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The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York • 8

Brooklyn, New York
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8 THE. DAILY STANDARD UNION: BROOKLYN, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1890. IS cKEW'BOOKS. OLYMMT. The State of Washington Will Present Bronze Panel to Deweys Flagship.

WAFER TALKS ON IMRE." Says Authorities Always Bring It Up When They Want to Boom Water Meters. II, In the, series "Practical Talks on Millinery," discusses- the subject of hats. To the current Issue, Julia K. MrDougalt, In the seiond article of the scries on Home Dressmaking," gives some practical Information about the making of shirts. PRINCETON BULLETIN.

The May "Bulletin of Princeton University la a Dean Murray Memorial number, containing In full lteldent Pattons and I lev. Hr. Henry Van Dykes addree nt the funeral, and Itev. Ir. Do' Wills commemorative sermon, by Invitation of the facility of Fllneoton Theological Bern-Inn ty, of which.

Denn Murray was for thirty-two years trustee, A bibliography of Dr. Murray's published book, rermon and with tho resolution of the Princeton Faculty and the Congregational Church nt Washington, where Dr. Murray had spent many summer vacation, I also given, the number being of much historical vnlue well a memorial Interest. FLINGS AT THE CONTROLLER. The Aldermen Have a Short But Animated Session.

George In California, "The Carlyles In Tlssots "Christmas at Bethlehem, and short stories by Jacob Rlls, Ruth McEnery Stuart, Mary Hallock Foote, etc. Among the serial are Mr. Crawford' "Via Cruel and Mr, Stock-tons fantastic tale, "The and among tho Innumerable Illustrations everl of them printed In tint tho flrt In order I Ml Beaux frontispiece portrait of Hr. Weir Mitchell. (The Century Company, Union Square, Manhattan.) RANKERS MAGAZINE.

Director George Robert, of Ih't United State Mint, President John Hnr-en Rhoade. nf the Bovina Bonk Assn-clatlon of the State of New York, and ths new Vlee-rrelient Albert H. Wlgzln, of tho National Park Bank, Manhattan, are tho portrait eubjeet of Ihe June "Banker Mugazlno, each being accompanied by a eonelee and Intelligent biographical ketch. The full report of tho proceeding of the recent annual meeting of the Savin Bnnk Aoelntlon, with Preuldcnt liltnadc', Prof. Sumner', and jither tul-drce, I lo valuable fentur of the number, which Include report of recent and propeetlve meeting of srvfrul of the Slate banking iioelntlrma.

The edlt.irlul are, a UHtial, upon timely topic, one, upon the effect of U.iv, Flower life and death on the vain of eeurl-tle belqg partleularly timely and stgnl-Meunt, The number nlo announrea that the alxth annual convention of the New Y'dii Htitiu Hunker' AwwIiUlnn will Im held at Alexandria Hay, Friday and Hat- unlay, Julj' and--15, with reception at the Thousand Islands Clubhouse, and the Island home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Boldt, of tho Waldorf-Astoria.

Far Rockaway, Queens. The Board referred it to the Railroad Committee. In connection with the petition of the German Housewives' Association, printed In this paper yesterday, Alderman Good' man introduced the following: The Municipal Assembly will Invest! sste existing condition with a view of bettering the seiierai surrounding of hired help: of creating between mistress and servant a mure thorough apprecl tlon of the neecssliy and advantage of mutual Interest, and of protecting each against unfairness and Injustice practised by one against the other, The matter ws referred to the Joint Law Committee, The Board granted the requetof the Board of Public Improvement frir per mission to give a public hearing in the Aldermanic chamber on Monday, July lit, on the Coney Island park scheme. A resolution offered by Alderman Roddy and adopted, authorized Thomu J. OCon nor to place "a movable blackboard upon which mathematical problem may bo demonstrated" in tho streets and avenues of this city.

The Case of the Decent Man Considered. TAPER NO. 2. The decent man bears ths greater part of the burden of life, liy burden I do noj mean the support of himself nnd those of kindred blood dependent upon him. Must fit theso obligations he has taken upon hlmMf chwfully, with full knowledge of what thy connist find tnea about hi daily activities resolved to meet them in every reaped.

In most rose he succeed, thu rendering substantial service to the community, bringing happiness to many around him he, hap' piest of all. The burdens upon him are Imposed by the shiftless and Improvident, the wasteful and criminal, in a lare measure, for these have to be cared for somehow. And who shall do this but he who has extracted from him some of his hard-earned wages. AVe have Jails, hospitals. almshouses, dispensaries, charitable Institutions of all sorts and kinds.

The more decent the man, the more frequently will he be importuned. The more sympathetic he is, therefore, the easier prey to those who eternally want somethin for nothin. The writer has no remedy fnr this; therefore the decent man must protect himself as best he may. They are burdens, all th same. The special burdens that are Intended to be treated here relate chiefly to those Imposed by government, or municipal method of government, find apply to tho home owner, ns so many penalties, and as deterrents to the great multitude who hope to have a home, but who have not yet succeeded.

One of the first needs of an established community, after provld-Ing flieltpr and food. I mean of public communication, namely, streets and side-walks. This need grow with the village, town or city, in proportion to pop-uiation. One of the strunac facts connected with this subject Is, that good streets and sidewalks are about the last thing obtained, and only obtained aftef much effort and expense, This is true everywhere, but more true in cities, such as Brooklyn before consolidation, and all New York since. The congestion of population around centres creates need of Improved streets and avenues, more especially good sidewalks, these latter of more vital Importance than roadbeds, as everybody walks from the home to business, schools, churches, the butcher, the grocer, and back, men, women and children, while comparatively few ride, and if the roads be bad the patient horse will pull th through.

It is rn amazing thing that such crude laws are enacted providing for improvement of streets in a city, more particularly in this city. Reader, have you ever tried to get needed improvements in the community you live in? If you hae, you know the task, the obstructions, the how not to do It, and if you succeeded at last and a. home on the street, -then you also know the burden. You do not object to paying your just share; you do object lo paying more than fair cost, You ob- ject to paying long in advance of the work being: done. You object to paying for a miserable job wiun it is done.

Hut In ing a decent man, otherwise a home owner, you may protest in vain. You know that by painful experience, and you know you Just pay the assessment, pinch your dear ones a little harder, deprive yourself of some needed comfort, tel! your wife that Louise cannot take music lessons this year; that James must wear the overcoat another winter, because the money intended for these had" to be paid at once, or suffer a penally of 9 per after thirty days. Is the stiect paved, the sidewalk laid, the sower in, the basins built? Oh, no; but they ore going to be, 8u me time pay, anyway. Failing to pay, your property will be sold under the red flag. Mighty little have you had to say about it.

Iay is your privilege. You have had the decency to buy a home. You work dully. You save your money, you pay your debts. Of couise ou pay.

Why. you art the only kind of man who docs -pay for these things. Everybody else uses them, certainly. But you pay. You have an asset a home -ou con be found yout home is on the map.

Your remedy lies in not owning a home; your protection jh, dont ever own one. Sptnd your money otherwise; squander it. if you pleas s. Some tine will contribute toward your needs. Don't be guilty or being decent costs too much.

The city or municipal laws and ordinances are. many of them, warnings beforehand what you may expect if you do go so far astray as to really buy or build a home. Maybe you try and reduce the expense of living by renting out a room or floor to some widow with a child or two. Then you are worse than a home owner; you are a landlord. Just think of it! Though everybody knows there is no such thing as landlord in this country; that it is an imported name, from a foreign shore, mostly from Ireland; a common phrase there, and held in contempt at that.

Imported here, and used In general, with the same tone of disapprobation and leproach. Yet the house owner, who rents, no matter how small a portion of his house, no matter at how little rental, he is a landlord, therefore rich, therefore pay and you do pay, for you are a decent man. I pause here, reflecting, fearing that the possible reader will conclude from ail this that here is a crank. Oh, he is a Henry George man, or Well, whats the use of growling and -stirring things up? Oh. here is the decent man again, who does n-t find fault; just minds his business, work along, saves what he can, and, maybe, is thankful it is no worse.

Now, is that the best way? Find no fault, let things go? My Idea is to tell the decent mans story, and if needs be find fault, always, however. In the hope of complete or partial remedy, or, in other words, the decent man case is being considered. There is more yet to lay. unhappy marriage with Lord Leicester. The book haa an added value In that It contain the Lady Louisa correspondence with Sir Walter Scott, Lady Montagu and Lady Lockhart.

A beautiful portrait of Lady Stuart In her ninety, fourth year I given a a frontispiece. FATE OF THE BLACK EAGLE, and Other Mtnrie. liy Russell Smllh. New York amt London: F. Tennyson Neely.

A collection of exceptionally entertaining stories for boys, healthy In tone and Interesting without (anHul tonal. The title ofi the tale are; "Fate of the Block Eagle, "The Young Montauk, "An Air Tandem, "The Wind, Dublin," "Oreen, White and Red, "The Possum and the Coon, "Tho Boy Who Ilan Away, "The Dooe Pinner." and "The Jew Revenge, It leading Incident the memorable voyage of tho Black Eagle In northeast gale to tho shore of Gardiner' Island and the comrad-shlp of Skipper Norman with the hertnll whom he found there, with their sober, quent search for the body of Kidd's lieutenant; the young Montnilk nnd while partner In their night adventure Into the wood lo spy on tho war council of the Narrngonsett and "A Tandem Flight," with Elliott Ingenious creation, Explorer, and It high-flying tender, whleh earrled him to the neenn these and other aheorLdntt demtle will not only delight every youngster, hut will ho apt to bcgull and please the ftvcraQ adult, SUCCESSFUL HOUSES, By Oliver Cole. man. illustrated. Chicago ami Svw York: Herbert lrne He Co.

A very useful book. There are comparatively few persons who at one time or another 1o not to have to fare the problem of household furniture and decoration, and who do not at such times experience sensation of comparative helplessness. Two classes of books have been written for the purpose of aiding and instructing such perplexed ones one worthless, devoid of Judgment and good taste; the other learned and technical, and generally on a too expensive scale. Mr. Coleman, in this volume, has taken another course; he describes, without technicality, certain undeniable principles, indicates their application, and Illustrates the result by giving pictures of the Interiors of a number of fine houses.

Some of these interiors are comparatively inexpensive some costly, but all ore the homes of private citizens without ory especial pretense of great wealth. Mr. Coleman admits his obligation to the crle of nicies published In Thn House Hcautlful," rntilM "Hucceraful Ilonran, from which must of the photograph have ben taken. The book treat In special chapters of the hall, drawing room, dining room, library. snvk-Int, room, bedroom, wall and fioor.

window nnd, portl'To. on the use of soft woods, small ornaments, artificial lighting, walls nna hedges. The numerous Illustrations arc well executed. HISTORY AND MANUFACTURE OF FLOOR Compiled by the Review Fubllshliig Company, New York. This little book contains a great deal of information, both useful and which will be thoroughly appreciated by members of thecarpct trade, -especially salesmen In the retail branch of It.

The first part of the manual summarizes the history of floor coverings In various countries, from the earliest times to the present day. Chapter I. deals In a general way with the annals of the in the Orient and Europe. Chapter II. gives the history of the Industry In Great Britain, beginning with its infancy there In the reign of Edward III.

Chapter III. is devoted to the rise and progress of the trade in the United States, now the greatest carpet manufacturing country in the world. The technical side of the trade is taken up in the next chapter, which is devoted to Oriental rugs and carpets. The meth-ods of dyeing, designing and weaving in the Orient are described, and the var- lous makes of Turkish, Persian and oUir Eastern are dealt uith in detail, the characteristics, relative importance, of each make being explained with the aid of numerous Illustrations. In the pages following all other kinds of floor coverings known in the trade receive due attention.

The treatment is concise, yet comprehensive. THE BOUND CENTURY. The fifty-seventh bound volume of The Century, comprising the numbers from November, to April, 1803, inclusive, has Just been issued. It is a magnificent tome of 960 pases, handsomely as well as substantially bound. Every volume of The Century Is worth a permanent place in every good library, but this one is especially valuable on account of the great amount of war matter It contains; nnrl yet It is the authoritativeness, rather than the amount, of the history that Impresses tho reader.

The names of K.unps'm, Shaftr, Klgsbee, Hobson, Greene, nre a guaranty of first-hand accounts of tho hlef events of the West Indian and Philippine campaigns. As memoir pour servlr" for a final history of tho war, thrtlr value Is obvious. Lowell's Impressions of Sraln" deal wU.h a period when peace prevailed even In Culm; and while military prowess is celebrated In Prof. Wheelers notable series of historical studies of which Alexander the Great is the theme. the Macedonians campaigns are too remote in time and placebo come into the same category with the war-story of to-day.

James Bryce, writing on England's colonial experiments, presents the observationo one who is not only a student of the art of government, but also an experienced parliamentarian, cabinet officer, and traveler. Equally expert, in their several ways, and of equal popular interest, are Walter Wellman's account of the beginning of his expedition "On the Way to. the North Paul L. Ford's Many-Sided Franklin, with a chapter on each of several of the many sides of a character and career without parallel In American history: John C. Yan Dykes "Old English Masters.

accompanying Cole's engravings; and Charles -Henry Hart on "Gilbert Stuarts Portraits of Women. with engravings by Henry Wolf. A dip at random into the pages of this massive book bring up such tidbits as Lewis Carrolls unpublished letters to little girls, Mark Twain's "From the London Times of 1904, "Absolute Zero" (an Illustrated description of the possibilities of liquid air), Noah Brooks entertaining reminiscences of Mark Twain and Henry LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF ED' WIN M. STANTON, liy Oorg, C. Oor-hnm.

With portraits, map snd fe-slmllr of important letter. Two vol-umes. Boston snri New York: Hough ton, Mifflin A Co. With the. exception of the isle Charles A.

Dana, who was Assistant Secretary of War tinder Mr. Stanton, probably no more competent man than Mr. Gorham could have been found to write the biography of Llncoin'e great War Minister. Mr. Oor ham haa, moreover, bed the aid of several member of the Slam ton family in hi work, and oil the val uable data preserved by the family have been put at hi disposal: he haa been painstaking, patient and industrious; and it ran be safely snid that Mr.

Gorhams work has gained in value by the long in terval which ha elapsed since Mr. Stan ton death; for not only ha the biographer had ample leisure to do hie work thoroughly, but the thirty year which have passed since Stanton's demise have cooled passions, corrected Judgments, and prepared the public mind for a more can did nnd generous appreciation of ihe War Secretary's invaluable services, Mr. Oor ham I In avowed sympathy with Stanton position In all controverted mat ter, but that detract nothing from the value of the work, which doe not pretend to have been written from a critical point of view, but I rather a concise, Intelll Kent snd nutliorltutlv prewntiulnn of fact. A I well known to tho elder gen- eratfon. at any rate, Btanton waa a.

Democrat, and wan not a member of Lincoln Cabinet a originally formed; but the President lost no time when the opportunity occurred to call to hi aid ft "War Democrat" of conspicuous ability, who had won the confldertoe of the entire North. Stanton abundantly Justified Lincolns judgment. Ho wa a man of Iron will and dauntless courage; he made many enemies and provoked hitter criticism; but, next to the President himself, and not excepting even the generals in the no one had a harder or more important part to play than Secretary Stanton, and no one acquitted himself better. An extract from Mr. Gorhams preface will give, better than anything else can.

a fair Idea of the scope and purpose of this elaborate biography. Mr. Gorham says: Although this book contain a sketch of Mr. Stantons early life, his professional career, and hi general characteristic. Its main purpose I to present the record of hi relation to the Civil War, and to mark the place In history to which hla -rvlc- to the country entitle him.

His public life embraced tho secession winter of 1860-6t, three years of the Civil War 1862-65 and three -year of the reconstruction struggle which followed It. He died In 1R69, while yet the passions of those times were at the highest, It Is thirty years since this great American ended his work; and the country, then torn by faction and divided into two warring sections, is now thoroughly reunited. Time and a revival of national pride and patriotic feeling have extinguished the violent animosities of that period, and the wounds thus healed are In no danger of being reopened by such recitals as are necessary to illustrate Stantons work and his motives. On the contrary, the author be-lilevcs that the time has come when the judgment of all Americans, North and South, who rejoice in the possession of a reunited country, may confidently be invoked upon the patriotic services of the great War Minister to whom so much is due for the grand result. Jt is a very valuable and important work, and it is handsomely gotten up.

The frontispiece portrait of Santon Is beautifully executed, and the other Illustrations are also admirable. LADY LOUISA PTUART: Selections from Her Manuscripts. Edited by the Hon. James Home. London and New York: Harper Brothers.

Lovers of good literature, biography, bistory and society gossip will be alike delighted by these charming mem- oirs, which are as interesting as a novel, and that sparkle with humor on almost every pane. Lady Stuart was born in 1757 and died in 1S51, In her ninety-fourth year. She was the youngest daughter of John, third Earl of Bute. Prime Minister at the beginning of the reign of George III. In her early life, by a combination of circumstances, she was thrown much upon her own resources, and when quite young hc-gan the composition of both prose and verse.

Few. however, even of her own relatives, knew of her literary efforts, the secret being kept even from her sisters. It was the custom In the latter half of the eighteenth century for women of high position to follow the pursuit of letters as a pastime. It was also thought a loss of caste for a woman of high society to write for publication, and for this renson Lady Stuart would never Consent to the publication of any ot her nianuscriKts during her lifetime, ns she was very npch afraid that her peace of mind would be destroyed by the criticisms of the press. Her only.

appearance in print was in an introduction to the life of her grandmother. Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. "Her share in this book, says Mr. Home, "has already given such proof of her abilities that it seems to be only doing Justice to herself and to the public to take a fitting opportunity of confirming that reputation. "With this object the present volume is Issued.

One is certain to wonder after reading it whether many of the prominent women of the eighteenth century have set dftwn their memoirs in such fashion as Lady I-ouisa. If such Is the case, there must be a wealth of interesting manuscripts in the old halls of England. Lady Stuart writes In a thoroughly charming style, and her narratives, although perhaps a trifle spicy in places, cannot in any way be adjudged Indelicate either for the present time or for the time at which they were written. Under te title "Some Accounts of John, Duke of Argyll, and His Family, Lady Stuart gives a delightful picture of some of the prominentand unique figures of the time of the last three Georges. With what her contemporaries would have called "a pretty wit, she describes how John of Argyll found marital felicity with Jennie VVarburton, maid of honor, although the Duke was a man of shining abilities and great loftiness of mind, and Jenny was a good, simple soul, chiefly noted for her lack of beauty.

The fourth chapter Is a long memoir of the celebrated Lady Mazy Coke and her It Will Be the Figure of Victory Suitably Inscribed. Thn rllzn nt Olympia, anil thn Btol of Wahlnxton htivn liad mat a bl bronz panil, which I to be pLretl on lh" forward turret of tho Olympia, botwron tha two big sun, when that famoua fighting hlp roaehe thla port. Tho panel weigh .100 (pound, I 4 feet wide, nnd llngreutft breadth I 4 1-2 feet. In bold relief la a figure of Vletory, standing on an orb, holding In her niitatretehed hHUil a arroll with the hletorle vord of Admiral Dewey, "Orldley, you may firo hen ready. On -either of Iha draped figure I the Inserlptlon, "From tho Citizens of Olympia nnd Htute of Washington, greeting of Olympia to her namo-sake, Mlil'tVM'VIll." Iuul W.

Morris th'slgtn the panel, unpier tlie dlreotlppn of D. Fronp'h, Jam Haight, formerly Attorney-Oenerul of the Hfiitc 4f WYishlngton, tuvi a member of the Committee on J'resp'niiHbm, wa In th illy iwiitly it n1 nit tv Hi iiiiH phnI, rpnn tho arrival of the Olympia here, the panel will pros ntoJ to Admiral Dewey Jn behalf of it donors, and he will receive It in tho name the ship. FASHIONS iVlEWELRY. A handsome locket of gold In the shape of a heart profusely set with pearls, has a large sapphire in the centre. pretty brooch is in the shape of a pansy, handsomely enameled, with a large diamond set in the centre.

Another pretty brooch is In the shape of a four-leaved elovt handsomely enameled, with a large ruby set ir the centre. The edges of the leaves have a border of bright cut gold. A pretty Inkstand of silver has fissure of Cupid supporting a bml in which may be placed cigars or cigarettes. A handsome Jewel box of cut glass Is oval In shape and has tracings of gold. Tho cover is handsomely enameled, ami its -edtuu are set with senti-predous stones.

A ladys pur" has a cover of sliver handsomely enameled, which, when rat4d, reveals a small leaf of Ivory, 4ne lib of which I t' Im itp'il for memo-ramh; the othfT side cont.nns a calorKtnr, Uhntclnlnp of kipM or IIvp which have the appearance 4if being east urn! set with various colored si-ml-preelous stones are seasonable. The Jewelers Weekly. 0 nmu with tou cbNibar 7011 ootina Ucrve-fclilltijr luhftoco hfthll, 1 ruiM lb dciifu lor tobivo, aiihmW gl out orvou4UitriM oiDtli ujcoI A 1 1 1 tine, punOca ttio blood 1 tre lost nanbobd.Ti I home 1 1 1 400.0M tn hftltn, 1 1 nrni Bur Lor IV1 TO II AC from WMW9 UPYOllT own (IrUtfriBt Who IBI woijrh foron Tak It wth hUS win, patiently, prltrntly rjkA bns ft. usually rurce, 3 carnf-f 1 to rnr. nr refund IterTlsi tblMfe Beeireel Itr4 OIIPOH TIO XOTII SL phlLMlS COl KT, iitN4jrf I.NTV.

IN THE MATTER OK The ity of Nt- title tn SIXTH AVETNd from Sixtieth stiiet to Kurt Hamilton In the Thirtieth the Borough of Tfinoklvn, Citv of New York, as the fcame hue been hutulofura duly Uid uut. F'TRSrANT TO THE HTATtTHS IN' Sty'll case ma-ie and roulol, n-dl-e Is hieh guen that an applUitiun will lie nude to the Mipieme Court of the Stnte of New York, nt a Steciul T-eun of Kud Court, to ie held for the hearing of motions In the Crunty Courl-houee. toe Borough of Brooklyn, In The Ctv of Vew York, on Wednesday the 21ct day of June, 1KU. at the opening of the Court that day or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heani thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of E-tlmate and Assessments In the abue-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the Improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title Tne City of New York, for tho use of the public, to all the lands and premises, and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a certain street or avenue known as ixth avenue, from Sixtieth street to Fort Hamilton avenue, In the Thirtieth Ward, In the Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, being the 1-dlowlngg described lots, pieces or parcels of land, i.

1AHrEL A ginning at a i-olnt where tho easterly line of Sixth avenue intersects the southern line of Sixtieth street, as the same arc laid down on the map of the Town of New Ctreiht. and running thence westerly along the southerly line of Sixtieth etreot ho feet; thraee southerly and deflecting decrees to the left, feet to the northerly line of Sixty-fifth street; thence eastern- along the northerly line of Sixt -fifth street SO feet, anfl them northerly feet to tha point or place ot Yc-cinnlng ALSO PVRUF.L Beginning at a point where the eterlv IJn of Sixth avenii- is interacted by the southerly line of Stxtv-rtfth street, as laid down on said map. and running thence westerly along ths southerly line of Sixtj -fifth street bo feet; thencs southerly and deflecting 10 ilegrees to the left, 23ft 5H feet: thence southerly and deflecting 21 degrees ii.1 minutes 04 seconds to the left. 70 fet to the northerly line of Bay Rigkc avenue; thence easterly along the north rly line of Bay HI lg avenue X2 .11 feet; thence northerly and deflecting loft degrees 4 minutes to the left, Xbv27 feet, and thence northerly 224.67 feet to the iuint or place of beginning. ALSO PARCEL Beginning at a point the southerly jin of Bay Ridge avenue Inter roe easterly line of Sixth avenue.

laid down on said map, an4 running theme wptrlv the southerly line of Bay Ridge avenue 2X1 feet; thence southerly and dt fletting l.l green 40 minute to the left, 17 ttd fet to the northerly line of Seventy-second street: ihnr- easterly along tn easterly pro longation of th northerly line of Severity-second sfieet 17 feet; them eoiithrrlv and dtlctlttf 7d degree 2 minute to tiie right, dl 75 feet to th fHste'ly prolongation of th outherly llna of hventv-econd street; thence westerly along lh easterly prolongation of th south rly lin ftf street 41 17 fret; hnce southerly snd deflecting ion degtee 4d minutes to th left. bMMifc feet to the north rlv line of Heventy-fifth etrtet; then easterly along jthe northerly line of nevrnty-fifih eir-t 74 feet; tiienca noitherly and deflecting 111 degree oft mtnutea 04 seconds to the left 771 Hd feet to the somberly line of Sevent-second street; theme westerly along the westerly prolongation of the southerly line of Hevent -secon 1 stieet 42x7 fet, thenca northerly and deflecting 6H gree f4 minutes 50 second to the right 04 3J feet to Die westerly prolong tgt Ion of Die north erly of Mreet; thence etterly along the westerly prolongation of the northerly line of Seventy-second street 42 K7 feet, and thence northeily 715 48 feet to the point or plao of beginning ALSO PARCEL Beginning at a point where th ea-terly Una of Sixth avenue lnters-crtr the southerly line of Seventv-fifih street, a Jail down on a1 map, and running thence westerly along the southerly line of Seventy-fifth street 85 74 feet, thenc southerly and deflecting 111 degrees P5 minutes 04 second to theft. I.U5o32 feet to the northerly line of Se-v ent -ninth etreet: thence easterly along the northerly line nf ent -ninth street S5 74 feet, and thence northerl 1.050.32 feet to the point or place of hg.nmng ALSO IAlh'KL E. Beginning at a point where the easterly lino of Sixth avenue intersects the southerly line of Sevem-mnth street, as iuid down on said map; theme westerl along the southerly line of Seventy-ninth street S3 74 feet; thence southerly and deflecting 111 degrees n5 minute 04 seconds to the left. 771 6 feet to the northerly line of Etghtv -second street, thence easterly along th northerly fine of Kiehtv -second street S5.74 feet, and thence noithtly 771.66 feet to the point or place of beginning.

ALSO PARCEL Beginning at a poi it where the easterly line of Sixth avenue Intersects the southerly line of Eighty-setvnd street, as the same are laid down on said map. and running thence westerly alond the southerly line of Eighty-second street Sft 74 feet; thence southerly and deflecting 111 degree 5 miuutes 04 second to the left 515 0 feet to the line of Fort ifitniUon avenue; thence nnrthederl along 'he no-thweterIy lino of Fort Hamilton avenue fxt 57 feet, anil thenco northerl 373 fret to the point or place of beginning. Said avenue was duly laid out on the map or plan cf the Town Survey Y.mmHtnners for laying om avenues, streets. an! bulkhead la the towns of New Itretht, Hathush, Gravesend, Flatlands and New Lots, which was duly filed In the office of the Register of the County ec King4, on the 17th day ot June, 1874. Dated.

Borough of Brooklyn, City of New York, June 81 TSftd- JOHN WHALES, Corporation Couneel, Borough Hall, e-t-10t Brooklyn, N. T. LITERARY NOTES, Tho July Issue of "Puck's Library (No, 144) I entitled "Fish Bloile, and delightful number ll I. Not only fishermen are made fun of, lull many oilier folk, especially sportsmen, Tho picture are eupltnl. A third edition of "lit, hard t'nrvI" I on tin, press for touoe.lliiu.

issue. The second was exhausted within a week of the publication of the book, Mr, Jtohsit Hlevfdiaon, thf ivlflow of thu nm'ellM, him liwn uponillii ttic wlwor In MaiMra, It will that hf roliHlmnitetj with HtcVxnMm Horn of hi litnihH. ho hu written' a. hfrt story for the July 8eri finer', entitled Anne. A careful study of the Genlniry of the Klondike Gold Fields, especially in le-lation to their probable future output of and the locations most likely to prove rich in the later metal, will uppeur in Appleton Popular Hch-nce Monthly for July.

A number of illustrations and a new map will accompany the article. Urentano will publish, about the middle of June, The tillent Singer, nnd other -Stories, bv Clara Morris, formerly the eminent actress, and John E. tusHam's book on HeraMi y. about the middle of July; Jfadio Hearn's translation of Gautiers One of Cleopatra's NiKhts. Two late books by Urentano; Transatlantic TnJes by W.

W. Wendt, and The Afghan Knife, a story of the Indian mutiny in 1S57, have proved remarkably successful. K- JL Herrlrk A New York, publish the first volume of a new and enlHiffod edition of The Uifillcnl rot-loftion of note, explanatory, homiWlc and illustrative, formlm? a complete commentary on the Holy Scriptures, es- pct'luily designed fur the use iif ministers, l.lblc student nnd Sunday whiMil teacher. by Jn me C.impHr Gray, author of Topic for Teacher." "The OaK nnd the it Tho editor of the new edition is the Ifiv. Ooorsr M.

Adam. D.D., who has midr many interesting wtl-(lltion from the later literature. The volume eontpljes Geneal and Bee-ond King. Is clearly printed and neatly bollhdr A. L.

Burt ha moved from 9J-9n Reade tieet to "The Building." Du-Hne struct, when ooeupioH tho entire seventh story. Early in September Mr, Burt will publish a series of nw and copyrighted Juvenile books by popufar uuthois of to-day. The firm of Georpe Richmond A Son Js not Tnibiishlnp anv new hook at present, but Is, deVotinp Itself exclusively to the collecting of rare editions, and has a large and extremely valuable collection of works relntinp to Americana, commencing with letters from Uhristo-pher Columbus referring to the discovery of America in 1402 and embracing documents, books; containing: data received from successive explorers and from tho early settlers. Some of the especially attractive volumes now in the possession of the firm are: Voyagres into Ye Easte and West Indies. by Linscholth.

This book, handsomely bound in morrocc and profusely illustrated with copper engravings, was published in Imdon in IrtfS. A Spanish vocabulary. Molina Vooabulario Castellano Mexicano, published in Mexico in 1571, is copiously annotated in the authors handwriting: Hittoire Naturelle des D'Oviedo, bearsj the date 1555. A most interesting little volume is the catechism of Martin I.uther. translated for th Indians.

The particular volume which Mr. Richmond has was presented to Charles King of Swe- den. end bears the King's arms on the title page. A mays ive volume, sumptuously bound in old hog skin, elaborately stamped and closing with heavy brd. clasps is the "Opouraphaae Plaudit Ptnlemari.

published about 1590, The first of these geographies wa" published in 15S3, and the series ran through thirty jears. Two other volumes of much interest are: Northwest Fox; or. Fox from the Northwest Passage, Iondon and Good Order Established In Pennsylvania and Nw Jersey, in America: being a True Account of the Countrv with Its Produce and Commodities There Made. This book is by Thomas Budd, and was printed in KA5. The publishing houses are all In a qnii'gcent state at present, gathering their forces nnd rcsTVing their treasures for the fall trade.

I.KOI, AOTIC KJ. coi NT corin'. K1NOH rnrNTY. OATHA-flno 11 liniiiiHtntnx, pia.ntift TiDimn uni other, (Wenluntx Jn iih ktmt.r of Ju-lgntf-nt nf foruejoFurc ani roii't ami cnt.u.l in fh n- fi'iii, tin the 1 7 Hi (f 1 will Feu ul j.iihko am ton to the high't liid-kr, -y Thn A. aijettoiier-r, hi the Hlrrnom No.

9 VVfllnuhti Btreet. in t'te It- rough cf Ltrnnk-Kn county nt King. 011 the Pith Jay of June, at UYfUn n'lJo. noun, tlm land in haul JmUrn'-nt nienUone.l and titer Berthed a Ml Unit (erlatn lot, nvo of p.ireiM of lam! liuat, ljlng uni U-ing in tun Xrnt -wfintl wur! of thu porniifh of city of Ww Ymk, otmty -if King and Stato nf Yotk, toimdnd n.l deufjilul a fnltous, tn wit: Ho. Kfntilpg tno Kmithnftftorly minor nf Higlith mourn ami Tonth it not uni running thnce ponthorly along with Eighth avenue one hundred feet: thence 4nUrlv pnt illol with Tenth Ftreet twnt-ne f-et and three Inch-, theneg northern iiaritlle! with Eighth uvemio one hundred feet to Tenth street, nnd thence westerly along Tenth street twenty one feet and three in h-H tn the corner aforesaid, the point or of beginning.

And aln all the estate, right, title and mierntft of the parlte nf, and to 0 much nf sa-d eighth avenue nnd Tenth street as lira opposite tn and adjoining enld land, tn the middle of stid and street respectively. Dated ilay -2d 199 frank cnKxMrrn, Sheriff of Kings Cnuntv. EDWIN KFMPTON, IMaint iff Attorney, l7S Rf-mson street. Borough of Brooklyn, city of New York. N.

Y. The following a dtigram of the property be sold as aoove describe 1- No. 134 Tenth street. Tenth Street. The approYimsite amount of the Hens or charges to satisfy which the above-de rlhed propertv is to be Sold is $10.412.49 with interest thereon from irch 1.

1m9. together with costs and allowances, amounting to $.:49 52. with Interest thereon from March ITth. 1S99, an.1 the eLpones of the sale. The approximate amount of, taxes, assessments or othtr liens which are to he allowed to the purchaser out of the purchase money or paid by the Sheriff is VI0.T9 and Interest.

Dated May 22d. 1M. FRANK TV CREAMER. 5-22-6-14 Sheriff of Kings County. The above sale Is hereby adjourned to June 27th.

M99, at same hour and place. Dated June 1.1th, lftUO. 6-14-4-36 FRANK D. CREAMER, Sheriff. Th, promts, nutria by Alderman Mtih, chairman of the Finance Committee, that when the Boorri of Aldermen met he would call tip the four bond Iszuo rosnlu-tlone In hl committee, Including that for paying the award of the Long Islnrnl Water Supply Company, If there were the necessary number of vote to pas them, wa not fulfilled.

There were at no time forty-five member preeent. There we a farcleal request by Alderman John McCall for unanlmou cnniwnt to rail up cirnrral Orr Nn, S', which I the Long Island Water Buppl revolution. There were Inotant objection by Aldermen Hyrne, of Brooklyn, end Gaffney, of Manhattan, end that wav the end of It, Alderman McCall seemed to regard It bi a Joke. Alderman Woodward rope to a question of privilege, obtaining permission to cor-reot certain statements In the morning papers on June 14 purporting'to be made by him. I did not entertain the contempt for the courts which one paper gratuitously accorded me," he said; 1 am here to obey the law, not to violate or defeat It; but I do not believe any court can, within Its jurisdiction, order the Board of Aldermen, or me as a member of It, to vote on any resolution which may come up for consideration." Alderman Woodward also expressed himself on the subject of the Board's ministerial power, saying: "If It can be definitely determined that we have only ministerial power, that power which compels the legislature of the Greater New York to vote aye when some Individual Commissioner or depart- ment Instruct to, I will be one of the first to advocate that these alleged pn.v ers be taken from us, os I do not think It adds to our utility to be compelled to act on the automatic system that of some one pushing the button and we doing the rest." The Board adopted concurrent resolution from the Council, granting permission to the Nassau Brewing Company to lay a private track at their own expense across the sidewalk on the west vide of Franklin avenue, midway between Dean and Bergen streetts, and on the east side of Wost Fifth street, about 200 feet north of Shsepshead to connect their building with the Coney Island and Brooklyn Railroad tracks.

The Board adopted the following resolu-offered by Alderman Velton: Resolved. That the Controller be and be Is hereby respectfully requested to refund to the owners of unimproved or vacant lota, in the Borough of Brooklyn ahy and-all money or moneys collected by the Commissioner of the Department of Water Supply for rents for water which was either never consumed or furnished. The totals of those water rents amount to many thousand dollars. Alderman Mclnnes preamble and resolutions, requestion the Commissioner of Water Supply to ascertain the feasibility of bringing water into Brooklyn from the Bast River through one large main and by distributing mains, for fire purposes and sprinkling streets, and flushing sewers, thereby saving the supply for drink- Ing purposes, and report to the Municipal Assembly, was, after ome discussion, on Alderman Wafer's motion, referred to the joint committees of Water Supply and Sewers. Alderman Mclnnes sought the immediate adoption of the resolution, saying that there was urgent need of immediate action to economize the water supply, and the question might as well be faced at once.

Alderman Wafer said that so far as he could ascertain there was no "clamor" about water, but when the authorities wanted to boom water meters, there was always a water scare. A year ago we were called down by this great bugaboo, the Controller, who goes about with report-era hanging to hla coat tails, and who said we were holding up 23 000.000 of bonds. We gave him that, and now he wants to spend 15.000.000 on a park at Coney Island. It'a all bosh. What the people want la to have the etreets paved and new schooihouscs, and a boardwalk and a etrlp of beach la what they want for a park.

Alderman Goodman said that the last speakers remarks did not apply to the question under discussion. Considerable might be said about that when It comes up, and probably considerable would be said. The water question was an important one, and he favored the adoption of the resolution, which only requested information. Alderman Stewart favored referring the resolution to the Joint committee. Alderman McNeil offered a resolution petitioning the State Railroad Commission to cause the Long Island Railroad Company to elevate its tracks at the Vernon avenue crossing high enough to permit traffic underneath it.

Adopted. There was, referred to the Finance Committee two resolutions introduced by Alderman John T. McCall. One of these asked the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to concur in a further appropriation of 19,900 for expenses of the Building Code Commission, and the other resolution authorized the Commission, to pay each expert Commissioner 500 a month for services rendered and to be rendered from Jan. 17 to July 1.

1899, and authorizing the Controller to pay the same. A concurrent resolution came from the Council naming the date of Friday. July 14. at 2 P. and the Council chamber as the place, for a public hearing on the application the Ocean Electric Railway anipui.

Company for a franchise for a road In cn nt -ley tha NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE. The War Department map of Luzon, scene of the military operations in the Philippines, is the most timely and pop-ulnr feature of the National Geographic Magazine for June. Other articles, concerning the Samoan Islands, both from a topographical and commercial point of view, are valuable, while special interest attaches to the synopsis of the Belgian Antarctic Expedition's work, and to the scheme of Mr. Harrimans Alaskan Scientific Excursion, which lately salted from (Seattle. Prof.

W. J. McGee, of the Bureau of American Ethnology, contributes the principal article of the magazine, a discussion upon National Growth and National Ohmacter, an address before the society In March, and one of a series in which Assistant Secretary of State Hill, Inifa, Hart of Harvard, MiMaatcr of IennKylvanlu, and olhera, appear. Sev- era I excellent Illustrations also mark the recent advance in merit of the magazine. NEW ENGLAND MAGAZINE.

Thf plcturcaque lland of Grand Mannn and tha elnli: hnde of Now Haven arc the principal outdoor llluatratod feature of the Juno "New Englnnd Magazine," while E. I. Powell' "History of Hamilton College, with It pictures of scene and of men, I alo valuable and Interest-Ing. Other feature arc William Morris "Commnnweul, the official organ of jhe socialistic jeague founded by Morris In 19M; "Liberty Through LeglHlatlon, by Joseph Lee. and "A New England Educational Poltey, by W.

Scott, eaeh discussing fairly and Intelligently an Important topic of the time. Harriet A. Nash and George H. Page write the stories of the which are supplemented with poems ot rather more than usual merit. COLLIERS WEEKLY.

The front page picture of to-days issue of "Collier's Weekly" is a spirited drawing by Max Keppler The Water Jump." There is an illustrated article on Porto Klco by Guy V. Henry, recently Governor-General of the island. There are two solid pages of photographs, illustrating the Czars Disarmament Conference at The Hague. The great Coney-Island fireepf May 26 is pictured; and the cruiser Nashville at St. Louis, the first ship of war in the upper reaches of the Mississippi since the tlnclad flotilla of the Civil War.

Two paes are iven to Nashville's recent floral pageant. Tennessee's beautiful women and thoroughbred horses are very much in evidence. The double-page is by Andre Castaiqne. and is It picture of New York at nightfall, as seen from the vicinity of Brooklyn Bridge, above which hovers the spirit of the young Republic. An Interesting article from Frederick Palmer in the Philippines is illustrated by photographs of the troops snd Gen Law ton.

There is a special article on cricket, fully illustrated, and other sporting and dramatic photographs. BIBELOT. An extract from a classic of Walter Pater, The Myth of Pemeter and Persephone, two lectures first printed In the Review" In 1S76, makes the June "Bibelot'' a delicate and critical study of the various forms of one nf the most vital and persevering legends of literature. The original Homeric hymn, with the Claudian and Ovid versions, form tho basis jtf Mr. Pater's work, which Is thoroughly characteristic, both in its classic and English scholarship.

An introduction by George Meredith adds interest to the number, which is one of the most valuable of the year. Swinburne's translations from "Villon will appear in the July number. LITERATURE. Dr. Arthur C.

Benson contributes to this week's issue of "Literature" an article that gives much information about the reading habits of British schoolboys, under the title "What Tom Brown Reads." Another article of exceptional interest discusses "The Mystery ot the and whether John P. Kennedy wrote one chapter of the Virginians or part of one. A review of Carlyle's Letters to His Youngest Sister, by Henry M. Baird, is also deserving of special mention. HARPERS BAZAR.

A fine portrait of Mrs. Emma Willard, from a portrait bust by Miss Enid Yan-dell, occupies the front page of the current issue of Harpers Bazar. Probably no other period cal publishes so many articles of practical value to women as the Bazar. It is carrying now two series of papers of exceptional interest to women who may desire, as occasion requires, to make or make over a gown, or to trim a bonnet in an artistic way. V- ie, the 4 i.

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