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Ironwood Daily Globe from Ironwood, Michigan • Page 4

Ironwood, Michigan
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THUESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1933. IRONWOOB DAILY GLOBE, IRONWOOD, MICH. FIVE Prof. Anthony Replaces Cox, Ousted in Recent Shakeup. BY SAM B.

McCOOL I Associated Press a Corrobpcmd t) The dairy industry is now represented in the office of dean of Pgrlculture of Michigan State col- lego for the first time history. Appointment of Prof. Einect L. Anthony as acting agricultural dean was the first time at the institution the head of the dairv department has been cho en for the office. i Dr.

Robert ShdW, now president of the college, was the first dean of agriculture at state college. He was elevated to the office upon Us creation in 1908. Dr. fcnaw was a professor of animal husbandry at the time of that appointment Dr. Shaw served as dean of agriculture ur.til 1928 -when he was made president The state board agriculture then named Joseph F.

CON, the head of the farm rrops department, as clean. He was recently ousted a shake-up of the college administration. Although Professor Anthony is serving only as acting dein at this time, it is freely predicted the agricultural board will make the appointment permanent at the expiration of dean leave of ab- serce next July. The appointment has met with much approval. Although Professor Anthony is not as old in his service to the college as a number of other of the facultv he has established a wide reputation as an administrate in his four years in Michigan and eight yeais as head of the dairj division at the University of West Virginia Professor Anthony has complet- 1934, and John Lind, turnkey for the last two years, has been reap- pouited.

The other deputies have been asked turn in their badges in ao- corcance with the practice of the sheriff's department. Some will get them back, others will not. Sheriff Waite has adopted a policy that all deputies must furnish a $2,000 bond. HELD FOB BURGLARY Sault Stc. Marie--Bluest Walker, of the Sault, Tuesday faced a charge of breaking and entering afte 1 he was caught by two police officers in the basement of the Maltas drug store on Ann street at Bingham avenue at 3.15 a.

Monday. It was days that the Malta store was en- ered. The first time, Sunday night, entry was made through a basement window. Little was taken, Joseph Maltas believes, and the window was boaided up. The next iighl, the boards removed and he stole entered again.

Airs. Otto McNaukhton, who lives next to the drug stole, heaid Wa'k- er entering the stoie. Woman Angler Gets Prize Catch Sdilfishmg, at least the competitive sort has been consideied pretty much of a masculine undeiUking up until now. But this shov.s Mrs. Gnnnell, one of the most famous of the women deep sea fishers, i the catch she made in the Honda competition for sail fisheimen --and fishei women PENINSULA NEWS MTJT BOND DEPUTIES Fred Schultheis of Marquette, iron Mountain-Upward of 100 assistant coirt clerk, armed Mon- hls'work 7or sheriffs deputies in Dickinson conn- i da he sesslon tort degree A portion of this tv, including the deputies offlceis snort No will juries, grand or trial, study was carried on at Copen- at, the Ford Motor compam plant, ale being called and only a few hagen.

Denmark center of the those at mining piopeities and the uvl i cases are scheduled Three worlds greatest dairy area. shenff own staff, are affected by padlock hearings are expected to A comparatively young rran in the ruing enforced by mos: of the i be called. his early 40's, Professor Anthony larger bonding companies tms 15 a tireless worker and a quiet one. vhich proudes that no application SOME DEPUTIES OUT He is equally at home with the far- any sheriff's bond shall be ac- Crystal Falls--Sheriff Thad mer who milks his own cows and ce pted for istae unless all of his Waite Monday made known that technical dairy experts deputies aie likewise bonded Professor Anthony said he has Losses sustained by bonding corn- no plans for any drastic revision anies dunnff the last, two years of diusion policies. "I that a ticularly as a result of unpro- the administra'ion plan that has tectrrl deputy sen ice, it is said, operated in the past is a good one prom te( the new regulation.

I shall proceed underpins plan to nen ff dolph Ficeman Is calling in all deputies, about 106, a ukirg up their badges until such time as have complied i the bonding regulation, which Mrs Vincent Bianchi ertertamed re un cs a minimum covet age of at a party at her home Mondav Thg Ford Mo or company the best of my ability he said. Anvil afternoon, Jan 2 the occasion be- anc tr OSP mining companies which nig her son, Vincent, first maintain deputized officers will, birthday first anmversarv The little guests soent the afternoon play- in 0 ard at 4 o'clock the children were seated at a long table trimmed in red and green, svmbohc of Christmas Tall red tapeis were ls announced, take care of then men IS INJURED New berry-- Gco'-tje Bceinan 31, cashifi of the Newbenv State bank, olaced at each end of the table and as in the Penj-bpinks hospital a large white b.rthdjiv cake trim- here Tuesday He vvis sr-nojslj m- itied i one red candle centered jured in an accident miles west the table. The little who were of Moran at 9 p. Monday preient and enjoyed the delicious Beeman car turned over four birthday luncheon Mane, times Dr W. Ecimuison, of St.

Delphi'ie and Quedo Ronsanechi Ignace, who attended Beeman at Montreal. Irene Piccinelli of Carv, Moran while awaiting an ambu- Bernadme Larson of Ironwood, from New ben SB id Beeman Mary Ann Thomas Pnb- possibly had a vertabise fracture, ble, Eugene Guham, Francis Jean i causing paraljsis from the waist Chiach, Joan Napa, and Vincent, down. jr. Later a lunch was served to Beeman had spent holidays Mrs. Nels Larson, of Ironwood, Mis at Pctoskcy and was.

on his way to Thomas Pnbble, Mis. S. Giuliani, New ben when the accident oc- Mrs. Carl Replnski and Mrs. i After the crash he was cent Bianchi The little honor taken to the home of Al Roggen- guest received a number of pretty buck, gasoline station and restau- guts.

rant owner at Moran Miss Julia Stcfanic left Wednesday for Duluth where she is employed. She visited over New Years day at the horn? of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Paul Stefamc 22 LIQUOR CASKS Ste. Marie-- li- quoi caws are scheduled to come up at the mid-w inter term of Fed- left Monday afternoon eral for the western dis-tncb to -esume his studios a't the State of Michigan which convened Tues- Tea'cheis college at Msrquctte, af day afteinoon at 1 30 al, the post cr visiting diring the holidavs at the home of his parenU, Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Re. Mr. and Mrs Parco Destasio of Montreal visited at the home of relatives here Sunday evening. Miss Mary Stefamc left Monday for Marquette to resume her studies at the State Teachers college She visited over the holidays at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs.

Paul Stefamc. Mrs. Domenic Spagnotti and daughter, Miss Mary, left recently for their home at Calumet, after attending the funeral of the late Charles Rosa, sr. Ronald Gilbert left recently for Houghton to resume his studies at the Michigan College of Mines. He over the holiday period at the home of his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. S. Gilbert. UNAPPRECIATIVE CAT Coluinbns, hands that fed Jessie Frosts, cat must have fed it something that didn't agree with it.

The other day the cat was running around in circles and acting very strangely. When Mrs. Frost picked the cat up and tried to comfort it, the animal turned and bit her. She immediately threw the cat out the door and went to the hospital for first aid. More volcanoes which have been active within historic times are located in the Central American Republic of Salvador than in any other country.

office building. Federal Judge Fred M. Rajmond aruvcd from Giand Rapids, along with Fred Wetmore, district U. attorney, and Oine J. Sluiter, court i-lerk.

John Jones, Or'tonagon, and Miss Ella Backus of Grand Rapidb, assistant district attorneys, and LIVER BILE- WITKOUT CALOMEL And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning to Go If yon fed eour and sunS: and the woild looks punk, don't swallow a lot of Baits, mineral water, oj, laxative candy or chewing pum and expect tbrm to make you suddenly sweet and buoyant and full of sunshine. For they can't do it. They only move tbo boweJi and a merp movement doesn't get at thr eauw. The rrason for your down-and-out fedmg is your It shoold pour out two pounda of liquid bile into your bowels daily. If this bRp 13 not flowing freely, your food doesn digest It just dccas in the bowels.

Gas bloats up your stomach You havp a thick, bad taste and your brealh is foul, ekin often breaks out in blemishes Your head arhps and you fprJ down and out. Your whole pystcm is poisoned. It takes thoss good, oJd CARTERS LITTLE LIVFR PILLS to get these two pounds of bite flowing freely and make you "up and up Tory contain wonderful, harmless, vegetable eitracte, amazing when it comes to making the bile flow fredy. But don't ask or ver pilis Aiik for Carter's LittJe Liver Pills Look for the rame Carter's Little Liver Pills no the red label. Resent substitute.


some of the deputy sheiiffs ing under him the last two years will not be leappointed. The sheriff declined to discuss the status of a few of his fcimer appointees except to say that 'some changes must be made." He also said that some of the mine policemen who heretofore wore deputy shenff badges will not be re-deputized. Clarence Eckert, of Bates, son- in-law of the sheriff, has been reappointed undershenff for 1933 and I I Yield to Lydia E. Pinkhanra Vegetable Compound When you are just on edge when you can't stand the children's noise when everything is a burden when you are Irritable and blue try this medicine. 98 out of 100 women report benefit.

It will give you just the extra energy you need. Life will seem worth living again. the second tune in two Four Sessions Arranged for Monday and Tuesday, Jan. 9 and 10. OLD RESIDENT DIES Ishpeming--Mrs.

John T. Miners, one of Ishpemuig's best known residents, died Saturday morning at 8 3D at her home, 406 South Third street. She had been ill for BIX weeks and on Thursday she contracted pneumonia, which caused her death. Mrs. Miner was 66 yeais old, was born in Ontonagon and came to Is i- pcmmg when she was five yeais old with her ptfients, the late Mr.

and Mis. Samuel Trembath, pioneer residents jf the Upper Peninsula. Besides her husband she leaves one son, Roswell, of tlus city, and two daughters, the Misses Blanche and Melissa, who teach school in Cleveland, Ohio. She also leaves two brothers, Richard Trembath, ot this city, and John Trembath, of Detroit. Meetings for faimeis for dscus- sion of a dairy cattle feeding program will be held Jan.

9 and 10. The first meeting will be held Monday, Jan. at 2 p. in. at the Ironwood township town hall.

Tuesday morning at 10 o'dock a meeting wall be held on the second floor of the new posloflicc. The thud meeting will be held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Harding school Bessemer township, and the fourth at the Roosevelt school in Ironwood township at 7:15 p. m. Tuesday. Figures will be presented on the cost of pioduction of a pound of butterfat in 1932 as compared with 1929 and otl factors will be discussed.

Year's day as the guests of Mr. md Mrs. William Sain. They were accompanied back by Ruspell Sam vho is attending high school at VAnse. Mr.

Sam spent his Christmas vacation with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. B.

Jenkins visit- their relatives at Watersmeet Tuesday. They were accompanied lome by their daughter, Mrs. John Norman and baby who will spend everai days as their guests. Sylvester Neuman, Claience and Harris Kuehnl weie business visl- ors at Marquette Sunday. Miss Mayme Murtonen lefl Sat- irday for Toledo, where she is em- 3loyed after spending the Chnst- nas holidays as the guest of her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Nick Mur- Springtime I love the spring time best of all, With its flowety meadows and robins call, The babbling brook with speckled trout, With Isaac Waltons tall and stout, Ready with their numerous foils To lure the fish from waters deep, And all the farms with fiesh turned soil That soon its harvest crops will reap Oh, I love the spring time best of all. Mabel Nelson, Grand View hospital. Bruce Crossing A tclegiam was received Mondav by Mrs. A.

F. Gerber informing her of Ihe sudden death of Ray Mars, 25, al Flint. The particulars of the death are not known. Mrs Mais had txyn in good health shoitly before her death, according to word received by friends from Flint Mis. Mars was formerly Miss Hazel Donovan, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Patty Donovan, and resided heic for a number of years. Besides the husband she leaves two small childien, her parents, Mr. and Mn. P.

Donovan of Flint, two sisters, Eleanore, and Dora and a bi other, Ryan all of Flint. Nick Lmna underwent an operation on Christmas Day at the Cleveland Cliffs hospital at Ish- pemmg. Mr. Linna had an operation last summer at the Ontonagon hospital for relief from appendicitis and never fully recoveied He had spent several weeks nt the hospital this winter and his condition seemed improved so he was allowed to return home. He was taken seriously 111 Friday evening and was taken to the hospital immediately.

The local schools re-opened here Tuesday after a wek's Christmas vacation. Frank Behlow expects to make a business trip to Marquette Saturday to attend a meeting of the officers of the Upper Peninsula Potato Merriweatlier Mr. and Mrs. Earl Angus of Ramsay visited Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Smith. Prank Sparks and daughter, Mrs R. Keesee of Land O'Lakes spent Sunday at the Andrew Sparks lome. Tie Men weather school started again Monday morning after a two vacation. Henry Haskms returned Tuesday to Marquette to attend N.

N. ifter spending the holidays with us paients, Mr. and Mrs. John rlnskms. Mrs.

E. J. Erney, and Miss Goraldmc Haskins were callers in Bessemer and Ironwood Tuesday. Mrs. Eugene Windragle spent the last week at Bessemer with her daughter, Mns.

L. Petermore. A. R. Raskins spent Tuesday at Marquette at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. William Haskins. Growers association. Prance produced 892,410,000 gal-1 Mrs. August Streeler and Ions of wine in 192i3.

I Waller, of L'Anse spent son New Phone 1535 for a load of Black Mountain Coal It' 1 an Ideal stove and furnace coal. No fine dust easily handled and gives an even and steady heat. It banks nicely and keeps fire through sub-zero nights. KENNEDY CO. DEALERS IN PAINT, LUMBER, FUEL Phone 1535--Ironwood Cellulose forms the greater part of the framework of all plant life.

News Oddities By the Associated Press Chicago--Two officers of the anti- superstitiou society, organized to prove that evil omens don't mean anything, are suffering misfortune Sidney Strotz, president, broke his automobile while Herman T. Powers, secietary, is in bed with the Bu." "But," said Strotz, "it wasn't bad luck. I smashed my automobile because I was a bad driver and Mr. Powers probably didn't wear his rubbers." Members of the group go right on walking under ladders, lighting three cigarettes on a match and breaking lookmg glasses until Jan. 13 when their experiment ends.

he has no sex appeal, so indicates Prof. Goodwin Wats'on, who runs a consultation centre for emotional maladjustments at Teachers college. He said: "We have many cases of men who feel they have no personality, or they can't attract the opposite sex. Then the man mskes believe he isn't interested--that he is above oclng silly." Annapolis, Maryland house of delegates is economical. Delegate Jonathan Sleeman, from Allegany county, offered prayer at the opening session.

Formeily a clergyman was paid $5 for his services Oklahoma City--Aiithmetic caused a delay in the house of representatives. Speaker Tom Anghn, on a vote to suspend the rules, announced it had carried with 70 votes out of 118. Other members pointed out TO was short of the necessary two-thirds. Speaker Anghn called for another vote, explaining "the chair is bad arithmetic STUNG A SPIDER Fort Worth, Jonas' spider, while inanimate, stung him to the tune of five years in prison. Jones was found guilty of stealing an automobile by means of a "spider," an electrical device for starting cars without the ignition key.

He confessed to six other cases of auto theft and received a tliree- year sentence for each case, but the sentences will run concurrently. New York--The lad who scorns the lasses and noo-poohs cupid may really be covering up--down deep he may be worried because he thinks Come In Today! See the New Williams OiI-0-Matic Hushed Heat Model Payments A nA Per as low as month CHERNE CO. CHAS. E. CARLSON, Mjr.

PLUMBING HEATING PHONE 819 Curry Hold Delicious, Fresh Foods From Our Market Basket to Yours! There will be lots of health-giving goodness in your market basket Saturday if you make your selections through our money-saving Market Basket tomorrow evening. Market Basket advertisers are responsible merchants. They're cards are laid on the table before you each Friday evening in The Market Basket. Shop the Market Basket way it does pay! THE MARKET BASKET A REGULAR FRIDAY FEATURE OF HOME NEWSPAPER Or THC JOOCBI RAMOS Let Their EXTRA Lustre Brighten Up Your Bedroom! r-L WK A Bedspreads Little enough, isn't it, to give your bedroom a new, cheery appearance? But see it! See the smart jacquard design the high, pleasing sheen the trim look the scalloped edges introduce! A value, even at a much higher SO 105 Blue, Rose, Green, Gold, Ilelio Proof Again, fof Penneyfs Value-Leadershipl. Yd.

('inches wide! for "Arctic" Outing fleecy Pannel patterns! Light and dark grounds 1 Just what you want for nightwear, skirts, etc. 5 yards for 17" wide PART-LINEN CRASH Toweling Unbeatable for long Krvice. fast-drying towels. Gay border! --and a super-value! Yards of Gay "J.C.P." Challis IO yd. 'at --a wool or cotton bait (we have them both i) v-a few hours' work 'and there's a handsome warm comforter! Patchwork Effects! Paisleys! Dishwashing a Jity with Peniiey's SPECIAL-WEAVE Dish Cloths big thirsty Bath Doubly Absorbent and ONLY Spongy DOUBLE Terry thativectrs! Undeniable qoafity! An EXTRA woven-in threart that simpfy toed Colored BorcW.1 Gay Finds! J.

C. PE GO. Ironwood, Mich..

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