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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York • Page 6

Brooklyn, New York
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6 THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. NEW YORK. THURSDAY, AUGUST 27. 1914. Personal and Impersonal encouraged; not throttled, not manacled, not repressed; and when hope of victory makes such laudable ambitions meet In honorable rivalry.

Colonel Kline's hat is In tho ring. Charles S. Whitman's hat Is in the ring. Job the proportion of people who do not care what they pay so long as they escape all bother In securing table supplies is larger here than in most cities, and such people do not readily become patrons of the postofllee. But Brooklyn has a great middle class.

(Tra.le Mark "Knelt" nrgljtf ml) fore the war began It adjourned to next February, agreeing meanwhile to mull the matter over in its respective minds. Alvey A. Adee, the veteran apsisant secretary of state of tho United States, represented this country in the conference. It is just possible that whatever nation comes out on top in the European scrimmage may annex Spitz-bcrpegn in tho general arrangement of the map, which would leave the international conference out on a THUBSDAT EvnxIXO. AIV.UST 1514.

the only way to prevent the spread of the disease is to Isolate the victims aud treat them with such excellent safeguards and remedies as modern science has evolved. After such an object lesson there should be little question of the vote In Suffolk County on the proposition to build a hospital on the splendid site already purchased at Holtsville, and In Nassau County there should be even less question that prompt measures be Hedges' hat Is In the ring. Harvey D. Thomas Jefferson had no use for an energetic government. But wo know so much hotter than he about fundamental principles! Sherlock Holmes is on tho case.

Tho at nnklyn. N. V.a,l of M.i.'h 3. 1S7. Hinmau's hat Is In the ring.

Of Its hat collection the Republican party In this State may well be proud. Entartd at trie Nove rilitr 1J, Matter ur.klrr limb, as It were. BACKS TENEMENT DEPT There are thousands of families here which would welcome a chance to cut the corner grocer's bill by buying directly from the farmer. Suffolk County ought to offer at least a limited source of supply for them. Now that his plan seems to have worked out well, why does not Mr.

Burleson take Brooklyn under his protecting wing? We stand quite ready to be helped to corn, tomatoes and cauliflowers. taken to remedy conditions that may easily develop into a county disgrace. TKi Paper has a Circulation Larger than that of any other Evening Paper of its clan in the United Stales. lis value as an Advertising Medium is Apparent. Exclusive Associated Press Service.

Does Not Believe in Consolidating With Health or Buildings. Our salespeople wonder why we do not put greater emphasis (Copyright Name, Tlio Brooklyn Dally Eagle 1 i. GETTING SOMETHING FOR THEIR MONEY. Editor Brooklyn Dally Eagle: We've heard a great deal about the British Navy. Is It useful or ornamental? CURIOUS, Next week, a prize court will meet In London to take up the cases of 112 ships captured by the British since the war began.

The losses represented by these seizures are not limited to the money Invested In them by their owners. When they stop, trade stops with them. On the other side, seizures have been few and far between. Fortunately for the Germans, there Is a canal at Kiel. It cost about $100,000,000, but It would have been worth the money had Editor Brooklyn Daily Eagle: F.

J. Ashfleld In his letter published In The Eagle August IB, again my position regarding the Tenement House Department. To repeat what I CrutTiil WIU1.IAM V. HESTER, Scmjivi jry-Troasurer. hekukkt i orxxisos, Kusmefs Mnnagor.

AlJ.rosf-. Eagle Building. HIGH PRICES FOR FOOD. The Investigations In progress before Justice Benedict, Magistrate McAdoo and elsewhere, show conclusively that it Is the large producers and holders of sugar, wheat and flour who are responsible for the advance of prices. The retailers who happen to have stock said in my previous article, "What we are seeking to avoid is (1) a duplication of orders of the various inspection departments, and (2) the vnnec-essary expense of surplus city and State departments." Mr.

Ashfleld, In man who did it has been located in Berlin. That man "is wanted" at or near Scotland Yard. Will they get him? General Bernhardie's book, "Germany and the Next War," Is destined to be regarded as the "Uncle Tom's Cabin" of what will very likely be known as the Greatest War. With Socialists, who do not believe in war, fighting on all sides, we see that Socialism, like religion, Is something which is not so deeply imbedded in the human mind as the law of self-preservation. Letters from Mrs.

Pankhurst arrived by the last steamer explaining to all subscribers to her paper, The Suffragette, that an excess of militancy has caused her to suspend publication. Macbeth is our leading authority on what must become of him who cries, "Enough!" a Reason and righteousness are the armaments of Democracy. Let us not be led astray by those who are denouncing the wise and brave men who have advanced the cause of peace in this country. Treaties are worth something we reap as we sow. The unspeakable Turk, looking over his scrap-book, may read what our civilized press said about the Arme on the price reductions recently made on men's Spring weight suits, those now marked $15, $20 and $25.

We never shout over things that are just "conversation," and our public knows that what we say is to he taken literally. This isn't a clearance of the Spring stock, although the values are there. We have, however, put a clearance price of $15 on the entire stock of men's and bought before the advauco simply mark his reply, has failed to establish either premise, and his argument for the abolition of the Tenement House Department falls to the ground. Although Mr. Ashfleld asserts that the Building Bureau and the Depart ment of Health might do this work Just as well "with comparatively small Increase of cost," he has not made any real contribution to the subject.

We are not concerned with what department might theoretically. MAI.V OFFICE. Kagl. Building, corner of Washington and Jphnson streetH, Brooklyn. Telephone calls l.tur main Mllec and all Brooklyn No.

62UO Main: Jamaica branch, 23 Jamaica; Bath Beach branch, Bath Beach; tlreen-rolm brain h. T77 Orccnpolnt; Bay IlJiljrp branch, 63'i3 Sunset, branch, 1816 Myrtle av. BUREAUS. Paris 53 Rue Oambon. London 3 Regent street, S.

V. Washington k)S Fourteenth Eagle renders, when vlslllng these lies, are cordially Invited to maae their 1 eauquarttrs In these bureaus. Information IJurcau, Room. 415-424, Eagle Building, Brooklyn. SUBSCRIPTION RATES.

Kagl. sent by mall (outside of Brooklyn), postage Included, 1 month. SI. Of; 2 montns, SL7t: 6 months, 1 year. S9.00.

Sunday Mgle. year, 11. SO: Mondav Eagle (Sorm-mh). 1 year. Eagle Ubrarv, 11.

f0 per year, litiludlng 1915 Eagle Almanac. The dally edition The Eagle Is delivered oil day of publication at all Long Islan 1 oost-oCQces. FOREIGN SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Dally and Sunday, 1 year, fl.4.!0; Dally and Sunday, 6 months, f7.10; Daily and Sunday, 1 month, J1.25; Sunday or Monday Eagle, 3.00 per year. ADVERTISING RATES.

For cost of advertising, apply or send for rate card, or make Inquiry by telephone, No. woo Main. A FINE SOURCE OF INSPIRATION. Not long ago, the name of Hinman was one to conjure with. Now it Is scarcely mentioned.

Then, he was the central figure of a brilliant coup d'etat. Now he can be located at or somewhere near the circumference. Then he appeared to bo one of the political successes of the commander-in-chief. Now he may be said to have evacuated every fortress, all of which is, perhaps, less his fault than his misfortune. However, the main point Is that, as an "incident," he has failed.

It never rains but It pours. After Hinman, Sulzer. Otherwise stated, after Hyperion, satyr. Newspaper accounts do not confine themselves to the statement that Sulzer visited Sagamore. They assert that the Colonel was flabbergasted by the champion of the "peepul." And, even if that be false, It should be true.

For there ought to bo some limits to the shocks the Colonel can sustain. By the duly attested order of a high court, William Sulzer was removed from the office of Governor. He was declared guilty of having committed perjury, of having stood between the officers of the State and the truth, and of practicing fraud and deceit. It was found that he took advantage of the occasion of his nomination to collect and receive and to convert to his own use large sums of money for the purpose of enriching himself. This Is the man who assured the Colonel of his ability to carry the primaries of the Progressives.

As he retains his political rights, he is at liberty to make the attempt, even the Colonel himself being in no position to say him nay. Moreover, Mr. Roosevelt has with some emphasis, if not do the work Just aa well, but what de youths' two-piece mixture sack partment will do the work better and suits. A few odd coats, vests their old goods up to the advanced prices and charge it to their good luck. But the Inquiries also show that the wholesale advances are due to abnormally large exports of grain and sugar.

In spite of the disorganized condition of ocean commerce, the countries at war have been buying very largely here and getting their supplies out of the country. So far has this trade gone that predictions of flour at $10 a barrel and sugar at $15 a hundred pounds were made at the McAdoo Inquiry yesterday. The obvious result of this Is a demand for an embargo on the export of food from this country. George W. Perkins, chairman of the Mayor's Relief Committee, said that If the war should continue long, the people would "eventually be forced to ask Congress to put an embargo on food stuffs." Mr.

Perkins Is a business man and not an alarmist He naturally would sympa It cost double the amount. Tremendously strong fortifications guard both ends of this waterway, In which there is plenty of room, and from one end of which the Baltic Is subject to control. The German battleships in the canal are absolutely safe. They can move with freedom because It has many passages of double width, and four turning basins. They can be "bottled up" only by a fleet twice the size or strength of the one Imprisoned.

As there Is but one outlet at Santiago, this country's battleships were not In two divisions. The British have no reason to complain, but prevailing conditions must be galling to their adversaries. The German naval budget has been Increasing for a long time, this year's estimates being about $120,000,000. And, what is there to show for these expenditures? Not much more than tho return would be if there were no dreadnoughts on the registry. So, the an nian atrocities with tho grain of salt furnished by the day's news as the Zeppelins, from their aerial ambush more economically.

Mr. Ashfleld has failed to show that either the Department of Health or the Bureau of Buildings would do the work better and more economically. The assertion that the Building Department could inspect tenement houses with a comparatively smaller Increase In cost Is absolutely false. There are In the Borough of Brooklyn 46,336 tenements. To inspect these buildings now forty Inspectors are needed besides a large staff of clerks and officials to take care of the violations when they are once filed.

Should the Building Department take over this work it would necessarily mean a tremendous Increase in the cost of over Antwerp, drop bombs on the nurses who are caring for Germany's wounded soldiers. As Professor Ost wald predicted: "It is enousrh to make and trousers are going for a trifle. We might call in a trade "Scavenger" and close out the remnants of various discarded stocks preparatory to inventory, but prefer to give our consumers the benefit. Besides, it is fun to watch people chuckle over bargains. For instance, yesterday the last of the following were in full flight: any man clutch at his head." Twenty-eight thousand men are out of work In this city and the labor thize with efforts to build up business unions are criticising Controller Pren- WHICH CAPITAL FIRST Russia Is furnishing one of the surprises of the war.

From Berlin come no denials that nearly the whole of East Prussia is iu the hands of the enemy. To all Intents and purposes, the progress of the first Invading army has been unimpeded, while the second is starting from the Warsaw military region. The surprise furnished is not that the advance has been successful, and not with those to curtail It. But operation. And as I have said before, the expense would not be removed but would be merely shifted from one department to another.

In this connec dergast because the city does not meet swer to the question asked by the correspondent is that the British are getting at sea something for their money, which is not true of Germany. tion it is also interesting to note that the superintendent of buildings of the uorougn or Brooklyn has recently asked for an increased appropriation to provide for more Inspectors. If the citizens who appeared before the Commissioner of Weights and Measures asked him officially to recommend an embargo at once. An embargo is an extreme measure, but It would be justifiable enough as a matter of national preservation. Mr.

Perkins' warning to exporters that it would come If their export trade sent up prices unduly here should be heeded. England has been able to check the but that in so short to time the legions liuiitiing Department in Brooklyn has not now enough Inspectors to do its solemnity, asserted his intention of of the Czar should gather such work, how could it take over a work of a department which has charge of 50 per cent, of the buildings in this No contradictions come from the fighting for the ticket, no matter by whom headed. There is, therefore, something of a spectacle In prospect. It Is well known German capital. There it is admitted borough? There is also another good reason that retreat was compelled and that for not combining the Tenement House Department with the Bureau of that fraud Is an abomination in there is hope rather than belief that rise of prices which began there with the declaration of wnr, although far the Invaders can be checked.

What is Buildings, and that is that the Bureau of Buildings is a borough department Men's and boys sraw hats, 35c. Men's felt hats, 95c. Boys' soft hats, S5c. Men's and boys' shoes, all sorts and bad sizes, b'jc. Children's wash Sailors and Russians, 7Bo.

Men's and boys' neckwear, 25c. Men's shirts, 66c. Boys' shirts. Joc. Men's bathing; suits, $2.85.

Hoys' bathing suits, Jl.l5'and 91.95. Men's Underwear, 35c. (3 for Men's union suits, $1.35 and $1.85. Men's silk' socks. 65c.

Men's lisle socks, 25c. Men's pajamas, $1.15. Men's collars, 6c. Hoys' sweaters. Boys' drensinp gowns.

and $3.65. Boys' mackintoshes, $X55. Most of thes wr at all thrw, tnra. more of her food is Imported than of nTmost impossible of belief is that they the jingoes who want municipal work handed out to. the bread line.

Send up your city bpdget, push up rents, make it hard for the little storekeepers to make both ends meot, and then urge the city to flood the streets with push-carts to send all the storekeepers Into bankruptcy. This Is the very system now being urged with the plausibility of flowing vocabularies. Quletlsts writing to our newspapers quote General Grant's "Let us have peace," significantly paraphrasing the "us." U. S. Grant also said something about fighting it out on a certain line if it took all summer.

The business of a neutral is to read, inwardly digest, and assume a calm judicial attitude for we of this country are not yet called to sit In judgment on the rest of the world but we may bo by common consent of the litigants now appealing to the arbitrament of war. As the cause of empire westward takes Its way, remember, that "empire" must be changed to read "umpire." In the Czar's armies are 200,000 Jews, all of whom despise their despotic master. And the oflicers who lead these ours. What she has clone as a matter can be halted, even temporarily. Three while the Tenement House Department Is a city department.

The chief reason for the establishment of the Tenement House Department was that it of necessity we can do If we have to. HENNESST'S TICKET SELECTED. Tho enrolled Democratic voters of this State, if they do not care to support Governor Glynn for re-election, If they desire to refuse approval to the present State administration, will have an alternative when they go Into the official primaries. The so-called Hon-nessy slate is complete. It Is before the voters for consideration.

Hennessy for Governor, Franklin D. Roosevelt of Dutchess for United States Senator, and Samuel Seahury for the Court of Appeals, are names that nobody can misunderstand. Each stands for revolt against what Is In behalf of what might be. And there are glimmerings of success In revolt to be noted In each man's career. Hennessy Is credited ith a large share In the beating of McCall for Mayor.

Roosevelt was the chief figure in the movement that prevented the election of William F. Sheehan to the United would give a uniform interpretation of The climbing quotations of tho last few days indicate that that necessity will million Russians are said to be on the march, and millions more are mobilizing. While the great left wing is menac tne Tenement House Law for all bor not long be delayed. ougbs. To divide this up in five departments, each with a separate head.

the sight of the Progressives. It is well known that they denounce deceit and that so far from condoning, they condemn perjury. It is well known that their leader is the highest of all our authorities on the ethical aspects of every case with which he is called upon to deal. No wonder that he was flabbergasted. It.

will be difficult to rob the spectacle of Interest. The Colonel will not loiter on the fringe of the fray he will be in the thick of it. He will ask his followers to press where shines his plume amid the ranks of war, but will the plume be white? The answer Is that would result in a different interpreta tlon of the law for each borough. GERMS IN SCHOOL BOOKS. After establishing the Individual but where the quantity was very small, at one place.

If Mr. Ashfleld is desirous of saving the city money, let him get some exact figures and present them to the peo ing Austria and Invading Gallcia, the objective point of the center is Fosen, which is about as far from Berlin as this city is from Potighkecpsic. As interpreted by the military critics, the only question is whether the Kaiser can crush the French and English soon drinking cups and banishing roller If any remain tomorrow it is towels, the health crusade has hit upon tho school text books, which are now by chance only, hence we do not urge a visit. enough to enable lilm to hurry to the passed from pupil to pupil until they are worn out. rescue of his capital.

That will be re A teacher on the East Side of Man men hold tho Jews in contempt as a little story told by a Russian Jew, who States Senate. Seabury was In the Hearst Insurrection and Rot a Supreme Court nomination and election because Rogers Peet Company, T-ree Broidwy Store tt Warren St 13th St. J4th St. MANHATTAN. ple for consideration.

Let him estimate how much tho extra cost would be to the Department of Health and the Department of Buildings. His proposals then would have some weight; as It Is they are mere assertions, and in no way convincing. On the fact of it. It is obvious that if the Department of Health and the Bureau of Buildings arc to take over the work now done by the Tenement House Department their force will have to be nearly doubled. This, of course, will involve a great deal of expense, and it is certainly an open question whether it is after all any real saving.

On the other hand, we are not prepared to sacrifice the splendid organization we already have in the Tenement (t will be as immaculate as the candidate, as stainless as fraud, as unblemished as deceit and as spotless as perjury. Such a source of Inspiration should stir the Colonel to prodigies of verbal valor. keeps a small store here in Brooklyn Illustrates while it reveals to us Americans tho keen mind of the down-trodden race. In the compartment of a rail that insurrection scared Tammany Hall. hattan has contracted a contagious disease from handling these much used text books, and she has hit upon a plan which has the merit of checking the distribution of germs without at the same time increasing the number of books bought and thus piling up added profits for the book trust.

At present William Gorhnm Rice, whom Grover road coach a Russian otliccr was feeding bread to his dog. On the scat opposite Cleveland made his secretary, when he was Governor, and nnmed for Nntlonal Civil Service Commissioner, In his sec sat an orthodox Jew, one Uobetzky GAIN BY BELGIAN INVASION with a long beard. Tho olllcer, to tantalize tho Jew, patted tho head of his a book Is expected to serve three pu ond term as President, is picked by House Department for the enforcement THE FRENCH CABINET REMADE. Franco gives not a revelation of weakness but demonstration of strength in remaking her Cabinet just when military exigencies are demand pils before It wears out, and It thus dog which ho had given tho opprobrious garded as possible by those who believe In miracles. From Ostend comes the announcement that three French cities, Lille.

Roubaii and Valenciennes, have been taken by the Germans, but, it was decided not to defend Lille, nor. Is It Stated, that the other two were taken after resistance. There is, therefore, no escape from the conclusion that these cities were given up ns part of the plan to which this clew is given: The more the German army advances, the more perilous its situation becomes. It now has its flanks and lines of communication menaced by Belgians based on Antwerp, by the Northern French army and by the allied forces and by the allied armies near Maubeugc. Summing up, therefore, the situation Hennessy for Lieut ennnt Governor, enjoys the hospitality of three dlfler Tho Conlrollership, tho Treasurershlp, ent homes.

This teacher would bind or tne Tenement House law. Mr. Ashfleld asks if the estimate which was made by a Brooklyn builder of the cost of three-family houses applies to houses built on 20-foot lots. French Caught Napping by German Violation of Neutrality. nnd the places of Secretary- of State, ing most from the efficient agencies of up In a single volume the texts re quired for four grades and present the Ihe estimate was based on houses Attorney General and State Engineer will be fought for by an Erie ninu, a Monroe man, a Manhattan man, a government.

Her political parties and factions display today what has been characteristic of the nation in the past; readiness to merge all energies in de volume to the pupil, so that when the work is finished it may be his proper Westchester man, and a Jefferson man. oullt on tots 20x100 foot. This builder, who is also seeking to have the Tenement House law modified, considered that the additional cost imposed by the Tenement House law on three-family houses would not exceed $200. It illustrates the claim that I A dispatch to London from Paris and cabled to the Sun, explains In part the failure of the French and rlrltlsh to check tho German advance In tho north, giving as a reaaon the fense of France attacked by foreigners. ty, to keep If he chooses, if there is enough of it left to be readable.

Besides cheeking the distribution of dis Geographically, the ticket is well balanced. If the names of these men are not well known In Brooklyn, It may nevertheless be assured that they have Rene Vivian! remains Premier. He calls in Theophile Deleasse, who is identified with the first full realization made that the tendency to the larger itatement that the French military authorities never for a moment thought that the Germans would vlo- In a sentence, the road to Berlin, If i.M'o ol uweuiriK ih aue to tne nigh cost of land, the cost of btiilrllinr ma of the certainty of war with Germany; terial and the growdng popularity of the Aristide Ilriand, the protagonist of re longer, seems to be easier than the pntli to Paris. It may prove to be shorter in time. name of "Schmool" or Samuel, usually applied to nil Jews with a sneer by their ruling class.

"Merchant" also Intended to be an insult said the officer, "don't you think I have a nice dog? I have named him Schmool Isn't that a nice name?" The Jew remained silent for a moment, shook his head sadly and answered: "I pity him! I pity him!" "And why should you pity my Schmool?" asked the surprised officer. "I pity htm," said the angered Jew, with flushing eye, "because ho Is a dog named Kchmoul, Had he been named Ivan or Stefan he would havo tho brains and the manners needed to be an in the Czar's army." Upon reading this as It is written here to the Brooklyn Jew who narrated it, ho said. "Very weak. In Russian thero are many fine points which you do not get In English. For Instance," and then he told It in pure Russian and made it plain that the delicate shadings had evaporated in the translation.

In tho Russian you could grasp how mneh the Jew felt hurt; the blush of the defeated olllrer could he lato tho neutrality of Belgian and opon a way to France through that larger type or nouse. However, the question of modifying the Tenement ligious separation; Alexander Rlbot. country, and that therefore the French another former Premier; Gaston Don flcfenco has not been able to meet tho local strength In the sections to which they are credited. John A. Hennessy was not born yesterday, as they suy in his old Tenth Ward.

The probabilities are that this ticket will be beaten. The chances are all ngalnst it. But overconfidence is not wise. We are sure that Governor Glynn's friends will not Indulge in overconfidence. mertte, Alexander Miller, and the ease germs the plan is advocated as giving to the pupil the genus of a library, as school books sometimes became in the pioneer days of book scarcity.

The chief objection urged against it Is that the economic administration of the plan would require even a closer uniformity of Instruction nil over the city and a closer lock-step In the matter of promoting pupils, so that they might finish their personally owned text books at the appointed nouse inw in r.ivor or tne smaller type of house Is quite a different question from that of abolishing the Tenement House Department, nnd It is unfortu emergency. Tho dlnpatcb Bays: champion of Colonel Paty dtl Clam; and other statesmen who are picked for nate that Mr. Ashfleld has confused these two Issues. We can settle only strength and ability without much re one question at a lime, it Is hard to see what change would be made in sard to which of the Republican groups claims their loyalty. It is not doubted the Tenement House law by placing the Inforcement of it in the hands of that Jules Clemeneeau suggested some tinrerent liureau.

of the nnmes. The Warwick of Fren time. But there are wastes and leaks The Brooklyn Tenement House Com- politics Is never to be Ignored with In the present system of text book sup none wouiu on Kiaa to welcome sny siiKR-estions of mean by which the Our little sister, Cuba, hopes to wear diamonds before sugar stops going up. Meanwhile our babies are going without candy, nnd Cuba manifests not the slightest sympathy. housing problem In Brooklvn can safety in nil emergency.

We congratulate the assailed Repub ply, and It Is not clear that the losses from children who fell behind would better handled, both from the point of view of economy and eltlclency, and If lic on her composite Cabinet. It Is nn be greater than the present. The con sensed coming to the surface at the climax. Aud to the American hearer the growl of the dog was a subtle A PEACE CONFERENCE. Conspicuous by their' absence were the criticisms customary when Democrats assemble as such, having polltl cal business to transact.

There was no volleying of Mr. Murphy at Snru toga and no thundering against boss rule. Nor was there nny objection to the candidates tacitly, If not actually, nominated, It being generally conceded that It would be difficult to Improve upon the "selections" made. Without holding anything In reserve, It may In stated that the list of delegates to tin constitutional convention Is such ns can lie supported with no twinge of conscience. It reflects nothing but eretlll on the committee by which It wa was chosen.

To the platform, less at tentlon than It deserves will be paid, but that Is not exceptional. It in the rule. Asnurni can give us any estimates dltion of a text book after two or three arnest of unflinching nntlonal defense no matter what course the war on tin obllgato. terms Is now something easier nppre or statistic wnicn win prove to us that hi proposal to abolish the Tenement House Department ami give their work hended thun described, and It does not We are especially sorry to see Inter national Pump lu the hands of a re Belgian frontier may take in the lm mediate future. over to other Imreau would effect this, we should be glad to receive them! meet our present standards of sanitation.

The passing about of these filthy celver. Some reservoirs of assets are "The plan of campaign of the two chief adversaries are now clear and the difference between thera is ver Important in the political as well as in tho military sense. There is a good ileal of evidence to support the belief that the French military authorities ilil not expect that tho whole weight of the Herman attack could be thrown, upon tlio track which the Prussian troops had actually taken. This Is a i troiig statement, fur It is supposed to tlin duty of soldiers to foresee every military possibility, but the facts, as we know thctit, uro eloquent and unanswerable. Thry show that while the violation of tho neutrality of Luxemburg, and even the attempt ujH.n the Mi-iisn valley by Liege, was anticipated, the destruction of Bclirlum to make way for the passage of vast mme through the great plain of I lamlers toward l.llln nnd Maulieuge never iierleusly occurrtd tu any on as being possible.

"Tim vast turning movement by Bmsseln and then southward upon Ihe center of the Franeo-ltelglan border could not possibly be extemporised. No dmibt It would not have been quite as pronounced If Ller.e had not maintained so. long a renlatnnre, but the Mens Valley ran only have plnyed a minor part In the plan a a whole. Thin plan has been fullllled It was prepared, and the momentous consideration of thst long road frym Koln iwul Anchon through Brussels nnd the Lendre Vallev, nnd of masses of i mil men we enaii still continue to volumes will have to be ended now he the champion of the Tenement completely exhausted by indiscretion when the pumping Is too vigorous. PARCEL POST AND GARDEN TRUCK.

moiiso nerause we are more familiar with the problem which that the mailer has been brought to Ml attention of the Ilonrd of Educntlot Postmaster General Burleson's effort to make the pa reel post an instrument confront It ami the work it has nl ready nrcompllehed. and this plan Is the most practicable In reducing the cost of living, by fa Vap I In the Caroline Islands. Cnblcs and wireless are cut off. Raw I nm grateful to Mr. AahfleM for yet proposed for tlmt purpose.

APOI.or.IKS E. (From Sun If General Sherman were alive, he i uid ha ve to apologize to hell. He was unjust to that amiable, rrglon. Tho war of his time was but an Innocent harmless killing gaum. It has grown to that ai-ilul triumph of culture over Antwerp.

To murder wantonly and futllely, to slay or mnugln littje children an. I young mothers in their beds, to salute the Uerl t'ros fl.iK with bomb, to slaughter and terrorize non-comlat-onts, random destruction with no military results, with no permanent tesiilt except to sleken and anger all ellltating direct trading between city calling my attention to the typograph ical error In my former article. In dwellers und suburban farmers, seems to have proved highly successful lu the speaking of dnrK rootn I gold tture material for Yap Is thus denied to the local newspapers, If there are any, nnd the public sentiment of Yap Is undis had been in Greater ten cities In which the effort was con centrnted. York, but when the article appeared In print tho figure was raised to two mll- turbed. The most encouraging thing about COLONEL KLINE OUT FOR GOVERNOR.

The Eugle Is pleased to note that Colouel Ardolph L. Kline, whom the death of Mayor Gayuor made Mayer of the grcut city of New York for un interregnum perlisl. Is out In the open ns i lion. JOHN C. C.EBHART, THE HEALTH PROBLEM IN VILLACES.

Shocking as are the condition unearthed In Glen Cove, where tuberculosis Is rife In certain sections, the condition may lie of es I ro eon sequence bcr-uuse the people have the remedy in tlielrown hands. Now thai the otlli-lal report Is the statement that damage In transit was reduced to less In the strike of Mnnhnttan furriers, belligerency appears, as usual, a sign Secretary Tenement House Bureau of Charities. Brooklyn, August It, 1911. civilized mankind; this Is war us prac than one-tenth of one per cent, of the goods shipped. When the law eunie In of unwisdom.

Most of the skin come niitlun hlrh ntlll li.r from abroad, and moves to hurry the closing shop can hardly Improve the condition of the employed. transport maurlal necessary to carry it tilery, horses, munitions and food. Willie 0'Wied a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor. Why should Brooklyn be represented lu the lists only by William M. ('aider, who ex piM-ts to be United States Senator? We have enough able RcpuhlleaiiH in this Borough lo furnish a candidate for the that miniMhlnic of Immunity ahmiM lo In tlio of Imtllci r.llJ.0 IIS Voire UKalnnt till" in i tuli'pil of "iix.iK' iy; ar.ninM tlio of Ullrh Ki'llKI'lFMS hiuI mifuritlviilila Miml iiitianiirro.

farmers on Long Island and elsewhere who tried to take advantage of It complained of loss through rough handling of their goods by mall clerks. This lime nn effort has been made to put It ti I ii reach of farmers containers which offered protect Ion for their goods In addition to half a million men, to the end of tho prodigious Journey, show that the plan must have been long mntured and renly to be put Into execution to smallest detail at hours notlco. Controllcrshlp also Senator Travis tins TIip ti-Mn of thf big Rutin nt tlio Pa-rlilo rml of the Piiiinum Ciiiinl lire on-tlri'ly mitlHfnctory; and AiihtIchii irun-ui-ri have a pntty jtoo.1 reputation altroml. Until cikIr of tho Ciinnl ought WAIK AMONfi NATIONS. tKmm Hi.

Hiili. 1 At loimt onn Kuropran rmintrry nininn quit iinitixlui bed by tho war. but that'll too iiiu. li 11 the whole mpleii-aiit truth litis been laid bare, the pie should not be slow to use Hint remedy. County hos pltlllS for Hie eiire of tuliei'ellliwis victims tire ii er.vlng necessity, uuil need but glance at the story of llltli and lack of sanitation that In this case surround the vlctlini of iMh dread disease, to realize how dreadful may Ih the consiipieiiei of failure to heed the warning If Glell Cove were the only Village that faced kin ii i i Hie ease would In- critical rno'igli.

lul there Is eveiy reason to In lieve (lint 1 1 I Is but an iigi.invati Instance of hat exists in too tunny villages which, to the casual ol. server, give no dint of the been mentioned and on pinch we could (III out the whole State ticket without using any inferior material. Colonel Kline Is popular Willi all the citizen who know him. He Is as honest ami rnnn-d a anybody In polit lo he pnrllh rxipct lo thPHO militant Mini1. I SpiUPiTKi In it fonrvlllnit omonit tic I tuition, hho bi'loni: to no nation, Snld the Knlner to Willie (YWIed: "On ynumelf ell tbe row ore have agreed; Junt nit where you're eet Ae Alhfinla'n M'pret And we all will ennlnt yon at need." "The nallvee for fight have a manln," Wrote Willie.

"Their dolnge would lm In Hut til" lioleetit one Kenr th" warHbipn' big gun: At luira.o I'm ef" from Albania." Hut ihr Kiiln'-r wrote berk In a pn. Moll'. and the percentage of loss does not seem to have been greater than won to be expected III good packed by shippers who were learning the business. Flnli'-rini: report of tho success of the new rviee eome from Atlanta and Birmingham, although the Southern fanners lire conservative and do not adopt Innovations readily. The banner town for the service wn Lynn, Massachusetts, where for ten week parcels of farm produce were de- ical life.

Moreover, Ills Hinioimeeiueiit Khu ban no lawn, pulillrn illnt in ln not, Iiit pi-opli- pay no tnxr, unl mu ll tlnntc ho un clu'tlnn I un. known. woMiixs it.xci: pakxdk. I-Mltor Brooklyn Dully KiihIp: When xt vi n-for to tlio Won A llrtn of Ainprlrnn rapltnllxtn In shows that In- Is Imbued with the true spirit of the age. Direct state whli primaries lmv- opemil the door of op-ttortunlty to any good citizen' aspira ru'n I'urmlo, be bum to inrluilp rcr cnt vi-nrn illm-uw ml rirh nul IP WWT A SWIMMING TF.ACHK.n.

K.llior Brooklyn Imilv K.igle: I have een attending the (J'ubllO 'lath) Swimming Pool on Fourth avenue and t'nlun street, Brooklyn, and find thrt a number of young girls who are novice at swimming, com thi-re with the Idea that an Instructor Is there at all times to kivd swimming to those who nro desirous of learnlnt how to swim. In two Instance. I have seen two ((Iris almost drown In on effort to progress bv themselves. There lm alwnva been a swimming teni her lu re iliuing the winter time, but in the past two month I have been Informed that no teacher has been on hand. I nm writing you In the hop tht you mnv le able to aid me In obtaining an instructor for this place to bo here nt nil time heretofore, snd In tile orlKlimtor oi mo piiraup wnn Itn mi'Mrim1 of warning A Brooklyn tion.

Three signatures to pet It Ions pul un ii-i'iraut In good "Iioii'l i In that Imbecile fnnblnn; i woman culled th womnn of niyxtnry th women Into g'ttlnu iitu 11111" hy hr mntrmpnt. I "Womi-n! Womrn! You muni romp out nnd do nomplhlnK now, or llvereil lo the elly homes weekly. Over fMHI farmers about Boston offered their produce for delivery by parcel Kst, anil the Increase In tho business there was 7.i per cent. thorn nml In Kan opcnlnit tlirin, Uniting naln for tholr pnnlurt In Norway. NorwclKlnnn cm In nml oprm-d up morn iiilncn.

other Kuropi-unn ruiun iilno nml wrnt to mining. No onn ban yrt bo-n ebot, nml tbincn nre ifgi i'hInk miilriibly, hut Hip northern Duroppnn nallonn think that eomrthlnic ought to bo done nboiit It. After nevrrnl yenre of effort nn In-trrnnlloiial ronference wnn few nionthn ngo nt Chrlntlnnla, strategical position the best bucked candidate of tin- lnci I.i ollielal pi I marie. After thai, his luiiue li. lng nn the ballot, he hu only see.n-,.

Mn. Jorlty of the enrolled party vote lu the State at largo to become the purty The suburban district extend so far It will be the aetn or your wnmrn'e puny. 1 the handwriting on the wall." true condition. Trained observers have found enough In oflier village- to show that this Is not nn Isolated ease Because Uletl Cove In Nsssau County, the lesson must eome home I there with tiion- striking force. should not be lost on HufTolk County, Willi ll Is to Vote, thin fall, oil I lie plopo allien to establish a county hospital to fare for Just sneh esses ns these.

It no expert opinion tu prutc that In all direction from the City of New You're i boast; Fight and die at your poet; Digger fnee I'm Intent Dow on tbranb-In'." Ah, runny eweet William O'WIed, THdn't chooMt for hie preetlge to bleed; He ha now run away Krotn Puraxxn, they ay; And Albanians proclaim they are freed! 3. A. Thpn, further punhod, nn iarp Norwny. to rtevlnn a plan of govern York that the distance over which goisls must be hlpied I greater than it complete plan, which wnn nri-epieil, 1 ment for the Inlnmln. The Norweglnn nil but the npeechpe end tlm iuk at government eubttiltted a plnn of gov-eminent, but tho mnfennee rejected nominee.

It It a wholesome condition that I shown by nny party when Individual ambition tu perform public icrvlce are this way avoid any trouble or accl. dints which may occur. A FKIENU Brooklyn, August SO, 1)14. In smaller cities nnd the area of supply Is tiiueh smaller In proportion to the populuUvu to lo served. Probably, too, City Hull.

BADirc ritusv Bronx, Auguit 22, 1914. It nn too runiheriumie. However, It could Dot devlee better, eo juet be-.

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