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The Muscatine Journal from Muscatine, Iowa • 3

Muscatine, Iowa
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ted nuscfATiiffi daily joum, jjonday, JUNE 9Nee Big Fire In 3iew lark. New York, Jane 12. Fire broke out ITbat we are Indebted to the SonU for. BY TELEGRAPH. Washiflsrtoa, Jfune 12.

In the Sen The Brown Impeachment Des Moines. June 12. Theantnesses examined were Geo. R. Barney, cashier of the Mahaska 0001117 bank, who paid the baiit fee for the examination under protest, A.

J. Swartx, cashier of the PolkJ county savings bank; M. K. Camp belt cashier of the Shelby county bank. Tjie three lasb named testifying to the payment of tbe usual feta of $15 to $20 for the bank examination: The Des Moines banks Were charged $15, a reductioni being given on a of no expense for traveung being attached to those i examinations, Adam Howell, secretary of the Hawkeye insurance com panyi testified tbat Vail 'took up much more time, than was necessary in the Ujtwkefe examinational Some of the timie was spent in copying forms Additional Local.

or Tint BOARD OF SUP jornciAil Thursday, June 10, 1886, 1 9 o'clock, m. Board in session. Members present, Hefary Will and Harvey linker. Proceeded to examine jrnd allow common claims. -Adjourned until 1:30 p.m.

Thursday, June 1885, Board in session. Members alii present. Proceeded to consider the letting of a wrought iron bridge, SO feet in length, over Pine on the town- ship Lne between Wilto i and Sweet-land townships. The King Iron Bridge Company pre-sentingi the lowest pri they were awarded the contract foi 1 11,675, and to be completed by Octobe 1st, 1886. Adjourned until 9 o'c ock a.

i COMMON CLAIMS. A. W. Hiae, calcimlnlnff W. Hoffman.lnanecom....

Muscatine Gas March i AprtU. B. H. McCampbell. plat outlott.

J. 6. Seborn, W. J. Mus.

Water Works, water, April. rv. W--T Egbert. Fidlar a Chamber, stationery C. a Patrick.

rejpairlnfr.A.'. Geo. Wildasin, assessor Wlltion twp W. W. Hartmanj, load straw! 00 ltt 00 10 8 65 00 5 60 1 fiO 3 00 4 00 1100 300 40 00 6 00 60 Groth to asylum Shaw to reform aohl.

SO 60 i washing-, pHsoners.L 6 19 60 60 boaxding A. J. Bm aney, assessor iwi 40 00 18 00 J. A. Matthewsqn, unreylnl John Duncan, care I 627 W.

W. HartmaoL Shannon, i 48 SO 35 Ph. Kiraeb. setting glass J. M.

Purvis, asessor West 43 00 5 00 S60 L. 8. Meg ginaoni annotatlor. O. G.

Jack, J. D. William, assessor Ce 00 W. H. Johnson, express and 16 86 J.

M. Rider, publishing-. 1 James Corrtel, -rick work 4 80 84 60 If. AJnmertne, whitewaahlni 8 00 Mi lea Do ran. assessor Pike tarp.

6 pa 359 00 J. p. Lewis, assessor Muscatine. W. II.

Bnyder," farriage.i.. 3 50 0 00 A. L. Heajey, assessor Wilton twp. J.

II. Gabathaldr, assessor assessor MontpeUer township 00 Tribune Fob. Co. Slt60 Journal Printing- 60 ao Wacht am Mississippi, WTO M. M.

Kneese, building kitchen 228 62 W. A. Longatretb, assessor Sweetlaad township 62 00 60 00 30 00 22 U) Jaa. Parka, assessor Waoaie 1. W.

Norris. Oronb J. A. Matthewabn. surTeying.

G. M. Soott, 81 210 00 88 00 6 16 13 86 O. W. Coverstoa, salary, O.

Schmidt A Bo binding Supt. offloe Treaa. Clerk'g 6S7S And; 1 108 44 14 66 Beo, O. Jaok, prlc C. Patrick, Geo.

8. Clapp, i ardware. I 00 1 00 37 12 MUSCARINE ISLAND LEVER. Tribune Pub. C6 publishing 00 30 Journal Ptg, Co, 00 30 W.

H. Snyder, llrery- 42 00 AV. E. Crane, engineer 22660 KIUKF CLAIMS WAPaiNONOC TOWS' SHIP. Luse A Luse, goods to Norton.

1 40 8 80 25 4 80 as ao 16 60 16 66 8 00 16 00 ...11 66 Med. to C. E. Pickering W.M.MUler, ncedat'dS m. Dennis Haya, nt (or Ball MuClun.

goods to Luse Lute, gods to reed Peter Heath, wood to Kreedoa. 4 00 E. Gregg, rehtfor Brigg 800 MOSCOW TOWNSHIP. B. Zelslg.

goods to .919 14 67 Frank Lelmkuhler, goods to Krlae. 00 C. A. Zelslg, wood 1 i to Kdwa i 60 med I to .4 26 2 86 16 20 MoGuir C. B.

8trong, gdod to Met SWEEJTLAMD TdWNSHIP. John Mackemelr, gooda to Leibreoht. .912 22 211 ruLTOH TOWKSHIP. I 1 Diuua, uuui a uivasci ..4 4 66 tlheen 10 00 OtONO TO WMSH IP. Stephan Crocker, rent to Butcher 00 PIKB TOWH8HIP.

8. Smith, md.atd to fidmanua 7 75 Mr. Coffin, eoffln to 8 00 W. A. Can A do- goods to iButoher 6 60 WltTOir TOWKSHIP.

D.G. Agnew, raeai to O' Bailey 9226 00 1 60 C. Baooo ft Co. goods to D. G.

Agnew, Oied I to Lindaey ticket for pail per 88 17 63 00 60 O. B. Strong, goods to Lindsay Case D. G. Agnew, nied to Case; 1 MO IUIR rNSHIP.

K. Boweraox, to Veil MISCCLANKODS RXIfKl1 CLAIMS. Mra. Itoberta, tare of 918 00 W. O.

Rowland, wk at county farm. 00 Fred'k for 4S 00 W. H. 8nrder. team for paiiper I 60 Boas, Innea A Co, goods 6 6S John Henderson, goods to 93 00 COCNTT I ASM (CLAIMS.

A. W. Hlna, whitewaablng at Co. farm. .9 MOO a to a oa 66 00 10 00 60 00 as 06 40 SO 60 SB 1000 60 S6 178 00 ao T148 M.

Beitham. barbed wire 8, Q. Stein, lumber W. Rice, bogs Linn Hoopea, posts i bogs Island Seed Cov, seeds H. F.

BodmaaJ groceries Hopkioson St Hlne, goods O. W. Hocklnga, labor I Oeo. R. JoneaJ flpur Jacob riaoh, hardware T.

S. Stewart, shoes r. Jar postage 1 .1 1 i. iDe. NTP Aoods Lllllbrldga A St.

John, groceries illauay. Importer: of and Dealer in id Dealer in Glassuare, china! r.luscatine, Iowa Can fill orders promptly on MASON I EDIT JARS- Pints, Quarts and Half Gallons. QUEEN JELLY: TUMBLERS Glass Tops. i- 'i TWIN TIN TOP JELLY TUMB. IlLERS i i COMMON MASON RUBBER RINGS.

STONE FRUIT! JARS, With tin top and In half and one Gallons. tExtra Mason Uds, Tin Caps and SEALING WAX. An Immense Stock Superior. Plated Ware. INSPECTION INVITED' All orders giran prompt attention and rlsitors always welcome at DILLAWAT'S S0TICE TO BCLLDEES.

BALED PROPOSALS for the erection of a two-storv brick Publio 8chool building. containing four rooms, to be located in weat Muscatine. In the Ind. Diet, of Muscatine, County of Muscatine, and 8 late of Iowa, will, be received until 12 o'clock, noon, the 2nd day of July, 1886, at the office of tbe undersigned, where tbe plans and specification can be seen pn aad after June 4th, 188. i Tbe Board reserve the right to reject any and all bids.

O. O. MOEGRIDO 4d4w i resident. THE PLACE I TO GET FIRST-CLASS GOODS AT SEASON ABLB PRICES IS AT, PBOSSEB'S This la the season for Salad Dressing, Oliye Oil. Pickle, Ac.

of which I keep a fall line. lr you want toe very best Hour in tne market use QUEEN OFTHE PANTRY. Ererv sack ihe same and every sack good. Low prices on canned dried fruits and In fact oa everything else in oar line. T.

B. PR0SSER. Grain3ProYisions Stocks Bonds, Etc. CHICAGO. ILL.

Armour Co. Continental Bank. John T. Lester Co MUSCATINE OFFICE IN Hotel Webster. Private Wire to Chicago.

Market Reports received continuously each day. J. H. WALCOTT, Agent. r.luscatine, Iowa.


There were 575 horses in the stable at the time, but they were all got out in safety. There were 115 cars Fa the depot, and they also were taken out. The was consumed. Loss. $110,000.

j'--. Opinion ef A Leading Editor. Almost all the diseases that afflict us from infancv to old age: have their origin in a disordered liver. A really good liver medicine vis tbe most Important in the whole range of pharmacy. We believe Simmon Liver Reg ulator to be the best among them.

pin our faith upon the Regulator, i and 1 11 we couia persnnae every reaaer wno is in ill health to buy it, we would willingly vouch for the benefit each would receive. Ed. Cincinnati Gazette. The Baby. With "black drops" in Infancy and candy when he got a little older, baby grew up pale and puny.

i They gave him all sorts of medicines. Thev heard of Brown's Iron Bitters, but had no Ideaitwaa for grown folks only. Aa everything else failed, they tried this medicine one day on baby. Baby began to pick up.i The blood in his little veins was enriched. lie was saved.

The doctors agreed that Brown's Iron Bitters gave baby new life; The druggist says that many of his customers bnd immense success in using Brown's Iron Bitters for ailing ana delicate children. 1 Money to loan on city and farm se- nrity, in any sum. WM. U. WOODWAJtD.

lire Insurance. H. Woodward. it I St MOST PERFECTTiWDE Prepared with special regard to health. No Aaukoola, Lime or Ahua.

PRICE AKIN 9 POWDER CHICACO. 1 T. LQUI8 Lillibridge St John, LEADERS IN --STAPLE IND F1HCT GROCERIES We make a specialty of tbe following; goods: PURE SUGARS In all. the best grades. Mocha.

Java, Bio, Ceylon and Peaberry Coffee. THE BEST ROASTED COFFEE in the market. Try our awn combination of Java and Klo and bave a choice cup. The best TEAS OF ALL VARIETIES. Imported goods; such aa Olives, Olive Oil, Mushrooms, Sardines, French Peaa, Table Mustard, Crosse A Blackwell's Cbow-Chow and Walnut Catsup, Edam Cheese and other table luxuries.

OUR BTOCK OF CANNED GOODS is complete and made up of the best kinds and grades. The brands 'of sold by na are each and all FOLLI WARRANTED Rt member there is no eoonomy In buying the low grade, inferior goods. CET THE BEST OF LOUbride St. John. HELLO! Hello, yourself! Is this Central?" Yes.

OIyo me No. 89, at J- Wj BERRY'S Grocery, No. 322 East Second Street. This is THE PLACE for Choice Groceries of all kinds, the best brands oi Flour, Neidig Cadle's hams, and erery thing else kept in a iirst-class store Telephone orders prompt ly attended to. i Remember the 89.

CITY PAINT STOliE! KOLL STEEN, 217 West 8cond Htreet. The finest line of Mixed and Ground Pminta ever brought to the city. Oils. Varniabeaj oruanea. smk.

sto i ABTIST ATKBIALS OF ALL Painting, Graining and Paper Hanging1, In tbla department of oar business we are positively aoie to ao tneDeatana MOST ARTISTIC WORK. Satisfaction guaranteed In every prices the Lowest for which strictly flrst-claal I 1 There appears in our. columns to day the advertisement of the well- known (and universally used ltf tne Soathern States) Simmons Liver Regn-lator. Years ago it won its way into every household of the South by pure, sterling merit. It there takes the place of a doctor andvcoplly 'prescriptions.

The medicine is becoming widely known In the and' wherever used the demand for it has steadily increased. It is a family medicine, containing no dangerous and deleterious qualities. but purely vegetable, and so gentle in its action that it can be safely given to any person, no matter what, age-j the centenarian or tb4 crowing youogater. Working people are often in that miser able state of health which really renders them unfit for labor; but they haven't time to take and be Simmons Liver Kegtilatorj can be taken without causing ny loss of timej and the system will po built up and Invigorated by it. The Regulator promotes dissipates 'nasty sick.

headache, and gives trtrong; full tone to the system. in malarious climates it is invaluable, boUt! protect ing attack from the disease and expelling the poison after it has entered the system. It has no equal as a preparatory medicine, and can be saulyjused when a doctor cannot be callo4 in. Persons of the very highest character and eminence have given Simuons Liver Eesrulator their cordial ana hearty; Plate Glass Insurance Can be obtained by calling on Sm(th Monroe, agents of Lloyd; Plate Glass Insurance N. Y.

Bates very! low. Ta Bent. House on cor. 3d and Linn streets. Small family.

$1250 per month. House on 5th street (new) six rooms, $8.00 per month, Thos. B.Tallamt Fob Salk. First brick dwelling on the south side bl Second street east of Mulberry; tne homestead of the I late John Robertson. Apply to Smith Mcnhok.

-Per Rent. A two story brick and a two story frame house, both in Kecklerville i Titos Jackson. A decided bargain can be had in a vacant lot, corner of 8th and Orange streets. Thos. B.

allaHt. Dakota, i i Quarter section of land near White Lake, for sale or will trade: for city property. Smith Monroe, Land Agents. For Sale er Trade. The Thompson livery feed and sale stable on Mulberry street, at a bargain For particulars call on Smith Mcnkok Land and loan agents.

Seldom an opportunity is oflered to purchase such a desirable noiucsteau as the Foster place. Within 10 blocks of business part of about 1J acres of ground, splendid bouse, neated with furnace. I. erms easy, Thos! B. Tallant, For Sale.

$1C00, will buy a nice home on East mis- 6tb streeL It's a bargain and nol take. Terms to suit. Smith Munroe. Land and Loan Agents. i Pasture lots for sale near Ap ply to Smith MonBok.

ESTABLISHED 1863. GRAIN AND PROVISIONS, COMMISSION MET CHARTS, I i Board of Trade, Chamr ofCtommerbo CHICAGO. MILWAUKKK. i larr Private Telegraph Wire, ihahceInFtrad i Ifew York, drain an4 Provisiea Market. 1 5 New York.

June 14. WHKAT Market firm. No. 2 red 84o for July; KJS4tto for I i CORN Market fairly active and higher. Mixed western spot at3S45tte; futares 40 O40O.

i OATS Market quiet; unohanged. Western at i I 4 i PO UK Market steady. New mess 110X00 105. i LARD Market dull: Steam ren dered CHICAGO LITE STOCK JHARKET. i Chicago, Judo HOGS Receipts 46,000.

Market quiet, and 10Q15O lower. Light rough packing S3.S0($4.US: mixed and heavy packing nt ahfnninr 64.1004 JJ6. I I CATTI.B Keoeipta 6,000. Market quiet but Urns. Native beeves t4.4fta&.80; butchers' stock S2.uud4.0tt; atockers and feeders $0 'm'- 7 Chicage Grain and freruion1 Market Chicago, June 14 WHEAT Market firm and higher.

cash: 14KO ror July; 77 mo ior aukusi. CORN Market a abade easier. MKc cash; for July; S6QMc tor An gUSt. i OATS Market firm. tot 28)40 for July: 27o for August.

KTK e. Li'i FLAX8KKD 9M8V4. TIMOTHT SEED Prime. 91.70, WHISKY 81.14. PORK Market steady at 98.80 for cash and Julr.

i LAKO Market steady. tot cash; 96U0 for i UtTKB 1:30 Mi. I j. Wheat, weak and tower. 74e for July.

Corn, steady. UDchanred. ii Oata steady and higher. 28 So for July 'IWI LI I LU, UWO.UV .1 I Lard steady and unobaLiged. 'j i 8t.Lenls Grain aad PrevlsioB Karket -i" flu Lottia.

June 14. WHS AT-No. 9 red JSJiobid for cask; T4e for JulT. CORN Market steady. No.

mixed 3 for cash; 82S0 for July. OATS Market steady. i -No. mixed Kc for cash -4 ho ior juiy, ii i HYB Steady. 6SH.


I MUwaukee, June 12. WHBAT Market firm. 73Xo for cash; T4I.0 for July. -i 1 i 1 CORN Market dull. No.

Utu OATS brooplng. No.8 27Ho RYB Steady. No.l,65He. BARLBY JTirm. No.

8.4io.i Mi I. PEORIA SAKJLtrr. Peoria, JUDe 14 CORN Market active and lower. New high mlnwl KWHUh! Nn. mixd SiiZJmtWn.

OATS Market quiet: easy Mo. 1 wilte Vic: No. 2 mix ml jMa2ttc. kYB Market duU and nominal. No.

at ate, the army appropriation bill was called up by Logan and passed as reported from the Senate committee. The Senate passed a bill authorizing the removal of, the Southern Ute Indians in Colorado to the territory of ii The House asrin went into commit tee of the wholejon the legislative ap propriation oilUi i- Gibson, of Maryland, moved to strike out the appropriation for the civil ser vice commission. He was opposed to the civil, service law and declared if the Democratic party illustrated the i very genius and! essence of a republican representative if 'government, tnat party needed no light along its pathway for such a squinting de. vice as the clvEl service reform. 'The Democratic paty needed no reform; It was to-day embodiment ofre- form.

Derisiv laugnter on tne lid- publican side.3 pi Gentlemen might augb but he cnallenged a successful contravention, of the position that the was to-day the em bodiment of reform in politics. i Gibson's motion was lost, IS to 75. The-salarles of tbe AssisUnt Treas urers at Boston, Chicago and Cincini-nati were, increased to $5,000 on respective motion of Collins, of Massa cbusetts, Adams 'of Illinois, and But-terworth 6f Ohio. O'Neill, bf Missouri, moved to increase the salary of the Assistant Treasurer at Sfc. Louis, from 4,000 to $4,500, and no quorum voting the committee rose.

Waahinerton, June 14. In the Sen ate, after routine business, the North ern Pacific forfeiture bill was taken up, and Call resumed bis remarks in sup- Krtof the proposition to forfeit-all the ids not earned within the time prescribed by Congress, In the House, Cobb, of Indiana, called up the rtport of the committee on publio recommending con currence in toe oenaie smenaments to the Atlantic and Pacific land forfeiture bill. McBae, of Arkansas, vigorously op posed the Senate amendments, contending that notwithstanding the title of the bill, the adoption of the amendments would Convert the bill' into a -v .1 lne report or the committee was then agreed and the amendments were concurred, in. Under, the call of States; several bills were introduced and referred, after which the floor was accorded to the District of Columbia committee Close ef the Firemen's tournament. Dubcqux, June 12.

The Iowa Fire man's Tournament came to a close today, and ail the companies have departed. The contest in which tbe most public interest of the week centered took place to-day, the free-for-all hose race. There were three entries. The result was that the Bluff City, of Coun cil Bluffs, won the $500 prize in 41 seconds, wttbin 1J seconds of the best record ever made; the George W. Harris team, of, Pierre, Dakota, second, in 42 and t.

Walkers, of Waterloo, Iowa, third in 42. The latter afterward won the prize for the free-for-all, best drilled company. The tournament-baa been the most success ful ever held in Iowa. HaBged te Death' by Mistake. SL Pauli June 12.

-The Fionetr Press'' Grand: Forks, Dakota, special says: It has been learned here that a few days ago a lynching occurred near St. Andrews, five miles north of here, on the Bed river. Ole Becknolt, working for a farmer on the Minnesota side, supplanted, the latter in his wife's affections. After trying to induce Becknolt to leave peacefully, the! farmer invited in his neighbors, tapped 'a teg oi aiconoi, ana aiser xney were sufficiently drunk related his wrongs and suggested lynching as a remedy. Becknolt was Caught and strung up to a limb the; alleged intention being frighten himj when let down, life was extinct.

Pestffiee Nominations. Washington, June The Presi dent sent the following nominations for postmaster to the Senate to-day: Julward McLing, at Fairneld, UL Julia D. Ifoung, Wrights Grove. 111. Henry W.

Springfield, Ulinois. Dayid Flowers, Newton, Jno. C. Logue, Central City, Neb. H.

H. Dolen, Brownsville, Neb. Isaac T. Carr, Neillsville, Wis. Wilson D.

Lyon, Elkhorn, Wis. i Another Cutla lUteav Chicago. June 12. The St. Paul road to-day made a $1 rate to Bock Island, Cedar Kapids, Sigourney and Desmoines.

This is the deepest cut Jet It also met the Bock sland'ff $4.25 rate east-bound from St. Paul and competitive -points. Thej' H.zo rate naa not yet oeen put in iorce east-bound from Council Bluffs, but probably will be' on Monday, The Rock Island, will meet the cut on Iowa rates soon, i mm The Effort for a He Trial In Maxwell's i- SL LouisJ June 14. In the Criminal Court, the attorney for Maxwell asked that he be granted more- time in which to file affidavits, etc preparatory to argument for a new trial tn'bis client case. aunteiroy says ne nas import ant fresh e'videnco.

(The Court ex tended the lime 'til Thursday. i Ufavy Damage Salt. St. Paul, June 14 Suit was begun here to-day by Edwin St. John, of Stillwater, against the Paul arid Duluth Railroad for violation of contract to sell the plaintiff certain tracts Of pine land.

The suit was lor $2Z6VttX) with interest xrom November, 1835. A Qneer Conple at the President's Re ception i Washington, June 14. The Presi dent's reception this afternoon was t-teded by about 100 persons, including an old couple, man and wire, wno said they had walked from Missouri to shake hand, with the President. Heather Predlctlens. Washington.

June 14. Indications for Illinois Generally fair weather, nearly stationary temperature, south erly winds. Iowa and Nebraska Iocal rains. slightly cooler, yanable winds. BadalnakPs TriaL Milwaukee, June 15.

The trial of Alderman Rudzenski, the alleged rie instieator, was continued to-day A mi ttf it.nnniAa for the "Mefni were examined. No new VERY LATEST. Associated Press Report, 6 -JO r. m. To-Day Tint Daily Jooutal la the only paper In Muscatine city or couaty which pukllahea Telegraphia Dispatches.

The regular Asao elated Press news and market reports received Daily. i Foreiga Sews. KINO LCDWIQ, OF BAVARIA, ttBOWNS HIMSELF HIS ATTKM PWO PHT8ICIAN ALSO DROWSID THB KINQ'S BEOTH-B SCCCEXDS TO THB THRONK AS OTTO I. i Munich, Bavaria, Juae Lud- wie. who was recently deposed from tne Bavarian throne, committed auidide at 6 o'clock yesterday He had gone for a promenade in the park of Berg Caatle, accompanied by Dr.

Gud-don, his physician. The King sudden? ly threw himself into StarenbergLake and wa drowned. The physician Jumped into the water: to rescue him and was also, drowned; nft-i Munich, Jane 14. The Medical Commission whieh examined the late Kihg Led wig reported that he had or dered the members of the ministerial deputation, headed by Count Holstein, wno called upon mm to procure bis consent to the regency; to be Bogged until tney oiea ana men nave tneir eyes extracted. Before his death, 1 the belief was spreading among, the com mon people of Havana that the Jung deposition was The people did not believe.

he was insane. cautions had been taken to prevent the populace from rising to restore the Kins'. i't'H'v The watch worn by King Ludwig and which was on his person when his corpse was recovered from the lake, stopped at 6:34 o'clock last evening, Doctors Mueller and Hubert, -the king's stew ards, had the bodies of Ludwig and Dr. Gudden conveyed to! Berg Castle and placed in 1 beds. Although there was neither any- perceptible respiration nor pulse move in i either body.

Dr. Mueller and his assistants of the ambulance corps attempted to restore animation in both, and only ceased their efforts at resuscitation at midniirht, when life Was pronounced extinct in both cases, i Ludwig's suicide has cast a gloom over Munich. Now it is plainly seen that the people were deeply attached to the King, and evidences are everywhere manifest of popular sorrow caused by his tragic death. 1 be police bave issued toe following bulletin: tThe King quietly submitted to the advice of the medical commission and left for Berg castle. Yesterday evening His Majesty went out for i a walk, in the park, accompanied by.

Dr. Gudden. Their prolonged, absence caused anxiety at the castle. The park and the shores of Lake Starenberg were searched and the bodies of the King and. Dr.

Gudden! were found in the water. Both showed silent symptoms of animation. Efforts to restore life. were, however unavailing." At 10 o'clock this morning the gen erals of the Bavarian army met and took an oath of! allegiance to King Ludwig' brother Otto, who at once assumes the-title of under the name Otto I. He is three years younger than Ludwig was," having been born April 27th, 1848.

Otto, however, wilf be simply nominally King, as he is mentally incapable of the government, and. Prince Luitpold, his uncle, will remain regent. The generals of the army have taken an oath of allegiance to Prince Luitpold as regent. The Bavarian government, troops oaths are similar to those sworn to by the gen-orals. s.

I I 1 COMMENT OP THE' KNGLISH PRESS ON Gladstone's manifesto' London, June 14. The Times pro nounces Gladstone's manifesto argu-raentaiively and historically weak. "It does not off or," says the Times, a single argument to prove that coercion is the only alternative policy ito: home-rule lor Ireland, unamberlain gave an al ternative other than coercion and Mor-ley suggested a fourth, by admitting tbat it was possible to govern Ireland as a crown colony. When the worst comes to tne worst it is ways open to Englishmen to say they prefer separation, pure and simple, to yielding to the intolerable demands of tne nome-ruie taction, it must be made clear that there 1 is another alter- nattve4-namely, to give Ireland local control of her own affairs on the same scale as is given to England and Scot land and on: principles as appuable to these countries as. to Ireland." Edinburg, i June 14.

The Scotsman says Gladstone, in his manifesto, mis represents tne 1'arliament, tbe Scotsman contends, never toted on the onestian of coercion versna home-rule. If it had, it would never have defeated the government on this issue. mancnester.wune ne uuaratan savs that of Gladstone. Salisburv and Chamberlain, Gladstone alone sees the desperate circumstances in which the country is placed, by a mistaken policy on inei inau question, ana ner aioae perceives how those circumstances can be best deaJt-with. "We are conn- dent," adds the Guardian, "that the oountrv will endorse I the Premier diagnosis and proposed! remedy, for they are based on rigorous common sense" -ONE OF THE EXPELLED PRINCES DE CLINES A8TLUM IN ENGLAND.

Queen Victoria has offered Comle do Paris, during his exile from Prance, under tne terms oi tne ulsion bill. the use of Cleremont tie, where Louia nUippe found a no and where he died, Comto de Pari: declined the Quetsn's offer on the und that jhe does not Intend pernanently. to I reside, in England Severe SUrm at Galrestsa Communi- eatlen Cat eff and Particnlars St. June 14; A severe wind stoi ui prevailed in Texas last night and early this morning, and: it is feared great damage baa been done. No particulars tire obtainable,) owing to the fact that telegraphic communication has been severed since 7:30 this morn ing.

At that hour Galveston reported the wind blowing at; the rate of 60 miles per hour. The lower part of the bland on which the city of Galveston is under water. Communication! with Galveston has not yet been restored. It seems the storm of this morning washed away portions ef the bridges spanning Galveston Bay and swept away every telegraph line running into Galveston. The city is completely cut off from railway and ior his private use to pa nsed in gyring instructions to other companies and His Wife SafOcated to thby Bilge; rk, June 12, wm.l uutcn- ears ciaptaiu of.

the can- llsaao Dougherty, and his wife Matilda were suffocated 1 on board rtJae i boat 7 this 0 afternoon, It appears that, Hutchinson went Jnto the, forward i part of i the boat's hold for a rpe. when he was overcouiet by gas eapuping from the bilge. His wife came in answer to his and she was also over-some by the gas. An ambnlance i sum moned, but both wert dead when it ar rived, "(ii Death ofa Catholic Bishop, Providence, R. June 12.

Right Rev. Thomas T. Catholic Bishop of Rhode Island, died in'hia arm chair at hSs home here last evening. He had b4en suffering with asthma for years, land some three i weeks ago caught a cold, which aggravated bis disease' and produced' paralysis of the lungs. He was born finl Kilkenny, Ire land, in 1827, was educated in.

Dublin and was Crdained in 1853. i 1, A Decision Against the Brewers. Des Mnes, June The Supreme Court this morning decided thj case of Mrs. Rafchel Huff against Aulman Schuster In favor of Mrs. i Huff.

The case was suit for damages on account of intoxicating liquors to Mrs, nun husband, who, it 'claimed, be came fell through the Coon river bridge and was killed on the 5th of Jvebruary. 1884, 'i TelegraphMi Briefs. Terrible storms, floods and, earth- quako shocks are reported in France. The Mower County Bank, at'Austin, hits suspended; liabilities -I A fire in the East St. Loujs stock yards.

Saturday, destroyed 15Q feet of sheds. Loss 3SS.000. One hundred natives and ten Eng lish persons lost theif lives through the eruption of tbe volcano of layawaera, in New Zealand. Ui On thejlOth inst, while Johk Chism, pioneer of Loxa, IIL. was telling bia son abou his purchase of a lot in a cemeter be fell dead.

Thebi forthe expulsion from the country ail the princes of the former dynasties, has parsed the reigning rrench hamber of Deputies. 1 Mrs. I enry Topp, residing near Effinghai UL. ivast killed by a bull which sh attempted to drive out of the barnyard. She was ISO years old (vasjoO Georire Bishop, while drunk, shot and killed his wife, at Terre Haute, on Saturday, because she had left him on account of his intemperate The Lewiston mills, manufacturers of cotton goods, ducks, etc, at Lewis-ton, have suspended.

The assets are liabilities nearly 000.. I 1 1 1 1 A severe earthquake shock was ex perienced one minute after midnight, Friday night, along jthe Atlantic coast, particularly noticeable at As bury Jfark, New Jersey. I i A cyclone at Hunter, "Northern Da kota, last destroyed a farm house containing eight persons, one of whom was killed jand the others severely injured. Joseph E. Hamlin, a paintef.

late of Minneapolis, fell dead in a bowlins-allev at MuskeeronJ after roiling one game. The Jury rendered a verdict that he died ctf heart-disease, caused by He was about 40 years old. Mckenzie. American Vice Con sul in Dublin, Ireland, on the 11th, shot his wife With a revolver, a bullet lodg ing: in ber temple, tie then snot him self. The wife was taken to a hospital and will probably u6t recover.

McKen-zie died while being conveyed to the hospital, The twp had frequently quarreled. They have three children. welli-dressed young man who said he was Samuel C. journa list, son of a wealthy publisher in Chicago and nephew of Samuel Colgate, the soap manufacturer of New York, was arrested in the latter city last Sat urday for swindlinsr Caot. JoseDh F.

Tribble, whom he induced by flse pre tenses to pay his passage to LgyerpooL. William Ross, young iarmer 01 Dane Station. wnose ceaa naa adin-oC aensa- been turned by the tional novels, entc the railway ue- pot a few nisrhts o. atureu la tne theatrical costume and comrjelled the a highwayman. legraph.

Operator to handover the money The agent recognized Ross, and procured his arrejsU k. i-- -THE best This madicina. oombinhir Iron wUh pare tonics, quickly and eoopleil suree Dy.pep.ia. l4l.tlo. Wwitw.

1 sus4 ver iTaJunfeiTTnir remMf test Diseases of the I itaTaloable Ibrl Disease peenllar to Wonws, and aU who lead sedentary Uvea. It does not injure the teeth, cause beadaeber produoo constipation oiVr Jnm leftiema do. It enriches and purifies the blood, stimulates tbe appetite, aids tbe assimilation of food, re--lieves Heartburn and Belching, and strengta -ens the muscles and nerres, For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude, Lack of EnergyJAetthasnoequaL mw The ifenuine baa above trade mark and crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no rir aaows caaaicsa co4 aawiSoas, sua 1 ACapUInj Dea mson.

85 ai boat iPiffilii I I I -1 I I asaw l- IM Irl 19 To be continued. work can be dome, tr telegraphic communication. were developed..

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