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The Brooklyn Citizen from Brooklyn, New York • 4

Brooklyn, New York
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4 THE UKOOKLYN CITIZEN, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1939 OUR- BIG-HEARTED POLITIC AL SANTAS! How It Started KAN NtHTON Tht Fourth Eitatt "Affording fo Ludurtg Bonn, uhn GOV. BRICKER'S DEFENSE" BLAMES ROOSEVET in. Far the Relief Criiit la lbs Major Citiel Ohio He Charged that Iks Redactions la WPA Rolli Camed Incrtst la Relief Bui Ht Fail) Is ExpUia tkat the Appropriations Recommended ky the President Wert Cut Throngs Coalition of ESTABLISHED 1IH JUnlving tlx Knllrt Unltas Pnea AaeocUtion'a Telcgrapbia Jkarvlea, and OWNED by THK IIHOOKl.YN CITIZEN Fulton, Adams and Wftloughby 8trete Z'tJm' A PU ASUS 1 jW7 WeVTuTl Jfurtin iMthtr wat trantluting the will hve to be brought to some conclusion not In Immediate sight, does not seem ai yet willing to go along too far with the Park Commissioner. The Moses, plan of just a year ago called for a total expenditure of $5,500,000 for land acquisition, bench widening, recreation centers connected with the beach, Boardwalk straightening and revenue-earning parking centers.

But even that proposal was subsequent to and far lew expensive than th one which expressed Commissioner Moses' real hope, to make Coney Island a Jones Beach that would available to. the millions of New Yorkers who are unable Krar Rvenlbg Except Sunday I tLM'liONli TR1ANGLK MTuO JttMe Into Otrmnn, one luy lac atst'U appeared to Interrupt Mm, iMthtr throw tht Inkwell at Mm, And tvtr tinct, Mey say, the dtvil Kao been afraid of ink." Entered at Brooklyn, IN. Y.I Poat Ofltea. Sacead Glut Matter. Rrpublirsn Minority tad Aati-Ri veil Th fourth Sitatt, figure of speech for the liberties and power IMVID J.

MeLEAN Prealdent JOB. t. BfcCKER Viee-i'reileiil WILLIAtKJ. WABON. JR.

Vlce-Preeidtat f- KDWARO r. SKUAS Treaauret ft ANDREW McLEAN Secretary Oovernor flrlrker, of Ohio, the candidate the money power tor the Republican 1'i-aat-drnttal nomination, In add raw at the convention of Life Insurance presidents, (ought to answer the criticism of Prealdent Rooae-vrlt charging him with responsibility for the of the press, enjoys the peculiar die. tlnctton of being credited by on shining light to another, In whoa well-recoidrd works no mention mads of the phrase. In la7. Carlyle published Ta French devolution, one of whose chapters la entitled Tht fourth Sitatt.

Aleo, It contains the stats. to go to the Moses wonderland on the South Shore of Long Island. We hope that the city, now that it has taken the ix SOLON BARBANELL Editor relief crisis In many of Ohio's chief cities SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1939. Bcadtra of THE CITiZfcN mar nave that daily edition mailed to Ultra at lha rata of (0 centa par month. Governor Brlcker asserted that the Federal Administration was responsible by cutting down appropriations for WPA.

thereby Increasing the relief rolls. But who was responsible for the reduction In the appropriations recommended by President Roosevelt? Was it not the Republican minority aided and abetted by anti-Roosevelt ment: "A Fourth Eitatt, of Able Editors, springs Three years later, In Herons ant ero-W orthtp Carlyle wrote: "Burke said there were Three Estates In Parliament; but. In th Reporters' Gallery yonder, there) sits a Fourth Eitatt wore Import THE WAR SITUATION long step that It 1ms, will go along much further with the chief advocate of Coney Improvement. It is very obvious that the funds made available and now in prospect will do very little to alleviate the crowded condition of Coney Island, particularly on Summer week-ends. The land acquisition already approved will in part achieve another of the Moses aspirations, one of which is not wholly ours.

It will retire from Its current honky-tonk, carnival status a part of the Coney thoroughfare, called the Bowery, and its outgrowths on some of the side streets. Commissioner Moses has little sympathy with the odoriferous but colorful "Coney tant far than they." Whether Carlyle wae quoting of The President, it will be recalled, requested appropriations of nearly two billion dollars and this was cut down by the Republicans and the anti-Roosevelt Democrats by. nearly J300.000.0O0. This necessitated the reduction of WPA rolls of which Governflr Brlcker complained. paraphrasing; Burke Is moot; at sn rate, the metaphor Fourth Kitatm does not appear In any of the published verelons of Burke's utterances.

Assuming that Burke did not say He had the hardihood to say that "If there Is any governmental authority that ought to be divorced from politics, it is that authority tha! relates to relief and human welfare It first, credit for It would appear to be due to Macaulay, In whose work It is recorded earlier than in Car-lyle's. Tht Fourth Ettatt is an allusion to the fact that In contemporary England, the Church, the Nobility and the Commons were known as the Thrte Estates of the Realm. Island fabled in song and story It will be an interesting struggle. It seems difficult to reconcile the existence, side-by-side, of an efficient, clean and practical Moses beach park and a carnival area such as Coney Is. Finland and Russia, engaged in a fight to the death, are holding the front pages of the newspapers which, because of the stalemate on the Western Front, has ordlnated the war between England and France versus Germany to a relatively ln-, conspicuous part.

Mr. Jean Giraudeau, a celebrated French author, who Is the head of the French Information Service, explained 'm the stalemate, so far as the Allies are concerned, in a speech at the American Luncheon Club in Paris by saying that France is not making a "box office appeal" for the benefit of spectators. She and England are seeking to conserve their man-power and will not depart from this policy unless mass attacks are conducive to the benefit of the Allies. Finland and Russia are going at each other hammer and tongs, irrespective of their losses in man-power. Russia, with a population of 180,000,000, Is able to lose thousands to Finland's hundreds.

But The Roosevelt Administration had tried to divorce relief from politics because when this was largely In the hands of the local authorities politics intruded. But Governor Brlcker himself has played politics with the relief rolls by sacrificing relief in order to balance Ohio's State budget. GRAF SPEE ORDERED TO LEAVE Why It "Jackson" Day 1 January 8th Is Jackson Day. Legal holiday In Louisiana, it ll observed nationally by the Demo crats by the holding of political rallies and banquets. Does Jackson Day commemoriti the birthday of Andrew Jackson? It docs not.

Known also as Old Hickory's Da Jackson Day Is the anniversary of 4Ka RaIMa nf Npw Orleans, last en- "Balance the budget" Is the war cry of the Republican party and entrenched capital. In balancing Ohio's State budget, at the sacrifice of the destitute people of Cleveland, Toledo and other cities, Governor Brlcker was obeying his master's voice. Everyone who opposes appropriations for relief is an enemy of the people and of American democracy. common cold and sinus and throat According to unofficial dispatches, the Government of Uruguay has given the Graf Spee until 6:30 tomorrow night either to leave the port or be interned for the duration of the war. This decision was made after the ship had been Inspected and founoVseaworthy.

What the commander of the Graf Spee will do is known only to himself. Undoubtedly he will accept whatever order his government gives him. A British fleet is waiting outside the harbor to sink the Graf Spee should she venture a dash for freedom. In the light of these circumstances, the probabilities are that the commander of the Graf Spee will be told DT "lendening on January 8, 1815 three weeka Answer: (1) Our Common Ail- after tne treaty of peace between ment Constipation, Its Cause and Grcat Britain and the United States Cure, by Harold Aaron, M. D.

had be.n at Ghent, the news (Dodge Publishing Co.) and How of wnch did not reach here till to to Conquer Constipation, by Dr. J. ate. It appears from the records that practically every Republican candidate for the Presidential nomination, from Brlcker to Dewey, is opposed to appropriations for relief. They want them either reduced to nn inadequate amount, or entirely abandoned.

BARB. It's Tularemia Time Again education, we shall benefit, when Mr. Swope returns from his winter cruise, from the endeavors of a G. E. alumnus.

Montague (J. B. Llppincott Com- Andrew Jackson's spectacular vlo pnny). (2) Primer of Allergy, by tory over the British in this final Dr. Warren T.

Vaughan (The C. V. flght brought him national fame, Mosby Company). (3) From Head made him a country-wide hero and tc Foot, by Royal Whitman. (4) No became a political foundation of book on the subject, (fi) Your Nose, strength that it led to his be- By LOGAN CLENDENING, M.

I). which is given after the disease Is this superiority in man-power will eventually overwhelm Finland, unless other powers come to her aid. The League of Nations, which has just expelled Russia, Is getting ready to give such aid to Finland as Italy and Germany gave to General Franco in the Spanish Civil War. What this means is, if the report is correct, that Finland will receive not only war materials and money I- from the other powers, but also men. Aside from the fighting between Finland and Russia, the only other real fighting is in the air and on the sea between England and Germany.

The British air forces have made in the last few days two raids against German air bases with the object of preventing German seaplanes from dropping any more mines in British waters. In these encounters, many Throat and Ears Their Health and comlng President. President Roosevelt deserves the highest praise for his expression of firm support of Sec Nearly every year at this time we have put in warnings as to the proper preven Roosevelt Support Of Hull Care, by Dr. L. W.

Oaks and Dr. G. Merrill (D. Appleton retary of State Hull's trade pact sional letter from one or another by his government to accept internment for the duration of the war. The German Government has withdrawn its charge that the British used mustard gas shells and hand grenades.

All the testimony of the doctors who examined the wounded showed that mustard gas was not used. The British admit the loss of four killed and two program, renewal of which must be approved by Congress next month. The of my old-time anarchistic acquaint" tion of the disease known as tularemia. Tul ances and they say far ine.ner President has been both blamed and praised thiiiRS about him than they ever did for his extraordinary political sense. We do aremia is also called "rabbit of Czar Nicholas.

acquired, hypodermlcally every day, two or three successive days. This is quite a new development in the treatment and hns not been proved to be effective. The serum, however, causes no discomfort and is certainly worth trying. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Rev. K.

"Will you be so kind as to give the name and publishers of the best medical book on each of the followin topics? (1) Cure of constipation. (2) Allergy. (3) Weak feet, arch trouble, etc. (4) Exercise especially to strengthen the abdomen and prevent rupture (5) The KUUSINEVS GOVERNMENT Now along comes Otto Kuusinen, fever" or "deer fly fever." Hunters and market EDITOR'S NOTE: Dr. Olandtnlns hiia fvn pamphlata which can ba obtained by readfrs.

Each pamphlet ialla for 10 centa. For any tina pamphlat dcalred, iitnd 10 cants In cnn ai.d a aelf-addreaaed envelope atamped with a three-cent atamp to Pr Lnan Clendenlns. In care of "The Brrokb-n Cltlien." The pm-phleta are "Three Weeka' Reducing Diet." Indlfeatlon and "Rduclns and Infant Feed-Ins." Inetructtona for tha Treat-ment of Diabetee, "Feminine Hygiene" and "Tha Care of tha Hair and Skin." men who skin with his alleged rulership over Finland. is to say, the Russians rabbits, birds are particularly liable to it grabbed the little town of Tcrijokl (it's a ioke. all richt), about a It is caused by quarter of an inch on the Finnish a germ.

The germ affects all Dr. Oiendeatnc wounded on the Ajax, but there is no report as to the number killed ahd wounded on the Exeter, which was hit early in the fight and forced to withdraw. The interest in the battle among naval authorities is acute. The German pocket battleships were accounted to be the most important improvement in warships in naval architecture in recent times. The inability of the Graf Spee, with its superior gun power, to escape vital damage by the three British cruisers, inferior in gun power, indicates to naval men that these pocket battleships have been side of the Muscovite frontier, turned it over to Kuusinen, and announced that he's Finland's Presi forms of wild animal life, pa-ticularly rodents, rabbits and ground squirrels.

It is dent because they've provided him called "deer fly fever" because deer Capital Letter By CHARLES P. STEWART rlth that foothold. Possibly he still is a Kfnuine an- are also affected -The germ is archist at heart. It doesn't matter, planes have been lost on both sides, but the British claim that in the last week not a single German seaplane has planted any mines in British waters. Nevertheless, there are sufficient mines still active to bring about the sinking of British and neutral vessels.

Mr. Chamberlain has made his second lsit to France, this time to Inspect the Western Front. He was everywhere greeted with cheers both by the armies and the French peasantry in the villages through which he passed. One of his -supporters in the House of Commons, a member from Wales, wrote him a letter saying that he could no longer support him as his conduct of the war lacked vigor. Inasmuch as this member is a close friend of Lloyd George, it is highly probable that the former Prime Minister Instigated the resignation.

becEUse, If he is, Stalin isn't going not believe for a moment that the President is playing politics in pledging unequivocal support of the Hull program. On the other hand, he is being a good patriot and a good Democrat. Whatever may be said for or against the Democratic party, every fair person must admit that it has fought for lower tariffs and for the logical principle that to sell abroad, we must buy from abroad. It Is inconsistency of history and of our nation that such logic has never been popular. For one thing, such a program lends itself to exaggeration by the opposition.

In the second place, it is difficult to give the national welfare as a reason to Massachusetts, for example, of the tariff on (erstwhile) Czechs should be lowered. Upstate New York and Wisconsin wouldn't like concessions to Canada's dairy products. Westerners wouldn't like concessions to Chile's copper. Pennsylvanians wouldn't like concessions to English, German or Swedish steel. Our Western plains would howl indeed if we any concessions to Argentine wheat or beef, to Canadian grains or Australian mutton.

Republican Senate Leader McN'ary has confidently predicted defeat of Hull program's renewal and the President has conceded that he faces a most difficult light. The Republicans snd the Democratic deserters, playing politics, would not only scrap a program that would further enhance our already improved commercial and political relations abroad, but by renunciation of the Hull trade treaties they would cause us to lose face in many nations. Truly it is the President who is being the patriot and they wtfo are being the politicians. to let him practice it. Or maybe Stalin bought him up or actually Dr.

Clendening will answer questions of general interest only, and then only through his column. New Puppet Leader, Once Anarchist converted him from anarchy to Communism. He's a mere stooge, anyhow. I don't suppose' the Fin PROBLEMS OF THE DAY then, I knew a lot of 'em. One A Russian acquaintance of mine nish residents even of TerijoXl transmitted by flies.

It gets in the circulating blood of animals; flies may suck it from deer and trans was the celebrated Italian anarch- would Blani for him if coold describes Otto Kuuslnen as an extremely likeable individual person 1st, Aiaiatesta. anomer was rearo mit it to men. ally. 0 1 1 1 It is the "First American Dis help it. But I'm prepared to believe that, as my Russian frlened says, he's, a pleasant chap to chat with.

Thoe anarchists, cuckoo of course, never Vallina, a refugee from Spain. A third was Ferrer, afterward shot at Barcelona for trying to organize a revolution against King Al Russianly sup posed to be the ease," the only disease that belongs exclusively to our continent, snd so far as is known never been dis new President I never! jheless are interesting and sociabia fonso's then government, met Kuusinen, but the th- of Finland. He' rest all I hnnnpn tft hfl ftfrir covered outside of North America. We do not see how anyone can Swope view other than confidently the Choice appointment by Mayor LaGuard-Pralsed ia and the acceptance by Gerard Swope of the position chairman of the N'ew York City Housing Authority. In discussing the appointment a "New York Times" editorial used the expression, "So far as a good appointment can undo the effects of a regrettable resignation," implying that the Mayor has partially expiated CONEY IMPROVEMENT a Finn, all right, It was first described In 1907.

but has been political ex II spoke well of him. CUCKOO, OF COURSE These birds were cuckoo, course. you with a dynamite pineapple. Even then they's exciting. They certainly do have hard luck with their philosophy, though.

As of Has Three Forms It may occur In man in three for twenty years In the Commu forms. The usual forms is an ulcer Nevertheless, they were crazy I fast as they overthrow a govern niats" realm. He ment, it turns out that they VS was an an ation on the flngor with some enlargements of the node sof the arm. It is not necessary to have idealists. They loved the human race to beat blazes.

being rather liberal, was a ist origin established a despotism more airtight than the last one. ..1. fWRE TELLING ME! ally. In those a cut on the skm in ordpr to acquire the- disease. -It has been pretty well liked by 'em.

days Finland was under the C. P. Stewart "But how," I asked' Slgnor Mal- the sin of permitting: Mr. Swope'a predecessor to quit office. We do not think the Mayor has anything to expiate in that regard.

Since New York City housing was to prosper in direct ratio to the amount of Federal funds received, it was Mr. Rheinstein' Job to cooperate with Washington and not to lam-bast FHA officialdom, as he went out of his way to do in a magazine article. The "Times" also said, "Mr. Swope can be counted upon to build firmly" on the foundations "well and truly laid" by Mr. Rheinsteln.

We too Czar's domina By WILLIAM RITT Gandhi says the human race would Improve greatly If all of us spent more time In long, meditative silence. Just the idea that proved that rubbing the blood of the animal containing the tularemia germ on the Intact skin win produce an ulceration. atesta one day, "are you going; to maintain any kind, of an economic system with no government?" Sonnysayings Recifteral U. 8. PatarU 0V.

tion. Otto was anti-Czar and then some. At the World War's end, Fin Oh," said he, "I suppose some land gained Its Injdependence. Otto The second form occurs In the wanted it to: go Anarchistic no sort of a communistle arrangement will have to be provided for eye. It is easy enough to see how government whatever.

It preferred something co-operative." to go Republican, or Democratic. this contamination occurs. A hunter skinning an animal may have an Irritation of the eye and rub it. They were Just that honestly Anyway, it didn't believe that out bughouse. transmitting some of the blood and They threw some bombs, but The Board of Estimate has voted a Sum of $825,000 for the acquisition of private property north of the Coney Island Boardwalk between West Tenth street and Stillwell avenue.

In that manner It has committed itself in part, and therefore probably in large part, to the Coney Island improvement, for which Park Commissioner Robert Moses has been a most energetic advocate. The acquisition of the land will permit moving the boardwalk northward in that area, extension of the beach seaward of the Boardwalk, In an area where the sea at high tide comes almost to the Boardwalk, and also recreational development of beach territory on the shore side of the Boardwalk. At the same session the Board of Estimate approved a recommendation by the City Planning Commission, for a map change, providing five additions to the Coney Island beach and park area in the area bounded by West Fifteenth street. Surf avenue, Seabreeze avenue and the Boardwalk. By shifting the northerly line of the beach 280 feet landward, almost twenty acres of beach and park area would be acquired for the beach Improvement project.

The Board of Estimate, while it has made commitments which undoubtedly right anarchy would work. Otto was so obstreperous that he had to escape into Russia, which, at that germs to the conjunctival sac. they did It In a constructive spirit A third form Is a generalized -Well, finally, anarchy was sup stage of the game, professed an1 fever, like typhoid fever. Last posed to have triumphed in Rus spring I saw a. most unusual form archlstlc principles.

Now, anarchy sounds sia, under Lenin. There had been awful. short Interval of Kerensky be Nevertheless, the original Anarch tween Carls and the regular Red this would Include radio announcers makes us feel better already. There are, we read, 500 different kinds of cheese. And this does not Include, we presume, some of the new Eroadway plays.

Woman's club leader says we ought to celebrate Father's Day ottener than once a year. doIt's the first of every month, a a a i Another of the world's most puzillng paradox is that while this country abolished slavery a long time ago It also gave to the world the greatest tyrant of all time the alarm Fable: Once upon a time a football expert selected an All-Amei lean football team and all the fans agreed tt was a line selection. Well know the Allies really mean business In this war with Germany when they change the name of pretzels to something like "liberty praise the Rheinsteln architectural planning and economies in building, but we hope Mr. Swope Will build otherwise. We hope he will be more amenable to the FHA goal of building low-rent building projects of one, two or four-family units from the center of the city, rather than big apartment houses on the expensive land whets the razed slums stood.

We hope he may give some thought to partial subsidy of new housing for the "middle class" and to offering their old homes to the ex-slum dwellers. We hope for much from Mr. Swope. We agree with the Mayor, who telephoned him, as soon as be learned he was retiring ss president of General Electric, and raid he was "too youngr to retire." As Gerard Swope'e Ions; career has proved, he Ms not only a great executive, but is congenial to Innovation and invention. Owen D.

Young, who retired St the same time as chairman of the board of General Electric, apparently plans to continue as head of the State's Board of ResjenU. In housing ss in regime. Kerensky was pretty pronounced, but he was only a violent form of a Democrat not an an ists were a very lovable, though utterly Impractical bunch. Their dope was that government created Injustices; that, without It, all chances would be equal; that nobody would try to sting snybody of the disease in a man who had acquired it by skinning fish. This, so far as I know, is the only known case In which a fisb was infected.

Treatment Is not specific. All the patients get will, but there Is no way to accelerate the procress. To know tha nature of tha disease, however, Is to be able to prevent It. Anyone who dresses rabbits for market should wear rubber gloves. archist.

Lenin was supposed to be the real article. The sure-enough anarchists were delighted at first else, because It wouldn't be Then they began to discover that Lenin was as, much of a boss as the Czars had been. Anyway, be rVH The handling of quail, ducks, squir died before long. In pre-World War times there was quits a colony of these nuts in London, England being tha only country on earth where they were rels and other game requires the Stalin succeeded him and quickly Nobody livin' In the hoots next nrored to ba a lot worse than even door, but a man 'at works in tha same precautions. A senun has fceea Lenin had beu.

I get an occa- sa-llar shovelin'. coal to the fBrnaoj developed As a London resident.

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