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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 1

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Served by United Pr BLYTHEVILLE COURIER NEWS THR HOMINANT NEWSPAPER np VOL. 100 Blythevlllo Newt Blytheville Valley LeadEr BlylhevUie THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPER OP NORTaSAlT ARKANSAS ANP SOrjTBKAUT MISSOURI BLYTHEVII.LK, ARKAXt FRIDAY. JULY IS, 103-1 SINGLE COPIES FIVE CENTS ThlevesBeat Taxi Driver, Steal Car Yonlli, Crushed and Throat Found i Near. Ri Lab. Francisco's Food Supply Has Been Cul AN FRANCISCO July 13 ill- ii- 5 1-1 i ny liiy lisntfi ir.i.-ii i, ni in-- ui i-rtlry 1,1 tr.V.:!ll illlu uK'.

ni-llll ii.r.iri.-- ui nil Il It'll- IV. (iai-nir, ulli rouvlrt. w.i.-. riinijilii i his HVUII as oni- nf luo men u-hn uitli I'. liLiilln.

yrnllli- frj IsU Jilii'i-, Lilfj foiinri jji-iiiallj on niau rsai 1 Manil.i. A Inh- Mil, ufiri-nfinn fiflii; ujs. Ilia! a nir.n Mriiihi ivuc in mv.iis in a rordHiVin, Mr- l.eilevril iu lave Leen ri.mpnnioii anil in, irlilir.n nf (lie -ycmlin'tii vli'ihii. C. A MUI tin.

rirlra-, his nkiili aiid ihroat cut, lay in a i-nMrril i-on- ilitlGr. ril Die loday v.hib two unidentinea men VUK. u-fi a Main ta.vl stand a-, ilie youili 1 "larre" atom rt-M o'clock nigin. Yoiine Mr.nin foiiiul lyum in cotioii tir-lrl shoit dismiif'F- Intern! mart Ifndtiig fuim 10, i.lmiii LI west. 01 BIX' Uils ih 1 new Cllrvrott-l -ifiM v.nil tnc men hired the iMi- snd driver.

Unkfil With Trutk Tlipft Fioni a menyer of one of Ihe 'uien, Ijy Viy- anders a ilic i Cn pre tne-'UfSi" R-nV oblDincd, lleicri one of ihe pair lo lie a siiEjMrct nlrearty lir-re. The desrrfption milled vviili imn. 01 .1 Vuspeci wlin boro AVednrsdsy nltiu. ii ivas stated. No icpon.

or'nn ahnnclon- Boys iincl Girls Hiive Day Varircl Arlivilies al Anritial Rally. Tin- Perry i-li club, with IfKl per rcrA u-on flrsi honors El tendance at the annual ral- iy of liie ID nnd girls -t-Il clubs in HIP. district 1 Mississippi coiuuy held here today. Half Moon, which also had el! members won second ir.eis, Lone Oak was third and was fouj-ib. 'I lie rating was upon attendance and miles The bFgnn at 1(1 n'rloek and rndPu a maltnee at ihe Rk? theater ami swim nt ihe Mill pool.

PauHr.e NVal, Yarbro. winner of tin- i.lyle. ureff, rcviir- and will represent, this district lit liie Elate meet In Faypttevllle. The demonstration teams of Dell, Perry and Promised Land were chos en lo compete for this contest al a later i the Individual fc membprs will also ho Der Fuehrer and New Aide ill fli (jcmuuiy Bloody of Ranks Will Spend $100,000 on Caruthersville Building Ui Li fARUTIIRRSVILLE, rPiPiilatii'M of Ihe Brown Shoo company, which Is inslulllng fsc-! lory here, have announced that the will spend approxi- i irately $100,000 preparing the limildlng for cxTiip.incy. This n-lllj I Iv heforp a single piece ot machinery l.s plarrd.

Weil: on Ihr fncloi-y by the lo- oiil i-ominittre well nhead of r.c-hrdiilc. ronlnirlois unnoiiiu-pil Hide walls mid fiieel work Is nil In pliire, and laying tin- Ihsl flciiir will probably IIP lluhbed this riHprnoou. or pnrly Monday inornluR. The top floor, Wns JlislonVal. hurdwood.

not. be laid Snlpinn and light-tipped. Chnnc-cllor Adnlph Hiiler is with his newly appointed Storm li-adr-r. Viklor Ijnm, In a new picture just arrived in America. I.itlzo in.mpi! tatn Ernsl nophm, executed as a "traitor" during Hlller's "blorxl purge-." -ed 'BERLIN.

July I a lUP) Th? death toil in nermiim'fi wpelt-cii'l purlin: of. ihr Niul party pl-uTil 1,1 11 today by Chancellor Adolf llltln, who dif- clr.Hvl liro lp or nlnd: norm troopers, had Upfii slim iw -'shameful mis- har.dliiiX of prisoners." Cliriiu-plior before (he rvrman people nnd the world tniilglit Ins cxler- inin.aliiin ol i-elwlltoiis element-; In hli Nazi party. With thr entire nation listening in In his address, hro.idra'sl bv ou-j-y in ricrmniiy, Hit clKiiiei'lliir I old special nf (In- flr-lt-lii-lutf. in Hie Rioll npo-n Moire. I Hal rr-cf-nl bloody coiisliiiilwi a wHrnliiti.

"Wlipn Hen- Clor-rlng called ymi in Indny It wns (o give. In this lii-st ftjrin, to Ihe tiatlnn un nc- of which may I us a a Action Comes as Surprise a I Inquiry Into I'-aton Killing; LITTLE ROCK, July 13 Supl. A. a. Steduum ol the Arkansas stale prison resigned this ufirrnonn following a hastily called meeting of the state pennl board to investigate Ihs slayln? of Hilen fipenop Eaton by a prison trusty.

Th? I'eslgnallon i an aftermath of a rising tide. of. resent- imlll lifter Ihe roof Is placed. The conlractors hope, lo have the bulMIni; ready for the installation of -machinery In -15 days. Bui before the machinery can be placed, the company's expenditure of $100.000 for ment and criticism tha.t had been sprinkler system, wiring, will'l-eaprd on the administration and 1 the prison officials.

S. L. Todhnnter, of Little Rock, formerly warden of Cue state prls-m from 1008 to 1913, nnd from 1S27 lo 1933. was appointed to succeed EtedniBii, Will Change Todhimter announced he would take charge of the prison al OPT. "There will be no more male guards al the woman's pn.oii farm," Todhunler said, "and no mere women prisoners will be lo prison by n.

mule unless accompanied by an- TiEE TRUSTEES II FIRE 'nK-''promised Ltimi dub won Ciovprnor Names Senator'Sensational Cases cm Cal-1 Former Local Police Chief lonCo l' Nftw Mont pndal Term Which' Faces Arrest He Ven- cello College Opens Monday. lures Into Missouri. Tile of the club. boys nnd girls spent morning In the stunl.s presented by Hie clubs, playing ed truck to lend credence lo me belief been made bill officers believed they were fo) lowing the i-lglii clur. Voung Martin apnnrpntl.v hrul been lying in the rotton field for ol eight horns he was fniuirt by curls- morning berry pickers.

A reMd-Mil of action wss said io base told ii. vesiigatlng nlllreri that hp a cai- jwrtreci on the lateral rood'" before II o'clock liibt night. Tlic- car's horn rounded frequently a shori lime nnd thp opcupsiiis spparentij obk- difTIoiilty in gating ihe onto HIP highway. later showed il hud swerved a djtch. Officers were Inelii.ctl in believe the horn wa.s ftlly sounded times a brief struggle between the- druel- and his A trail leading fioni the road r.

where youtis Moriln im- conseious In il.o neld shotted :hi.i he hud tern tarried therii. Tlicfl Only Motive Theft of (lie taxi, which had no name or lettering to riis- ii from any other car. was 1,1 bj ihe only nio- tivfi of the ijnital altaek nn you.iB diivn. otifo-rs snld games and th? comosl Dillons thc- inrls. AL noon lunch was served: on the court hmisr lawn and this! te Sen-j Judge A.

,1. Johnson, of Cily, bench. comliict. mi Invpstliniion intoj.lulv Mr. and Mrs.

O. W. Me- broiishl ajainsi three trus- July 13 Snm fCr ilco 11 1 rte T. llardln, remembrance -Which l.s Jusi r-rlous us ii Ir, iviiminc. "Out of a number of main THREE II RELIEF II IDT Jobless Demonslrator Seizes Policeman's Gun and Starts Firing.

CLEVELAND, July (UP) A man and woman were shot to death, and a policeman and two raiisons. partly due to personal tncr wcrc wounded, when faitlls, human Imperfections. human defects. Ihe. youni; Cici Itelch has hud In pasK ihrough a nnd crisis which only too easily could hnve entailed the move devastating consequences of a long period.

1 tphnsnn's Talk I'rulfsttd WASHINGTON, July P.ecovpry Adminfslrinor Hugh a. Mmfon'a renmrks on German Nazi executloifi brouBht nn Immedlale today from Ihe German Cuu-hen and the alumni ossocia-l i Pe ef Hie Mnnllcello A and c-nieriftfticd them with choice, tollpgp. a swim and a movie, Miss Cora Lee Coie.nun. S. D.

cases, and B. Duncan convene here 1'here are 22 criminal: IK) r. probably will find best i embassy and restilled in tJie state slay out nf Missouri, for a while department "regretting" thai, Jobn- least. i sen's Waterloo, Inwa, speech bad A Carmher.svllle dispatch -''ecu "mlpconsinted as rjliicinl." lh a -The incident became an Interna- i receipt nf a Carpenter and .1. E.

county ori The governor's action followed i Eleven Cherry Members were prcrcni -f: Shady Lane, I.HV o.ik. Tlr.lf "MMU. fioiiicli Lilwty. Pel Annorel, Matiiln. i.anrt.

I.eachville. Rocky. nnd f). Progressive ami Shady firovp. him with murder cases will heroin I hir-hwav petition, rignsd by'heard.

Hrobably the two which Hardin' II llinn l.OM rr-slricnts of sevens-Ill create most interest are demanding removal lelug Monroe Leek, depiuy constable. job at Carutlicr-villp l.iecr-.srnnes to Die 5amP Oasklns charged wi Lier sa co iui iiui-; duu 11 ifiuL 1 i uecainc nn inicrna- tax suits on the.dins arresl had been Issued, llonal olfalr when Dr. Rudolf IT. i-iiJJ uiitreai nrc tnose Kansas truckei- who 'iriirfii mn A a B1 of German embassy, called on fiecre- was the Ar- tary of Slate Cordell Hull. hundred demonstrators a Cuyahoga county le- three.

sloimcd llef office, here today. A negro woman spectator and one of the men rioters, both un Identified, were killed: Patrolman Thrmas Gibbons, Andrew 12, ai)d Ihe latler's wife, Anna, were woimdKl. The fighting occurred when a fqund nf police arrived at the relief office In response to an appeal from Patrolman James Vesoly on duly, wJio was unable to cope Hie deinrcnstralor.s. One of the rioters grabbed enn as (he squad arriv ed and begun shooting. Palrolman Gibbons returned the lire, but fell with a bullet In his hip.

One cf bis bullets struck the demonstrator. Lt. Charles Kissling leaped for The visit threw high stale -de; iKirtmcnt otflplals into e. huddle which hf from which, an hour lalcr, StililTian, litOWah And i brought by Floodway Cluhs Win i 'fairs oi'th'c school." OSCE01.A. July 5 Lcek charged with the slay- brought arai.nt atudenus and citizens ing of John Jones, McCnrty rest- 'onri omrtni- nf- dent.

At nrst. Leek cUlmed self- inns The- hw Bgalml Hester by W. Haw- county prosecutor. Liquor License The rar tliievc.s. n-m, tnc nrtunn- age of Mvprnl hoiiro start ninn.

Etowali and Fioodway 4-H Ciiibr. won Lhc honors. In or- tler named, both for attendance mid for preienlinc the mosl orls- pntoi-tainmciu stunt, at the- iiinnial 4-11 Club rally here yes- 1 attended In- 175 clnb nil slrl.s reacmng in nis pockel. blame for undine the in mvl Ucaiins at JefTerson of JOMS tn M1 oltri Ihf li( ti Cl-rlra I nf ri'n 2 Per unarmed. Snveroi years ago, Jones licenfes Thlch apporrilne oiwrates a rt IO i ve n( fat her wa, rlson lerm for that: to do.

i Bulncr had a license to New York Cotton Sl? CARUTHERSVILLE, Mo. a at Jefferson City But- nt repre'entlns clubs from Eton-all. West RiriEe. Still- be far nivny tc-diiy, ii was ii'iin. KPiwr.

Wilson nnd Flnod- out. Mnnl-i hcii ir ve; hpcn in iTJiibrp good iTpiilntlnri (or Organized pliy ns Louis Cherrv of Blytheville. thp i July lOet efficiPiu service. HP wns.n-elroincri bv B. Bu of Hiifoni Martin known taxi oppratnr (or works.

of the Civic Club l.orn'iT-mhpr of the city council, and: EW YORK. Jnlj- 13. clowd steady. open high low close 1275 1293 1274 1293 1289 1310 1287 1308 1306 1324 1302 1322 1300 1328 1308 1325 1318 133-1 1313 1331 1342 1320 slaying. Other murder for hearing are: Owen Enis.

accused slayer of Charles Faulkner, near Havii '20. 1933. William McPhenon and Elmer nrlskill, jointly charged with die murder of Lum Mills. Bragg City The warrant for Hnrdln but the complaint been out since June 2Dth. it do- plated be violated the requlre- vc-loppd yesterday.

It charges nifnl of having ut least $1.500 eratlon of a iruck in Missouri! Vl Spoils, exclusive of fix- without of the Mls-i tllrcs lld goads. Bultier soitrl Public. Service commission. Since the charge is only a misdemeanor, so Ion? as Itarrtin. former iiollcc chief here.

Mays out! 11 appcar ra the hearing. Tin; licrnse has been removed from place by John Scoll, cf New NEW ORLEANS, July 13. (UP) -Cessation of saiilh Tosas ram and reports of serious crop dam-! sholv age in (lie drouthy sections of' Aiinoimeeme Lepanlo band' of 23 youn Pnd at 1315 jwople. illrected bv O. D.

Ksirr Lt-sMiito. contributed much to lifiv's entprtainment. lljlOSlllQ Stock ronowint; a basket lunch at noon (b.p boys and girts were guests of Emma Cox- at a matinee fanner. At the hearing Drlskll'l confessed the slaying, stating he iras hired by McPlitrson to do Ihe fur killing, and was lo have revived ta I'armcrs lo DiHCUSS ls Uiiuor inspector of Missouri, he can avoid arrest. CK P- Oliardsau Liquor Con- Board.

team of mules, harness, wagon 200 bushel-; of rorn and 40 acre-' of land free of rent. Jim Slavlnga. accused murder of state cotton 10 35 points on Ihe Orleans exchange todny. Reports from Oklahoma ibal k.i crop was br-glnnlng to drteriorale under dry wratlier anil high v.we additional factors of a bullish nature. high low 1276 I29i 1278 1284 d-l 1281 1.103 logs 1302 Dei- 1301 1324 1206 1318 Jai; 1310 I32li 1307 1322 M8l 1318 1335 1313 1323 May 1326 13-11 1321 1336 Spoti closed steady al 1302.

up Chicago Corn high lou- close Juiy S3 57 3-4 50 1-8 Sey 3-1 01 3-8 50 1-4 GO 1-S NEW YORK. July 13. (UP)-A, spurt In wheal lhal carried Ihe 1 Har McKay, for his position lo SI a bushel rart Planning ihe robbe: Hint's lhal i h-d a favorable Influence on the'" 1 Ta rlor. who was killed (lie Ktillman club will send scan- ock market In the late tradln" llvo olhers 'wn he fought tack i whlci learn lo the state 4-H Club -meet al FayrHcville the first week and tho Etowah Club A. T.

nnd T. Price of A meeting of cotton toj of the' the price for rot-i Bi-erell Baird. his fn-i' Mississippi ccuntt- lias been! i called for Saturday. Juiy 21. at thei alleged C0111 here, O'B of tolrt Courk-r New.

lod.iv. Another Hnal mcMlf.g. it r. hoped lo ajioyi Bills Pay loutn's Way to World's Fair wounded mnn heavy police nnd snatched revolver from his hands as he fell dead. Has No for Reno Divorce Snys Former New York Racketeer.

HOT SPIUNOS. July 13 (UPl Owney Madden, Hew York racketeer, is in Hot Springs and doM not Intend going to any- wheic today. He been reported at to secure a divorce, prep- e.mtory to marrying Miss Agr.e.- Demby. pretty daugli'er of a former Hot Syrlngs poslmasler. "I have no Intention of going lo Reno at present." be said, "ana I certainty am not going to New York to tpstify In any inc-kctecring case.

That'o oid stuff, anyway." He said he did not believe charges would be filed nwltv.t woman. We will remove suns Ircin Ihe liniuls of all prison trustees as soon as II. is possible to do Sli-tinmn's resignation came suddenly at the closed board nluet- Stedman arose, announced his lesignatlon, and left the cap- Itol before he could be interviewed. A close friend of Rtedman said believes the reslguallon wx-s made as a gesture for "tha best of the state." The mcdlng was first called uy Chairman Walter Helms of Texarkana for Monday, but was. changed until today when i rolled Inlo Ihe gover- r.oiV.ollit'e.""All-five- the board were attending the meeting.

Prank Ihe trusty night vyuchman at pris- c'n farm, who shot Helen Eaton, was brought to the governor'; 01- lice by two armed rjepullei -and taken Immediately before the board. Dr. Lawson Aday, coroner, who first returned a verdict of Justifiable homicide and then later filed murder charges lo oiins a Pulfisk! county official investigation, arrived about the same time and went Into Ihe office. With the board was Captain A. C.

stedman, superintendent of the state prison. Helms would make no statement regarding the investigation. "Ws all just happened to be in Little Rock, so we are having Ibe he said. Lynching Rumored Reports from over the stale rolled Into the capital today, bearing many rumors. One.

long dlstancs telephone call to the Unttrcl Press, said a report was circulating through southeastern Arkansas that a mob was forming to storm Uie county Jail and lynch Martin. There has been no demonstra--- lion, John Glldewell, head janer, said. N'ot only has there beel no demonstration, he but there have been no persons around the Jail Inquiring for Martin. I York. for failure lo teturn to today.

Prices rallied after an ear-j 31 lllf to rob him of spreemeiu which Mr. O'Brien says ly deoline led by railroad S2 Thc alleged robbers, O.i, oltls tlle potsibllily of saving the will send a corn judging team. Orchestra Concert at Posloffice Tonight The blylhevlllc orchestra will sue a concert on the steps of the new postofTlce building this eve- nlnR. 8 o'clock, with Everett McDowell as director. There selections will be Included: -The lower Pageant" (march): "Martha" (selection); "Victory" (tfiarch); "Harmonlana" (overture); "Little "Emerald "Our Director" (march).

Anaconda Copper Beth. Steel Chrysler Cities Service Coca Cola Oen. Am. Tank Ceii. Electric 114 5-8 14 3-8 33 1-2 41 1-4 2 1-8 133 37 20 1-8 Oen.

Motors 321-4 tnt. Harvester 33 3-4 Montgomery Ward 29 1-4 N. Y. Central 23 1-8 Packard 31-2 Phillips Pel 17 1-8 Radio 6 5.8 Simmons Beds 153-8 Slandard of N. 45 Texas Co.

24 U. S. Steel 40 S. Smelting Us jC. Thompson and C.

A. rarmcrs of county £300.000 ere now serving life sentences for ypar 111 tp llclli n. their part In (he slaying. Two oWiei- cases are negro mur- Tlle meeting July 21 I by the executive the "Fanners was called committee of James F. Franklin of Micola Is Dead Frailklln falh f'' C.OUQ) Mrs.

Walter Oreene of this city, I lonlght and died at 2 o'clock Thursday after-; and Viclnl.y-FaIr tonight, possibly, local thimdershow- ers Saturday nfteinoon. WEATHER fair to cloudy and continued warm CARUTHERSVILLE. Mo. For lime two dqllar bills have U-cn scares In ihls community, but Tuesday il was learned why. George Dycus.

employe ol thp City Pig Stand, walked Into a local rfrug stora. pulled out a bundle of S2 bills, and to Imve them changed Into of larger denominations. had been saving each S3 bill that .1 special "vacation fund." HP had about 40 of the bills, and with the money he is vacationing at World's Fair. Accompanying on the trip Is John Hosier, Jr. noon al his home in Micola.

Mo. Funeral services will be held at Mr. Franklin's home at Micola at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. The body will be 'taken to Prairie cemetery for burial The maximum temperature here yesterday was 06, minimum 74, Utcleielear, Recording to Samuel F. Nor- 1 vis, official weather obisn-er.

Chicago Wheat Jul lul Scp (0) (n) (o) open high tow close 931-4 971-4 925-8 863-8 93 963-4 923-4 961-2 941-4 983-8 915-8 973-1 About his proposed marriage he reticent. "Why don't they leave me alone? I cannot I have a divorce, and I't gol ove He and Miss Demby arc tnsea- arable compan'mv They ride ano polf together every day. has been a al he' homo for mcnihs. (n) 911-1 981-4 933-4 973-1 Crawford. Habeas Corpus Hearing for Crawford Underway A hearing on a pelltlon for a writ of habeas corpus on behalf of Ira Crawford, local man, was to be held before Circuit Judge G.

B. Keck thu afternoon. Crawford Is seeking to avoid detention In Jail for alleged failure to make monthly payments to his wife pending final decree on divorce proceedings brought by Mrs AndDieT report that hod replaced Martin as negro night watchman at the Jacksonvilb prison form was answered In ar. official statement from the governor's office. "Information Is golnj out that a negro Is guarding the woman's prison farm," the statement said.

"This u'bollv untrue. W. M. Crow, of Union City, serving a lit- Ls acting as night wctch- mon.

He has never been in a fhcoting scrape since entering the irlson in 1928. No negro has been or will be placed as a watchman al any state penitentlarv." Governor Orders Probe A storm of criticism has been drawn to Ihe administration due io the fact that Martin, himself a prisoner, serving 31 years for murder, shot down Miss Eaton. This brought out the startling tact that there are only 13 pstd employes in the entire state penal system, which cares for more than 1,700 prisoners. Governor J. M.

Futrell has promised that the public will have all the facts in the case, and has ordered quick grand Jury action on Martin's cast. Ugly rumors regarding Miss Ealor. and Martin, which were shortly after the shooting, were proved unfounded last night, when autopsy was performed on the dead woman. Reports slated she was expectant mother, and thit- lltrtln was her (Continued on Put Twft).

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