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The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York • 8

Brooklyn, New York
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8 THE BROOKLYN STANDARD UNION: FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 1925. com pi lea tad elections Kara followed Washing-ton. On it that th spee- IHE STANDARD UNION JOISON IN BENEFIT an almcat Identical from tha part et thla will go ta th the llroad Blrert loailil, laa. lroeded by a braaa THE PERISCOPE at run jack bun.

tad of two Democratic Senators fruir New York, which will pra- rent patronage, baa tncrenuea tha WORLD SERIES RODEO staff of (row Ihe former nuns- brr of Jl to lou Iheaumbw of boy.1 WILL BENEFIT HOSPITAL at various Important statlona through- out th house haa been increased, I thereby sspeditlng ths movement of 1 Th World a Berlaa Rodeo," AntlMuonlca to the Bull Mooaa and from tha Grsent)arlcers to tha Far- eacorllng a alag auaeh uf sriU5 by CopUnd and Waftwr, hai fOR CANCER NOSPiTJIL jtoumubo at inujiii nut, bttUUIri itn. WlBiT, KOrBKBZK KM. of ine orly-nlnra. itunil boya and eowairl. drauoO man Alliance.

Thty start in tha bat ona precedent, and that wit the crowds during; and betwawi per- which opened la Madison Square Good News for Hunter. Tha quail and pheasant aaaaon la now open on Lone and will ern faahlea, Invaated City 1 thirty yeare aro. whan Hill and dlsappolrilment of a powarful minority over failure to contra) ona of tha yeaterdny aturnoon. rormanoes, Garden.

Manhattan, teat night, waa 'mrrd by aarlou accident to Bobby Clark who, with Paul Mo- m.k Cullouah, Is atarred In "I he Itamb- te and. ohamplon horae- A thousand Itrooklvn Hunters should try and avoid PMlee Sail HI arnad, sr mpt. a Tk rMhtr rUtltanlas OnaBaa. 9. Ssnu children of famlllea enilar mistaking- a.chleken (or a quatl or old partial.

They produce aomo msf-netic leaders, attract the reatleat and of tha Ueporlnienc of Murphy both served. Tha othar la that In tha yean since tha Civil War thcra hava been Ave re-election of Nsw York Senators, but avery re Prtaldaat a4 r.Wl.ari mtHl lera," at the Lyrlo Thuatre, Manaat- wno la to-day a enrloua I Iraaalln. In I Ih. nnnilltlnn In TnlV.flnlM llnanlia I I. Big Stars to Give Show Sun day Night In His Theatre Jor Institute.

a pannage, aa It makes (arm-era very angry and leada to all aorta neiier or the iirooklyn IJ Wabatar. Vlaa-PTaalSanti J. Mami what President Roosevelt called "the Bu-t Sailnrw and fmtiiwi TBnonVnr uf trouble and expenses other day when he found he needed is feared her Injuria ma n'rova (L'BerUlee, will attend Ihe t. a mauh with which to hU fatal! morrow. Boys and glrla O.

A chicken may be oul.aiworth fifty elected Senator haa bran a Republi imvvnn aisirteia in liruoki lunatic fringe," find liberal financial are utiliied by wily and i cigar. Vurnlnar to th chauffeur he uim Strickland, In a contest with cents, but l( a hunter kllla it, ibe can. unKru lur uiiv. "lm sorry old man, TANSAKn UNION BUILDRfO, 110 WuiliitM KnH Imkin. Nn lt price immediately advances to something ilka two dollars and a halt.

none too scrupulous politician! and a dosen other cowboys and alrla. I h' 'r" aa she waaaT! i to innZSihVJaw to be ablo t.mptg a all, I he Service and Hellef call I AI Jolaon heads a brilliant aggre- taxi driver. "1 never amm seem It ta beat, too, to avoid ahootuig a nt wh. u. In I 10 hoKl on to my nillCllH any more, Urul-r h.r mounl'M icha.

any more, und.r h.r rVlapnanai All Pwnwm Mats Will Thar. Be a Dry Third Party eonv'nc number of enthusiastic waa writers mac ine oiu oruer una oartlcluate In a aala benefit 1o Ae; jh rW; cab al- lei saddle on the other aide of participate in a gala oeneiit to yl, matches horM. 7Mh. un4w One objective of the promoter! of Manhattan ornoi WMlwtl BulUlas. IMi.

Talapkna WitnU SIM-II to care for nearly eight famlllea In Brooklyn. Jl course a rarnalr does not look Ilka a quail or a partridge, but be mar suddenly emerge from behind a tree. Just aa tha hunter pulls n.iu nunuay iviumii at tne joiaon and seldom ao iney return tne ooi. loping hoof and sustained a peanlbl the candidacy of Mr. Crlatman for bllll iHV fracture of: the changed and new'era haa ttawnM.

Then they evaporate more speedily than they aroae and the mora clever Meld rneatre, ror tne work or tne Social Service Department of the New York the Senate to be able because of tne trigger o( ur gun, and tha INeai waanrnuaiy -Tuning iu n- rushed her to tha hospital. Ire performance of "The Vagabond Tha a-rdna, ih. HI HI II. defeating Senator Wadsworth to farmer be peppered with bird shot. Thla also tods to make the farm- City Cancer Institute.

I King" la to be broadcaat from the feat nlnht wars sz. ooa. Tk. of. their adherents somersault back T.

1 1. 1 I. hr.ll utl prevent the future nomination of 1 er peeved, for It la no fun to have KmJm at Tna Braa-km Standard t'alan Ua.ta Ik HIT Bar tna pa par hbi bj mall. miBiriiirnon mail rorrFAiD On anontn. Ikr aaalba.

lanta. ati moatna II Tl; on raar. Ilia Yraltm paatsia (lo ennta par aapr) ad.lad. Tba addraaa BF a rhaasad a vrtan aa daalrad. Entarad aa aa-and elaaa aaallar al In Station WKNx by th oourtnay 1 linrdman-Peck I'lnno Company.

WORDS and MUSIC By etaalaai) Bang I sanction of Commlaslonsr Bird 8. Color, of tbe Department of Public Welfare, under whose supervision rt if any anti-Volstead Republican candi-datea resulted in failure because of th large vote on the Volatead Act on to the old band wagon Just barely In time. Will tome astute politicians at-teript to organize the dry sentiment to stay at home and pick shot out one's system with a big needle, Quail are very plentiful this season, the game warden eaya, but there vll probably be twelve hunters out for every quail. In the ahaence of bis father, Lew Flnlda. who la recuDeratlng from an the Cancer Clinic and Hospital are in this State into a third party? referendum.

The plan wn to accompany tha defeat of Wadsworth with i conducted, and haa organised P. at nfflca ta ftrooa-lrn. wbb" tai nat operation at the Filth Hoapltal. I Art fnr tha Pinla Manhattan, Herhert Klelda la caallng Ari Ior ln people "Peitgy." the new mualcal comedy 8onla People go to county to i WINDSOR, Nov. In co-operation.

Canadian and with the support of a group of ao- There ii a tempting field in not Ex-Prtnce William, who la a which wrote and which la to be ln" noraea trot. only the 206,000 who voted for grandson of th ex-Kalser, plana to can narcotic officials have a drive against an alleged V. Detroit "border dope ring" bcome a farmer. i U-a A Tnnnln. William PrOOUCeQ.

OY T. ICIQB, HI IHU i jj I wa JJrs. John A. Topping. Mra.

William it.i, ia of pBtrv" aren't ai.aa Hot. Cristman but the 474,000 who voted4 Member of the Audit Burt mt Circulation. ao amall a vte on the referendum that a claim of ita unimportance could be made. The dry leader" undoubtedly un-dereitimated the strength of the win uraoer and airs, jonn a. inacner.

i. i auu -uiiia nullum ma laiiea, cajvev. No on the referendum. Perhaps fh Hnhnnmillam fa mil rnlalnv i wui wwani mv. "I -Tha Cancer Institute, comprising thev would trv to ao after the besides trouble.

Involve members of the local, force. Three persona were takers a cllnlo at 124 East Fifty-ninth atreet, and a hoapltal with JvO beda Largest circulation any UrouUlyn nctatpoper. CONCERNING! A REl5 NOSE. ajiu nuiii-i inn iincj IWina, 'The fourth in a series of "Ten Aai others cast a knowing eye upon Night In a Htar-Room" will be held lh hlna: to-morrow at midnight In the atudlo But when I amble through the gat of Daniel tYohmavn. president of of th various fairs.

Actors Fund of America, atop the ln an a cm.n. ui oi hubbard 000 who did not vote at all on the referendum. To an optimist in poli anti-Volatead sentiment, and imagined that disregard of the ballot by on Welfare Island, la the only Inall Because a man has a red nc does not mean that he ta constantly tutlon of Its kind In tire world, with their followers would result In a custody late laat nlsht, InJ Krneat Hall. 17, of Windsor; Brgg, M. of Detroit.1 and llegs Marie.

K. Hall and Begg si members of the Windsor polle and ara held without hall witl' violating tne voisieaa rir he aicenUon of London which Dro- I Lyceum Theatre. Manhattan. Social squash or pears, he sxcepgon of London, which pro w(. known bune, men Nor do 1 hang across the fence ta tical promotion it might lopk like a fine big crop of prospects.

But never before did a third party from" It. vldea highly expenaive radium, fizzle in the referendum vote. But it turned out that a large I The man with the red nose haa frequently been held up to acorn and stags and screen stars will at- watcn in racera start-tend. A muslcale under ths direction 1 th "pot thw of Benamino Ricclo. ah lmoromotu exhibit art.

ray and electro-therapeutlo treat start just after a referendum had Begg on warrants charging vl nf IVi. P.n.l.n 1 and ridicule, and called a tank and Average Net Paid Circulation for Week Ending Oct. 24: Daily 78,139 Sunday 79,803 ments! for cancer sufferers on an ab entertainment by stars now appear law. definitely gone against its principles by 1,176,000 majority. It would solutely free baala.

The Social Service -Department, under tha direction of Elisabeth B. Uoheen, cares for families who have been Impoverished a soak, whereas he la only the Innocent victim of circumstance. To the defense of the red nose man comes Dr. A. O.

Peters, City Health Commissioner of Dayton, Ohio. Pr. Peters says that a red noae I paaa right by tha buildings filled with products of the soli And go to see the paintings that are done by hand In oil. The decorated china and embroidered seem more reasonable for the pro- majority of all the votera of the Stated voted Yes. Even if every blank ballot on the referendum were counted aa a No ballot, there still would be a wet mnlority in the State of 589,000.

BANKING AND ing on Hroadway will be given. The French (Institute In tha United States will play host at one of the first formal reception which await as a result of the illness ofa loved Volstead leadere in this State to pre one who Is a oancer sufferer. sent their claims for consideration means that the wearer Is in danger sofa pillows. Th study, half aa large aa Ufa, de Among those who have agTeed to Mile. Cecils' Sorel, the famous FYench of havlna a severe cold and that the not as a threat to repeat the tactics do turns In the benefit are: Charles dramatic actreas, who Is comlns; here rH nnn la' aent as an advance picting weeprhg wlllowa Another Futile Blame-Fixing Expe- Tliat is, the total vote for Governor, Mosconl, Kmli Boreo, McCarthy sis U.e,,.he.l.",."m.,' enraptured b.for.

aa- of this year, with their unfortunate kings county trust compa: MS. 141 and 14 Faltoa ItreM OFFICERS: JULIAN r. FAIRCHILD. PrmldnBL WILLI MJ WASON, JR. results but ss a claim for fair-mind dition.

Five persona have been killed in a warning. alno warns the red nose man that he lays' himself open to possible pneumonia. Smith and Mills added together, was the total number of Yes votes was 1.649,061. It must be that ters. Lew Price, Moran and Mack, George Price, Joe Laurie, Francis X.

Donegan, Phil Baker, Std Sil-vero. Jack Pearl, Jack Osterman, Norman Terrla. Harry O'Neill, Lu- llmlted engagement of French reper-1 portraved bv'e'ifte'd tolre eommenclnir Nov. the brelvn their tnnnn who are Cosmopolitan Theatre, Manhattan.

jFor and Tn i. long, and ed consideration of the sentiment of a numerous and sincere minority jrracie-crossing crash at Elilerta lane Bo red nosed men snouia taae tnem In hand at once, and take proven tatlve measures to avoid danger. clen, Oeorge Dobbs, Jack Benny, the luckless Long every voter who cast a ballot lor faces an inauirv I these two candidates for Governor and once again Island Railroad III! 7 At attractive feature of Charles's, ftnn nn dnnorwinit. Coburh's forthcoming production of 1 80 PPrunlty to study art Bruce Balrnsfather'a "Old Bill M. Jack Waldron, Miller and Lyles, that la not yet ready to admit the Volstead Act a complete failure in all respects.

I. NORlaAN CARPKNTER, THOMAS BLAKE, Sertarr. i I ALBERT I. TABOR. AaaL Saorataj-r which Is announced to open at the I think It la a great mistake for GEN.

SHll ON CLARENCB TORI A 8, Aaat. Sacra-, also received a referendum ballot. If every one who did not mark It Yes had marked it No, there would have been 589,152 more Yes votes than iiiiimor- iiienire, juannauan, next people at a fair Wednesday night, are th mualcal To waste their time obaerrlna thin as growing: out of a mishap in which apparent failure of the human element is the major cause of trouble. It is only a few weeks, as many ALBERT B. ECKERSOM, Aadller.

I Francla Williams, Harry Rich-nan, William Collier, Clark and McCol-lough, Francis Arms, Benny Rubin, Ed Lowry, Bert Wheeler, Jack Smith, Florence Moore, Dennis King, Sam Whits and Eva Puck. Roy At-well, Allen Foster, Captain Irving O'Hay and Vincent Lopes and his mat nappen everywhere. To gape at commonplace displays of Capital Loosened imperial Relations; The Imperial Conference is on and numbers of which there are several, consisting of solos, duets, trloe and choral numbers. The lyrics for these numbers are the work of Balrefather and the" music by Abel Baer. Concord crapes and sheen.

No There were a few votes for other Sol-pins and Profit $5,080,0, as usual the discussions in the select candidates for Goernor but not Tlcketa are on sale at the box of TRUSTEES. Major-Oen. Charles P. Summerall fice of the Jolaon Theatre and at the Walter Badall Hanry A Marar committee on Imperial Relations, to which only Prime Ministers belorrg, are kept a profound but not entirely Or stand before a sideshow tent some alx or seven deep. They ought to go aa I do, and with reverence and awe, Behold the very finest art that mor- tal ever saw.

No one should leave a fair until he's qualified to say: "I've seen the 'Alpine Sunst and will make an official Inspection of offices of Institute, 124 East Charles A. O'Donef At the Booth Theatre, Manhattan, At the Booth Theatre, Manhattan, Monday evening the Messrs. Shu-bert will present Fay Balnter in "First Love." with Bruce McRae. street. Regent 0700.

housing conditions at Fort Hamilton to-day at the outset of a farewell tour II H. F. Srhartnasn will recall, since a government investigation of another smash-up on the same road brought to light the fact that the principal personal blami was to be laid on one Tony, section foreman, many years in the employ of the Long Island, but still ignorant of English. To-day's aftermath of the deplorable ramming of a sedan car by a heavy express train finds small-pay leakproof secret. Enough has leaked enough Co affect materially the total.

Abstention from voting on the referendum by the pro-Volstead adherents who voted for Governor served to increase the wet majority on the Laurua E. Sutloa ii. aitum Arthur W. Clamant Robart A. Dryadala Julian P.

rail-child Predafk C. Flachar Karwtn H. Fulton Joaaph HubuT Howard D. Jooat Job V. Jawall out to reveal that the British Gov uawaia w.

Uhl John Uoilarwoi Notes of the Theatre ernment's appeal for a closer union William J. Waaon, I ve seen 'The Stag at A bumper apple crop la predict. fxaiaon tl, wray Thla la a play by Zo Aklns, adapted from the French "Pile ou Face," by Louis Verneuol. The supporting cast includes Oeorsre Marlon. Geoffrey Karr, Orlando Leonard Booker.

Mortimer Weldon and Robert Davis. of the army forts and garrisons of New York Harbor before leaving; for Washington ta take up his as chief of staff. Fort Hamilton is the largest recruiting and dlschaore depot In the East. is met by a demand for more au Philip Goodman, producer of "The InTttna. Intnnajt raM an Dai tonomy.

referendum to over 1,201,000. But a clear majority of more than paianoaa. which is rather diaoouraglng whoa one considers the surplus of applesauce that exists even now. Ramblers," the musical comedy starring Clark and McCullough at the Lyrio Theatre, Manhattan, will have In short, the Dominions want to employes, distracted and almost hys- Summerull visit win nis last Joseph M. Schejick hast bought It to b.

moBlly women who 7.1 1 nceiun to on moBiir women who 'or 000 of all the voters actually voted Yes. Obviously, if in any future cam- opportunity to Inspect tne worn mere aPac'al about mors colorful Roland West production. As a Dlav a a of recelvrnir r.nd outfitting new re terical, trying to clear up the mystery gathering about the question become nations. They do not mind accepting a viceroy sent over from London, but he should represent the King, not the British Government as Tie Chase National Bank cte(1 thl" country by Loia that their own men am cruits and discharging soldiers at the end of their service. The general Is whether a correct signal was givcnlpaigr.

the only issue were that of aoVt GtjtNiw Tort ot Theatre. not included In the prospectus. Manhattan. The lead eharartar pro or anti-Volstead, the pro-voi to gatemam. does the present Governor-General.

known to be keenly interested in this phase of army work. According to a tentative Itinerary bis own theatre In tbe heart of the theatrical district 'next season. He is negotiating for a site now, but because of a pending real estate deal cannot divulge Ita exact location. The repertory players of the American Laboratory Theatre will broadcast some of the songs from the farce comedy, "The Straw Hat," over the radio next Suflday night, at 10 P. from Station WFBH, at the Hotel Majestic, Manhattan.

HAJWITON TRUST BRANCH" "Th.farm0rnhlMa-m,,!; Thy building a beautmn new rhe Purple Maek," who terrified the Parisians durlna: the earlv nine- f.5".n!r. wher? 1 a11" During the war the British Em If 1 laHlTH StTMt announced at Gen. Summer-all's head pire, excepting the South of Ireland, tnnnth nlr. vt mm iv is 10 Din nouae us quarters n't Governor's Island, wliere uv.m,&i id ma. riroi UOIIBU1.

presented a solid front it was one he has been In command of the Second i .1.. 'Armv Corns Area, he win review the How futile any such process, even if it leads to the correct answers for all the investigators' questions! The only way to avokl (jrade-cross-in? mishaps is to do away with crossings. steai' candidate could not come within 550,000 votes of being elected, so long as sentiment rejnains the same a3 at last Tuesday's election. It Is not likely that ever would be th" sole issue inuiny election. In fact, it could hardly he1 imagined in the case of a State-wide elec "PunDets and nav AMUSEMENTS.

Play by Rosso Dl Ban Seoondo. a troops at Fort Jay, Governor's Island, on Monday and go to Fort Wadsworth, Staten Island, on Tuesday. well known young; Italian play Ann Nichols has just ordered the eleventh set of costumes for "Abie's of the German danger the flower of solidarity faded quickly. Each component part of the Empire demanded a voice in international matters. fVJ aft gjj Irish Rose" In anticipation of the MISS ELEANOR CURN0W performance of her comedy, This may indeed be a killing age IWy TH ROOI TctxeMOret nsiin nasi laonoH VU.4JM CivriB.TS.

rjukJ LY tion that any one leading party can wright, has been selected by the Chanin Producing Company as the Inaugural play for the smallest of the three Chimin's new theatres, all of which will be opened in January. The production of thla play will be In the hands of David Burton, appointed as general stage director for IS LAW SCHOOL REGISTRAR Australia, Canada, India. New Zea KITTY MADISOU JACK LAMONI And Ills "rmcTTT HABrKS" land and South Africa demanded and obtained membership in the League wnicn now nas six companies entertaining the public at large Albert Lewis, producer of "The Donovan Affair," at th Fulton Theatre, Manhattan, has accepted, for sea Miss Eleanor Curnow has been announced aa the. registrar of didate would stand for the Volstead Act and for nothing else, and that his opponent would campaign as opposed to the law and with no other -JAXXTInta BaTVIJV Amatearfl TnanSnr ultas Oar Old Prtand PAT WHITB tne unanins. of Nations.

Canada has designated a of speed, as the Yale divinity dean alleges, but there is consolation in the thought for every hitter of the demon pacein industry there are three or four idlers, risking their health not the slightest, standing nrouhd to watch him hustle. the Brooklyn Law School of St. Law Minister to Washington ami his of A. L. Jones and Morris Oraan will issue.

MANHATTAX AMUSEMENTS. ntATTXmS rence University by Dean William Payson Richardson. Miss Curnow Is the only woman to have last year received the doctor of Jurisprudence early production, a play entitled "Quicksands," by Warren Lawrence, a brother of Vincent Lawrence, tho playwright The beginning of the eighth year MAJESTIC SATURDAY Since it is definitely settled that mere than half a million majority of Prior to Winter 0rd Opcslaff TIIK MKHSKH. nIIVBKHT aPn-MB present "Ths Squall," a drama of modern Spain, by Jean Bart, at the Forty-eighth Street Theatre, Manhattan, next Thursday night. In the cast are Blanche Turka, Lee Baker, Susanna Caubet, Horace Braham, Mary Fowler.

Dorothy Stlckney, Charles R. Burrows, Henry O'Neill, Ida Mull. Rnmnav Krant fTii.h degree at tne law scnooi. one grau-uated magna cum laude. Miss Cur finds the buslneaa of the Caoitol now also holds the degrees of A.B.

all the voters wTho went to the polls at all are in favor of modification of the Volstead Act, will ob "GAY PAREE" NEW IMS BniTJOW KKITH CONCERTS SUNDAY a fice will be officially known as the Canadian Legation. South Africa, following suit, will have at least one legation, namely, at The Hague. 1 The Irish Free State, not bothering to consult the British Foreign Oifice. concluded five treaties of amity and arbitration with as many njieign nations. Nearly all oversea members of the Conference shy at Theatre, Manhattan, increased to such an extent that Major Bowes has found It necessary to reorganize the staff of uniformed attendants.

In from Barnard College, and LL.B from Brooklyn Law. She Is admitted to the bar of this State and is a member of the Phi Delta Delta. Law Sorority. NEXT WEEK. SKATS NOW.

Kidder and All Touanffl Th. i. order adequately to handle the cur- Hhm fiREATfnTl la staged by Lionel 1 Atwill. and the Phllonomic, the honorary No Impeachment Trial. On the perfectly reasonable ground that his judicial usefulness will be seriously impaired whatever the outcome of the charges against him, Federal Judge George W.

English has resigned from the bench. This will almost certainly mean ALL N.Y. WINTI viously be helped rather than harmed in proportion to their oppbsition to the present prohibitory law. Still, Mr. Cristman polled more votes than any previous third candi law fraternity.

TABLETS TO HEROES participating in the Lccarno pact guaranteeing the present Rhine bor dal against Senator Wadsworth. AFFIXED BY "BUDDY" Corporal' Nicholas I MulhaU, Com Ho gat. 20.7,000.,. against only of the impeachment -at jocsrjfrw trsirjAHis- der. India has apfratioTrs of her oeosos jessa-vsjje em euoeni trial scheduled to begin with the 159,000 won by Mrs.

Boole on the HOWAMUHailiaLO wuwenwin TH1 (Qua own, but they are not discussed at the Conference, the Swaraj move ment being not represented. same issue sixyears ago. It will be interesting to see- how far the promoters of his campaign go in the direction of keeping up an convening of the United States Senate on the tenth of this month. The purpose of the impeachment was to remove Judge English from the fWARNPR Britishers cherishing the vision of ma aa a aasv at tl nr-u, ins WERBA'S SHs?" CRADLE SNATCHERS With MARY BOLAND BEO. SUNDAY NOV.

1, M. TWICE 1I.V THEREAFTER, BEN-HUR NIGHTS, 7Se 1.M DAILY see. He, gl. flu Tax -eVlOOi la Jl pany Infantry, who affixed the tablet on the tree dedicated in memory of Corporal Jamea B. Qresham and Private Thomas F.

En-right and Merle D. Hay, was a "bud-die" of thi fallen heroes. At the time of their deaths Mulhall was In Company the Sixteenth Infantry. Mulhall is one of the group of veteran non-commissioned officers which has been described by Gen. Pershing as the "backbone of the? i 'mi w- mji an enduringly split! British Empire need not grieve too much because hi tha' drifting away tentlency on the par1 of its oversea members.

They nrnvr oruvainioia organized threat against the Republican party in order to prevent the nomination of outspoken wets. The history of third-party movements has not been encouraging-. Most of them are forgotten by that great majority of present-day BAKRYfiOUc may console themselves witn tne thought that blood is always thicker than water. service; that he has already, tivtly done himself. The charges hava been aired in the House of Representatives which was by no means agreed on the wisdom of going through with tha ease.

Tha House managers, unaccustomed to this species of prosecution, and armed only with the published precedents of impeachments dating far back Army. tie was norn in Jersey tuy. bkookijyn academy or anrsio and first enlisted In 1904. Next Summer's Vacation now is the time to think about it C7A CATION-LAND will call next summer. will you be able to go?" Don't let lack of money spoil your fun.

Have enough by vacation time to pay your expenses, and some to spare. Doesn't that sound good to you? Now for the way to do it. This is the way: Put aside a definite sum each pay-day. Open a savings account. Deposit tie money regularly.

Don't miss a pay-day. Then by the time vacation' comes around you'll be all ready. Open the account in this bank. One dollar will start you, and the interest AXA per cent a year on all amounts up to $7500, credited quarterly will help the money grow. Deposits may be mailed if more convenient for you.

Stop in today and see our Mr. Carroll. Ha will be glad to help you. MM TRaVEI.TAI.Hg Bsantltnl dolor Views Motion Pictures YOUNGER DR. RUSSELL voters.

Yet it was only twelve years ago, when Wadsworth ran the first time and when the total vote for NEW TEACHERS' DEAN Nationalizing tlye Classics. A plaintive note ia struok by ail MCH ItMAK AHHA CASI OI 8HW HWTIMIO KV. PHILHAttMONIC CWCHSSTBA OS K) COMCtUT MUSICIANS HINIW HADLEXCaiOUCial TWICS DAILY SO 2'JO I Senator was only 1,360,000 or about Dr. William Fletcher Russell, to 1- half what it is now, that in addition day succeeds his father. Dr.

James SIMY ITAIT Hoar mt KoouMiti9 TtstI SICILY. NAPLES, ROME, FLORENCE, VENICE 5 WED. Beginnlno Nov- TkxiTBB nrrtLD PRODDOTION English writer who pleads for naturalization of the Gilbert and Sulli-vai operettas. These charming little works are K. Kussellj as dean of Teachers Col- to the Republican and Democratic leae.

Columbia University, It was an JUAREZ and MAXIMUM CItlin fit St. UlilLV Mnts. Thur. A Sat. 1:10 1 nominees the Progressive candidate, Bainbridft Colby, received 61,977 nounced by President Nicholas Mur- into the past, ought to be and perhaps will be content to let the matter drop.

Tha Senate has troubles of Its own. It will need all the time it has between now and ita next regular acnion to accustom itself to Ita own necessity of reorganliation. Corns Sai, SSM, SIJW. LAST England's most cherished possession in all tha field of entertainment. The elder resigned DOUCLAS At Mrs.

Beam' votes, tha Socialist candidate, WEEK terday after thirty years of service FAIRBANKS as the head or in college, ma eon Charles Edward Russell, got 65,266, a prohibition candidate got 27,813, Yet Italian and German cities frequently subsidize performances of Kata Thur, Sal jrutTDSSMrfa- has served for some years aa a pro. feasor of education and associate uviwuhsti Mont; ths classics of Verdi and Wagner; director of the International Insti and a Socialist-Labor candidate aoms 3,000. At tha same election William KAMffl Richard tute. Tho elder Dr. Russell la en why should England itself not am a lp Than.

w. 41th at. Iran. if Matlnaaa Thura a SaU. JOHN L.

8H1N1. Not from Somerville, N. tha years old, and his son la M. jtwjtrvwwv Barthelmeaa switchboard n.ed at the Suliw ot 70.000 VOtM bark on a course of Insuring to Gil Praasnt HI AO Iriak rinjrra la Demnsev-Tunnev firfit has been in- of American party for OISTUIAI bert-Sullivan devotees the right to AUTUMN FIR Governor, besides 54,189 on the Pro constant supply of their beloved lit sna Xntanln BIAMaWB V. tle masterpieces of merriment? roan W.

aitta St Bra Jlbi LBEE BELASC0 (Dalar and Vlnlat lUltoa) LB DUVAl Uata Thur. att 1 To be sure, England's experiences hibition ticket. There was also an Independence League party, which cast 126,000 votes for Governor, but prudently east them for the Demo ()I 1AY C. n.IPlWKNi LENORE LUL DAVID BKLASCO Praaantn nALBKE 6H. I HI.

teas Bsoaif a whit AKKSl New Dyker Theatre Opens The new Dyker Theatre haa a successful opening laat night, when 2,100 persons attended the Initial performance and nearly as many more were unable to 'gain admittance. The new vaudeville and moving picture house, under the management of Fred O. Huebner and Eugene, Puelch, Is located on Eighty-sixth street, east of Fifth avenue. with subsidizing unemployment, coal-mining and other activities far ULRIC BEL 4 Othae AaSn. stalled in the basement of the house, for use by operators dispatching- accounts of the Hall-Mills trial.

The board will again tune its circuits the information that entirely too much time has been spent by the principals In preliminary training for tha event. SuitixM tnj ST Hanry Hall a aoaUsaal cratic nominee. Farther research mor- essential than operetta have THE DIME SAVINGS BA1JK of BROOKLYN Dl KAU AVI. a FULTON ST. i 1 been dismal; and as a matter of cold $th rear AWIi NICHOLS lis rj ABIE'S IRISH ROSI reveals that was that year a No Party which had a devoted fol KITTY DONER, NANCS O'NEIL.

Othar. Phot Bnrrr Laastlasi Is Tha Straa Man' fact there is not the slightest chance that this complainant's whim will be ttTjIUHntB Its MttOUMCtS OKI I22.00,eo lowing. DEPITRIir Wot rV way y. aU IHUI. Kata.

and Is referred to by residents of Fort Hamilton, Dyker Heights and Where Is now the Progressive party? What has become of the TELLER'S SBl'BEKT HdV New rinjln Twlr DaJlr, iMrlff ll-lam I Some Senatorial History. Bay Ridge as the "Million Dollar gratified. In either England or the United States government-operated entertainment would 'be practically 45 Ht. Theatre." FAKME BRK "FANNT" Socialist party and the Independence KvenlnM Hatinswa Robert F. Wagner will be the fifth Democratic Senator from this State street was in gay t- alramntle Comrdj League party Once cutting a con SBIGPARADf certain of failure from the start.

I ID CRTY St. Dir. A. L. Brlai tire for the opening.

Every store In the neighborhood waa decorated and the thoroughfare leading to the theatre was lit up' like Broadway sit Ita brightest Yet the Gilbertlans often why more private capital Is not in npk. Otek, All Saat All Kata. sa tl. Eras, see aa, IMUr Mats, Inc. Sun.

vested in frequent revival of these a.iua.1111 Eva. 8: 10. Mate Wail, a A ERLANaER'a Kualcnl Comadr Happy Go Lack Lon Haskell, comedian, was siderable figure, with high hopes and oud claims, attempting to in. spire terror, dread and awe amid the old hide-bound reactionaries, they have been interred along with the No Party party. One and all they died from the rmwtilal STIuflai Bill Sal TaaitrM master of ceremonies.

He Introduced Borough President James J. Byrne, who congratulated the works. In Manhattan "Iolanthe" is In tbe midst of an e-xtrordinarily successful run that began more than "THE PRINCE OF TEMPTERS" 51. a aa Brooklyn Edison' Company BttOOKLTM. NEWTORf 1 Ths Board sf Dmtnrs al a averting keU 1 07K October 26th.

1926, declared a regular quar-terlv diimd of J2.00 a Jure on th capital the Company outjlandina navable I LOnieCUUYe1 Decemher 1st. 1926, to steel hiJdew eJrersrd TT 'A al5P.M.oa Nottnbr, I2ta, 1926. VlTlaend Checks ior lm E- A. BAILT. Trmtmnr owners and the people of the section on such a magnificent theatre.

since the Republican party's en. trsnce into the political field. His predecessors have been David B. Hill, elected in 1891; Edward Murphy, in 1893; James A. O'Gorman, in 1911, and Dr.

Royal S. Cefeland, elected in 1922, with two -yeara more to serve. Two points are worth remembering in considering this small but te-Iec aggregation of minority party delegates from the Republican Empire Stabs to the Upper House at six months ago. Several seasons rmYNlf nHtfc Baa Iran. Ii Man.

n.TOtS!3:l"S3:,Ef IOLANTHI On the bill were Eva Tarliruay. In Haanpba) Oelrtt rrnan V. KA f. back a similar experience wss re Oeorrn Lemalra. and Joe Phtlllnn the Five Maxelloa, the Three sun same causes the passing of their picturesque leaders ami the depletion of the checkbooks that pumped Into them th blood of life.

corded by tip lesser known "Ruddi-gcre," The Gilbert-Sullivan public shine Boys, Frank Farnum and Kd. 1 Gallagher's Callfornlana, A motion BB0OKI.X ACADEMY OF WISIC TUES. EVE NOV. 9th ROLAND HAYES 0iy mv9mmf tm Vtrmtltm rWf ft to is constant, and, what ia more impor RnnTn tii se. w.

I BUU1B vata. Eiac 17. WHITE WINGS 5- picture. "The Plaatlo Age, and a news reel were shown. At the con- AU tha third parties that aver tant, appears to be in a gratifying; threatened the old organizations and state of solvency.

I elusion ef th performance, the In. I vfted guests ware served a collation..

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