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The Wilmington Messenger from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 4

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

a THE TptQTON AngSSifot 23, 18S8 1 AfeUSED THE OFFICIALS: d' i i if i i nil i love io heijp others; lWHSI FOR SALE! AyERY DESIRABLE RESIDENCE ON NORTH FIFTH STREET. BETWEEN MARKET AND PRINCESS STREETS. LOT 50x230, WITH PRI And Hence TheGive Good Adyice About How-to REAR. VATE ALLEY IN -VC- .1 W. M.

Real Estate Agnt IC. as Sew IS liutfer-Special. Rod- for Sale-Special. Phaeton for Sale-Special. BaniiRis--Palace Bakery.

F0r.S4Wr.-W. M. Cummhig. i ten tr tia in men -M. KoiriSOtl.

-Forcing Mrchi hu Weather Condition 'id M. Local Forecaster) U. Weather iitireau f.s:L 7 February "J2. P- nr. the.

V. ...1 Swrcesf- middle Athantic Ii ridge lot h.iK t-x'tcnds from! Florida hast nM" valley', a'nd hfc GEORGE WASHINGTON TAEOE west! to over lake Life Happier. WHsOn says: have taken i "A man is known by company he keers." Above are pictures 'knbw-n and nobl gentlemen. On Is the Rt: Rev.

-Bishop "Edward Wilson D. LL. D. and the) other is, T'-'IT i TIT'. President of Howard University, Wash D.

C. These gentlemen have red the high positions they hold; and the confidence everyone ha in-them through the fidelity they hav shown to humanity and the cause tne represent, 'rney are, meniwno nave tae confidence of all who know them; menhir i 1 two welM Cold Cnre enrea colds in the bead, colds on tha inva rAA tfViM HAW Mlris Had Ahati COM SL ftDd 11 f.ivrnl fif fitn mrM9na. from tba nose ana eves. Dreventa catarrh diphtheria. Dneamooia, and all throat and lung troubles.

These pleaaant little are abaolutely harmlesa, hax h.vAd thousands of Iivm nrevented much 8ic neaa. The Munyon Remedy Company, prepare a separate cure for each disease. At all jflruggiata cents a vial. If you need medical advice write iuus oi Prot Munyon, ISO Axctl Street, auaaeippuw absolutely free. AMIDST THE ELITE.

Three Daltghtf ol Sociable That Happened Yesterday Other 8oclatyHote Yesterday closed the season Of society gaiety until after the Caster celebration, and the day was a memorable one, as it was marked wfth several most delightful affairs. IN HONOR OP MISS HAT, OF HICK-" OR Y.Mrs. Herbert' L. Borden yesterday af-ternooni tendered a charming card; "party aid -reception complimentary to (Miss Er-roll iHayof Hickory, who ts in the city as the guest of Miss Carrie MafTitt. This delightful affair was given at Mrs.

Borden's oozy and attractive home, on Front street, 'between Walnut and Red Cross, and proved) a source of unusual enjoyment to quite a number of lady friends. f- ODuring the evening refreshments, embracing salads, meats. Ice cretm," cake, were gracefully served the guests, each of whom was presented- with a novel and" pretty souvenir. Those who the many pleasures afforded by the gracious Mrs. Borden, were as Mrs.

C. C. Brown, Mrs. W. Robertson, Mrs.

Edw. Wootten, Mrs! R. D. Jewett, Mrs. -M.

L. Stover, iMiss Maud Miss Fair Payne, Miss. Hattle Bellamy, Miss Kate Cant well, CMIss Anna CantWell, Miss Sue Meares, 'Miss Erroll "Hay, Carrie "MafTitt, Miss Maud McLeod and. Miss Rosa RIcaud. "AY TUB KBSIDEN'CIO OF MRS.

W. j. cirxJOOD. I The residence of Mrs. Fifth and "Dock streets, was the scene or merry, merry liiiu win-day afternoon." The occasion, was the enteftaiping of.

a number of friends at a duplicate whist party, which lasted for several hobrs, and delightful ones they were. The- repast which was served- in a stylish manner during the afternoon was an elaborate M. 3E3I. CJ1 107 rPrinoess' Street Warner's Safe Cure with great tage and derived much benefit from its Our Full Line use, and unhesitatingly recornan'end'jit kp my T. in speaking upon A the subject.

Dr. ankin "I have known of many Who have been permanently -cured "of diseases of the kidneys land urinary vsVrgans by the use of Warner's Safe knoW, too," of it being used in Spimilar cases by physicians of the remedy I want in humanity flo recommend." pst standing. or Men like litsnop 'wiison ana Dr. ian- which they are not fully aware. They SUmNGS AND TROUSERINGS OF HAVE ARRIVED.

WE ARE PREPARED- TO PUT AN ISH BY A COMPETENT CUTTER ADVERTISEMENT pAN GIVE A FAIR 'A LOOK IS "NEEDED. OUR ON wh4 loVe humanity and seek by eyeryxtkm do not speak hastilylor of things of WILL OPEN WITH UNUSUAL NOVELTH-3S -NEXT WEEK. iipve men anu "women anu uire io see Tnousandsof dol-' meins in their power to do to benefit it, It) is notable, though that! both these' gentlemen have found, not stranre" A. FEW LlNEN- COLLARS ON SALE TWO FQR FI CENTS CTeait neip ana assistance irom scatem-en'ts uieawveuu- Wanted, Pants; one, and the souvenirs presented to each this corridor that you entered the dlf-the attendants Iwas both unique in de-'. ferent Separtrn'ents.

same source, namely one of the grent oiscpveries oi xne -A' -iVJ Tbe Negro Postmaster of Lake City, C. Killed by a Mob and Burned Up With th House The, People Than Froteat Against McKinley's Appointment i Yesterday morning at 1 o'clock at CitvL' Sumter' county. -a affair occurred as ai conseauence of th appointment of Baker, a negroffwas held, rwith JMr.iW. as postmaster. A great i many people incensed at the appointment or negro, ana protested nrmiy againsx and used every possab means to vent his appointment when his name w4 After Baker had 'been appointed, he- re 1 ST ceivkd letters warning him.

that it woUj4 March 3rd for inspetetiori by the.Uiwted not be good tfor him if he acce'pted rHeR States naval officer to be sent here to received many threatening- letters, -bu' insipect the' (several divisions, was dis-was appointed and qualified. Some of th Ifisaei' and' it was expressed as the pith ens of Lake endeavored to nttmenf of the division that it would duo him to aDDointwhlte deputy ad a sufficient number of men Will allow him to transact the business of tiae ii i office, as the people objected -to having agiree to No final action was tlfelr. mails handled toy a negro postm.i." 'taJien however, as it as feared the boys ter and theidea of having their families, a i -4 There are, men innumerable who have been worn out by the cares and strains of life, who less energetic and ac-. tive than formerly who feel a lack of ambition when they1 should be energetic, and who do not; know the cause for all these troubles, and that is, kidney or MVer disease. There are many women who, are un-.

accountably pale, sallow, who -laxjk: appetite and are virtually, a burden to their friends and yet who do not realize ithe occasion such tmoubles It all: arises female dfficulties caused by imperfect kidneys To all such the outspoken words above quoted should come as a blessing. When such well-known, and noble men as the? above speak in such frank and- manly; terms as they, do of a remedy, they thoroughly? know 'there cannot be the slightest question- as to its merits and. its powers to benefit THIS NOTICE APPEARS FOR TODAY ONLY BUT IT HOLDS GOOD FOR THE SEA son. DID 13 FOB 73 CISTS. D.

C. WHITTED For Rent, HOUSE, 7 ROOMS, MARKET, between Second and Third streets. HOUSE) on Princess," between Fifth and Sixth, -7 rooms, modern Improvements. 1 HOUSE on Princess, between; Ninth and Tenth, 8 rooms. Cistern, Etc.



faaiuary 2ft, 1893. Notice is hereVgc given that thirty days from this, dat, the name of the steam tu 'Henry wiM be changed to "Navassa," aoting undw authority given by thw OommisBionei' of Navigation i ef the United States. All interested parties will ple-ase take ivottioe. i j. A aUANO COMPAT5fY ja 4w WSb-iinglpn: Flour.

Flour. 1500 2000 25 50 50 ,50 Barrels Flour all graces. Bushels 1 Barrels Bliss Triumph Potatoes Barrels Hbulton Rose Potatoes. 4 Barrels Early Rose Potatoes, Barrels Early Ohio Potatoes. D- Xj- Gore.

'ISO, 122 and 124 North Street. to tome into contact with him at tlie4'nnot ex away rromi uireir eiupvr posi office was repulsive' to them. VjJnaent. Baker, however, refused to listen 1 any -request or pay any attention to rei i it What do you Want in Organdies We have just received oar Pprinff Line of Organdfes, Dimities, Batiste and. awns.

The Styles shown on pur Counters are varictl and the prices are Icjw. feel that we can please the most fastidious. i -t- 100 pieces Imported (Frenoii Organdies in all tlie New and Popular Styles, 25, 30 and 35c "oer yard. Imported Ginghams in Plaids and Checks, 25 to 40c per yard, Lawns: representing the largest line in Ame-l rica, 10 and 15c per yard. I Dimities in the beautiitil and delicate floral designs which characterize these goods, 10 to 30c per i Persian Batiste.

A. hew fabric, beautifu in design and of the. quality, and, only 15c per yard; rJ-: The latest infancy Hosiery, real Lisle, 1 only1 25c per pair. Sole, Agents for Butteriok Patterns. OUMMESTG and Notary iPubllc.


NO IDEA OF OUR FURNISHING DIVERSIFIED I DEPARTMENT and Vest Makers. SEASON Front Street, Imnlernents "Recnfftiiref? ii ARMS FOR CUB 2 Bbls Molasses Bbls Dew, Drop Syrup jgPj Bbls Mott Apple Vinegar Cases Tomatoes j. Cases Salmon 2 Cases Table Peaches 2A' Cases Pie Peaches W. B. Cooper, WHOLESALE GROCER.

226 North Wate Street WILMINGTON, C. i quent threats, ana oeciarett ne would i before ne wouia resign or relinquish hlf offiie to a white man. I Yesterday morning at 1 clock some unknown, parties went to! Baker's hous1; tussle with cholera mwrous. iie'says an set it on. fire.

He cameto the dooi be thirty miles 'after he was tak-armed end' was shot down by a roix 'guns fired at him as he appearec en, and never came eo, near, dying in ille door." He felt back into the Oious sjag lite. After this! when he goes out A GRAND CELEBRATION Tha'BaeepUoB Given Last Xlgbt by tb Klnia taring Circle of tha King's Daagb-tera In Honor of Gaorse tTaahington'a Birthday i rrthe of Fefbruary and the 4th "ot Jury are days upon' which every Amer ican feels (patriotic, at least more so, than usual. This feeling, is xroti due to the fact that these two days are different from any other days, nor 4s in" consequence of any hypnotic influence of the weather, but dt is attributed to the fact that they mark the anniversary of two great events cf the test century the birth of George 'Washington, and the signing of the Declaration of Independence 'and ari supporters of the "star spangled (banner" are iproud of St.j Now the patriotism which aroused your soul with fire on th'ese two dtafces is Widely different In nature, loyal, to the same (One is a desire to seek the drawing room, and there indulge in social patr riobism, while the other creates a 'long-ting for ehe gun, the rod and' are el, and other outside sports. To the ftrst the female populace cater, to the second male ipopuAace. It is not 'is every city that the cnav- lings mentioned are satisfied, more e-' peciaJlly in 'the former hut the ipeople' of -Wtomftng-ton -have- always "been afforded opportunity of celebrating the date that axsarks the birth day of Washington ih a grand and ap.

iprooxriate manner. 'It ds that noble; hand" of chairity workere.The Ministering Circle of The King's Daughters, that have for many years past and iwlli continue to In future, make this; event, notable in the history of Last nigih the eeiebratlon. Which is termed a "Washington Tea," took place as usual, and was attended with pre-emiinent emccess. 1 The reeeptio.ri was held at the' and dmirjosing home of Mrs. C.

H. Robinson, corner 4 Front and Nun streets; and a Ibetter adapted residence for elegant stolciable could have ipossilbly been iTh? entire 'spacious -inteTior of th house was tastily and well" decorated with flowers. front hall 'was most arflstfcaSly festooned, "and it was from iTo-the right was ftlhe reception apart-; tnent (She commodioruis and nicely ap-pOin'ted drawing room) which presented -a'm'ost patriotici aearance, decorated with out and pot plants and the loyal stars and stripfes. One Of iittings decorations was a large easefl, supporting two' fine paintings of Wash dnigton and. Martha Washington.

The easel was gracefu-Hy and pretty draped wiith a large and handsome United 1 K-tatesflag, while between the two pictures hung the aword of Eiberty. In 'the front portion: of the reception room the igues'tJs- were hospitabry re- ce'tved by eight ladies df "the magnificently and becomingly habited in' gowns -to those worn" in -the days of Washing-ton. Mrs. H. Kin(g, Uhe efficient and energetio president of.

'the circle represented ftniftonjMrs. W. E. Storm, Madame ILa-Fayette; Mrs.1 E. P.iBailey.

JVlrs;" Nellie Miss Lizzie Peck, 'Mrs. Bettie Lowds; iMiss 'Alice iDoilie Mad-Sson; (Mrs. C. I E. tBorden.

Nellie Annie Blount DeRosset, Kitty Duer iMiss IMaud I Kingatoury, Grand ma 1 1 In, Uhe rear of the reception, room a delightful musical iprograrnime was in progress during; the entire ttonte of en- tertaiinment. I In the rendition of this thorou-sfhiY enjoyed 1 musicale! Warren G. Elliott and Misses Bessie Buria, Fair Payne and Maie O'Connor and iMr. Gaylord WMte particapated, and won storms of hearty applause from those tpresent. Across the hall was a most uniquely decorated apartment in three-, lovely young- jladies, Misses Al'ice Maggie Catlett -and Reba Myers, -and idlsposed of choice candies, each ailer with a souvenir an: ideal little hatchet, bearing; the dates 1732 and 1898.

On the lower floor of the dwelling the guests were served with an elaborate In ah elegantly fltted up apartment, 'by 'a bevy of ciharrning young stylished gowned, Missesf Sue West, Anna Peck, Marie Peschau, Aiugateta W'if- and iMay Treat The apartment from which delic- ious beverages and salads were served was in charge of Mrs, iMcQueen Kenan, and and. W. R. in 'charge of the ice and cake apartment were E. prunt, C.

Byerly. Washington Catlett, W. o. N. Cronly and Stella Thompson.

The entire affair; was thoroughly enjoyed and will for ever be rememlber-i. ed by those who were lucky enough to be -And they will al'recol-' leot the manner, dn Whicili tfhey were rebeiyed by, Mrs. C. M. RobA inson, who raade a most hospitable and, ahai-ming hostess.

iThose two amd. gallant young who, dressed as pages, gracefully ushered in each and every, arrival, Masters Louis. Davis and Wilie Peck. In the hall was a handsoime silver recap talMe for donations; Whichj we are. glad to note, qnost Eberai glifts of supeirib and.

high order of the decorations werfe due 'to the efforts of. the' following icomimKtee: Miss Al'ice Green J. A. Arrlng-daie, orden Mrs T. E.

"Sprunt, Miss Annie BTOunlt" DelRosse't and Mias" lilzzie The Messenger to a previous 4t published the -namfa of 't3je adies who fwjnatitttta' th i Mihisteringi Clircie, whose nojrf'fi'f'ork in supporting (great Instltut'lon, (Shelter- f-iSilyer 'Cross is well known, New Goods Polvogt Co. Cash Buyers, ment. arriving The W. Special Injiucements to their advertise- flhmberlalnta Cough Remedy Always Proves -'There are no 'better medicines on the market than Chamberlain's." We have used the Cough Remedy when all others failed, and In every instance it proved effectual. Almost daily we hear the virtues of Chamberlain's remedies extolled by those who Have used them.

This is not on empty puff, paid for at so much a line, but is voluntarily given in good in "the hope that suffering humanity may try these and. like the" writer, be bene-tye? MeBYttle (W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale by R. R.

Bellamy, 1 druggnrt iDon't annoy others' by your coaighlng', and risk your Jife by neglecting a old. One Minute Cougb Cure cures coughs, colds, croup, grippe and all throat and lWg R.r R. Bellamy. in i ins fnt a tlsht the street and Xi-Trmutte- of 'e Wd of al- IhV 841 4nvessration 'of a charge "MT J. Mrritt.

white, Several days an, I LL oundly abused Jh city ad- A- the offense allseed was nr. tted one. hoinr'i I I lUIALlLUUVIlU Bay Hie J4ayor Wrleht llri the streeu and wharves committee to In nate the charge. i -Tne committee: which in'mmn Mayor Wright i. ne'-' iWrday afternoon atl o'clock', i the member being present except Air man Oreen r- i entire street force was in-attendee at AbOUt SlSt wltnesaPM 1J-r arimlit knd some testified: that Merrltt cursed payor Wright and the City officials.

h'ie others testified xaetlV to the con-. that Merrltt did not curse as al- tpon conclusion of the testimonvhe fcommittee held about a thirty minutes ponsunatlon, fcut left the matter iini.l they can make furthAr -Innulrv, Intn pe case. If Merrltt Is is adjudged guilty of- the bSgravated charge he will be at once dis missed, from the employ of the city. The offense alleged lis that ile.rritt, and one of the other street hands, Pete Bryan, colored, ot into a Dersonal difficulty words, and Bryan told Merrltt that he -would report hira to rhe. mayor If lie eulifced him (Bryan)," to which i Merrltt replied; that he didn't care' a or Mayor fright or any of the rest mean ing ine city officials), Merritt admits a jdifficulty with Biran, whom he says wai 'acting In an antagonistic; manner, abusing the dty government.

Store, crowded at The Polvofrt Co'. account ol ten per cent discount, i The PeBt Home at 31 1. Tlizah Robbed- J.and Barnecll I i N'othinsr Is now left Che pest lhause at 5ft, i3Jrza'h lbu. a oriiass jof debris, being; the remains" of" a fire which sumed the Ibuildine early Sunday night. i- jj-; ie, burning1 of Ifne house happened at 7 arrd w-as the1 work of fire bugs.

I llr. who faij-ma near the past 'house, reported itihe ptatter tQ 3r. Mdllillan, tendent of The house when it was fitted recently, was divided into two sections," one 5art far the patients and tKe other for tine nurses. In (both "beds, etc. were and the-firebugs ibe'fore setting fire to the house robed the portion of the (building fitted up for the use of the 'nurses.

The pest, house 'belonged to the Seamen's Friend TSocletyi. and- wa3 to have been shortly toy orders. We are anxious to do a little good Hp thlf wortd and can think of no pleas-anter of beftter. way to do it than by recommending D4ie Minute as prewrittve pueurnontra, consumption and other aertous lung troubles 'that allow neglected colds. K.

Ii. Bellamy. i Charged With SeVilne Liquor on the Sao bath ii: L. T. whitel was (arraigned in justice Bunting's court yasterday charged wifh iWeIling.liquo''on rSunday; at.

his of business In Dnoss Neck. The main -witness was Che prosecutor, N. who swore tthat- he purchased ibeet froin Smith on Sunday. Several other witnesses testified that they obtained -liquor from the defendant on the same day. 1 i Speeches-were made Herbert Mc-Clammy representing the state, and by Attorney -W.

Henderson, representing ths defendant, N. The accused was placed; under a 50 bond, "wnlcij; jry7 f5ds appearance at the- next term of the ijerjmlpal court. Frank, the prosecuting witness, is the man wJh'om Smith had. placed under a peace bond Jn Justice! Bunting's court "1 War tfews and discount at The Polvogt Co. are the leading kopics of the day.

Death of Former Wilnningtonlaa The friends of-Mr, Robeft E. Lee. of Sugar. Loaf, near Elizabeth town, Bladen county; will regret to learn of his death yesterday rhornfng. llr.

Lee was aged 70 years and leaves a wife and daughter Mrs. ijohn M. Bell, i of Bladen County. He married' Miss F. Sutton, a sister i of Ek-iSherlff W.

JJ Suttori, iiow clerk of the superior court of Bladen county. Fpr many years, after1 the civil war he resided Vin Wilmington and wasi a conductorj on the Wilmington and Weidon railroad, i i The deceased! was an uncle, by marriage, of David of our city, and he wnt up yesterday to Attend the funeral, which takes place today. -Sncceti of "A Bail in Fairyland." As ha already been stalled in The Mesr senger the two presentations of "A Ball in Fairyland" were flnaniial successes. On the two performances $140- was cleared. which will grea'Uy assist the members of the Circle of The King's Daughters in their noble work.

Tiie circie desires thanks returned all who so kindly contributed to the success of jpHtertainments, especially to the musIcUtM. fToJessdr i A- Schloss, Misses Bessie Burtt! and1 and Mr. A. Martin, There are threeMittle: things which do more work than any other three llt-ti thing's created they are the ant, the bee and Pe-Witt's Little; Early Risers, bemg famous little pill foi stomach and liver Jrcables. R.

Bellamy- 4 V' AaannltadiHia Wife Having asaaujted his wife with a knife stud a chair was the charge upon which Edward Carver, colored, was placed on tclat in JusUe Bunting's court yea- teniiy, i -U "i The" alleged assault occurred last Sunday, Mamie Carver being the-1 After hearing the testimony in the case the defendant was bound over to the next term of the criminal court in the sum $50. 1.1; jj i i 1 B. Sutton, Esq prosecuted for the state and Attorney W. El Henderson ap-leared for the dtfeniJan't. 1 1 1 After years of untold suffering from Us, W.

of Knitnersville, Tygs cured by using a single box peWtttfS Witch Hazel alye. 6kin seises 'Uffn scjema, rash, pimples and Winate S0T6 lrpfcred- this famous remedy. U. BaXamy. Fh'i eral ef ItUsdn Springer Farmer Th funeral of littls Ida- Springer Farn or.

fhe daugihter of Mr, and vl re. 'Parmer, who entered into -est Sunday afternoon, took place yesti; -day; mornang at Qie fatality 1 resi-denci No." North -Eight street, them i to OgMaae cerasiary, where jthe rema ns Were sorrowf ully tenderly cons; njl'to th-ast rest'rng Th tfuneral: was largefy attended and ne floral designs were inany arid beau Thi imoressLVe senrlca was' conduct ed 'hf Mev WHsoni of "jhe iFlr i I 25 lars couMlno'b. for a momfent 'tenupt them i i -oss tney Knew posmyeiy tinat uney i Wre true. The Naval Reserves "Wilmington pifision. Naval.

Re- serves, had its-jregularl rn'onthly in- spection and drill last night by Lieu tenant yiHi'-iC i flhnnyv twenty were present and the" in- After the-drEl bttstness meeting. Middleton, fcthe president in the chair, and Mr. J. Freemanj, isecretar- at -his post. James Davis elected ram- Uiessrs Joe Mason Burr were The cuestijon going to New Frank Sherwood was, down town today, the first time sincJbe has had his in the country he will take a bottle Shepard Hardin, and ii.

L. "en- i SPECIAXNQTICES. A. Star Course Friday, Feb.

25th. Anon iaoy. wuaneiw i ma ciumuna cost, best 'construction, good, condition, Lamps and Fenders, roomy, little used, a bargain, at HAYDEN'S, Third street, feb 23 wed thur sun tues WA-NTED-4-A- YOUNG. OR MIDDLE aged white' one who is indus--" and has "some knowledge of cook-t, ing. Apply to" 414, Orange street feb 18 MrrURPENTiNE STILL FOR SALE.

EX- iv daughters and sonr and carrying of Chamberlain's Colkj, Cholera and Infant, in her arms, a bullet killed ithr i. baiby andpassed through the mot3ier'jiDiarrnoea Remedy with him. Mis-haijd. The three; other chUdren wer.BOUrl Valley (Iowa) Times. For sale also wounded.

The house was destroyed" and Baker's body and that of the babj tny R. R. Bellamy, druggist, were cremated with it -'The occurrence aroused the negroes utrjf.l. T. a frjenzy, of indignation and a conflict wafi Hart's Emulsion 'of Cod Liver Oil threatened with the whites? but at lasrf with Creosote and the Hypophosphites, wafused as the voJl thtfully! used, is a specific in the office and considerable mail matter wai 1 treatment weak; lungs, ConBumip-burned.

tlon. Bronchitis, etc. Leading physi- SUCCESSOJl TO BROWN RODDICK. gihtt snow" 3s at Washington ihd i Chicago i 3.11 states -antiHo overthe west and othtbi. warmer tnniT irmiEGASTS warmer, weather; west variable, 4 FOB THE STA1 wSshlnKtoA forecasts frrrelg) fa.r rrinir kemnt-rature; varal.e: inus.

i a. 22 degrees: 8 i. CT 42 degrees; ,1 vrrtHitl i i i' -i. nj-. Trt- aienaar oun BUti.6es?.

p. high; wa, I.ort; p. nu: 'gh -watr 10:44 p. Hi. MoOn'i moon at South at Vi umius- 'P-.

new "15:05 p. m.i apogee, 1st, S'M a mmin. u. w.i perigee. PltHY IjOCAIiS.

IT. BdS X'orwoM yesterday ii- Hegister of Dec Jarinedsa. marr aRe license to. Ju-eoir OOd nd' Kllzj. X'o'vln.

coU.r. d. A' in fire on Fif it if street, he's used i'ht- hnd Walnut, Vommolion about 2 tiltCTnpon. 1 collided oh jsoptli Front IpT'ft i-esterddy afternoon, ('ne ride'r was liuhtly. hurt land one of the bicycles taf ly (lamarejl.

rW.a!-Pi "fyer, pastor of. Grace M. E. 'Vhrcfi, will make a hortj talk. on the I'ilgritft'S1' ProjBress' at the grayer meet-in Pfctvices at his churrh Might.

kclkxie will be found opinions- if persons, ebmpeteirt to st IK (ot cauie lof the- tMaine disaster, an tii-sso. a comparison of the ua of Spain tid; the tTriit'ed States. jbe a' ineetinsr 1 dejitf abil bbflH of 4 erhoort. at their, office in Ar Line, building on s'ortii the presi- of the Mer- lloek this af- he Front street. IFhe ularm at 9:35 last niii ht from box tdi was caused by a small liri? on the roof 'nfif sr rtwkitnii'at N'o.

3)3 Ftirels avenue Thirr reet, bet ween Blad and Har rett. The 'was ovv ped by Capr -thin lioui's Bidden and oeci pled 'by J.ts. 31111, colored. The damage was immate- Raleigh, and! maiijl betweed- take place tfclay and to- inorrbw At the club house the Han-weri blve Stock and Poultry Associa tion," nt-ar this city. The show down will ako place nt 9 'o'clock -anu 'the battles "will com-mencc' lt a.

will shtw seventet birds. Both sjdes' jid the stakes -vtill be $300 on the tight and fcO on ertch nfiffht. The Rakdsh find XKtleton and the in at the jitiorf 9 arrived htre' yesterflay. Wlimirieton snortB will alscJ -hi i liig s.ivlrvg im'Cash Buyers this week Bt The Polvogt ten ier cent iiicount.dn Cah Sales; PERSONAL MENTION Bowden, of AV rss, wai in. city; yeKtrplay.

J. F. Mus.sf-livh'ite 6f Hopi.MllJs. was here yesterday. 'aptaiit B.

'EdiferiOi: wis here yestjerdayJ of Goldsboro. fie. M. qllpin, 'Xe Bern, spent 7 y'prday in the city. Swindell, of Rodky'Toint, was! pit our streets yesterday.

I. J. Rose Hill, was In the fWy on business yesterday; fr. R. Love return.hf yesterday irpm a trip up- the Cape Fear.

nyir, W. ll. and family, of are jvlsiting the tity. 1 fMr. and Mrs.

Jno. A. Ayjlbur, of Xew ptork, visited city -yesterday. r. II.

B. Shofti of nrn up to thfe city last evening. Js- McKoy, ofi -was Ji'e ma.kink bjisiness calls yesterdaV. I'aptain J. I.

Atftry, of-- Autryville; jnade business Talis In the cty yesterday. I Teachey, '-Atlantic' JiiiH agent; at was in, t.he city -jJ'Artrday. -jj, 'jaccoii, of rhe pBgnk of Marlboro, Benpettesville. S. C.

in last evening! and is registered at Orion, 'j aptain Sandy of the steam- a. J-. Hurt, trom J-'ayetteviiio. brought -d'rh- ''jlje following citizen Biaden fix-Sheriff and -pres- fit. Clerk, pt W.

J. Sutton, and Mssrs. j. p. i McKay, Simmons, lfank'- Davis, John Warren Downing and- J.

C. Cash well'. r'oloncd Frank Guildner, one of the best Rruwn: and most popular traveling 'men the road, is a guest of The prton. The cdijnel represents "the welt wn- hardwire housej of Sargeant of Ne-Tok. This company, now i has offices! ftlsfr -in' 'New Haveni' Boston uiid Phfla- Oevbia.

V- 'Qhfi following were among yesterday's jTMe" Orton; Messrs. J. W. c. HrttinKham', John Vane, G.

A. Zeickel ofillilfimorle; F. J. Boesse, Frank M.I X5f sn S. Lester, Wolff, of N.ew -York;" l'Jf Moyer, W.

Wi Front, of. V. G. Hubbard, of Charleston, v. John D.

Dunegan, S. -D, French, of 'lunibus, Special inducements are offered on lpets, RugS, Window this avock at W. Polvogt Co. Important Meeting Tonight IT you are Interested, an4 you should evi in attracting visitors to 'our city don t- fail -to fLttena meeting at o'clo'ck sharp toffifht at the office of Mr. Mcti.

Green, foot jf Chestnut street, consider'! We propositioM t(j have an in- ieisstate shoot in Wilmington ilay 25t'hj i i i I und 26th. I j- -E. Ei Sha-ner, manager of the'ln- teirJ-Stale Association, offers Wilmington inter-state shoot and' as that, cjeans the association will offer. prizes, WlU --'mJngtoTi should not fail- to accept this t'ffl-r. merrfbers of the gun club and'cjli-j zens- generally.

'who beUtve jin getting a' jrrioe. on things are urged to attend the meeting. 1 a man is suffering- with an Hching head, a shigglsh body, when his muscle are lax 'and lazy, his brain dull, and him Stomach disdaining food, we. win, ir wsae, neea these warnings mju. iraurt ur we rwjnx remeay.

efore ft is too. late, "Parker's arsaparilla the of Blood Purifiers, makes the appetite keen and neajtyr-aavteur-1 jaes the Uver-iurtfle(i the, blood i and jfi'JOs with the life-giving elements of jfc ke Sood. It is a wonderful blood tnat-Jter and flesh buiiaeiv Sold by -eheparj, J. HaEdjand OL JU Fen-ttmuj I v. 1 d.V- durjhfe Mtho -dar over-the im lUier OhlWvllex the takes.

the prevails' over jaj other e-t oi i-otirrtryt-n Wfeold from the Jhiiy of an ijrer The Messenger learned the above actrcrans recommend tt Bold toy J. C. from a who was in Lake Clt, veakerdav. i -I By Associated Press.) The following AssocJaJted Press diai'V 'tZSSTrn i n'rfnrt Mii' "flMmlnr TaK- S-Xi; No. 29 NortH Steel Plows and i -X.

N-V f. I I s-v. Fkf: -Pfu Course tickets (4 events left) n-0" g' 2t "wed, ri BUTTER 15c POUND FOR THIS Week, am. now offering fresh Butter at 15c pofnd retail. Oranges J1.75 per hundred, 25c dozen Lemons 10c dozen.

In face everything in proportion in--my line. R. E. Ward. eb 23 -1 LROSES FOR SALE BY THE THOUS- and.

IFinef Roses out of 4-inch pots 10c and. upwards. All bedding plants at the lowest prices. MRS. H.

REHDER. feb 23 2t HAETON FOR ONE-THIRD 4 "LGnSJFJOr '1; Vi -i 1 sign and handsome in appearance. Those who cart attest to the great pleasureability of the event ar Mrs. Walker Taylor, 'Mrs. F.

H. Russell, Mrs. Harrlss Northrop, Mrs. Robert DeRos-eet, Mrs. Al Wright, Miss Christie Black, Miss Stella Divine, Miss Alice Green, Miss Lizzie Peck, Miss Fannie Taylor, Miss Nellie Kenly, Miss Sue McQueen, Miss Lilla Bellamy, Miss Margaret Gibson, Miss May Beverly Fernch and Miss Bessie Gfbson.

ANOTHER PLEASANT AFFAIR. Yesterday af terrioon Mrs. G. G. Thomas 1 at her handsome home, corner Fourth and Market streets, gave delightful card which was enjoyed.

of la decidedly choice and fine served in- an ele gant manner, during intermissions of the playing. j. Those present were Mrs. Warren EUlpit, Mrs. Thos.

W. Strange, Mrs. Rodgers, Miss Roe Wigglrfe, Miss Mary Meares, Mrs. Hugh MaoRaetrs. George Rountree, Mrs.

C. E. Werterfbaker, Mrs. E. P.

Bailey, Mrs. Preston Bridgers, Mrs. Williams' Murehison, Mrs. E. V.

Bait-ter, 'Robert Miss Bolle Thomas, and Mrs Moss, of Mass. COMPLIMENTARY 'TO MISS SOPHIA CAMPBELL, OF WILMINGTON. the "A Party," we note the following in; the Taller of Society, in Florida, bubli'shed in St. Augustine: j- and Mrs. John, T.

Dismukes gave a. elegant party Friday in honor of. Geo. W. Dismukes, Miss S.

G. Campbell, of Wilmington, N. C. Edwin Weed, of Jacksonville, and their -eldest daughter, Mr. R.

D. Wylly, of Darien, whose fcoming was a great surprise. i "The handsome home" of Mr. anil is. Dismukes on JWater street -is, admirai adapted for entertaining, and waa beautifully decorated for the occasion with palms, yellow jasmine' and wild smilax.

the guest had been; received, danc ing was enjoyed by the young Later an elegant collation was Following the oMpplng publfshed was an elaborate account of the 'partyr' In a recent letter from Washington tp an 6M friend. Major A. Studer, for twenty years United States Consul at pinapore. "While at iDes iMoines 'became "acquainted with a Jfinown as Chamberlain's 'Paitt Balm which! I excellent against rheumatism as well as against soreness of Uhe throat and chest: (giv- ng; ine much easier ibreatihing). I'fiad- a touch of phefuimonSa earlyj this week, and 'two applicatlions reeTy 'applied jto the throat and chest relieved me of it" at once.

I would not be without It for anything." 'For sale by iR. R. BelTamy, A High Claas Jtaalcale third entertainment inC r. Young, Men's Christian-Association Star Course comes -next Friday night," 25tn and promises to be one; of the be of the year. It is a contelrt! given by four young lady known as the Arion Quartette, assisted, bj the young, poet of Cleveland, Mr.fJ.

Edmund" V. Cooke. This combination has been traveling together four years nd have built up for themselves an excellent reputation! They1 only in the bes't course anj'ars given -flattering Tecep'tlons. 3Ph Richmond Dispatch said that Mr. Cooke was oristhe programme that city for four numbers but so delighted the audience that- he wats forced Ito -giyen seven patrons of the course may expect a treat.

Visit the store of The W. Tolyosi CO. today tomorrow and every day this week, they give discount of ten per cent on all cash purchases. Special Train to? tbs Ww Bern On accoufit of the New Berp fair, na Atlantic Line will run i special train to 'New Bern on next Wednesday, Mrch 2nd. The traui will leave Wilmington at a.

Scotts Hill at 8:10 a. Jacksonville at 9:21 a. m. iPollocksvllle at 10:05 a and arrive at New Bern at 10:45 a m. Returning; trrjn wiii Jyo New Bern at 4:50 m.

ndft back t' Wdmlngton at p. j. i Round trlp ilckets for fhis train- Including one admission to the 'fair, grounds, will be on sale from 'Wilmingiton at J2.40. Conductors will sell tickets from points where therg Passengers taking the'tralni without tickets at points where there "are agents will be charged the regular local fare. 11 don' know, tflteiw inay be othens," he ttaid, "but I have used 'Parker's Tolu Cough.

6yrup' in any ifamiily for years and would not be Without ttl" 'He knew better than to buy the Inferior pr-paratiprj that waa being urged upon, bain." Parker's fPolu. Cough Syrup''haa no'eqijaj. It will frqmedi-atJy Cough Coid, Whoopiing Cough, Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis and kindred ailments. Contains no Injurtou tngredi-ents, is pleasant to take and safe remeay lor cnaaren. acor sale icy J.

C. Shejiard, J. H. Hardin, tiad Hi. superior to aii orners.

uoy Clipper, iJixie ana Stonewall Plows and Castings.5 Hoes. Rakes, JEcohomid Back Bands, Something new and economical. Full line Agi'l cultural Impleraents. Correspondence Solicited. Ki JACOBI HARDWARE ROMPANY feb 10.

BUTTER JUST ARRIVED, ISc single pound, 3 pounds- 60c, 15c bjf the box. -Send in your orders at once. noir. RairoT- noo-i-n anA hia iT 7DoritYou4akt (Sitterst A Good Man Uone to His Reward f.U' We chronicle with sorrow the: deatV of bne'of our most highly esteemed ci-5, 'izeris; Bowden, who pas-sJ awiy yesterday at 11:55 a at his res -kt i TZ-1 dence. 906 North Fourtn i street.

Mr. Bodden suffered a stroke' ef parai vahd almost since that time. "JO 9 o'clock he was seized, with. paralys.ia the left side and death endued attackj he borfe his sufferings patiently, and dlt- his iltness was faithfulrv- uuMSSif Xt.n by W. J.

H. Bellami and was jgf. ff. J. H.

Bellami and was Mr, Simp-f was porir ait Cttffaw ptaHW Prr NoVembeE m9 yA 8 iriantv- W3L9 agea yeri-t and 22 days dn May, h' ma: Tied Miss Katie Bryant, daughter Cai tain L. Bryant, now superint rtij. ent of streets and shend'two an, 'three sons survive him. Re feveSj thrse sisters and one brother; Miss MkrVf Miss Sue and MisS Julia, and Mr. Lami rwu' r6SM enaer county He removed to Wilmington about thifl time he was married and.

most of ittlf time ne lias engaged, in the fAeav Dusiness in Front street market. Foj some' time he was in. business for hm self and for many years he Was emoloreV- by Messrs. John R. Melton and Rhodes at different ttmes.

'Mr. Rho' says he was one of. the relia5'il andl straightforward men he ever hao dealings -with. Miv Bowden was a consistent commufiii was a man of the most excellent charae--4 ter. I One who knew him inthnately ne -w a.

guoa man ana spoKe or mm a most devoted husband ami father. The- deceased was, a merniber of -fet' jonn 'iocjge so. 1, A. A. mil, aAd of WlJrrvinirTi jA cto 1-K1 iTk were shot to death ahd 'their bodies crtkZr' maied.

It is said that a mob," numberlrsU several hundred, surrounded' BakefAtiL hotise, where -the kept, serf fire) to the building.and opened fire guns upon it. Baker was: killed and wif, his tWo daughters and one son wercji seriously wounded- The (woman had! aS (balby in her 'arms, and she says that QiV ball that went through her hand thrpugh the baby, kilHng it. "AU the wounded are maimed for the! two girls may lose their arms. Alifcf! the mail matter was totally The re Is no clue to the composition J5f the mob." 'I 1 jT 1 Large Oranges 25c per dozen. Cabbages, PPies' i11 aountmnce.

RENT DWELLING SITUATED ftrect rooms and kitchen. -Large lot 66x175. feet Apply to" W. A. WHITEHEAD SON, 223 North Water Street, Ja 29 lm FRESH GROUND GRAHAM FLOUR, Big Hominy, N.

Head Rice, choice Bell Tl ftA. 1 CtU.uL tit. a i HOUiSEKEEPEES TAKE NOTICE that N. O. Hams, Turkeys, Chickens and Eggi can i be had at very low prie "of hTOIlt StfMt.

-CtY 12 RviSRV HOTISKSFCBISB attiw- an Asbt AS ests 15ci Flat Iron Holders -lvc ana Stove are aiu- able. at (jwas. uuv feb22tft: -v j- fn-o WTrr tiWRTJJNBa. Stores, Offices and Halls. For Ii SSaM.

Sale Dwellings, Stores, Vacant SllM nmnortvlAnDl to D. O'CONNOR. Real Estate agent, Wilmington, C. de 7 tf call AND SEE MY CHECKED DIMI A wool Garnets ai ties at 96 per yard. All wool Carpets at 45c per yard Tapestry uruaeeiis irom 4 to 67c per ySurd.

Btainkette at a sacrifice. -Red and White Flamneils below value, J. SHSPABP. 18 Marxex Street. ONE FINE SQUARE PIANO, 7 1-3 oot.

Rosewood Case, new strings; perfect conditionl wHh stool, 65. one 6 oct. Case, fine condition everj Elegant high grade upright, -Rosewood way, 3o good for JOHN 20 years, very low- for cash. RUSSEL, 413 Orange Bt, Ben 'Phone 198. feb 29 fei.

I Arm MA 1 JFm A A. 2t' ilk TiTmifmnT.1T VrtIT TTJt TJ-CrtTtlT CP ed to meet promptly at 8:30 o'clock FOR INSURANCE GALLON J. H. BOATWRIGHT SON Liverpool London Globe Insurance Co. Bundles Banana PENNY APIECE.


WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE FA MOUS BRANDS OF 5c CIGARS "Cuban Blossom," Cuban Blossom," -1 RenownRenown," 3 'Renown, "Cuban Blossom." 4 Cuban WE ARK SOLE AGENTS ALSO FOB Best" Flour, I Stocks. Best FlouiVt Q. Q. Q. Q.V Q.

Q. No Flours superior sold in any market in the Unite agitates- Prices and samples cheerfully sent 1 -1 i The funeral will take place at Burgn.4 this (Wednesday) morning at the late today and the remains- will" be. takentt iresidence -of -our deceased Robt. thence by the Atlantic Coast Line this Bowden, on North Fourth be-morninsr at sDio'elockis Thev, will -3 twecn Bladen, and Harnett for purpose Of escorting his remains to Jlthiv tr-nin ,1 aeomranled 'by -a-eorrrmlKee- from' tniTlirtflD flWi. Jacobs, acting as nohle grand, Oaptiia TTfirtwtan an phanlnin.

an iMr Wi ll ill IMflR Meirtbers of other rMasonle Lodges are imHtM attend. WJd. M. rOlSON. Cameron, -r -feb 2 It SecreUry.


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