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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 4

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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FACE FOUR BLYTHEVILLE (ARK.) COURIER NEWS Muliins, Society Editor Phone 4J61 Couple Is Wed in Home Ceremony At Cole Ridge In a ceremony performed Friday night at the home of (he Rev. Oscar Patterson, pastor of the Cole Ridge Baptist Church. Miss Marina Irene Wixon became bride of Jajnes Noel Perkins of Dell. Miss Wixon is the daughter of R. A.

Wixnn of Carriere, and he Is the son Mr. and Henry Perkins of Dell. The bride is a prarinale of Bur- delte High School anri was sahi- latorian of ihe 1852' graduating class. Mr. Perkins is employed by the Arkansas-Missouri Power Company.

The couple is nou- making then- ho'me in Dell. An informal supper pn-en after M-edding at Ihe home of Mrs. I. L. Jackson for members of the families.

Engaged Couple Guests-of-Honor At Drop In Party MLss Peggy Jane Fieeman and her fiance. James Boswell Cheadle of Norman, were guests-of-honor. Tuesday night, from 8 lo 10 at drop In party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoaard Perkins In Manila.

Used In the living room, where the couple received their i-UMts, was a solid white color scheme pro- I'ldcd by a profusion of summer white flowers. The while flowers were p.tso carried out in Ihe dining room. Centering the lace laid table which was laden with hors rt'ouevres. punch, party foods, was a large honeydew melon decorated -with tiny melon' balls In festive colors ranging from I (loral cc ntcrplecc of snapdragons. the yellow of canlolope and pink of watermelon to the blight red of cherries.

The bright yellow punch was centered with a floral design nnd cooled with green ice. Honored guests Included Dr. ami Mrs. John B. Cheadle of Norman, and Mr.

and Mrs, Eugene C. Flee-' man. parents of the young couple. Miss Martha Irene Wixon became Hie bride of Jam PS Noel Perkins of Dell in a ceremony Performed Friday nij-lil at the home of tlic Hev. Osrar Patterson, cif Cole Ridge Rjip Churcli.

Bits of News Mr. and Mrs. Otis Density and son. Keith. Mrs.

Catherine Hayes and daughter. Sherry, have all returned to their homes In Terre after being the cuests of Mrs. Haves' and Mrs. Bensley's parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Oxford for several flny.s.

and Mrs Glenn Jiilui- J.OH nnri snns Wayne. Gary, and Terry of Mountain Home. Idaho, are the of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

fra Kvmce. until Auc- usl MPS Mabel Simon spent last week In New Orleans and niloxi with Ellen Moore. Mrs. C. Rollt- vm.

and Mrs. James F. Foster. Mr. anri Mrs.

Floyd White had as Tuesday nteht dinner eueMs. Mr. and Mrs. John Jonrs and Mrs. Harry all Paraeruild.

Mrs. Karl Horton and son. Dale Winston Hoium, of Forrest City, spent yesterday here, where Mrs, Hunon attended a bridal parly for the of her srin. Miss Ann Mcl.cort. Mrs Horinn and Mr.

llor- were accompanied home by Miss and Miss Pat Reean lo nl- Itenrl a steak supper last night THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1952 Thompson Revival to Be Held At Tomato Church The pastor Rev. anri Community Haiold Thompson evanpelist, of Tomato Nazircne Church, will Lovefy Voice Is Important Factor By NKA Beauty Editor Have you ever people sound to other? What tone ol voice, for Instance, luvc you heard u.sed when a customer is expressing displeasure' with a saleswoman or laundry clerk? Do the words flow softlv and sweetly, or must you admit (hey are a lit lie on the raspy side? Then there's Ihe uoman who screams and screeches around Ihe house al her husband and children, only to turn inlo a purrine kitten when she answers the phone. All telephone tones, however, are note melodic. Many people think l.hal lo make themselves heard, they must scream Into the receiver Actually, well directed tones prove much more successful. No doubt you've also been forced! to listen to Ihe ear-splitting chat- I te.r amonR friends on a hus or train.

I Each one seems bent on oiitshout- ing the other. Wouldn't II he milch pleasanter It they kept their conversations private? It isn'l enough lo have a smooth well-modulated voice If it is saved Sohultz. pastor of the Church of the Nazarene of Blythevtlle. whal you hear, start practicing voice control. you can ynur voice.

Miss Ann McLeod i Layette Shower Complimented at in Home Crafton Home 8nitth lhe honorec at a surprise layclte show-i Mrs. Hoscoe Crnfton and Mrs. or Kh'm last nicht In the Jack C. W. Oarrjgaii were hnstessns borne, Mrs.

Robin- yesterday morning at the Cralton I son Mr s. J. Moody and Mrs. home with a party compliment- tia were hostesses, ing Miss Ann McLcori, bride-dent of Dale Winston Horton ol Torrest City. Centering the table Irom which I refreshments were fiorvcd Baby's Teeth Need Protection 'University Club' Is Organized A new dance club "The University Club" hns been organized and will It'e first official meeting Saturday night.

The club has to have meetings the first Saturday night ot each month at Hotel Noble In the Blue Room. Hosts and hostesses are Mr. and Mr.s. Mason Day, Mr. and Mrs.

Gerald Blomeyer, and Mr. and Mr.s. Jack Webb. Officers for the club are Mason Day. president.

Mr.s. Whitney Morgan. vice president, Marvin Nunn, treasurer, and Mrs. Newton Whitis, secretary. The club, which now consists of 80 cotiple.5.

wns begun with the following charter members: Mr. and Mr.s. Arthur Cearly, Mr. jinrl Mrs. Ma.son Day, Mr.

nnd Mrs. Whitney Morgan. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nunn.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smart, Dr. and Mrs. Jack Webb.

Mr. and Mrs Johnny White, Mr. and Mrs M. Williams. Headed For a Busy Term By Sue Burnett This exciting little Jumper and blouse pair wll! he a favorite with your grade whool miss, she can wear them together or with similar pieces in her school-day wardrobe.

Pattern N'o. 8741 is a sew-rne perforated pattern in 3, 4, 5, s. 7. 8 years. Sir.e 4.

Jumper. yards' of 39-inch: blouse, 1 yard. For this 3Cc In COINS, your name, addicr-s. de- sired, and the PATTERN NUMBER i to Sue Courier News. 375 Qitincy Chicago 6.

III. Heady tor you FASHION for '52. Fall and Winter. This new issue is filled with ideas smart, practical sewing for a new teason; gift pattern printed inside the book, 25c. by complete mlnla- ture hrldal party.

Serving punch and cake" to Ihe 20 guests were Miss Jo Ann Trieschmnnn, and Miss Pat He- Kan. For the occasion. Miss McLeod was dressed In a brown organdy frock with very full skirt. She was given a corsiijfe of white carnations and Rift ol silver. Among the guests were Mrs.

Div mon McLeod, mother of the brirte- elecl, nnd Mrs. Earl Horton. mother of the groom-to-be. Cut summer were used lo decorate the enlcrtainlne rooms, and Iced drinks were served. Drop-In "Held" For PEO Mrs.

Freeman Robinson was hostess yesterday at her home for an Informal drop-In when guests Included 13 members of Chapter of PF.O sisterhood. The refreshment table was rcn- lered with a mixture of cut flowers, and overlaid with a matlelrs and party foods were serves'. Murray Lnke. Kive.n In the couple's Special inspirational musir will honor by Mhs Nancy Murray and be presented bv Misse M- Hetermmation. Murray, O'Brien and Bobby jean Kcvmo Van Wr.Kht of LiMte Rock was! al services which will benin at lithe Tuesday nlirht dinner (rurst.

of each evening i Mr. antl Mrs. Victor Mallory and i daughter. A. B.

has relumed home i from a week In St. where he attended a business meeting. Mr. nnn Mrs. Charles Gunter nf Rholbyvlltc, and Mrs.

Mur- ray Christian Lynchburg, I returned to their homes yesterday alter being the guests and Mr.s. S. E. Tune. While here, they were cnteitaincrl Informally Miss Yvonne nos.ste of Clarksrtale is the Biicslof Mrs.

N. S. Rossie and daughter, Juliette, for a week. Mr. and Mrs.

Byron Morse Mrs Marearet Bell and daughter. Mrs. T. J. Mahan and Mrs.

w. Tanner returned home yesterday from Lake George, near' Angola, where they spent several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. J.

Brownson will leave tomorrow for a month's vacation In Chicago. Colorado Springs, and Suit Lake city They will also serious tour the west coast. Miss Alice Burriis of Texarkana anri Miss Linda Wurham of De- will arrive tomorrow to spent! the weekend with Miss Gay C.arri- gnn HER MOTHER'S bedtime stories put five- year-old Calhy Steel to sleep in her Chicago apartment each night though mother, actress Pamela Britlon, if fai away, giving ivilh another kind of story lo "Guys and Dolls" audiences at the jams time. Secret of it all is Cathy's tape-recorder seen beside her bed. Stella Ming, Clever Hair Stylist, Advises Versatile Hair-Do and Cut If Semi-Canasta Club Members of the Semi-Cnnastii Club met yestcrdny in Ihe home of Mrs.

Travis Deen for an afternoon' business of card games and meeting. In a business session, the planned a picnic for Iheir to be held Sunday. Mrs. o. M.

Orountis, and Earl Knipple were winners and second place respectively In canasta. Mrs. Deen a sandwich plnte and iced drinks. CIB Club Meets At Dixie Pig Mrs. H.

Nunn was hostess last irisl-t to members of the. era Club I at the Dixie pltr. Miss Bouen vns Induct- ed in (lie puer.t list. Winning bridge games Miss Hetty Black, first, anri Miss Bowen. Junior Richardson, son of and Mrs.

W. H. Richardson, went to! IK rt crf -Jonesboro Friday to join Ihe pn He will go to Little Rock, and fro for recruit training, I Mrs. Charley Maddox of St. Louis Ry Al.fOIA HART Baby's first leelh usually rause quite a bit of concern.

Unfort'j-i nalely many new mothers a I es a "5' other kindl. you cer- nreconcclved notions about the) on 1 want to tak thf "me teething ppriotl, varying from when I ldtlle with a complicated the leeth should 'appear lo us do vvhat vou need, whether you are what type of symptoms may be rtcing or playing. Is versatile styling that will allow vou easily shown no siirns ma convertibility. This often no easy matter, what ous or visited her sister Mrs. Harold Han- don't non and Mr.

Hannrm the past week. Mr. and Mrs, Orvllle Mllchel! are In Hot Springs visiting! her parents Dr. and Mrs. F.

Roland. Mrs. T. Alexandra was railed to tors say there IK absolutely no need or you to fet roarin? tempcrat.urc.s and high humidity, with frequent swims and worry. Some Infants disrupting Frizzy hair be.

comes frizzier and straight hair takes on that drowned pnppy-doff look. way. eating the right foods, and i-Mcu lu i Belling enough' rest, you can be Corpus Christi. because of Ihe P'otty crrlain her teeth will have Iness of her daughtcr-in- a growth, law. Mrs.

Oliver Gray. and Mr.s, Gerald is the day nnd family this week. Mrs. W. R.

Lightfoot spent the end at Ashport, wnere she their first teeth until they are a year old. Your main Interest should be the general health of your baby If she I -n, developing normallv in everv Tbe an wf to your problem lies Jii clever cut. snd, If necessary, a good basic, permanent to give your hair the ready adaptability of naturally wavy tresses. New York's Stella Ming, clever young Chinese hair stylist, has her own ideas about how a teen-ager's hair should be handled, and they have proved to be most successful. Whether your hair Is at that awkward In-between length of outgrown poodle cut.

or If It languidly n. uuvi-r uray. There is no set pattern of svinp- Mrs. India Sanders of Memphis i lonw fnr vmi vo 'o look for, either, luest of her sister Mrs. B.

F. Tne depend on the child. One youngster may fiuddenlv sprout her first tooth without any previous Indication, while another may BO through a discontented period. To case somp of the sweeps your -second. The jiostess course.

served a dessert Gu est, Members or Bridge Coming Events Thursday Mrs. N. G. Jerome Is hostess to La Niieve at her home. Night game played by Blythevllle Duplicate Bridge same Friday Y.

M. Birthday Club In' the home of Mrs. Murray McHaffey p.m. Dessert Bridge Given at Rustic Mrs. Merrion Koehler was hos- tess for five tables of bridge and dewert course last night at the Rustic Inn.

Centering the large lahle was a i silver bowl filled wii yellow- and white mums, two mums in a liny silver vase centered each bridge t-a- ble. Mrs. Forrest Moore first high, a white linen bridge set, Mrs. G. Wicgs won seronrt nisli.

crystal cruet; Mrs. Harry Bradley won bridco. a silver sauce boat; and Mrs, James Robertson, who v.on the traveling prize was given handkerchiefs in yellow anri white. Tommy Brannum Honored at Party Little Tommy Brannum was three years old yesterday and 17 c. helped him celebrate at ihe hnine of his patents Mr.

and Mrs. Tlio- mas Brnnnmn. The back lawn was decorated in circus theme wirh swmcs. slirics. miniature cars, and swings rtivorat- ed with rce; and white crepe Birthday cake and ice were anri fhe ucre 2ivcn balloons and red balls ar.

favors. Mrs. S. O. Owens was a guest player with Ihe members of Club Eight, (hey met at the home of Mr.s.

Paul Johe yesterday. Johe user! a profusion of pe- tunlns, phlox, nnd zinnias to pro' vide the decoration for her home Mrs. Charles Lanpston took lop honors in the hrldse. snri Mrs. Graham Sudbury won second.

Class Meeting Time 5 to 10 a.m. Dorcus Sunday School has 2:30 p.m. business and social meeting with Mrs. Victoria Gilbert and Mrs Pearl Hires, hostesses. La Finesse meets in the home of Mrs.

Mason Day. Jr. Sadinlay Saturday afternoon games o( the Blylhevllle Duplicate Bridge League are played. Mmula.r Gleaners Class meets In the home ol Mrs. Russell C.

Farr at 10 a.m. Mr. have day stay In Three Oakes. Mich. Mr.

and Mrs. Ira Nichols and family are In Shelby. on va- Mrs. Irving Alexandra spent the week end in Memphis visiting her daughter. Mrs.

Leon Hoskins' and Mr. Hoskins. Mrs. John Richardson Is visiting iher daughter. Mrs.

Max Wade ami family in Memphis this week. NEA Rcauij Editor Anchor II firmly with a clip or pin are a olisy teen-ager (as and you ivon't have to worry about looking neat and tidy. And If your day at tennis is to followed by a party, keep Ihe center part, in place, and brush soflj beau-catcner ringlets forward orfl your forehead and r.heekR. ThB change will only lake a matter of minutes, but oh, what a wonderful difference it. will make in your ap.

pearance. se a little cologne on your hair. If It needs coaxing. The Chinese hair dresser goei along with the new "five-inches- below-the-ear" hair-length because she believes that this length allows the greatest, opportunity for versatility. During the hot "rather, she recommends that you wash your hair often.

Perspiration city dirt may make It, essential to shampoo every other day. Don't neaject those dally brUBh- Ings Stella Ming. "The beauty of your hair now and In the future very much depends upon them." If Min? makM no other point. It Is certainly clear from her work that chopping off your own hair In a moment of whlmsey will never give you the tmooth. ileek coiffure you would surely like to have.

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Alexandra. Mr. and Mrs, Irving Alexandra have gone to Pontotoc, to visit At the Hospitals Rlyihrvllle Mis.

Resell C. Farr will be hos- nT'-trf rjuvall Citv less to members of ihe Gleaners I Price clS' Sunday School class of ihe First: Bapnst Church on Monday. Dismissed- These nu-etinss. uhirh have DT is Rt 3 ioiisly hern held al nisht wHl be' Mrs." Jackson, and held ar 3 m. at 112(1 Walnut.

Ri 3 babv AIR CONDITIONED BY REFRIGERATION THURSDAY FRIDAY Open p. show at 2 Shows Kvcry Nitc WARMER BROS: 1 OF MUSIC AND FUN! t'aiamonnt NPWS. Cartoon Novelty Reel RITZ GUESTS Mr. Mrs.

Berry Allen Family John Family Mr. Mrs. 0. 1'tesnel'l Family Mr. Mrs.

Catidill Family aiiiiie yrai as: necessary "ne "eeming ieL nti One ay (o mskp lhp vo'ur opinion, "is to part your hair to suit the occasion." When you are shopping, for instance, part your hair at'the side, and let your hair fall in wftly waved rinzlet ends. For hot weather active sports, chanee the part to the center, and brush your hair hack into a soft chinetion or modified pony's tail. lo the during though first teeth, her future mouth health and beauty depends on this early development. friends and relatives for ten days. Tom Sherman of Bipton.

spent the week end with his sister. Gilrrion Howard and Mr. Howard. For the Very Young Ladies: r-Q- OCI in a wide selection of styles and colors Sofl and smooth fancy siiele makes Ihe most ex- ciling fashion news for our young ladies for fall. A very smart and praclicsl coal for long wear.

Curtsy Coals oiagic maiden sleeves and hems are easily altered, wool. Sizes 7 lo 1 I- Colors are spice, kclly srul red. re AIR CONDITIONED Box Office Opens 7:00 Show Starts 7:15 p.m. Admission 9e At All Times LAST TIMES TONITE Pal Kites For Prict Of 1 rant ROOM'FOR MORE HOHOWU4 Also Cartoon FRIDAY SATURDAY 'SANDY GETS HER MAN" wilh Slnarl F.nvin Serial: "The Tifrermnn" Also Oarirmn FOR SALE Conrrtlf cnlrerls. 12 inch lo tS inch, plain or rrenforr.ed Alsm Concrete Rullitinc Blocks rhe.iji- than Itimhtr for Iwrns rhlrk- houses, pump houses, tenant hoiiMi.

tool sheds. deliver Call us for free estimate. OSCEOLA. TILE CULVERT CO..

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