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The Muscatine Journal du lieu suivant : Muscatine, Iowa • 26

Muscatine, Iowa
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Muscatine, Journal. Thursday, June 16,196 I i ir -yi 1 View From Funck's Hill Natural Beauty View of the lower bluff area as it appears under the rail- tine. Runoff water from a large area west of Muscatine pass-i bridge on Funk's hill on county road west of Musca- es through this section on its Way to the river. road This scene overlooking the Mississippi river and the I Hi- highway 22 just cast of Fairport. Most soil in this picture nois shore was taken from the hill road that, junctions with seems to be anchored in place.

(Journal Photo) (Journal Photo) Allotments Natural Beauly Is Emphasized in '66 ACP Fund land, particularly around farm The tree plot improvement practice is applicable to" windbreaks, shelter belts, and to the first 10 rods of other woodlands next to public roads or private drives. This practice will enable farmers to clean up and beautify the state with the help of federal funds. The farmland. These areas then can be devoted to conservation uses for several years. This practice also includes funds Jor renovation, of gullies, bank and hill-sidie erosion, and other small areas that are scarred' or overgrown with brush.

Grasses, legumes, trees or shrubs would be established to prevent further and enhance the natural beauty. i Under the ACP program, the federal government (khares costs with farmers for carrying out the needed conservation In. line with President Johnson's emphasis on enhancement of natural beauty, the -1966 Agricultural Conservation Program for i Iowa includes three new conservation practices for heautification benefits. They are tree plot improvements, establishment of road grass plots, and establishment of windbreaks. I-.

i ACP, Funds -Additional ACP funds are being" appropriated to share, the cost of clearing abandoned farmsteads and junk, piles from steads. In addition to providing protection against erosion, windbreaks enhance the natural beauty of the countryside arid provide winter shelter for wild-life. j. In the tree plot improvement and windbreak practices, emphasis is givenf to the use of ornamental shrubs with ACP sharing Costs with the farmer. The windbreak practice recommends that one: of.

the outside rows of a three-row windbreak be devoted to ornamental xTtT-iV 'CSK" growth and development i of desirable species of trees and shrubs will also result in better shrubs. The tree plot improvement practice recommends that ornamental shrubs be planted in the row next to the road as replacements for missing trees. Corner Grass Plots Corner grass plots at; road intersections are important for driving safely. The added ground cover improves nesting habitat and protects wildlife as well as enhancing the natural beauty of the countryside. 1 i The treatment of eligible areas with practices available under the ACP program would improve the appearance of the countryside in Iowa ho dilapidated, decaying unused farm buildings no junk piles on farms no woodlots with unsightly: fallen limbs trees no bare, scarred hillsides wildlife habitat.

Windbreak Establishment! Windbreak establishment applicable to any Iowa farm Dredging Work on Muscatine Slough practices on agricultural! land, Extensive dredging work has been talcing bank and the Slough was deepened about six place in the Muscatine Slough during the past feet. This is a 'picture of worktone this year three years. Trees were removed from the by the four mie (Journal Photo), no unkept, brush-choked ravines just well cared for, properly treated land. SEE EVERETT CREES em to market fast Conservation Contractor RINA HOG CHOW mm i rtft way TERRACING i WATERWAYS PONDS OUR SERVICE INCLUDES Earth Moving r- Grading Timber Clearing Our Congratulations To Our Muscatine r. 4 J.

County Soil Conservation Winners i EVERETT CREES i. PHONE 649-2247 ATAILISSA, IA. Eroded Hillside by moving water is eventually deposited' Erosion such as this taking place on a hillside along the soil carried away where it could be a possible Cause of flooding. Mississippi river, takes its' toll of useful farm land and the 1 (Journal Photo) RESOURCES Are a Basic Requirement. displays, magazine articles, posters and other worthy uses; Further information and entry blanks may, be obtained from Photo Contest Chairman, Lloyd Patterson P.

O. IJpx 233, IT'S A PLEASURE 1 To say thanks to all our Dairy Farmers and to all Muscatine County Soil Conservation Winners. Uskaloosa lowa. FIRST WARD Once the three-man Apollo Don't Lose Ground Practice Soil Conservation. It Is Also a Pleasure to Serve You With The Finest in Lumber, Windows and Building Supplies Fence In Your Pastures Now.

LETTS LUMBER CO. Dtaf 726-3061 Art Thompson, Mgr. Letts, lowa spacecraft achieves orbit over the its first data If you're looking for big daily gains at low cost J. if you'd like to ship hogs in less than five months, farrowing to market, the Purina Hog Program can help you do it. Purina -Hog Chow, the famous fmbhing Chow, has what it takes to help hogs pile on economical pounds.

One of the important ingredients in Hog Chow is Terramycin. This booad-range antibiotic inhibits the growth of many disease organisms in the intestinal tract. This results in promoting fast growth and efficient use of feed. Try Purina Hog Chow with Terramycin the next time you feed out a bunch of hogs. See for yourself j-how quickly and economically your own grain and Purina Hog Chow can produce porkl Pay us a visit.

Let us tell you more about Purina Hog Chow and the Purina Hog Program. i Reg. Trademark Chaa. Pfizer Co. Our Congratulations To All Our Soil Conservation Winners and to Our Dairy Farmers.

1 will be received by NASA's Canary Island station or its fetation at Ascension Iowa SCSA Chapter Sponsors Photo Contest 1 Once again the Iowa Chapter of the Soil Conservation Society of America is searching for outstanding conservation photos. Each year ithe Chapter sponsors a conservation photo contest; end Iowa photo enthusiasts are encouraged to participate, whether professional or amateur. i The Iowa chapter urges the submission of photos with conservation subjects for the contest." Many of them will be used to inform Iowans about conservation and good land use. "Anyone is eligible to enter the "contest and no special cameras, or techniques are There 'is no entry fee. Chief requirement is that the pictures telL' a conservation story and that pictures will have been taken since January 1, 1963.

'Entrance Deadline is Sept. 30 Thi contest is divided into two divisions; a black-and-white, division and a color division. Prizes of $10, $5, $3, and SOIL CONSERVATION PAYS THE DEMANDS GREAT, THE REWARDS GREATER 'i- 'i i. Your? land is like any other business, mauds proper management for good profits, following your Soil Cnoservation Program. i i Like our banking business, it demands proper Whether it's banking, fairming or any other kind of Stop i management to serve you better with our complete banking services.

YOUR AUTHORIZED PURINA DEALERS WEBER i HUSTON, INC. in today and let us help you with your banking needs. sources are basic. And and water it contains is a $1 fpr the first four winners in farmer most valuable resource, -I i Columbus Junction State Bank 1 COLUMBUS JCT. Dial 728-7131 Louie Peters, Salesman (LETTS 1 Dial 726-3791 Bob Barnes, Mgr.

Our Congratultions To Our Soil Conservation Winners and Columbus junction. eaclt division ribbons for honorable mention to others will be awarded. The Iowa chapter will utilize the slides and photos which are entered fa various exhibits and displays designed to effectively tell the conservation story. Prize winning; photos will be The Bank For All The People" COLUMBUS JUNCTION, IOWA Member FJXI.C. Member Federal Reserve System MEMBER F.D.I.C.

To All Dairy Farmers 5 Look to the Bank With the New Drive-In Facilities available for i use in window 1 A.

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