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Muscatine News-Tribune from Muscatine, Iowa • 1

Muscatine, Iowa
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'mam THE NEWS-TRIBUNE reacneb the class of people that buy Merchandise. That Is the medium the wise merchants are seeking. TRY an advertisement in our Classified Columns and watch the results attained thereby. It brings the answer promptly and ESTABLISHED 1848 NO. 17,630 MUSCATINE, IOWA, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY ft, 1906 THREE CENTS A COPY l.

INSURANCE BILLS ARE NOW IN VOGUE lr CONGRESS. BY G0VEHNME LA TOLLFTTE IS NOW A SENATOR DECLARES HE HATES FATHER Chicagoan Testifies In Suit to Collect $80 from Parenjt Jury Finds for HIT INJUNCTION than railways to the judiciary committee with Instructions "to report fully at on early day their views' as to the power of the federal' government by leg Former Wisconsin Executive Takes Oath at Washington. MILD SENSATION IN SENATE It Is Caused by Relations Between Spoon-er and LaFollette. Former Acts as Escort of the Latter to the Desk of the Vice President Proceedings the House. i Washington, Jan.

4. -Robert M. La Follette was sworn in as a senator from Wisconsin. Ten minutes before the session opened the door of the Republican cloak room opened and Senator Spooner and his new colleague entered the chamber. This caused a mild sensation, for it was known that Chicago EBELS LOSE ANT0 0 there had been bitter political feeling existing between them and that their personal relations had become some-.

what strained in consequence. It was not known up to within a short time whether or not Spooner would escort his colleague to the desk to take "the oath, or that LaFollette would accept the escort, but all this was in the cloak room. Objects of Observation. A few minutes before the senate was called to 'order, Spooner invited LaFollette to a seat beside him in the second row on the Republican side of the chamber just off the center aisle. The reading of the journal had not progressed far when Spooner moved that this formality be dispensed, with.

This motion' prevailed and Spooner lost no time in announcing the pre ence of his colleague. "Mr. La-- Follette, the senator-elect" he saluT'Ts now, in attendance and I ask that the oath of office be administered to 'Mm." He then proffered his arm to La- Follette, and the two Wisconsin men walked down the aisle and across the AFTER Speaker Declares Railroads nave Never Been Able to Bribe Him with Passes. Milwaukee, Jan. 4.

A statement giving reasons why Speaker Irvine Lenroot, of West Superior, should receive the Republican nomination for governor, signed members of the Wisconsin legislature, Avas issued at night from Mr. Lenroot's headq jarters. It is a sensational document, in which the charges of corruption by the railroad interests that have so often been used by the LaFollette faction of the Republican party in Wisconsin are again given to the public. The charge is again made that Mr, Lenroot had been approached with an offer of railway- attorneyship, and the railways are accused of extending "courtesies" to the legislators and providing them' with "entertainment." it is charged that memboos could easily have improved thw financial position, that lucrative places were placed f.t their disposal, that mileage could be had for the asking, if they were "right" according to the railway point of view. Killed by Boiler Explosion.

Duluth, Jan. 4. The explosion of the boiler of an engine drawing a logging train on the JJuluth, Raiuy Lake and Winnipeg railroad near caused the death of one man and the injury of two others, all members of the train crow, and the only, persons aboard the train. Benjamin Adams, badly in jured and died at Leuout hospital, Virginia. The others injured were James Dunn, engineer, badly scalded and brnised; Harry Fortland, fireman, scalded and bruised.

Car Hits Senator and Wil'e. Washington, Jan. 4. Senator and Mrs. Jacob II.

Gallinger, of. New Hampshire, who was knocked down by street car, are not suffering any serious effects. Both were bruised and their faces cut slightly, they sustained no other injuries. The was able to go to the capitol in the morning. Safe Robbers Strike It Rich.

Shoals, Jan. 3. The safe In Albaugli's general store was blown open with dynamite. Two thousand dollars in cash and $11,000 in gvern-ment bonds were secured. There is no clew to the robbers.

No Reprieve for Patrick. Albany, N. Jan. 4. Governor Higgins has denied an application for a reprieve for Albeit T.

Patrick, is under sentence of death for the murder of William M. Rice, a Texas millionaire. vHIS LASfWoP KNOCKED OUT. "Ignorance of the law, you know," jaid the justice of the peace, "is no de-tense." "In that case," seplied the prisoner, 'ycu wouldn't have a leg to stand on if they ever hauled you up, would youl" WEATHER F0RCEA5T. Davenport', Jan.

4. Forecasts for the News-Tribune till 7 p. m. Friday: Local forecast for Muscatine-and vicinity: Generally fair to-night and Friday; slightly colder to-night, with the lowest temperature about 18 degrees above zero. Chicago, Jan.

4. Generally fair to-night and Friday; slightly colder in east-porton -to-night. Illinois: Generally fair to-night and Fridav exceot light snow flurries in. extreme north dortiqn to-night; slight- ly colder tc-niht. Weather Conditions.

Yesterday's storm is central over eastern Wisconsin, and rain or snow is continuing In th'6 Ohio and upper Mississippi valleys, the lake region, and along the Atlantic sjope. High Eouthwest to northwest, winds prevail over most of the lake region and heavy rains are falling from northern Florl- da along the coast to New York, i clearing conditions with somewhat I lower temperatures now prevail the Missouri and Mississippi valley and the gulf High pressures and low temperatures continue over the southern plateau states, aid I light frests again extend southward to San Diego. With the continued advance eastward of the storm center and the approach cf the western hign fair weather will prevail in this vicinity to-night and Friday, with slightly Cdder to-night. jh. Duerner, in easier.

00 GEO Decision of Judge Quarles Ma? Work a Rev- olution. TRIUMPH FOR TRADES UNIONS No Temporary Restraining Or ders Without Hearings from Both Sides." Radical Change from the Usual Practice Will Hereafter Be in Force in the Court of Judge Quarles. Milwaukee, Jan. 4. Government by injunction was given -a body blow by Judge Joseph V.

Quarles of the United States district court for the eastern district of Wisconsin. Judge Quarles has announced his belief that the practice of granting restraining or- ders, which in effect are temporary Injunctions, on ex parte satements Is all wrong. His announcement to that effect, and his declaration in his court room that in future he will grant restraining orders only after both sider to a (Mutroversy have had a hearing, createwa sensation. May Work Revolution. Carried to Its logical conclusion, tlif stand taken by Judge Quarles will work a revolution in contemporaneous court pre ccdure.

The judicial pro--nounciaiuento caused a shock to some of, the so-called "conservative" Interests, which the former political fortunes of Judge Quarles popularly were supposed to be associated, but. on the other hand, the frank expression of opinion with its practical application comes In for widespread "Hereafter I shall not grant any restraining orders which act as temporary injunctions until I have called In both sides and come into possession of all the facts," was what Jrdge Quarles said in substano; to lawyera gathered In his court room. The declaration was not delivered as a formal opinion, but was brought out through informal conversation between the court and the attorneys. Believed Writs Unjust. It was learned, however, that the declaration was not result of any hastily formed opinion, but 1 hat tho conviction that restraining ordrs frequently mark a great injustice had been reached after much consideration of the subject Judge Quarles admitted that the plan determined upon for the guidance of his court in the future wfluld differ radically from the usual practice, but insisted there would be a new precedent.

The effect of Judge Quarles decision, should it have the influence which it Is expected to exert upon court procedure generally, wiil be felt most strongly In the labor world, where It will be received enthusiastically. The war of the trades unions against government by injunction has been waged long and 'bitterly, with little success. In many of the large strikes injunctions and temporary restraining orders have played aa important part. GALLANT KENTUCKY EDITOR. Figure it out on a rose leaf and write with the brew of a lily, that nowhere under the great blue dome is there a creature half so pretty as a Kentucky woman.

She's pretlier than an evening star in the shadow of a summer sunset, more Inspiring than a thousand songs and aa hewltching aa a fawn tangled in the vines of a wilderness of roses. She's our romance, our yine and fig tree he light .0 aed unuiuu 1 miles beyond the north star. Chicago, Jan. 4. "Yes, I do hate my father," said Roy H.

Leach, 31 years old, 4453 Oakenwald avenue, In Justice Caverly's court In response to a question, Charles II. Leach, (i3 years old, a rear estate dealer 'with offices 1X9 LaSalle street, who was defendant in a suit for $80 brought by his son, heard the son's testimony. Leaning forward Jn his chair he gazed steadi ly at his son, then leaned back and drew his hand across his eyes. The elder Leach later testified that he bad borrowed $80 from his son, but that he had repaid him sornc time ago. The jury returned a verdict for the defendant.

Roy Leach resides with his mother, who is separated from her husband. He is a clerk for the Corn Exchange bank. Taggart Ordered to Philippines. Columbus, Jan. 4.

Orders from Washington were received at the Columtous 'barracks ordering 'Captain Taggart; of Wooster, divorce fame, and Companies and of the regular infantry, consisting, of 130 men now at the barracks, to the Philippines. The captain and men will' sail from San Francisco oif March 5. Tbey will probably be two years In the islands. Child Is Found Hanged. Pittsburg, Jan.

4. The body of Stella Doyle, 7, -was found suspended by a towel in the washroom of the iVest End school by another pupil. Circumstances point strongly to sui cide, as1 the girl had left the schoolroom in anger and was" ill. Coroner Armstrong, however, said he believed the child accidentally became eutan jied In the roller towel. Grew Fat So Fast He Died.

Ashland," Jan: After taking on flesh for the hist two months at the rate of a pound daily, Abivham Bouny, of Gildden died here of fatty degeneration of the heart. Bouny was 25 years old and weighed at the time of his-death 583 pounds. It ws necessary -to have a special' coflih made for, him. It was taken to the cemetery in aNlray. Young Mother Kills Herself.

Chicago, Jan. 4. After singing to sleep her two little children, one 3 years old and the other 3 months old, Mrs. William Dollinger, wife of a Wheaton business man, committed sui cide with st shotgun the home of her father, William Brice, West Chicago. She had been visiting her father for a short time, and had been in ill health.

Slayer of Insane.1 Vienna, Jan. 4. Lucciienl, the assas sination of Empress Elizabeth of Austria, has gone mad, and has to lie kept chained to the Avail of his cell to pre vent him from mui'dcriiig thos who come near bim. IN MORMONDOM. Howell I consulted a clairvoyant when I was in Utah.

Powell Was she any good? Howell She ought, to have been; she was a seventy-seventh daughter of a seventy-seventh son. Puck. AT His Letter Concerning British Warships at Wei-Hai-Wei Keceived with Ridicule. London, Jan. 4.

Admiral Rojestven-sk's letter in the'" St. Petersburg Novoe Vremya, assertiug that the British fleet had assembled at Wei-nai-Wei last May to annihilate the Russian fleet if Togo's ships had been unequal to the task excites only ridicule 7 The Times' St. Petersburg correspondent soys that Great Britain has been dragged in to help absolve llo-jestveusky and to prepare public opinion for his Impending acquittal and rehabilitation, which are considered Indispensable for the sake of the reputation of the Russian navy. The St. Petersburg correspondent 'A the Daily Telegraph says that in an interview with Prime Minister Witte on Admiral Rojestvensky's statements he declared that he was as astonished by them as he was sure the czar would be.

Mr. Spring-Rice, the British charge d'affaires at Petersburg, without waiting for instructions from lite government demanded an explanation from Foreign Minister Lamsdorf in the afternoon of the statements contained in the admiral's letter. The board of education will hoid their regular monthly session at the court house this evening. ENGLAND AUGHS OJEST president's desk. They were the objects of general observation and the fact that the spectacle was regarded as of unusual interest was made mani- fest by a general murmur In the galleries which were well filled.

Oath The ceremony at the desk was brief. The new senator was recejved by the vice-president at the threshhold of his platform who greeted him with a cordial shake of the hand. The oath was immediately administered. After LaFollette had signed the oath which he had taken, he was again joined by islation -to regulate or cqntrol said corporations in the management or con trol of their business and business mat-J ters and if said power exists then the extent of such power and under what provisions of the constitution it is conferred upon The Philippine tariff bill was thea taken up for consideration. CI Russian Toilers Murder Sleeping Dra.

goons Soldiers Bonibord Barricades. Riga. Livonia, Russia, 4. About 5,000 armed workmen Jn'vaded and took possession of the Provodnik rubber factory before daylight and the military, as this message is for warded, are bombarding the factory. The revolutionists killed 1 the policemen who were guarding the building and a detachment then crept into an adjoining structure, wrhere a patrol of dragoons was asleep and murdered eight dragoons and six stablemen and wounded eleven others.

One man managed to escape and gave the alarm tq the troops, two regiments of which, with artillery and six quick-firing guns, arrived at thecene by daylight. In the-meantime the revolutionists had thrown up barricades and a territic fire was opened by the troops upon these, defenses and on the factory: In the midst of the confusion existing as this dispatch is written it is impossible to ascertain, the number of killed or wounded, but many men been killed and over 100 wounded have already been carried to the hospitals. The soldiers are almost insane with fury. -N THE NEWS IN BRIEF' Captain Sidney Powere and Fireman Frank L. Hines were killed at an incendiary fire In Springfield, Mass.

The chorus of the Metropolitan opera house, in New York city struck wjjcu Manager Conried the union, but the s.tars continue with the performance. One pereon was killed, seven hurt, and much property damaged, by a sixty-mile gale that swept Chicago. Secretary of (lie Navy Bonaparte disapproved of findings of the court-martial in the case of Ensign Wade of the Bennington, i Midshipman Stephen "Pccatur, trial at. Annapolis oik the charge of having has been concluded and his fate is in" the hands of the court. 4 While placing a revolver beneath his bed for protection Simeon Toney killed himself at Richmond, The commission "aDnO-inted at the last session of the legislature agreed on a site at Springfleld for the new building for the Illinois supreme court.

A court-martial at cw York reduced First Lieutenant Roy I. Taylor twelve numbei's for snubbing a sergeant. The first national Greek letter frat ernity to be founded by colored students was organized at the Ohio state university. Ten oersons were made ill by poison food served at the-Y. M.

C. A. din ing room at Sioux City, la. Trial of Beavers and Green. Washington, 4.

District' At torney Baker1 announced that he would, next week, fix a day for the trial of George W. Beave-is and State Sena tor' George E. Green, of Bingbamton, N. indicted here for conspiracy to defraud the government in connection with time recorders and cancelling machines intended for the postoffice de-'partment. It has been determined to try the two men, together if possible, Vessels Astray in a Fog.

New York, Jan. 4. Scores of tugs and steamers went astray in a dense fog which enveloped New York harbor, Hudson river and East river oi over an hour. One wreck, a collision in which one man was Jatally injured and several smaller accidents re ported. Fully half the ferry lines stopped running for about an hour.

AT HER MERCY. "John, something is on your mind." "Yes, I may as well confess. I've been leading a double life." "What: Heavens! Oh, this is terri ble! Tell me lou are not jesting this Is not a horrible joke you "No, dear, it is the truth. I've been eettlnar tradine stamns with my collars and neckties and giving them to the girl next door, because she wants to get enough to draw a mandolin." in DOS SH Tribuns. wifli gleaming bayonets, (TfrsrTue shot and screaming shells which tore great holes in their ranks, and as often were they pressed slowly back "by the heroic defenders in a hand-to-hand struggle.

The, final charge in which General Rodriguez was killed would undoubtedly have succeeded, however, had the insurgent leader not fallen. Pious Convict Fights Pardon. St. Louis, ffan. 4.

Learning that vigorous efforts were being made- to obtain his pardon, Eli J. Stubblefield, a convict in the state vetoed the plan, saying: "When the is. ready I shall be set free." He declares an attempt to induce the governor' to act would be Stub- blefiela, wno is an agon man, was. sent here in 1S00 for a' ten-year term for' attempted train robbery. His guilt always has in'doubt.

Several Killed in Georgia Tornado. Albany, Jan. 4. A tornado passed over Albany in the afternoon, spreading wreck and destruction over portions of a dozen blocks. persons are dead anil others will die as the result of injuries.

The list is still incomplete, as much of the destruction was well beyond the city The property loss, is estimated at $150,000 principal loss being to the Virginia-Carolina Chemical company. I Earthquake in Nicaragua. 4. Vice Consul Wallace at Managua has cabled the state department that a terrible earthquake has occurred in Nicaragua and it was reported to him that Masaya had been ruined by the eruption of the volcano San Diego. s-Noted Author-Artist Dead.

London, Jan. 4. Harrison W. Weir, the author and journalist, is He was born in Lewis, Srs eex, May 5, 1824. A ESCAPE Vessel Goes Down in Thirty Feet of Water Below Cairo, III.

Passengers Aroused. Cairo, Jan. 4. Eighteen persons came near losing their lives when the steamer Frank sank in "the Mississippi river near O'Brien's lundii.nbout twenty miles below Cairo. The Frank lelt St.

Louis with the C. Moore Theatrical company on board and was bound for Columbus, Ky. When nenr O'Brien's landing the boat headed for the shore to tie up for the night, and it was then that Captain Connors, charge of the boat, discovered something wrong. He slopped the engines and the boat listed to the larboard and commenced "to sink. The passengers were all in bed at the time, and it was with great -difficulty that they were hurried into the lifeboat, clad only in their night dOthes, and carried to the shore.

The boat sank in a few minutes in over thirty feet of water and Is a. total wreck. The passengers and crew lost their entire effects. IN THE DARK. "Do you believe, senator," asked tho beautiful girl, "that there is really a seventh heaven?" "I can't say," replied the statesman, peak td "I've never had occasion IN 0MINGO ACTORS HAVE NARROW intnP Suffer Staggering Blow at the Hands of Government Troops.

BATTLE LASTED THREE DAYS General Rodriguez, Commander of Insurgents, Among the Killed. Details of the Fight, Which Took Place Ontside the the City of Puerto Plata Situation Will Soon Clear. Washington, Jan. 4. Mr.

Jouberf, the Dominican representative here, received a cablegram announcing that General Rodringuez was killed at (Puerto Plata; that the fighting there had lasted three days, but that the country wa 3 quiet and it wa's' hoped the situation would be soon cleared. Santo Domingo City, Jan. 4. After a three days' battle in which fighting was of the most desperate character, the insurgent army which lias been attacking Pi.orto riatav has been decisively defeated with heavy loss. Hundreds were killed or wounded in the battle, the government troops also suffering severely.

Aside from the defeat a staggering blow was dealt the cause of the rebels in the of their commander, General Pcmetrio Rodriguez, who was killed while valiantly leading an assault that came dangerously near overwhelming a strong government posi tion. His death disheartened the besiegers and was a large factor in their rr pulse and final defeat Chief Figure of Revolution. General Rcdriguez, next, to the fugitive president, Morales, was- the chief figure of the, revolution. In fact, he is said to have been its main insplrer, and is largely due to his ability and energy that the revolt was so well organised at, its inception. Had he lived in tliat last desperate charge 'his men would probably have taken-the position, which, with its battery, would have rendered the town untenable for the government troops.

Thus, one of the chief cities would have fallen into the rebels' hands. General Rodriguez's ambition was to become president of Santo Domingo, He had declared that he would he a candidate If his forces were successful in the revolution. General Cespedes, commander of the government troops in Puerot is the hero of the hour. Like the commander of his foes, he led his men in the thickest of the fighting and inspired them to the most heroic deeds by his personal valor. 1 General Does Heroic Deeds.

Battling hand-to-hand with the charging insurgents, he cut wide swaths around him with a heavy cavalry saber which he had snatched from the hand of a dead trooper. This was in the saihe assault in which Rodriguez was slain, and the two generals fought in the most desperate fashion for a time, within a few feet of each other. 1 The Insurgents' most savage and determined charges were made upon a battery of six guns defending the main approach to the town. Repeat' edj they swanked upon thiJmttery Spooner and escorted to the seat as-f signed him, among the Republicans, who have seats on the democratic side of the chamber. Tillman presented the following resolution: "Resolved, that the presi-" dent be requested to inform the senate If not incompatible with the public welfare, as to the existing status in Santo Domingo; whether or not dent Morales carried his government with him 'when he disappeared from the capitolor whether he left it be-" hind, and whether the American officers who have been in charge of the custom houses are still performing that work and if so under what ar-' rangement and by what authority." i.

4u i. i r' ai uie hcuulb aujouineu until Monday. House Proceedings. More than the average attendance of members were in their places when the uiui, iui uirat omasum i.iei the holiday recess. Regarding as serious an editorial statement in a local paper that members of the house abuse the franking privilege to the extent of sending cows, farm libraries and kit-'chen utensils free through the mails; Sima of Tennessee obtained leave to assert that an investigation should be made." That the statement was only.

an. outburst of vivid imagination was asserted both by Hann of Illinois and the Republican floor leader, Payne of New York. Before he concluded, Sims presented a resolution for, an Investigation -by tie committee on postofflces and. post roads "as to whether or not there are or have been abuses- of the franking privileges by members of congress or in the name of members f- congress." The resolution' was agreed to. Control of Insurance.

wu moiion or rayne, tne nousfe resumed consideration of the president's message, making reference of ltl by topic to tne various committees. Pj withdrew the amendment which occasioned the seven days of discus: before the holiday 're ence of that part relating to lnsura A. no me ivajs nna means commit! Hepburn at once submitted an ameild Bjent reiemns trie whole question fof Aldrich about if 4-.

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