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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

RI.YTHKVtl.l.K. (AKK.) COUKfEU NEWS SATURDAY, JIWB 27. Some of Der Maxic's Faces All Skcnlicisrn As to Champ's Ability Vanished wilh Knockout, BV wr.HXER I.AI.TCR CLEVELAND. June llelon as lo Max ing ability vanished on th; Feb. 1.

1923 when he ijclinic'illy knocked out Johnny t'-i: Cleveland baker boy. in uiii" rounds in Madison Sqii.ii? G.T;k': New York. The. one-round kncirhoul Max ministered lo Pielro Coin in Ne.v- nrk some months before than mildly ilirrud Is'is' Interest, but after all Corrl iurl been considered 1 i rater. Johnny Risko, on'lhs fir: hand, WP.E at that time, fill! i- for that mutter, one of the est hoavyweishts in'the Risko novel' had been km? out and heil'n m-i- in the division, Shr.rkry, raullno Uzci dun atirj frcy.

lie was the choice cf Ib? fans ts- meet Gene- Tunnry when Tumicv fov the "last time reams'. Tom 'ney. Why Tiinney rai- ko'and hand-picked p.inr oH Tom was evident." Though It ts just like 'forget nil about training for a fhht when lie is matched wl'h ri nifin wlio has not proven himself, Hi? Way in which finished the Rubber Man left no doubt, In the miutls Ihnl war, natural fighter who lived tei fk'ol There later were sloric? of Rlsko, jusl having jllicd by his boyhood sweetheart, Into the ring with his 500 mil.r away from Music's after that first po'is It's a 'ho? Johnny was r.l! business again. Maxie's fists made him so. At Ihe clang of the boll tore Into Risko with a savaw two- fisted at lack.

Risko. hooked lo and fought back viciously. Max ni! Rlsko 'with a short ii the jaw that brouqhl the bakrr to his knees In Ills own corivr, b--i' he was up without a cnunt aivj they traded rights anrt lefts tlie rhythm of two men sv.v!n~ down giant tree. It was Schmel-Ing's round. concentrated bis attack on the body In the second and in the course of fltthtiuc: sent 'wo or thrr'- low punches.

He was bv Referee Donovan. ed back all the harder and th- crowtl. on its feet scvcimln'. 1 when the rails. a initiate's rest Max out there again unrtir th: lights banking away the purictv lander.

who ofien tucked hi- behind bnth forearms lo of! the attack. wen tills round also by cleaner, punching and ceaseless assrrc." pcss. fourth went to Risko. when Schrnelhis pulled up, rating himself for the later rounds, wlion In- planned' hk real Rlskr. puffed nnd Euorted and bwd lefts over in great style.

He riiinch- ed often accurately but inrriy ciid not hurt the German. They slower! down during th? fifth. Bati: were weary from tlvi furious-pace of the first rc-uncis. landed the punches, but they lacked the slim of SchmeliiiEr's blows. The- sixlh ell Risko.

It ed with a frenzied mixing of punches and Maxi? was t'i break ground. Risko pursued Schmellng across the to purn- mel and pop JTaxb until the 1 Scbmcling leak a trrcat of and up under it. In the seventh and eighth Maxif stalled his blasl of flslic fireworks. Shortly after dirH by one of John's colossal loipin? hooks. cleared his head and lore in.

A short rlsht Ibe.t trnvrhtl more than a foot put Risko in Hi-resin for a ninD count. Max theri rained punches on Jotinny's head but coaltl not finish his man. Risko azain cams a the eighth after abforbin; a Oi of and when the bell cam? to his rescue it was clearly evident that he' would not survive ar.o!h?r roini'J. Which was correct. a end came early in th? ninth round.

All Risko's craft rs-iVJ not save him from Iho 1 th-rHini fists. Lightning lefts and rights brouglit Johnny's hands dov.p.. A terrific right-hand smash sen', him spinning across the rin? anS a left two more righls knor'sH him to the floor. He rose at conn' of nine and gamely stajnered two more flashing sts that aaain deposited, him on the canvr.s. Risko came up once nior; and th- 1 blows fell like hailstones on his face and head.

The crowd ycllsd Defends Title Claims Here Washlncicn at ncston at Philadolphh York al CLDSE ONE BRUSHING UP SPORTS Robins I riuniph In fcst: Macks kiln As Senators Drop Back. Tlie Ai-nerlcan leaders, the rliam- Athletics were held Idle bv rain yesterday, but the cliallciuc- i iuo Seniors wur" set Vu-k bv 'he White In the Nn- lininil circuil. 'the Si. l.ouls Cardinals ran itilo Ihe Docifi3rs and oaf" sc-iters losl. I'al Carawiv limited 1 in r.

to lids am) thr- Sox a close t-'ami- from the Nats. 4 In The wlnnbiy run wcs in the Oarriwav not three of his trnm's Kuliel vvitn (wo lionieis I'd the Icn attack. Thi Nats resled Game and a half back of Ihe Ath- as a result. The lirowns made their winning r'-ach five slraipht l)y di- fcallng I'll- Rosi'jn Red Sox at SI. I nuis.

The Score was 3 to 2 with Rip Collins brsllnu three Boston nirlcrs. Rotlirock hll a homer for The Urnoklyii noundcd out 15 hits off Orimcs. Hallahan inti Umlsev and counted a 1G to 5 vlclorv. I-'redcilek O'Doul. Thurs- ion, the Robin hurler, and Herman led the assault with home runs.

Grimes was the losing pilch- r. Bill Walker gave Ihe Reds but four hits and the New York Giants won, 2 lo 0. Ogtlen liurled a good game for the Red- legs. The Cincinnati hurler was poorly Fiillls hit a licmer for New York. Selbold and Cantwell combined lo hold tlie hard hiltlng Cubs lo four, bingles and the Boston Braves won a to 3 decision al Boston.

Shcely hit a for Boston. Malonc was the losing hurler. the offerings of two Pirate hurleis, Ihe Phillies defeated tlv; Pillsburgh Virates. 13 to 2. Wall hurled steady ball for Philadelphia.

Davis lilt a homer and other Phillies hit the ball hard. What Dn They Want? There lias some uproar about Ihe rotten state to which boxine has fallen loduy. A great many phoney tights have tern foisted upon the fans. Frills without number have bieu peroetratcd. There have been plenty of dives and all that.

Recently Prinio Camera was matched wilh Pat Redmond. Tu order tn circumvent a small malter of contracts and a suorcme court or two. Pat was advertised as a pnlo- 1mm. Sports writers in New York and Brooklvn made all sorts of fun of the affair. It was nnde olain to the fans that Redmond an obvious nushovcr, bv all cxcent nil? York writer who fnceltous- Iv pirkrul Redmond to belt Priino out of in a few heats.

Artmiltedlv Redmond was a bum nf tlie lowest ranklnt; in Fistinm Hose Drop Second to Seaporters HELENA. The Helena. Sea- orters made it two straight over he Blytheville Red Sox by wln- yesicrclsy, 5 to 3. The ocals won Thursday's game, also close margin. The Seaporters got to "Spot 1 leid, Blythevllle hurler.

for 10 lits. The lilythevillo hitters were ittle better at solving Helena pit- hing Friday than they were Thursday. Oakley and Tinsley limited the visitors to five hits. Oakley was eplaceci because of a sore arm. The two teams play here Sunday.

Score iclena Blylheville L. Delony, Trustee, were Plaintiffs. suction lo the highest and best bid- No. 4914, and 'Jack E. Wilson.

Grac Wilson and Daley R. Hill were Defendants, will sell at public auction V'-nrk. Plllfbui-jii at Piiiladc'iphb. nil in 111 Dixie Trains who lins prcniinence I j-i-ar v.i;h a 1 1 of Iu Ihe' riiv! oil with a doi i -ii-r. CAW 1 Tori-.

l.r-ni:-. will mr.i-t Sjinice above. 1 c.i in thf lu'rc nlglll. ot prospects ever tumid out 'n the sy Endurance Sl'ter Roosts in AuSo Pa. (lurn.nre this tn earn i i an old! nnt role Ti5; -el hv tr 3.

Harrv KcPv run tent'-, innins- lh on Ilra7iil's double. Tlv Sashviiii; Vo r. Rock Trjvfbis ill 0. 7.umbro (i on Junt'- 1-1 le r.c->i-,'(i in Gi'Hs rr.i::itii>si brat llio r-if tr whirl: li- ovdiii? to liit rnnlracl 10 pud the A cf frmK rl til- ill 0. 7.umbro was llio vvir.tii:-.t )rt 1 1 osr slM pitcher and Pence the lo-cr.

The I rlomcll i av Ix- in the vari- Vols hit Ih? ball hard, er.rnt-ring aWp WC rr or rc 'e vou triblin? is Hie overwhelming choice lo beat but Sock wh.u they dl.i to 1 good biq to able to beat good lilile men all right. KO r.nd find us tome food tig men Car- nrrn't fijlu Mirlsry W.i!l:cv would murder lum Albi'rt rinU-y is riding winner'; on Canadian tracks he's 50 and is only 13 nnd has liirrr less knows oxiictly to (To ihose ihroe In One-Eye Connolly has arrived In Cleveland for the fight lending some le lo Ihe affair. 18 hits. he ivnipics no ny Thai was broirehl out in tesli- ninnv n' a court liearln-; before the fleht. irniim's Veracity.

And what liaunomwl? Well, the' H'Tht to not E'oliels Field 1 iho I hi The show trw" and left a of S35.595 CMC of in? three larwst re corded at Ebbets Field for Ihrei earners was pail M0.9T7 fo PcHniond in twi nnd 24 seconds. R-dmond the man advertised bv bis inqnnirT as a bum. got $5488 fa end. Promnter and Bov- Bandit Jamc 1 realized urnfit on Ihe rntirtaiuincnt plannln" further atrod Who wouldn't? If wi not- Hull kind of folderol. rt flv 1 sonir mnre of th? ivlx? wbat Give them Camera WUli? 1 or T.

Swan. Tt ought lo well! What do von sunnose P. T. BII-. ronlrl rfo todav w-ilh some bi" ii-eion with hands? N'ot anv more than a nlc- of million dollars worth of aiinuallv.

Or. let us sav wllli ciohl rvn I ind toe on bis heel' Wouldn't that be sometmns? F-v. how about between a SO'illa nnd a cannibal? If mielit be oblectcd thai it der, ,011 a credit of three inoiillis, at the front door of the Courl betcveen the hours prescribed by to the highest and best bidder, on law. In the City of Blylheville. Ar- 002 010 200 000 Olx 020 Oakley.

Tinsley and Berry Inlow; Reid and Ileuison. R. H. E. 5 10 1 353 and a credit of three months, at the front door of the Court House, be- Iween the hours prescribed by law.

in Ihe City of Blyilievillc, on the llthMay of July, 1931, the following real estate, to-wit: i Lois Seven and Eight. Three of the Ruddle Ifetelits Addition to Blythpville. Mississippi County, Arkansas Said sale will be hail to satisfy kansas. on the llth day of July, 1531, (he following real estate, towit: Lot, Four, Block Six, Ruddle Hei-jlils Addition to Blyllieville. Mississippi County.

Arkansas. Said sale will be had to satisfy jid decree in the sum of $1,104.72. fiih 10 per cent interest from.Nov. ist. 1030.

The purchaser at said sale will 1 said decree in the sum of $1.535.45. required to execute bond wilh ap- wilh 10 on: cent inlerest May I security, to secure the p.iy- Isl. -ID31. ment of the purchase money, and a The purchaser at said sale will be Hen will be retained upon said prop- renuircd to execute bond with ap- rty as additional security for the proved security, to secure the pay-1 payment of such purchase money. nienl of the purchase money, and a lien will be retained upon said as additional security for Ihr payment of such purchase money.

Witness my hand and th; seal of said Court, on this, the I3lh day of June, 1931. R. L. GAINES, 13-20-27 Commissioner in Chancery. Witness my hand anrl the seal of Court, on this, the 13 day of June, 1031.

R. L. GAINES, 13-20-27 Commissioner in Chancery. pllance rendered Cuba Higdon Winner oi Checker Tourney Title COOTER, Cuba M. Higdon of wherdn Amsrl of Sleek', former columnist, Mo I' nnrt COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that tlie undersigned commissioner, m-com- Ipliance with the terms of decro? COMMISSIONER'S SALE 1 render! by the Chancery Court, for Notice is hereby given that Chicka'siwbn District of liissis- undersigned commissioner, in coni- i-lth the terins of a decree by the Chancery Court for the Chickasawba District of Mississippi County, Arkansas, on the 15th player and checker expert extraordinary, won district checker liere yesterday.

tlie first annual title The Steele ace emerged winner over a good field of candidate with Pemiscot county well represented. His total was 5fi points. Charley Roberts of Cooler was second with 52 points and Tom sijipi County, Arkansas, on Ihe loth day of 1031, wherein American Loan Ass'n. and W. L.

Delony. Truslee. were Plaintiffs. No. and J.

J. Gilless. et al were Defendants, will sell at public auc- lion lo the highest and best bidder, Delony, Trustee, were Plaintiffs. No. i a credit of three mouths, at the can BMg.

Ass'n. and W. L. liriggans of Cooler and Lou Mcore of SleclR liedfor third place with Wlt: 48S5, and Mrs. Mary Henley, et al were Defendants, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, on a credit of three months, at the front door of the Court House, between the hours prescribed by law.

in the Cily of Blytheville. Arkansas, on the lllh day of July, irm, the following real eslato, to- 42 points each. The tourney was held high school gymnasium. at the I I for Referee Donovan lo stop the 'Slaughter of a game-but helpless i man. Donovan rcspr.u'.sd by stepping between thjm and AMESBURY Mass Maxie's right, hand.

I Peabcdv di-ow'V danced happily to hli whlh mrbiie into a brosk. Suspect Driver, Off in China Confiscate sclicol plans to rent to present tenants, obtaining revenue for crt- Yuan after be- the first president the be hard to keen Rorllln in there. consMerine sinlnn's habit nf hr.ngliie 0:1 the ropes in a fashion to which some of our have 1f lb 'f and von don't a r-V as I OllLC i a brief period made himself outrun. A vi-rv reasonnbU addicted. Wal- ciKivn-r.

kll. fil'sl the referes euldcrl Hie samo Johnny his iumflbrs. in style. Sad surrr.buuW a Iro'; dcus obstacle In his o.ucst for heavyweight championship. Courier Ness Wpnl Adii Pay.

Police were sent in a 1 to n-hi'c cr.i'jl (lu-y WITC a strip of.i"rLl;i fer Prnb-fiv. he 1 I ill the p.itrcl He wn cap-, ri! 1 jturrfd atti'i 1 it inln CI nt Knllslinvv llench. I ONION MON'TnCSK. Cnb, florks on Cclorado's have put on au onicn to Isst's Mirpluv p. D.

warohousc owner, saidlriii-1 of sacks of onions Kivcn sh-cp r.s ha Ivrn fi.r infl nble corilh J931. trht mi In Chlcaen. You ni'ffht thlrk wcnld be dimcultv in making a cnnnl- wlvjl was COMMtSSIONTR'S SALE Notice is hereby given that th: undersigned commissioner, in compliance with the terms of a decree by the Chancery Court for the Ctilclcasawba District or Mississippi County. Arkansas on Vlic 15lh day of May. 1031.

wherein American Building -Loan Ass'n. nnd W. L. Delony, Trustee, were plaintiffs No. 4007 and J.

L. Flake. Laura Flake ami J. P. Flake were Defendant, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder, on a of three months, al the front door of the Court House, between the hours prescribed by law.

in the City of Blytheville. Arkansas, on the llth day of July. 1931, the following real estate, to-wit: Lot Nineteen, in Block of the Joe P. Pride Subdivision lo Blytheville. Mississippi County, Arkansas.

Said sale will be had to satisfy said decree in the sum of SM74.18, wilh 10 per cent interest from February 1st. 1931. Tlie purchaser at said sale will be required to execute bond with approved security, to secure the payment of the purchase money, and a Hen will be retained upon said property as additional security (or the payment of such purchase money. Witness my hand and the seal of said this, the 13th day of R. Ii.

GAINES. 13-20-27 Commissioner In Chancery I'l IV soinrn aUn could ''ne'er 1 rtrcK That overcome. lo Harlem willing cinnl- lo Rross nl le.isl COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned commissioner. In compliance with the terms of a decree rendered by the Chancery Court for the Chlckasawba District of Missls- slonl County. Arkansas, on the 1511 Beginning at the Southeast corner of G.

W. Richardson's lot ant! the South corner of W. D. Henley's store lot run llieiice South 135 1-3 feet to slake, thence East 85'i feet lo slake: thence North HO feet to stake; thence West 73 1-3 feel, to place of beg' 1 ling, same being carved out uf the Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter of Seclion seventeen. Township fifteen North.

Range eleven East: Also beginnins at ths Northeast corner of CI. W. Richardson's lot and run thence South rods to a stake; thence East 100 feet to stake; thence Nonii 10 rcrta to slake: thence Wesl 100 feet lo place of beginning, the starling point, is on section line between Sections eight and 'seventeen, in Mississippi County. Arkansas-Blytheville. Arkansas.

Snid sale will be had lo satisfy saict decree in the sum of S3U3.80. with 10 per cent interest from niiiy 1st. 1031. The purchaser al said sale win be required to exccule bond wish approved securily. to secure (he front dcor of the Court House, between the hours prescribed by law, in the City of Blyiheville.

Arkansas, en the llth day of July, 1031, the fcllowing real estate, to-wil: The East Twenty-five feet of Lot Three, Block One. Sunrise Addition to Blytheville. Mississippi County. Arkansas, Said sale will lie hart to satisfy said decree in tlie sum of Sl.430.0fl. with 10 per cent interest from November 1.

1930. Tile purchaser at- said sale will required to execute bond with ap- I proved securily. to secure the pay- jinr-nt of the purchase money, and iien will be 1 retained upon said erty as additional security for the payment of such purchase money. Witness my hand and tlie sea! of siirl Court, on this, (he 13th day lot June. 1931.

R. L. GAINES. 13-20-27 Commissioner In Chancery. COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby niven that the commissioner, iu com- jpliance witli the terms of a decree icndercd by the Chancery Court for flic Chlckasawba District of Mississippi County.

Arkansas, on the 13th day of May. IM1, wherein American Bide; it Loan Asf'n. and W. Delony. Trustee, were Plaintiffs.

No. 4921, ar.d N. W. Tranlham and Lois TraiKham wsrc Defendants, at public auction io the highest best bidder, on a crrrtit oi three months, at tlie front (icor of tlio Court House, between the hours prescribed by law. in the City of payment of the purchase money, i Blythevilie, Arkansas, on the and a lien w-111 be retaiueti upsn snld property as additional security for the payment of such purchase money.

Witness my hard ami the seal of said Court, on this, me 13th day of June. 1931. R. L. GAINE3, 13-20-27 Commissioner in Cliancerv.

day of July. .1931, real estate, to-wit: foliowlns day of Mav. 1931, wherein 48T.3. and J. J.

Icnn Huilillne Loan Ass'n, nnd W. were will soil at public COMMISSIONER'S SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned commissioner, in compliance v.llh the terms of a decree rendered by the Chancsry Court for ISe Chlckasawba District of Mississippi County, Arkansas, on the 15th day of May, 1931. wherein American Building Lian Ass'n. anc W. Djlony, Trustee, were Piaintifts.

rt al Lot Nine. Block Three. Ruddle Heights Addition to Blyt'hc- ville. ilisslssippi County, Arkansas. Said scle will bo had to jntlsfy said decree In the sum of Sl.440.53.

wilh 10 per cent interest from April 1st. 1931. The purchaser nt said sale will be required to execute bond with approver! security, to secure the payment sf the purchase money, niil a lion will be retained upon said property as addition securily for Ih- payment of such purchase moniney Witness, my hand and the seal said Courl. en this, the 13th day Juno. 1931.

ti. GAINES. 13-30-27 Commissioner In Chancrry..

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