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The North Adams Transcript from North Adams, Massachusetts • 4

North Adams, Massachusetts
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ra rjxjm HI NORTH AOAMS tVtNINQ TRANSCRIPT, MONDAY, IICtMK 11, 1t HOW 10 MAKE IT SUK! FOR THE POLITICIANS El jM cCr aw WHERE QUALITY a rc REIGNS SUPREME 4 MA Ml) MAM. rttalM HAVNT WOP, MUCH ArtEVJTW TOiT-Yttfi? xrw ELECTION ABctXf THIS 'TIME? Suggestions for Christmas Gifts Aaawm to 8Crdai'fl KW1Z Oceania a dsslgaaUoa used ayttemaUo geography te embrace ao much et the land surface ot the earth as remaina attar apporUoalag the continents ot Eurasia, Africa and the Americas. I Rimski-Korsakov wrote the opara, "La C04 Or." I The word trior, la law, meant a person appointed by the court to examine whether a challenge to tha. Jurors la Just. 4 Enrico Caruso mad hla first appearance In New York in 1904.

a A sundial consist ot two parts; tha "style, which la always made parallel to Us axis of the earth, and pointing to the north pols; and the face on which are marked tba directions of tho shadow for tha hours ot the day. The roe ot a surgeon, whaa prepare aa a piquant table delicacy la called caviar. 7 The pike la 00 named from the shape ot Its snoot. 5 A macktnaw blanket la a heavy blanket ot various slses and colore, formerly supplied to the Indiana of the Northwest by the United States government. They were ao called because distributed trots Tort Mackinaw.

I A lampoon la personal satire In writing abuse or censure of a ma llclous nature and written rather to vax than to reform. 10 The quotation, "Man la born onto trouble, aa the sparks fly upward," Is the Bible, Job New Qu rations 1 What does paterfamlliaa mean? I Which state produces most clay products? 8 Whst Is ornithology? 4 When is Whlt-Tnesday? 5 Where la Oshkosh? (What does to stand off mesn In nautical parlance? 7 what is an oyster catcher? 8 Whst la What are poppy-heads? 10 Why waa New Mexico called the Sunshine State? .1 From our, Wash Goods, Dress Goods and Silk Departments Ginghams. A big line to select from 25c to $1J0 yd. Percales. Pretty patterns suitable for Aprons and Shirts n.

19c and 29c yd. Silk Mull. For lingerie and party dresses 65c yd. Silk and Cotton Crepe de Chine. For lingerie and party dresses 59c yd.

Madras. A big line of Shirting patterns 50c, 59c yd. Serpentine Crepes For kimonos and sacques, 35c yd. Silkollnes. For comfortables 29c yd.

Canton Crepes, in all the desirable shades t3J50andUJ50yd. Messallnes. All colors $1J5 and $2J00 yd. Crepe de Chine. For blouses, dresses and lingerie $2j00 54 In.

Navy and Brown Serge, thoroughly shrunk $230 yd. Georgette Crepe. In all the wanted colors $200 yd. Fancy Crepe de Chine. Paisley and figured $3J00yd.

Fancy Skirtings. The season's latest, $235 to $5jM yd. We invite you to come in ari3 look around. We-have engaged extra help -for the holiday rush, i We want you to feel at liberty to come In and look around anytime, whether you are prepared to buy or are only for suggestions. I 1 i McCraw Centenary of the birth of George David Cummings, founder ot the Reformed Episcopal church.

Thirty years ago today the first street railway mail car in the world was put in operation in St. Louis. Pope Plus Is expected to deliver an Important allocution at the secret consistory to be held in Rome today. Tha complicated and much discuss ed divorce case of Prof. John P.

Tlernan Is to be reopened at South Bend, today. Hearings with respect to new flood control legislation ate to begin today before the committee, on flood Hints kiiiii Today's Events WHAT ABOUT IT? "Wot Happened By Little Benny Lee Pape vPop came home yestldday with a new meersham pipe in a case, saying, Heers a pipe that is a pipe, this is a pipe that no man need oe ashamed of. Wy, are you ashamed ot your other pipes? ma sed, and pop sed, Certeny not, only nuthlng like a meersham. How mutch was It? ma sed. This is no ordinary jneersham.

its wat they call a creem meersham, It starts in color with the ferst puff and in 6 munths you wont be able to reckonise it, pop sed. Then wats the use of being so proud of It if Its going to lntlrely change In 6 ma sed, and pop sed, Because It will change tor the better, Instead ot being this bew-tlfull creem color it will be an even richer and still more bewtifull ma-hoglnny. Did it oost mutch? ma sed, and pop sed, That depends on wat you meen by mutch, the man that sold me this pipe Is an old friend ot mlne( at least I used to bowl with him wen I used to bowl, Evans Is bis name, I forget his ferst name, and, he saw to it that I got a perfeck peece of meersham. Well for goodniss sakes bow mutch did it cost? ma sed-, and pop 1 sed, 'Well, the original price was 25 dollers, and ma sed, Wat, 25 dollers tor a pipe? and pop sed, No, not a pipe, a meersham pipe, a meersham pipe is a thing of bewty and a Joy forever If you dont brake it, however It ony cost me 16 dollers because it was a speshil sale. 16 dollers for a pipe and that was the very price of the hat we saw In that window yestldday and you told me it was redlckuliss of me to even think of paying 16 dollars for a bat, ma sed, and pop sed, This Is an be I 4r.

4 res frees iif Iraamrtel HKt aea Monk 4eae hm DUvr4 bf sU ee-rte It (nil we: mm Maik! or 17 war. 4 i Catered eeeoaa' elase matter at lh North 4um A nam tear THE ASSOCIATED MCW with full aallf leaeed ertre retort fba Aaaoetala rrees la ai-lualvely enUUed to tba aa for raputlfetloa of ail news diav aatKbaa credited to It or cot tharwiaa credited In thla pa par, ad alao tba local pews pub-Ifshed herein AUDIT BUREAU Of CI RCULATIONi AH ataumtoU of tha oirMila-Ooa of tba North Adams Trao-script, (based Ion aetual pat paid dally ailaa only ara eub-taet4 at any tlma to rlidil In-v by exoert eraralnera maintained by tha Bureau for thla treirpoee. and at laaat ona eomplate aodlt aaeh veer la guaranteed to advertisers la thla publication. Tho American Newspaper Publishers' AeaodsMon Tba Tranasiipt does not ao-oapt advertlstne; of tha following elaaaao: Misleading ststements, fahaa eniaek doetora. palmlsta.

and fortune tallara. questionable financial and obleetlonable mad. leal publicity. Tho Transcript aaiumaa Bo financial responsibility for rypo-sraDhtcal errore In adverttee-manta. but will gladly raprint that Dart of an edvtrtlsment In which a typographical error occurs).

"I kndw aot what raoord of tin awaits me la tha next world, but thla I do know, that I waa navor ao naaa aa to datptao man baoauaa ha waa poor, ha-eaua ha waa Irnorant, or baoauaa ha waa black." John A. An draw. WHICH WAV? There hsvs been three stages in the history of. Nortb Adams as a city. Tho first was i period of boom and nflation.

That was when the city In the 'material eense of paving, lew, schools and so on was built. It waa done on a lavish scale, under aa Iron hand. For it was' done under the almost tots domination of one man a virile personality who nsed tha power that control of Industry and money gave him. The city which still enjoys the material assets of that period prospered until the trash came. Politically, it paid for Its growth with its independence.

With tbs collapse, and the passing it that strong control, the city fell ipon dark days, which stretched into reary years. It was a seemingly mending, and unendable, period of itagnatlon; a period of sordid politic-tl alliances, of struggle for personal idrantage and the brief taste of power; of almost constant retrogression. Hopes of better things wonld occasionally' only to be dashed. The people become soured, and pessimistic and suspicious and Quarrelsome-and well they might. Then came the glimmering of a new sense and a new sanity; and the war.

North Adams, in that tremendous ixperiehca, was swept Into a new ira; a new faith in itself and its power as a coherent body of men and women, with the stability and rational beings It waa an of self-revelation. The city had found itself. It ia seeing today with the eyes of maturity; not childishness. A great deal of nonsense has, we-think, been, wept out of its system with the cobwebs of the past. It has definitely entered into a state ot sound municipal, civic and Industrial health such as we ourselves have not here for considerably more than a quarter of a century.

It baa acquired a stability which has carried It through the depression ot the past three years, as an outstanding exception to the generality of New England Industrial communities. The momentum of a new, forward A It naati Editor Motor Service. uyfXIUVf fcOJ.wvayia Revkwof Rww movement can be felt; the Impulse, this time, not of feverish speculation under the driving force ot any centralised control, but of wholesome, careful, common progress. Shall we keep on? North Adams will never return to the first stage ot its municipal career. It will decide tomorrow between a leadership that looks backward to the second, and one that looks forward with the third.

Which does it choose? It Has Been Said Good humor is a good" habit. Never think your highest self is out of reaah. What we are tomorrow is what we, make ourselves today. Many a man's reputation depends on what isn't found out about him. It you are fond of giving good advice, be twice as fond ot taking it.

You don't need to fear tomorrow if you have done your level best today. Look upon your duties not as so many obligations, but as opportunities. 1 One way to be happy is to set a limit to your wants and keep them there. Never climb a mountain till you come to it then perhaps it won't be there. The world" la full of people who are skimming around the edge of their ambition.

It Is all right to spend money to make character; it is all wrong to spend character to make money. The most undeserved as well as the most dangerous flattery is that which we bestow upon ourselves. Men- always prefer to have bad news broken all at once women like it broken more diplomatically, by degrees. Think twice before you speak. Even then, nine times out of ten, the world will not lose anything it you keep quiet.

A country is not, matfe great by the number of square miles it contains, but by the number of square people it contains. Anyone can point out difficulties; It calls for brains and courage to look beyond difficulties to successful accomplishment. Man- sometimes learns more by failure than by success, and It is better to aim high and fail than to succeed in paltry scheming. A pessimist is a man who on every opportunity sees a difficulty; an op- By George Matthew Adams. Run Away Copyright, 19tl, bf the International ByniicaU Stiff Lubricant And Ibrd aear-Shifting IT THE TRANSMISSION GEARS, which tn with the driven clutch member, keep spinning by their own momentum or on account of dragging action ot the clutch members after the clutch is released, II makes gear changing very difficult, especially in chapglng from lowei to higher speeds, and a clutch brake Is provided, on some models ol cars, which acts automatically to slow down these gears when tb clutch is thrown out.

However, If the braking action Is too powerful and these gears are slowed down too suddenly or brought to rest almost gear shifting is also interferred with, for the drive shaft gears are running st car speed and the clutch driven gears may be practically motionless, by the time that meshing Is attempted. The too sudden stoppage of the countershaft gears and the difficulty Just mentioned are very often caused by the braking effect ot excessively viscous lubricant In which the gears are rotating and this undue damping effect of the lubricant Is dun to Its thickening by coM. Most ot the lnstanees of difficult gear-shifting, on cars which are started out in a very cold condltldh, are thus explained and the remedy Is the thinning of the transmission lubricant with light oil. Sometimes the gearcase dope may become so hard that the mere sliding ot the gears in It requires considerable force. JUST FOLKS TEAM-WOItK It's all very well to hsve courage and skill And It's fine to be counted a star, But the single deed with Its touch ot thrill Doesn't tell us the man you are; For there's, no lone hand In the game we play.

We must work to a bigger scheme, And; the thing that counts in the world today Is how do you pull with the team? i Thpv mftv aminA vrtlli A mav call you great, They may single you out for fame. But you must work with your running mate Or never you'll win the game; For never the work of life is done By the msn with a selfish dream. For the battle ie lost or the battle is won By the spirit of the team. It Is all very well to fight for fame But the cause in a bigger need. And what you do for the good ot tne game Counts more than the flash of It's the long, long haul and the dreary grind Where the etars but faintly gleam, And It's leaving all thought ot sell behind That fashions a winning team.

You may think it fine to be praised for skill But a greater thing to do to set your mind and set your will On the goal that's Just in view; lt's helping your fellow man to score When his chances hopeless seem, It's forgetting self till the game is o'er And fighting for the team. (Copyright, 1922, by Edgar A Guest) Communication Further Endorsement of Greer Editor of the Transcript: We, the undersigned, workers In the Hoosac Cotton mills, wish to express our approval of the statement published in Thursday evening's Transcript, and wish our names added: Jessie M. Brown, Bertha Moreau, Mldred Gregory, Flora Trahan, John Lavigne, Georglana Moreau, Evelyn Bontempl, Mary D. Johnson, Melford C. Knight, Victoria Drlgle, Herman Prakett, Albert S.

Tyler, Arthur E. Glrard, John Harris, John Stone, Marie Louise Glrard, Marie Louise Lebel, Daniel Fogarty, A. F. Roedel, Louis Beschand, Eva M. Bennett, Francis Noel, Gardner, Orrle Roy, Arthur Racette.

Jennie Kelso, Mrs. C. Isherwood, Grace Bedard, Catherine O'Keefe, Edith Rivers, tlWan Benolt, Anna Markland, Florence Auerlng, Rose Darling, James Broderlck, Ernest Fillault, Anna Grandchamp, Flora Grandcfcamp, Mary King, Rose Richard, Georglana Blouin, Rose Lebert, Bertha B. Estes Exllla Glrard, F. L.

Ashline, Minnie Ashllnel Dora Savage, Mande Bresett. Roulrta Grandchamp, Elizabeth Bombard, Mrs. Burke. Frank Trahan, Gaspard Marcil, George Belanger. Cyprian Fellquett.

Gideon Fontaln. H. H. Clarkr Earl 8., Hurley, Molse Richard. Lnclen Robert, O.

Edward Langworthy. N. J. Noel, Harry Salaventls. Smith, MahloirC.

Richards, William Beno't, Doris Shartrand, Yvonne Russettn. Edna Bessie. Irene Brooks, Florence Benoit, Clara Bohl. Today' Conventions New York. Middle Atlantic Fish eries Association.

Chicago. American Bureau Philadelphia Pennsylvania Fore-try Association. Des Molnes.Iowfl. TatroB control of the V. S.

House of Representatives. M. Clemencean, the former French premier, Is scheduled to spaek before the convention ot the American Farm Bureau Federation In Chicago today The advisability of the formatloi of a third political party is to discussed at a conference for progressive political action opening in Cleveland today. The administrative committee oi the American Bankers' Association begins a three-day conference in Washington today for the consideration ot Important pnobleme of finance. The case of Mrs.

Doris Brnnen, charged with complicity In tho murder of ber husbftnd, John T. Brunen, a showman, last March, comes tip for trial today at Mt) Holly, N. J. Motorist reliable and arrange' your carbura-tlon so as to prevent the produc tion of overrlch mixtures, theia exploslona should not occur In the future. Weak or uncertain Ignition, resulting In failure "of certain cylinders to fire, permits the en trance of exploalve mixture to tht muffler and, If this 1 rich In gasoline and cylinders which fire subsequently are burning rich mix tures that produce long flames In the exhaust piping, muffler explo sions are vary likely to result.

Hav yotir ignition system put In perfect order and never allow the mixture fed the cylinders to ba much rlchei than neceaaary to Insure Its read! hrnttlon. Avoid coasting the cai with the nrlne IrTgear and the spark shut off. OVERIiEAJf MIXTURES MAT BE WASTEFUL J. writes; I understand thai high gasoline consumption may the reault of using a mixture thai -is too rich in gasoline and thai making tha mixture leaner will Im prove the fuel economy, but is II possible to carry this too' far and to make the mixture ao poor ia gasoline that economy will be sao rlflced rather than gained. Answer: It la possible to use I mixture so lean that It burns very slowly and; In so doing, not only develops a low working pressure, but Is still burning, at the opening of the exhaust valva, with the ra ult that much of lta heat energy' It lost with the exhaust gases and inti the cooling thus reducing engine efficiency and Increasing fuel consumption.

However, this condition la seldom met with la practice, as an running on such an overlean mixture will not perform well enough to satisfy Hi operator ana tne mixture is tlmlst, one who in every difficulty sees an opportunity. The more a man thinks about himself if be thinks clesrly the more humble he will become. Conceit Is a confused.perceptlons, Odd and Interesting Cable cars were introduced into New Zealand in and the following year into London. The fool asks afterwards what tho wise man asks before. It is said that closely packed leaves will make a bettei fire tor cooking than wood.

That aspirin put Into water will keep flowers fresh for a longer period than without it, is claimed. One et tha largest farms In the world, said to be in Mexico, Includes 8,000,000 acres of fertile land. Two eggs of the great auk that sold for eight dollars in Edinburgh, ilater brought $2,400. Ancient Egyptians worshipped the I crocodile while living and mumlfled I it when dead. Chlcket, the national game ot England, was under the ban ot the law in the mediaeval times.

Sir Walter Raleigh Introduced the potato into his country on his return from America in 1584. It is said tha tpeople In cold countries have larger brains than 'those in warm climates. Streams supply the water UBed on the greated part of the land irrigated in the Unlted States. Pantomime, the word, originally denoted a not a spectacle, who acted entirely hy mimicry. Ot every thousand men who marry 579 wed women ot the same age as themselves.

According to an old superstition the first to cry at a wedding will be the next to marry. A big thundercloud may often represent as much as 200,000 tons of water suspended in the air. Alberta Is said to have the largest fai in the world. It has more than 18,000 acres under cultivation. During the last forty years more than eight thousand shipwrecks have occcurred on the coasts of Great Britain.

4 When the 15-inch gun of a battleship is fired, the pressure in the breech is more than twenty tons to the square inch. Usually the muscles of the right side of the body are better developed that those of the left; but, curiously enough, the left foot is often larger than the right. Vedlc hymnB of Indian were probably sung or repeated for 1,000 years before they were committed to writing, i The docks at Liverpool, England, are nine miles Jong, and were constructed at a cost of $65,000,000. 1 The first library discovered in China in 1035 had been walled in for tear of invasion by hostile troops. Sand used by senator? for blotting purposes is two dollars a quart, and this amount will last two.

years. Tobacco pipes in great numbers and variety of 'designs have been found in the ancient tombs of the in Mexico. Silas Pierce Dead Brookllne, Dec. 11. rSlla Pierce, president of Silas Pierce wholesale grocers died at his home here yesterday from heart disease.

'He was prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal church. He waa vice president of the New England deaconess association and a member of the board of trustees ot Dr. Wright's office will be open, dally, for repairing glasses, until his return, Christmas. adv. Men's and women's fur coats; La Tausca pearls; 507 KImbell bldg.

Tonight, piyito's nine Odd FellnwV Vll; Pi avoid the ceptional pipe, and if a thing is ix- 1 Anna O'Keefe, Lena Denault, ceptlonal I dont mind paying an ix- Rose Labonte, Eva Amato, Ida Du-ceptfonal price for it, and ma sed, charme, Q. HIbert, Margaret Wells, Well so was the hat ixceptional, Mrs. Ducharme, Lucy Lavigne, more Ixceptional than that pipe, and Rosa Trahan, Emma Odell, Blanche pop sed, Then get it by all meens, i Dupont, Jennie St. Denis, Yvonne nobody can say Im not true to my 1 Galipeau, Laura Dupont, Nellie principals weather Its pipes or hats 1 Boyd, John M. Andrews, B.

or wat It Is, and ma sed, Willyum I Qulnn, Rose Polumbo, Lillian now that perfeckly sweet of you. Favereau. THE QUIET CORNER For the Day's End 1 Please Don't OIL PRESSURE RUN 8 TOO HIGII H. E. 8.

asks: What Is Indicated when the oil pressure of a car begins to run higher than it prevloua-ly has dona? Answer: Tha gage indicates tha back pressure due to the resistance encountered by the flow of oil between the pumP and the oil delivery points and anything which Increases the flow resistance will Increase tha pressure Indication. For' Instance, If a heavy oil la adopted, the pressure will run higher than with a thin oil and higher pressure will be shown with an oil thickened by cold than with the same oil when warm. Any obstruction that occurs In a delivery pipe or oil distribution passage will, by tha resistance which It offers, Increase tha oil pressure. Aa the complete or even partial stoppage of any one delivery channel mav result In failure of lubrication and serious damage, the causa of high oil pressure should be Investigated promptly and by cleaning; out the clogged passage. GUARD IX fl AGArVST MUFFTiER EXPIOSIONS B.

K. 8. writes! I have had two Mufflers burst, on 'my car, within a year, from explosions and I want te know how to prevent these accidents In tha future. What aug- rest Ions can you make? Anaweri If you can make the hnit'on of your engine absolutely and after all it the pipe was werth 25 dollers and you ony paid 16 you reely made money on it if you wunt to regard it as an investment. Absllootly, pop sed.

And after supplr he started to smoak It care-fill, looking at it between. every puft to see if it was starting to color yet, which it wasent. From Here and There For i the convenience of soldiers and sailors, money orders were first introduced in 1792. Steel wires, held taut by springs on four sides ot a- frame on' which a plane can descend and be stopped in a short distance, Is a new airplane landing device to be used on ships. Gowns of, silk or velvet were shortened, or lengthened according to the rank ot the wearer at the Court ot Henry VIII of England.

rice, millet, sorghum, and the soy be'an were directed to be planted by royal edict In China at an annual ceremony established 2700 B'. C. Japanese government Is destroying paper notes put out during i the war to preserve silver, and expects to reduce to ashes the entire Issue of yen by next April. A university In the middle west claims to have discovered an effec- tlve "death dandelions" treatment ay Bpraying wiiu solution oi iron sulphate. Transporting messages originated In the Orient, the dark runners and mounted messengers carrying messages from posto postt In ancient days, foreshadowing the general postal ser-v'" of todnv i Stevenson once wrote; "You cannot run Sway from a weakness; you must sometime light it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you standi" I met an old friend the other ay.

I had not seen him since we were boys together. I remembered his weakness ot being, afraid to risk things. The years had not changed him. He still bemoaned bis "luck." He was still afraid but now he is no longer with that, vast wealth ot youthful daring that he once had. It has passed with the years.

Please don't run away from your weaknesses. Give them battle now and at once. Have it out who shall win and be masterl it is a divine thing to spur the little peoples of this world to be helpful the one to the other. And how pernicious to starve your own spirit and then to sneak up to steal the last shred ot hope that clings to someone It Is vastly more evil' to steal ope from a man his money. He can set about again to earn Als dollar loss but who is he that can win back lost hope? Surely there ara wretchedness, despair, 111 health, and baRecon-dltlani all about ns all.

But we can walk right through them, as a man can walk through thick, deep mud even though he may own no boots. God lives--to bs used. There is no sounder fact than this! Don't run away.) Staud your ground. Map out a plan and then go to it. Fall you may.

But what ot it? Is not striving the very garment ot, success? There is something pathetically grand about the one who strives and- does not win but there Is every tint of tragedy 14 tha eyes ot htm who will not try. Say this to rourself: "Well, at any I shall not run, awayl" And for one, will tk on YOU. by 0.

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