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Ironwood Daily Globe from Ironwood, Michigan • Page 8

Ironwood, Michigan
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NINE Everything Comes to Him Who Does Not Wait in Replying to These Offers The Iromvood Daily Globe ADVKIlTlOINa INTORMAT10N All aila nm rcstrlclod to thglr proper eliunllloulon untt to tho rotulnr etylti of typo. Tho publlehot tho rlsm to edit or reject nny olaiillKd ndvettln- In? copy. Errors In ihould BB it portod Immediately. Tho Ironwood Dully Clloto will not bo rtiponilblo (or mom than one Incomct Inmfllon. Ohntgtd Irom tosponnlblo patlloo will bo received toy telephone nnd 11 puld within tun dyn, niter tiny ot llrtl In- cnsli will bo allowed.

Advenuini ordered for Irregular Iraur- tlona lakes tho 0110 tlmo rato. No ml tnlcen for loo than ft busls ot threo lltus, Count flvo nvornge to tho I Ins, An nverago word oontiiliK let 1 tors. Ado ordered (or three or alx nn ntopped before expiration will bo charged for only the number of times tho ad nppoared, and (it the for yearly upon uttontlon itlvcn to mull FORD TRUOK STAKE bo- twecn nnd Bessemer. Reward to finder. S'liotio 1-W.

K. Soiln, Bosso- inor. ourot'ul Cash mutt accompany out-of-town 1(19. AOVIinTISINO RATBS Dally rule pot Hue lor connocutlve In Mr ln Cllnirgt Time JJ Times fllx Tlmeo 08 ,08 Minimum Oharjo Minimum C'nsli WHEN AND WHEW! TO PLACE VOUlt ADS) Tbo Classified Advertising Oepirlinenl Is situated at The Ironwood Dully Cllobs bulldlnif, HIi McLeod Ave, This oldoe open to receive advertisement!) Irom 0:00 m. to 0 p.

dally Haturdny evenhifis until I) o'clock, All na 1 received up until II in. will appear editions the same Phono your Classified Ad--lo 1100. Tho Ad Taker will Kindly you, dpslred, no that the copy (or your iid prepared In ouch it manner an to brliij, the grentett results to you. CLASSIFIED INIJlfiX Individual advertisements undo! Hie following clns.ilflcatlona nro arrnnKot in ALPHABETICAL order Jor quick eronco. ANNOUNOeMBNTS-- l--Deaths 2--Card of Tlinnkn 3--in Memorlum 4--t'lowem nnd Mourning OoodB n--Ktiuornl Ulrcctoi's 8--MumimonlB und Cemetery Lota H--nolltjIoUB and Hoi-lal Kvento )-- Societies and Lodiie.i 10--Strayed, Loal, found AUTOMOTIVE- A--Automobile AKenclM II--Automobile!) lor Onlp 13--Auto Trucks for Snln 13--Auto Accessories, Tires, Purls U-CtufttRon-Autoa (or Hire and Blcyclrs to--(topalrlng--(Jprvlcn SliUlono 17--Wanted--Automotive BUSINESS SEriVIOlS-- IB--nuslnMB Srrvlcca Olfered iind Contractliitf SO--Cleaning.

DycliiB, Renovating. at-DrosaimiKlnii and i i S3--Insuninco and Surety Bonus 8 4 a i US--MOVIIIK, TrucWng, Btorngs SO--raliillnx, PuptruiK, rjfcorntlng S7--I'rlntliiK, KiiKravlriK, Binding 30--Profralomil Scrvlcon liv--Itrpnlrlnii and a 30--Tailoring and Pressing. Bervlce, BMPLOVMENT- aa--Htln Wanted--Nmale SJ-Ilelp Wanted--Male lU-Kolp--Male or Pcninle Solicitors, Cfinvaisarn, Agents 115--situation! Wanted--I'emulo 37--Slluitllons Wanted--Male Announcements Pcrsoimls AnOAlK MATJNEE--Kvery day at tho Ironwood Theatre, Idc nnd 2So. Societies and Lodges RONWOOD IiODOE--No. 381) I 1 A.

M. Speolnl communlcnUon Thurndny, 'Mnrcli 37, 7:30 m. Work In second degree, Waller F. Olson, W. M.i 0.

Uolt, SJcc'y. OF COLUMBUS--Counoll No. 1930-- Regular mooting 8 p. m. 1st and 3rd Tiiosdiys of cncli month at K.

of 0. lldll, Aurora St. Win. J. Bier, Pin.

Ironwood: Cloorsu .1. Hrebncek, Waketleld, Rccordnr, A. (Dowey) Melanson--Committee, Bessemer. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 35-- TJUJlnons Oppoftlinltlos Investments, Slocks, Bonds 40-- Jifoiifj' to Loan, Mortgages 1-- Wonted-- To Borrow INSTRlfOTlON- 41'-- Correspondence CourBeu Schools Tjounl Instruction Olivstes 1-- Muilril, Urumatlo -IS-- Prlviilo Instruction 48-Wnnlcd-- Instruction UVLUTOOK H7-Dogs, Olher 48-llorsH, finttlo, Oilier Slock Poultry ond supplies (10-Wiinled-- tlvootocl: A lor sale A I A llartvr and I'ixchnnso ha-- floats nnd Accpssorlci, 1)9-- Material M-- i Kqulpment Farm und Unlry Products I'nrm Equipment (id-fuel, Peed, Fertiliser 87-- Good 'things to lt-- llomrmtdn Thing 1 no-- Household Cioocln BO--Jrwelry, Watches, Diamonds I Machinery nnd Tools Musical a MA-- (ludlo Kqulpment 89-- Seeds, Planla, Flowers Hi-- Hpeclnlr Stores Ud-- VV'ourlns Apparrl 89-- Wanted -To duy ROOMH AND 61-- (looms, i (lonrH HI-Roomn, i Uonrd nooni', lor llouaekcoiiliiK Ion Plnci's I I Where to JSati vi-- Where lo Hlop In i 79-- Wnnled-- nooins or Hoard WHAT. KSTATW I'Ott ItKNT- I Apartmeni'i nnd Flats III-- Busltwtt, (or Rent farms Laud for Kent IDA-- Oarages for Bent Houses for Kent 10-- Offices (i ml Desk noom ID-- Shore, Luke-- For f)0-Miiburbaii, Country for Dent (11-- WniUed to ftciit RISAt, KfiTATK VOR (I-- hi Uoul ISitntn tlmlinsfi Properly for Hnlo US-- Varmti end Land for Bills 84-- Houses (or Hulo an-- dotii for Halo Aft--Sliore, I'or ftubnrban, Ooiinlry for To Real Sd-Wanlfd-lienl Bsliil AUCTIONO-- 00-- Auclloti Sales LKOAUJ 01-- nnd grey, lost wine- whore on Murquelto St.

Phono H08-J, WRIST WATOI1--Lost Monday night, between Memorial building and Novrlo school, solid gold Hammond wntoh. Amrllit nullnkl engraved on back, no- ward. Phono 1P21-J. Automotive Automobiles (or Sale 11 ill JJBTTKR USED CARS AT LOWEn PRICES-- 10JU OHBVBOH1T OOAOH--1930 license pliiloB, This cnr Is in excellent condition throughout and curries our guur- untce. IIMf) COUPE--Model this Is nil exceptional buy for the alert trul dU- crlmlnntlng person.

Be sure, to Invcitl- XfUi) this oftcr. IMS DODOE SEDAN--Another one of Uioso rnro used cnr offers, A very good Expert Help Free Experience in the results obtained by differently worded ads has taught our classified ad-takers the best wording for any kind of offer. This knowledge is applied to your ad when you call 1100 and ask for an ad-taker. .11 B. NOTICE TO BID Scaled proposals will be received by tlie onrd of County Road OommlBiloncrs at heir office In the Court Olty of 3ctMiner, Michigan until two o'clocl: VI.

April 1, 1830 for: Clearing nnd plowing the ground nt the lounly Airport, Township ol Ironwood. ounty of Oageblc. The entire nren will divided Into nine (0) ten 110) pur- els nd bide will be taken on each par- el separately. Specifications covering the work may be blalned at the office of the County Road Commissioner at Bessemer, Michigan, The Board rnservea the rlshl lo reject 11 or 11 bids, Board of County Hood Commlstloncni, By: 0. P.

WINKLER, County Engineer, Automotive Repairing--Service Stations 16 OVERHAULING--We guarantee you perfect Job, low cost, vice. Phono 3002 Miller Auto Sor- car In every respect, car to appreciate It. You must see this OOVKY CHEVROLET 8ALE3 CO. FOR DEPENDABLE BURVTOS-- DO13OE VICTORY OOVfK--ln exceptionally flno meohnnlcal condition nnd appearance. Equipped with 5 new tltcs, and a lot of extra accessories at a fraction of Its worth.

1037 FORD THDOn BBDAN-In excellcul condition at only ttOO.OO down, balance In smiill monthly payments. 10SI) CHBYROIiBT 4-OOOR SEDAN--Runs and looks llko a non cnr. Equipped with it complete net of new tlrt'S, bumperr, front nad rnnr, etc, At only (100.00 down, bnlniM In small monthly payments, balance In small monthly payments. OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM FORD FORDOR SEDAN OHRYBLKR 10J3 COUPE CHEVROLET COAOH I3U10K COACH DODCIti OEDAN The above Is only a pnrllnl list of the cars we arc offarlns. All liuvr buoii over- linulod and carry our usual cunrnntie.

A IfSBD CAIt 18 ONLY AS DEPBNUMILE AO TUB DEALER WHO SELLS IT MILAV8T81 AUTO CO MOTOR CARS AND TRUCKS Business Service Business Services Offered 18 SIGNS-- Wo make them In nny size or typo desired. Phono G02. H. Mo- Cannn, Ironwood Theatre Bldg, Cleaning, Dycingr, Renovating 20 HATS RENOVATED--Blocked and clean- cd by tlio New Pure Prcctbs. Ferd akud, Opp.

Tost Office, Ironwood, Mich. Dressmaking and Millinery 21 HEMSTITCHING--And plcot edge uork. Prompt i Blnser shop. Phono B71. 110 W.

Aurora- St. Ilciitlng, Plumbing, Roofing ZZ PLUMDINQ--April 1st, wo will have tho Trupor Eloc. In our show rooms, A. P. Kanlpcs, PliUMBINQ--Expert work done at lower Phono 98-1 for cillmnlca, Evar Anderson, Frederick BL Hiiths IRONWOOD STKAM BATH--Every day liOO to 10:30 P.

M. Frl. nnd Sat. 0 A. M.

to 12:00 P. M. N. W. Depot, 1'rlntlng, Engraving, Binding 27 JOB PRINTING--We do expert work, oco us for your next Job.

News Record rig Co. Phone 25. Professional Services DENTIST-- Ur. Raymond J. Mullen.

X-Ray Bfjacmcr, DENTIST--Dr. Ci. F. Coons, comillctD X-ray and (jas ctiulpmcnt, Iron Natloim. Bunk Bulldlim.

Phone 720, Ironwood. Repairing and Reflnisliing A SIX S15DAN- Landau, 02V Dodge Sedan. POINT'S OARAOE SOME MORE BARGAINS FROM OUR CIOLDUN OPPORTUNITY USKD CAR SALE-- M7 WJSKX COUPE--Runn nnd looks llko new car. Good tires, Rumblo sent, only J375.00. ID9U CHRYSLER COUPE--Just overhauled, good tires and appearance.

A bargain at STUUBBAKER SPORT MODEfj--Repainted nnd overhauled, a real bnrsiiln for only J178.00. ALSO A OTHER F.QUALLY C1OOD BARC1AINS AMl'tMCAN AUTO CO. FURNITURB I done now. Phono 1514 or 1051XJ. call for your 'vork.

Ironwood Upliol story Co. Tailoring nnd Pressing up, We do all kinds of tall orlne and a a a Plltarl. .104 S. Suffolk, Employment Help Wanted--Female HOUSEKEEPER Competent, rollnbli woman. Must bo nblo to caic for yea old child.

Good wages. Call 1055-V for appointment. OIRLS--To work nt Dlckson Soda Qrll Watcrsmrct Write or pliono at once. Financial Business Opportunities ORUO STORE--Good biiDlncsH, bulldln I Part caMi, baluncc terinfc or will consider Wlscontln sum mer cottnge In trade, Address, Rcxn' Store, Trout C'rcrk, Mich TWO EXCEPTIONAL CIIIANDLER Sl'OHT SEDAN--1028 model Just now. (1 tiros.

See this car you a something snappy. Doing at a real bnrviiln, HUDSON COACH--Has Just boon i pd In Aniline ovorhiuiled. A bargain at tho jirlco wo nro asking, J300.00. N1SED MONEY In, write or phone. If you nef up to MOOI Quick, coiirteoiiM kctvlco, WNANOIS co.

324 K. Aurora St. 1'OrtMAN AUTO CO, PHONE no: CHIV. TOURINQ--A good car, MO.OO. y-door llcpnic ttnd bul- loon llff.s, J125.00] 1035 vord J-door se(Un, good tlrr.i, $105.00.

san Chevrolet Salch nnd Service, Wokefleld. 1930 MAriCjUCTTK SEDAN-- OOMPIiKTU -Wllh bumpers front, and retir, jsparo lire, lubti and cnvor, hot water heater nnd 1030 Ilitense plates, Nrw cnr Kiiarantec. List price with oar lieater Will sell tat losn thnu ofTcr lakes It W. VAN SLYOK PHONE 1810 or Kcpnlrlng-- Service Stiitlons 1(1 Money to Loan--Mortgages 1 Livestock Horses, Civttlc, Other Stock COW--Young, Juit. freshenod, will ncll rea Minable, I i Prnnk Vit Wl.

HORSES- HORSISS-- 29 Hend Just In tho woods. Also linrnens SCOTT ft HOWE LDR. CO. Toultry mid iSnppllcs Merchandise Articles for Sale 51 OMPLETE BAKERY--Outfit for Bale nt sacrifice price, Write or see L. U.

Schrocdcr, Minltowlih, WIs, OOL TABLES--3 Ick, nlso 4 show cases for cheap. Inquire Joscpl: Woinlak, Besumcr. Good Things to Eat 87 ESTYET BREAD--Try 111 111 Taste It todnyl More range liomea ube It than nny other kind. Home-made Things READ--Homo Phono 722.W, nutdo bread for Household Goods 58 ININO ROOM SUITE--Ice box, gal range, stroller, everything llko now. Cull nt Oeorge'r, Fruit Store.

Seeds, Plants, Flowers S3 MSPBERRlT PLANTS--Lntham No. plants, 80 ouch, no per 100, Johnson Truck Farm. Phone 472. Specials at the Stores 64 CURTAINS--And Higs, Just received a shipment, A new design nnd colors Sold on monthly payments. Phono a nnd our salesman i call with samples Conn Houso Fur, 421.

Rooms and Board Rooms without Board B. AURORA ST. 317--Furnished room i honied (or rent. SulUblo fo Uvo. Inquire above address.

Rooms for Housekeeping 6 Legals Legal Notices 01 Mar. 34-Aprl! 6, NOTICE 10 BID Benlcd proposals will be received by tho Bonrd of County Bond mill two o'clock April 7, 1030 at their office In tho Court IKmie in tho City ot Bessemer: For the erection, completion snd tilng of two Comfort stations, one etch nt the LuXc Superior Pnrk and at Luke Qogeblo Park. Two seportte netted proposnlr, will Do received. One lor tho erection, of the building only mid one for 'the plumbing complete, Plans and specifications may he cxtm ncd ut the County Road Commission of flee In the Court House, City of Bessemer. Tho Bonrd of County Road Commissioners reserve tho right to reject nny or 11 bids.

Board of County Rotu! Commissioners, By: C. F. WINKLER, Engineer, Department Issues Monthly Report of Violations in Michigan. Convictions resulting from violations of conservation laws in Michigan In February numbered 106 according to the monthly report tho state conservation department A total of $2,950,70 in fines was collected and jail sentences totalling 355.days were Imposed on violators The report lor the Jpper Peninsula follows; Algcr county--Prank Knaz, illegal possession of venison, 60 clays. Joseph Jcrson, possession of rabbit In closed season, $21.15.

Baraga--Oscar Makl false swear- Ing to license, 20 days, Chlppewa--H. Bell, trapping World Famous Artist Carried on Strange Romance With Lila Jimerson. Once Upon a Time without license, $12.15, Dickinson Melvln Brlghtblll, LIGHT UOUSEKEBPINJI--Furnlslicil rooms, bnlh ant gnruii 1 newly ri-decomted, Phono 1152. L. Friedman, 22(1 W.

Arch. Where to Eat' 71 I'HB LINCOLN best place to cat In Ironwood. Regular monlu, Lunches, Booth service. Real Estate For Rent Apartments and Flats 74 FIVE ROOM APARTMENT--Unfurnished, clcnn und nent, 336 West Norrlc, 518 monthly. Phone 40, HEATED APARTMENTS-room Frcdcrlckson Apartment on ijuotlo Street.

Immediate occupancy. 5 and 7 room apartments itroct. April 1st occupancy, on Vaughn A. LIEBERTHAL SON Exclusive Renting Agents shooting ducks In closed season, $10.50. Edwin Vincent, carrying rifle In game area, 59.50.

Earl Craft, setting traps at beaver dams, $16.65. Gogeblc--Wllllnm Snarl, Illegal possession of beaver hide, $57,15, Uno Mnki, shooting mntknvUs, $18,90, Oliver Livingston, killing deer in closed season, $57.20. Houghton--Arvld Luomlncn, hunting ducks in closed season, $18. Francis Slcpulu, hunting ducks in closed season, $18. Luce--C.

MacGlllvray, not having seal attached to deer, $102.10, Mackinac--James Busleu, having venison in closed season, 30 days. Peter Gennls, killing deer In closed season, $60.25. Thomas Eagle, illegal possession of venison, $60,25, Schoolcraft--Ruben Byers, illegal possession of muskrsts, $33.50. Camera to Box Tonight KUIVMIS City, March 215--W)- Prlmo Camera, 270-pound Italian carpenter, tonight will attempt to Real Estate For Sale Farms anil for Sale 83 POHTY AOIlE PAIlM-On city limits, Melli-ii. Twelve aeics plowed, all lonccd, Bood house nnd barn 1,.

M. OarlGtTom, Mullen, Wisconsin, Houses for Sale SEVEN ROOM HOUSE--And 00 1-W lot, Eiirnge arid oidBniobllo cnr. Hollar Bessemer. Jj. Solborg Legals Legal Notices UABY I I I viirlcUri, rcusoi nbly priced.

i a Morrhon'n otik'itcry, 1513 Btophenion Ave. Mcn- otnlnen, Mich. AUVOMOTlVU-Borvlcu of nil kinds, rs- pcrt, motor nnd body ronulrliiK. Public Cliirngc, Wtkcnolu. Merchandise Articles for Nnlo 51 new tiros.

1383-J. very good condition, sell chcnp. Phono March 3 April 5 NOTICE FOB OIL 1)11)8 He-tiled bids will bo received by tho Board of County Road Commissioners nt their orilce In tho City Bostcmer, Mlchlpun, until two o'clock I'. April 7, 1MO lor the lollowlnif motor oilfi nnd urcaac. Advertised trado namo nnd nnlord iprclHinllons tan Mibmlltcd on pach griuli-, All prlcci, lo bo auoted O.

Tl, Bcaneiucr Mlchlgnn. Orado Qlinnllly Light M)0 rjallom, Heavy 501)0 Onllons Extrn Heavy aooo Onllons Mtpnni i aoo Qalloiw Cup i i I'M Ihs Truininlfcklon Clrpmn 1)01) Onllons Chius-jli, Xtiibi'lcnnl. for in'cu- Hiim Q(H) l-bfi Unlvrr.snl Joint, Clicusi- 1 nbl, Thi) Bonrd i i tho rlshl to nny or it 11 bids. Board ot Counly Hoael Commlw.s.Umors, C. WINKI.ER, YOUR SHOPPING list Is OKBlly prepared II you hrwe Uin pencil and Bcotlon, copy of THE CLASSIFIED PACIE and tells tttom volumes.

pages buyers Inorcase his stendlly growing string of knockout victories at the of George Trafton, Notre Dame am' professional football star, who previously donned the padded gloves to defeat Art Shires, Chicago While Sox first baseman. Although fans are frankly skeptical of Traflon's chances against the foreign man mountain, the former football player today expressed confidence that he will slay the limit. Camera, whose managers have built up considerable of a reputation for their protege by matching him against second and third rule boxers, has trainee! consistently for the malcli. Advance ticket sales indicate a capacity crowd, The scrap Is scheduled lor ten rounds. CONDITION OF JAMES IMPROVING STEADILY Washington, iWnrcli 88--Of)-Physicians ia Waller Beed hospital Tuesday nlRht said the condition of Representative Frank James of Mlc.lilsan Is ImprovlnK steadily.

Representative Jamee hns been In the hospital several weeks suffering BY ROBERT TALLEY March 26--Stranger still than the practice of prim- tlve Indian witchcraft that resulted in the murder of Mrs. Clothilde Marchand in metropolitan Buffalo in 1030, is the story of the secret romance Of her husband and his Indian-girl model, Hear! Marchand, 53, art director of the Buffalo Museum of Natural Sciences and world famous an artist and sculptor, was carry- Ing on a clandestine love affair with an Indian reservation girl, Llla Jim- crson. Both ot them now admit It, II was the dark-eyed Seneca model's Jealousy for Mrs. Marchand that led her, so the state contends at her murder trial, to play upon the superstitions of Nancy Bowen, aged pagan Indian, until Nancy slew Mrs. Marchand in her Buffalo home, using a 10-cent hammer as a tomahawk, Llla convinced Nancy that Mrs, Marchand had bewitched old Sassafras Charlie, her husband, and thus caused his death, Llla and Nancy were charged with first degree murder and Marchand, after his love letters to Lila had been discovered, was jailed as a material witness.

Closcnp of the Lovers Here is a closeup ot the principals In this queer romance: Henri Marchand--Sculptor, artist and musician, Bom In Paris In 1877, the son of a woman who would have been a countess had the monarchy A descendant of General Jean Gabriel Marchand of Napoleon's staff. Graduate of several European academics, possessor of many for art, Including gold medal and grand prize awarded at Paris Exposition, Came to America 30 years ago, to Buffalo five years ago, Llla Jimerson--A Seneca Indian 35 years old and looking every day of It. Tall, thin, flat-chested, sallow and said to be In advanced stages of tuberculosis. Dowdy, even seedy, In appearance. Has spent entire life among Indians on reservation near Buffalo.

Six grades in an Indian school. Worked as berry picker for cannery, Wla No Pocahonlas Lila lacks a lot of being a Po- cfthonlaa, Why Mnrcliand ever "fell" for her remains unexplained. Alienists have pronounced her sane, but with a "witch complex." When I talked' with her in the Erie county jail she wore a cheap black dress with soiled lace collar. Her long black hair was braided and tied In a club knot on Die back of her head. She wore large shoes, visibly In need of repair, and cotton stockings that wrinkled around her sparrow-like legs.

She appeared In court in the same garb. Marchand had a cottage near the reservation and Llla had posed as his model for some time, but, according to her story, their real friendship did not begin until September 1, 1828, Lila wanted lo go to the village and Marchand offered to take her in his car. She says he kissed her. Caveman to Indian More auto rides followed, the ro- mnnce grew, Marchand, with entree to every art salon in Europe, apparently enjoyed playing a cavcmnn lover to a primitive Indian giri. cendant of Emerson, lamed in Mrs, Henry For held a lantern wMlo her mechanic built llwlr flrsi house and aliqn at night after working nil day In a DC- i house.

That wug years before he nninstied by putting A i a wheels. Returns Threat to Arrest Anyone Interfering in Construction, tanslnc, March 26, both sides resting upon promises to arrest each oUier, Governor Green Tuesday added another challenge to the authority of the federal radio commission. The commission previously announced any one start- Ing to build a state poMce radio 'station In Michigan would be w- rented and the governor returned ft- threat to arrest any one who fit- tempts to Interfere with construction. The executive Issued a statement saying the commission has shown, a disposition to oppose Michigan's petition for a. wave channel but tnnt the state nevertheless Intends to go ahead.

The governor described tho state's police power as sovereign and not isubjcct to limitation. Assertliiff Principle- as the white woman ot the Indian tribes. Liln's name, JUnerson, apparently a corruption of the original Jemison. Mary Jamison's life Is history. A few years before the Revolutionary War her Scotch-Irish parents came over and settled in the wilderness.

VlNien she was 13, Indians raided the homo and massacred all the but her, whom they kid- naped. Mnry watched the Indian braves as they cured the scalps of her own mother and father over a camp fire, She recognized her mother's hair, she said In the story of her life, because It was long and beautiful." The Hale (jirl grow up as a member of the tribe, She married three Indian warriors in succession, leaving numerous descendants among the Indians. Llla Is said to be a great-great While Sqnnw Died Wealthy Mary Jemison rose to be a power among the tribes and upon her death at an advanced age In 1831 she owned thousands of acres in tlv Gencsce Her cabin with all Its equipment Is preserved and iv heroic statue of her stands In whai, Is now a state park near Buffalo, Little Is known of Mrs, Clothilda Marchand, the little French wife and mother whom Marchand married In Paris and brought hero. SVm was an artist, too, but never her If she was aware of her husband's Illicit romance she suffered In silence. She had few acquaintances as she couldn't speak English well.

She left, four children, two married and Hie youngest a boy of 12 who almost stumbled over the body of lils murdered mother when he returned from school that afternoon an hour after witch-ridden old Nancy had left the house with tho blood-stained hammer. from a stomach ailment, Attending physicians said they thought he would bo recovered suf flcloiUly to be discharged from the hospital shortly after April 1. It Is estimated'there arc 100,000 visitors to New York every day, Then they began maklm? overnight trips out, of town together. "He said he could get along better with an Indian girl than he could with a while woman," Llla says, "She chased mo; I didn't chase Ceremony Makes Him Head of Marquette Episcopal Diocese, be fined with Jazz music mid advertisements than that criminals be apprehended and punished, that Is the commission's privilege. We do not think that way, and are not going to be Influenced or controlled by any one that docs," the statement asserted, "The state of Michigan Is not engaging In a controversy with federal radio commission.

It simply asserting a fundamental principle of American government and if the radio commission gets lit way, that Is the commission's fault, not ours. "The police power has been reserved to the several states, It Is not subject to any limitation, but Is a sovereign power, In exercising Us duty of protecting Its citizens from bandits and gunmen, the state of Michigan hac found through tne experience of the city of Detroit, that there Is no more effective way of criminals than by use of radio. Asked Wave I-fnjtb. "The legislature of Michigan provided funds for state police broadcasting station through which our scout oars patrolling the main highways could be notified Instantly upon the of crime. In the Interest of comity, we asked the federal radio commission to assign a wave length to this station, The commission indicated that we would pet no wave length, We then asked for an Immediate hearing and sot a promise of a hearing two months from now, with every Indication that we would not got a wave length ajslgnmcnt even thru.

If we should wult two months for a hearing before this commission and then wait in all probability B.S long for a decision, congress would have adjourned for the summer. If congressional action were desired, It would then be many months before It could be secured. Insist on "We have secured bids and are about to contract for our radio station, When it Is built we will use it We should have preferred to operate on some wave length satisfactory to the commission, but wo insist upon our right to It for the protection ot vhc citizens of Michigan and their property." New York Star Leads Tourney her," replies thr highly excitable and voluble little Frenchman. As the affair continued tne Indian girl's Jealousy caused her to scheme to get rid of Marchand's wife, District Attorney Moore says. The witch plot wltr.1 superstitious old Nancy followed.

Asked for Wife's Ilnlr Months ngo, Marchand has re- culled since his wife's murder, Lila asked him to make her present of a lock of Mrs. Mnrchand'i hair. A friend advised him against It, however, saying it smacked of witchcraft. Marchand insists lie knew nothing of the Indian plot against his wife, With his wife and nliildren. Marchand lived Ui Buffalo near the museum.

Llla lived in little cabin on the reservation, 30 mil away, with her aged father and mother. The former Is an Indian fanner, the latter an old who can hardly speak English. In their dilapidated and crowded enbln, Llla had a rickety old piano, She had never taken music lesson but she played "by car," She learned on tho piano In the little church on the reservation that the Christian Indians attended. Ancestor Wiis While Wnmnn Despite her poverty, Llla had her pride of ancestry, Shi; is a des- Morquelte, Blirch 20, "P)--At services in St. Paul's cathedral Tuesday morning, the Right, Rev, Hnymard S.

Ablewhltc was coiihr- crated us blf-liop of I lie Marquclii; Epi.H-.opal dlocer-e, comprising the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Tho Right Rev. Hugh L. Burlcson, nf South Dakota, was the consecrnlor, assisted by bishops from Wisconsin, Michigan and Ohio, The bishops left here last night for Chicago where they will atWnd a special meeting of the house of bishops today at which presiding; bishop to succeed the Right Rev. Anderson, of Chicago, will lie elected.

The consecration services were attended by all clergy in the Mai 1 Southern Flnc.5, N. Mirrh M. W--Maureen OrcuU. lonff-hittlnn Now York fcUr, held a great advantage over the field today in the M-holc mid-south women's golf tournament, which be con- quetto diocese and laymen from i I round. chided tomorrow.

Her score for holes was 78-70-154, sis strokes ahead of the next player, Tournament golf precedent WM when officials in charge ruled that playors who encountered rainstorm yesterday afternoon could play (lie second round over again today. The rain forced dlcn- na Collett, national champion, to lake an 87, and rhc decided to take advantage of the ruling. Miss Or- cult's 70 was made before the rain came. collett had an 80 In FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Freckles Is Sure By Blosscr SURE IT WAS A MUWDGBD, POP, 'CAUSE I WAS TEW TIMES AS SURPRISED) AS 1 WOULD MAVB MOLD ort! WOLD A MM PAVI5 FOR A MICR6L DRlt-W. -OSCAR AM' '1 IT WTU OOC.


Ci, a. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. Earl Murlcy, Mr, nnd Mrs, Thomas Bargh, Mr. nnd Mrs Glen Brock, Miss Leone lirock, Charles Brock, Prank IM- Bruins Lose to Montreal Team New York, March ton's Bruins and Montreal's Maroons, tied at one game each In the National Hockey league pot-l- tlon playoffs, will meet again tomorrow night In Boston, After 87 minutes of scoreless piny, Mon I real won last night at Boston in 27 minutes overtime.

The Brluns still are favored to retain (lie championship trophy. They have two more games In which to win. Tho second place winner will be decided tonight when Los Canartlcns of Montreal and tho Chicago meet In the second and Inht game of their playoff series. The Canadlens, with one goal advantage at the start, are considered the probable winners and opponents of tho New York Rangers In the semifinal scries. CORRECTIONS U) One of the undcr-braces Is missing Irom the chair at the left.

(2) There should be bouts, or curves, on the sides of the violin, (3) The point at the lower end of the cello, on which it should rest, is missing, U) "Fortissimo" means to play loudly, not softly, (5) The scrambled word is PASTRY. PROPERTY OF MANIAC WRITTEN OFF RECORDS St, Johns, The name of Andrew Kehoe, whos-e maniacal fury led him to destroy the school house at Bath, killing 45 children, been written off county records, Tho 80 iiprn farm where he killed his wlfo nnd burned and dynamited house before destroying the school and himself has been sold at auction to satisfy a $4.900 mortgage nnrt today thr farm belongs to Mrs, Jull.i Price of Lansing, holdfr of the Instead of "the of Andrew Kchoe." Kehoe, a member of the school board, committed his ruthless act of destruction on May 16, 1027, killing 4ft children and maiming many othws for lift'. He later blew up his automobile, killing himself. Before the land was oold every foot of It ws ploughed alleviate fears that and explosive still might be hidden on it. This fear hart made the place one to be avoided ever since the tragedy.

GANDHI'S FOLLOWERS Itombay, lndlu, ItUrch Thore arc 18 Invalids among (ho 70 devotees who following Mahatma Gandhi from Ahinadabad to the sea at Jalalpur, where they will manufacture salt In defiance of the British monopoly. Gandhi leaving Samni for Trains Tuesday left general directions to followed, and asked thai prayers said for the safety of his party, Seventeen of the 18 sick ones hnd to be conveyed here in advance. One was left behind nt fSPAPEJRI.

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