuilding Painting Brakes Relined Aligned Batteries Parts Accessories Brand New Chevrolet Motor Block Assemblies --now available for Immediate installation. Drive in and let install a new, powerful motor. Have the chassis bolts tightened, brakes checked, and headlifhts refocused at the Burns Chevrolet Co. PHONE 153 IRQIiWOOD.

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