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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 6

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HAINES. Assistant Publisher A. PREDRICKSON, Editor PAUL D. HUMAN, Advertising Manager Bolt Nations! Advertising Representatives: New York, Chicago, Dtlroit. Atlanta, Memphis.

Entered a.i jocond clasj matter at the post- office at Blylhevllle. under o( Congress, October 9, 1917. Member o( The Associated WEDNESDAY, JULY 1951 By SUBSCRIPTION RATES: carrier In the city of or anj mburban where carrier service tained, 25c per week. By mail, within a rndiirs or 50 miles, J5.00 per year. 12.50 for six months II 25 tor three nionthi: by mall outside 60 mile zone.

112.50 per jcar payable in advance. Meditations How Him comfort ye me In vain, In your answers there reiiiainelh falsehood? Job 21:34. Sin liur many lools, but a lie is the handle which fits them W. Holmes. Barbs When you lean loo heavily on lutlc ll gives way.

An Illinois cop was suspended for JHriliif. Girls aren't supposed to resist an officer Man will be without tce-s in 500 cnntures, predicts a scientist. There goes the last reason for keeping old razor blades. We'll lie I the ilitst storms In farm Jand stu(cs are going against the grain. 1 An Ohio dentist says the looUiplck Is okay socially.

It's nob supposed to be used, however, In the lobby of a ritzy hotel where you are not staying. Chances Are Britain Will Seek More U.S. Aid Poor nud weakened England is in a bad way again. And It looks as more bad news is yet to come. After only nine months in power, Winston Churchill's Tory government already is knee-deep in trouble.

Many observers on the scene believe that if. a general election were held now, the Churchill government would lose. Jn the latest poll puts the Socialists out ahead in popular support by 8.5 per cent. The problems 'are many and varied. Some were inherited from the Socialist government.

Others the Conservatives have brought upon themselves. Britain's trade balance, vital to her very existence, is running more anct more against her. Her dollar and gold reserves dropped markedly and might have dropped more except for support by America. The Conservatives had great plans -for bringing food prices down. But food prices have gone up.

The much-heralded plan for denationalization of certain important industries has, to all intents and purposes, failed to materialize. The Germans and the Japanese are cutting into British export markets. To top it all, -the popularity of Churchill himself appears to be suffering. Even members of his own parly have been recently critical of the way the 77-year-old prime minister is handling things. They have suggested lie either get out or at least share leadership of the government with younger men.

Against tbi.s melancholy background, I'rime Minister Churchill tins summoned the House of Commons for deliato on "jrrave and far-reaching matters." Just what (hose mailers will be is not defi- niiely known. But a good guess would be some means of giving British exports a shot in the arm. U'halever the outcome of ihe Commons debate, it will be of dollars-and- cenls interest to this country. America has for some lime been helping take up the slack in the sagging British economy. The chances are that we shall have to continue to do so in one form or another.

The question is how much slack do have to take up and for how long a lime? The results of the coming debate in Commons should provide at least part of the answer. New York Industries Act On Alcoholism Problem Americans as a nation are a pretty hard-drinking crew, and as such inevitably carry things too far sometimes. In fact, the problem of alcoholism, when recognized for Hie extensive national ill thai it is, becomes disturbingly serious. There arc few uf us who, right in our own lives, have not been touched nl some time by the pffecls of too much drinking. It can be a a fallx-r, a cousin, a good friend.

It can even lie a sister or a mother. Tippling unfortunately isn't confined to men. Happily, the extent anil nature of Die problem have been recognized by our lop medical men and by the government. It's pretty well understood now that alcoholism is a disease with mysterious and hidden roots, anil il is being attacked as such. One of the leaders in research on (lie subject is the Vale University Center of Alcohol Studios.

Numerous other schools have similar programs. On the non-scientific side is Alcoholics Anonymous. In that rial ion-wide organization former alcoholics have done wonderful work in helping others to get back on the right track. Drugs have been developed such a.s anlabusc, which makes a per.son sick if be drinks alcohol. For some years business and industry have been aware that alcoholism is one of the greatest destroyers of personal efficiency.

It has been estimated that alcoholism among employes costs the nation's industry $1 million a year. That includes absenteeism, accidents, errors, inefficiency and poor public relations. In New York City certain industries bave gotten together to see what can be done about the matter. Kirsl they attended a conference sponsored by the new Consultation Clinic, for Alcoholism at New York Univcrsily-Bellcvue Medical Center. There, the industrial representatives heard explanations from experts of the whole problem facing industry.

Then they were invited to send to the clinic for treatment those of their employes who needed il. The idea is that foremen be charged with the responsibility of reporting to their company's medical officials the names of those workers in need of help. After a preliminary screening, the medical officials would be empowered to send the men lo the new Consultation Clinic for extended treatment. The clinic treatment might consist of individual sessions with a psychiatrist, meetings with oilier groups of alcoholics, use of remedial dings, or perhaps joining Alcoholics Anonymous. Ha proponenIs-realize, that the program, as initially applied within industries, is going to be in for some criticism and considerable joke-making.

But if the results arc significantly good in reclaiming the careers and even lives of chronic drinkers, they believe the obstacles to the program can be overcome. The action by the Now York industries is a positive, intelligent approach to a serious problem. And best of all. success in their program can mean its extension to other parts of the country. Views of Others Things to Invent ''Oh, me.

Everything has been discovered. Everything lias been invented. There is nothing new in the world for young man to do." This remark, in subs a nee, was supposed to have been, made by a youth almost a thousand years before the birth of Christ. Think of the things which had not hecn hi vented, the nrea.s which had not. been or explored and the knowledge which had not been ynined nt thai time.

Even i.ow. we hear variations of the Chme-e ooy's observation by modern ynulls. Vet si.tnd on as great threshold of discovery us did ne. A recent speech by L. McC'ucn, manager (he Research Laboratories Division ol tjenrtal Motors, before an engineering oxpe-isitum at Michigan State College Hives us a hint of the thirds, waiting for someone smart enough to do them, Mr.

McCuen lists his 10 engir.eeniig pro cm? tor the future. They are: 1. More efficient gas iurbir.cs and other power plants. 2. Power directly from the sun.

3. Process for obtaining materials doin and ieas. 4- Control conosion of 5. Development of an adequate icin. 6.

Practical atomic 7. Process for obtaining fresh water from thr 8. Development of synthetic 9. Apply engineering principles lo social 10. Disaster floods, hui n- canes and dioulh.

1 Go to it, boys and girls. The your oyster. on kCJa.) News 'All Right, Boys-Let's Go, Let's Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD HOLLYWOOD Exclll- ilvely Yours: Hedy Lamarr's tem- lermental flip-flops over chang- ng her type from Sexy Hedy to Slapstick Hedy are the talk of TV alley. Signed as the guest of ventriloquist Paul Winchell and Jerry Mahoney, Hedy demanded a flip role. Paul 14 adver- islllg men and six NBC vice presidents finally talked her into doing sexy dramatic skit that had 3een prepared for her.

Hedy, it's said, stopped turning only after New York TV critics miled her performance as one of best movie star bits on video this year. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis have a private eye on.the trail of a pair of look alikes who ale using their names to open charge phonies bilked Richmond, merchants out of $2000, Peter Edson's Washington auver-Nixon Romance? Lorraine Cugat, inches a a from her first big movie'Contract Is still boiling at the printed re port that she was the cause of the recent Glenn Ford-Eleanor Powell two-day breakup. 'T've never met Glenn snapped Lorraine. "He was on the same bout coming back from Eu rope, but so were 3CKK) other peo pie." Ask David Kefauver, Age Six CHICAGO A passible Republican Democratic romance flowered behind the scenes of the two presidential nominating con- ventiony. It involves the Kefauvcr nd Nixon families.

In Washington, thy live not far from each other In tile northwestern suburb of Spring Valley. The Kefauvers linve lived there for several years, but the Nixons just recently bought nnd moved into I'clcr Eels a brand new house. The Kefauvers have tour children, three girls nnd hoy, mid the Nixons have two daughter, Son IJavici Kcfnuvcr and daughter Patricia Nixon ore both (J, and they're in the same room at school. When Mrs. Kolnuver was nskcct if the two children were thnt xvay about each other, she replied, "Oh! I'll have to let David speak himself." David was vacationing with his grandparents in Tennessee: while his parents were Chicago.

Senator Ual Trick Sen. Tht-odore Francis Green ol Rhode Island, who is also vice chair Limn of the Democratic National Committee, en me up unofficially with at least the most nov el. if not the best solution, for party's ballcd-np con- veivlioii sir out. This was in the lire-convention week, whrn Ihci'c were 19 candidates In the fietd running around cucles and nobody "Put the names of alt 19 candidates on slips of paper," suggested Senator Green. "Put all the names hat.

Then let President Trunan or National Chairman Frank McKinney or somebody draw out wo nnmes. Any two names," the senator specified. Spanks 'Km With IManks Senator Green probably had as much fun nt Chicago as anybody, was on the platform commit- and sat through nil Its long ienrings. He took a particular de- lifjlit in asking embarrassing questions of witnesses who were sure they had ull the answers. When Allan B.

Kline, head of the American Farm Bureau, was presented his all-Inclusive farm program before the Democrats, he let It be known he had also presented this plan to the, GOP. Green wanted to know how much of it the Republicans had taken. Kline said it was a silly question. Green then forced the farm, leader to admit that (he Republicans ha ado Led any of it. Convention Bugg During the Republican convention, the Blackstone was also the headquarters for he Old Guard, who took such a beating from the Eisenhower forces.

As one crass newspaper man was rude enough to say, "I have theory all these people crawl into the Blackstone woodwork after every Chicago convention, next ans' home. By tradition, the Blackslone has always been where the real foig shots -stayed. It was in the Black- itone that the famous "smoke- illed room" conference was held hat picked Warren G. Harding as Republican compromise candidate in 1020. This time, at the Blackstone, were such Chairman.

One college man another "What do you hear from the tin die-world?" Join Skating Show Olscn and Johnson join up with an ice-skating show after the: close at Las Vegas' Flamingo Hote or a tour of the nation's spor irenas. No more live TV for the sany comedy stars until the fal 1953, when they will market a series of the own" telefilms. Las Vegas reporters, incidental thought they had found some hing hot when an Ole Olscn wa married there recently. But. i was another Ole with the real on explaining: "It wasn't me.

I've go grandchildren dying of old age. people as ex-National Jim Farley of New and emerge only when the one conies to town." Old-Home Week fur Old Politicians The Blackstone Hotel, where President Truman had Ills reservation for the final jamboree of the Democratic convention in Chicago, was good bit of an old politici- York; ex-Supreme Court Justice and, ex-Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, now governor of South Carolina and anti-Truman leader among the Dixiecrats; Jim Barnes, former White House assistant under F. D. ex- Senator and Commissioner Happy Chandler; Postmaster General Jesse M.

Donaldson, who was supposed to be a nonpolitical career man in the cabinet; ex-Defense Secretary Louis Johnson; Minister to Luxembourg Perle Mesta, who gave a big par ty there for all the Democratic "Ins" who may soon be and all the "Exes" trying to hook a ride on the bandwagons of whomever might end up in the Democratic driver's seat; George Allen, former "While House jest cr," and Ed Pauley, discreditec Republican boss of California. Bobliy-Sox Candidate ai 84 When Vice President Alben W. Barkley's short-lived presidential boom was going at the fullest blast it ever got to, bookmakers were scouting around for a young Democrat to run with him in second place on Ihe' ticket. A youthful vice presidential candidate was needed, it was felt, to olfset Barkley's 14 years. Home' ord itar of the "Ice Circus of Haymes and Micey Rooney will duet an album or Decca.

O'Keefe Joan Hoaff, who wrote MGM'a Crime Doesn't Pay" shorts, are ollaborating on a documentary 1m about a miscarriage of justice lat Dennis Is hailing as better ban "T-Man." Benedict Bogeaua vlll produce. A Gypsy McLaglen'B Back Burly Victor McLaglen's back the Hollywood career merry- o-'round with roles in "The Quiet Man," "Pair Wind to Java," and proposed weekly telefilm series, Port of Call." "The gypsy finally has settled down," Vic grinned it. "I've got place to again hang my hat." For three years Vic and his wife oamed Europe and the U. S. "We went to Mexico for a "weekend and stayed four at Balboa, 45 miles rom Hollywood, and movie and TV roles for Vic "if I like the Vic's reaction to the remake of ils biggest film hit, "What Price Glory?" is a sour smile and, "It's musical, isn't it?" As a silent film, "Glory" was a tremendous hit, he remembers.

"because Eddie Lowe nnd I swore a blue streak in every scene and by watching our lips audiences could understand every word we said." Ina Autry, Gene's wife, fc a new song lor her hubby to Angels Arc Lighting God's Little Candles" by Jimmy It was Ina who persuaded Gene to skip the melodies a few years ago and wax "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer." Dorothy Dandrldge will shclv her singing long enough to pla a straight dramatic role in a soon to-be-announced MGM movie. Charles Winninger was misty-eye over the Chicago political conven tions. Starting work In Periscope," he told me that 60 years ago he was a drum major in a pre-convention political rally for Grover Cleveland at Ashland, Wis. Cecil B. DeMille's new version of "The Ten Commandments" will be partially based on a new novel, "Prince of Egypt," by Dorothy Clarke Wilson.

It deals with Moses as a youth. An SMU snior proife.ssor was seen sneaking out on the Phi Beta Kappa Lecture by that Folger Library Shakespeare expert Wednesday. "I did stay long enough," said the professor, "to feel sure that he would endorse Shake-speare." a 11 a a Morning News. MGM will screen-test Gloria See EDSON on Page 9 the Doctor Says EDWIN T. JORDAN', M.

D. Wrlttrn for NBA Service Some men during this time of life may be restless nnd complain of sleeping poorly. Numbness and main anonymous asks for a dis-jtigue. bud news, arguments or discussion of the impotent male of turbances which would not bother 50 years or "younuer." This raises a person ordinarily. a question whic'h is difficult lo rn-'H.

doubtless impor- in many social a such as its ivl.itinii Id divoK'e as wrll i in ils purely physical In letters addressed lo this column, it is tri'qurnlly tied with the as lo whrthor the writer should cr should of mule M-X it shouid be pointed I hut factors as much or inoi the problem of pof ui thr urUvU fro- lo i tlie of uhiiids or other physical rxpcrL- rl.iim Uutt while i ju'iivity of Hie malt: srx niands i docs up wiih advancing i slowing up is ho that onr caniiDt properly spoiifc of a i in 10 ot life" in mrn. Others boliov that, af least in some men, a decrraso in function-j iivr of thoso viands may come i i iMpirtly and louis which spoakmt; ot a male of lifr. t'lioy believe Hint men jzo Ship period i soi no what talei 1 ihcui usually- i-cn 45 and oj. IVrhaps nmsi do not have any al all which can i drcroared function-1 who I niny lafcordine to i in a one OL moio of which ho lUlribuU'd nf the M- do. hmvrvcT- of fcclmg ot of the hands or feet is common.

Headaches of various kinds arc a frequent complaint. It is claimed that the memory becomes poorer and the ability to take injrc- consent rate impaired. A mild feel- ins; of depression also seems to be common. 1 Dizziness, palpitation of the i heart, cold hands and cold feet, sliirhi shortness of breath and sudden flushing of the face, nock and upper part of the chest are also mentioned. Waning of thn sexual powers, real or imaginary, is a frequent reason men of this aye consult their physicians.

Shiny Studies Made There have been many studies of the effect of injections of the principal male hormone (testosterone propionate) in men com- plaminq of such symptoms as those monUoiHHt. Some claim that these when given in proper cases iiud frequency, arc helpful in re- iicvintr many of the symptoms, just as the female sex hormones are helpful in relieving many cluinpe of life symtoms In However, the conservative lew is expressc-rt by one writer, who said hormones should not be nd mini stored to men and women of rlimsicieric (change of life) age with i no idea of Mimnl tiling in- i creased sexual potency; if this is distinct fceliiigjlhe object of treatment, disap- of imvard (poimment will result in the great is majority of Instances." JACOBY ON BRIDGE Tourneys Will Give One Many Thrills Hy OSWALD JACOBT Written for NBA Service The national championships now being held by the American Contract Bridge League In Cincinnati remind me of one of the most dramatic hands of last year's tournament. The hero was Alan p. Harvey. of Cincinnati, a member of the team that landed second in the ocntrst for the national team ing that dummy be embarrassed by the ruff.

Harvey, playing the South hand, decided to ensure an entry to his own hand later on. He therefore ruffed the second round of diamonds with dummy's queen of hearts. At the third trick, Harvey returned a low trump from dummy. allowed West to take his king. West promptly returned a second trump, and this rode around to declarer's hand.

Now South could lead a spade from liis own hand, and finesse dummy's Jack. East could win with the ace of spades, but was unable to defeat the contract. When he returned a diamond, dummy ruffed and cashed the top clubs and the dng of spades. Declarer then ruffed a spade in lis own hand, to win the last two tricks with the high trump and the last club. When this hand was played at Lhe other table the declarer riiffec the second diamond with a trump, and tackled the trump shit by laying down the ace and queen West took the king of hearts and led a third trump, after which South was unable to make his con tract, The defenders were bound get the ace of spades and a secon' diamond trick.

75 Years Ago In Wire service reports have it that Rogers Hornsby is due to succeed huck Dressen as manager of tru Cincinnati Reds. A U. S. Engineers diver has given up a search for the "White River Monster" which reportedly has been III sighted several times near Newnort. Ark.

Automatic sprinklers are to Installed in BlytheviUe Hospital. Some just arcnt 'born at the right time to attain their ambitions. William Jenningi Bryan was born too soon to (he Democrats become the majority party. Senator Taft was born too late to see the old servative wing of the Republicans still in control. So made the grade for President.

TT Dinner Date Aniwer to Previous WEST Q9B2 WK74 AKQ 4853 North 1 A Double NORTH (D) 1C I 0 7 5 AQ63 5 4 AKQ EAST V82 105632 4 10 7 SOUTH' A 83 109 974 4J962 EastAVesl vul. Kasl South Pass Pass Pass 2 Pass Pass I N.T. Pass Opening HORIZONTAL 1 turtle soup 5 on the cob 9 Baked Virginia 12 Where caket are baked 13 Wings HEggs 15 Those who distribute again 17 Encountered 18 Woody plants 2Z Afler 3 Grant 4 Genuflect 5 President Coolldge's nickname 6 Alkene 7 Unusual 8 Bird's homes 9 Plainest 10 State 11 Place 16 Japanese volcano 20 Cherry for dessert i-l 19 Shackles 21 Places 23 Salt 24 Watering place 27 Warbled 29 Spanish 32 Scottish plaid 34 Changes 36 Commission 37 Scottiefi girls 38 Cry 39 Time measure 41 Golf mound 42 Oriental coin 44 Continent 46 Dinner courses 49 Astonish 53 French king SI Animals 56 Sister 57 Slay 58 Thailand pass the box 24 Lamb 25 Peel 26 Stopping 28 Festive occasions 30 Algonquian Indian 31 Essential being 33 Candle 35 Lasso 43 Chicken 45 Entertain 46 Sea eagle 47 Name word 48Great Lake 50 Seed 51 Ardor 52 Feminine appellation 40 Artists' stands SSMorindin championship. The bidding was reasonably normal for a closely contested team match. West hattM to sell out to' 59England (ab.) North at a contract of one spade, 1 GO Soap framt but he was very sorry that he had 61 Feminine struggled for (he part score when suffix North bulldozed Is way to a gante.

VERTICAL West opened the king of dia- mouds and continued the suit, hop-.

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