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The Times from Streator, Illinois • 2

The Timesi
Streator, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

WOOLLEY NON, T7OR SALE Several house in different parts of town. Libera terras te responsible JQOOTS 4ND SIIOEa. hctXCCKCS5 ABRAHAM JOHNSON. buver. Call Settle, Aa Mrs.

Hayes is about to quit business she requests ail who owe her tor millinery to call and settle. i FOR SALE House and acre lot, in Broadway addition. East Streator. Inquire ol t. Kareluu A lively fame "between lie Joliel I Browns and the Hsreka clnb was wit-1 nessed by a large assemblage yesterday afternoon at the ball Both c'-ubs had played before and showed that By FORNOF A HOCE, augO-lm B.

Kiliefer. on the premises. For ehoice lot of second-hand buggies lor sale or trade lor horses. J. O.

HVXTFB. bale. a i DRUGGISTS', DRUGGISTS, 'OR SALE. -Livery stock. J.

C. Huxteb. i New RT; We desire to inform the public that we i bare bought out the hardware business of they were ski Jed players and some lively Eu Copend are BOW prepared to weh playing was anticipated. The Browns come ajj the old patrons of the store and won the toes and seat the Eurekas to hat many new ones. Come and $ee us and 1 They made three runs and gave the Brown, IWers Br.oe.

the goose egg, and received two them. i TIIKI 8F S32SSS1FT1CI. I selves in succession while the Browns is eeats I made two runs in 1 the second. In the A. Kew.Medielwei A sure cure found at last for Consump- tion.

Dr. Bosankos Cough and Li FOR SA I-E A house and lot on Kent street. on monthly paymeits. A. M.

Parker. In order to reduce stock as low as possible before the openir of Fall trade, ct- ter all Stammer Goods at a TWO houses on Peanut HOI for sale or rent. A.M. Parker Opposite Post-office, OT FOR ALE. On Peanut Hill.

Xj 1. Been ax it Co. 1 fourth Inning the Browns gathered and I The Great Lung Healen A single monta a tts tallies whirl, rm them ahead I do6e reIleves lhe moet ornate Cough or one 4 66 1 ma nve tames which put them ahead and a 50-ceni bottle will cure it. It and they kept it easily to the last. Some I gets Quickly cores permanently, and if HOCSE TO RENT.

For a desirable tenant who would lease the property for one or Streator, Illinois. Small Ailvata Atm Cost PLUMB HOUSE mere years. I would build a house say from to 1U rooms, with a well, cistern and cellar, on the corner of Morrell and Everett streets, near Broadway. Far particulars inquire of I). Fielwxo.

P'OR SALE. A house and acre lot. In Simo- sons addition. A good house, -six rooms nice work was done by both clubs, but I used as directed is perfectly harmless to thtf Tlrownii aft a ciiAWFd fKt 1 the child bold jjby Oner Mr. Phine McClure, a Gibson busi- Poor.

I I they were the better players. The follow- ne-s man, is in town. 1 I I mg is the score. siw flitk lle, Miss Emma LKicharueon, of Ottawa, is I innings 12345789 I Holcomb Brothers have Uken out Tisitmg tser sister, Mrs. MeDougall, this 3 002000 1 6 1 license to run hack line in the city and weCfc.

I Joliet 0 2 0 5 3. 0 0 0-15 1 now prepared to carry passengers to Drug tore. I and hall, good well, ply on premises. A bargain for cash. Ap Geo.

Bkookek. I reduced from nrtfjsglacal (Sards. Low Cut $2.25 to $1.75 1 a I From CM 1 HW. PRATT, M. Fiomoppatkle Pnysi- cian and Surgeon.

Office Room 4, D. Heetians Block, where he may be found day and night, to answer calls with pleasure Waiting room aiwayt open for ladies. Where you will find a clean, fresh stock of. Drugs and Patent Fancy and TUet I Articles, at reasonable prices. Also a well-I stocked prescription department under the Dr.

Finley and wife and Miss Anna I ball accidentally I the city, cents to points outside of the Wilson returned yesterday from their visit 1 6,1 jNlcho3au JoIiets who WM city, in proportion to distance.) 1 Funerals In Pennsvlvania. I at tte bat and he Uy raSe threw his attended with carriages the same as here. 1 bat at the pitcher. It did not hit him, tofore. Stand.atthe corner of the Plumb B.

S. Brown, of the Jo.iet Signal, whoand jficholaus wnn.t rjnMt th.r Pnrr I House, telephone ho. 77. All orders came down to look at the tournament, was wont repeat that caper aU nded. soon.

The crowd hissed and1 management of James Minor. Prescriptions A G. BLANCHARD, M. D. Physician and Surgeon.

Office, Room No. 9. Heenaa's Block. Special attention given to the eye and ear and all chronic diseases. from any physician will be prepared with neatness and accuracy at all hours.

Give me a call. I him good alter that all through the game they I The Water Qnentiea guyed him unmercifully. Every time a The River hank Coal Co. having just F. J.

SHOOP. H. FINLEY M. D. Physician and 'Bar Closing Out: geon.

Msunstreet, Streator, 111. rv MARKET. (caller last evening. "E.C. Lewis and D.

A. Cook, of Ottawa, have gone to Sprfogfield to get tents for us at the old soldiers reunion at Ottawa, Sept, lltbjj 12th and 13th. MUS. DR. FRANCES A.

PRINDhE. Physician aud Surgeon. Residence, on Park SL, of Rummer between Main and Bridge, west side. Office Cor. Main and Monroe streets, over Arthur Bros, store.

Office hours from 9 to 12 a. and from 2 to 4 p. All calls promptly attended to. All (Goods. 1 Cosjt no object.

1 ends ft i. DBS. SMITH BONAR Physic! an and surgeons. Office over Griggsdrug store Calls COLL BROS. SCHROEDER, il DEAIlEBS IK 1 FRESH AND SALT VEAT8 AND SALVAGE, and Manufacturers at the old stand of D.

FI EJ man was touched by the ball the crowd ut in a.3aSBLelyv eam pumP- hav I demonstrated that they have an unlimited would 6hout throw a bat at him and supply of soft water and are now prepared such jeering remarks, all aimed at Nich-J to furnish the-same at reasonable rates. James Poling, of Aurora, who has been I olaus. The Eurekas were gentlemanly fo aa 8ft as raid water and without tile tlo roof, and imokouck. feltow. th.

crowd io qrmpuhjr I aSJRJffiw. Btreator, with his excellent preparation I with them though most of them wished I ag0 prepared to deliver coal to any part went Lome this afternoon. the Browns to succeed, bb winning I of the city promptly. Mr. Nicholas Casey was at Chicago 1 dob of that game was to play with the i BiVer Bank Coax.

Co. yesterday with a carload of. fat steers. Beds and as the Reds had met the Browns 1 rue They averaged 15M pounds in Chicago I before, disastrously to themselves, they Piies are frequently preceded by a sense and brought $6.12 per 100. now wanted to see them have an oppor- of weight in the back, loins land lower I tunity to try it again.

part of the abdomen, causing -the patient Floy Campbell, who Las long been on nnn to suppose he has some affection of the the Ohio 61 Mississippi railroad has been There was no game this forenoon but a kidney80r neighboringorgani At times, given a position in the yard at Spring- t0 one 18 on between the Reds and the symptoms ot indigestion are present, as field and makes his home there now. Joliet by fternoon. Both sides flatulency, uneasiness of the stomach, etc. Pasengetand ioisam 1 mean business. Visitors are here from all A isture, Hke perspiration producing Ber wPst.

pm! Richard wooLlLiscROFT.Jnsuco of the l'eace. Notary Pub'ic, Fire. Liie and Insurance Agent. Collections and soldiers claims a specialty. Marriage licenses issued.

Office under Wllvou Kuhns hank. Chicago Su Alton Dwight Branch. Trams pass Streator as fol'ows Acci-oent Brown Swa he. Pilcher ft Eades Block. trentoT, 111.

Mala Street, next corner to Monroe, AMUSEME NTs G1 OPENING! Kve.ybody Is assured that the meats sold shall be fint-clas, fresh and clean. The best quality of sausage will be manufactured and for sale. "piACELHIOlt Prof, bobbins, principal of the Joliet a very disagreeable itching, particularly I Accommodation Freight, east! Vk 1 mViS A ft rm 4wa bwa 4 Ia1 I I WNuf tk itk A Sff at after 9 (O around the country to see it. a.m. Trains make close connections at Dwight with linn touma 4a nni rKlM.n.A line trams to and from night getting Warm id bed, is a very common attendant.

Blind, Bleeding ana Itching Piles yield at once to the schools, with bis wife, is visiting bi9 brothers-in-law. Rev. Haney and A. C. Croswcrt.

They will remain over main Chicago. li. G. CAMPBELL. Agent PLUMB OPERA HOUSE.

I The best Billiard and Tool Tables in the city. 1 oTREA TOR, ILLINOIS. C. B- A Q. Fox River Branch.

Trains arrive and depart from Btreator as follows Passenger from Chicago 12 20 pm and 8 30 pm Sunday. New Mexico. While Rev. Penhallegon was in New I application ol Dr. Bosknkos Pile Remedy, Mexico he made quite a study of the var- wvhicb.acts recily upon the parts affected he towi Tk' nwailfciSa, JdXtiag City, IiiHCk Hills, has been put in charge Pueblo Indians bear many points of re.

cure, where all other remedied have failed. of a dry goods store at Sturgis City, Da-1 semblance to the peoples described in the I not delay' Until the drain on the A quiet, pleasant room and good company. The August tirni i-ept. 1 for Chicago, 0 60 am and 315 px I best place lp the city to spend an evening In fiSTI il snJ RlAew rvivimav. vo AM 4R1U JO IM Freight lv 8 ao am and 5 10 pm Acccmmodauon ar 8 10 am and 6 45 pm Friday acid tiaturlar cvuir -Jug Innocent qmusemeut Fine line of cigars No liquors sold or drank and Eatiirday ie kota.

He wants to be remembered to all Old Testament They live a simple, prim-1 8pstem ProdnceB Permanent disability, PawPaw Pxngr leaves 5 3oaxj arr 50 pm iHv. lif. 111.. tkoi, I tfj Slid b8 CUrid. PfiCC, bis btreator VU1IU, mtic.

50 cents I Glose connections at Aurora and Chicago for llfe bave tbeir flocka and I I 1 Matinee, by th I SmaUlleD Grand Opera in the ball. lUIe herds Sent prepaid on receipt of price. Address, ERCIVAL LOtVFf Mrs. Emily Hurd, who has been visiting and small fields of grain, and produce ah The Dr. Bosanko, Medicne! Piqua, Gen.

Mgr, Chicago. G. P. Chicago Sold by Grjer dt Poor, I Jxo. Roe e-xheroer.

Agent. Streator. many friends about Streator for sever- most everything they use. They cut their I Eades block, corner Up Stairs in Pilcher 1 Main and Park streets her al weeks, left this morning for her home I grain with the old hand sickle and thresh at Emporia, Kansas. She took with her it by laying it on the threshing floor" her step-daughter, Mrs.

Swartz, and child- and driving goats over it The pure blood rcn- I Indians seem to be better farmers with Summer is Passing andlAutumns Slid 4 30pm A i.11 i I A XT UPDntr A A ASA A The Acknowledged leading Atliaction on tl.o American Stage. CK 1 A. N. KERBY, Agent, Btreator. 1 H.

CROCKER, Receiver. 60 I A I eo Wabash, St. L. A Streator Div. Trains arrive at and depart from Streator as I follows Rev.

and Mrs. Pechailegon got backbelter cornfields, meadows, orchards and from their western trip last night. TheUar5er docks, than the halt breeds that baby is very much better, hut they are I constitute the Mexican population. The glad to get home. Its dangerous sickness civilization seems, to be modeled all the time they were gone spoiled most I nfter the Indian but inferior to it.

There ood, the OneFrlce Cloth1 of the pleasure ol the trip. I are still some descendants of 'the old! IeP Ik Ready for 1 hem. Joe Taggart and Jim Shellenberger I Pans proprietors, however, who consti-went over to Kankakee to-day. The uan aristocracy of the country and are Now that the summer season is rapidly Passenger, south, leaves 8 10 am from the south, arrives 6 20 pm Accommodation Freight, ar 9 45 am It 2 00 pm Trains connect at Strawn with main line We are now prepared to receive orders for ice to be delivered to any part of the city during the summer of 1W3. Low prices and I attention t0 orders.

Orders may te left at Bat tenhauer McDougahs. Refrigerators, cf various sizes and prices will be kepjt or sale at H. Howlands store. i 1 iwma aiiott, I One of the iost finWied. artistic and 1 rime Donne on to lyric Muge, who.

biii-Jiiuit recrjrrt linluierruried triuniiih- is unp Hrivlleiedl ui site annuls of miiMc la this country, snd who Is rec-' OKn.redas the--Vueen of Lugijsh Opera. JCLIE ROItWAlD. I trains tor aU Agent. hhUsTlikTKah0 th? PePle that region 'what" the I drawing to a close, purchasers will begin! H.c.Towxsexd. A.

St. Louis. and 7hey wen5 1 B0Uth were to want a lhlle different cliss of goods.) Turn's arrive their communities in anfe-war I H. J. Wood, the one-price Clothier, has I at deP saR' as'ioiiowsV Yankee enterprise is pushing in there I Passenger irom east 1110 am loBS forekeenthat and has a ready made 245pm however and greatchanges ft PATTERSON I Whose gveat-succvss la the Rojal opera Houses yAiiLitwx.

I Berlin, ieinia and Dresden nave beea MCNAMARA repeated ll(jr(ughoul( the principal cltiirs pi America. over to a look at the latter before commencing their work here. Cash Taylor, of the Wenona Index I force, was over yesterday and saw the contest between the Eurekas and the Jol-1 lets and became so much interested that i he wanted to come back to-day to see the meeting of the Reds and Joliets. are being made i I Freight, arrives at 7 30 pm: leaves at 7 am i in the appearance of the countrv as well I PI'Parallon8 for anticipating the wants I Office, up stairs in Ilicher Andersons block I CERALD, S- tiv where further information will be supplied. I -Z-a.

as in the habits of the rising generation. the PeoPe He has madej his selection I c. H. smith. Agent The climate is very fine, the soil produc- of styles and goods for the foil trade, and LrcXT8 F- Age- Kankakee.

tive where it is irrigated, the chances for the workmen the eastern dities are now I 011 20J3ITJBK, money making good for those who arelv 1 1 I- -lllli to endur. tb. but 0rk He kM GENERAL HOUSE I GENERAL HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER. AND SIGN PAINTER, Ilev. J.

Brereton will preach in the grove at No. 4 on Sunday afternoon. it is not a place that most people would of Ms dd made to Tder to I Repairing of all kind, neatly and promptly the requirements of his trade, so he has I bhop rear of Pilcher Andersons store, on to commence in time to have them ready Monroe street. Patrot age solicited. select for a home.

Coal. I I 1 i 2 I 1 i 1 4 Rev. Penhallegon having' retuped will preach at, Oriental JIall Sunday at 10:30. Interior Deoratlng a Specialty! Intenor Decorating a Specialty. i ZELDA SE60IR, Whose marvelously rich voice and great historic tident have placed her name at the wnl of all American Contraltos.

MARIE HlfiOlE, A charming yoiibc artiste, who possesses a brilliant and highly cultivarhd voice, and IS, destined achieve distinction 1 on the operatic stage. KATIE KBYT, A brilliant sopranin of rare poster and fine dra-1 inatic ability. 1 -(BA SCHILEffJ A beautiful ik1 gifted sopranol who nil make lid flftt ll jPTatiC I'KKt, vAUrtike eairiri, late ef Her Majesty's Grand Italian Operx 1 Coir.nyf the popular tenor. VICTOR RQYEllo ARO MAURICE CORRllt Versatile and attractive artists, possess ng voices of extraordinary sweetness I and power, SICROR CIOIAIRI TACLIAflETRA, The state of the soft coal market inChi- when tbe Pen9- I HARD COAL cago is thus hopefully stated in Coal: Bnt in the meantime his store is not I M. A M.

W. HICKS The bituminous 1 trade continues in about I empty. He has a good stodk of summer I Shop opposite post office. Main Street, 8treator rnKI ttRFATOK MMurncm entirec I I IKtAiBa CDmMtBGlAL COLLEGE. I re now receiving a new supply of Xut and tinn Hai VMPI make room for the new will I advanced in a short time, offer special bargains for the next few I W.HiCKS.

5 i goods, and in order to close tkem out and I H1? Parties wanting Hard Coal had better lay in a stork at once, as prices will le Mil Vfk.nft.ri ahnet tuna Has been established to meet the demands of the public for a Practical Business Education. Beintc complete In all Its denartments, and thorough in the work done. It offers advantages equal to those of larger institutions, at much less expense. The aork is conducted on the Weeks. This is an opportunity that care-1 M.

KUOOLEs, I O. Proprietor ful buyers cannot afford to igcoire. Forf STREATOR HOUSE. ACTUAL BUSINESS PLAN. gents furnishing goods he jiontl take -a back seat for anybody.

He has a fine) The Best Hotel In the city Corner of Main and Bloomington Streets. Btreator. Ill and he who has completed the course can enter I eoua ting. house, bank or store, and be able I 52.V1!1 at once to enter upon hts duties. In the Actual I ew great baritones ot the present day.

the same condition as at last writing, which showed favorable conditions. Re! ports are encouraging, and the volume of business increasing." The improved demand among manufacturers continues, which is owing to the general improvement in the iron market. The manufacturing interests ot every kind throughout this city and vicinity seem at present to be prosperous, and many of our manufacturers are now making contracts for coal both for present and future nse. 1 The increased receipts of bituminous coal to Chicago, from May 1st to August 1st, over that ot the corresponding period of a882, was 144,188 tons, the increase be-ing 108,170 ton by rail and 136,018 tons by lake. The increased receipts amount to over one fourth more during the last three months than for the same period last year, and as soft coal is mined only as wanted for use, it will readily be seen that the trade is much more prosperous at the present time than heretofore.

HAVES, Stock of shirts, gloves, handkerchief, and the hundreds of articles nec- E. Business Department Is a bank, wholesale of-1 1 WiLTflillll I flee, commission house, retail office and railroad I "etna alilk, office, each of which Is fitted np with a first- I T1 brilliant and versatile baritone and buffo, ejass set of beoks, and all the conveniences for 1 whose popularity this country is j( getnerally kcown.i the transaction of business. Here the student buys and sells, gives and receives notes, essary to complete a gentlemans toilet. If you want anything that way call in and I MINING ENGINEER ft DRAUGHTSMAN. drafts, checks, deposits money in the bank, and rforms all the icy different kind of transactlo is WILLIAM RRDRERICE, Tbe pleasing Bas.o-Catitanie.

whose ilch snd cultivated voice has been warmly praised throughout tbe country. Wood will supply you at tbff lowest rates, Come and see for a little money. Come and see how much you can. buy I Office Comer H'ekorv and k. I B.

yf ad oeti th dinary course of busl- The course Include Book-keeping, by both 1 i RSIERT WARP, OCEAR BTEAlIBfllP LINES. I slDcle aud double entry, Ienmanshlp.Commer- I1 Law, Con-tneroUl Arithmetic. Business H. J. Wood.

following line Correspond Eiiuh dammar and JCual I111. ortunat ptjesor of a majestic Basso Pfofundo voice. WILLIAM CASTLE, Dr. Robert Hunter, of Chicago, nas Just pub- I CUNARD--Between New York and Boston and Business, and require two term to complete ished a vent valuable pamphlet on the proper I l.7erRfo1- I A diploma will be given those who suocess- reatment of catarrh, bronchitis, asthma and I VDITK STAR Between New York and liver- fully complete the course, lished 1 treatment I LOCAL NOTES. The renowned American Tenor, whose appetr- truisl- ance la everywhere welcomed with entf Price 25c.

Hem free to all who I are afflicted. Address Dr, R. Hunter, State I EJS80 Ne Torkand Ltverpoet. street, opposite Marshall Field Chicago. I ANCHOR Between New York and Glasgow ana ew Yerk and London direct.

AMERICAN Between Philadelphia and Liver- Male. 1 Tuition per term of 12 weeks, flO.ML For further particuar. address P.8. KKMPTON, Principal. asm, Mr.

fastle Is unquestionably 1 tbe greatest exponent of romantic Opera glasses for sale or hire at Geo. M. Rigdens. NEW DEAL. roles ot the operatic Stage, and 1 will apesr In several new A Three cigars for five cents at Bloomington streeL roa lln I riff ij -the stut atol rum mor not I war CldH met Bin hint Frm thin htp Itlen Hoot Mob Coli.

repo Jacl rvfort; Oret low Will Gall New Tn of by band Ostia 'after hot Ostei i ijk Jo hero i drov er, ai T-'ghl Lake anl brilliant parts. An extraordinary large stock of stoves at Eades hardware store. House and lot on North Sterling street. $1,500. House and lot on North YVasou street.

$eou. erv easy term. Other houses on easy terms. 1 JASj. G.

WILSON. pool. House and lot on 8outk Vermillion street. I RED 8T A Between New York and Antwerp 1 and HiUyJeirhta and Antwerp direct. NORTH GERMAN LLOY i Between New York and Baltimore and New ork and Bremen direct.

HAMBURG-AM ERICAN-Between New York and Hamburg direct. For iowes rates, apply to D.HEE.VANftCO. The young people of Park church willjhold their weekly prayer meeting at the residence of Mrs. Cool next to the church thU evening. The Congregational council held at Onarga lajst week, decided that it was not advisable Jto continue to sustain a Congregational Church at that place.

Nicholas Casy, who is buying stock for shipment reports prices as follows: Corn fed cattle, 5 to fat cattle, Stockers, 3 to bogs, 4 to 5, with the best price for lightei About fifty jpf the people attending the North Streator P. M. church went out In tho country Wednesday evening. Some of them took part in a concert at Hopewell church, where they had a full house and ft pleasant time. Thert is a big demand for reserved seats for the opening the new opera house.

They were placed on sale at 8 oclock this morning, end in the first hour 1 00 were taken and they have been going steadily ever since. Mr Schroeder, of Mendota, who was declared insane in 1876 and taken to Elgin, was yesterday granted full control of his property by Judge Evans, and his two conservators discharged. Mr. Schroder was discharged from Elgin in 1882, completely restored in mind. The coming of age of Miss Lollie Crocked, the daughter of Mr Jams CroCker, North Streator, was celebrated on Thursday last, when there was a eveniag spent, about 30 friends being present and they enjoyed themselves with candy and cake and other refreshments.

Several presents came in during the even ing, one vfrorth $30. The party broke up at ft late hour. Mr. McCloy, an experienced English miner, has opened a shaft at the old How. lend place north of the city, on the Fox river.

The shaft is commenced at the dge of the river" and runs in for some rods, where1 Mr. McCloy has already opened four rooms and half developed 20 foches good coal. Ijx fact his venture has been attended with success and the coal is better and more cheaply reached fckCUkea out by stripping. Otta- PUnRIIC Onlsinf the largest and finest chor-ununuo uses in tee United Btatts Is with this company. Wanted a boy to learn the baker's trade.

Inquire at the Novelty restaurant. I PLUMBS OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I 1 Main StreeL .1 Tlio Streator Bazar This company has its pwn orchestra of excellent mu- E. ItAK8KH, To the people of this eonaty we would say we have been given the agency of Dr. MarckisPs W. ORCHESTRA sklans, 1 4 i Italian Pile Ointment warranted to cure or miiey relunded Ijiternal Extern al.

Blind, 1 r. The Climax cook stove at F. Eades is the best stove in the market Every stove fully guaranteed. WillsMetham Altamont. Ill-say: We, Lave never told a bottle of Browns Iron Bitters that has not given perfect tOc a box.

For Bleeding or Itching Piles, sale by Hattenbauer ft MeDougaU Pric UHOG ltAMMK is fall and overflowing with an elegant stock of I all the new designs In MEECHANT TAILOR. FRIDAY EVENING Opera cl Unda da WALL PAPER, CURTAINS. CURTAIN Cbampunl GOODS, AND WINDOW FIXTURES OF ALL STYLES. SATURDAY AFTERNOON j-Operaof Bohemian Girl. 1 1 Back Caady Cssgh Care.

Warranted te cure or money refunded. Colds, I Coughs, Hoarseness, Throat and Lung Troubles (also good for children). Rock Candy Cough Cure contaids the hea-lng properties of pure JJh8Kock Candy with extracts of Roots and buy. Forsale by la tenhauer ftMcDoAiL ronJ made np in the most fashtddable Miss M. J.

Geraghty has returned from her prolonged visit in the west, and will go to Chicago, Satnriay, -25th, to purchase a fine stock millinery goods. Will have them here in doe time for the opera. SATURDAY EVENING of La Som-nambuJa. 1 1 I PRICES OF ADMIS8I0N 1 i D.aghtcra. W.vca a.4 Mathcra.

I WOrk Warraute1- Dr. YTarchisis Catbolicon. a Female Remedy I the ben sewing machines manufactured. Your I 2uvotced to give satisfaction or money re- I Stationery, Books of All Kinds, School Book and Supplies. Blank Books, Fancy Goods of ever style and at very low prices.

I jy Wutt4 A few good miners. Lukins Jfc Cavanaugh, Prairie Creek. patronage solicited. for ecli evening will he Parqnette and Dress tt First and Second Rows Balcony Circle. Cb Other Rows Balcony 1,25 Gallery.

60 51 MATINEE 8 AT. AFTERNOON! QLORiNC OUT CLOSING OUT! baby Carriages, baby carriages, baby 1 baby carriages Bird Cages, Velocipedes, Hammecks, fnnded. Will cure Female Diseases. Ail over- I ian t.oublee. Inflammation and ulceration, tailing and displacements or bearing down ieeling.

Irregularities, barrenness, change of life. Jeu-corrboe, besides many weaknesses springing frem tbe above, like headache, bloating, affinal weakness sieepleasness, nervous debility, palpitation of tbe heart, etc. For sale by drug and1-ao bottle. Bend to B. Marchu.l uca.N- for pamphlet For sale by Hauenhaoer ft MeDonnall.

Parqnette and Dres Circle First and Second Row Balciny Circle fit lAn Do DlaoU Other Rows I. tire, To all consumers of wrapping paper: I hereby give notice that I am not at liberty to famish any paper to consumers as all my product is contracted for some time. S. W. Williams.

off 75 tA the Boston ss-cent store. Picture Frames. Lambrequin Poles, Window I Baicony Circle. I Gallery 1 Cornices, Etcn Etc. No extra will charge made for reserved seats.

A fcsndsome souvenir programmes will Th stock will be sold still lewer than we have sarrnumnua 1 11 we Intend cklng up entirely. Now is the rFAJKEN UP. Sorrel horse, blind In one eye, I best chance to lay up some nice things for the 1 v--f xsox. I holidays, and save money. Only a few more ot I d.iW.i.

a East Elm Street I Jboee nice frames lefL CaQ and get bargains I Novelty Baby Carriages. -CHIB SALE, Boom and three lots cheap. before la too late. W. H.

WATSON ft Euxii ft co. BOSTON 99-CENT STORE. Streator. -1 KliDO) E4cxUbx1. Those who are familiar with the Normal and Scientific school at Morris, 111., speak of it as one of the best schools ef its class.

Our young people would do well to attend this school. Send for catalogue. prcsenled to each lady. Tbe sale ef seats will beg Friday morning at 8 sclock, at Watron ft wans store. Opera glassen for tale hr hire..

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