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The Standard Union from Brooklyn, New York • 2

Brooklyn, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


OEJUH USI II BE MODE Mayor's Marshal giMhr Hi Hl vtruit of ihr rivH War. lia wa in iu lifter yesterday st tli O. A ft. r.n femptnf being held et Uat pta hn he heard of (he disaster through Hi an ikMjtu rintn( on a bulletin board, fie knew that for severs! dy bia family had been proffering to on tha acur ion and that they must bay been abiard, Be tuuiiliihg the flrei train to New York and this morning went to hia offi a for few rntnutee only, hurrying away immediately to kvk fr the bodies of hie I fa. Alary, hl daughter.

Anal la yea 9 old, aod Mim. bH otl, George, 1ft jenr old F- pasted several times. "It seems frightful! end there Is eo little (IrtU wfl an rvaily do," ha added. The following messaga of sympathy was received by Mr. MM'kllkA from (ho Mayor of I'hUedelphia trly to-day I June I.

Hon. George B. McOletlkn, Mayor, New York' Philadelphia Is horrified by ths news of the fearful vUlent to the school hlldren on the General Slocum Our most sincere sympathy le extended ta the parents and friends and we aie moat anxious tn do something to help you lit this great affliction. Will 'you let us know if there Is anything we can do to help JOHN WEAVER. Mayor of Philadelphia.

TXCTH or CHILDREN 1 Prt knot, ha vlully th, er, ehlU'1 Ora Uwih Th, bMuiy lh, MrmwiMt Ml d.pvna, iIm, pua It OOZODONT TOOTfl POWDER 1rti SOZODONT ClQuld, ptitMl IcaumuUtlon el terttr, yt Uirr (r from frtt doM not Mratoh th, Da not an bkbyf iMrh, tntort an SOZODONT. I roKMi; UQUTO, rowrut. PAhin. 11,1 III OOKARA Id CLUETT BRAND UARTCfe U6ITM 2AK ClUtTT, FtASOOf A CO. use atuert toWeaew aore eHii t4aiGM a (t go by be mom mrtn atj I bmiai Mia i aelstrna fin yean IS by fiat fijsband, iir4 Snitairr flrbiuiMuf, Ma I im.

intn a4, of if Avenue ft, PJeaiHKd by fiaat4. Afviuof as lassies, fefl yea eM of A Tfctr trtrn'tiissf at tfca league fijr her bo tn4, (ItsrWs Mkesda thult. 0 Jears 1. of 16S East Fourth mat Menufled at th Margts bf In toolbar. J.uru Mvhuita Sir i rh.

feM'a. as yars ttd of 18 hut Frmrtb ree Heutlfked 04 Uso ilMffe I bto h4f bent. Wllltem Sbrchea Smith. Mary, yean nM. erf life fife Seveatll gife, UierMipr hr aaueia.

fliteL I'aihetin. uf Sith o4ftt Weqllfii'd Ot North Hrotbera arbr. Fuaie, of ia hiatb etreet. Idcnpflad bf firf am at tie ggvio gtrini Vra "uitiii, 33 yef aid. of fig ffet awaaMsat ftalaouite fig Sac auo.

Paul, at lha Mora vie ToitriMiuin, Herman, of I Mark's glare, idawtirieA 4y fit brother Chartea at the I'ltti Mtfinf. 41 fean old. 416 Fifth street; KtmtiMe at tba Mrgu bf Ser htssiand. Uito Alien Lbkl: hoe. I'iltnan, la, ST yei old at 4hT Fifth street; Identified at 4b bHngue by Itor bcothar, Solo ABn rger, ffate.

4 yfem old. ffe Anu A tliknown woman, aiwnit 2ft yraie old. died la Harlem llueplta). waa to transferred (u lh Kiitref Vainer. larv, 1(2 Third avaatoa; UlentlfMd bf JuMpft Volner Walter.

FHaaivetb, years, of kW fitaib etreet; Itleiitlfied by hr eon. Ihlllp. st tba Mrge, fietdemans, ftn yra Tfi Kl Htusb effect: Nientified at th filorfu by her husband. Ifeeiy Wetdemajifi. W-iae TllU fi are old.

l4o. ra at Morgue etss Loot, ft year old. nephew of Ms, elsa Identified at the Morau by Mi. 4 ala a finn three othete of the family ary mleelng they lived at 32 FTTth street Wlrae. Mr, ('fimllne, Ml year old.

of Ilfl Cast Kleventh street, Identlil william fiVlrea Wfinner, Ulltan. 16 year lA flt4 Hltfb treat; idenUfied at th Moigue, Elei ley, Emily, 19 year old. of fcM Tenth treat. Identified at th Morgue. SHE EDI) BODIES GOES 10 TOE SCENE Jfne Rrtth of same aS4rw st Matsu, Hi lining, Mr Ann), Wf )J "rut TwMflh "Jr Iwethwln.uw Huc h.rt.

Anna KltaA. TMri MsnttfM at th 1 hy her mn la-Uw hsri Schwar. of U.a asfiw auuww, lf also prih4 HurOM. 10 ntanih Wt ly hi ratkar nw Masst. ysar old Es Svn(h ltntlftd by hfrr huahsntf, Alfrol Clo 1 A1 ld Sevroih trst by fatbar, Adolph At ATHtAT Avnu AtatlOff.

UPier Asna 63 ar Mg. Suth Hr; klrnttAad hy hT rharla Inp-t Drhr. Thr.tott.rA, a yar ,4. ioiiT ITfth kteimIHI bf fstbwk Frank, at th Hospital tLkei. Msagl.

221 E4t Eighty-alghth ahMh, la Lincoln fhwpHaJ Tb'hhnhn, 7 ywara Ui4 fi Avn M'lapltat. Trmli.SI, JTrunk. J1 ware old. totrt, aehmerio; in liirtsrw Hfetiu Ulrich. Mre Kophl.

4 tft Krat Forty mt hock and burns, la Lincoln Unknown gtil, yars old. first name Itvsa at it Avnu burns a (m haittls, in Llnoutn Hnspital UnkAovaa infant, 1 year old; I tdftfeto pal. Unknown boman In lhanoa Hoapital. VemUt, Mrs, 32ft Forsyth street, ub Weber Asnle. 31 ywars OkL 4uS Fifth in Let aeon Hospital Wtotur, Hank year old.

404 Fifth In Hospital. Waintrsuk, Carl. I7u Norfolk streed eoi head snd fee. In Lincoln Hoaplial. Waiwacr Eineatin.

fliuckbulm atrt, ln. in Uncoln HpMal Wnr. iionwni, 32 years old, 12 Itklth sirret. In lrltanon Moapttal Wolf. Marsaret, years old, 7 East tnth street, fefe side burned, aul and shark; tn linrlem Hr-Siltai.

W.ill. John 3 yfer old. arlfireaa fltVefi Harlem KHlg. In feban Hnepha), Zimmer, Andrew, years old, 18 Third In Lebanon Hospital Suevdel. infant daughter of Annla Itfr First i etreet burns on body, iu liospltal WI ithk tlisrs wars about 1I00 sengerw aboard the RWur when wa left ths Last Twsnty-thiid street flk.

I took ths vessel up the river slowly ai4 wag bearing nrsy towards Hunker Mkddoww whdif my hkwkl tut nefl void at tha sight af firs issun from the companion ways. 1 aunwir I the alarm for ths firs drill and left the pdt house to dirset ths craw in fighting ths Uainea. was mat by a urrihir rush itiio stricken people. The aituxti was beyond ths control of any man I powerless to Stop the pani mnnng the passstigsrs. Ths flames pr1 like lightning, I ran back to the ni hou-e and turned the boat over wanl Nnrrh Brother Island, kfsti, Roman aM hif dren wars Jumping ovsrtxmrd 'D what a sight It was to ms I ran the sand spit of th Island and signalled ths sngtns room to row every pound of steam.

'I know that I could have saved tine by running Into ths docks on the went shore of the river, but did not thu because feared that ths burning i might cause ons of ths big gas tank the river front to Skplods. If I l1 wrong In making the longer nm i North Brother Island, I have a lift time to regret It I did what I thought at th. time waa best. "Tha flames were licking the piled house when struck the beach north of the Island Followed by sny pilots 1 ran over to ths rati and leaped Into the river 1 floundered about In ths water for a long time and then some ons pulled me up on ths shore. I do not think more than five minutes elapsed from ths time the fire was discovered to tha tim we i an the ship on the beach.

THE CAPTAINS BRAVERY. To-day the bravery exhibited by Capt. Van Schaick is admitted by survivors. There are many who thing he erred In making the longer run to North Brother Island Instead of putting Into ths New ork shore, but they give him credit for sticking by his ship to the last. The Daptaln's hAt vat burned from his head, and his clothing was on firs when he leaped Into the water He had also accomplished what he started out to do to beach his boat before he tried to save himself.

The mystery as to the cause of ths Are that swept the superstructure of ths Slocum and gave the fifteen hundred souls aboard a choice of death tn the (Coniluued from First Va from the fir until MU Hartman waa trough! to the elation houee Whtl walUnf to ha wmv4 te tb merfet on (he tug Maaaaaolt. an unknown wanau who had volunteered assist the doc-mn tn inaktnc Identlflcatlona, lifted th eheet from Mias Hartman'S form Un-la tn her roret ehe Hogan a aean for Ulentlfb at ton marks Tker was eome-thlng about the woman's body that mads her pause and ehe thought she detected fegn Hf "This woman Is elite' the woman cried, fr i Instant three doctor a era at her glde working over the body of the eup posed dead woman Presently there was a long-drawn sigh and breathing. Quickly she was carried to Lincoln Hoapttat, a her efforts werw redoubled to resuscitate hr i and at last she reglned con-sriouanesa There were several burnt on her ))) Hh was mu too dated to ISH the atory of the fire, hut said I remember the fire, the panl and the people throning themselves overboard but I cannot tell the story I fled from tha flames with the rest and found myself In Uis water. I can't say how I was sved. I do not know how I tame hers" LIVE BODY TOWED ASHORE.

Miss Hartman's body was found by one of a fleet of rescuing boaig which was already filled with a cargo of dead There no room for the body of Miss Hartman and It w-aa fastened to a rope and tewsd to the shore For ner an hour sba lay on the pier befor. she un taken to tha station bouse Ths health boat Franklin Fdeon brought In elxt-eeven mote from North Brother island this morning Slx-ty-two of these ware women three were Uiltdren and two were men Coroner's Physician Watson hA charge of ths work of Identification at the Morgue and he Is being assisted Superintendent Rickard of Belleue Hospital. Health Commissioner Darlington, who had been on North Brothers Island most of ths night, came down with boatload of dead to the Morgue this morning "I am satisfied that fully 1,000 people shortly before 1 oclock this sftembon, Muvor M('icllttii, accompanied by his retirv and a number of reporters, led the Department tug Man-hut tun at the foot of Fulton street. East mr and proceeded to the scene of th i bbokwellH Island Police t'orrtmls-v Mi dcK and Fire Commissioner Hivvws mined the pwrfy Jwt before the Major left his office he i i thttt he would name a committee of ten make arrangements for caring for those ade destitute rneaage of condolence from Mayor rharlM rairermis, of Newark. N.

mm handed to the Mayor Just as he was len im it Mall Mayor Doremui said that Newark was ready to cio what it could t- help those in need Ex bridge omnilsslnner A Schwab cAilej the Major In behalf of Jerome Selg-I of hiel A Cooper, and offered to furnlh blanket and other necessaries for the injured His offer was re-ferred to the Police Commissioner. Pollr in boats Hrr pn trolling tha Long Iaiand shore fi tdlea from the Hlo-cum wnrk 1 Capt. McGovrn and his volunteer llfe-savers st Liwnnre Phlnt, who did good Work yestcrl in picking up persons who had jun i cd or fallen from lh Hlo. cum. are pattoiilng the rivet In Munches searching bodies At the turn of the tide It ie that more or less of the bodies of the aliasing persona wilt be washed ur on tbs Ixng Island shore Tf any bodlrh in found they aUl be turned over to the Queens Carovteri hod a description of the lctlms will be promptly sent to poliic headquarters in Manhattan Boats from the Heawanhaka Boat Club the Williamsburg Yacht Club station and the Knickerbocker Yaeht Club station at North Beach picked up many bodies yesterday and took them to the Bronx shore Police Inspector Kane is at work with a big force of men, and will keep tip the patrol for several days A number of surgeons have also gone to the bearh from ths various hospitals In esae their services may be needed.

St Mary's Hospital in Jamaica has sent two surgeons the JAmatca Hospital one surgeon. and two have gone to the beach from the Flushing Hospital THE INJURED. THE MISSING. Arfrftx. Mr Jdlactl Avenufl hck; bl Lincoln Moepltal Altfleld.

Tllller. Id jears old 360 Hlilh etreet Antler, lb yeajs old, J63 Third etrel, In loaoon Hoepital Armand. Mu. Anpl 124 fllxtb atroei; shuck; in idnoeln HoejdtaJ, Armand, Stella, Ait Sixth afreet; borne on arm and body, In Lincoln Hoepital Aweman, Julia, 21 year old. Idl Flrat avenue, in Lebanon Hospital Bader.

Mre Elisa, 174 New Turk avenue, shock In Lincoln Hoepital Ratth. Rifliam. J()7 East Fourth street; bents on baad, in IJnroln Hosfdtal Brcker. ,26 years old. 67 Lexington avenue, In Lebanon Hospital Bengler.

Hattie, lid Seventh street. In Lebanoo Hospital Berfine. Margaret. 273 Seventh avenue, shock In Lincoln Hospital POTTEBIIi EM IS NEARLY WIPED OUT OISTIIGT IITUIEI SIlBWSTIGra Says That if Criminal Negligence Is Shown Guilty Parties Will Be Prosecuted. Mormjr I KinheTm fw, of 41 TMr Identified ot ih Moroue rotherln, a rr old.

of Eot Kourth ftippe Identified by her rn htxf hu rtt Minnie. IS year oM Flrtt anu. hlpnt ifpl hy hr at th Uorro Firhoff William So yoatnt of tiri Bron6 MuU1 hy Haul lh osm ulraa at (h tlnrfo. FI). aJnnie.

i r-r old, 9n Arnu kUnth Ml at Morfrua by hr falher Nlrholaa Fnyrlnitoii Mrs Isoiila, 2 'jaara old, of 420 Fat Twidfih rtrct, idantlflad by bar huahand lh Moriue. Frdmnnn Ora, 6 year eld. o0 Fourth identified th Hurt by her broth Hnr I nhaueer Marjraret. fi2 jrara old married SO Want Flffhth atreet Identified at the M-rue ii rtlnd Meyburg. a friend of 09 We ijrhth (reft Mary 4 year old of fll Aveitu 1 ir.ntlfied by Henry Paulsen, of Cumberland a'leet linktHihm Mrs St First avenue; Identified by ber huihan 1 Peier Krlckbohm a liquor dealer si the eomer of Seventh street and Avenue Fins Mrs Alma, 47.

of 12-U1 Park arena ife of Qeorf Frits, collector for Ldpoiann a I'rewen Identified et the Monrue Fi ellch Mrs Oharlea, address unknown. Idntl-fle 1 bj tarda and paper at North Brother' Island iuf tJrnre, 10. of 405 Fifth street, Identified tn bmrher Henry at the Mmaue (Julluyher. Arnes, 10 months old of 46 Boat I Ifteenth street Identified her uncle (Mailer Edith, 14 ara old ft'l Avenue entitled at th Morgue by her brother, Wll-Ham OHssler (iir Kate. 2ft? no address riven Identified by hitkband, Henry icilleotor for I.lppmaiin lievtejj at Alexander avenue station fbets Allvert 2 12 jears old of HU Flrat avenue.

Identified by his father (beta atherine, 2fl, of 81 First avmie identified by husband, Kdward at the Morgue Glaring. Lillian, OftO Avenue Identified at North Bi other Island Gtrnrn Selma. 64 years old 614 East Ninth idreet Identified by her father, baas, Anna wife of the pastor of 0t Mark'. 4ft years old, of 64 fleavnth street. Identified by the Rev Hchulta, of 9 Madison street.

Mount Venton, at the Morgue Haas. Anna, ft jears old. daughter of the pastor of the church, identified at the Morgue by hej uncle Ilftenamn Marraret jears old Soft Sixth street identified at th Morgue by her brother Henry. lleckert Annie 11 tears of AS Avenue Identified at the Alexander avenue station Ilelns. Frank years old, of 367 Fourth etreet.

Identified at the Morgue Heins. Henrietta, 10 jears old. of 600 Flrat street, Identified bv her father at the Morgue Htbl, (loorge, 14 years old, of 05 First avenue; Identified by his father Heins, Frank 1 jears old of 301 East Fourth street. Identified at the Morgue by hts brother, Fred Heins Uerrman, George. 10 mopthe old, 410 Fifth slreet.

Identified by hta father Herrmann. Katharine 60 jears old, IflA Flret Ackerman Miss. 546 Beat 145th street. Atr, Mrs Henry, and a joung Eag Fourth street A I bee. MlM, '12ft Eaat I.IHth street Albrecht, Martha, 14 years old, of 2f Tenth street Alhelmt Alberta, and Elisabeth AJhalr Monroe street Allman lna, 39 years 4fi9 Fifth afreet tilled hy lwtrulwian Uloes.

a brtber-ln Arnbrust Mrs Haroara, 46 jeara Hv Fourth iitreet. Identified by her husbar Ainbwtu, Mr, and her two children; Fourth ftrrcL i Anderson Mrs. 126 W'lllls avenue Anger. Charles, superintendent of th school Pr ch. Grace.

fW Marry avenue, Brooklyn) Lainat, Lily, 104 4-at lofith etreec Ballmer, Joseph, aged 14. Minnie aged a girl aged tl ail children of Joseph II wboee wife loaf her Jlf The father hie to And any of their bodlee aineni at the Morgue. The oldest boy. thought le have been lest, was Lb th fire on Broom etreet a few da Ip1t the fact that the building flames, he continued to run the aisvat carried many iCopia to sofety. Boner Mrs, 31 Beekrnan place Herxmtn Mre.

fiO! East 3fith treat Iferher, Mis Maty. years MP 11 17Sth etieet, rejv.rted mlaaing at Mor her husbsnd, FYank Becker. i Behrens a daughter of George Behrens, Garden street Hoboken, Behrendt. IJssle, 10 year old, and TF. years old of AH Third street.

Mrs Behrendt their mother went to the ander avenue police station and repor rhtidrwn mlaeing Part of her hair was off and ahe waa suffering severs 1 While In a delirium ehe wandered awa the station unobserved by die pel tea Bernhard! Annlr, ft jears, of 14 East street, Identified by bar father, William hard! Bell. Agnes, 19 years old, of 242 East a re Beneke Mttnle, 28 years old, of 420 Boi teenth elreet Perschorn Mrs 762 East 136th street. Bioorn. Margaret 18 years old and yearn old of 22 JAckson street Dceger. ftVIlhur.

6 yeaia old D10 Putnar nue. Brookljn son of William A Bo Bofrgrr. Mt Busan wife of Wllilara A rfr. 910 Pulnam avenue Brook Im. iKrkea.

Mrs Minnie 12ft East 148th atre ported st Alexander avenue station. U. andlskl a daughter of Mrs Brandlvkl, of 66 Third street, and children Briehr. two children. 310 East lOftth siree Broeaa, Mis.

and her daughter, 260 Monrc nue. I Bnoku. Mrs Minnie, 12ft East 148th atr Biomler. Amelia. 16 years old, of 483 gtrwBt, Prowald, Mre, 2fi9 Monroe Street i Brown.

Anna 104 Rrook avenue. Lruning, entire family missing, 72 Westi trL Biunlng. Magdalena 1ft years off; reporj Alexander svpnue station Fuck two children, whose father I Buck 1 Burger. Buasn slater of William Bo 910 Putnam avenue. Brookljn R.

H. Pforr, member of No. 36 Brooklyn School Board, lost his brother-in-law. Herman Pottebaum, his sister. Mi Pottebaum and six-ytar-old nephew, William Pottebaum tn the Genetal Slocum disaster.

Mr. Pottebaum was one of the deacons of St. Marks Church and attended the excursion with hi wife and one eon, leaving three other oung children at home. Mrs. Pottebaum was well known In Brooklyn Mr Pottebaums bol has been recovered and waa identified at fhc New' York Morgue.

'Mrs. Pottebaum a and the young son's remains are still thought to be In the wreck Mrs Pottebaum was Mr Pforrs favorite sister and he has the sympathy of a large circle of friends and acquaintances in his great bereavement The Pottebaum family lived at 61 8t. Marks place, have lost their lives in this disaster. waters of the river or in the seething flames may never be cleared. No one can be found who aiiuaJly saw the fire start It la known, however, that the blase Hared up flrM near the lunch counter forward on the lower deck Here lamp oil and other Inflammable materials were taken One statement is that the fire started from an explosion of fr ing fat on a gasoline stove.

Steward discovered the blase and at that time the second cabin was already filled with smoke. Persons on shore say they heard an explosion and soon after they sun smoke Issuing from the ONE DF TBE WORST I "A DJptrht Attorney Jerome, who arrived at the (tin Inal Courts Building, Manhattan, earl) this morning, has already begun an li qulry into the Slocum disaster. He hi plai tnl the whole matter Into the hands of Assistant District Attorney Gan an, whom Instructed to question eery officer and member of the crew of the ill-fated excursion steamer for the puijose of ascertaining where the responsibility for the fearful los of life should be placed To a Standnrd Union reporter Mr Jerome said to-day: A thorough investigation wdll be made. If I find criminal negligence, the persons responsible for the disaster will certainly arrested, prosecuted and punished to the full extent of the law. 8o far as I am concerned.

1 shall do eerything In my power to bring the guilty parties to Justice, If It Is shown that there has been criminal negligence or culpability. If ever there was a time for the District Attorney to act promptly and vigorously this Is the time. Whether or not this ntvful disaster was the result of an accident or whether It was the lesult of an incident that could not have been aolded by the most prudent foresight, the investigation I have begun will determine Should It be proved that this terrible loss of hfe was caused by carelessness or want of proper foresight on the part of any officer or member of the crew of the General Slocum. the District Attorney's office w1 Institute the moat vigorous prosecution that can be had. I have placed the matter of the Immediate in estlgation Into the hands of Assistant District Attorney Garvan and have told him to spare neither effort nor expense to place the responsibility where it belongs It seems to me that excursion boats permitted to carry a large number of passengpts ought to be as well built as the best ocean-going vessels.

They should be made fire-proof The woodwork aboe the hulls of many of the x-curston Mats is About the mdst lnflam-inablA material that an be found. These boats ought to be as well protected against fir as a fire-proof apartment bous. THE WRECKED BUT Beusch, Lulu. 3t jeare old' 41 Bast Fifty-eighth street, in Iebanon Hospital. Bland, James, In Lincoln Hospital Bcoewlll, 20 years old, 2th) Monroe street, tn lbanon Hospital Brown, Grace, 4 jeans old, 129 East Fourth street.

In Iehanon Hospital Brown Lucy. IX jears old of 129 East Fourth street. In Lebanon Hoepital Brown. Peter. 12 years old.

of 238 Fifth street. In I ebanun Hospital ChaddUk. Alary, 85 Third street, In Lincoln Hospital. Cuwuwlt, Gustav, 662 Oarmll street, Htonklyn burns on face and body. In Lincoln lioeplttl Darry, Edna.

102 Stats street, shJ in Lincoln Hospital DIm. Mary 809 Miller avenue, iii Lincoln Hospital I'tlviccla 54 Seventh street, shock, in Un coin Hospital Dele. Coma I. 6 years old. 433 Fifth strwrt, to Ibanon Hospital Dorhoffer, Ma Barbara 121 Avenue A hums on head, neck end arms; in Lincoln Hospital Dorhoffer, Mamie 121 Avenue A.

tairns on right hand end legs. In Lincoln Hospital Eeia, Millie, tfi First street, bums on head, hands and back in Lincoln iDapItal Egnesar. 2ft jears old. In lbnnon Hospital Fulder. Mrs.

100 Avenue burns. Fernelseh, Henry. 40 Seventh street, shock, In Lincoln Hoaplted Finkengehl, Kate, 12 jears old. 439 Sixth street, In Hospital Foike. Ludwig.

41 years Old. 287 Avenue In Honpital Foakow, August. 44 jears old. 170 East Fourth street. In Lebanon Hospital.

Fresoe, Anne. 1ft jears old 509 East Houston street; In Lebanon Hospital. Freese, Ella, 43 years old. 500 East Houston street. In Lebanon Hoepital Freese.

Fred. 50 yearn old. 609 East Houston street, In Lebanon Hospital pressor. 42fi East Fifteenth street; id Iehanon Hospital Fursen, August, 101 Clymer Atreet, Brooklyn; burns on face and back In Lincoln Hospital Gallagher. Kate.

11 years old. 424 East Fifteenth street; in Lebanon Hospital. Gassman. Hattie. 41 years old, 12ft East Fourth street.

In Lebanon Hospital Gettenberg, Mrs A 343 East Sixteenth street: burns Guefier, Mrs, 201 Avenue burn on bodj received unconscious In Lincoln Hoaplial Haas, the Rev Oeorge It 64 Seventh street; shock, In Lincoln Hosifiial Hallman, flora East Tenth street, shock, in Lincoln Hospital Haneman. Caroline, 439 Fifth street, shock. In Lincoln Hospital Hanes, John. 60 jears old. 700 East 170th street, In 1ebanon Hospital Heckerd.

Mrs 88 Avenue A burns and submersion Heldenkamp Mrs E. 05 Sixth avenue, shock. In Lebanon Hoepital Hein. William. 8 jears old.

819 Fifth stfeet; In Lebanon Hospital Henxier. Jacob, 134 First avenue, In Lebanon Hospital Herboldt, Margaret. 197 West 108d street; burns on hands and feet. In Lincoln Hospital Joseph. Margaret, 45 Third avenue.

In Lebanon Hospital Kalnfire, Mildred, 425 East Twelfth street. shock. In Lincoln Hospital Kalsh. George. 600 East 14th street; burns on right hand, in Lincoln Hospital Kaleh, Maggie, 800 East l0th street; burns on face; In Lincoln Honpital Kansebaum, Mrs Nellie.

80 years old. If Guernsey slreet. Brookljn. shock, submersion and alight burns, in Harlem Hospital Kercher. Stacey, 169 Bussell street; burns on face and hands; In Lincoln Hospital Klessel.

Annie. 2ft years old. 2fifi Avenue submersion and shock. In Harlem Hospital, Klessel, Edward, 3 years old- 2fl Avenue submersion will die, In Harlem Hospital Klessel. Edward, 27 years old.

206 Avenue submersion, In Harlem Hospital Klewen, A 24 years old. 1311 Washington avenue; in lebanon Hospital Knouatner, Mary. 6H PL Mark place, burns on head. In Lincoln Hospital. Kopf, John.

ftHl Grand etreet; burns on body; In Lincoln Hospital Krangfeld. Mrs Christine. 1340 Pgrk avenue; shock; in Lincoln Hospital Krauder. Lena, 86 years old. 62 West Ninety-seventh street, submersion, right shoulder dislocated; In Harlem Hospital Krauder, Marie, 23 years old, 452 West End avenue; shook, went home after being treated at Harlem Hospital.

Krlngie, 6 years old. 444 East Fifteenth street; in Lebanon Hospital Krutsrh. Martha. 14 years old, 013 Sixth street, In Hospital. Kuhera.

William. 374 East Fourth street; burns on body, In Lincoln Hospital. Llebnow, Annie. 32 years old. 133 East 120th 1 I a a a bl aci par of a 3041 the las 7'l am ot) ft frald CominlSFluncr Darlington.

"This estimate is math carefully going over the entire cut. There were 1,500 persons on the boat Only 200 of these were cared for at North Brothers lrlnnd Hospital. The ruins of the boat ate still hoked with bodies Superintendent Rkknrd of Bellevue Hospital said this morning It nil) take days and days to Identify It th bodies. In all my eighteen years of hospital experience this Is the most appalling accident I ever heard of I telleve that 1.20h people are dead GRIEF IN THE PARISH. Bt.

Mark's German Lutheran thurch, the parish which hired the General Slocum for a happy day, but which proved a day of death, stands on East Sixth street, between the Bowery and Second avenue. It drew Its attendants from the territory bounded by East Houston Street on the south, the Bowery on the west, East Fourteenth street on ths north, and Avenue A on the east. The district Isold-fashioned and Its population has shown little change so far as nationality and characteristics go for many years. Thrifty Germans and their descendants have made It their home for i 4 fifty years It is one of the most orderly places In the city, and while none there have made great wealth there ia little real poverty. No great general sorrow has reached It until now, but the blow has been frightful.

All through the night lights shone in hundreds of windows, and each light Indicated a desolated home. Some hoped against hope that those who hod hkpplly departed in the morning might have been saved and would return, and these kept sad and anxious vigil. On the floors passersby saw men and women kneeling in prayer. Doctors hurried through the streets to disappear in doorways. A few of the injured had been able to return home, but they were not the only ones in need of medical aid.

Others had become sick, almost erased by the terrible suspense. In hundreds of homes sleep waa An examination of th marine records since 1854 shoa that the General Slocum disaster Is about the worst, so far as loss of life is concerned, that has happened at sea eince that year. In Octobei, 1867, about one thousand persons loet their lives uhen the Royal Mail steamers Rhone and Wye nml about fifty smaller craft teie driven ahon end wrecked by a hurrkane nt St Thomas, 'West Indies. When the White Star Liner Atlantic was wrecked off Nova Scotia, In 672 passengers were dm tied. By the burning of the emigrant vessel Caspatrlck.

of Auckland, In December, 1874, 476 peopl were killed and In September, 3878, aevn hundred lost thir lives by the sinking, after collision, of the iron steamer Princess Alice in the Thames The British steamer Wuh Young caught fire near Canton, China, In Novembr. 1877, and persona were loet. Th Tuikish frigate, Ertogeul, foundered off the Japanese coast In September, 1900, and 500 went down with her. Tha Aucfcor liner Utopia was sunk in collision off Gibraltar In March, 1891. and 574 ere lost.

The sinking of the British battleship Victoria, after being In collision with her sister ship, the Camper-1oa in St George's Bay, Syria, on June 1893, cost 430 lives. When the French liner Bourgogne, after being in collision with the Biltiah vessel Cromartyshire, went down off Sable Dlmid on July 4, 1398, sh carried with her 650 people, moat of whom were women and children. Bruchard Mrs Hoboken, reported by Freellng I Brown Man 148 East Fourth elreet. Ruerakle, Rsrtha and (George 9 First vei am In Pauline 004'' East 180th street. Cannon Fredrick Inquired for at AlH avenuo station by Adam Helm, of 6uQ 141st street Case Mra and her daughter, 2048 Firs! nue Clow, Mltot.

Eat flev'enth street. Cchrs. Mnr Henry, ami hei two chlldni Flint avenue i Cnlltnn. Kflto, Mt Fast 28th street. Corrie.

Charles, 16 years old, 417 East teenth street Cordon. Fred, 14 yeara old, 417 East Six street Cordes. Etta, 23 yearn old, 417 East 8ix street. Pananhaum, Mia. 41 Third avenue Dananbaum, Mias daughter tf air Dtlveathal, Min Sophie.

1199 Home atre ported at the AUxander Avenue station Denaltfer, 333 Sixth street Deppert, Mra Mary, 28 veara old 828 street, and her ten-montha-old baby, th and child nf barles Pepper! Peering. Mra Jane, and her two chlldi State street Diamond. Frankie, 4 years old, 79 street. Diamond, Maj, 4 jeain old reported mother. Mra John Diamond, who id th body of her mother.

Mrs Birmtoglu the Morgue Dieckhoff. William, of 121 Fmirtlt Brooklyn, identified by his father, Fre Dleckhofr Dleckhoff, Annie 17 year old. of 121 avenuo, Brooklyn identified by her Frederick Dleckhoff Dteber, li jeara. of 810 East Tv fifth afreet, identified bv father. John Dobson, Anna.

East Nlnetenth street. Dockdale. Mrs George and aon, 266 l.ftfith street Doering, Mn Ida. years old, wife Doerlng Lutlirran missionary on Ellis I and her son Gustav. 0 aii old, and ter 6 years od.

Mr. Doe daughter Ida wa saved Dorffhager, 40 years old, 128 Avaftut DorffhagOr, Fred. 10 yeara old Dorffhager, Freda, 13 years old. Dorffhager. Mamie, 8 years old.

Brown, Alphonse, 13 ears old, of 2QI identified at the Morgue by her son rank He reel, William, of POO East 147tth street; Idrntrtled by his son-ln law, Edwaid Kihnlts-ler of 10 Oouverneur place, at the Alc-ander avenue station. Heits Mrs Mary, yeam old of fill Ool-umhus avenue, Identified by her daughter. Mrs Ixtulse Buffo, of S2 West Ninetieth etreet, at the Alexander avenue station Hiller. Christina, 6ft jears old. 404 Sixth street; Identified at the Morgue hy her son William Hoedlar, Mary.

79 years old a widow, of 100 Avenue Identified by her daughter-in-law Kate at the Alexander avenue station Hoffman. Mis. Elizabeth, Identified by letter on tHdy at Morgue, address not given Hoffman. Mrs. Rods.

HO jears old. of 73 Second atieet identified by son Frederick at the Morgue Hller Mrs Barbara, S3 years old, of 334 Sixth at i eet a widow florwav Mrs Johanna. 36 years old, 318 Fast Ninth affet. Identified at the Morgue bv her brother, Willlom Beck, of 310 East Eighth street Len limit fi jears old, of 100 Fourth street, Identlfir.i bj her biother Hem st the Moigue Kej pier. Irene 12 veer old.

Flrat avenue, between Twelfth anti Thlrlenth streets. Identified hy her uncle Charlos 1L Schezler, at 246 Avenue Kessler, Babette, 4ft years old, of 206 Aeventh street, Identified bv her husband, George, at the Alexander avenue station Klapphaai Mrs atherlne 66 years old, 1106 East Fifth street Identified by her husband. Joint Klapphaar Klein Emma. 6 months old. Of 314 Sixth street; Identified at the Moigue by her father, Cott-ileb Klein Klenk.

Minnie, 19 yettfa Old, unmarried. 4SS Sixth street, Identified at the Morgue by Charles Klerk her father Koehlei, Henry Fourth avenue, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. North Brothers Island Kolb, Mfigdalena. 72 yrs old, 748 Summit trest, Bronx identified at the Morgue by her on, Albert Kolb Her husband Is still missing. Kramer.

janltress of 70 First avenue; identified hy neighbors at the Alexander avenue station Lamm. Amelia, 40 veore old. 306 Avsnue Identified bv her sister Kate. Lander, Iui fi jears old, of 146 Seventh street; Identified at the Moigue. Loeffler.

Louise 9 jears old. 9 East Third street; Identified at (he Morgue by her brothers. Ludeman, Mrs Hannah, 46 year old, of 4 Smith street, White Plains. Identified by Janies Sullivan, of 7 Elm street. White Plalne, at the Morgue.

Ludwig, Oeorge, 15 yearn old. of 418 East 8ev-inteetnth street. Identified by hit father, (ieorge, at North Bmthers Iaiand Lutjana, Mrs Kate, of 101 Clvmer street. Brook Ijn. Identified by her husband, August, at the Morgue.

MareeUes. Matilda, iff years old, AIM Sixth avenue. Brookljn. Identified by John E. Luts, of iDemorest.

Muller, Bose. 14 voars old, 868 Sixth street; Identified by her father McOrann; Michael, steward of the General Slocum; North Brothers Island. Manheur, Mamie, 36 years old, of 66 Seventh street; Identified by her husband, Henry, at the Morgue Jlanhelmer. Mannle, 86 years old, 66 Seventh treat identified at the Morgue by Louis Lander, a friend May! Charlotte, 51 year old. 396 East Sixteenth street, Identified at the Morgue hy Charles Maj.

her son Majer, Mrs. Louisa. 80 years eld, of 430 East Seventeenth street, identified by her husband at the Morgue liehleln, Mrs. Minnie. 36 years eld, of 416 Fifth street; identified by her husband, Otto, at the Morgue.

Meyer. Elisabeth. 40 years old, widow, of K8 Avenue Identified by her eon, WUliam, at the Alexander avenue station. Meyer, Mr. Louise.

1J0 East Seventeenth street; Identified by postal card on North Brother Island Miller Martha, 3ft Tears old, 20 Rt. Mark' place; identified at the Morgue by her husband. Hotter, Anna. 8ft years old. 406 Sixth street; Identified at the Morgu by her sister, Mrs.

Elisabeth Fchwarts. Mueller, Martha, 85 years old, of 26 8t Mark's lace; Identified by her husband at tba Oil NORTH BROTHERS ISLAND, N. June 16 As the first faint streaks of dawn pleiced the gloom of night from the eastward to-day it disclosed a scene of great activlt as well as deep sorrow. Fourteen large launches laden with members of the harbor police, equipped with drags and other appliances for recovering bodies, had been made ready during the night, and as soon as the light was strong enough to distinguish floating objects the search for the victims of the disaster to the Gen. 8iocum began The ranks of the regular searchers viere soon augmented by volunteers from the ranks of the rlvermen and they did yeoman service In searching the water of Hell Gate and the shores of the islands in the vicinity.

Soon a stream of boats bearing the bodies of victims were wending their wav toward the ducks at the island, where a temporary morgue In charge of Coroner Gorman had been established. Tenderly the bodies were brought ashorer tagged searched and then placed In rough pine coffins to await identification. Up to 10 oclock there had been landed at North Brothers Island twenty-eight bodies that had been recovered during the morning. Of these twelve were children of tender ages; seven were young girls, four were boys, and there were three adults, one man and two women There were four other tiny bodlee so badly charred by the dames as to make It Impossible even to determine the sex At 11 30 the list In the hands of Coroner Gorman showed that there liad been landed at North Brothers Island slme noon on Wednesday, a total of 512 bodies At that hour a body was being landed at the rate of one every ten minutes. Peter Gilllgan and Samuel Cuilock, divers in the employ of the Dock Department, made a careful examination of the hull of the Slocum during the morning They confirmed the earlier reports that not less thsn one hundred bodies were penned under the wreckage of the superstructure.

They will go down later In the day and' endeavor to release them but this will be a difficult task and win necessitate the use of a wrecking tug. CEPHEOS. SEES WRECK Lands His Excursionists at College Point and Rows to the Scene. LONDON PAPERS EXPRESS DEEPEST SYMPATHY. LONDON, June 16.

An expression of deep and heartfelt sympathy characterizes the editorials of the morning papers here In commenting on tha appalling excursion steamboat disaster tn New York. For grim and ghastly contrast between merrymaking and tragedy it is hold bF them to be without precedent. Dong den riptlve accounts are also given of the fearful accident. THE DEAD. IM Avenuo A.

Fngelmana. Willie, 6 years old, Ot 4s5 Twelfth street Ersel, Mrs liulsa, 28 year old, of 103 Fourth street, and also Eugenw and Enael, children of the asms eddreaa. Ens, Christie, 184 Weat Broadway A ErkMng Otto 1028 Hudson atreer. Hot and three children. Theodore, 6 years, trud.

2 years, and Stephen, 2 month ported at Alexander avenue station. Fassner, Ml JohAtvna, 20 years old. Fifth street; reported missing by Behrens manner, WIIHe. yrs old. and Musi years old.

of the aagte address, minelaen. Mrs and two children; report! Detective Sergeant Fefneteen. Felthaua. Oaorge. 626 8lth atreet.

Etcke, 16 years eld. of 606 Robbing nue, Bronx. Flehar, Marraret, 148 Eaal t28th street. EolkeHvis, sad three children, IMf FlScherlMf Henry, and her two chlldrv, i servant; 106 Fast Flrat fere t. I Frey.

Lillian Freda. fl East Fghth a Fi lekbohm. Erneit. 11 yeara old, 1 Avetn: son of Peter J. Frick bo hm.

1 Flrkbohm. Marla. 14 year old, 91 ATnv daughter of Peter J. Frickbohm. FuiUng.

Mrs Henry 60 West 110th s' hr aon Henry Fulling and her baby; rp at Alexander avenue station, Galewfetl. Mrs Samuel. 64 Seventh street. Os ewkt Flora, daughter ef abva. Calewskt.

another child abor ported at Alexander avenue police station Ctrdes, Christina, 839 Btvingvoq street (Continued on 4th Pace, 1st Colunr AT BIG DEATH LIST Is Considering Suggestion of Setting Aside Day for Holding Services. Capt. Van Schaick. son of the Gen Plocum's captain, took the Henry Hester-berg Association out to College Point on the Iron steamboat Cepheus and had two or three anxious hours after he had sighted the smouldering wreck of the Gen Slocum. The excursionists had been having a merry time up the river, tut jollity was succeeded by curiosity fnd then anxiety when they saw a smoking hull off North Brother Island.

At that time only the upper half of one paddlebox, the masts and smokestacks of the Slocum wsis above water There was a rush to ths starboard side of the Cepheus and marine glasses were brought Into use. Speculation was rife as to what the toat could he and non, of the horrible details of ths calamity were even surmised. The Cepheu, within a mile of the. Slocum, around which craft of nil kind were then hovering and did not stop for a closer Inspection. Capt.

Van Schaick finally Identified the smokestacks ss those belonging to the General Slocum and expressed great anxiety as to his father's fats and the fate of the excursionists which he knw the boat had aboard. Hit grief was all the more Intense when on landing st College Point, It was learned that there had been a great losa of life. There was Intense excitement and sorrow among the members of the Hester-herg Association and every whisp of newu and Information In regard to th, burning of the Slocum wa, eagerly grasped. Little In the way of authentic new, could be gathered. Capt.

Van Bchaick. who lives at JT0 Seventh street, Brooklyn, ordered one of the eeveral boats put out and be. with four of hi, crew, visited the wreck, which Iny about two miles from College Point. Some of the excursionists secured rowboats and rowed to the scene and watched th work of recovering the bodies. LOST HIS WIFE AND THREE CHILDREN.

John fkhmMUnjr. of fivnth tret. Manhattan, lout hi Ifr and thrro children in th fnrrfll Flaunt diratr. Shmi-ielrg it a ticrk in the offV of the SCENES IN NEIGHBORHOOD. An Idea of the terrible strain under which ths people labored may be obtained from Incidents In the neighborhood.

Late last night a crowd of tearful, frantic women rushed toward a young woman who alighted, bandaged and burned, from a Second avenue surface car at Sixth street She was hatless and yhef hair was streaming. A man put his arm about her and half carried her to ths curb. One white-haired woman In the crowd rushed to the girl's side and clutched at ber shoulder. With painful effort ths girl turned her head. A glad cry escaped the old woman.

1 "Thank God," she cried, "you are here. The girl put her arms about the old woman's neck and uttered the one word "Mother." crowd cheered and then assisted the reunited ones to their home nearby, tig trout of the house of Edward Klein ot SI Avenue a sympathetic crowd was gathered this morning. He had lost hti entire family. Crepe, some white, some black, hangs from many doors today, and ths death emblems are constantly being added to. Whispering group about houses so marked tell the tale of each particular tragedy.

CAPT. VAN SCHAICK TALKS, Half erased after his terrible experience, Capt. William Van Bchaick, of the Ill-fated General Slocum, lies in Lebanon Hospital a prisoner. Hs waa removed to the hospital from the Alexander event! pofic gutkxt after he bad collapsed. In reply to the charge that might have saved score of Uves had he beached his veroel Immediately after the fir wa ciiftrovered Instead of ninnlng her up the river for nearly a mil to North Brother Capt.

Van Srhaick said to-day; street; In Iebanon Hospital. Llebnow. Helen. 6 months old, 133 East 125th street, in Lebanon Hospital. Llebnow, Paul.

82 years old, 138 East 125th street; in lbanen Hoaplial Linniez, 82 Avenue in Lebanon Hoapital. Lubbark, Carolina 4 year old, 412 ftlxth street; shock and submersion; in Harlem Hoe pital Ludenann, John. 16 years old, 4 Smith place; tn Lebanon Hoepital Lunt, August. 106 Second venu: In Lebanon Hospital. Mablstadt, Anna, 620 East 144th etreet; ia Lebanon Hoepital Menhart, Addle.

14 Fortieth street: Shock; la Lincoln HoepitaL Mettler, Emma. 6 years old. 41 First avenue In Lebanoo Hospital. Meyer. Oeorge, 430 Seventh Street; tn Lebanon Hoepital.

Miller, George, 66 Second aveoue; contusions to body: I Lincoln Hospital. Miller, Loula I0O 8L Mark hock In Lincoln Hospital. Moeller. Blmon. Esfex strafe: burn cm end arm; In Lincoln Hoepital.

Nettltr, George, 2 years old, 328 Fifth atret; In Lebanon Hospital. Nettler. Kata. 32 jears old. 336 Fifth street In Lebanon Hospital.

Ochs. Carrie. 16 years old. Cafe Eighth street; fractured skull; in Lebanon Hospital. Oelllch, Henry.

11 years old. ftltf Willoughby street. Brookljn: In Lebanon Hospital. Oeittnger, William. 18 years old.

1 Beventh Meet, submersion; in Harlem Hospital. Owner. Mary. 403 East Elgnty-thlrd afreet; burna 4 bead, arms and face; ia Uocola Hoe- 69 East Fsurth street; boros peget, Mary. 28 jears aid, 92 Flrfe avna I lebanoo Hospital Fertieta, Kurt.

16 years old, 86 East Tenth street: In lbsnon Htfital Predwich. Em Third street? borne. Rama 42 Kafe.NlaUi atroati la Lebanon HoepRal Bhrtnfrmnk. streets, burned shout bsvada and face, bruised; In Lincoln Hltal Ron, ftv Uhelmina, 89 nth ferafe; festk; la Lincoln Hoapnal. AnDie.

lfe Arrons snbmetfeen. roUT John. 222 Mcfvmovith street. RrseUyn; hock, la lAnoeln H'splLal Fackmeyev. 41 fiauer.

iillam. 142 Becoad to uncola pi tal BchmidL Fred, 1 8vnlil feffefe; mmtf wounds; ht Lincoln Hoapital Betander. First avenae; aabmersifei. ihul Paul, 129 East Fourth street, burns tol hand Llnrota Hfal sj.vcervvU, Henry. 14 Lsseg strafe: burn a pd fiik In Lne.

Horial BiltokRW Krta. 3 Tew oPW i-U Lafe Fmirth r. i. in r.l jQ.ij, fW E.rst ecwe. In Lebanon He BMr tjfJ Acn.

IJ 1 Morgu Muller, Mrs. Annie. 81 ywara old, of 128 Svaolh street, Identified by her husband Muller, Veloaoo, 19 years old. of fleeond avenue; identified at the Morgue by Otto Groa-berg, a friend Muller, Helen 67 years old. 8fi6 Bowery; tden tlfled at the Morgue by Edward MuJler.

mt husband Muller, Helena, years old, daughter of tba bdve: Identified st the Morgue hy her father. Kick. Jaaut. years old. East Stxtaamb street; Identified at the Morgu by her father, Otto.

Ocha for Knox), 15 years eld, of East Eighth street, identified at Ibanon Hospital. Olfetk, 4ft. 839 blxth street, tdantlfiod by her huabanl, Carl, at the Morgue. Futtebaum. Herman 52 years old.

an Importer of fiixty-flrvt street and 8t Mark p.aca; Identified by bis brother, Charles Q. Patis-baum. Pullmaxm, William IWT East Elfhtoth street, Identified at North Brothers Iftand ReuUng. Anne, 84 yara old. 424 Sixth strafe; Identified by ber father.

August Hauling The list of dead, injured and missing so far as known is as follows. Albrecht Mrs Palma. 44 years old, 901 East Tsnth street Identified by her husband. Abrndschetm, Mary, 83 years old. unmarried, 82ft East Eighteenth street; identified at tit Morgue by her brother Atfeid.

Ann. 4ft years old, S34 Sixth treat. Identified at tha Morcu by her husband, Carl Atfck) Bachman, Margaret, months old, Third venue; identified by her father, H. Z. Bseto man, at the Morgue.

Ballmer. Mrs. Mary, 86 years old. 196 Flrat avenue, thy body was Identified by her hua-hand. Joseph BaJlmar, a waller Falser Catherine 32 years old, 137 Avenue idsntified at tha Morgu by Qua BavAaar same aodress.

Beck. Chrietina. 07 rears old. 618 East Ntotib street, identified by her son Becker Theodor Frank, 6 years old, 1010 East street; identified hr his father, Frank Pecker Mm. Becker, mothar tha ta mleelng Beckmaa.

Anna Maraertta. month 14, Identified at th Morgue oy her father, Beckman. 1804 Third avenua. Her mother fa atill mtselng Behrene, Mrs Aurusta. 12T Harden street, Hoboken; Identified by her us hand at the Mnrtroa Bernhardt Annie, 5 year old.

)4 NtaUk street, Idenufied bf aa aunt at the Mnrgua. Blohm. Mrs Anna, 26 fear old. 16 Jackson street; Identified by oer husband. WUliam Richm.

at the Morgue Btohm. Margaret, 16 years old, of 16 Jadseen street; identified by her brother Wllliafe at tha Morgue. Berg Mrs Tena 46 year old. of 187 OoerHt street; (deaufied by bar husband, Thaodora Berg Binnlrghsm, Oathartne. 69 yean old.

ma-ried. TO Mangia street tdaittlfted at the Morgua by her daughter. Mrs. John Diamond and by Michael DUJon, of 68 Clenaoat Menas, Srsok-Ira. Floeewcr.

yean old. of Sio Putnam avenue. Brook 'yn; Identified at Alxnler ae-tiu potte eta tlon by her father, William A-porrttr, BtvM.ard Amef fe years Wnied 11W Kirtot avenue lot-Mified at the Morgue liy Her-ma? Kns of the asime aidresa Br-hr a ir 4 1 Jfi Fit strl at tne Morgu by her father. Jt-t. 'vr Basra, A. PB etreet, 14611144 by Great Ftnelaw Cemetefy. 2ft1 acre; 4 mil aquara Office. 44 West 34th St dud. pgLT fun 14, at tlT Centra) are nerat Fftrlday mt SO A.

M. from gt. Brl McClellan conuldertng a mad, to him this morning that a certain da be eet aulde for holding ki rlcea tn memory of those who let their live In the burning of the iteamer General Blocuni reeterdajr. The Mayor wa, asked what action would taken In th, matter of InveMt-gating the dleaater. I can't ten Jut yet," was hi, answer.

Be (poke high morde of praise of the work done by the Police, Fire and Chart, ties IV pertinents. "WU1 you hare a conference with the heads of department. In regard to the disaster, be wa, then asked. "I don't know yet. They ar alt too busy working In th, field at present." When told that th, latest figure, estimated the number of dead at between 1.0U0 and l.luO Mr.

McClellait expressed the greatest surprise. Is It possible Is It possilse be re- Roth. H'ton. 20 years okl. fit Last Broadway: litmtlfied by a friend, Michael t'phea, at 188 East Hoes ton street, at th Morgu (j A RDT KOR.

Jotot Hatty Oardtaar, aea ef gle- oardtafeV A Faaaiml aarvtosa aa at liffe Fortieth gt KUTNER. 1L David Kuuaer, 66. Fu, Mt Friday at 19 A. frosn 318 Ralph ave WOBMAN June 16. Elisabeth Wonnaa.

wl Alfred Worrnsn and daughter of Eitaa Adame Orerbsugh FftineraJ (mfitiai at UodteoD aft. on Friday rv-eeiny at 8. (fat other Death see Seveatll Ps Roth. Mrs. Joephint, gn Fifth street Identified by her huetnd.

Jamea. the Morgue Roth. Lena. IT jears old. 4 Fifth street feed- tifird by father, Jamea, at tha Morgu.

Rothmann. Emitj 84 years ld 46 Tj fLventh street, identified at the Morgs by her him ban 1 K'-thmara Ruttfr tr. Mata. rara 4 fij Mark's plare; tdrnttfied at the Mvrru by br bus and no-tot RutMre-r. Uwir ana, Ernest, Jr, 10 yeers old.

ie nttag le A T. r- toidrw ldnied by cards N-n-tp Ur-uKn 1 rd to-'au-t i 1 ea.t o.d, 4.4 rth.

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