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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 2

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

BLYTHEVIIiLE, (ARK.) COUKIKR NEWb SA'l'UKUAV, JUNK 27, 103L Calendar For the Rec) and Blue The jrnleslonaiy society the First Methodist will IMLVC buiineaB at at tiie church, the calendar fund will, be collected. The Guild of the Pilgrim Lutheran church will mjet nt Iho hcrno of Mrs. S. 1 Wtldy, Klowali, o'clock. Mrs.

Ray WortlrUiglor: Is. talulnj Ihc Tuesday Rook club. The New Tuesday Bridgi! club with Mrs. Manatt. Kit.

RiUy B. John Is lioness 1o the New Wednesday Bri.vie The Matinee Contrtul club mectfnj with Mrs. Francis puller. Mrs. Clio Kcalititzky is ha'vns Iho Thursday Luncheon club.

FrkUy Thy auxiliary of the American Legion will mttt at the Woman's club with Mn. 0. E. Crtmr wid Mrs. Jkrnard.

Oooch M'tiMteta. Bilnrttay- There jtory hour. at the Sly library lor chlWrtn of all GlTts Louis luacs complimented his faurdock Mendelsohn, 'of with a-golf party Thursday evening termed a "North party, which was attended 30 guests number; ot of'town 1 were hi; keeping with "keep 1 Idea -used. throughout the'evening. The party met at the Isaacs home end from there went to the golf course on Walnut«tt'-where this enjoyed for (several hours.

A golf lo Charles ceph for- making, a "hoje, In 'one'," HarrCd won a silver match bb)t for Ihe men's low score of purse tor Ihe ladles' low score. The', "booby" wont to-Uisa Ruth Cp)dberg, of Osceolai who -presented handkerchief: Cold frozen Slickers and candles golfers. "present from the bjsldej the honor, were: Drexler of Wynne, Burin jer. of Mini phis, Rotsn-o'f Mlssei Dojlle Kahtor.ana Ofrtrude EEnwtsin. of jStMti," Maurice B'arkawlU ofPorJaie'yUle, Franltel of New' Mlisss Hamate Goldbe'rg.

Freda Nichols. Sits of News Mostly Personal Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. by, of Fort Smith, have gom Ontario, Canada, to SUNDAY SClfOOI, l.KSSON Jesus, the World's Savior PENTECOSTAL CIIDKCH OF IH4 Weil Main HI, The International Uniform Sim John B.

Huffman, Pastor I day Scliuci Usson for June 2H. Eldar John Huffman, Chair- the World's Savior; Suffrr- man of Ihc Pentecostal Church of al) Sovereijnly. Golden Text: who lives at Sikcslon. J'l'n 3:10. and who owned and published "The Sllvston Herald" and "Ssoll County Democrat' In Ihc Missouri town for 20 years, thai he will preach at the above West Main ntrect church Sunday end Monday night, and perhaps will ccrmroncc a revival soon.

MV WM. K. (ill.KOV, 1). Editor of The Tilt 1 review of the quuilcr's les- sons Is placed under a noble title and significant subtitle. Jn con- national meeting of Mr.

Og'csby'i fiaUrnlty after (i visit with Mrs. Ogletby's Mr. and Clyde Roblmon. Before he." u- ttnt marriage al the cf Arkansas where both wtr; stu- Mrs. Oglcsby was Mljs Miry Elizabeth lioblnsoii of this city.

After Ihc convention they will visit other points In the north and cast before returning home. Mrs. Bonner Swarm, Mrs. Houston-a nd Mrs. M.

T. We ems, of Memphis, vlsllcd relatives nun The general public Is Invited to 11 attend Hie i 6crv ces Comc nm i hring the ovoreignty. Jesus is unions thusu; the world's savior we aro' brought immediately Into (he lime association of and I children with you. Elder Huffman announces that he will preach for period of nlghla on "Try; Second Coming of Chrlsl" and "Signs of the Times." He will preach al this church every month hereafter. Kvery night services will be announced later.

I.UTHKKAN CHURCH II. 3. Pastor Sunday schcol nnd Bibb hour, 0:15 A. M. irlends here yesterday.

Divine worship, 10 A. M. Sr-r- Mrs. H. L.

Lamb nnJ son, of mcn tubjccli "Judging Ouipro" St. Louis, who have been vices are held at the Eplsrc ing Mrs. Lamb's sister, Mrs. John church. Foster, has gone to Caruthers-1 vllle for a visit before returning FIRST METHODIST CHURCil home.

Ollle Foster, who has been Hv- Mtln a-ad Seventh Strttts P. Q. Rorit, Pastor Ing In Los Angeles, returned to- worship and sermon, 11 A. M. day to make his home hove.

Mn an 3 p. arrive later In the Foster will summer. C. G. Redman, five months old son of Mr.

and Mrs. C. Q. Redman whose collar bone wAs broken several days ago when he fell ort of Iris bed, Is improving dally. The Rev.

and Mrs H. KUIn- dlenst and daughter, who have In SI. Louis two weeks while the Rev. Mr. Klelndicnst altcndeJ the conference of the Lutheran church, will return home today.

Mrs. Lowell Qrecr nnd Miss Ldr- Ine Slubblcfleld. of Slkeslon, spenl vesterday with Mr. and Mrs. C.

O. Hires. Mrs. Tom P. Jackson, who un- derxvent an operation at the Memphis Baptlsl hospital several weeks ago Is now able to be up.

Mrs. J. T. Collins, who is teri-'p cusly ill al the Memphis Baptist hospital, Is slightly improved today. Mr.

and Mrs. J. Gooch, of Morning service broadcast over KLCN. The last service In the church at the evening hour will bo held Sunday. during months ol July and August.

Th? Great Promises the Bible, subject at the evening hour: Music at morning service. of Kings My Shepherd Is" by choir. Lord Is My Mrs. Robert. S.

Smart. Music at evening service. Ye the Lord" C. G. Hfdman and choir.

George Lnngc Sunday school, 0:45 A. M. Junior, Hy and Senior Leagues at 1 P. M. Prayer meeting.

Wednesday. Huntsvlllc. are guests of Mr. Gooch's sister, Mrs. M.

A. Isaacs, and family, for several days. Choir lehcnrsal, Wcdnesdny, P. M. who stooped to conquer, and th? I lory of his triumph nnd of Ills lower to redeem and bless man- 1 kind came along the way that hu- manity Itself has to the way of leading in his case very climax of Miffcrlns In he cross.

I The full range of the quailer's cssons can be had only by ink- ng Into account the lessons of the ircreitlng quaitcr in we followed of Jesus from his childhood through the of preparation to the attain- Ing of that popularity which so speedily changed to hi. 1 In the lessons of this qirarlcv I empliasls is laid upon the I tlal teachings of Jesus. In the first lesson under the parable of those who chcse prominent places at feast to which they were Invited, Jesus teaches the lessor. of humility, and with the came' lesson was associated the deep aspect of this in OM rc-cigtiitlon of the little child. The arrogant and! proud are sure to undervalue lit- so Colilcn Text: 3clm 3:18 loved the that he gaK? hi our suiciios.

li is val- lo spend tin-? studying Ihc tie children, so lhat the lesson of that whosoever tolic-voth on him humility was enforced in! eternal life. Ihe blessing of the little ones. I Jesus Triumphs gard Hie weak, or to te scornful: all Our lessons have then proved- or Indifferent to we may re-'. ue ed through U-? parable ol thcjgard as their weaknesses or IJKlr Scriptures" imloss the stiuly really prodigal son, the story ol the rich 1 narrow prejudices, Paul rcprcv illumines our minds, warm: our sent.s as not being the Christian hearts, and onv tuuls. way of humility and kindness.

The GcsriOs Sell of in-b: Eo come in Ihe conclusion ol i ing of the Ephil ol God in the of Zacchaeus. and the parable of. the quarter's studies to the real I souls of Tills iviil in- the pounds to Ihc triumphal entry sovereignty of Jesus over the souls As it moved lo of Jesus into Jerusalem and Ihe of II is nothing reclaim words of tnnh. moved prcparaticn for the end.

Front hlni King unless have made i Christ to to earth this we have teon plunged in slid--him ruler in our own lives. Tt us his teachings, ar.d c-xsinplc, den contrast in the study of the is ncthing to believe in his so it moves men lo cbcy- tlieso sufferings of Geihsemano and Cal-1 rcction nnd Ascension unless he is ID find him that man am! Lazarus, the parable of the Pharisee and the publican at prayer, the story of the conversion vnry. with the closing lessons of given the liijhcst in al! lhat the quarter tri- think and say and do. To live Ihe in the spirit of Jesus is the in strength to salvation. T1-; sjlory which we call of Christianity that.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Walnut and Eighth Streets Alfitcl S. Harwell, Pastor rhc pastor at 11 a. m. on ui pasor a a. m.

on Mrs. D. H. Blackwocd, of Little -Christianity A Man's Religion." Rock, is vlslling her sister. Mrs.

Ouy Welhberi, ar.d cash'ln'on. Its; chic'value. the goods 'itsett (or a decorative Of, course' you start', with a white effect. The stripes of weave go or FI white oiw touched'up way and that," with the squnr? with either red or blue. Then you neck" outlined -in-pointed scallops can add the other tlio front of the blouse fliush- of berg 'of Letcjiville, and 'Miss Haii- nah 'Wlljioh.

'The host was led In cntcr- tairiihg his giiests Missu Oe'roi- dlnc Rlchardsorna'ria Paullnp. Praw- lit. Mialc dill) met terday at' the' home of Earl for. a. program fn the busUiiss.

session Maybslle Snydtrj.vlce It WM ahouitctd 'thai be held, during" the- suMmer with the ir.ipbers rendition of piano solo: ''Serenade," Schubert, and for the vlb- Motion Rod" rc- wiving will be practiced during the' next and early In-Scp- EyercU 'will 11 sory touches and there you are. cnly but. a' 100 per com fashionable 'American. Sonic bf the new bathing suite will, stand polka dotted red and 'white beach sanduls an umbrella and a polki dotted blue and whits.jacket or coat. you msy bo better off, so fur if chic is concerned, If merely a'-leather belt half red, halt Or'you may go very flamboyant-In your-color, sch'eme and a' coat ol solid color such as red, and your hat and ihoes blue.

very smart patriotic cos- tltiies, sliown. here, start life as cd in similar nuunier. Same ScliiiV-nit Hat Both blije red arid white llnoh n'dd'th'eir touches, At on umph of the Resurrection and living presence of Jesus. i expression of belief in him, it! ils salvation is not limited. It is All this has led up to.applica- is thnt alone thst makes us worthy Rr all will it.

It is lion of the spirit of the whole Uo be called by the name "Chris-j this that makes the study cf the Bibic so—the wnyiar- The Itcal Inspiration ing man find theie the way io This is tile aim and purpose of i God. leaching of Christianity in rcla- ttan." ion to problems of conduct. To cause others to stumble, to disre-1 and Rcap Ing." Sunday school at 9:45 a. W. Mullins, Supt.

U. B. Y. P. at 6:45 p.

in. Miss Luna Directress. Deacons meeting Monday W. J. Wunderlich attended a bridge al 8 Tnts party al WUson ycslerday given, llnl ortfint mcct ng Ev 3I deacon by Mri.

II. C. Davidson. r( cd 0 prcsent ucvoiional vcry Mr. and Mrs.

R. P. Padclison and dniiBhler, Ruth, are icaving lo morrow fov Mt. Airy. N.

where they will visit Mr. Paddlson's relatives. J. Nick Thomas of Memphis, the the Utter'I Is vt slll hls Paints here. for the The'hat; If is Thclmti Worlhlnglon lui as worn, should In both kinds polka-dotted linen.

second outfit flat crepe with bands of nnd red outlining the round neck, short sleeves, the belt and a.simulated bolero on the Smart looking, and waves Its colors In quite original and chalks up for itself a reputation for indlvldunl- program -Mrs. T. lotc and Mr. McDowsll- discussed the life- of Sthubert other members call with lac is of his life. Sny- dcr snd Earl Snyder played the piano, duel March" and (tic -number- Walta" was g'inen Bonnie Belote rendered plnno number' "Just A Bunch cf 'and the read- Ins Heart.

ODtsta'nt Violin" was Eiveji by Livingston. Amy Rutli Morals WM-. winner of a musical Belote will entertain the 'nextVwcek: when program wlll.bc/.dn. Mptart. the peildoiis" n'rfeshmcnts wore Ypung People Conference held re- at-Petit Jean account of the cpnfcrcnce with eich represenlativo one! Evnlyn and Charlyc Scoti nnd actlrttles.

TKo dele- thblr house guests, Misses Mulbclle Keck, Mabel Simon, Louise 'Dobyhs, Lots Kdopcr and Jeanne Harrison and Marsh M. Caltaway and'John McDowell. Luxora Wrlhif Par IT daughter 'ol Mr. and celc b.rat€^ last, eve; nlng Bt" her home on Vine street: gucsls pro'ant was Bobby Rhodes; bf Flint, Mich. 'Games gufsts for several hours.

Ah them: iilrs. I. R. Johnson of Blythc- vllip was the gtibst of her sister, Mrs. L.

McDcarmon und Mr. McWarmon. Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles McUjn- icls spent Sunday In Blylhcvlll? as of Mr. nud Mrs. dptncer. Miss Jlnc Hollipetcr ot Blythe- I'ille is in Luxora this week. Grtary.

nnd Richard pcveric (vrs in Paris. f. eck- Louise. Matthews entertained a lumber of.Ittlle folks at her home Thuisday- parties played after, whldi relrcshincnts t-crc iervcd'to 1 follawlnj'guesls: Joe Anna Miller, Jc-sophlhJ and CNh.lfct pV HujMes the Th'ursday Luncheon ebb 'morning- party -Thursd ay. follow.

a'ciie in liie bbriiniit i'anies Mr.i Afflick; dtUctous-- decoratci) itith pretty n6w B- In Ttii CbrtaUM Udtkrar society churcl her guest Miss Frances Coc of Paducali, Ky. Mrs. N. B. Mcnard and Mr; Chnrles Wyllc are in Memphis today where Ihcy met Mrs.

Wyllc mother, of Arkndelphia. who will visit her daughter here. Mr. nnd Mrs. W.

D. Ezel! and daughter, Betty, of Pine niuiT, spent Wednesday night with Mi. and Mrs. J. E.

Critz. They iver: enroute to Madison, WIs. The Rev. Alfred S. Harwell, pas- 'vcre uiicsts ot Mr.

and of l)lc Flrst Baptist church spend Monday and Rock attending a mcet- of the Arkansas Slate Bnpthts association of ministers. Miss Carrol McKenzlc has left or her home in Dallas, Texas, nf- hrr and Mrs. R. J. Potts, 'Sunday.

Misses Anna Margaret Wood, Blakely and Zelma of Sprirkmiin. nttcndcd a Omens party given at Caruthcrsvillo Tuesday by Miss Clco Long. Miss Dolly Goswick is visiting relatives In Memphis this week. Mrs. B.

Terry returned Sunday from Memphis where sh; has been visiting relatives and friends for the past Howard. -Vivian Lynch spent Wednesday hi Blylhcville. Mipsrs. John nnrt James L. Oarncr of Cnvinglon, Ihc gucils of sister, Mis.

Frank Lewis. Wedncsdny. Mrs. Charles McD'snijls lainrd ihi- members of the Metlu)- dtst MtaicmarJ- -sotlcty An Interesting stutly India Looks 'Intd. the led bylMrs.

RUsli aiul Mrs Harry At. the clpsc of the, meeting (InlnCy refreshmrais were srrvcrt by "the hostess. FIXES' OWN- SENTENCE POKTERVIUJE, Calif. The nnxisty of a prisoner lo leave splycd- promised to be 'an embwrasilng slUiatloi h'ere. tirjeh'was arrested during a llfiubr raid.

1 nrxl thru the of- ith ptrothy Shanks, (quarters for women'. They hurried and Myrtle Me- (ier.heiore Justice-DeWUt si an r'!" "light court. The wemftn pleaded "to given a 'lloaljr." which was granlcd. Shlblcy', June Richards, fleers remembered they hud no Jal Don Mr. and'Xtrsr Ed Owen accompanied young son lo Ihc Baptlsl jdcmplils.

day, where will trcaj- Lo'u arid Cookc spent Sunday In, Mjmphls. and Mrs. B. spent. Tuesday In Mr- and Mrs.

R. ar.d business meeting Wednesday at 3 p. in. This the laol Sunday in the month, and finishes the first half of the year. The Interest on sends Is clue Wednesday, July 1st, tidn must be paid on that date.

Let every pay his, or her pledge in full to dale. tures," by Mary Bnker Eddy, one Imc returned from Dstroit, Mich, Uh; secret in making ihcin with 'el-1 fresh fruit lies In heatir.3 gr.r trfon adding it to th; fruit. of which rends, "Christ, as the spiritual or tine idea of God, conies now as of old, preaching the gospel to the poor, healing th? where they rave stives. Mr. and Cljdc Xtiicriell Lcuis are ih? cf Mrs.

sick, and casting out evils" tpagc I M. C. Mitchell this v.o?'/. 341). I Mn.

T. H. Cendit, Ine Condlt, Allie Holt Uc-Wcese have jrone to Mo, Insy viil "nicy uc-cks spending tsvo weeks with innl, Mrs Marcus Evrard. She was accompanied home by Miss Martha Jones and her brother, C. V.

Jones, of Dallas, who FIRST 1'KESIiYTERIAN Marsh M. Call.iway. Minister Sabbath School, 9:45 a. in. Worship Service, 11:00 a.

m. Sermon by the pastor. Mrs. Raymond Fowler will give a solo at this service. The Chrislian Endeavor Society will have charge of the evening worship at eight o'clock.

The delegates will give report of th? Scn- Icr Conference which they atlcnd- cd at Petit Jean Mountain last week. IK a church night program on Wednesday night eight o'clock in the Sunday School room. The Beta Chi Sunday School class will have charge of ihls program. A devotional ami social time will be enjoyed. ASSEMHI.V OF GOD CHL'iiCli Sculh Lilly Street It- A.

Work, I'aslor Sunday school, 9:45 A. N. W.j Tranlhnm, superintendt-nt. Morning worship, 11 o'clock. I Christ Ambassadors.

2:30 P. M. I Evening Praise and o'clock. E'rayer meeting. Monday ig al the pastor's home.

Choir practice Tuesday niaht. Prayer meeting Friday nielli Mr: up lor her. X. W. Flannlgan has MINUS AI.COHOI.

AND FINE guests .1 J. S. Hatn.eld Mr. and. aiiiler pharmacist, lint! a pcrrntt lo alsa had a quart or Illegal 'alcohol, for use.

in niakIng punch lor his urncd to lisr home in P.tragould a two v.ccks stay with licr slsler, Mrs. Marcus Evrard, and family. The condition of Mrs. C. F.vrnrd, who Is quite ill.

is unchanged loday. U. Fred Taylnr. ot Osccda, al- lo business here Annie Liniric Kvans. Uovls McGhcc.

Othus Bracken and Marir Leggctl have rclurned from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs Hurry Brown their country homo near Holland. Mo. Edgar Crouch spent yesterday in Memphis. W.

Lcggctt went lo Mcinphi yesterday lo accompany his fa- (her. C. A. Lcggclt. who rMurned to his homo in Oxford.

Miss, after a visit here. He also met his son and daughter. Billy and Minnie Lee. who lud been visiting at Oxford. Mrs.

W. M- McFarlnnd and daughter have gene to lllmo. today to accompany the Rev. E. Z.

Ncvfom and daughter hmnc. The Rev. E. Z. Ncwsom has 'oecn conducting an evangelistic In? at the Secrtnd Baptist church for thu past, two weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Lille Hubharrt. MI'M Margaret and J. p.

Holland, their son. will leave in- niorrow for several days slay Hcpkinsvllle. Ky. CHURCH OF THE Scv. J.

H. Hull, 1'astnr Sundny school. 9:45 A. M. Eliot Cobb, superintendent.

Morning service, 11 A. M. N. Y. P.

7 P- Evening service. 3 P. M. The Rov. J.

E. Smith of Coik- villc. Tenn, will be with in a four revival bcginnins Monday night, June 29th. arc Installing celling fans anil four We Iwo wall LAKE STREET MKTHOIMST CllUlttll VI. .1.

l.clioy, I'aslor Sunday school. 9:45 a. m. Morning worship, 10:50 a. m.

and closing nt 11:15 a. in. The subject for Ihe will "Do Men Realize That God Is 1 7 p. m. Senior league, 1:30 p.

m. Church, 8 p. m. Closing al 8:45 p. in.

Bring your visitors and friends lo these short services. ritrawterry Sauce quart berries, 2-y cup sran- tiiated snacir. Faul- Wash rind hull berries. Crush a potato masher nnd add su- I ivinch has In r. This makes tile sugar jdisro'ive quickly and th; fruit re- its freslA flavor.

AH small fruits can be. treated this wny. Pincnppb janco mad: by add' 1 cr lablespcon cne cup pineapple juice- dvainccl canneci crushed 'jurc'- and cooking the juice until 'jn-hiccd one-half. Add Ihr fruit and let stand until cool bc- fcrc serving. TOMonncnvs HV ai.utv i fruit juice, Probably no desscn jcorral, crhp ovin toast, cotl'ec.

mciic popular ice cr.niii in lor tn-jr Since nictV.ers prefer a plain vhcle vciicat stn-vwirlss with vamllu au 11(1 a milk. tea. variety of sa 'r Hir- CHURCH OF GOD W. A. FoshT, 1'astnr Sunday schcol, a.

m. Rylee, snpt. Church, It n. m. Church, 1:45 p.

in. Services each Thursday evening at 7:45 p. m. The public is cordially invited. Fitzgerald, Of Huftnian.

Ark. Wm. Obrien of Memphis was the gilest and B. Fisher and daiigh- Buckley ot Bly- noVpefnfilt "nlcahol. nnd Is serum m- lo'eggs.

Various colored chickens have bten produced. M' thnl bililgc inspector for the spending Ihc weekend at We hope tn make the house ccm- torlabb for you. Everyone Is cordially InviUil to nllcncl Iliesc services. F1HST CHRISTIAN CIKMICH K. K.

lalimrr. Minister Church school. 0:45 A. M. Holy Communion and scrm-m.

11 A. M. Sermon subject: Christian Endeavor Hayli Evtnina Praise and sermon. o'clock evening This will he the I.T-1 service itr the stininicr al the First Methodist. First hylerian and First Christian cl'ur- chcs arr unltint: for evening vices to Ix; held 0:1 the lawn ol thr First Methodist church.

A cordial wclcom: awalls you. CHRISTIAN SCIKXCF, CIHiltCH "Chrislian Science" Is tho subject of the Lesson -Sermon lo be Arnold Tucker to Ihe Senior Sunday school class VLiniilu ice lor sjrosvn-np nKinbers of lauiiiy. lo vary an ic crcrur. JILI.I rj to il sar.ii\;icli lysliicn. putting oetwcen and on ion of thin slices of sponje cnkis can be hollowed out cd with ice and sauc" ovLi- the- iwil cr cci.iir shclis be filiod wiih ice cream nnd covei-d v.illi i-aucr.

Sauce is also poLircd over the ice ti'cam Minctwk-h. C.uanicl sance is rich but Icioiij. It ketps well in cold uiMi car. be when wanted. nllv Lnisuntl I Cr.o iight brown 4 i.ibic- corn syrup.

grains ccji heavy Cock EUSJ.I:-, yrnp and ssit IHSNF.R—Vc-srlablc 01 lim- cf broccoli. leeks on baked arlichokcs. green beans and cr.rrots in sand'A'icJu's wilh c.u'amel e. mirk, cotTce. TclfSCdpc Stand Xcarly Iliiic LYNN, Mass.

completion at Iho River Works plant OriiDrnl Electric coT.pan.v here is a telescope to be instaiba Harvsvi As- stallcn at SoiKh Africj. The p'atfcvm, by Jolm French, General Elccli-ic engineer, will i over a low lire until a urn', bin ph- ot the Christian church Wednesday afternoon at her home. This was a regular business session during which th? following ncwj officci-s were Mrs. Arnold TH Allecn LeSi'ur; 5 Rhodes. Dainty refrcs i- ments were served by Ilic hastes 1 Mrs.

Frank Morgr.n was lo Clrrb Dumber 1 the b.ill is formed aic tried in caiti If a it 2-11 drjrocs F. iir.tM tr.ixturo brjiris lo boil elected llie hrsiiis boi "ok without blirrmr. IS BULLION KUSHELK CAIiliV- OVEK KPOKANE. cific Northwest's wheat for 1931 win nol e.xccc:! IB.iVKi.OW and may be as low 03 OOO.COC bushels, ficcovriiir; la csli- inalcr, made by Chicago niliiisls iK're in CDUfcrence with authorities, hi 10 days 1.0IW.OOO oJ when in Ihc Orient, it was i 70 tlan church a' her hornc After sl-trl business sessinr the let cool tiles. Th; nnxtuir should ricpuhllcnn Inkcwarb nut 0( j.

i in crram anc! yrar.s there has been no ever lias I rc- joyed an afternoon Wilbur Snllnn 1 vd ihc members of thr- Women's Missionary society of the 1 cl'iureh with a lemon snc-a'. at her Thursday After a slicrl biislncss 111? Indies rnjnyrri socia' i.i^ which they wrtr a lemon. Fn; v-ncii in Ihrlr lemon 'i di.s v-'cie H-qiited lo donal- one in tit-. 1'.ly enok ovei 1 i nnli'. thick.

iai 1 and the is excellent- Chcrnialr Sauce and one-half cups milk. 3-4 cup 2 squarrj 1 teaspoon salt, 1-2 tca.s]K>or, la. Cut rhocoiate into pi-- p.nd put in lop of double tnrr hoi v.a'.ev ninl nifUed' and ruv In wilii coriistaii-h. Be ill? iv.i.i- itarcfi and are perfcc'lv mix- i cd. milk.

il.VI'ERNITy nn- forf.inato jn-ivaln. rates reasonable. For infivmalinn Fairjnouiit Hospital, 4011 East Kansas City, Missouri. Merc than 100,000 read In the Christian vice Sunday mornhif; at 11 o'clock al Ihc Hole! Noble. The Goldt.i Tc-xl is.

"Arise, iinmi. for Ihy light Is come, and l.tnirnnih u.isjiinl!'. tlB glory of the Lord is risen up- by Ihe When trariv in rc-ie Jon Ihcc" (Isainh 60: 1). Samrnic Rldgcw.iy vanilla and well willi a Ihe Lcsscn-Sermcn will In-1 number rf the T.iQMtl OI! TABLETS llrlirvr-s a Hcaclnehr or Nrnr.i'ci^ in minnlrs. checks a Cnlil lic (nsl ilnv, and checks JIalari.i in three days.

have h.iy-fcver, according to Mrs. elude passage? from Iho Christian (dance at life home Thursday f-vciv W. D. Richardson, of Ifr: Clneago Science texlbook, "Science nnd; Ciub. Health willi to the Scrip-; Mrs.

T. F. Gillum boater. This tr.uce chlldreri. 10 Hnu't HF.

ClMll, OM Tan- M'aliiolc Pho frurn I 1 1 llcp.iir 1 lud.vic Sliuj) 12 sn.

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