The Brattleboro Reformer from Brattleboro, Vermont • 7
- Publication:
- The Brattleboro Reformeri
- Location:
- Brattleboro, Vermont
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 7
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
a THE BRATTLEBORO DAILY New York and when we were going to went with her, and now Mrs. Wiley said she wanted to go with Grace and I said 'no' again. But Grace, she hates to have a fuss with her mother, so she went with her, and now Mrs. Wliey wont even let me call my own wife up on the Magistrate Sweetser turned toward Mrs. Wiley.
"How many honeymoons do you wish, madam?" he inquired sharply. 4 This is a serious case. It seems to the court that the young couple are entitled to honeymoon by themselves and that love's young dream should be permitted to flow uninterruptedly- as as long as it will- -without any one setting an alarm clock, as it Magistrate Sweetser sat in deep thought for a moment, and then called William Weir, a probation officer, to investigate the case, announcing that he would parole the bridegroom in his own custody until Saturday. Just one minute, said the court to Weir, as the probation officer and Frank and Mrs. Wiley were about to leave, "are you married?" "No, said the officer fervently.
"I'm afraid, went on the magistrate, I'll have to take this case away from you and give it to some officer who is- some one who will understand such So that is what Magistrate Sweetser is going to do. MORMONS DESIRE THEIR HOMES AGAIN Were Driven from Their Colony in Mexico by Villa--Mexicans Still Occupy Their Homes. DOUGLAS, Aug. of the several Mormons who were driven out colony at Colonia hundred. Morelos, 65 miles southeast of Douglas, Villa's army of invasion in 1916, are endeavoring to recover their homes from the Mexican squatters, who have usurped them.
About 10 Mormon familes still live in the colony but are not permitted to occupy their own brick houses. Mexican families are living in them and refuse to quit, proelaiming the doctrine of "Mexico for Mexicans." Many other Mormons, disheartened by their reverses, have begun life anew in the United States. Appeals have been made to the Mexican government by the Mormons without result. Recently the American state department asked the Mexican government to drive out the usurpers and restore their property to them. The colonists hope this effort will be successful.
After nearly 35 years of service in the leper colony on the island of Molokai, in the southern Pacific, Sister Mary Leopoldoni of the Franciscan order is now on a vacation trip to the United States. eminent sculptor, and portrayer of Indian character, has prepared a model, translating Massasoit Edward into bronze. Winslow's Alvin G. description Weeks of of Fall River, has written a brief sketch of Massasoit's services to the colonists, and 12 other sketches of Indian nations, tribes, great chiefs, individuals and character. This book will be presented to subscribers of $2 or more to the fund for the erection of the statue.
An engraving of the Massasoit memorial will be given to subscribers of $1 and a copy of the book in limp leather stamped in gold, and the engraving to subscribers of $5 01 more. Suscriptions will be greatly appreciated and information furnChed by Charles Erockington, Linn D. Taylor and E. W. Gibson, local committee.
MAR. SATURDAY, AUGUST 23, 1919. 7 SOUTH NEWFANE. Lightning Strikes Two Houses. During the shower Tuesday night shortly after 10 o'clock a sudden crash of thunder was heard, resembling a heavy explosion.
Members of nearly every family in the village thought their own buildings had been struck and immediately investigated. At homes of Mrs. Ella S. Willard and Mrs. Samuel Morse Mrs.
Love there was no doubt that" something had happened, the rooms and cellars being filled with sulphurous fumes and smoke. At the latter place, Samuel H. Morse, who was near the telephone and was somewhat stunned for a moment, did not associate the occurance at first with the storm, but thought something near him had exploded. The condition of the room, however, told the story. All insulated wires in the house, including ground wire, were burned out, wall paper and insulators were blackened.
Mrs. Willard, who was alone in her house, found china glassware on the dining table and china closet and, broken. The lamp, which fortunately was not lighted, was thrown from her living room table, an ornamental cap was torn from her bedpost, a post in the cellar was knocked down and the water pipe opened. No one was injured although occupants of the houses experienced slight effects from the shock that night and the following day, but were thankful that no further damage was done. Telephone fuses in several houses were burned out and at Dr.
John S. Stratton's pasture a bar and barpost 'were splintered by the lightning. Ernest E. Bailey returned to Green- field Saturday. Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Bullock of Keene were guests of L. W. Bingham Sunday. The Ladies' Benevolent society sale begins at 3 o'clock Friday afternoon of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Howe of Brattleboro spent the week at E. C.
Sparks's. Miss Doris Dexter and guest, Miss Natalie Davis, have gone to Camden, N. for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Frederic W. Sim of Troy came Monday and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Milton Dexter.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Bickford and son, Harold, of Brookline, William Fletcher and Mrs. Munroe of Boston were visitors at Mrs.
Samuel Morse's Saturday. Arthur Bailey of Brookfield, recently visited his grandmother, Mrs. Willard E. Bingham, and other relatives. Mr.
Cummings of South Londonderry was in the village Thursday repairing telephones damaged lightning Tuesday night. C. Joseph Dexter, who spent two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Dexter, left Monday for Philadelphia. Charlie Hosterman of Dorchester, motored here Wednesday evening and is spending a few days with Mrs. Hosterman- at Mrs. A. M.
Kelsey's. A large delegation from the Brattreboto Baptist church came Sunday evening in automobiles and took charge of the service nt the Baptist church in this village. The local church atendants. turned out in good numbers. Mrs.
Nellie Wood of Newark, N. who has been visiting at the parsonage, left Wednesday for her home, accompanied by her niece, Mrs. Walter Bishop, and two children, Howard and Malcolm Bishop. Mrs. Bishop will visit her mother while in Newark.
Samuel, H. Morse's auction sale Saturday drew a large crowd from this and neighboring towns. Many- summer visitors were present. The auetioneer, John E. Morse, kept the bidding continuous from 10.30 until 5 o'clock, except for the noon hour, when a recess was taken.
WEST DUMMERSTON. Mr. and Mrs. John Matavia and family are entertaining Mrs. Matavia's sister-inlaw and niece, Mrs.
Mary G. Spaulding and Miss Sadie Spaulding of West Somerville, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bova and young son of Medford, a nephew of Mrs. Spaulding.
The guests are enjoying an automobile trip through southern Vermont and expect to leave West Dummerston next Thursday for Lake Sunapee, N. H. NORTHFIELD, MASS. Civil War Veteran Dies. Ransom Chester Kenney, 72, died Wednesday night at his home on Warwick avenue after a short illness.
He moved here about nine years ago from Conway, but was born at Guilford, Vt. He was a veteran of the Civil war, being a member of Company 34th Massachusetts Volunteers, and also belonged to the local Grand Army post. His wife died 10 years ago and he leaves two daughters and four sons. The funeral will be held at his home Saturday afternoon. Rev.
F. W. Pattison will officiate. The burial will take place in Conway. The jelly fish gets nourishment by wrapping itself round its food and absorbing it.
R. Kent, who resides in 728 East Twelfth street- and who is doing well as an automobile broker although he is only 23 years old, never used to take any stock in the mother-in-law jokes he read in the funny papers, he assured Magistrate Sweetser in the West Side court yesterday. But during the last seven weeks-ever since he married Miss Grace Wiley, who is 19, pretty and hates a fuss- he has changed his mind. He doesn't care to state publicly, he told the court, what his feelings concerning mothersin-law actually are, because he is well versed in the law and isn't certain how many years imprisonment their revelation might entail. The young bridegroom appeared in court yesterday as a result of a charge of disorderly conduct made by Grace's mother, Mrs.
Margaret Wiley, 2612 Broadway, who said that Frank had threatened to disregard the summons after making other threats which had to do with bodily harm to herself and her family. Well, said Mr. Kent gloomily, "after Grace and I were married this woman (he inclined his head toward Mrs. Wiley) said she wanted to go along on the honeymoon to Lake Plaeid. I said 'no' but it wasn't any use, and she went anyhow.
Why, Judge, I couldn't even hold my wife's hand in the train going up, and we'd just been married! Just been married and Grace's mother wouldn't let me even hold her hand. After a while we came back to MASSASOIT AND OUR FIRST TREATY Statute to be Erected in Memory of Indian Who Kept Bond of Friendship with Early Settlers. The commonwealth of Massachusetts is preparing to celebrate the tercentenary of the landing of the Pilgrims. They had crossed the ocean in a frail bark and turned perils of the sea to stormy, face the perils of an unknown land. The natives only 40 miles to the west of their landing place were known.
to "bear an inveterate malice to the English;" and the attitude of others was known only by the experience of earlier voyagers. The camp of an advance landing party had been attacked at Nauset (Eastham); and doubt. and misgiving pervaded the little settlement they had established at Plymouth. Great must have been their relief on March 16, 1621, when Samoset's greeting, "Welcome Englishmen," broke the startled air of Leyden street, and greater still when on March 22, Massasoit, great sachem of the Wampanoags, head of the tribe that bore "an inveterate malice to the English," appeared and manifested a willingness to sit in council with Governor Carver; and greatest of all when Massasoit and Carver put their signatures to the first American peace treaty. This treaty and the manner of its observance held within its four corners the fate of a nation; and for 40 years Massasoit faithfully fulfilled all the obligations assumed by him and for 14 years after his death, his sons, Wamsutta and Pometacon (or Metacomet), followed in his footsteps.
For 258 years, Massasoit has slept in an unmarked and unhonored grave, and the American people have been so unmindful of the value of his services to the infant colony at Plymouth and later those at Massachusetts Bay and in Rhode Island land Connecticut that they have erected no. memorial to perpetuate his fame. The Massasoit Memorial association has been incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts for the purpose of erecting a statue of Massasoit at Plymouth on the 1300th anniversary of the coming of the founders of the American nation and the American ideals. It desires to make this popular movement, to the end that this memorial may be the New World's to one of the greatest characters ever produced by the children of nature. Cyrus E.
Dallin of Arlington, NEWFANE. The last prisoner confined in the county jail left Tuesday. Rev. Guy C. Lamson and family are at their summer home.
Miss Agnes Borkowski of Guilford has come to work at the Windham County House. Mrs. J. L. Martin of Brattleboro is at Bencasson Cabin, her summer home, on Newfane hill.
Miss Clara Newton, who was a summer guest at Newfane Inn three weeks, returned Saturday to her home in Cincinnati. Mrs. O. R. Wright, assistant postmaster, has arranged to send for several neighbors and friends a large order for government food supplies.
Rollin B. De Witt is spending a week in Brattleboro. He will go to his school duties in the Adirondack regions before Sept. 2, when the schools will open. Mrs.
Lena Barrett of Brattleboro has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Legate, at the Windham County House. Mrs. John Clark of Williamsville also has been a guest there this week. Mrs.
C. W. Rawson, her son, Clifford Rawson and wife, their daughter, Belle, and Mrs. Barrett of Springfield motored to Newfane the first of the week and were guests at Emery Howard's. Rev.
and Mrs. John M. Gilbert and two, daughters of West Chester, who attended conferences in Northfield are spending a vacation of two weeks at the Inn before returning home. Mrs. Winifred Chapin of Chicopee Falls, and Mrs.
Henrietta Rider and two sons, John and Grant, of Bellows Falls are visitors this week at the home of her father, H. A. Carpenter. Miss Ida Lewis has had a call to go to Meredith Center, N. for Sunday, Aug.
24, as candidate to supply the church in that place. She spent last week in Brattleboro before going to New Hampshire. Dr. and Mrs. F.
L. Osgood called in Newfane Saturday night after a journey of three days from Pittsburgh, having been overtaken by a cloudburst near the Hudson river, but suffered no harm except a delay of one night. The school board met Saturday night and the date for opening schools in town was fixed for Sept. 2. The teacher engaged for the village school is Miss Anna Finlan of Bennington.
Miss Mary Jackson of Milton will teach in the Union distriet. The W. C. T. U.
will hold the second of a series of parlor meetings in the home of Rev. and Mrs. T. D. Childs Tuesday evening, Aug.
26. The program will consist of songs, readings, recitations and brief speaking and a general good time is expected. A silver offering will be taken the jubilee fund. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Wheeler and Miss Alice Barrett of Springfield, Mrs. Charles D. Lamson of Worcester, Mrs. B. B.
Peck of Indianapolis, Miss Elizabeth Sparrow of Cambridge, Miss Helen Sparrow of Portland, Mr. Mrs. C. W. Downing of Hartford.
beth Gaylord and Miss Louise Hitchcock of South Hadley Falls, are all summer guests at the Newfane Inn. WILLIAMSVILLE is Miss Camilla of her Kendrick sister, of Mrs. Hartford a. guest Dickinson. Miss Marion Sherman returned Monday evening from a several days' visit in Boston.
Mrs. F. B. Washer of Illion, N. Y.
came Sunday to spend a few days with Mrs. C. E. Park. Mr.
and Mrs. Sewall M. Hovey of Boston and Mrs. Sophia Herrick came Wednesday to C. G.
Hovey's. Mr. and Mrs Will Lietch and F. E. Freyenbagen of Springfield were weekend guests at C.
K. Stedman's. Mrs. D. S.
Taylor, who visited her cousin, Mrs. Albert Bacon, returned Tuesday to her home in Jamaica Plain, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. George Perry and son and friends from Rochester, N.
are spending some time at the old Perry home. The Ladies' Aid society sale which was to have been held on Wednesday afternoon and evening was postponed, to Wednesday, Aug. 27 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mundell and daughter, Doris, of Springfield, have been visiting this week with her uncle, E.
H. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs D. R.
Stedman and daughter, Doris, of Agawam are spendng the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Stedman.
Mrs. A. W. Timson and son, Howard E. Timson, who went on an automobile trip to Pittsburgh with Dr.
and Mrs. L. Osgood of Townshend, returned Saturday evening. Mrs. Hattie Elliot and son, Harold, who spent several weeks here with Mr.
and Mrs. F. E. Willard, went to their home in Northfield Friday. Mr.
and Mrs. Willard returned Monday. Mrs. C. G.
Hovey, who was in the Brattleboro Retreat several months for treatment, died Monday morning. Funeral services were held here Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church. Don't get the idea that distance lends enchantment to man's view of pay day. SIR JOSEPH COOK BY RHEUMATISM Brought Quick ted Permanent Relief MR. P.
H. MCHUGH 108 Church Street, Montreal. December 10th, 1917. "I was a great sufferer from Rheum. atism for over 16.
years, I consulted specialists, took medicines, used lotions but nothing did me good. Then, I began to use "Fruit-atives" and in 15 days, the pain was easier and the Rheumatism was better. Gradually, "Fruit-a-tives" overcame my Rheumatism; and now, for five years, I have no return of the trouble. Also, I had severe Eczema and Constipation, and "Fruit-a-tives" relieved me of these complaints and gave me a good appetite; and in every way restored me to P. H.
McHUGH, 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, by FRUIT-A-TIVES Limited, OGDENSBURG, N. Y. CLEAR POLICIES REASONABLE RATES Ceneral Insurance Agency GEO.
G. B. HUNTER. Office at residence, West Brattleboro, Hours: 8 to 9 a. 1 to and 6.30 to 8 p.
m. Telephone, 318. .53 DR. Main THOMAS St. RICE, Physician and Surgeon.
me Tel. 291. Office hours: 1 to 3, and in evening. KAINE, M. Physician and Surgeon.
Office, Room 10, Ullery Building. Hours: 8.30 to 9.30; 1.30 to 3.00; 7 to 8. Office 'phone, 351. Residence, 230 Elliot 'phone 405-M. C.
R. ALDRICH, M. D. Hours: 12.30 to 2.30, 7 to 8, Office phone, 165-W; house, 165-R. X-tay work a specialty.
G. R. ANDERSON, Surgeon and Physician. Surgery a specialty. Office and residence, Brooks House, 128 Main St.
Hours: Afternoons, 1.30 to evenings, 7 to 8, except Tuesdays and Fridays. Sundays by appointment only. 'Phone 246. DR. GRACE W.
BURNETT, Physician and Surgeon. Market block, Elliot St. Office hours: 8.30 to 9.30 a. 1.30 to 2.30, and 7 to 8 p. Telephone, 744-W.
DR. H. P. GREENE, Physician and Surgeon. Office, Bank block.
Hours: 9.30 to 10 a. 1 to 3, and 7 to 8 p. m. Residence, 88 Green St. Telephone connection.
DR. E. R. LYNCH, Surgeon. Office, Park rooms 1 and telephone, 540.
Office hours: Until 9 a. 2 to 3, and to 9 p. Melrose hospital, telephone 201, 9 to 10 8. m. Residence, 141.
Canal telephone, 177. Sundays by appointment only. DR. A. I.
MILLER, Hooker block. Brattleboro. Office hours: 8 to 9, 1 to 2, 6.30 to 8. W. R.
NOYES, M. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 9 to 12, 1.30 to 5. Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Other hours and Sundays by appointment. Appointments for glasses fittings made by mail or 'phone.
American Bldg. DR. HENRY TUCKER. Residence, 12 Grove telephone, 258. Office, Leonard block.
Hours: 1.30 to 3, and 7 to 8. Telephone, 29-W. DR. H. L.
WATERMAN. Office, Abbott's Elliot St. 1.30-3, 6.30-8. Tel. 42-W.
W. LANE, M. 117 Main Hours: 1 to 3'and 7 to 8, except Sundays. Tel. 789-W.
DR. C. G. WHEELER, Osteopathic Physician, 310 Barber Bldg. Office hours: 10 to 12 and 2 to 4.
Treatment by appointment. Tel. 219-W. JOHN E. GALE, Attorney at Law, Guilford, Telephone, 302W.
DR. G. F. BARBER, Dentist. Union block, Brattleboro.
CHASE HUGHES, Attorneys; practice in all State and U. S. Courts; 68 Main Tel 914. HASKINS SCHWENK, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Brattleboro, Vt.
FRANK E. BARBER, Attorney at Law. Bather Building, Brattleboro. BARROWS Wholesale and Retail Dealers in coals of all kinds. Office, 37 Main Brattleboro.
BOND SON, Exclusive Undertaking. Auto mobile service. Telephone, 264-W. W. A.
NEWELL, Undertaker. Jamaica. Vt camnlete stork on hand FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE Strong, Reliable Companies SANFORD A. DANIELS Crosby Block. Brattleboro For Quick Sales Try The Reformer SOUTH LONDONDERRY.
The Late Gilman Thompson. The following was written for. publication in this column by V. Boyden: In the passing of Gilman J. Thompson Londonderry loses one of its most honored citizens, and one who, born in town and living here practically all his life, leaves no memory except of esteem.
The son of Nathaniel and Philena Buxton -Thompson, Gilman Judson Thompson was born Nov. 23, 1833. On Aug. 14, 1859, he married Susan Adele Temple, who died March 29, 1916. They are survived by their daughter, Miss Hallie Thompson, who has been her father's housekeeper for several years and has given him most faithful and loving care.
Mr. Thompson was an enthusiastic and loyal member of the G. A. being a charter member of Hooker post, and for many years had been the color bearer. A lover of nature, he had followed the occupation of farming all his life, even since he moved.
19 vears ago to the home where died. His last illness, caused by a fall, was one of constant and intense pain from which he had little relief for six long weeks, but no word of impatience escaped him. His oft repeated prayer was: "Jesus help me. His was a family notable for longevity, no deaths having occurred in a family of five for over 50 years until some seven months ago a sister, Mrs. Ellis, of Somerville, passed away at the age of 86 and a few months later Mrs.
Wheeler of Winchester at the age of Fidelia Chase and Mrs. Ellen Jaquith of this town survive. BARGES Sir Joseph Cook is Australian minister for the navy in a coalition cablnet, having been prime minister at the time the war broke out. His direction of the early participation of Australia in the war was enthusiastic, and his loyalty in his new job has brought him much political credit at home. EAST JAMAICA.
Mrs. B. M. Sage was in Wardsboro Wednesday. A.
Prentiss Butler went to Washington, D. Monday. Mrs. Ellen Howard was a guest of her sister, Mrs. L.
J. Allen, Sunday. A. R. Allen of Vernon was with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. J. Allen, Sunday. Miss Ione Allen of Springfield, visited her aunt, Mrs.
N. F. Peirce, recently. Mr. and Mrs.
A. A. Ross of Springfield, were guests the past week at G. H. Gleason's.
Miss Mildred Patterson went the first of the week to assist Mrs. A. L. Howe in West Townshend. Mrs.
George Slaybaugh and daughter started Tuesday for her home in Hope, stopping for a few days' visit in Brattleboro. Mr. and Mrs. C. W.
Peirce went to Rutland Saturday to visit her parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.
Butler and son, Frederic, were in Rutland over Sunday. DUMMERSTON HILL. Miss Carrie Coe of Springfield, is a guest at the Rockwell homestead. Miss Florence Whitaker of Townshend is assisting her grandmother, Mrs. James N.
Betterley. Miss Georgia Lank of Brooklyn came Saturday to the Betterley homestead for a rest of two weeks. Albert Grandy and Miss Mabel Reid of Holyoke came to the Betterley homestead Sunday to stay two weeks. Mrs. Mary Allen returned Thursday to her home in Brattleboro after spending some time at her cottage at the lake.
Mrs. L. W. Dana, who had been at the Petterley homestead two weeks, returned Tuesday to her home in Providence, R. I.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wells of Chicopee and two grandchildren, Wells and Mary Bausman, came in their Hudson limousine Monday to be guests at the Betterley homestead.
Several young people were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. ley Saturday evening, the being the 15th birthday. anniversary of Miss Irma Hamblin, who is visiting Mrs.
terley. Games and music were enjoyed and refreshments, including a birthday cake and ice cream, were served. DUMMERSTON. Mrs. F.
I. Miller is visiting in Holy- oke. Merton Hazelton is visiting friends in New York city. Miss Inez Reed spent Monday and Tuesday in Guilford. James A.
Recd is ill. Mrs. John E. Walker is helping care for him. Miss Rose LaPointe of Greenfield was a guest of Mrs.
C. G. Walker Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Reed has returned from visit with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. P. F. O'Connor. Mrs.
Maud Hickey and children have returned home after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Annard. LANDGROVE. Mr.
and Mrs. Carroll Batchelder and three children of Wilmington were guests in town last week. Mrs. A. H.
Crandall returned Sunday, after spending eight weeks with her mother in Manchester. Guests and boarders at Riverside farm are Mr. and Thomas McKeown of New York, Miss Florence Pepper of Malden, and Mrs. Herbert Walker of Ludlow. Miss Mildred Kendall of Somerville returned home Saturday.
Funeral of G. J. Thompson. Funeral services for the late Gilman J. Thompson were held at the home Saturday afternoon, Aug.
lona Rev. Kendriick Hackett officiated Miss GladVs Kelly and Mrs. Frank Tyler gave a beautiful rendering of Night There, by Clements, and The Lights of Home. Among the many flowers was a wheath of roses and lilies from the Grand Army and a choice spray of gladiolas from Camp Foster, Sons of Veterans, members of which conducted a touching burial service, Major Campbell of Florida acting as chaplain. Four old comrades, H.
A. Dudley, H. P. Chase, William Shattuck and Armando Williams, members of the Grand Army, acted as honorary bearers. Burial took place in Mountain View cemetery.
Verne Sparks of Weston, a recently discharged soldier, is visiting his bro'her, Harry Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Melendy and Miss Mary Austin motored to Lake George Saturday afternoon to stay over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Goddard of Leominster, have been spending a few days in town, called here by the death of their uncle, G.
J. Thompson. Card of Thanks. I wish to express my deep appreciation of the many thoughtful and kindly attentions extended to us during my father's illness. to all who sent beautiful flowers to the service, especially to those who sang so beautifully and to those members of Camp Foster, S.
of who condueted the service at the grave. Hallie A. Thompson. South Londonderry, Aug. 19, 1919.
MARLBORO. Anniversary of Church Dedication. The program for the 100th anniverof the dedication of the church sary, Sunday, Aug. 24, will be as follows: History of the church, Hon. E.
P. Adams; Relations of the Church to the Community, Rev. A. S. Charlton; Relations of the Church to Education, Prof.
L. B. Paton; sermon, Rev. H. H.
Shaw. Prof. Haase will preside at the organ and singers from Ames hill will assist the choir. Austin Goodyear of Holyoke spent Sunday afternoon at the Poplars. Mrs.
Annie Ames of Brattleboro visited at the parsonage Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and children of Holyoke were guests at the Poplars Sunday afternoon. Muster Walter Huxley, who visited Winchester Warnock, went to his home in Holyoke Sunday evening.
The ladies will hold their annual August sale of quilts and fancy articles Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 26. H. C. Warnock, who spent last week with his family at the Poplars, returned to Holyoke Sunday evening.
Mrs. Minnie Prouty and son, Reuben, and Miss Pauline Shaw of Brattleboro are spending a few days at the parsonage. Carley P. Whitney, who died in Brattleboro last week, was a native of Marlboro and spent the early part of his life here. Master Chester Shaw, who spent three weeks with his grandparents at the -parsonage, went to his home in Sunday afternoon.
TOWNSHEND. Miss Ethel Vincent and Miss Eleanor Willard, who worked at Northfield during the finished work and returned home Tuesday..
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