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Muscatine News-Tribune from Muscatine, Iowa • 6

Muscatine, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The little arod of lore turns away from a THE SEWS IN BRIEF. Professional Cards. railway Time table. alckly, sallow, nervous, head-achey, back-ache v. lifeless woman.

Every woman should have the beauty, vivacity, and vifror ATLANTA M'KINLEFAT How It Spreads. The executive committee of the Western Union Telegrap.h company has recommended the declaration of the ATTORNEYS. I Its taatiie Western, C. B. 4 regularly quarterly -dividend of 1 per Southern City Heartily Welcomes the Fresident Clymer Martin WStapleton.

STAPLETON, cent. of pertect neaitn. xne bright glow of health, bright eyes, clear skin, red lips are more attractive than any mere regularity of feature. A woman can't change the shape of her features but any woman may have the beauty of health. No healthy The directors of the Mergenthaler eoiNs ABT.

Passenger No 8 Freight arrives 6:15 SOINS WEST. ATTORNEYS AT IAW. Collections given AND THOSE WHO "WERE WITH HIM. Will practice in Lynotype -company have declared the regularly quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, and an extra dividend of 2 per cent, payable Dec. 31.

Passenger No 80 Freight leaves 8:10 am ond street, Muscatine, Iowa State and federal courts. ropirare Talking nil Over This Report OomVs From Mulberry Street. How it spreds. Can't keep a good thing down. Ever notice how "good things" are Imitated? Better the article more imitators.

All trains dally except Sunday. The house naval affairs committee Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Ry. woman can be ugly. No sickly woman can be beautiful. Reamlaritv of the functions of the distinct- has ordered a favorable report upon til Titus.

DV Jackson TITUS JACKSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 118 Iowa Avenne. the bill to create the rank of admiral OOISaABT. i ly feminine organism is the first essential to Practice in all the couvts. Sett'ementa of and vice admiral. Money Invested without estates a specialty.

Passenger No 13.. 4:03 am Passenxer No 18 Passenger No 8... cnarge. womanly happiness, connonana Deauty. Miss Laura Brooks, of Clinch, Hancock writes: "I thank God for such remedies as Dt.

Pierce's Favorite Prescription aad 'Golden Medical for myself and friends honestly believe that had it not been for Freight No oB. TOS BROWN, 801N8 BOUTBWIBT AW, LOANS. REAL ESTATE FIRE, LIGHT-niosr and Tornado Insurance. Collections these wonderful medicines I would to-day tx in mv Brave. I am sure that I could Passenger No 15 8 :20 a Passenger No 11.....

11:40 pm PasBeniter No 7., 5:05 pm FieightNo85 Dr. William L. Bufdick of Hartford, has been selected to succeed W. B. Brownell as Instructor in the law school of the Kansas state university.

Emll Marx, who lives at S65 Evergreen avenue, Brooklyn, -caught a burglar, found under his bed. The intruder was a well-dressed woman. In her pockets were skeleton keys. It is reported in St. Louis that the St.

Louis National bank, a majority and Probate Busiuess p-cialtles, Notary not have lived many days in the condition Publlo Abstract of Titles made Illinois blanks kept on hand. Omce over First Na I was in at the time I hrst consuueo. you. I was only praying to die and be free from pain. I was simply a po ll ana 18, limited vestibule trains, run between Chicago and Denver via Kansas Oity.

AT tional Bask. Iowa. mob 10, K9, oo ana bo aauy except Sunday. saadow and we bad tried almost everything, when, through a friend. 1 was WZSTWARD TRAMS E.

fl. RNER, Passengers may be carried on the last so ATTORNEY AT LAW. a Maslo a tion of the following frelKht trains: No 85, be tween Muscatine and Leavenworth No 93, be Guns Boom the Presidential Salute as the Guest of Honor Accends the Capitol Steps to Call Upon Governor Candler Flower Parade in Which Ladies Vie with Each Other in Efforts to Present the Most lieaiuiful Carriage. Atlanta, Dec. 14.

The train bearing the pres and party to Atlanta to attend the peace jubilee arrived in Atlanta at o'clock in the morning. General Joe Wheeler was the first to alight. A strong chcrus of cheers the distinguished Alabamian, as. accompanied by his daughter and the members of the reception commutes, hi his way to a carriage. When the president appeared on the rear platform of his car a hearty cheer wr.s given 'him, breaking form with rene.vel vigor an instant later, when Mrs.

Mc-Kinley came out of the car. The welcome to the members of cab a was very coidial. The ladks of the jubilee committee extended a greeting to the ladies of the presidential party aftsr which th2 pres'dcnt ar.d these accompanying him were escorted to the Kimball House, where luncheon and rest were taken. Start for the Capitol. Building, East Second street, Muscatine KUV1KU VYlUt Jvu, which.

I did, thinking all the while that it was only foolishness to think that such lows. tween uavenport anu Washington (Sunday only), and between Oenterville and Numa daily -except Hunday. a case as mine could be cured, nut I do not think so to-dav. HO RAN DEVITT, Fortunately the public have a sare-guard. Praise can't be imitated.

And true praise takes root and spreads. Claim is one thing, proof another. Claim is what the manufacturer says. Proof is what the people say. Muscatine people will say Doan's Kidney Tills cure sick kidneys.

Cure all kidney ills. Hundreds of citizens testify to this. Here is a case in point. Mr. John A.

St. Clair, of 2013 Mulberry street, retired farmer, says: "My kidney complaint I think was caused by hard work. Just how long I suffered from it I am unable to say, but it is some twenty odd years at least. The pains and aches in the regions of the kidneys were terrible at times, and if I caught cold, I was annoyed with irregular action of the kidney secretions. When I read of Doan's Kidney Pills I was interested in them for two rea After the first week's treat- on wuton and Atchison lines passengers will be carried on all regular trains.

ment lust as you ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Notary Public Do a general Law, oan Real Estate and EASTWARD TRAINS. leu iikc anuuicr wuiuttu buu WM I Collection business. Office over postofflce. hardlv believed that such No 86, between Leavenworth and Davennort: could be, when the first pe-fc No 04, between Sldon and Washington, nod was passed without pain. CARSKAOD4N BURK, I continued the treatment uu-r.

THE WILTON TRAINS. ATTORNEYS AND COVNSaLLORS AT LAW, Musealite Iowa. ja-. hnttles of the 'Favorite Pre- scnption and some of thej Ltavt Muteaiitu. ana now i am a well woman.

I would have No 882 5:30 am No S86 7:40 am JA NE HOFFMAN, Arriv4 Miitcatxnt, No 881 6:65 am No SOT 8:09 No 885 of the stock of which is owned by Russell Sage and the Goulds, is being absorbed by the Bank of Commerce of that city. Frank A. Graham, mayor of Lincoln, has been acquitted by order of the trial court of the charge of accepting a bribe from an employe of the city water works department. Michael O'Donnell has Served ten years of a thirty -year sentence in Sing Sing prison for a burglary which his brother James and two other men committed. The private bank of the Tyler-Banking company, Tyler, has closed, on account of heavy withdrawal deposits.

Assets, liabilities, 000. Harry A. MacDowell, a private in Company First Colorado regiment, who committed sulfide in Manila, was a native of Chicago, where he was born 9 years ago. ASTI-DREIFUS PLOT IN PARIS. given any amount, it i nadit, fust for the rest it has already No 888..,..,, No 884..,.

8:80 pm ATTORNEY AT LAW, Muscatine, Iowa Office on Iowa avenue, between First and second streets, lu Cook's new block. Wilton branch, trains dally except Sunday. ftven nic rrsi uum uuiu. ueve, now when the periods are coming r- MAIN LINE TRACTS AT WH.TOK. UI UUW, 3 BUI lire l.VMA pn.u.

during the time I feel just as well as at any time, and am never confined to my room as I once was. T. R. FITZQERALD, Going East: No 30 (flatr) mail. 4:57 am AW, LOAN AND COLLECTION OFFICE.

AJ Patents ob-atued; Estates settled. Office I can eat anything I waut and can woric at any kind of work something I could never do till this summer. Everybody who knows me thinks it wonderful that I am not sick any more. I thank God for this friend of woman, this blessed A few minutes before 1 o'clock the president's party were assigned to carriages and escorted by tKty mounted police and the members of Govern staff, started for th capitol. 6:30 a a.

1:08 pm No 4 10:45 nm over Hershey, Brown Co's bank. No 62 (local freight) 1 No 98 (freight) with coaca 6:46 Favorite Prescription," The very name sounds sweet to me. I am causing many of my mends it and all are imorovine. I can never tell Guns boomed the presidential salute as the chief executive ascended steps of the capitol. At the Huntsr street you how I thank you, dear Doctor, for your kind PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, tit JOHNSON Dt AN, M.

Going West: advice ana gooa, lamcny icilci iv No 1 entrance the Dresident was met by a No 8 8:83 am 7:55 am 9:27 pm 10:80 am EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT SPECIALIST, No il (fast mail) no stop No 10 (express and mall) Patriotic League Schemes to Prevent no di (local irelght) Prisoner Reaching the City. with H. DEAN. M. TJHYSTCIAN AND SURGEON Office over SOCIETY CARDS.

London, Dec. 14. The Daily News publishes a startling story of an alleged plot of the French League of Patriots, sons. In the first place I was badly in need of a remedy to act directly on the kidneys, and in the second place I am well acquainted with the reputation Doan's Kidney Pills had acquired in my old home in Mt. Forest, Ont I procured a box at Havercamp's drug store and used them with such success that I was cured and I feel that I should let others who suffer as I did know abcut such a valuable preparation.

If any one doubts the merits of Doan's Kidney Pills, they can call on me and I can convince them." Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers. Trice 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N. sole agents for the U. S.

Remember the name Doan's and take no substitute. 26 A Cook, Mustier A Co's bank. Residence 605 Presents West Third sireet. Telephone Office, M. B.

A. Bend City Lodsre No. 143. Modern Brnt.hArhnnd numbering 300,000, under the notorious anti-revisionist, Paul Deroulsde, to pre of America, meets 1st and 3d Monday evenings residence, no ouoo. DR.

E. K. TYLER. QFFICE 116 East Second street, ineacu monm. a cordial invitation Is extended to all members in good standing.

vent Dreyfus' reach ng Paris. According to the story the league approached various military officers of high rank Vt. TV. VOVKBrTON, Hi. JU.


and this led to a discovery of the plot. Telephone 118. Free Muscatine Court. No. 677.

meets the second Office hours 10 to 1 a. 1 to 4 p. m. m. and 7 to 8:30 m.

and last Monday of each month in Woodmen Special attention given to eye, ear.Tiose and M. de Freycinet, the French minister of war, has decided, says the Informant of The Daily News, upon vigorous measures to suppress any such attempt and if necessary a state of siege will Ball, visiting members In good standing are invited to attend. M. BUTLER, wroat. K.

C. Scbinck, Chancellor. be proclaimed in Paris, in which event Secretary. p. Wyoming Lodge, No 76.

Kof P. meets ever BANKS. The Demand of the People! General Zurlinden, the military governor, will not have the command. Friday evening at 7:80 ia Kof Phall on Iowa avenue, between Second and Thlr streets. COMMENCING First National Bank.

Archbishop Ginner Missing. St. Paul, Dec. 14. S.

G. Ginner, presi The great demand and need of the people of the present day ia found in Or. Wm. Bryant's Little Liver Pills. dent of the Order of Minnehaha, and as McNurr, o.

Hows, B. of and S. K. O. T.

M. Muscatine Tent, No. 9. meets everv Tuesdav MOSC VT1NE. IOWA.

archbishop of the Church of America, DEC. 3rd STKIN, PriPldent; is missing, and is to be in New vice resident; For sale by J. J. Havercamp. eveuing In Maccabee Hall, over Fisch's hard HUGHE Cashier Jersey.

A receiver as appointed for the ware Btore, isast Second St. J.W. HAHN. PAUL 8TEINMETZ Directors Stein, Jackson, Chas order a few days ago, but I1 he found Page, B. Dougherty, Carskaddan, JP Saw Record Keeper.

Sir Knight Com was 20 cents and some furniture, which yer, Hughes. another man claims. Hareoart Resigns His Leadership. oreign lucnange oougnt ana sola. I.

A. KERR, geokgia's sew capitol. committee composed of Colonel "Wiliiam G. Obcar, acting adjutant general, representing Governor Candler; Senator Hand, repressnticg the senate, and Representative Hardwick, of the house, and conducted to the governor's parlor. Here he was received by Governor Candler and the state house officials, after which the general assembly in joint session received the president ar.J party and the governor.

Floral lfarade. The prettiest and mcst novel event cf the day's festivities occurred the afternoon. It was a floral parade in which all the prominent people of the city took part and the first of its kind ever given in the city. Carriages of every kind were in line and all beautifully decdratel in an aborate manner, "rtie ladies of the city vied with one another in their efforts to present the most Jl carriage and at the same I. O.

O. P. Muscatine Lodge No. 6 meets everv fcfondav evening at 7:30 at their hall. London, Dec.

14. Sir William Vernon Harcourt, since the resignation of Glad Martam Lodge Vo. 27 D. of meets on 2d Hershey Sta'e Bank, and 4th Friday evenings, at 7 :30 o'clock. WE WILL GIVE AWAY Handsome Presents After stone the official leader of the Liberal narty in the house of commons, has Prairie Encampment No.

4 meets on first and addressed a letter to John Morley an nouncing his resignation of the leader third Frldtty at 7:80 o'clock. MUSCATINE Novelty, 'Machine And riodel Works. Special attention given to job work. East Second street, corner Orange. Patentee of the KERR Ventilated Barrel.

MUSCATINE, IOWA, BAXKERB, Saccessors to Hershey, Brown A Co. ship. THE MARKETS. a. A.

R. Shelby Norman Post. No 231. meets at A Foreign Exchange bought and sold. til, entrance corner Iowa avenue and Second street, on the first and third Tuesday in each, month, at 7:30 m.

All comrades invited to meet with us. Chicago Grain and Produce. Chicago, Dec. 14. Following were the quotations on the Each Sale.

Cook, Musser 1 Co. Board of Trade today time bid for the prize offered by the committee having the feature charge. Decorations of every description were seen from the rare hot house exotics to HO BRIO OS, Commander. A Rati1, Adjutant. a.

a w. Eagle Lodge, No 10, A meets every 1 Wheat- Open. High. Low. Close.

December .64 .65 .64 .64 STATE BANK ABD TRUST CO. .66 .66 .66 Thursday evening at A hall, Second May July .64 QR. WM. BRYANT'S PINK TABLETS. Makes PURE BLOOD, whieh ia the secret of health and beauty.

For sale by J. J. Havercamp. street, Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to meet with us. Established 180.

Incorporated 1896. Corn .65 .33 .34 .35 .33 .34 .35 .33 December .34. NARVIS, W. Hows, Recorder. DouiN, Fiaancler.

May July .35 Capital $75,000. Musser, President; Ed Cook, Vice President; SB Cook, Cashier. .65 .33 .34 .35 .26 .26 9.35 Oats .26 December .26 .26 BANNER LODOE, NO. 10. Degree of Honor meets second and (fourth -r- .26 9.42 Tuesday evenings at 7:30 in the A.

O. U. W. May Pork-January May Lard- 9.45 9.T0 ball. MRS, MO I LIE E.

WILES, C. Of H. 9.65 9.35 9.55 5.17 Muscatine Sav'gs Bank 9.55 6.17 the hardy plants which had no fear of the cold. Reviewed by the President. The parade formed on Trinity avenue, near Trinity church, and proceeded through the business portion of the south side onto Peach Tree.

Passing out this beautiful street, which was lined on both sides with thousands of cheerlrg school children, 'all aving tiny flags, it was Indeed an unique feit-ure. The president and his escort preceded the parade to the review, ns stand at the corner of Peach Tree and Ponce de Leon avenue. After the review the distinguished guests returned to the Kimball and spent the remainder of the afternoon in resting. A reception was given the president and party at night by the Capital City club at their splendid house Peach Tree street. January MRS.

GUSSIE MULL, Recorder. M. W. of A. Muscatine camp, No 106, meets everv Tuesday 5.25 5.45 Wittich Bros 5.37 5.40 May 5.37 (In First National Bank Building.) FREE! CAPITAL evenlnk lu Woodman hall in Olds' building.

Produce: Butter Extra creameries, 1919c per extra dairies, 16 17c: fresh packing stock, ll12c. Eggs an moo em wooamen in gooa stanatnir are cor dially Invited to meet with us. CHAS. PAGE, Cashier, Fresh 21' per dozen. Dressed CLAY KNESSE, Habrt, Caplb, Clerk.

Poultry Turkeys, 9llc per lb; chick FOUR PER CENT INTEREST paid on de A.t The ens, 66c; ducks, 67c; geese, 67c per lb. Potatoes Common to choice, posits. Money loaned on real estate and personal security on most favorable terms. FRATERNAL AID ASSOCIATION. Bloomlngton Council, No.

176, meets every This bank ba recently adopted the "Nickel Savings Stamp System," and nickel stamps are 2836c per bu. Sweet Potatoes Illi nois, per bbl. Apples Com mnn to fancy. $2.0003.75 per bbl. Cran Tuesday evening in Odd Fellows' hall.

All F. HAVE A NICE STOCK OF LATEST STYLE Iron Bed Steads now on sale at the following agenclei: A. A. in gooa standing are cordially Invited to attend. Wm.

Hihklbt, President. berries Wisconsin bell and bugle, $6.00 A Holmes on Iowa avenue; Krehe, Hast Second street; A Riemcke.on Mulberry 6.50. Chicago Live Stock, BIG 4 E. P. DAT, Sec'y.

MA50NIC. De Molay Commandery, No 1, T. Reirular The Preidentlal Party. The presidential party which Is visiting this city includes the following: President and Mrs. McKinleyy the secretary of the treasury and Mrs.

Gage, street: Wintermute. on East Hill; Shamir on Lucas Grove road; and A Busch, South Muscatine. concleve Wednesday after full moon. Hogs Estimated receipts for the day, sales ranged at $2.853.35 for pigs, $3.253.42 for light, $3.253.32 for rough packing, $3.303.45 for mixed, and $3.353.50 for heavy packing and the secretary of war and Mrs. Alger, A RIEMCKE, O.

Kosoksbitz, Recorder. the secretary of the navy and Miss RhiDninsr lots. Cattle Estimated re Davenport SaY'gs Bank Long, the postmaster general and Mrs ceipts for the day, quotations Iowa Lodge, No 2. meets Monday on or before Smith, the secretary of agriculture and ronii nt Christmas beeves, full moon. PITCHFORTH.

M. Miss Wilson, secretary to the president J5.20(ffiR 65 choice to extra steers, $4.55 Kobokiritz, Secretary. THE PRICES ARE RIGHT Easy Rockers Parlor and Bed Room Suits in Latest Styles at Lowest Prices. 5.10 good to choice $4.404.85 for Office Southwest cor Second and Main sts, DAVENPORT, IOWA. J.

"Addison Porter, and Mrs. Porter, Assistant Secretary Cortelyou and B. F. Auction Sale Every Evening. fair to gOOO, 4.UUgi.tu common to fln butchers' steers, Hawkeye Lodge, No 30, maftts Tuesday be- Path Dp Capital.

250.000 tore full moon, 1) UA'l'X'lCLLi, M. Barnes, executive clerk; Major General Joe' Wheeler and Miss Anna Wheeler, Major General Henry W. Lawton and $3.905.15 fed western steers, $2.804.30 feeding steers, $2.004.00 cows, $2.60 aii J2.K0iffi4.25 bulls, oxen and Surplus 81.000 Stated 'Washington Chapter, No 4, A M. Deposits 2,125,000 Mrs. Lawton, Captain Scherer, TJ.

S. A and P. M. Rlxey, TJ. S.

stags, $3.304.30 Texas steers, and $3.50 6.75 veal calves. Sheep and Lambs convocation KTiaay Deiore lull moon. omciBs: intimated receipts for the day, li.vw, Anthony Burdlck, President; oHAJTNH, U. tt a ir. Gso.

0. WrsN, Secretary. ESTABLISHED IN 1849. quotations ranged at $3.104.25 westerns, $2.504.35 natives, and $3.755.45 Louis Haller, Vice Fresident; Henry Struck, jr. Cashier: HIGHLAND PARK COLLEGE OF Election in Boston.

Boston, Dec. 14. Returns from the city election were very slow in coming in owing chiefly to the unusual number of candidates for aldermen and school FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Telephone No. 33-f-oflELce and Otto Ladenberger, Teller.

Directors A Burdlck. Louis Haller, Kohrs, Tri rnninuv lambs. East Buffalo IIts Stoek. East Buffalo. N.

Dec, 13 LUMBE struck, jr, Dow, Hancock, A Stenen, THinninc Stevens. Live Stock Com committee. From figures at hand it is Wm Hcumiat ana Wilson. The best equipped School of lelegrapny in assured that the Democrats have elect rr cf fAAM ( i.ii niuuuuut. mission Merchants, East Buffalo, quote as follows-.

Cattle Receipts 7 ran: market dull and lower for all Four Per Cent Interest Paid on Deposits ed the street commissioners, both mem Endorsed by leading ofllcialBof Railway and TeUraph companies. Offers thorough and bers of the board of apportionment, a kinds; medium steers draggy, with sev- Money to loan on Real Estate and Personal practicat ,5, ilwv security. eral loads unsoia; veaas, OF BVBB DBSCSIPTIONl At th Lumber Yard of Q. STEIN. Reeps constantly on hand aU kinds of tions in eiiuer wmuiuwu hHiW mlves.

$2.004.50. Hogs--Ke Omce hours from a to 3 m. Saturday majority of the board of aldermen and most of the school committee. Boston has given a majority for the Republic ph service, uooa opomtMio Positions Guaranteed Com ints 9K csra: market ooened active to mr. and hither: Rood grades Yorkers, $3.45 petent Operators.

Ladies ana gentlemen i WaonHv urn skilled (Sia ro mediums and mixed, nt nrant cr! exoenence. nocawju an candidates for governor three years in succession. The city went for license by a good majority. QR. WM.

BRYANT'S Kidney Pills Cause the kidneys to filter Urlo Acids Td other poisons from the blood. They cure Bright's disease, rheumatism, backache, dropsy and purify the blood. For sale by J. J. Havercamp.

-enter, af. heavy, light Yorkers, pigs, roughs, ftags, GERMAN at a greaw rtmwajr ou -v' nnonnnlnd nnnortumties for employ WELL SEASONED1 LUMBER, v. Rhpen and Lambs Receipts, ment. The telegraph service insures easy work, good salary and certam promotion. Full Course Scholarahlp, time 28 cars; market dull; top lambs, $5.20 5.30; culls to good, feeding w.

i osifiiK iK- nheen. $1.754.00: choice, 4. ijiving.expensesveryuiouoioTO.. catalogue and descriptive circulars address, HIS A. KICK, Moines, Iowa.

wethers and yearlings, $4.35 Save Monev! OAI.OnX MI Oft- West Dick Collier Must Die. Springfield, Dec. 14. The supreme court has refused to ra. a supersedeas in the ease of Dick Collier, who is to be hanged in Champaign county Friday.

The gallows upon which James Mingle was hanged in 204-206 Second-st. 4.60. St. Lonls Grain. St.

Louis. Dec. 14 IT rHHe FOW EITIIEtt SEX While You Have Chance. DAVENPORT, IOWA. OThAnt Onened hieher: closed lower: 8.C bllUIf This remedy being In.

loatart directly to. the E. P. DAY'5 Mo 2 rod rash elevator. 70c; track, 70 Capital seat of those diseases If" If of the Genlto-Urinary 6IESENHAUS, .....100,000 Uhdivded Profits.

ART STORE, ivm St llnOmns. reanlres no 71c; December, 69c; May, 6868c; July, 64c; No. 2 hard, 6465c. Corn Opened then went off; ntv 5 ra.h 32U.iv December. 31 Four per cent interest nald on denosits.

30Q 300 East Second Money loaned on Real Estate and lersonal THK QROCER, at 237 East Second street Wants it distinctly understood that yon can save money on ruiav Oats Easier; No. 2 Hmall plain pack- rnnh 27p- track. 27Vc: December, 28c; secu-ity. Baiklng hours from 9 a to m. Saturl VT at-e.

by mall, 81.00. FRAMES, this city last February has been shipped to Champaign to be used at the execution of Collier. ill Not Prosecute Them. London, Dec. 14.

At the Old Bailey (central criminal court) the treasury officials declined to prosecute Kate Lyon and Mrs. Mills for alleged unlawful conduct In connection with the death Harold Frederick, the American newspaper correspondent, and the defendants were discharged from custody. May. 2727c: No. 2 white, 29c.

Rye Lr.U JHLJCUMold only by FINE PICTURES, EASELS, CARPET SWEEPERS days to 8 m. omosBs: Wm. a A. Bosch, Sole Agent, 1045 Firm; 52c. Detroit Grain.

Detroit. Dec. 14 PILL8BURY, WASHBURN, i BKNITA and 8ILVER LEAF mm Andrenon, Pres. Chas Toss, Cashier. Hershey avenue, Muscatine.

FUNERAL DIRECTOR. WVipnt Cnsh white. 67ic: red. 67c; a Uscner, vice Pres. 1 Bredo, Ass't BIRBCTORS: December, 67c; May, 68c.

Corn-Cash. 34c. Oats White, 29c, Rye Otto Lischer, Techentln, n. You can tell about a man'a prosperity ly the length of time that" he wears Close prices will be given on any of these es cellent brands of flour, as well as the lowest prices on groceries, fruits, etc. Office telephone, on 102; residence, 4 on 101.

bid. I A Murpny o. uriggs, wame. Residence. i towa aveuus lils graduating suit..

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