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The Muscatine Journal from Muscatine, Iowa • 4

Muscatine, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

urn Congressional. Mixed paints at Dougherty'. J. B. Dougherty sells drags.

DAE lOhTHIIsTEBI MARBLE "r8ATl! DeiDBresl Co Allium BOOK SELLER! Terrible Accident. James Thompson' Left Hand Amputated by a Cfyr-cutof Sate. A terrible accident occulted in the lath department of Mus-er saw mill Ibis morning by which lau-jjs Thompson, aged 20 years, eon! of J. Thompson, lost his left hand. Hf and some companions employed in the iath department were indulging in spow by thro Ring sawdost at each other.

Reaching under a ciroular saw, he seized a handful of wet sawdost and urn '-d to throw it, when the terribly mangled and bloody stump nf the wrist Aiso freplu stock SLATE and MAHBLE And all kinds of galvanised id painted prices for best v-rk. 4 Bca.Hoii la! Tlu lee Crei rii NEXT TO THE Or For Ice earn in Largs Green Fruits, Choice Candies, IIIIb CURES CURES CURES CURES 1 Cures Cures mm NEURALGIA NEURALGIA ASTHMA ASTHMA aij Kind ally Kind as. kM TOOTH ACHE. Wm TOOTHACHE. AND ANi of of 11! I i I I I II I Pri 1 1 il for Mrs.

freeman's Ntw oUiuii to nuinlv -rf It will be een by the proceedings of the Bloomlngton caucus that Col. Hor-tqn's township gives his boom for Congress a start. jThe Daventort Gatette, in response an intimation by the Tipton that the presentation of a candidate by Scott jounty after it ad been definitely declared that tha eounty wuld have no candidate. "wcuJ be a virtual declaration that none those earlier in the fild were A con-fi envi. says ko sne thlag.

Instead. It would oi ly be an and a -il-i-laration" that the ab-sojtce nf any united -xpression on thf part of other counties, ih behalf of a candidate by them admitted to he really "a strong" candidate, leaves foott county perfectly free to Suggest a caodidiste from i own immediate clttlseushlp. This, more freely means that Scott count will in all probability, present a cane In The Zeituntr, the German newspaper of this city, has a paragraph on the Con grfssional situation, which, being interpreted, reads as follows: The name of Mr. John Mahln. editor of the Muscatine JocSkai being meMloned In connection with the Congressional nornlnatlon this year.

From personal grounds Mr. shin's nomination would please us very utuch. but not politically. Mr. Mahln would undoubtedly be the strongest candidate whom ttie Republicans could put up.

I A little learning is a dangerous thing, particularly when dabbling in medicines, far better to use a well tried and established remedy like Dr. Thomas' nelcctrio Oil, endorsed by everybody wjho has tried it in cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, sprains, bruises, cuts, burns, abd, all the ills that an American sovereign is subject to. Sold by J. H. Canon.

James. S. Millard, who, when a boy, resided cveral years in Muscatine with bits uncle, John Semple, is visiting here with his wife. Mr. M.

was once a carrier boy for the Journal, an honor since shared by two of our now promi nent business men, A. G. McColm, of McColm sons, and Frank R. LcwiK, cashier of the Merchants' Exchange National Bank. Mr.

Millard's present home is Tarry town N. where he is practicing law and has been chosen several positions of honor! and trust by his fellow citizens. Hie is now trustee of thel association which is tp celebrate the centennial of the capture of Major Andre on the 23rd oif next month, i Although Mr. M. has not been in Muscatine since 1857, he recognizes a number of ouf older citizens.

We hope he will have a pleasant visit here. Iiuek ten's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever Sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all kinds of skin eruptions. The salve is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction every case or money refunded. Price 25 cents per boxj.

For Sale by J. H. Canon, opposite P. O. 20 I A New Swindling Dodger Mr.

T. MeCampbell informs us that he has heard during the past ten days of several housewives being swindled by two men traveling with a wagon, who oall at houses and represent themselves as Agents for a St. Louis firm, wSo are buying old feathers to be renovated, for a purpose for which old feathers are better than new, and that their firm will sjend neW feathers instead of the old a soon as the old ones are received. To make it seem all fair they will leave some money on deposit as a pledge of good faith till the exchange is made in one instance leaving $5 for two feather beds, in another $2, and in some instances the parties have declined to take anything. These men Were first heard of in the region of Grandview and during the past week they were in this city and vicinity It ib evident that they do not i intend to return the beds, and as feather beds are Worth from to $10 apiece, they will make a handsome profit on their "guarantee." People should be on their guard against these swindlers.

Meantime we hope this timely notice may lead to their arrest and punishment. cjfall the bad habits that mortals wilt follow: Tin re one In my mind that beats all of them hollow; That a man cannot utter the Com monest phrases, Without adding blazes." When racked by- "damn It," "by Jove" or "like headache and colicky pain. Take a bottle Of Spring Blossom and from sweuring reft-aln Sold by J. II. qanon MsVwfw Liberal Mass CoaveatloM.

There will be a mass convention of the Liberals and Secularists of Iowa i id adjoining States at Marshalltown I ws. Aug. 27.28, and 29th. Woodbury's 1. per House lias been engaged for the O3ca4on, ami ihe following distin giished speaker- have already prom ed to be in jattendance andj address trio Prof W.

F. JamicBon Mrs. Mattie llulrtt Parry. Ut W. I'eck, l'r A J.

ri.irk. Mrs II S. Lake Hrof A and T. C. Lelant ife also cxpe-'ted.

I Tim will be held each day imi virwtj topics discussed. Thr plalliMtn will be absolutely free for the kprtts- on of all shades of opinion. A State! League will be organized and neasuv s.tnr the better education of the young consider, Come out all and lat us have a grand gathering of the friend- of humanity and justice. Communications solicited. State Com.

National Liberal League. B. Walker. Chairman, Norway, Benton county, I i Trvehti" are ukd with advantage to alleviate Co eons SpHB Throat, Hoabsescss and Bronchial AjrrBCtriOMs. For thirty years these Troches hive been la use.

with- annually Increasing favor. They are not new and untried, but. ban foVt ing been tested by wide and constant use nearly ah entire generation, they have at tained well-merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. (THE TflROAr. "Broun't Bronhia TVoeAss" act directly on the organs of the voice.

The have an extraordinary effect In all disorders of th Throat and Larynx, restoring health) tdne when relaxed, either from cold or overexertion ef the voice, and produce a clear and distinct enunciation. BpeaJurt cmd Sbert fipd the Troches useful. CoicQH, Cold, Catarrh or Sore Throat re. quires immediate attention, as neglect often, tiimea results in some incurable Lung Disease. "Brown' Bronchial Troche" will almost inva rtabiy give relief.

Imitations are offered for sale, many of which are injurious, rne genu- lne "Bi ntxtzc inillOMU iTvrnr iir wn-j ltwj. Jan 17 TTu.Thr.Sst.Awly Money to loan in sums to suit bower-ef, at lowest rates. E. U. Cook.

29-tf 1,000 acres of land in Washington eounty. Mo. Mineral lands at a bargain. will trade for other property. Thompson Tallant.

i Challenge Accepted. Kairport Au. Kb. JOCRNAX: We atcept the chal lenge of Smith II Inois ity. Ior the sum of lOO, to be determined by quality and speed, to be decided by three judgi-s competent to judge the quality of stoneware; Snd also el; tnacifeorge smmi caniiot turn Il.tKKi a i i i a.

a gallons ten Iioum, and mika a passa- bli attiele of s-o u-4rc Si F.VCXR F. McBlrnjn LA Sargent nro drugs -ts, Delt U. writes that th icy are having great MO cess with ut. 1 nomas Tho helectru" il. at Id and that they never soldi anything gave such universal satisfaction by J.

Canon. 13-dirWlw Settee. The residents of Copper Creek, Bl are requested to out on Saturday, Ang. 28th, and assist in the workiof cleaning up the cemetery at that place J. B.

K. -em as, CommiMea Martin Thomas, the expressman, has fixed up his wagons in puch "illigaat" style that we scarcely recognized them. They have been repainted, tho seats readjusted and nicely ophaWerea nd the covers put in shape. Ifor general picnic and excursion parties ino superior accommodations can be found. Gaufiild Cadits.

(Still the gdod work goes on. The company of Gar field Guards is assured, and now oioqm pany of Garfield Cadets is being argkc ued among the boys and young mbn, all of whom can shout for if some of them cannot vote toi him tnis time. Twenty-nine names have already been secured. he typefounders art Das neeu Car ried to such perfection as to enable ihe printer to sUccessfelly compete with ihe engTaver; country printing offices, many ot them at least, now equal the city es- tablishmens, and there exists no neoes sity tor any one, where a live country printing office exists, to send abroad tor anything in the printing; line. Western Stationer and lnltr.

Tjhe tent of the Granjl Commahdjery of Iowa at Chicago will have a painted facade 62 by 17 feet, imitating a marble gable supported by corinthian pillars, and frieze decorated with the words. "Iowa Grand Commandery Headiiunr ters." There are nine entrances. It is the work of Wm. Mitchell, of NeWtion, Iowa. This is the season of the year ten tho level headed young man goeu off, with a small satchel in one hand an 1 a done-up pole in the othejr, to oaten ah; and when the elegant young lady goes off, with a big trunk in ojne ear and big airs in another, to a fashionable water ing plaoe, to catch, him; and he I isn't there not much, Mary Ann The Cleveland llainJealer, in an ed itorial interview article, mentions Mr Byron Pope, formerly Deputy ShOriff of Cleveland, as a gentleman who has PUt St.

Jacobs Oil to a thorough test A member ot his family suffered severs It with Rheumatism especially of the shoulders and fingers. For days at a time the fingers could! not he moved without great pain, and it was not until St. Jacobs Uit had been used, that a change was effected. The dreaded com plaint was removed by go Oil WHAT EXTf An exchange says a well dressed man is going about the country claiming to be deeply interested in the cause of temperance1. He calls at a farm house, presents a pledge fo the farmer to sign, and when ibii is done produces another card, similar in appearance, to which he desires bis Big nature to be affixed, "in order that he may keep a correct memorandum of his work." The second card is a sight note for any amount the swindler may sek fit to demand.

Bloomlngton nominations. August Mth. PfO. The Republicans of Bloominton township met in convention at the Court House to-day toj nominate six delegates io the County Convention. P.

Crawford, 8. Hoskins. Wl Fultz. G. A.

Foso. Jdhn Miller and Chas. Kincaid were elected delegates The following resolution was passed Hesolved, That this convention favor of Col. C. C.

Horton for Congressman. J. W. Miller, Chairmai i. S.

M. HoSKIN-9, Secretary. jlere is a hint owners in ihe vicinity of Muscatine. jWe copy rpm the Davenport Democrat The high price of onion i- di ing good in the land market; Onitm rai r-are picking up pieces off new lanls en and there at round figures. a tw days ago Geo.

B. Hawltjv, of I'len-ini Valley, sold 35 acres of ba-k jjaMore land on the north side of his arm nv-ered with small trees arid hie i ih to five persons for 85 tier acre 'lJMh for unproductive property. Hut It vas new soil, near town, an the onion mar ket put a good figure on it. The 01 ion crop of this year not uhtruducr tly yields per acre. The Saulsburv BuiIdgi.

ontrac tor Locke is now completing the pier of the Saulsbury leaving only the approaches to be finished by hiuu The iron superstructure jfrom he King Bridge Company Works has been at Ives Station for a month or more, waiting for the completion of the pUrs. The contract with the county called ior the1 completion of the bridge by the ust of September, but owing to unosnal high water in the Cedar the work of putting in the piers was delayed, and it is sow thought the bridge will not be ready for use before the 1st of October. It will be found i great convenience for the fall trade. Wm. H.

Woodward, Notary Public. Fiax and Lite Insurance. Rates Loin. Office in Olds' Opera House. dS7diy The ere is no use of talkine.

Febrina will positively cure the worst ease of fever and ague. Sold by J. ti. Dough erty and J. il.

t. anon. Remember! The only perfect iiro- pnetary medicine as a Blood searcher is that bearing the name! of "Dr. Lin 1 sey," and which may be bad from drug gists, 9-dlwlw. Pennal.

Mr. Her-hny will leave Monday for his. ebraska ranche. iss Mary Brigg. of Washington, is visiting Miss Jessie Kessingeri inn.

Barnard and Miss Jennie rry took this morning's train for Chicag(, Mi Hoopes came in froni Mmne apolijs this morning to spend Sunday Frank Sawyer came down uea-moines last nEght to spend Sunday at Ludo Thayer, after an abaende of several years, has returned from Colum-buis, Qhio. Mrs. Fred Giesler and children re-tQrned last evening from an extended visit in Washington. p.Hjarker went to Wilton this morn iog to cry thje sale of Mrs. Caddick, which occurs to-da, Mre.

Delia Snyder, daughter, of ur wortnyi Sheriff, is off to Chicago for a visit t9 relatives thre- Mr( and Mrs. Frank Lewis leave this evening lor a week's visit in' Chioago the giegta of Miss Nettie Havens, G. Ml Titus leaves to-night for Chicago, and Will be 1 of the company at the great ball given by he Kniglita Templar next week. Mrli. C.

T. Hayes and family, of Wahhington, are visiting their relgtnes, W. A. Townley and family, at pbrt. Mr.

and Mre, Chaa. Molntyre. of il tc reached home this tuOrn ug after a pi ea -ant two weeks' sojourn at Clear Lake, Th Cummins and family, exce i left this morning for a trip to tie east. They will takje in ihe Knights Templar conclave at Chicago. Mr reorge Brandt and sister.

Miss Clara Brandt, accompanied by Mrs. Seal and Mis-, Alice Horton, hsve arrivtd from New York and all will visit in Muscatine and vicinity or some time. Mrs. Seal is the wife of Mr. H.

Seal, ot the Royal Bak ng Powdjer who, with Mr. Ziegle, ill visit ibis city; next month. G. U. Denison, wife and daughter I d-na're turned home by last evening's train from a visit of nearly two months 1 with n-lativesin trie State of New York.

Mr. D. brings cheiering hews of the politi sal feeling ie the Empire State. He Cas no doubt it will give Garfield a handsome majority. Mr.

Denison set his watch in New-York by Tripity church time and on comparing it with the High School clock in this)city found New York ti ne just one hour and ten minutes fas cr than ligh School time. 4J ebblespe Geojuinep Sawyers The call for the Republican caucus! in Muscatine township, next Wednesday W- evening, will be found in this issue. ims, To Loan. Money in largo or small sums, on long or short time, on' personal, real estate and Chattel security. Call on or id- dress G.

M. Titus ii Sweet I and CUCU. An error was Slide in the Weekly in calling the Sweetland township caucus. It should have read Thursday, Aug. 19th, Instead of A large Knights lempiar train lor large Knights Templar train Chicago from Kansas City, Atchison, Oskal oosa, will pass through here at 6:35 a.

m. to-morrow. Several expect to join the train here. It i rumored that there will be change of time on the R. I.

P. due week from to-morrow, by which the morning train from the east ill arrive 20 minutes earlier than now Swan, the jeweler, is selling silver plated spoons and forks, the lest in the market, at prices low as the lowest Initials er graved (not scratched) free ot charge on all goods bought atSwai jewelry store. For ihe accommodation of those wi thing to attend the camp meeting near WilWn, Mr. T. J.

Thompson will run two teams to-morrow, starting at ') a. m. Leave orders at lis barn on Mulberry, between Fourth and Fifth streets. Fare cheap as any f- fertd- LU. The Hirer The Clinton passed up loaded as usual with people.

The Mitchell is still due from abo-e. The Kendall is due down to-morrow. The Josie will be down Monday and the Litby Conger up Monday night. The Mary Morton passed up this af ternoon. mm Religions Notices.

Baptist Church: Preaching in the morning at the usual hour by Rev. D. F. hards. Seats are free.

Every body cordially invited. Sunday school at 2 p.m. mon services at the United Brethren i murch to-morrow evening. Be v. Hart sough, of Lottsville offioiatipg mon log and evening, the pastor being abseit, Begular serviees at the Presbyterijan church in the morning.

Thje Y. M. C. A. will hold gospel sfer- vices in the jail to-morrow at p.m.

L. Hj. Washburn returned last even ing from a weeks visit with his sister at Chiljecothe, Mo. He gives an ko- coun Of a most remarkable Seriet of accidental deaths in Chillecothe to nave occurred in one which took place there on Wednesday this week. Three boys, ranging from li to 13, were drowhed about 3 o'clock.

One young woiaan committed suicide by drowning herself about five, and in the evening the cars ran over and killed a rhile the man at the depot, widowed mntMsn nf a rinv wWn had left home! but a da before, received the sod inlelli pence that her boy had been killed by being thrown from a horse at Center ville cast la terrible gloom over the comma 1 1. 11 I nity Ndw and beautiful style of bbard or calling cards at the Journal Job ffice. km WORKS! I I I ftlnr. Iirsk Hteis ttli.l Ult jFoniign-and ii.ii'nuan' i RMIIE! nun fsi-tuifrn'ot Urie arble Mouuinciitij a full luu oi i MANTLES With a large va riety of grat iron feic4aj Pioneoir works. Lowest rrr.

POSlf OFFICE. or Small Lots Promptly Fills. ATARRH. CATARRH Lameness I Lameness ce 50c and $1.00 National pitao ift oenti DIDD'C fWular lAdles hikI on the AvatilMh nirr lining B. nciir I hi- iiMira Mihi.i nm.

tor attHtigvri slul all Jivirinic ravorite nstort meals, nt 1..11.1. rifles. kwt the in 1 1 csui supply. AJ fOW lay boani'-rs ean no aoen Xt I tral Iowa: wliiorur Chairs of all: stiles. Tallies if au Str which may pa (bus Ixutnres of all Si litres of all t'arlorsulU styles.

LoofclnMgl I. larg-atidsaiall. HgrbM toip goods vers eiH-ap. Afcso Twrrrs i i in ims. Taaa-ls.

I tare TWUsas and CiirtaiiHIoods geiierslly, tVlilftSJlajr. our inie ouilo found la-Mi at tha Ixiwsot Fnsm. Tliansrui Bt favors, we snai i aWMror to merit yoar pstrona In ihe futurs, 1. i Uliy. It lilt fU.

TJTVZm a'. iai a ai.i'. aarala rua-im. Iiaa f.naik- Baanawa. Bsaa ui 4iMr laj.vf ia a MMM ta i I la i.araM au.iaas II ML I PI im dip i i.

soipisss uriisstias nar MM al arit Saw I law a Ml i Sua a.Utk Ihmf raaan.a. rraa, a a. U.m aa a waatS ltS It. WS law St eaa i aaA a la a.ia f. ar ut r.uWr sf I (a ihraS I aava.

I KAUAM pEABROOKS II SO all kinils of Caausnaaa tain 1 I. kltd wm iviijw ssvi nrinuwinable VaultS nf ot Ii- u- us at rilarht. If -I. alreO- MiiiaWanM- tii asiy ofa. iaSBVU ISt at i issi-r a II4niar WSjaff die (liovin nre.

sure to sure Hpavlns, Bpuota, rb. It removes all innstur- enlarv. nil-ntS. IXW not blatter. Mi no uii ror any oa an or ooaat.

ii naa do ly in. ail on horses. 8tnl NO ustraul cin-ular gtvlngpoaitlve til isruaswu mil artisarfnta have it orcaa for run. i Dr. B.

KeiHlall A mvm. I nrh Ksikt. ertpout L. Oraham. Agent, usoatliw).

Iowa. aawauswig 11. Moat Itoniarkitblp Curea of Ieuf- Yesar Htavnaing. fever when three ysirs old. cured, that an tHagtoSer WE p.

itlon tn tuxsimei we aiw- tne HiSOMSf aiw. Anotberoflan ased ladn eurea or uesnassss we SO ears' stdtttnc- Consumption, Asthma, The worst oases of Asthma not only helped. but cwnssi. lUl HBAHT UWEASE -Have Beret- tastsd in a 'HaltsS Iaxd COgOH WlWBw4.ll p. rf.t cure fir the worst eases, wbciw other ffurea nave fa ssuduvis tti uh.

asea or ten years ius- ma- tnorougniy curen. IIEADACHE.oxt' wo oanbot curs, or sbjotaasr kind. 1 of I Mruv usu aaw-ja. ootdwlv i -w il sILLIL riuis, LaniBu bvOui i constantly on Hno mi i in; iiAAiln I I I I I I I I m' nnis mil lit diii im hiiio i Him dill ur ffiiim fs the very 11 II mon' n-Kiiiaj 1 'SJ 1 -i ALFRED A. KEATHJ LL AlUKinilKlPPMPNT in o.

nimra k). Us WTB hare made spelal arrsngeweoU la VV hut the la-Hi sisl ehapetiuott la i ill it.wixi tr loll. 1 1 1 1 I Em s'r Laps- KB fPEEEJHr i JK5 i i Mt 1. 1. I.I iii-s si ii n.

aa iuaaaa aaatS i ItSSMI SSfa- mswBHP Tail aSaiatt main- i if alalaV Mini aiaw 1 II a re 1 KetiUll'tt .1 Is SUI ilK-aja. Wlrj.jf. gel Priori ueaMjT 1 Urbw Aabwye4a? iuad to ult ibis iriar the U-lt LOOAl DEPARTMENT. KHFUULIk AN COCNWfTOSTENTIOS Aj peb iratf nfrentionio the Kepubllcaus of Mumatltie 11 be heli the tturt House in city ucattne, on 7 (Ti baturclay, August 31, JrtHU, fori pirt-llmary i.rKanuatlon at 11 a. toe purpose i electing 13delejrat to the tjltalo Conventii a 'at r- A tur- and twelve di-ieirates to the Cowrreasiotml Conven- tjloti at Ittvnpiit Auir.

tlli also to nominate it candidate to county CUt County k.rdt.T. County Sujwirvlsor. to transact bihy other business that may coukc I jepre the onVehtion. in-will be one from The rat io njpsontati (jacti towtmh I.I the County, and one from riach Of the thre tranlj of bo city of Musca- tlnq, and on fo rtvery tenty-flv votes, or rtraHlon orel-1 strive, snst flor H. Gear fi Oovernor at thel etmeml ejfetk0 In 197.

This alvai mill, hi i Mjohfpeller 8 Swtland 4 1 10 Ul .1 Kullort. Murtcatlue. 3 WapNlaonoc The members bf tin. i vmrai Committee Of he mnmoi To ttHhips will stys to the caning Off CtlUCUHOS elHinKly. thijlr reapeicju TowNbips ac By order rd tHeCouiHy Central (Jommlttec.

0- B'1 DEN I SON, Cfialrman. MUSCATISK TOWWSHII cosves- 1 be It. of jMustintlne Township are hereby notiilod ha, meet In their respective wnrds, at 8 o' cliiek p. Wednesday. Ausrutd 1Mb, 1880, fok-tbl purpose of eloctitui Thirty delca-ates to Inveptiin to be held Saturday, Apr 188ft! Tho pjnocs of meeting lat Ward, at ty uii.

olJee Juitate's I 2nd Ward, l3fd Ward. i kit N.rtHouHe. 1st Ward MlM intUlod ti. laneleKates. 2nd Ward belnk (entitled ho 8 delegates.

3r.l Ward IRinlr entitled tp 10 delegates. I' I.AM 'II HI. Chaifman Committee. I Pebble sbecUcles at Swan's. (xoinir to ca mp meeting': r.

ell, now mi't thia a scorcher' Liu you sea the aurora last night ivauniuan 8 cigars and tobacco. -te Watchci fuQ line just ree'd at Terry's. Norc ladies inuslin ujnderwcar. Mc- Cube's. CG icsoiiliiiUb.t watchmaker, Second street, near Pabpoose bridge.

J)r. Hardd sin offers ass now buggies ana eapiages alt large discount Meat, dkist snnl lei jus hope, religion will be tlio portion ot attendants at oamp meeting Wild plain) arc unujmally abundant this Thpy are selling on our streets at fifty cenls.jpdr bushel. if Cheap lots with dwellings, A. Prices 300, t'00, tTi-i and 800, S. L.

Waide. Pillaway's ifrockxry store is tbc place for all kinds of cutlery, best carvers ahd forks, city. Largest askorttnent in the 13-d3t Mr. LevVis inloruH us that the valu ation of Miuscitine, ik 11,950,000, instead of a little over a mill ion as reported in a number of papers lately. i Two story rick hquae, full lot, desira-bU neighborhood, eejlgjr under whole of hpUso, firHt-elass for tie' sum of $1,300.

THOaiP80jN Sc Tallant. Mr. Hershcy has received word that only one calf wras lout I from his large importation stock in the passage from Kngland1 to Quebec. This is unusual good luci. I We understand that I Mr.

Jj, Hoopes begins the Co agressibngl campaign for tjio Oreenbaijkeu today at Tipton, where a county convention has been called to nominate a ticket. 'ill I i I 1-1 A dining car was attached to this It morning's tram for iKiasas City goes down comie out with the Knights Templar triinj to-morrow night. and will run through; to Chicago The H. P. brought out this morning an cUegant new dining car for use on the main line.

It went through to Council Blaffs to day to come out itlh the KniAhts Templar train Largest stcjok of silver plated ice pitchers, cake baskets, berry dishes, castors besti make of Rogers, Smith spoons and forks suitable for birthday and wedding presents, at Dill-away's Crooktry Stored 13-d3t Ho! KOB MCAtlFoaNlA! For sale. trade or rent, a first-class rcsidenee, sit uated on the Burner pf Front and Cedar streets. For farther pattiouUrs apply tjb it. H. Pajntpr, residing on the prem ill mmi i2-d5t- For RenT-H-Rootbs Ifor rent, corner 0th and Spririi 9-dlw Thos.

Fitehman. Bedford. writes: I enclose money for Spring Blossom, as said I would it it cured me, my dys pepsia has vanished With all its symptoms. Many thanks. 1 shall never be without it in the house.

Sold by J. U. Canon. cwlw W. P.

Piifflber, Af Ti'. tnwnnVtin ia y. 1 vy Tf i jr, in bound to takd the premium on onions judging i rum One of the Giant Rocca variety lefn this Office to-day. weighs 1J pounds and is 15 inches circumference I 14-4 Old Probs heating 'em up. 4 hotter to-day than any day this season so far.

93 in the shade on ater Street, and! P-h-e-w, bat tat J. P. Walton's. is hot, Give a breeze. I have ibohy to on real estate security in to suit suit, from t500 to 5,000.

Interest 8 per commission as agreed Wit H. Woodward aprl9 dmwfffi w3m We have hree -story ftjr sale on easy terms a bikk store room, in the business part of town, suitable for any business. A bargain ean be had if se- cured imm dUtly. Taoiii'30N 4 Tallamt. A'1 STATION KKS.

Wall paper SHADES AND BASE BALLS window CoriuM To At jny jwludow int ready fir ue PIANOS AND ORGANS Organ for Rent. 2 SHO(l-alnl iUisaUn and 1 nliiKwt new Hloiio-hoi market wagon jUr Hale ehci McNT Of tha CONDITIO UNION BANK, HI I. ton. 'Iowa, ar the cJoHt? of bukiiteM on the j.2t!s A. 1HHO.

ti made by thb riorsjguod Commissioner the Audited Btatfc. ABETW, 1 1 i I ri'i i i I HeeUred overdrafts. Furniture and fixtures. I Hie from solvent bank ItpM and taxes. on nand LIABILITIES Capital stock ald up surplus 3,40.

omiks. 4yli lideposlto IiOUISCASE nfjmnliwfopf fOli JjEKK OK THE At the solioitation of hi iian1 Republic fric tills, L. H. Washtitirno, baa on use to ll a candidate fur tlbooffldelof ouuty fl subject to th deeiskiil of ttijr no uonvennon.

FOB HKCDItl). EvITOKH dnnounoe tJ nane W. H. MeCoy art a candidate lor Cobtity Keobrder. subject to tbc ilccMom.t tlieHepUOt lioub County Convention.

Ctlpt. H. E. WuJmtt, of 1'ike hucim fully aunouni luin-nif as a cuiiiiiiiittf for IteConkT of Muscatine doll tidy, subject SO the dxUioh.M!tho Kdpublidlih cdunty coiled l. 5 1 KhiTon JorNAi.

-IMcnmJ uv I to your Mi! era thai 1 Will tic a (hirtdidHtHbefil ret ho tttteiltif Ileum iVinveiititm lor Hie ofllco tOUII Hu corierl 1 I 8td ll. JAUK Th Tiiie Ktto aimouaee toy twine of t'ouhtv lb eordei run i'i-i-C nnia eaiiiildut-forthe tl Aulijoet to the uctluti c' EpiltWH jonvttir lion. DAN II A IIKdH 'lease Hlinoumio the tiuim- of E. Kltiuoci.

of Wiltnu. IH a calidldrit for Oilllc of County llfcordcl, ubjcct tl) dee Hlob of Hie lU-pubbeuu OUIU i ut ion. GLOBE BtYlU, AN I riiKJK wms cAll an1 pjkJitiE WW Carpets A Oil clot hsl Bjpjes Itnkcu. iliov Goods, Mul dlk brks. Mlinkrts 'sicfll instrumonta aj and Beat.

HalikuStrlnsrH KM Dry OboUi Guns, rovolvcraaml Catjtrldarca. watches and Jewelry. Tfu" ware), Clothintr, Hoi ioijy, i JJndor-wet BoedjleTi, 1 ln j. opnitjs, brutah- find coUars, sis- Casaintorefa mo (Ml Cards onitU.i, IttiPH ink uijitehos fr iAJ tobacco lor chitntwaa Ot imlis. pcnUeiw.

j- jZ til) sh paid for and WUrtnture. WAIDC CO BiicbcaHoni to J. I I I to. ke! Forest On Lako Mlebiirivn. miles morth of CbleaAo.

WO MALI Ml tOIHPllltlollH No MAI. AO ACADKHV A I'n l.aruli TV and h.i rVhOot of the hlirheijt urtl t. nap. tjiise 1)1 US HEMIN AUVr, l'r nelpad son. fiirtnwiy acting i'renldk Bos la th West.

ViiUUl.ii Mrk. Wollisi pi ll III sexds. i Standard or thpliest Hepb tbbet' i I Term Is by l'tpi I). H- OHKtJOltV, I. Ittk HY Suffer with i Hi Peter Town ley (11 porniu-i nently remove CortlM and Inirrowlnjr NaiH outlNiln.

i xpernee und bun of HeoointiiQuiaUU8. K1UUO0B. rETBR TOVSLE a i 1 4 SGpTp COUKTY AMicultuil Aiasociai The Twewty Eighth ill ba held at DavinUoit, Sep! cmbar 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and 101a. 18B0 II8S10X, 5fcent4 trott Cats run from tcrof I He Oil directly Uo Orotintls. an-, evnierinw iw bud anvl rni iin- win furry freh andj paifstiUfferli nt i rates.

LjisK or 41btT la ibrtna- 0. S. Mc NEIL Secretary 'mm ice. ti ni-4 oi-mrv linu atlnd. JultZT.

lh'. tttUa in lierebi- klvcn thJtithclClty AsbosMor of thSeitS of Muwfntine halt maife his tint 4 assefsuiunt of th taxable mipefty tii said ty for I lla Mlar an. I the ty t.Mncl I1 elty suth lllil St mi i.mrni'.l si the DSffia' rn ft Tf the Pat katertstiopCitk tallroafi kontW lit .1 11.. Kor irt nemil fity ilris mills f.inl bufpmS'Hj mill KorM'iWhg it mills II AISC a cax oi oniinou iov niuuun wttnlii he "water ditriet" said cStyJaat etr in- ordinancs. all nf whloh tax kill be due bo ttie IStday of NoveidW, Aad nolle la hcrteoy lvi that durw the nexi thirty iays aoy bersoti BgaTlflvetljtp- aald artseHsraont ior taxation, ljjr pefiire saldlCity Council and Imvo We same If fqutid kjrraeotlsl I.VMAN -r ml in nrSiii ton.

tftM Alidm Hi HiLLrrr i IOWA LEG In theCtoUege. iA ea' AeaWemly. XoraWUkwl Mualdal murses, the fall tern oBm StfWJIth. Exaainat3ons of enndllates from Academies and llUrh Schools tho Saturday previouaj ItlortT to 10 pet tenn (loard vrntjr. ifeOlttwltn rresldeut, fitjinaell 16.

PXTCB -1 1 .1 1 3 AND BA SITE Jim' hunk-. fluei'deposltors Dndlvifed pp. n-. TutaL. Minn, ui i -i-ji.

WQRli OPES Annual oh mo nr. rt rllt rcHiiiotHi rattfs. PM Premium iloni appir to LI i City ax a J. CO came up, leaving hand and awdust PC hind, the hand being entirely ered from the arm. For sev an instant he did not know what had happened, having felt only a sensation of something striking his arm lightly.

Realizing the horriple truth, he hastened unaided over to ihe office, where twine was tied tightly about the arm to prevent bleeding to death. He was brought up town pjoot haste, and when in front of Dr. Little's office, with astonishing pluck and nerve, he jumped fromJ the carriage and ran lightly up stairs. Laying down on he lounge, he contemplated the sickening spee.acle of his handless wrist without flincoing, and when his sister came in a litUe later, he, quickly threw his opat over the arm that she might not see it tt wao deemed best to take him home before amputating the mangled stump of the wrist. He walked down stairs.

Ana at the house again alighted from the buggy and walked into the house unaided. The operation was performed by Dr. Little, assisted by Drs. Morgritlge and Robertson. It is a sad accident to a brave boy, but being his left arm, is not quite as id as it might have been Dear woman In thy hour of ease.

Uncertain coy and hard to please. When pain and anguish wring thy brow A ministering angel thou, When Bilious Colic makes us cry Spring Blossom's best, at once to try Sold by J. H.Canun. LMAwlw TuE Aurora. The aurora in he northern heavens was magnificent and awe inspiring last evening.

At times a great blazing streak of light would shoot st i 0.4 1 1 up trom the horizon, apparently ai most reaching the north star. Quickly another would shoot up 30 or 40 jde grees to the right, then another the same distance to the left. Another in stant and a companion arrow of ill umi nation would apppear at the side of the three first rays. Then hundreds of streams would appear with tremulous motion and coming close ogether pre sent the appearance ot waves or sheets of light following each other! in rapid succession. All would finally fade out, when the grand panorama was again repeated.

la speaking of the aurora. Johnson's Cyclopaedia says: 'It is now certain tha: the aurora has an eleotric origin and it is believed by some that its phenomena are due to the passage of eleetrio currents through highly at ten uated air at considerable distance from the! earth." I. The Rev. Sam'l J. Mills, of loWa.

for many years pastor of th. Prf sb. church, says: "I have used pis tilled Sage catarrh cure in my famih uli most favorable results, and regan. it as the very best catarrh remedy i ye ever used, and recommend it to all afflicted ag a sure remedy. I.

Moffat'e Life Pills, Page's Climax Salve, and Moffat's Phoenix Bitters form a complete Family Medium. Chest. For sale by druggists everywhere. 10 dAwlw A previous letter states tncy suppose i.ey must have a million or more rats in i heir elevator, think what they eat and it costs to keep rats. I lat age is no ,11 A knll.k I All OUIJl.

iOIVUDU 1 umuA VJU tennial Rat Exterminator, for sale eve ryvhere. WAFRLLO. Iowa. Fov. 17.

1877 Star Manufacturing Company, Fort iJadum. Iowa Enclosed find twenty-five cents, for which mail as another box of your Cen tennial Rat Exterminator. We find it does the business to our entire satiafao- tiou. Richards a Black. fhe success of Goodfellow's Taste ess Agile Remedy rests in the fact that poo pla'will take it regularly until the Sys tern is toned up against the effect of malarial poisons; fiOets a box at all drug ste-es.

or sample mailed for 50cts. Star Ft. Madison. Iowa, Fmi Sale or Exchange. My place on ihe Iowa City Road, either whole part, (11 or 16 acres), will exebapse tor unproved city property if location and terms can be made to suit.

Feb28dtf Richard ''ami. h.uis Faraaa for Sale Ceanty. la Hescatlat W0 acres for HAW 2,40 130 5t)'per atre.Gosben iNp 3D 35 j- 30 40 per acre. VVilton Pike 35 Goshen AM these farms far sale on easy term of time and interest, with a fair di count for cash. Many will also 0E- rhange for wild land or city property, THOS.

L. SMITH, Agent. lank iron elad mortgages for sale at Journal office. House and Let for Sale. East half of lot 7.

block 16. with a aestorr frame dwelling, known as the lilis property. Situated on the south of second street, between Mulberry uneap ior caon. a. u.

STEIH. It Cltj Treperty For Sale. house and half-lot for $1200, 5th st. jzouu. la.

Ave. lot af M500, 50 st, $3000, $1200, 6th at $2700, on hill. 2 lots $2000, I lots "$600, 7th st, Vaeaat 14 5th st. Cne acre $1000, 8th si And many others including several buff ess properties, and ranging in price from $150 up. Long time and easy terms, low interest, cash discount, AJo will exchange tor the property.

dAwtf Thor. D. Smith, Ag t. Sold by Go toJ. H.fanon.

DribOr BrtirhtneHS and urubllitjlL Ot COll may lly A large numbci' of diseases are caused by a disordered liver: Use Dr. shall's Brouioliuc, the great lator. and be cdred. Fold iver by Canon and J. B.

Dougherty. An Iowa physician (Dr. Lamlis Price) aays: Lottie's Castor Oil Emull is the nicest form of administering castor oil I ever aW." Pricii 15 and 30 ots a bottle. acctnw Many ladies mCsintejrpret beir Suffer ings. Try a box of elbro Jive I ilia.

euiu uj. nit viiufLiD. A IIomcepatiiiO it km Km fifteen cept vials, and McCormack Family liuide Chart tor sale a.t the drug store of J. T. 233 Second and Hcnr Geiss, 121 Secohd street, usca tine owa.

lyr. yjOR rL A Choice home kor late residence of D. C. Clioud, mi comprising a framc dwelling with nine rooms, cellar, two citterns barn and out buildinH, a garden fill I of vegetables, grartes and other fruito. with five acres of ground, heated near Suel Foster's, nMh of Eighth ptreet, Butlerville road.

Posses don i mined iately. dwtl T. D. Smih, Arfeot The Voltaic Belt Co I. Marshall Mich.

Will send their celebrated tro-Voltaic Belt to the afflicted Klcc upon 30 days trial. Speedy euros guaranteed They mean whaOXhey say. i rite to nem witnoutocivj. 53 "'mo Babbit Metal- In anantitic to mil purchasers, for sale at this office. ABSOLUTELY PUKE Made from rape Tarter j--No othr preparation mak such lurbt, flaky hot bressis or luxurious pastrj.

be oaten ty dyspep-tics without ftr of tb JUs reaUltitig from hav-y. Indigestible fn'od. Sold onlyi In I ns hy sJi grjoers. Kovai. Baris-g Ptiwobr Co N-w I ork.

Ia-Iwlr a .1 j. 170 wTdHC aMaaWaSaWfasaagSa 0 1 aoaUH tra Asanss TSOS S. G. -STEIN, DaALFR IN Lumber of Kven Description, I COR. SECOftb PINE STS.

noorloc. reoctnsi Siding. Scant li ng. jtungMsw joists, uatn. aod Barn Lumber' enstaattr Clear.

Flit lab ins on band Also 1 kinAs. the ad- ni Sijuare BuUdlng Tttnberof an vantages or a Planing Mill afford me the beat- faculties fu onk-r and constantly pu.t on aasortmest of Dreased Floor-jig. Oi Hash KSuia give to purihsatwia Particular attention glreo 1 9 order. a. i arTSUf J.

H. Canon. i ist. MiiilinMnB lows, l-r iire uiieiuskt UJ i tm POWDER I Mar- I 1.

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