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The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York • 4

Brooklyn, New York
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THE BROOKLYN STANDARD UNION: SUNDAY, OdTOBER 16, 1921. EX-KAISER REFUSES FIRSIlDillG REQUESTS FOR CHARITY MAIL RECEPTACLE DAY (Br L'nitea Press.) AMSTERDAM, Oct. IS. Ex-Kill that office and Is writing a letter to each voter in Kings County asking that his name be written on the ballots on Kleotlon Day. Buckley first announced his candidacy for nomination in the Democratic primaries, but his name was barred from the ballots for insufit-clency of signatures.

He next filed petitions -as an Independent candidate, but these were declared not in accord with election law requirements and his name was not permitted on the ballots. SUBBUII i Manhattan Terminal Will Bs ser Wilhclm is being forced to prac OBKOTJ1IA HOSPIfflL STARTS SOOf! "Present Building Unfit," Declares C. M. Hoffman, Secre-, tary of Committee. tice economy, due to the depreciation of the mark and the( seizure of his Prussian estates, hiss treasurer announced to-day.

Ho must refuse many requests for chnritiTlt was Organization Is Determined to Houses Should Have Both Boxes and Numbers, Says Postmaster Hays. Extended to Eighth Avenue and Forty-first Street. Place District Under Republican Banner. Xs)e still have tome skunktrimmed jHuclson Seal Coats FULTON 6 SMITH STREETS.BROOKLYN Zfurriers for iNearly a Century ESTATE OF VU. S.

HALL To relieve congestion an the Inter Postmaster-General Hays has In augurated tmtlon-wfde campaign to borough Forty-second street shuttle line, which It is expected will develop EVERY VOTER REGISTERED. FOR SOLDIER AT begin on Wednesday, to be known as when improved service Is, effected National Mail Receptacle and House the Queensboro subway by extending Number Census Day, with a view to the Manhattan Termlnnl from Ifranu Central Terminal to Kiirhth avenue and Forty-first street, the 'Transit Local Expect having every building properly num Requiem, mass will be celebrated to Elect All Candidates. bered and equipped witn a suitable receptacle fur mail matter or open Commission will receive bids Nov. 0 at 9:30 A. M.

to-morrow at the Church of Pt, Joseph for Corporal Joseph H. Hawkins, son Of Joseph H. and Elizabeth M. Murphy Haw at 11:30 A. M.

for construction of thu proposed extension. ing in the door through which the mail may be dropped. No particular Construction on the proposed new Jamaica Hospital building will be begun the latter part of this month on the, plot on Van Wyck avenue purchised for the purpose more than a year ago. The new building will be centrally located for the conven- lence of Richmond Hill and Wood-haven as well as for Jamaica. present building is absolutely unfit for use as a modern hospital and Is entirely Inadequate for the requirements of the community, declared Charles M.

Hoffman, executive secretary of the building committee. "With the phenomenal growth of the Fourth Ward the boa-pita1 should keep $ace with the pop' ulatlon, but it bos not, and with its present facilities it Is Impossible to meet the demand. It Is not Infre This proposed construction or tne style or type of receptacle will be required by tho department. It may consist of either a slot in the door or Queensboro subway is regarded as one of the most important links in the MINEOtiA, The estate of William S. Hall, of Freeport, cashier of the bank there and one of the vice-presidents of the Hempstead Bank, who died Sept.

9, was appraised at J200.000. Of this estate, Mrs. Jennie J. Hall, tho widow, is left 15,000 outright and trust fund of $26,000, in which she has a life Interest. A codicil takes away from Iattle Ia Bedell, Mrs.

Hall's a $3,000 bequest and gives It to the widow, along with interest from a trust fund of $7,000. dual system to be constructed. The kins, of 2f2 St. Marks avenue, who was killed In action In France on Oct 3, 19 IS. He was born In Brooklyn and was 21 years old at the time of bis death.

Members of William A. Bee-lev Post. V. V. will con conveniently located box of any plans for the proposed extension pro vide for a two-track subway, beginning at a low level beneath the shut Unemployment Big Issue At Legion Convention tle tracks and extendlnr west to Eighth avenue.

There will be two Mcmbsrs of the First Assembly District Republican Club are carrying on cue of the most active campaigns in the city. They are determined not only t-. can the district for the city and county tickets, but to ro-olect Assemblyman John A. Warren and elect Mrs. Mabel T.

B. Falco Alderman from the Thirty-third Aldcrmanio District Transfer Tax Appraiser D. H. Balaton, th leader vf the receiving the full co-operation of thei duct funeral cervices to-nigiit at his late' home and internienf to-morrow will be made at Holy Cross Cemetery with military honors. -The funeral of Private John J.

Sfir- The sum of $2 000 and the Income stations on the new line. Fifth avenue and Forty-tecosd-street and at Times Square, beneath the station ot the Interborouslk West Side subway from $8,000 la bequeathed to Hattie L. Bedell. suitable material. House numbers, however, should conform to the system and style adopted by the municipal authorities.

The necessity for this campaign may be. understood when It la realised that house numbers enablo carriers to locate promptly buildings to which mail is addressed, and avoid errors and delays in delivery. Mail receptacles insure the prompt and safe delivery of mail in the absence of occupants, avoid delay of mail through return to office because of absence of occupants or delay In answering carriers' ring and obviate tory. son of Otto and Christiana Sar-tory, of 14S Thames street, who was It is believed this proposed improve killed In action on Sept. 0, 1918, ment will develop trade and real estate valuations alonar Forty-second while serving as a member of Com pany K.

815th Infantry, will be held INDIANAPOLIS, Oct 15. National and International problems which have confronted governments, statesmen and people during the last year bava induced more than a score of issues for the American Legion to wrestle with In Its third annual con men and women members of the club, street, in view of the large traffic on the Queensboro tubes. According to figures of Transit Commission in At a nwetins held last Monday night itudy of relief measures following a country-wide survey conducted by the lion through its 11,000 posts, and it Is understood the committee's recommendations will be put into effect Immediately after the convention has chosen its new commander and adjourned. Further plans for obtaining passage of the Federal adjusted compensation bill are certain to be discussed spectors, of the 100,000 persons usln? the shuttle dn'ly more than Zb.uw two campaign committees were sp-polnted. One of these will look after the general campaign In the district, while the other la In charge of all at 2 P.

M. to-day, with Interment with military honors at Mount Olivet Cemetery- Prior to his enlistment he was employed as an electrician at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. He is survived In addition to his parents by five sisters and three brothers, also veterans of the World War. quent that the hospital is obliged to turn away because of lacli of The new structure will be a modern fire-proof building with a capacity of 132 beds, nearly three-times the number in the present wooden building on New York William C. Reid, president of the board of trustees of the hospital, will give a dinner to the auxiliary presidents, the board of trustees snd the building committee of the Jamaica Hospital on Oct.

25 at Colonial Arms. Among the Bpeakers will be Percy C. James, William Boardmsm, Mrs. Robert W. Hlgbie and Stanley C.

Fowler. transfer to the Queensboro subway. The residue of the estate la left to Martin U. W. Hall, a son, with tho word that he take care of his mother for the rest of her life.

The will speaks affectionately of Mrs. Hall. OLD BROOKI YNITE" TOADDRESS LEAGUE A regular meeting of the West Flatbush League will be held at 305 Church avenue Tuesday at 8:80 P. Felix Q. Kernan, one of the organizers and most active members of the "Society of Old Brooklynltei." nil1 speak on the "Beginning of Our flreat "IS PETITIONS REJECTED.

the necessity of patrons responding to the bell at Inconvenient momenta The practice of placing mail in vestibules, under, doors, on window tills, where it Is exposed to theft and the elements, la hazardbus and frequently results in the loss of highly valuable outdoor meetings. Meetings are to be held every Mon Aav nto-hf nt the clubhouse. 127 Kem and decided upon. Practically every vention at Kansas City, Oct. 31, Nov.

1 and 1. Most of the matters for discussion are new, and the ex-service men will consider them without precedents for guidance, national headquarters of the legion here announces following a surrey of resolutions to be introduced and actions of State conventions. BUCKLEY REMAINS IN RACE state) convention since the recom The Rev. G. Linder will conduct the sen HtreeL at which thore will be mltment of the measure has passed funeral services.

I resolutions of firmest Support for prominent speakers from Congress man Warren 1. Lee's speakers' bu A final blessing will be arlven at and important mail. tne legion present policy or push P. "ft. to-day nt the Church of Our reau.

On the night of Oct. 24 Major Michael V. Buckley, whose name has been twice ordered off the ballots as candidate for Sheriff yesterday said he was stilUa. candidate for ing me Dm. it is Denevea tnat tne Lady of Czenstochowa for Private convention will exnrcss Itself In More than one thousand voting Frank J.

Dornbrowskl, of 230 Twen Henry H. Curran, Senator (jnaries -Lockwood and Vincent Gilrny, the co-olltlr, onndldntes on the city ticket, stroma; termi on President Harding's delegates will be present, represent' ty-seventh street, who was killed in lng 11,000 organized posts of the legion Intervention to prevent passage of the measure. The organization's BROOKLYN COLLEGE CLUB OPENS ITS NEW HOME action on Oct 4, 1918, while serving wii the county candidates, will from all States, foreign possessions of national legislative committee will present a lengthy report on the sub as a member of Company 13, sostli Infantry. He is survived in addition to his parents by four brothers and two sisters. Interment will be made the United States and twenty foreign countries.

Preparations have been made to care for 100.000 out-of-town visitors In Kansas City during the ject, -with recommendations for further procedure. To Dbciist Disarmament at Holv Cross Cemetery. convention. Military funeral services' will De A survey of legion sentiment held nt 2 P. M.

to-day for Private The convention. It is expected, will throughout the country, as expressed consider the question of limitation of Thomas Huaoey, of 251 Menahan street who was killed in action In armaments in view of the Import' UNIVERSAL ance of the international conference In Instructions to delegates, actions by State and county conventions of the loglon, reveals the following issues on- which it Is probable the in Washington opening on Armistice speak at the club house. Commissioner Ralston, assisted his campaign committee, has every Republican in the district, registered. The week before registration cards were sent out to every enrolled Republican and to every voter in the district giving instructions for registering and enrolling and the location of each polling place In the district This card was followed up during the week by visits from the district captains and members ot the campaign committee. TestordaV every resident of the ais-trict who had not registered received another card and personal visits during the afternoon and evening, with the result that nearly every voter In the district registered.

A large transparency -bearing the France on 23, llg, while serving as a member of Company S05th Infantry. He was- a letter- uay. Tho late Commander Oal- Brooklyn College Club, comprising graduates and ex-students of Brooklyn College and Brooklyn Prep, formally opened its new clubhouse, 44 Clinton street More than ono thousand guests attended, including Mayor John F. Hylan, Bishop Tbomaa E. Molloy, the Rev.

Joseph A. Karrell, S. president of Brooklyn College; many city and borough officials, dignitaries of the Catholic Church and other prominent braitrt stood squarely for disarmament as an insurance of world peace, carrier attached to the General Post Office, Manhattan, and secured a leave of absence to enlist In the holdlnef, however, that disarmament by tue united titatcs without simul rmv. He Is oifrvived by his parents, Nation Legion assembly will declare Itself: To AM Unemployed. Steps to relieve distress among 900,000 unemployed ex-service men; operation of the new veterans' bureau and the general care and treatment of the disabled: Federal adjusted Thomas J.

and Maria Hussey; two taneous disarmament of all other nations of the world would be unwite and dangerous. At its first and second national conventions the Legion declared its course as a medium between Jingoism and blind pacifism, and its military policy that of pre' At brothers and one sister. Interment will be made at Holy Cross Ccmo-tery. FRED HESSE TAKES compensation and plans for a "fight pared ness. "Gentlemen's Agreement' The Legion's recommendations at QUINN BALLOT POST The new clubhouse, a six-story building adjoining; the Crescent Athletic-Club, was brilliantly decorated for the occasion.

Dancing was held on each floor, with an entertainment in the ball-room on the fourth floor. The officers of the organization arei Joseph A. Reiliy, president; James R. McCaffrey, Joseph D. and Kdward J.

McCul-lough, vice-presidents; John D. Flynn, secretary; Joseph M. Mc-Kenna, treasurer; Harold I. Delaney, Dr. Edward C.

Costelloe, Lawrence 8. Kelly, Franklin J. Malone, T. Alfred McGrane, Arthur F. Murnane, Felix P.

McKenna, the Rev. Theodore J. McLaughlin and Dr. Richard X. Rendich, board of -J MOitMe and TOAtrnttcl I 1 tttmtt if" r7 its ilrst two conventions that "the so-called gentlemen's agreement with Japan be abrogated," and that "foreign-born Japanese be forover barred from citizenship" undoubtedly will be discussed.

The Legion in California, Texas, Arizona, Wash ington. Colorado and Nebraska has S.j. 1 H0 KITCHCxI names of all tne canoiaaies erected In front of the clubhouse last Friday. It was one of the first banners to be put up by a club In Brooklyn. CommisslonerRnlslon Is chairman of the main campaign committee.

The other officers are Dr. I Adele Cuinet, vice-chairman; Edward J. Mackln, secretary; Mary Gibbons, assistant secretary; Gilbert H. Thir-kield, treasurer, and John Lohrman, marshal. Thomas O'Neil Is chairman of the outdoor meeting committee.

Others on It are Henry S. Goodspeed, M. Shaler Allen, Philip Robert F. Downing. Arthur V.

Gorman, Michael Barre, Martin J. Mur-Ihy, Walter Webel, Rosalie Ii, Whtt-neV and Amy Wren. The members of the general eam-Tialgn committee are Michael Barra, Fred J. Parise, Mary Barra, Thomas J. Page, William J.

McCarthy, Georgo McDonald, Morris Harnett, Florence Barnett, Salvatore lallcchlo, John J. Catallno, James I-ewls, Ethel Armstrong, Anthony "DeStefnno, Frank Lendino, Paul De- supported the enactment of laws prohibiting land-holding by the Japanese, Washington Leglonalres S-LASHCR SANITARY WM1TC -IK)-iLAIN BROILER PAN went on record as favoring the re to the finish to obtain it; civil service preference for WorldsWar veterans; slackers, Bergdoll and Debs; speech ot the American Ambassador to England on America's reasons for entering the World War; legion finances and the question of dues; question of disciplinary action against individual members and posts for violation of principles of the organization; Americanism programme, including immigration, particularly that of the Japanese; legion's policy on naval and military affairs; legion and labor; co-operation between the legion and foreign veterans' associations. Some of the above-listed Issues may die In committee, the legion officials point out, and It is entirely probable that many other questions not touched on in the list will arise for debate and settlement on the floor of the convention, Immediate Action. It Is held certain, however, that unemployment of ex-servlee men will be discussed and that Immediate action will be taken for temporary if not permanent relief of the jobless veteran. A national committee of the organization has been making a turn of all Japanese- in this country suhi Mrwf foe to ineir native iana.

Fred Hesse, a prominent' marble works owner of Queens, will run as the trolley car or independent Democratic candidate for Borough President in that borough Instead of ex-Sheriff Thomas Qulnn, who announced his withdrawal yesterday. Qulnn's action follows close upon the heels of ex-District Attorney Dennis O'Leary'a endorsement of Judge Hazelton, the Republican candidate for Borough President Hessa is expected to take away a large number of tho German-American Totes from Connolly, seeking re-election, who has been endorsed by the Citizens' Alliance of Queens, an organization of about 80,000 members ot German birth or extraction. ottcri 6am Pt roe ccwT rom BURNERS AND CM-JMlrtC rOR OAS On the last day of the convention a national commander, national vice commanders and a national chap Man tONTaouJ-Jl MMOCft SELF STARTER TOR GAS NO MATCHES lain will he elected. There are no announced candidates. New Orleans, tiaiLimore, Han rancisco ana Hous fCJve tovtus noa COAL AMD WOOO ton, -Texas, ere In the race for the meeting place of the 1922 conven WHITt PORCELAIN 1 DRIP PAN HOLLAND'S DELEGATES TO ARMAMENT PARLEY (By United Press.) AMSTERDAM, Oct 15.

Tho Netherlands delegation to tha Washington limitation of armaments conference, it was luthoritativcly stated to-day, will bo Foreign Minister Van Karne-beck. Count Van Limburgstirum and Van Blokland, ex-minister to China, tion. PORCELAIN OAS COCKS AMUfMLC AIR MUCTUE 1 Most mammals have higher blood temperatures than man, while the I temperature of birds runs higher yet NC CAST IRON BUDNtR BO AllFS TIMEHANet ASIHWTWISTOIAHOB OVINFROnXOAtTOOAS MOMRT-tTORCHOVl ARRIVALS. I Coclaw from Boston. S.

V. Harkness from Tamplca Leopoidina from Havre. Lake from Mobile and Out ot the High Petit District Our Prices Are Always Lowest evt" isxie mom kmI COAL WOOO OR OAS- 1 IRMANS SATTE tTsf eimNS coal wooo en VSf (AS At THE SAMETIMC I Jut W9'6wAur vL lu'AAikni BROOKLYN BROADWAY Flushing and Graham Avenues You Can Select Your "TKt INSTRUMENT Of QUALITY Ftefano, ftibert James J. JVAmato, Fred J. De Vita, Mary C.

Clbbons, William D. Perry. Neil J. Qutgg, Samuel Posey, Robert H. Gib-rons, John Kennedy, Marian McCnnn, William J.

O'Brien, Elizabeth Hill, Earl Barrows, Jeanette Brinckerhoff, Nicholas Conera, Joseph Welwood, Theresa Pavaresa, John S. Armstrong. Frank 1. Ambrofi. Georgo Gallo, Elisabeth Moninue Magiun, Benjamin Bo gat.

Charles D. Foots, Joseph Bogats, John J. Muginnis, Thom-m J. Moseley, Israel Ja-ksnn, William D. Adams, Franklin W.

Morton, Joshua Wilson, Samuel Berliner, Samuel E. Blount, Bertha Burrnll, Lucille Brooks, William Magiun, Ellas H. Smith, Walter Purdy. Alice DeCourt-ney, Nicholas D. Collins, Fred J.

Joli-vette, George T. Canlfleld, Mrs. Norman 8. Dike, Sterling H. Burrall, David Cohen.

Louise M. Harris. Mrs H. Edward Drier, Arthur V. Gorman, Robert F.

Downing, Russell D. Streeter. Amelia Hamilton, HarrV I. Gorman, Florence McCabe, Richard Mulcahey, Arthur R. Murphy, Margaret Fowler, John I.

O'Loughlin, William Caspar, William Brock, Robert A. Grlnnell, Rose Maffeo, Minnie I Hickman, Peter J. Cavelle, Cornelius It. Love, Mrs. Maria C.

Law-ton, Michael J. Hogan, Mabel T. S. Falco, Daniel E. Brannigan, Hattie I Dreyer, Edward J.

Mackln, Mae B. Nee, Louise J. Itschncr, Eliza Mosher, M.D., William J. Kirchner, Joslah O. Low, Edwin C.

Cranberry, Mary M. Kirchner, Gabrial Biskinty, John A. Warren, Jane M. Langthorne, Henry P. Stevens, Georgn S.

Frank, Bessie A. Minton. Anna Martin Ralston, M.D., Frank H. Davol, Bruce Bromley, Richard Maynard, Ruth Dudley. Madeline.

Jacobson. Cella MacKenzie. William W. Wlngate, George C. Dagher.

R. Gordon Mack-ay, James M. Hethcrton. Mrs. H.

II. JSsselstyn. Walter H. Cooley. Oula E.

Whitehead. William P. Rimon, Lawrence C. Dameron, Helen P. Brown, Ameretta Meredith, Harry Helnze.

Otto A. Eberle, J. Ed. ward Orr, Eunice Proctor, Amy Wren, Mrs. Arthur Gorman.

M. Shaler Allen, Otis S. Carroll. -Emma R. Ball.

Theron M. Clements. Marie McQueen. Henry r. Barmoro.

Joseph Harris. Rosalie Loew Wliltnvy, Thomas Kal-nervi--. Annie M. John-r-on, Harry P. Ofv.dpw-fHl Emia S.

Tom pa. Britanfla from Marseilles and Boston. Nieuw Amsterdam from Rotterdam and Plymouth. Samland from Philadelphia. Crnigronnle from Providence, Eocene from Providence.

Montgomery City from San Francisco and Philadelphia. Harry Luckenbach from Portland, San Francisco and Philadelphia-Bradford from Port Loboa. Penciscly from Fatras and Gibraltar. Princess Matolka from Erercen. Dominic from Para-Somerset from Hamburg.

Buenus Aires from Cadis. India Arrow from Boston. Bayonne from Philadelphia, DEPABTRES. Isabel C. Harris for sea.

Morro Castle for Havana. Ponce for San Juan and Guanlca, Creole for New Orleans. Nevisian for Liverpool and Manchester. El Mundo for Galveston. Jieeland for Plymouth, Cherbourg and Antwerp.

Comanche for Charleston and Jacksonville. Pastores for Havana, Cristobal and Port Limon. Inea for Puerto Plata and Sanches. Celtic for Liverpool, Franco for Havre. Faraby for Hull and Lelth.

Zulu for La Guayra, Maracaiboand Mayaguez. Annetta for Manatl, Glbara and Nuevitas. Edith for San Juan and Ponce, Cabo Creux for Tenerif Cadiz and Marseilles. 1T. S.

8. Paul Johes for Charleston. Factory Demonstration Sale OCTOBER 17th to 26th Universal Coal and Gas Ranges "Two Ranges in One" Saves Labor Odorless and Clean --Economizes in Fuel Your Old Gas or Coal Range Taken in Exchange 1 CLEAR A NELI. The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World At BATTERMANS Now! The Sonora has exquisite beauty and is available in many magnificent styles. Each Sonora at its price is matchless in value.

The pride of possession, which goes the ownership of the very finest quality is enjoyed by ever purchaser of a Sonora. FREE Ryndam for riymouth, Cherburg and Rotterdam. Nancy Lee for St. Johns, Nf. F.

'Avare for Fernamhuco. Bahla and Rio Janeiro, Dorothy for Puerto Plata and San- To All Purchasers of a Wonderful Universal 1 -Range Tracy. John W. Frost. Jonh TO.

At chf-z. en. rea onstpmnie Many Models to Choose From i For exceptional beauty of tone, for artistic design, for substantial, flawless 'workmanship and for important I features exclusive with it, Sonora is supreme. jnwiouK, ivianei it. lienway, Susan I'rcsiilente Wilson for Naples, Pa- Binger.

AleTandor M. White. Pierre A. Shie.I, Franklin G. Sherrlll, Lucy Weaver.

Jose-iTi Bodcn. Thomsa O'Neill. Ralph Senese, John Hill Morgan. Herbert V. Warbasse.

William II. Todd. Richmond L. Brown, Thomas A. Richter, Mabel Palmer.

Hiram R. Steele. R. Appleton. PotHrk Hnves, Philip Huethwohl.

Martin J. M'irnhv, Thomas A. Crowlev. TVl-v-nrd George A. Dearborn, Fortunala This $15.00 Kitchen Table With a Porcelain Top During This Sale tra and Trieste.

Meeoha for London. Iako Fife for Santiago and Guan-tonamo. Alamo for Galveston. Camden for Tamplce. City of St.

Louis for Savsnni, Olympic for Cherbourg and Southampton. Bantu for Farbndos, Montevideo and Bnenos Aires. Oarrtllo for Santiago, Kingston and Puerto Colombia. T.nke Arthur for P.lehmond. Va.

Pm'and for Hamburg, Libau and Danzltr. A machine for every home, and a machine for every purse. The Sonora is not a particularly expensive machine. But on the other hand a remarkably reasonably priced Phonograph, Consider Its beauty. Consider its tone.

Consider everything that makes it what it is, "The Highest Grade Talking Machine In the World," and you will see that comparatively it is very inexpensive. I Elite $265 Club Plan or Cash Same Price Either Way Out ot the High Rent District Our Prices Are Always Lower MORNINGSTARS REPORT PROGRESS MARINE COSPS REJECTS MANY AS UNDERFED Battcrman's, Broadway, Brooklyn Kln-lly' send ma Information regardinf your Sonora Phonograph Offer. Name Sonoras May Be Purchased on Batterraan's Club Plan of Easy Payment No Interest Charges mm Gratifying progress is being mode in the plans for tho annual entertainment and reception of Council, 194. K. of to be held at Prospect Hall, on Thursday evtjnin.

Nov. Z. The nt will consist of a vaudeville performance. Howard is in charge of arrangements. 3Ie is being assisted by Michael Metier, Bernard K.

Whale and James fc. Kuhc-c. i is the outstanding cmiso for rejections of Brooklyn r-ppllcanis for the I'nited States M.irine Corps, according to Lieut Harry W. Miller, of the New York recruiting office. Pooros of men, otherwise excellent prospects, are r-ioctod dillv Iwcause they are Address 8.V.

BROOKLYN BROADWAY Flushing and Graham Avenues.

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