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The Brattleboro Reformer from Brattleboro, Vermont • 5

Brattleboro, Vermont
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NORTHFIELD, MASS. BELLOWS FALLS NEWS SERVED IN DEFENSE OF UNION THIS-WOMAN No. 4 RfefiS Kid Very Sensible 1 Very Comfortable Very Attractive Very Durable Has a low, broad heel terns and looks very attractive on the lady's foot. Is as easy an old fresh for a long time. street shoe.

is oue of I ho newest pat shoe" and will look new and Just right for an afternoon or Mothers price $4.00 Specially attractive patterns this season. lygiEiam MHMMIMHHBHLMaWMta f- r- Per! ir guaranteed to contain more plant food in a better mechanical con dition and of higher agricultural value than any other fertilizers-in' the world, and they are, therefore, as the New England Homestead affirms, "the most Economical to use." Do not be misled vlnto purchasing but buy Bradley's Fertilizers, which have grown large! crops of superior grass, and. vegetables, on thousands of farms all oyer New England for 50. years. Among their leading brands are: BRADLEY'S SUPERPHOSPHATE Bradlev's Superphosphate, the pioneer of the fertilizer industry in the United States, has Joepn more oi fertilizer in

From its unvarying' quality the name that more! 'plainly bespeaks the estimate in which it is hebi ajnong' the farmers than volumes of BRADLEY'S POTATO MANURE Business of Special Town Meeting. The' following business ed at the; special towu was traiisaet-incetjng held inursua': 1 he selectmen were, given power to secure an agent to act for the Iowa in defense ofl 5 all lawsuits; was raised anil! a jipro)iiated on, the debt on the grade' crossing at West Xorthliejd town to re-'-imburse the tow'ii cierli) for $40 es-, ponded by him "in defense of an injunction in preparing ballotjsfbr fl2V' the Salary of the tax (Collector was j'h-' creased to $150; thefreasurer 's report of trust fuiidWas The articles in lite warrant relating to ihe state larw for assessing- the abutting esifftes' on streets Oiled, after some controversy was voted down, there-j fore the following article, to assess abutting estates for half or alt of the' $700 appropriated for oiling the streets at the last town meeting, was passed over. Prank Williams has a new Franklin automobile. Mrs. Dickinson has maved from Arthur Bolton's in West Xorth-field to East Xorthfield.

Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kejlogg and Mts.

W. S. Farley are making their new home in Glen Ridge, X. J. Mr.

and Mrs. George C. Morse have returned to their place on Maple street, after spending the month in Waltham. Mr. and Mrs.

Henrv have returned from their wedding trip and are at home in the upper tenement of G. O. Dunuell's house. Mis. R.

H. Philbriek tyears ood re ports from her father, Cj. Jjcobus, who is in the Springfield hospital. He is expected home next Mrs. B.

D. Callender of Francoaia, X. has sold here place on South Main street to S. II. Dow 1 of Connecticut, who will take in September.

The Women's Foreign Missionary society will meet Wednesday, May 6, at the home of Mrs. S. Catherine. Richard- son. me program win ie in cnarge- oi the resident missionaries.

Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Murray have been in Xorthfield the past week superintending the remodeling of their on Winchester hill.

They expect to live hers this summer. Mrs. Daniel M. Wilson of Kenne-bunk. of a former Unitarian minister here, is suffering from the result of an accident.

Her anil was broken, knee biuised and thigh severely sprained. Dr. J. D. Jonas of Bournmouth, England, is speaking each day at the chapel sc rvices at Xorthfield seminary and Mt.

Hermon school. His wife, daughter, and Miss Ijongbottom of England, are here with him and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. It.

Mood V. JAMAICA. 1 Henry Williams of Brattleboro came Saturday night to visit his parents. Myron Stark of Dummerston spent biiiulay in Jamaica visiting relatives: The village schoolroom is being im pri ved with fresh paperj paint and a new ceiling. Mrs.

Hannah Fullertou, who spent the winter in Massachusetts, came home Thursday eveniug. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson spent the afternoon April 150 with his cousin, O. A.

Johuscn, and family. Miss Stella Howard of West. field is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Flora Howard-Mr. and Mrs.

Pearl C. Stark of Townshend came Saturday night to visit his partnts, Mr. and Mrs. A. B.

Stark. A new phonetic heading chart has been placed in each school in town, also new history note books with outline maps. Mr. and Mrs. C.

L. Sargent came home Saturday night from Concord. X. 11.. where they went to see Mr.

Sargent's mother, who is ill. The Christian Endeavor meeting next Sunday will be led. by Mrs. Anna Thomas, the subject being Health Hiuts for Better Living. Committees were chosen at both churches to look after the entertainment of guests at the district Sunday school meeting Saturday.

Delegates to the county Sunday School convention at South Verfion May 15, were chosen in the Congregational church Sunday morning. The May night supper at the Baptist church was well attended. The supper included escalloped potato, cold ham, salad, hot biscuits, pickles, straw-berry and vanilla ice cream, and cakes. The tables were decorated with May baskets of arbutus. Appropriate quotations were written on the first page of the place cards, which were fastened with sprigs, of arbutus.

The entertainment consisted of readings and solos. About $8 was relized. At the Ohio State Experiment Station at Wooste'r, the crops have averaged, for a term of years, about twice as much to the acre las the usual yield of all grain fields iu Ohio; For Growing Smoothi Sound Potatoes of the Best Quality Without Barn yard Manure. Bradley it Potato Manure is 'S SICKNESS Quickly Yielded To Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Baltimore, Md.

"I am rrmro tha n'ad to toll what Lydia I). l'inkWiiY V'o 1 cm jxnjtxl did for mo. I Fullered dreadful pains and very irregular. I became alarmed and sent for Lydia E. Finkham's Vegetable- Compound.

I took it regularly until I' wes without a cramp or pain and 5 felt like another person, and I a. i. ik iim uuw uet-ii oiA inoiiuia since 1 any medicine at. all. I hope my, little rote will assist you in helping other women.

I now1 feel perfectly well and in the best of health." Mrs. AUGUST W. Kondxer, 1CC2 Ilollina Street, Baltimore, Md. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable; Com-ound, made from native roots and herbs, contains no narcotic or harmful drugs, and to-dayjholds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the I'inkham laboratory at Lynn, seem to prove this fact.

For thirty years it has been the standard remedy for female ills, and has restored the heal th of thousands of women who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, inflammation, ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc If yon want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS Plans, Estimates Superintendence Factory Buildings, School Houses Business Rlocks, Hotels, Etci NEWTON G. BONDVcO.

North Adams, Mass. Professional Cards PR. HEMEY" TUCKER. Residrac. Ht.t lelrplmue, 2i8.

Office, lieuuanl blmk-llnnrv. 1.39 tu nJ 7' to 8. Tfclpphtme. C. R.

ALDRtCir, M. D. Houm.1S.30 1 2.U0, 7 1 t. Office 'olioue hus 165-2. i mi .1 i "mm ruf THOMAS KICK.

M. D. Office eml, reilrar tr Vfimum SaviriBH Bituk. Hours, 8 'to .9 a. ui .1 tu a ud 7 to' 8 p.

in. BB. Office nuil insideinc 81 No, Mttin St. Otlire himrti: Mornings until eflernuon until 2.30; cveuings until 8. Tf lfilione.

430. Dtt. O. HUNTER. Villiton Block, over rrott' jtroyrjr.

Office hour: 1. to 3 p. to 8 p. m. Ksilmicc.

Wnot Britttlekoro. PR. H. P. GREENE, Physician and Surgeon.

Oflice, liunk lloi-k. Huurs: 8 to 9 a. 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. ni. Residence, 83 Green St.

Telephone connections. O. ANDERSON, Surgeon and Physician. Burgery a specialty. Office and residence.

Brooks 88 Main 8t. Hours until 10 a. ni 1 to g.30 and 6 to 8 p. m. 'Phone, 24(i.

DR. E. R. LYNCU, Surgeon. Oflice, Park Rooms 1 and 3, Brattleboro.

Vt. Tele- phone, 540. Hours: to 9 a. 1 to 3 and 7 to 9 p. in.

Sundays by' appointment only. Ki-Hidnce, 65 Canal- Wt. Telephone. 177. B.

E. WHITE, M. D. General Oflice rooms, 4 and ti, Crosby block. Hours; 8 to 9 a.

1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Kesi-dt'ncp. 20 Orore St. TelerhoneV717.

JORDAN ft SON, Optometrists, KEUiot ion. Kxami nation, 9 to 12 a. 1.30 to 5 p. in. Evenings, Monday and' Saturday, 7 to 9.

Appointments at your convenience. 83 M. PR. A. X.

MILLER, Hooker block, Brattleboro. Office hours: 8 to 1 to 2, 6.30 to 8. DR. 0. O.

WHEELER, Osteopathic Physician, 10 Crosby block. Office hours; 10 to 12 a. 2-, to 4 p. ra. Other hours by appoint" nient.

Telephone connections. 9 Kpruce St. DR. GRACE W. BURNETT.

Physician and Surgeon, Market block, Elliot St. Office hours: 8.30 to 9.30 1.30 to. 2.30-and 7 to 8 p. m. Telephone.

744 -W. R. NOTES, M. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 9 12, .1 to Wednesday-and Saturday evenings.

Other hours. and Sundays by appointment. Appointments for glasses fit ting made by mail or 'phone. American Bldg. DR.

O. 8. CLARK, Dentist, Whitney, block, brsttleboro. Telephone, 69-3 -t JOHN E. GALE, Attorney at Law, pailford.

Vt. Telephone, 30'J. HASK3NS ft SCHWENK. Attorney Counsellors at Law. Brattleboro.

Vt. and FRANK E. BARBER. Attomay Room 7, Crosby block, Brattleboro. at Lav.

ROBERT C. BACON, Attorney at Law. K'Him IS, Vllery Building, Brattleboro. O. B.

HTJOITES, Lawyer. Telephone. 225-M. C. C.

BILLINGS, recently First Assistant Commissioner of i'atents, Solicitor and Attorney in Patent and Trade-Mark Cases. Seymour, Keymonr, Megrsth ft Billings. 71 Btlwy, New York; McCIill Washington, l. C. S.

W. EDGETT ft Real Estate and In. yestment; Notary Public, ni Mam Ht. BARROWS ft CO Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Coals of all kinds. Oflice, 81., Brtlehor.

WOEAN ft Vnilertakers, 19 Main tit. Irtephoft. 3bl "Brattleboro. mental but is--prepared from formulas which repeated field tests stvo. proveh will -produce the largest The universal teslnnoay of gpve.s the hesf'qf satisfaction-, and many of the high -lr iced special.

at George It. Wales retained Lome last week from, a business Texas, liitvitijr beer one from liLs -liy goods utorc liorc aliout tlirec tvo1(-v The (U'iaitiucjit of tile Vrrnioiit Farm MaHiine cum puny lias Wvn wnrkin; the past wi't-li two four vrcninR. wppU. "ifeous of tlie Naac lms rfdJ.J baliJ-jnr lot on Jiuit j'lar-c fxf eiini ni" liii miMcnwt T. 1'icvce who will ftrpr.t a dwplfinjr lioywe llicie for hinisclf tlio '-voitiing tiiHAiner.

i I 'liilH Vira, the weallbv New Vorkcr, who makes li in summer liomrt at Alstrad'aiKVi'UtertainH a' large number of frleml "lliff tlic Rtimmcr, has rouijjto his resilience (Jatc Lgjge. Ftanei. U. lilakc aon of Fred Blake, wlio' has been witb the Guy Brotliers' miiis-trels ami lias just finished the e.ason w'itb'-theiitireturiiedvto his home it Saltans- Rlrer ast vi'eek. "Dr.

ami H.Gprliarai reached houie Saturday, after. an extended trip tlirougb tbr Southwest and the Northwest. Both report excellent time and returning health. The dot-Jor will resume his practice here at once. 1 Tlio women of the Fall Mountain Grange, assisted by a marching staff, will confer the third and fourth degree 'tomorrow evcnitVv The work wjll followed by a short program.

Hefreshmeuts will, be served, after whicli -whist and dancing will be en-; joyed. i Jv district deputy superior dictator of the Loypl Onler of -ATose, was in liieenfield'ThiirTay 'eeniiig, nccompnnied bv John if. Wolfe of the Kiley Wolfe' Clothing Co. They-. sisted in the installation of oflieers of the Greenfield order, at which there was a large attendance.

president Z. Hf AHbee of the Bellows Falls Savings, institution, left here yesterday on a. month's business trip throughmit varfous sections of West where his bank, lias farm loans, of which he, will make a' very careful investigation. He is 'aceothpariied on tMsi trip by Mrs Already the efforts of the committees of the Woman's club and the Merchants' assoc'iatioa in inaugurating a clean-up, paint-up" week are bear ing fruit. The dsate set was this week, each day having its particular rwOrk to, but itlunng last week nirtch; was done on many streets to im prove and beautify the surroundings of the' homes.

M. Hale, local mechanical engineer ofthe International Paper company, wasat Walden Pohd over Sunday with friends. Mrs, Hale, ac-eompa uied by 1ier mother, who spent neveral weks here her, went yesterday to the latter 's, home in Fort Edward, X. where Mrs. Ifale will Visit ft few days.

Among the local boys who rue seeing what is going on in Mexico lirst hand art' Patrick lfarluelt of North Wajpole, who is aboard the scout ship Prairie, and Kgjidall, of Frank Maine railroad fondoctof, who is 'yoemati aboard the Georgia. The' latter formerly lived in Honterville and was a tesim mute ofV'Jigpn'i Uonaiiue mi the high school football and baseball, teams. The log drive of (he liiternational Paper company from the White river has been arriving here several days and there are now aJout two million feet in the booms here. The present height of water in the White and Con necticut rivers is very advantageous for them. Foreman Joseph Daigle has placed one engine and hoisting upara-tus on a raft in the river on the New Hampshire side and the loirs are being drawn out on to the piles.

At a meeting of the creditors of the bankrupt firm of Gordftri Manning last week, several local creditors were present and" different parties, The put in as capital in Oetober, 1912. The schedule file showed the following: Unsecured "Vims. for assets, stock, cases, $300; debts due, deposit in bank, total, 530.90. An. offer of 20.

cents on the dollar was made and of the creditors nuide written accejitanccs. The Sunday schools in district No. 1, which consists of Athens, Cambridge-porj, Grafton, Saxtons Kiver, Bellows FallVand Westminster (east villyge), will meet in the Baptist church here tomorroweveriing. Rev. G.

W. Burke, who is vice-president for the district, has the meethi" in charge. He' has arranged for several addresses and it is expected that Key. G. K.

Robbins of Burlington, the new-; secretary of the state Sunday SehoolNissociation, will be present. Supper wiiKbe served in the Methodist church antl)eacon C. Osgood Will be toastmastCr A program, of much interest has been arranged for both afternoon and evening. TraiisHtlantie communication has been established between the government station at Arlington, and the Eiffel Tower in as well as stations at Panama and San Francisco, but thl is only occasional ami the service is not open -to commercial busi ness. DOINGS THE VAN i MA M.

iNT SCN AT WORK Wa6N ivokk PKOl jo avs a rniLlL 'FlAt WlTMfti- not a B.BMiri I scientific combination is their principal claim to the farmers patronage. Captain ark Str eter Saturday, Uky 1), ATlbert llaskins regular armv wis conniiissioued col- ouei. During the winter of 1SC2 and detailed as a sum mons server to the general court mar tial at Washington and had many long, lonelv and dangerous nisilit rides to make, especially one of 25 miles to rairfax Court House. Ou one occasiou he roife there to of the 5th New witness and the-Moseby would ge to make such ri summon Col. Johnson York tegiment as a olonel told him that him if he continued les.

The next night Moseby 'a men captured (Jleneral Stpugh ton and narrowh missed getting Col. Johnson. The rtjgiment continued' to get into about everv engagement of the armv anl lost ni uiv mejn and officers in killed, wounde Mr. Streeter in a sergeant and and captured. July, lp04, was made in Septjember of the same vear was raised t(j the rank of orderly sergeant.

In Oii tober he was commissioned second lieutenant, in De cember he was end February '2 tain. It was while made first lieutenant 1805, was made cap- sergeaht in a battle in thte Shenandoah 1864, between Cus-cavalry and General near Chariest own vallev on Aug. tor 's brigade of Early's corps, that Sergeant Streeter received almost simultaneously a bullet through the left forearm and one in the abdoineu. lit clung to his saddle and two of his companions, riding on either side of hint, assisted him to the rear. He was put in an ambulance and started on a wib ride to Harper's Ferry, nine miles away.

He was accompanied by Sargeaat Charles Farr of his company, it waji 1 o'clock at night before he received any surgical attention. He was ofl(' duty 'three months, the greater part of which time was spent in Brattleboro, ami then returned to his regiment. In Mav, 1805, tjie regiment go back to Burlington, afticr having been prem ent at the surreuti ier of General Lee at AiitMniiat ox. Tin' -4- -w. ized into sis companies which were re it.

was re organ sent out for dutv Hlutm-lbe lakes ami eoiHiwand of Cap- Company uu rain street er saw duty "at Sackett 's HiirliDi-, X. ii! ntil Julv, when regiment was returned to Burlington and was mustered! out of service Aug. ls5. ('apt. Streeter ifoturao! to Bellows Falls and for three yWrs conducted the 1U Hows Falls-jhotel and then went to Rutland as superintendent of the Hall.

Tuttle Warren a concern engaged in buyinjg and selling hides, wool and pelts. The business was abandoned by the company after three years and Mr. Streeter engaged in the livery business for fiv years in Keene, X. before coining to Brattleboro in June, He worked in the Kstey organ shops upwards of 14 years, until failing eyesight forced him to give lip that work. After the death of Col.

John Hunt, he was commissioned pension agent and later entered the real estate business, in both of which occupations he is now engaged and has been for 10 years. Capt. Streeter married Ellen G. Clegg at Nashua. X.

11.1 April JO, 1800. She died Oct. 19. 1012. He has three sons and a daughter: Franklin ('.

Streeter and Zilla wife of Bollin H. Brown, both of Brattleboro, Henry A. Streeter of i'ew Haven, and Charles B. Streeter of Cleveland, O. He is a member and past commander of Sedgwick post, G.

A. Rt, but it not a member of any other organization. Hev has recently been appointed a trustee of the Vermont--Soldieis Home in Bennington. Having introduced inspection in 1S72, Elmira, X. asserts its claim to having been the; first American city to adopt health supervision of school Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a tonic.

It does not stimulate. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever, or even worse, he next day. There Is hot a drop of alcohol in it. You have the steady, even gain that comes from a strong tonic. Sold for sixty years.

riTHBM AST6H. THAI WE yemt MOTutu to to dl TWVfcWi TO Hct UOME rue. covmny amd (an Fi VP AATIiFAC Ton ity Fo My NOTHEH To TAKE. VP uce "Them yv stik uminc Oll YOU AMf I A4t TM6. PftMSft.

WITH Henry Mother -A 1 Captain Henry Clark Streeteren- siow agent and real eptate'dealer, is justly proud of the f4ct that he was a-member of -the only iegiment of cavalry raised in VeMuont for the Civil war and a regiment iat participated in 75 engagements, in 42 of which Capl as captain, private, lion-commissioned officer or commissioned officer, participated. Severely wou ided through the body, receiving at yie same time another wound through tire eft arm, he recovered iu three mou ihs aud rejoined ids command to remjiin with it until mastered from the serv ce. He was in ti battle of" the Wih erness, which began 50 years' ago today, and in numerous other important erig gements, including Gettysburg, Second Bull Bun, Slaughter Mountain, Sppttsylvania, Cold Ilaibor and Petersburg. Captain Streeter was born in Chesterfield; Jan. 271 1841, a son of Captain Clark and Ssjrah (Hildreth) Stre His father was iu command of a horse company thqtt in those days joined with the infantry in the annual Captain Stretiter remained in his hiome towir until jl860, when be went tu Bellows Fallas as clerk in the shoe store conducted by Charles (1ase.

One day in discussing the war with Mr. Chase ycung Streeter remark-ed that if Vermont raised a euvalry regiiiient ho would cnlifet arid not long afterward Mr. Chase entered the store one morning and told jhim his chance had come for the books we're open' at Urat tjeboio for enlistments in a.riiv-airy regiment. Jit '-bearded the 1 o'clock train- for liatUeboro aud went to the enlisting iiar ers in the office of tJetirge f. Kel logg, an attorney.

Mr. Kellogg wns the recruiting officer. The young prospective cavalry in a ii found the (iflii-e fn-11- of men smoking and his e-uragc failed. He did Dot smoke and lh' at-iVosjdiere of the recruiting oflice did njit appeal "to mini. He stayed around in Brattleboro all and returned- to his employment thpt flight.

A week later a friend; Iti imldfi entereil the store and rstiiuiped Mr. Streeter to enlist. No sopnt saiil than they started and in hours were enrolled in Company Fi li-t Vermont cavalry. Tlny were -soon sent to he reinlez-vous at Burliugton and went into camp on ie old fair grounds! On their march from the railroad station to. the cam) ground each man drew his clothing from the government and soon af- ifot the hcrses Col.

Piatt, who a rejjiment of had offered to raise horse aud equip them, accomplished his purpose in 40 days and the regiment was which the state was then famous. Th4 regiment remained in canip, the men work land horses being trained in the of the soldier, and on 'Dec. 14, was ordered to report at Wash 1861, ington. They left Burlington in five trains, totaling 150 ears in each one of. which, were eitjht men and their horson.

They tepent a bight in a car barn i a New York and the Broadwav to the Batterv the nest morning attracted much attention as it was the first cavalry regiment on its way io the war that had been seen in Xew York. The regiment went inljo winter quarters at Annapolis, where Col. -Piatt, who raised and equipped the regiment, resigned laud Captain iiiolliday, of the Thefe are seven spruces in the Ignited States. Four are confined to the West, two to the East, while one, white spruce, has Ja jcontinent-wide distribution. Builds Up 'Go your doctor Secure his approval.

Then follow his a Juice. Tkfi no medicine 'the doctor will not approve. tiSenMawL LOONS 1 ITV THI3" "hKTPX the tEASON WE UAVP uaj, -rMjtu N. CBTtrNG 0M6.THlf (J StJtABL Sro oont It I 'V NOW Hi jCHEME IS 16TM WAIT AWHILE! THATi VVIUI. MAKfe- ONE.

BRADLEY'S COMPLETE MANURES or Potatoes and Vegetables For Corn aadCH-ain-rrtToptBr3eiiiB0ei Grass aBd.Grain with 10 Per Cent Potash. These manures are1 the richest mud most concentrated- fertilizers Eold, as has been proven by actual results in the fleliT. They a -e manufactured the very best plant-food materials obtainable, combined in such- form and proportions as long practical experience has proven -will yioid the largest crops of the best piality. Send to us for illustrated pamphlets, describing all of their brands, and let. us you prices on all ol these unequalled fertilisers before purchasing elsewhere.

i Fiat Street, unknown fertilizers of Uncertain extensively used than any otheibrand and uniform condition it has gained praise, "the Old KeJiable. in no sense a or experi- crop's ol smooth, sottud potatoes. leading, larmers ts convincing that it a considerable saving in cost over potato manures 7 whose alleged Brattleboro mowers of Granite State and Philadelphia at mark-down prices. We show PLEAiE -SEND lATS TEiR RArc AND AT niJC WE MAKE A SPECIAL SHOWING OF wwn THIS WEEK, AT PRICES RANGING FROM $2.50 to $14.00 each Our regular line is the Coldwell Make, made in all sizes and ny different grades, from the small hand mower to Horse and Auto Mowers. We have a few odd mowers make that we are closing out these in our window.

ROBBINS C0WLES Hardwaremen Reformer Classified Ads. Bring Good Results always seems to have a or. Father's brilliant schemes I I I IKOW TO I II I VPVNC: HAfJ ANO II 0W 56.6 WE Cf itT A SWgJU, J1AU- WhERfL liH MKU WOK. AND WaCAH TAK. MOiT OUf.

THAT OWl-V ONE. THA.T TH6 to I TXLl TMEY GROW OP I II 1 i i i in I II. I i I V- I ESTABLISHED 1870. Exclusive Undertaking BOND SON KUGISTEEFD EMBALMERS. MH3, 1721.

Vt, Jf. IL 220. Ilcasonabls Prices, Correct Senrlcft. Auto la Season. TE1- 264-W.


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