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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • 22

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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22 0aUanJ)2i(Tbune Dec. 1,1971 Limit1 Placed on Record '71 't 4 'V. J'AvA -Tu. h. Continued from Page 1 4 themes) new ones like environment, urban problems, or black experience, or tradition-al ones like Western Civilization.

And a tjiree-year degree is feasible for many students, he said. Continued from Page' 1 their price intentions. He said about 20 per promised to 1 hold prices, about) 60 per eent planned minimal', increases, mostly to cover additional direct costs, and about 20 pqr cent were noncommittal. But he said, the great majority reflect tremendous sup- port for the program. jSrayA son noted that much, attention had been given to some priqg; approvals -higher than the commissions 2.5 cent i if.

'J vV MtHcii; ISRAEL PRIME MINISTER GOLDA MEIR In disarray after trip (AP) Fay Exemption Down WASHINGTON (AP) The The Senate was moving to-Senate rejected today 55 to 36 -ovard almost certain passage an amendment to the "Phase 2 Qfr a bill granting President economic bill designed to ex- Nixon poCver to control wages empt 10 million state and lo- and prices through April 30, cal government employes 1973, and providing for retro-from wage and price controls active' payment of most wage after next April 30. increases blocked by the pay The amendment was offered freeze, by Sen. William Prpxmire, Sparkman sdid the executive who said thereXvas no 'branch now had sent word it reason to encumber -Jhe cob-" was 'accepting the provision, trols machinery with coverage Thepro vision, written in by of these workers. the banking panel, would get Everyone knows that po- pay boosts for members of the licemen, firemen, teachers, labor force such as teaphers, hospital employes and others who lost out during freeze 4 Continued from Page 1 the throwing the reapportionment issue into the courts The Democratic answer was, in effect, let him. Were going to adjourn Thursday no question about it, declared.

Morettl after, his majority Democrats vowed to go it alone with their own plan desiped to boost their margin in the lower house to 44-36 compared with the present 42-38. The key to the Issue appeared' to be whether Democrats ould muster the 41 votes they need in the Assembly and 21 in the Senate to muscle the plan through. As for taxes, Moretti and other legislative leaders' of both parties were agreed on a $380 million tax increase bill that would balance the current budget deficit and avert a cash crisis in December. The bill also would significantly boost property tax relief to some 240000 elderly Californians by $46 million compared with the present $8 million level of the program to 60,000 senior citizens. But Moretti urged Reagan to build a cash cushion into the tax plan so the new revenues raised largely through loophole-closing and i business taxes would balance budgets for the next several years.

The way it is now, there will be a terrible deficit in 1974-75, Moretti told newsmen as the two-house conference committee wound up private negotiations in Morettis office last night. He pessed it would be $200 million. Two years from now, were going to have to come back and ask for taxes again. Its crazy, he said. The legislators took one that ReagajP insisted on.

It involves Returning to Californias six million taxpayers part of the $400 million-plus windfall that comes from switching to payroll withholding of the state per- sonal income tax on Jan. 1. The bill had called for a 15 per cent tax credit on 1971 income taxes next April 15. Reagans proposal" to have that boosted1 to 20 per cent was accepted. Both Republicans and Democrats on the six man conference committee said they had agreed on all other points and that the only hitch was involved in putting the agreement on paper and sending the bulky document to the Senate and Assembly floors for a final vote probably late today.

If there wa agreement between the parties on taxes, there was anything but settlement of the Assembly reap- portionment First, As-sembly Democrats held a stormy two hour long caucus in which moderates pushed for a compromise settlement with Republicans that would maintain the status quo at 42-38 Democratic control. That was rejected in a move that triggered a series of threats and counterthreats between Republicans and Democrats of both parties. After a-Senate GOP caucus, Sen. Fred Marler of Redding, the upper house Republican leader, said We would be abrogating our responsibility by adjourning without resolving the 'reapportionment ,4 A Urges held. On the other casinos and other tourist spots operate full blast.

This constant repetition of threats to Israel has led some observers to believe' that the militant Arab leaders are painting themselves into a corner where renewal of full-scale fighting becomes That may or may not be the case. No one can be sure. But one thing appears certain: Another debate in the U.N. is not going to solve anything, except perhaps exacerbate the strain. Gasoline Tank Blasts Ruin Homes Continued from Page 1 the house with his mother and sister, said he awoke and the room started caving in.

We got out of there in a he said. His mother suffered minor cuts from flying glass. Bill Sim nit who lived across the street from the North Visalia storage yard, said his entire house was lit up by the explosions and resulting fire. There was this real bright, red, heavy glow, he said. Then I heard the boom and then one after another.

An elderly man who. also lives near the blast area said he was blown out of bed. I jumped up and started to put on my shoes but they were full of glass, he said. Fire Chief Roy Vogt said the cause of the blasts was not determined. They began about 3:30 a.m.

when truck driver Garrett Tv Jones, 44, was unloading his' truck at the yard. He said an explosion knocked him to the ground and he managed to escape before other explosions hit. Jones said he did not know what caused the first blast. Ho suffered first-degree burns on his face as well as cuts and bruises. are not overpaid 'and are not contributing to inflation, he said.

t- And we can rely on locally elected officials to see their pay does not get out of line. But Sen. John. Q. Tower, jjf Texas, Repubncali manager of the bill, said jt would rbe wrong to grant any' substartV tial exemption from the controls.

Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama, Democratic manager, emphasized that such employes could get wage-mcrels-es of at least 5.5 per cent under present guidelines. He said it would be possible for the Pay Board to approve, much larger increases in cas-, es where the employes had lagged behind other sectors of the economy. The Senate adopted by voice Hussein Continued from Page 1 Premier Yigal Alton said Mrs. Meirs mission is to smooth difficult U.S.-Israeli relations and promote a Middle East settlement, adding: I have never known any, greater' mission a statesman has ever undertaken.

But he still-held out hope that the great power could promote a settlement. In warning against any new war, Alton said, the time has come, before it is trio late, for the Egyptian leaders to realize that a fourth round of fighting holds great disasters for the warmongers. As King Hussein spoke to parliament extraordinary security precautions were taken. Heavily armed troops patrolled the grounds of the parliament building, the rooftops and the streets. These measures followed news reports that the four assassins of Prime Minister Wasfi Tell in Cairo Sunday also planned to kill the king and his family.

Hussein declared that the battle with Israel will remain the substance of our existence until tour lands are returned Our armed forces will go on training until the day of holy With their eyes turned toward A1 Agsa Mosque (in Israeli-occupied Old Jerusalem) And now for a comment: By now we are accustomed to extravagant and emotional rhetoric from most of the Arab, leaders, especially the Egyptians who are the strong-' est. Now, apparently King Hussein has joined the team. Sadat, for example, has been repeating continuously his declaration of last July 23: I shall not allow 1971 to pass without the battle being resolved, either by war or peace. Meanwhile, equivocation still prevails in Cairo. On the one hand, troops are placed on alert and air raid drills are Skull as Curio DOUALA, Cameroon (AP) Police said a Nigerian was arrested here for questioning about a human skull he sold a curio collector.

Craqston.said newspapers, vote a Proxmire amendment radio and television will be requiring the PayBoard and open to economic censor-Price Commission to hold pub-1 ship should the Administra-lic hearings on applications tion make economic decisions made to them to the-maxi- favorable to its supporters mum extent possible. while moving against critics. war and made overtures to China A fairer draft has been established Most important is the 18-- year-old vote; no society has found a better way to resolve basic conflicts than through the ballot box. Another serious problem, Bowker said, is rooted in higher education booming growth: from 1.1 million students at 1,400 schools in 1929-30 to 7.3 million students at 2,600 schools in 1969-70. Built into this fattor, Bowker said, is change in higher educations structure, including new kinds of institutions like community colleges.

What hashappenedis this, he said an institution created originally for the transmission traditional culture and common learning to an elite began to accept rapidly increasing responsibility for semee- functions to reflect the needs of society. And now the tion has evolved into an active shaper of that society. Institutions, he said, ow work for national defense, create the knowledge that takes man to the moon, grow blight-resistant wheat and become linked to nearly every aspect of society, including its economic well-being, i a mobility and social justice. 1 Although universities must still provide higher education for all who may benefit, Bowker said, they must deal with one myth created by higher educations growth and its service to societys needs: Several recent studies, he said, Lead us to believe that the relationship between education and productivity is far from what it is generally assumed to be. With an over-supply of highly-educated people, Bowker said, job standards are being tailored to high educational credentials rather than the ability to do the work.

If reasonable job standards were set up, Bowker said, it would quickly become evident that a college education would not be an essential component of many of them. He said we must once again question the relevance of much of higher education to educating people for employment. Bowker endorsed proposals that students work or join service agencies between high school and college and during their college years. He mentioned a Carnegie Commission plan to award college credit for apprenticeship, in-service training and programs in the professions. Both employers and educators, said Bowker, have some reforming to do.

He said employers should use hiring. policies based on talent and performance as well as education. Educators, said, should provide ways for working persons to gain new, relevant training and for students to get working expert; ence. Such a he said, would inject redeeming realism into the role of education. Another problem, Bowker said, is dissatisfaction with traditional, general liberal arts education and the lock-step, four-year program.

He said liberal arts schools should offer cohesive programs bitilf around central presumably through adjacent residential streets if large truck trailers are used, carrying 20 cubic yards per trip. It' would require 50,000 or more truck loads if standard trucks are used carrying seven to ten cubic yards per trip, he said. This would remove only -a of the slide mass, and because material would continue to move for many years after the key was built, the consultants recommend against al-lowing reconstruction of homes on lots where houses were previously swept away. The report proposed several -other methods besides Method E. Under one proposal seven houses on Jordan Road would have to be torn down in order to save houses at -the top of the slide on Kitchener Court and Wilshire Boulevard.

TJnder another proposal nine houses at the top of the slide would have to be demolished to save seven houses at the bottom of the slide. The consultants said this idea probably wouldnt work very well. The Cnly feasible methods besides Method would require budding a large buttress fill across the toe the slide, the consult-: ants said. These plans would cost $1,039,000 and $1,187,700, depending upon which con companys line returned 1 for more The commission amended its requirements on timing for filing reports to provide that reports be submitted at the same time they are normally released by firms They may not, however, be filed later than 45 days after the close of a quarter or 90 days after the close of a fiscal year. The commission clarified its reporting procedures for conglomerates.

It shall generally treat the controlled and controlling units together as a single entity, but shall take into account the extent of product differentiation, unit size, -ad other factors. The commission plans to an-nounce guidelines for the health services industry next -week. The commission also an-, nounced four, other price increase approvals covering, three firms. The commission also announced four other price increase approvals covering three firms. International Paper Corp.

was. allowed its requested 3.4 per cent increase in newsprint and 4.1 per cent boost in publication grade The Washington Post was allowed a 3.71 per cent increase in advertising, rates, slightly below the' 4.02 per cent sought. Twelve plants of American Bakeries Corp were allowed requested increases ranging from 1.3 per cent to 4.7 per cent. Turning to another major sqctor of the economy yesterday, the commission urged landlords not to raise rents even though some increases might be permitted under present Phase 2 guidelines. Grayson said the newly-formed Rent Advisory Board is working on a new set of recommendations for residential properties.

In the meantime, Grayson warned thgt rollbacks of increased rents will be necessary if those rents are not consistent with new policy. Under existing Phase 2 guidelines, rents on apartments, for example, may be raised to the costs of similar units in the same building or complex before the freeze began Aug. 15. In Washington, notices have already gone out to some tenants that their rents are going up about 5 per cent. One executive of an apartment managers association said of Graysons statement: It sounds like a veiled threat asinine.

Its a rather high-handed approach. John T. executive vice president of the Building Owners and Managers Association, accused Grayson of playing politics on behalf of tenants, who outnumber landlords. Douglas Halts Draft In L.A. Area Continued from Page 1 fe old draft law did not in--ide these provisions.

The apparent loophole a section that says that no one may be inducted prior to 90 days after enactment of the draft legislation unless the President or the Senate declares war or a state of national emergency. Attorneys for the draftees interpret the section to bar, any Inductions before which is 90 days after the re-ViSed law took effect. The Selective Service Sys-temr argues, on the other hand, that the section is meaningless now and was intended to be used only in 1943, at the time of the original law, Jo allow the President latitude to set up induction machinery. Yesterday, a three-judge federal Appeals Court in Los Angeles lhat there is nothing in theme law forbidding induction until Dec. 28.

Douglass ruling amounts to a reversal. ACLU lawyers made, their plea, to Douglas in behalf of seven men who have received mdtKniorrordersin California since Sept. 28. -The' application covered all other draftees, in the same class, in the Los Angeles area. A hearing is scheduled on Jan.

ft in the U.S, District Court -in Los An-fgeles. -(In Washington, the selective service said it does not plan to draft anyone between Dec. 9 and Dec, 31 anyway, so young men facing induction during that period could stay home for the holidays.) guideline. He said these generally only on one lipe of product and when averaged with of a firms production, werb within the guideline. -r Grayson said price increase request from Ford Motor Co.

an 'Chrysler Corp. were 'trimmed because the commission disagreed with some of the firms productivity and volume figures. He said a price request from :U.S. Steel Corp. cover- ing about 30 per cent of the bepause the Pay Board refused to accept retroactive raises.

It calls for the increases -to be paid to the extent they are nqf unreasonably inconsistent' with, the 5.5 per cent pay guidelines for Phase 2. i The Senate got into its biggest hassle on the bill yesterday over an amendment by Sen. Alan Cranston, to exempt press, "broadcast andother media from wage 'ana price controls. The proposal first was adopted 4540 but Republicans succeeded in switching some votes and defeated it 4442 the second time around. Opponents argued salaries paid entertainers would bexempted.

juygy including persons from race or by a jury proportionately representative ofthe community. Judge Levin further held that whilsvthe jury selection system use in Alameda County at tnat time may have resulted in some it nt brought about through purposeful discrimination based on race. jThe upshot of the appellate courts decision is to reverse late court. 4 Thqlstate attorney general has fifed a motion seeking a rehearing before the appellate court: If that is denied, the state could either move di-yrectly to' the U.Sr Supreme Court seeking a writ of certiorari, go back to the U.S. Districtjpourt for a full hearing on the issues.

In either event, the precedent-setting case may end UP before toe nations highest court. the state is unable to disprove the contention that the jury selection system was unconstitutional, said Jensen, then every black defendant convicted here during the 12-year period conceivably' taay have to be retried or released. One of the basic legal points raised by the state concerned the fact that Carmicals attorney, did not raise the question original trial. -The. appellate court, in dis- nue of appeal is still open.

Jensen called this part of the decision contrary to that the issue, should have been and since it was not, the defendant waived his right to raise it on appeal. Other serious problems, Bowker said, are higher educations general failure to use television and- many logical breakthroughs for teaching, and the financial crunch on public and private institutions. Our colleges and universities better nourished from federal, state and local sources or our society will pay the price many-fold in the long run, Bowker 'said. A terribly important test of the quality of our public decision-making will be the extent to which the people of California protect. the distinction of the University of California and, I dare say, the uniqueness of the Berkeley campus in particular.

Faculty Union, Page 15 Villages Razed by Pakistanis Continued from Page 1 the Indian ambassador in Washington today. The' United States issued an embargo in early April against further military ship-ments to Pakistan. It was determined latqr that a couple of small previously licensed shipments had later slipped through. The Pakistani army has begun leveling a number of villages in the area around the East Pakistan capital of Dacca to give a clear zone of fire around military mstallations and communication centers, reports from Dacca said today. Foreign travelers arriving in Dacca said they saw bodies floating in the Burtp Ganga River and there were estimates that as many as 25Q Bengalis were killed in the' clearing operations.

Journalists landing at Dacca AirpcaJ yesterday afternoon saw two villages burning. UPI correspondent Joseph Galloway -in Dacca said authorities imposed a curfew on the river area of the capital yesterday while troops and volunteers conducted operations outside the city. Police sourdesin Dacca said guerrillas assassinated two right wing politicians last night, Shah Jahan and Sheikh Nasirullah, and reported five armed men attacked a commercial bank in the city and shot and killed a night watchman. The sources also reported a bomb attack on a girls school and a jute storehouse. With Indian troops inside East Pakistan for the fifth straight day, a government spokesman in New Delhi said the main objective is to make it possible for 10 million refugees in India to go back to their homes in honor and struction method was used, the report said.

As a result, seven houses located at 2900, 2995, 3001, 3009, 3015 and 3025 Jordan Road and at 2842 London Road must be removed to at low construction of, the buttress fill, the report said. Under this plan, The residences along the. top of the slide at 2825, 2833, 2841, 2849, 2924 and 2925 Kitchener Court; 2984 Frye and 4290. and 4291 Wilshire Blvd. will be protected and provide street access, report said.

north end of Kitchener Court dead-ends into a fence at the Mormon Temples lower parking lot. Church officials have allowed residents to use the parking Jot for Utility lines in the area are run across the top cl the ground for quick access in case the slide moves again, i I a rt said the steep scarp at the top of the slide consistsof serpentine and rhyolite soil and rock formations which stand well In vertical cuts when first exposed, but gradually weather and slough away. If nothing is done, "the cliff will start eating its way back under threatened houses on Kitchener Court, he said, but geologists are uncertain how long it will, take to weaken the rocks. Trials Voided by Court Decision Continued from Page 1 had argued that A 1 a nre a Countys system (o a fairly, maintaining that the U.S. 'upreme Court Had approved the use of intelligence or education as a criterion for jury service, and that the test did not measure race or mi- nority statuk and could not have resulted in discrimina-.

tion. nL The states argument ignores the record, said the appellate court, adding, The JUISe order and send use of a test that was cultural- case to the U.S. Dis-ly biased and that resulted in trict Court for further pro-the substantial exclusion of consistent with the views expressed by the appel- those classes against whom 859.400 Plan to Halt Oakland's Biggest Slide the bias existed is itself prima facie proof that the selection process violated 14th Amendment. The courts decision was made in thease of a convict--ed Oakland dope peddler, Richard L. Carmicai, Who was convicted in November, 1966 of possesion of heroin and illegal possessfpn of 3a firearm.

Carmicai also sentenced to state prisoS 1957 for selling narcotics bu', that conviction was not an is-: sue in the appellate courfrul-ing. Carinical, represented by the Legal Defense Fund of the 4AACP, first filed a petition or. habeas corpus in U.S.' DfS-fict Court. The petition was rected Walter E. raven, warden of Folsom Prison, seeking Carmicals re lease on the ground the jury which convicted him in 1966 warunconstrtutioriaHyseleetr e(j U.

S. District Court' Judge: Gerald Levin, denied a full; hearing on all the issyes and Continued from Page 1 Wilshire Blvd. and Kitchener Court. In addition, a large mound of slide material has formed at the toe of the slide and encroaches within a few feet of the. two residences at 3001 and 2995 Jordan Road, the report said.

There 16 residences which, in our estimation, are either potentially endangered or stand to lose access by continued slide movement. Seven of the residences are located at the bottom of the slide on both Jordan Road and London Road. The remaining nine potentially residences are located at the top of the slide along Kitchener Court, Frye Street and Wilshire Boulevard, the report said. The slide swept away most of the houses on the east side of Kitchener Court and has now eaten all the way across the street into the yards of houses at 2984 Kitchener Court and 4291 Wilshire Blvd. The' report said these two houses, plus houses at 2984 Frye Street and 2924 Court, would have to be purchased to permit construc- tion of Method because the excavations during construction might undermine their The- Wilshire Heights landslide ranks as the biggest landslip in Oaklands history, at least in terms of the number of houses destroyed, according to Oakland City Public Works Director James E.

The slide has destroyed 17 houses and threatens 16 more. The previous record for house destruction was the McKillop Road slide, in the Dimond District which destroyed the foundations and sweep them away into the slide mass. The consultants cost estimates allocate $109,000 to buy these four houses as part of the Method costs. This is exactly the total market value of these houses carried on' the county assessors records on the day the landslide started. Under Method trench would be excavated across the slide and filled with compacted material.

New material would be added at the toff of the slide so that the street at Kitchener Court could be 'rebuilt. The consultants said the key of compacted-material sites of 14 homes in the 1930s 'and still threatens houses today, McCarty said. Unlike the Wilshire Heights tragedy, the McKillop slide moved so slowly that it was possible to move many of the McKillop houses, he said. Oakland has also had sizable slides near Lake Merritt, Mills College, Golf Links Road, Chelton Road and a score 6f other locations in Oaklajid, he said. would hold the Tipper end of the slide in place and halt the pressure which is driving the slide mass toward homes-on -Jordan Road.

McCarty said 200,000 cubic yards of slide material would have to be removed and another 200,000 cubic yards brought in to construct the Key. He said, This will re-r quire moving many -tens of thousands of truckloads of At a minimum, McCarty, said, this massive earthmovr ing project would require moving 20,000 truck loads posing of this argument, said there was no evidence of denied the writ holdiir that Carmicals dghbergigEejec-CanrnJl was tionofto constitutional guaranty and, therefore, this ave-. Carmicai was not constitution: to1 be tried A ally required by a s.i- Tried 3 Times CLEVELAND. -Thevitle regressive Party hfe Sen used by third party move- ments three times in tJ.S. 't.

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