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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 10

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

PAGE TEN (AKK.) COURIBX HT5W9 WEDNESDAY, JULY SO, 1953 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING INFORMATION ftt liic limn per ft ii? 3 Hat Jo I tiMta pfr line per p'f lint per daj Sr MontK fr lire worrfi )Kc line. Ad ordered for rtr sli tliir-i jtopprd eiplrninfc wilt br rhirj-rd for number nf Ilmc-i thr art All advert iliac ropy Plans-Estimates For new com true I Ion. IT ling A OR O. I f.OANI NO OBLIGATION Frank Waqner Builders Co. UlNUTK PKOTOSTATJC 8KKV 1C! 05TEKN ft STUDIO, 113 WAIN 174 fl If for SaJe, Misc.

1 floor safe, -10 in. high, wilted prriiini residing 1 -'I i ailll ill. '2 eliy niuit br arcnmpanlrtt I be Irmn I (JOiX'S, 1 cnsli Hrau'iT, '2 laiye helves ma? kf 1 1 thin Inrotrrrt Imcrtlon id. All adi (o 1 hrlf PT Unincatlnn IJpi- ihf lo tfJTl for Ronf JurniFhM trie kitchen. 103 Kv.

Prw turn flmt piitranrr, rM (io inn v. KV hmreVcrplns ro 3 rm unf'irn upt. IT metlc. h'it ft-a(rr heatrr 'Ml K. Main.

IMi. 7 2X fk -I Flrr ami inool"; Ml Vault floor. 1 Freight jinlrf Pimm 1 7 71. pk 22 1 Oilmen Ktemir rffrlrf mtnr. I co'uti.

1 rornrr rablnrt. 1 rtfriinorn MHi, I Julffr 201 i.r itck 3 burfc 1 lime uplujli- -rrrl. 1 I'll 7 2R HI? jolm 1 doll fry flv bp at Imp fo 357. 7 pk I I Hunter A3' aillc 1, p. motor.

Uodrrn 3 room fur apt Ph 2MS or 3 Modern apt. 3 rooms unrt hMh. flcrorMftl. pood tmnllute. Ph, 3373.

Shiiou. ck If jUSED COMBINES If you need jrnoil used srlf- COIIlllillO KI'C US 1'irsl. Choose from Ilnrris, International llarvos- tcr, John Dorre iinrl Small Apartmrnts, furnished. J8 up per week. Bedrooms up single.

114 West nl r-i A ph. 2833. 8-j ck if 61 IMPLEMENT CO. N. Hiway (U Phone 7 in tf 3 room on filrcci.

to tchnol. Scrrcnccl In built-in cabinets Newly clfcnralrd Hcit water. Ph. 3SS2 or 23-14. 626 it 3 room liu-nlFlird apartment.

W. Kfsniucky, Mrs. 5lsk. 7 2fl pk 3 room, new Iv modern turn. opt.

Ph. 213? nr 32.15. 720 rk tT 3 room unf, Bour). Ph. 4616 10ft 20 3 Notice Ca rpent ry p.i 1 11 v-ork Kenney.

Ph, B327, 730 pk Servrces Bob Slalone. Pli. 2771. 7 ck 8 17 Laundry In my hom Fh. fiH7 7.15 pk fl'13 RUK r.nri wnJI to wall curvet IriR.

Phone 2487. 730 fl 13 NLrr 4 room imf. hot wa- Irr. ens. door Inrnnre.

Close in. Good Ph urtnn. 7 nn pk Red Hot TRUCK Specials! MS KORI) '111 CIIKV real buy In a Drive Hits Srdnn Slakr Trnrk. nrcl rolnr. Cnmr.

mnrrow, Vmi'll like II.r way II lo Phillips Motor yriu'll Ilkf Die Krnnilwny. low jirlrp ic '17 KOHD This l-Tim Is in big. 2-Ton Trurk wilh Z- ipocd A coocf running frxid hnfly. llUrk. A IrLK'k iirlrri! you at JSJIS.

money. Trailc this wwk. 'Hi CHICV MS InlcriKiliniiiU. A nfrr-lnoklnc. nliig, clo.iri lilllr i Von rr eel your mrtnpv'n this '---Tnn Jnlfr- Chevrolet Is national lo roll liriccd at just So05.

il only 300 Broadway Phone 4453 GET MORE BEANS WITH A GLEANER COMBINE Jack Robinson Implement Co. Iil.vlheri)l«, Arkannag 2371 7 LETHAL Is Hie new. controversial F'l)-25 "Babr iitinibor" ollcn-l by Aimiitt 1'nsacldiii, Calif. Df-M-nr-d lo ciiumy UJ-UIIIK! at a riiiriu.n of (he 1 a jiiu.leiii jel tk-htf-j-. the platie is only 110 li'ct loi.a.

vi-viiiliii 2iOU fully aimt-a ami lias a Private Save Money When You Rny Sell Trade Used Furniture GI.IN HARRISON SON 1 FtJRNMTURIO CO. 517 Asli Ph. 2S52 1-3 nk If DOWN THAT'S lilMtlo nnfl nn' Monthlv Jl(t6T. Nn innnthly pay iH'nts dnp tintll Oi-t. I'r For Kent hmise In 1 rlc II Nlre rool bptl ronj W.

Ash. Ph. 2209. 7 19 Ht'drooiu cotivrnlfni to bath 6L1 Main. Ph.

332.V 711 cfc 8.It Jtilrotmi convenient lo halh. I'rl- Farm Loans Wanted I Gutta pprcha l.s mntfc by evapo- i-aliiifj ihc milky fluid of a number of trocs primarily fnunci on Malny island. E. TERRY Wanted BTP no'A- PS far MUTUAL I.EFE INSURANCE GO. New York nrul ahlp tn maVp new 'n i 10 ar rrflnnnoR your IOAHS on a 20 year term nt rate of Interest iMnultrte HY.50.

I'h. ror pry. I Li i re nth lots. SeltliiB on arroimt tint! 1104 So Blythrrllle, Ark. H.

conriUioiiini; eraMon Ph, 2478 J02 E. Mis- eourl. BlythfvUle. ArV- tl Attflntlon Cotton Gin Ownctn: Sfi'rny arc equipped to to be sprayed. Ph 3359 nr Manila 22fl.

Watch and Jewelry Repair l-Oiy lertlefl on dnjf Knd Oimrsnlenl wn by PAT O'BRYANT Main A. Second Need your radLo rppairpd, call Rrrt Walton 833 niFabltrtl veteran repair? 1 radlop hnnip. 313 N. 2nd 7,2 pic B.a 1 7 ptt 7 Lucian Games Furnilure Co. Trade your old furniture for new.

will also buy your old furniture. Ffirmars terms down, balance in the Formerly Arnold A GnincA. Ph. 6357. ck tf For Safe alninsl lo '1.

6 lonji Price tlW RIUI. Pho TYPEWRITERS DON EDWARDS 0o -'-i CO It! Walnm 33M Plenty of Parking Space Modf-rn -I locnn dvjplrx. HIviJ. J'Mone or HB85 jirurnlsliptl nou 7J6 W. pk Wnikpr 8 1 HIV l.v.u- pte 5 In l.Uifp RH-cr 'X-fSl nl pi! lornlrfl Hits lioorl Rtorc nni Ins riunru-ri lint n-nd rolrt In IV ror ISfi prr Prlcr per nricv hnticllftl Kialcs Land Co.

Ark'. payment of 'L' Hill nflt Ruvfr-IL ftlftk- Real ESTATE City Properly LOANS INSURANCE TMUCl BlIjlBf morn home Modern in let locftttnn. 1, Thompson 621 franklin, pli ft 37 ck tl 5 room house with ftttlc fan rmd tloor nt 2(11 W. Kr-ti- lu.Ky. bnwrfii HIP hours tif 7 nt.

or 6 tn 8 m. Ph 1 V9 pic 82 rh. 4124 or 3533. Snm Godwin. David t.fc 2 ni Ph.

irn. 215 7 2P pX 3 -116 Main. 3200 (pet In iDUlliiR- R'-nwinrihlft rf-nt. Call 1 Conrrrte blork iln i'tf rthlp tor CONCRETE CULVERT TILE up tn SS In. Metal Culverts up tu in.

A. H. WEBB Arhnnatic Flood Concrete A Metal Septic Tanks Tile Best I'rlres Drliver SI SUte Mne 714 PHOTOS YMK RENT A CAMERA All Typw of Camera? and Suppllci at Barney's Drug CAMKRA HIADQUARTF.RS W. 7647 Buy With Confidence USED CARS TRUCKS! I W'J 1(151) CHKVROLKT I'uwiTHlidc 2-tlniir plnslic scat covers, fresh air heater defroster. Low mileage.

Beautiful Birch (irey finish. 1(117 CHKVieOlJ'T push- IjiiKoii nuliii, 1 ill's, lilack finisli CMIOVKOLKT i.Wll li line tiros, fl. body with solid sides. dandy for 111 HI FOKD V-8 li-Ton check Sullivan-NelKon's special price MILS CHKVKOLKT 2 -Tnn 1'icluip a real money-saver, (his (ruck runs like 1950 CHKVROl.KT Pickup 'I'rui'k come fo the bi.n paved lot on Walniil Street 1(1-19 CHKVHOLKT Pickup it's SOQC real buy in a laic model pickup tSw'J Many Others fo Choose From EASY GMAC PAYMENT PLAN Remember, vox can always make it good dial ni SULLIVAN NELSON CHEVROLET COMPANY "Tht Kit Used Cur Street" 301 West Walnut Phone 4578 Wanted to Rent MatifiTt uiirnrntshpd lionse CRtlnn Phono fcvSri. 723 pV 84 The lion Kins tised asbestos as wicks for oill amps.

Help Wanted, Male 1 fheet metal Hnporlenccd In and nilll work, Wll. son Welding Fwbrlcatlng. Osceolft, Ark, 7,31 cit Noble Gill Glencoe BlclR. Ph. 6868 II striMon If.

north of riciMir For Safe, Estate Modern hath 905 dixioni IIOUHO ean Ave. Hard- room unfurnished house with bath. prr mouth, of 121 Ash. Phone W-l or 3317. T.Hfl ck 8,2 Wanted to Buy wood floors, floor fnrnacp, 50 mrxlnrn 3 h.nlroom ob lloL pr hoatcr homo, nrnr C.ilholic s( 100 I Kxlm This house is Has rontal b.Miso on rear.

Will ll ll will hnndlp. nnd nssi A C. Durln B. OsceolFV. Fhonp R22R; 2071 i six room lutuse near conililion.

180(1 cash iinil'hiiii of loan at Moving A Hauling West Rose Ptionc a 1 i A()I) ()0 iik no i Park, cheap al I 11 28th, REFRIGERATION owner leaving (own. RefrtserMlon and Bll 1 Teeelhnff Kanr rtinu- 2 hrrtrfom. no CAll UROFF FlFKtGRRATION CO. I Inforniallon 31 Mr. C.I.

1 have -I rm. 20 W. Main, Ph. 1 US( hiitli, screened in 7 2P ck jiorcli, HO nnl. hot water ci, is( on I I' 1 1 0 CIOSJIIK COSt SB alioill SI(10.

SCO or mil JOHNNY MARR lla So. 2nd. Phone 4U1 Rfjidonce Phone 25P6 724 tf! Expertly Performed Satisfaction Guaranteed Service Ash SALES CO, DeoUr PAID For tin, wire all kiiuii of scrap Blytheville Iron Metal Co. N. Ed way jfe Moult rie Drire Phone ck t( WE MEET ALL PRICES WHOLESALE OR RETAIL vHOTor COLD! A Slice or Truckload! SPECIAL PRICES FOR PICNICS AND PARTIES BLYTHEVILLE CURB MARKET Alain Street Blylheville BLYTHEVILLE, ARKANSAS PHONES: Day 3142; Night 6153 We will CASB Cor jiuir old K.O- nnd Tor STUDIO- 113 Went Insurance For Complete rnsiirancc Protection W.

Pollard Pl.Minoit I'rciloction Gl KNCOI BOTH BIIII.U1NO ni If SI Salesman KuIlT brl'nr un nr-TcTtPfl, hnvf for rrnn with CST ITontr .1 hltsrirrl urll- Kvirs cnt train, Krply Box I Courier pk Kor lrr If.iUri* cli.ircinr— M.I. Viiid-. nt uilon.c.liilr Jliilur Co. I'rolnl .1111 invi-sl- nirnl in lo us fur T.I.SEAY MOTOR CO. FUEL OIL G.O.

POETZ OIL CO. That Stuff" Phone 2089 Office Bulk Land LAUNDRY DRY CLEANING COLD STORAGE FOR WOOLENS AND BLANKETS 4474 PHONES 4475 NU-WA LAUNDRY CLEANER We Give Baffle Stamps FALL PLANTING SEED HAIltY YKTC1I. SKI', I) UAU1.KY I'KS- Cl AM) CI.OVKUS CROP SKKl) BLYTHEVILLE SOYBEAN CORP. Phone Television Radios REPAIRED Any Moke or Model Set 1 DAY SERVICE FREE PICKUP DELIVERY SERVICE 24 HOURS A DAY Day Phone: 2642 Night: 8858 No Kxtra Charge For Night Culls FRED CALLIHAN RADIO SERVICE 110 S. 1st Hlylherille You Can't Go Wrong On These Prices! IRIS CJMC 2-Ton Truck wilh 2-specd axle.

Good lircs. Save now nl. Hnrncr-Wilson lH5n STUnEHAKER an un- usually clean, city (ruck. Now only (IMC Truck with new bed, 2- spctd axle. (Idinl lii c.s, loo.

Like Ihc (nice? lil.MI CIIICVHOI.KT 2-Tnn the 1 1 ink is nice and MI'S (he price 2-Ton good Hies. new paint, l.unk twice at (his price HI5I CHKVUOI.KT 'i-Ton nice lilllc truck doltixe call. Now just llllli.KOHl) Ihc buy nf your life come NOW In Mtn lilll CHKVKOU-rr Wun a Ml. H'a a Handy. Conic lo Kast Main in Hlythcville tflin CHKVROI.KT lli-Tnn SlftQC new heel, jfimrt lirc.s.

everywhere HORNER-WlLSON EAST MAIN Rocket Oldsmohilc GMC Trucks Phone 2056 Used Lot Phone 6161.

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