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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 23

Logansport, Indiana
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rnia Limited. Amngemente have been perfected for a ol Semi-weekly Pullman Vestibuled, Bouble Drawing Room, and Sleeping between St. Louis and Lo sAngeles, running through without change. cars will leave St. Louis every "Wednesday and Saturday night at 9:00 p.

arriving at Los Angles, Saturdays and Tuesdays at 5:50 p. m. A Buffet Smoking Car and Dinning Car are attached to this train at Kansas City, running through to Pacific Coast without change. Only three days from Logansport to Los Angeles, via this line. For berth reservations on or address C.B.MEwell,Agt.

ABASH R.R, Lotjansport, lad. MILEAGE BOOKS. Do Ion Love If so, secure one of the latesl prettiest Hwo-Bteps of ti day, by malliou Ten Cents (aHvor or stamps) to cover mailing and postage, to the undersigned for a copy of tho BIG FOUR TWO-STEP (Mark envelope "Two Step.) We are (riving 1 his music, which is regular shn-t music, at This exceedingly low rate, for tbo purpose of advertising, Jinil test- iag tie raluoof thedifferent papers as adver- mediums. K. 0.

McCormlck, Passenger Manager, "Big- Four Boute," Cincin- n. Meatlon this paper you write. ASK THEM, If You want Information About Home-Seekers' Excursion. Ticket Agents of the Pennsylvania Linoe furnish Information regarding Home- Beekeri' Excursions to various points In the Northwest, Wert, Southwest and Snutb. It will pay to investigate if you contemplate a trip.

Apply to nearest Pennsylvania Line Ticket Agent, or address W. W. Bichardson District Fasecitier Aiicnt Tndlanapolis.Ind Statics. OHtOAOO DIV18IOH DAHT. for a a Arrive from Chicago a pm, m.

BUADrORD AND COLUMBUS. for Bradford pm- Arrive from Bradford am; pm; m. strata, omsiow. LMTB forBffner -tsas a m- Sunday only. 8:30 a Sunday only.

RICHMOND AND CINCINNATI. for Hlchmond am; a pm; t.U:OOam INDIANAPOLia AND LOUISYIIiB. for LouIivlUe 12:45 a m. Arrtre from Loulivllle a m. j.

A. WOCULLOUGH. Agent, Modified Features of The New Interchangeable Mileage Ticket. n.vir. E.A.

ford. General Passenger Agent of th6 Pennsylvania and Lioes, fends out the following information reearding: the rnodllied features of the Central Passenger Association's interchangeable one thousand mile ticket: TbeinoHt important modifications are in the rule as tosiuTjias: the mileaire strto and IBBU intc the exchange ticket- Cndcr the new rule, the owner of an interchangeable mileage ticket mar, at his convenience and leisure, sltrn bis name upon the back of the widest piirt of the mileage (strip cicHe to the last preceding detiuchojent. (but it raunt be signed with an indelible pencil with ink. or it will not ho honored), and can leave his ticket thus Biirned with the A(rent upon his arrival a station, or send it to bun by a messenger or by the hotel porter. Or in some other way.

and upoa his return to the station find his ex- cliangu ticket ready End bJs checked: provided ho has made an advance arrangement. Therefore there need be no more delay at the stationer on (lie train in the nae of thn new thun there was in usinf the old form of mileiure cket, which latter form was good only over the stem of roads, while th' "interchangeable" is good over forty The old form of exchange ticket is valid fo continuous passage only on a certain train am date, while the new or modified form wl 1 be good on any train, (except the on either the date of issue or the day following This new forto has been simplified to rende It easy of issue and to better accommodate travelers, and the hindrances which accom panled tho old form will therefore be, in the early future, entirely obiiberated. Interline tjtkets from points on one Railway to points on another, via through ear lines and via junctions where are close and there are no transfers, are beinjr prepared as fast as nosilble. These tickets will be issued in exchange for coupons from the interchangeable mileage tioket.ttnd baggage will be check ed through, convenience could ncit be enjoyed by the use of the old fora of mileag-e ticket The modifications above to have been approved by the Mileage Ticket Bureau of the Cemral Passenger Association, and wil be in effect or before December 1st, or lust as fjoon as the new forms of exchange and can be printed and distributed among the thousands of agencies of the forty different railway companies over whose lines the tickets are honored, and some Agents of the Pennsylvania Lints have been already supplied with them. It Is believed that these amendments to a plan which is ready successful and popular, will place the new interchangeable mileage ticket beyond the reach of reasonable criticism.

THE IHIL1 WORK. For the Christmas and Kcw Year Holidays, the Wabash K. R. Co, will sell tickets for the round trip at greatly reduced rates. Tickets will lie good going on dute of sale only, good returning up to, anil including January 4th, 189S.

Tickets can be purchased December S4tli, 25th, and olst. 1897, and January 1st, 1808. For further particulars, call on or address. C. (I.

NEWELL, Agt. Wabash R. R. Co. LOfllNIPOHT NO.

HAST BOUKD 3 Xastern Express daily 1:33 a ui Mall and Express daily a 4 Atlantic Kxpress daily Fort Wayne AccoKx 74 Local Freight Kx Sunday 4:18 WUT BOUNP. 3 Western Express daily 30:21 1 Fast Mall Mail and Kxpressdaily 2:40 Pacific Bspress dally a rn 11 Occatur Acco 7:35 a in 75 Local Kreljrht Kx-Sunday a ML DIVIBIOK, wwrmoa, OITWHK BOrmn. 8:80 a. n- 8:80 p. jr.

BOUND MO. M. KO.M p. Holiday Excisions Vandalia Line, the flolidsys the Vandalia Line will sell Excursion Tickets atrrediaed rates Irom all stations, to Joca) points on its own lino, and also to points on connecting lines. For full particulars call on nearest Vandalia Lino Ticket Agent, or address E.

A. FORD, Gen'l Passenger Agt, St. Louis, Mo. EXCUKSION Rates Via Pennsylvania Lines for Christmas and New Year. Work Which can be Inspected Personally Is AlrrsTS Better Performed than that Passed Cpon from Reports.

It's lie daily work of Conqueror The worlcing-s j-iffht here in Logans port Liftlnz burdens from helpless backs, Bringinpjsuashine to many home. It's deeds that count That bring the never ceasin? sounds of praise. The public are learning fast Learning to appreciate merit. Learning to disunguistt between claims and proof Home proof is tbe best proof Uoan's Kidney Pills are endorsed by Logansport people. Head what a citizen says: Mr.

Wm, Geisy, 311 Fourteenth street, fireman on the steam shovel on the Panhandle Ksays: am glad to srive others the advantage of mp experience with Doan' Kidney Pills us 1, consider it nothing more than right for a person who flndg a good remedy to let others know ot it, I had kidney complaint for about 5 years and at the rate I was going it would only be shurt tima before 1 would bo compelled to (five up my position, notwith- ttandinif the use of the doctors retcriptlons, other medicines and could not stoop over without suffering pain in the small of my back, in fact, could not even sit down with eaee. Wnen I was at work and got warmed up 1 aid not mina it so much but as soon as 1 cooled off my bacs became very painful and lame. Toe acting of the kidneys and color of ihe secretions were Ivery irregular. When I read about Doan's Kidney Pills I procured them at Keeslings drugstore and the pains in my back disappeared before 1 had used one box. 1 continued using them a fe days longer to maka sure cure.

This was months ago and I have not had backache since and the kidneys secretions are regular and perfent.No One can ever be afraid of rtcommending Doan's Kidney Pills, I am sure I am not." Kidney Pills are for gale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mulled by Foster- Buffalo, N. sole agents for the U. S.

Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. FOE LITTLE FOLKS. MAKING NOAH'S ARKS. Row Little Wooden Are Cut Out of Block Jugt Citke It Sliced. The manner in which the various animals which populate the toy Noah's arks children love are made is certainly novel and amusing.

These arks mostly conje from Saxony, where armies of children are engaged in this employment. The part of the work done on tne lathe, however, is intrusted to older hands. If one takes up a cow or elephant or horse from a Noah's ark, he will see the animal is more or less wedge shaped. This is because they are cat from a circular block very much like a cake baked in a mold, and each animal is merely a dice of the mold. Taking the elephant for an example, this is the manner of GOLD DUST WASHING POWDER NOTHING NE Larcre psckaire of the world's best i.

Still --ratter iivuioruy in -4-pound only by THE N. K. FAIRC.VNK COMPANY, fclcaJL-o. Louis, Xtw York. A SIMPLE HOME FITMENT.

DELICIOUS CANDIES. VANDALIA LINE. Time Ttblo, hi effect Dec 5, 1897. iMdlaaa. FOR THE NOKTH No.

m. m. FOR THE SOUTH. So, SB a. m.

No. p. 01. far complete Time Ctrd, giving- aii rtetlont, and for full information MtM. through can, addreta 0, XrxunroBTH, agent, Loeangport.

or 4.. FORD. General Agent, LOU-'J. Mo. to EL W.

Tlmelable, Peru, Ind. Solid trains between Peorifc and Sandusk? Indianapolis and Michigan. Direct oon- ocotions to and from all In tne United and Canada. SOUTH Bonm) DMP.UIT Mo Indianapolis Ezn dallj 7:10 a i No Hall Rxp.01:3g a eioept Sundiy) NoSSlDdpl'sltrp ei to i No Pasienrer exeept bun No Ul Rochester local arrive except Bandar, KORTH BOUND. Following tbe annual custom.

Ticket of the Pcnrf yivanin Linea will sell excursion tickets Dec, -Mth, 25th and Slst. 1897. and Jan, 1st, 1S9S. for tno Christmas and New Year Holidays. Tickets will not lie sold to adu ui for less than 25 cents, nor 10 children for less thau 15 cents.

Return limit of e.tcusion will include Jon. 4th. 1S9S. For rates uroe 01 trains and further information, please apply to nearest lieket the Pennfylvania Lines. MANHOOD Tho world admires tftw perfect Sinn! nrscc, dipnlty, or muscular development alone, but woniierf torce known aj SEXUAL VITALITY which Is the of tirlde of both olil young, but there are thousands ot mea suilcrlns the mental tenures of a wejikrnwl manhood, shattered nerves, and fulling power wto con be cured by our Magical Treatment which may he taten at home under our direction! or we will pay K.

B. fare and hotel billa for irlsB to cxmo If fall to cure. We have too freo prescriptions, free cure or C.O.D. fake. Wfl have capital and g-naran tee to cure "very case we trt av or refund every dollar- you pay us.

or lee may he deposited IB any bsulc to be paid when a cure is effected. "Write for full panien'- fcT.VTK XCOIC-VL. OmalilL, Simple Recipes For Makinc Some of the More Popnlar Confections. Gaudies made at home are always enjoyed and appreciated and give pleasant employment for the young people in this holiday vacation. are a few recipes from the New York Sun for making confections: A delicious confection in which nnts play a part is made thus: Chop together any kind of nuts you may have at hand, but do not have them too fine.

Butter a brigbt biscuit tin and scatter the nuts over the pan. Acid to the nuts a little chopped candied orange and lemon. Pan in a few raisins and candied cherries. Make a sirup of 2 pounds of granulated sugar aud a small cup of water. Boil it until it will bo soft aud pnrtylike when rolled between the lingers after being dropped iu cold water.

Flavor the sirup with a tablespoonful of wine, or leinou juice if preferred, aud pom- over the prepared nuts. Take a thin knife and mark into inch squares whilo the candy is still soft. When it becomes cold, it can be broken apart in the lines. To make cream candy place over the fire a vessel containing i large fuls of granulated sugar and half a dozen tablespooufuls of water. Let the mixture boil until, when little of the sirup is dropped into a cup of cold water, it will harden.

The moment it will do this add 2 tabiespooufuls of vanilla and a small tenspoonful of cream of tartar. Then turn into a buttered dish, and when cool enough to handle with the hands pull it until it is white, coi: into short lengths aud set it away to et cold. "Turkish delight" may be made as follows: Break an ounce of sheet gelatin into pieces and soakiu half a cup of cold water for two hours. Weigh a pound of granulated sugar and put it a granite pan with hali a cup of cold Stand the pan over the fire, and when tbe sugar is melted and comes to the boiling point add the soaked gelatin and boil steadily for minutes. with the rind and juice of an orange, the juice of a lemon and a ta- jlespoonfnl of rum.

Wet a tin in cold water and turn this mixture in, having it about an inch in thickness, and stand away to harden. When it is jellied, cut into inch square pieces and roll them in confectioners' sugar. A few chopped nuts added vmh the flavoring are good. To make chocolate almonds, blanch the almond meats by pouring boiling water over them and let them stand a few moments, then turn the hoc water off aud throw cold water over them. The skin may then be easily rubbed off.

Break some sweet chocolate into small pieces, put them iu a small dish and stand this dish over the fire in a pan of boiling water. When the chocolate is melted, put. blanched nut meat on the point of a bat pin and dip it into the melted chocolate, then lay it on oiled paper to cool. When the chocolate becomes set, the meats may be agaia taken up with a pin. Such a second coating of the chocolate will please all who are very fond of chocolate.

ELEPHANTS. making: A cake or ring of pine wooc gome ten inches in diameter and a little over two iQche's thick is turned on the lathe. Then by means of gouges the curves of the animal are in the top of the soft wood, and at the inner ed a projection is made to form the animal's bead. On the other side a deep groove is cut to represent the open space between the animal's fore and hind legs. An elephant disk will be cut up into three dozen wedges, and then the child workers round off its angles.

A separate cake is made from which the trunk is cut and another for the tail. These are glued on. All the other animals are made in the same News. An lioy. An ingenious Augusta boy has found a new way of putting in electric wires that deserves to be patented.

His moth er had given him permission have an electric light in his room if he would put in his own wiring. In order to do this ic was necessary to carry the wires from one room to another. How to do this in neat and workmanlike mAmcr was a perplexing problem, bun the young man was equal to it. He bethought himself of a pet cat which was greatly devoted to him and would answer readily to his call. A good stout string was attached to Kitty's tail aud she was put under the flooring and called through from one room to the other.

With the aid oE this string the wires were soon in place and in a manner, too, that would have doue credit to the best workman in the Commercial. .4. Toy Washing Outfit. Among rhe toys that caught the eye of an observer iu show window was a little washing set, which was novel to him if not There was a little table and on this a little brass bound cedar washtub, in which there was a little washboard with a xinc top, corrugated like any washboard. There was a folding clothes rack and alongside of that a little wringer, and near that there was a little brass bound cedar pail Standing on the table was a little barrel of tiny clothespins, and there was here also a small fludron.

All that was needed to complete the outfit was a clothesline, and a piece of twine would do for that, and it could be hung across the room, and then the outfit for dolls' washing would be complete. 9 1 Ho Detroit top ta Wo UP Afoom 4 Mt mnnoitt on Sunday. Mi and (MMnllnfanaatfcm call tuton went L. 1. w.

DO eury, LOOP POISON BLOOD V01SON cared in 15 toSS days. Too Can be treatedst orsame price nnder sime sroaran- Cj-. prefer to come here iriwijicon. tracttopayrailroad farean icbanre, if wo fail to cure. If you hare taken iry, iodide potash, 8 UU hiTO aches and MucousIPatclies in mouth, Soro Throat.

1m A wn oat, We solicit the and ctuLUeore the-world fora wo oULuot Cure, and Basques. The plaiwd ronnd waist and the full Russian blonse waist for favor with the chic little coat basques, very short, very sman and very mnch trimmed. Sometimes we see the liasqne portion cut- in one with the waist and sometimes added on. In other instances, the coat or basque effect is confined to the back only, while from is slightly pointed or qnite round. A Good Puzzle.

Here is a puzzle which yon may try to see what you can do with. Tie a string about, yard long to a door key and take the string in the right hand. Hold it so the key will clear the floor four or five inches. If yon will hold the string steady enough, ic will begin to swing back and forth in a straight line. Let another person take your left hand in his, and the motion ot tbe key will change from the pendulum- like swing to a circular swing.

If a third person will place his hand on tho shoulder of the second person, the key will stop. After you have finished eating your supper just try tbe above and then solve the Eagle. Inexpensive but Convenient Arrangement For Liternry Corner. Every home" has its odd corners and awkward places that the ordinary disposition of furniture is powerless to beautify or make useful, but there is BO reason why these may not, by the I appear. VCuen the hair is dry and I tie and easily breaks off when brushed, I a little olive oil well rubbed into the scalp every night will give uutrimeut to the hair glands and strengthen and increase tbe growth.

Cocojumt It is quite an easy matter to make oo- coanut balls. The ingredients are: A pound of finely grated cocoannt, a ponnci of powdered sugar and the whites of 2 eggs. Place all in a saucepan over tha fire. Let them nearly, not quite, boil, stir briskly for some 15 miuutos, then turn it out on the marble, break it up In pieces the size ot" walnuts and with. the fingers work them up into cones.

Place them on baking pans and give I them a light bake just to make the top of the cone take a light browu. A Shmiug- Example. "And word to Uie children." The visitizij; clerg3'man said. "I'm sure J-QU love parents and teachersT'' eourso!" nodded each littlu- head. "That's right! And von study your Aud kneel every evetniny to pruy, And when you wake up ic.

the morning Yen think 'I'll be all 1 "Well done! Only one question Although I mijiht ask you a all tlie mos; shining Vtliac man do you look up to most?" For nearly a minute the sileuce Hunj: dt-cp twilight in Jnne- Then rose a and shyly, the man in the jnoon! 11 Bucklian in Anit-rican Air The back is in is arranged in one seamless piece, and endless wavs below the belt line. Short jacket fronts made by leading JJVench coaanakers open on fnll vestei of any soft material that gathers, plaits, tucks or can be arranged in effective snrpfiee folds inside square or tiny rounded jackets of some heavy ter- Tcmplo, CJUCAoSuJU A Lessen In Dead Leaves. time yuu ore out in the woods look closely at tbe dead leaves blowing about na tne ground. Vou will find that most of them have their lower sides uppermost. Can von think of a reason for this? When a leaf is mature and almost ready to fall, it curls up just, a little at the edges.

When it falls, the first breeze catches these margins and turns the leaf lower side uppermost, and there it remains, because in this position the wind has less opportunity to disturb it. His Idea of It. says I must always take your part, don't she, Nellie? gimme your half of the apple, Cacaner- ciaL A LITEKAKY CORSER. aid of the simple materials within the reach of any one and the exertion of a little skill and ingenuity, be lifted above tbe standard of tbe commonplace to a sphere of beauty aud usefulness. With a view to assisting the average housewife in gaining simple home fitments Decorator and Furnisher gives an illustrated description of an artistic but simple arrangement for a literary corner.

This will be found advantageous in homes too restricted in space to devote an entire room to a librarj-. Very often the home conditions will not allow of an extra room being given up, however small the space required for books, magazines and similar belongings. The arrangement suggested by the authority quoted is an inexpensive solution of the problem and has tbe added advantage of breaking up in an attractive manner what -would otherwise bo a long and awkward wall space. In this instance an available portion of the living room may bo arranged to make a simple and attractive fitment, and if care and attention are given the problem it need by no means look awkward or out of place. Of course the requirements and conditions will resiulate the size and amount of space to be taken up, but it would bo advisable to start from a corner of the room if possible.

The shelves 'or books are simply made, with no ac- at ornamentation, and should be of wood to matcb tbe finish of tbe room or of pine or whitewood painted to larmouizo with the prevailing tone of the room. Curtains of denim may be added if desired. The few necessary pieces of nrniture for comfort and use and the jocks in place, a pretty rug underfoot, nd your literary t-orner will readily assume the individuality and suggestion home comfort that go so far toward making even the simplest room interesting, attractive and homelike. One Recipe For Fig Pudding. Chop half a pound of figs and mix with a of grated bread crumbs, a teacupful of sugar, 2 tablospoofifulg of melted butter, 4 beaten eggs and 5 ounces of candied oranges and lemon peel.

Turn into a greased mold. Stearu hours. Serve witii pudding Photograph Screens. Nearly every woman has an accumulation of photographs that she doesn't know what to do with. There isn't one in the lot that she could bear to destroy, and yet they are very much in the way.

She really can't afford to pack them entirely one of sight, for mauy of the originals may appear on the scene at any time. A photograph screen solves the problem and makes the disposition ol the pictures an easy matter. The Xew York Snii tells that these screens comu in all sizes, holding from 4 to JOO or more photographs. They are made of silk, satin or cedar wood, aud the panels fold after the style of the ordinary screen. One.

side is haud painted in water colors, and the other is entirely filled with pockets for holding the pictures. A folding screen is a useful article in bedroom, boudoir or living room, and one covered with the faces of ones' friends or of interesting personages is particularly valuable aud interesting. The beauty about the photograph screen is that if one gets tired of the faces all one has to do is to turn them to the wall and then rest the eye on the pastoral on the other side of the screen. Notice of Election. The annual meeting of the share holders of The City- National Bank of Logansport, Indiana, for tbe election of directors for the ensuing year, will be held at their office on Tuesday, January 1898, from ten o'clock a.

m. to four o'dock p. m. F. R.

Fowler, cashier. Sweet Oil a Toilet Accessory. Did yon ever suffer torment from a shoe tight in one spot? Here is a remedy for it Apply sweet oil to the stocking where the mb conies. It is better than applying it to the boot, because ic softens the inside of the boot, where it is needed, instead of the outside. Sweec oil is an excellent household companion.

It heals burns or brnisei Used iu the form of baths, it feeds the skin, prevents colds and gives flexibility to tbe muscles. Delicats people derive tLc greatest benefit from being rubbed 'with, olive oil, and for fragile children it is invzJoable, especially when there is any tendency so of the cheat. A soft corn can be cored by placing a toft of cotton -wool, saturated with olire oil, between the toes-and renewing it day. will vejy The Central Passenger Association 1000 Mile Interchangeable Rebate Ticket IB for tale at principal Ticket Offloet The Pennsylvania Lines. It ig honored one year from date of eale, Exchange '1 icktu over either ol tbe follower named lanes: Arm Arbor Baltimore Ohio.

Baltimore Ohio Southwestern. Chicago BuBtero Illinois, Chicago Michigan, CiDciimati it MuBkingum Valley, Cincinnati, Hamilton Bayton, Cleveland Marietta, Cleveland. Canton Southern, Cleveland. Cincinnati, Chicago 4 at Cleveland, Lorain Wheeling, Cleveland Terminal Valley, Columbus, CoJumbue, Sandiuikr Hocking, Cleveland Steam Navigation, Detroit. Grand Eaplds Weatorn.

Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley fltifburf. ETangvllle IndianapOlla. Bvansyilie i Terre Haute. Findisy. Fort Western, Flint Pere Marquette.

Grand BapHe Indiana, Indiana, Decatur Weetern, Lake Shore Michigan Southern, Louirrille Nubville, Between Cincinnati and between St. and KTMcrflb Louisville, Kvaneville 8t Louii Louisville, Henderson 6t Michigan Central, New York, Chicago 8t Louis. Ohio Central Pennsylvania West of PltUburg. Peoria, Decatur Pitttbciig Lake Erie. PitUburg Weatern, Pittebuift.

Lisbon Toledo, St Louis Xanaai Cltt Vandalia Line, Wabash Railroad, Zanesvffle Ohio river. Tbe price tin Hckete are Thirty Dollan each. They are not transferable IftkwttokM is used in its entirety and exclusively by tto original a rebate of Ten la paid by tbe Commissioner of the Central Passenger Association, B. A. Ford, Gen.

Paw. Agt. Pituburg, Pa Septtt.lWT All tie way From tbe Mittoori River to Buffalo, tbe Wabmh Railroad Operates Trains over its Own Tracks. Having leased tbe ot Ono- Bail way between Detroit aad Bridge and of the tan Siupturxm Bridge etw WabMfc Jt will ran Its own tramt from TJ Omaha, Hotnea. 8U Ixrala, Qutoty, points own KM and BioBuXUo Bt, Loult and.

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